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03x07 - Butterfly Entangled in a Spider's Web

Posted: 05/23/23 06:07
by bunniefuu
[ARCHE] The more I look at it,

the stranger it seems.

I can't tell what era

these ruins are from

or what culture built them.

That's a good sign.

It means we're that

much more likely

to run into something

interesting inside.

Think that's guaranteed.

Although there's also the chance

that a terrifying

undead lurks in there.


Still. I'm a bit excited.


Same here.

I wanna know why

this tomb was built.

And what kinda person

got buried inside it.


There's nothin'

quite as exciting

as exploring a total unknown.

What would excite me is

if it were full of money.

[GROUP laughs]

--[HEKKERAN] Yeah, me, too!

--[ARCHE] What?

Well, I'm sure this'll

be our best job yet. line: %

[HEKKERAN] Once the four

teams have signaled line: %

that they're in position,

we'll all move in at once.

Each team will explore one

of the smaller mausoleums.

After that, we'll all meet up

at the larger one in the center.




Simple enough.


That works for me.

[THIEF A] That was one

short-lived invisibility spell.

It lasted as long

as needed. Now come.

No traps as of yet.

Continual Light.

And Continual Light.

[GRINGHAM] Hm. I've not

seen such a crest before.

Have any of you?


No, don't think I have.

[PRIEST A] Doesn't look

like a Re-Estize sigil.


Oh, by the way, Gringham.

You can start acting normal now.

There's nobody else around here.


Man, that crap's exhausting!

I feel so stupid, talking like

some kind of white knight.


The other groups bought it,

but you can relax

now that it's just us.

Nah, I'd better keep it up.

If I let myself slip

out of character now,

I'll have a hell of a time

getting back into it later.

I always talk like that

when I'm on the job.

Tricks people into thinking

I'm more talented than I am

and worth more money.

[GROUP laughs]

Now then. Into the fray, men.



[THIEF A] This banner is

woven from precious metals.


I bet this would fetch a

pretty good price on its own.


Should we go ahead and take it?

[GRINGHAM] It's far too unwieldy

to carry through the ruin,

and besides, we haven't

fully explored this room yet.

[BOTH grunting]

[GROUP gasps]

[GROUP panting]

Hey, Gringham. What kept you?

My apologies for

making you wait.

We didn't actually decide

on a rendezvous time,

so you're good.

Tell me.

Was there treasure in the

mausoleum your team explored?

It was chock full of it.

We're excited. Parpatra

says his was, too.

I'm glad to hear that.

It seems this ruin has

riches enough for all.

[HEKKERAN] Doesn't look like

we'll have any trouble

accessing the

lower floors, but...

This place reeks of death.

Yeah, that's my worry.

It's a stench I remember from

my time on the Katze Plains.

I have a proposal

for the other teams.



I and the rest of

Green Leaf will go back out

and look for any

secret entrances.

I think it's fairly

likely there are

other ways to get inside.

The elder makes a valid point.

If providence wills it,

he may find a safe

passage that leads

directly to the

center of the tomb.

But I must say.

My team will be taking

a loss, so in exchange,

we'd like to have a share

of any treasure you find.

Let's see... About ten percent

from each team should do.

And if there's a route

to the lower levels,

how about my team takes

the first crack at it?

We have no qualms with that.

Neither do we.

I myself half a minor objection.

Sharing ten percent of my

treasure isn't a problem. But--

Great! I'm glad everyone agrees.

Good luck down there!

And be careful.

Oftentimes, the most valuable

treasures are booby trapped,

so feel free to

leave them for us!


All right then. I guess

we'd better get to it.



Do you sense any undead

magic from these corpses?

No. They're not a threat.


This ruin is like none

I've ever seen before.

I wouldn't be

surprised if the place

was more than years old.

If it's that ancient,

we'll find more than gold.

Can we move this along please?

I don't know about the rest

of you, but personally,

I would like to hunt

down some monsters.

