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03x03 - Enri's Upheaval and Hectic Days

Posted: 05/23/23 06:04
by bunniefuu

What is this place?


Our village.

Why, is something the matter?

Kinda looks like

the Monument of Ruin.

Sounds like a scary place.

Sure is!

If you ask me,

it's the scariest part

of the whole Great Forest.

It's a big building made of wood

that's completely surrounded

by undead warriors.

Yeah, and whereabouts is it?

[ENRI] Let's talk more once

we're inside the village, Gokou.

Smart idea!


[yelps] Hey!


Good old Enny.

You still make the cutest little

scream when you're scared.

Oh, Miss Lupis! line: %


So, spill. line: %

How'd this goblin kid

end up with you?

Well... I was just...

No! Wait, don't tell me!

Ooh! You stole Nphy's girl

from right under his nose?

Well, isn't this a tragedy--

the hopes and dreams of

such a pure-hearted boy

crushed into the dirt!

This is so hilarious!


Just kidding.


Why'd you bring this

thing back with you?

Calm down, I'm not

gonna eat you.

I found her.

What's up?

Oh. Miss Britta.

We let a hobgoblin

inside our walls?


Hey, my bad.

The thing is, I used

to be an adventurer.

Kinda hard to get

outta that mindset.

An adventurer?


That's behind me now.

These days I'm

an apprentice ranger

that lives here in the village.

You'll be okay, Agu.

Carne Village is a place

where goblins and humans

live side by side.

That's what it looks like,

but I still can't believe it.

Okay, all of us are here,

so let's see what the

little guy has to say.

Well, Agu? Tell us about

this Giant of the East.

Sure. Originally,

the forest was controlled

by the Great Beast of

the South and two others.

The Giant of the East,

and also the Demon

Snake of the West.

The Great Beast of

the South might be

what we called the

Wise King of the Forest.

But then the Great Beast

disappeared without a trace.

Which left the forest

out of balance.

And not too long after that,

something else took its place.

That's the Monument of Ruin?

It is.

The master of that place

controls the undead.

We call him the Small Shadow

which Burrows in the Darkness.

And what does

all that have to do

with you getting att*cked?

The Giant of the East

and the Demon Snake

of the West are gathering

their forces for an attack

on the King of Ruin.

They seemed to wanna

use all of us goblins

as foot-soldiers.

Or as emergency rations.

So most of us decided

we'd just hide from them.

But then...

They must be tough to send

your whole tribe into hiding.

If a monster that

powerful shows up,

there's no point in

trying to fight it.

We may as well just run

with the non-combatants.


If you're in a bind,

I could always ask

Lord Ains to help you out.

This is our village.

So let's protect it ourselves.

We won't always be able

to rely on his charity.

Well, then, maybe we

should start by reporting

this to the village chief.

I'll pay a visit to the

Adventurer's Guild in E-Rantel

tomorrow and post our

situation as a job.

Hey. Could I come with you?

I've got some herbs to sell.

Oh. Sure.

I'll go get the other

militia members up to speed.

Yeah, I'm out, too.

Probably gonna go wander

around the village

a bit more before I head home.


Oh, Miss Beta.

Could I take a bit of your time?

If it's not a bother,

I was hoping

you could take

this to Lord Gown.

We haven't replicated

a fully red potion yet.

But I think this is a step

in the right direction.

I'm delighted to hear that.

I'm sure Lord Ains

will be equally pleased.


right to come visit today.

Also, feel free to

call me Lupisregina.

I'll allow it just for you.

So, have women always

been the leaders

here in the Carne Tribe?


Why does Miss Enri

have so much power?

It's 'cause she can kick

our butts in a fight.


I've seen Miss Enri

beat down a barghest

and break its neck

with just one hand!

After that, she drained its

blood into a cup and drank it!


Are you tryin' to

scare the kid, Gokou?

Hey, Agu.

That Lupisregina girl

is dangerous.

So keep your distance.

What makes her so dangerous?

Trust me on this.

Best thing you can do

is avoid her attention.

Look, I'm tellin' you this

for your own good, okay?

Uh. Yeah. I get it.

I gotta say though,

this is one crazy tribe.

Yeah... Like, um... too...



Oh, hello, Jugem.


I'm sorry for waking you.

That's fine. Did

something happen?

Well, we searched

through the forest,

and we managed to find a few

members of Agu's tribe.

I'm relieved to hear it.

You did great.

But there's more.

See, we captured the five ogres

who were