[WORKERS gasp]

C'mon, is somebody pullin'

our legs, or what?


These are the tomb's defenders?

[IMINA] They might as well have

sent a swarm of bugs at us.

[WORKERS laugh]


This is too easy!

We could fight these

things blindfolded.


All right then.

I guess that rules out

the idea that this place

is ruled by some great monster.

Or if it is, then the thing

must be a complete idiot.

I've never felt this

underestimated before.

These foes are beneath me.

Fine. Then I shall strike first.


We must not become careless.

Steel yourselves

for the possibility

of a powerful undead foe.

And push forward with

the greatest care.


So. They've made their entrance.

[LEADER A] That they have.

They may be Workers,

but they're our comrades

till the job is finished.

I hope they all

make it back safely.

Do you think they'll

run into any trouble?


Does death count as trouble?



Oh, uh!

[AINS clears throat]

[AINS] I mean, they should have

resolve in the face of death.

These ruins are a new discovery.

Who knows what lurks within?

It's important to balance

hope with pragmatism.

Oh, I see what you mean now.

Thank you for the

sage advice, sir.


Of course.

Now if you're taking the

first watch, I should rest.

Right! Take all the

time you'd like.

[AINS sighs]

All right, Nabe. No, Narberal.

I shall return to Nazarick now.

I'll send Pandora's

Actor in my place.

I trust you to handle

any problems here.

Thank you, my lord.

I won't fail.


Then, I leave it to you.



Greetings, my lord.

Welcome home.


It's good to be back.

The intruders should

be entering now,

just as we planned.

Are we fully prepared

to welcome them?

Everything is ready, sire.

I'm certain that

our guests will enjoy

what we have in store for them.


Very good.

I look forward to seeing

your hospitality at work.

You can watch from here.


Hm. And so it begins.

Don't even let one of

them leave unscathed.


As you say, my lord.

For the crime of entering

the Supreme Being's abode,

these imbecilic thieves

must be punished

in the harshest of ways.

Also, before they're

all torn to bits.

Have you chosen which

group you'd like to use

as rodents for the

testing of the sword?


Ah, yes.



This job's goin' a lot

smoother than expected.

That first encounter

was almost too easy.



That's a bother.

[ARCHE] Two of those

skeletons are mages.

They can use first tier magic.

If we don't take them out fast,

they could be a problem.

But skeletons are tough

to snipe with arrows.

Let me handle this.

Now. Turn Undead!

Nice work. You took 'em all out!


I feel like we're gonna lose out

on a lot of treasure.

We're getting priority

on tomorrow's foray,

so it won't be a

complete loss for us.

Besides, if you ask me,

it's dangerous

to be the first group to

explore an unknown dungeon.

Best to let someone

else take that risk.

That's a very

pragmatic approach.



Well then. So much for that.

What do you think

we should do now?

They don't outnumber us.

Maybe we can manage.

Gotta say, with the

shape this tomb's in,

these maids have

really been slacking.




We should k*ll them.

They need to die.

It isn't enough

to simply k*ll them.

We should do it in the most

painful way imaginable.


Yes. Yes.

We planned to k*ll them

from the start, remember?

Though I am pleased to see

everyone so motivated.

[WORKERS gasp]



I'm afraid circumstances

prevent us from being able

to butcher you with

our own hands.

Which is a shame.

Allow me to introduce the foe

you'll be facing in our stead.

Nazarick Old Guard,

arise. To w*r.

Say what?

A pincer attack?

No. It looks like they truly

plan to stay out of it.

[armor clinking]



Magic weapons.

Isn't this an honor.

To think you'd

summon so many mighty

undead just for us.

Tough break.

It would appear that

we've encountered

the most powerful

beings in the ruin.

Seems I'm right.

Which means that, unfortunately,

my efforts to avoid danger

have put us in the thick of it.

So why don't we just run for it?

Look at those things.

They'll tear us apart.

We lost any chance of escape

as soon as they pincered

us. Push forward.

Yes, I suppose that is

the best chance you have.

Best of luck, gentlemen.

All right. Please begin.

[swords clanging]

Wow, they're bad.

I thought they would

put up more of a fight.

Lord Cocytus thought

the same thing.

[PARPATRA grunts]

[ENTOMA] I'd hoped we'd get

to see at least a bit of a show

before they died.

[WARRIOR B grunts, groans]



He's a goner. No dodgin' that.

[WARRIOR B groans]


You'd best get to work, Priest.

Can't you see that your warrior

needs healing right now?


He's already dead.

Which means their party's

frontline has been destroyed.


What the hell is this?

[THIEF A groans]

[ENTOMA] Oh. Their thief

has gone down, too.

Seems like the

battle's been decided.



He looks delicious.

Restrain yourself.

Remember, our instructions

are to take the ones

who are no longer able

to fight as prisoners.

[PARPATRA screams]

Right. Heal whoever's

still breathing

and send them to

the t*rture chamber.

As for the dead:

I'll include them in

my report to Lord Ains.

There's no way we can

beat those monsters!

God's blessings can only

protect us from so much evil!

Have we gained any ground yet?

No! They're still

right on our tails!


Damn it!


Hey! I found a door!


This piece of shit tomb!

[BOTH gasp]


Anyone here?


Yeah, I am.


Where are the others?

[THIEF A] What the hell

happened back there?


We got teleported.

C'mon, let's ditch this

place while we can.


[KYOUHUKOU] That window

of opportunity has passed.


Who's there?


I am known as Kyouhukou.

It is I who guards this area

by decree of Lord Ains.


What the hell are you?


introduce myself once again?

No, please forgive me.

I misspoke.

I'll be blunt. I'd

like to make a deal.

I-If you would but release

us from this place,

we'd be willing to give you

anything you ask

for in exchange.


Oh. A trade.

I am most thankful,

but if we're being blunt

then I should confess

my reservations.


[KYOUHUKOU] The problem

is that what I desire

is already in my possession,

and I quite doubt

that you can offer me

something better.

[BOTH gasp]

[KYOUHUKOU] I am thankful for

you because my family and I

have grown weary of cannibalism,

and your arrival here

means that, for the

first time in many years,

we can enjoy a civilized meal.


[KYOUHUKOU] It's a shame that

there aren't more of you.

Please do your best

to nourish my family.

[BOTH yell]

No, damn it, no!

I don't wanna die here!


You're a spirited one.

Lend my children your strength.

[WARRIOR A grunts]



Awake already, are you?

[WARRIOR A yelps]

[NEURONIST] I'd ask if you slept

well, but what's the point?

[NEURONIST] You seem to be

stiffening up everywhere

except the part

that counts, dear.

[WARRIOR A yelping]



As you might've noticed,

you've been captured.

This is the Great

Tomb of Nazarick.

The illustrious home of the last

of the Supreme

Beings. Lord Momo--!

Oh, um. I meant

to say, Lord Ains.

But let me tell you,

he's a great leader

and a wonderful man.

[WARRIOR A whimpers]

He's just incredible!

Say, you can keep

a secret, can't you?

All right, then

between you and me,

if he were to call me to

his bed, I wouldn't mind

letting him be the first

to taste this cookie.

That stupid brat Shalltear,

and the piss-ugly

overseer Albedo

are both aiming

for his heart, too.

But I'm much more attractive

than either of them.

You agree, don't you, darling?

[WARRIOR A whimpers]

Oh, yeah. Right.

My name is Neuronist and I'm

the Great Tomb of Nazarick's

Special Intelligence Collector.

Though, there are those

who call me a torturer.

[WARRIOR A whimpers]

The supreme one who brought me

into existence suffered from

an excruciating condition

known as "kidney stones."

So to honor their suffering,

I thought we might start

with this little toy of mine.

[WARRIOR A yelping, whimpering]

[NEURONIST] We'll be spending

a great deal of time together.

If you're crying about

this little thing,

then wait till you

see what's next.

[WARRIOR A screams]

Why have you stopped walking?

Move on, or else.

[gasps] I'm sorry, but...

I hear something.


--[swords clanging]

--[swords clanging]

Finally come to

face me you have,

foolish intruder.

And you are?

[HAMUSUKE] Someone instructed

to greet the intruders

with tail and fang, I am.

To see if my training has

been successful this is.

But slaying you I doubt

will prove much.

What kind of a

magic beast is that?

My apologies, Master,

but I've never seen

such a creature.

Tch. You worthless imbecile.

Now then.

Told I've been,

it's not a problem

if I should slay you

in this duel of ours.

So to the death

this fight will be!


The others you see have

come only to observe

and score our battle.

So rest assured that interfere

in our fight they shall not.

Ill-equipped for battle

those elves seem.

Shall I wait while they prepare?


There's no need for that.

I'll face you alone.

Then to meet your god, prepare.

Hamusuke I am called.

Declare your name

as well, warrior.

I see no point in

telling a beast my name.


If to give your name you refuse,

then erase you from

memory I shall.

For die here you will

as a nameless fool!

Now. Martial Art Shukuchi Kai.

[ERYA yells]

You damn rodent!

Fine. Ability boost.

And then Greater Ability Boost!


Keep at a distance until

I understand the abilities

of my opponent,

I think they said.

But also, as a warrior,

I was told to fight,

and warriors must be brave.

Close combat it shall be.

Strike me down

if you can, human.

Don't underestimate me!

So close!

[ERYA grunts]

--[HAMUSUKE] As expected.

--[ERYA] You idiots!


A match for my tail you are not.

Do something!

Cast a healing spell!

Don't just stand there,

get on with it!

Can't you see I'm injured?

Middle Cure Wounds.

[ERYA] Not enough. Cast

enhancement magic on me.

All of you!

There's a massive difference

in physical strength

between humans and magic beasts.

But with this, I can

bridge the gap.

Mind I would not if you

chose to attack as a team,

for a better challenge

you might then provide.

Far from your grasp is victory,

but should you fight

together, we could have

a praise-worthy battle.

[growls] Shukuchi Kai!


Slashing Strike!



You! Heal me! Do it!

[ALL giggle]

Why? Are you--?

Find enjoyment in the

suffering of others I do not,

so end this now I shall.


--[HAMSUKE] Bye.

Master Zaryusu, did

you see what I did?

Indeed, I saw.

Slashing Strike. Good.

You used a martial art.

Most excited to hear that I am,

and continue to train until I

become Warrior Hamusuke I shall.



What are they doing?

Strange it seems.

Is that how elves

mourn their dead?


Don't know.


How'd we get here?

I guess that was a magic

trap we stepped on?


All I remember is the ground

lighting up beneath our feet.

This place seems different

from the others.


I know of a similar building.

The Empire's colosseum.

Yeah. This is pretty similar.

So would that lead to the arena?


Looks right.

And if we were teleported here,

that can only mean one thing.


We were teleported

to the surface.

Good. Then let's escape with

Fly Magic while we ca--

[AURA yells]

Our challengers tonight

are a band of four

foolish human adventurers

that dared to infiltrate

the Great Tomb of Nazarick!

And against them,

we have the Supreme One.

He's the illustrious overlord

of the Great Tomb of Nazarick!

The King of Death itself.

His name is Lord Ains Ooal Gown!

[AINS] Every second these

thieves draw breath,

they defile Nazarick

with their mortal taint.

I should erase their every atom,

but when life gives

you test subjects,

you find ways to experiment.

Wait. Thier leader, Hekkeran,

claims he recieved

permission to come here.

Did he speak with

one of my comrads?

No... That's impossible.

Chapter : "A Handful of Hope."

You will atone for your

arrogance with death!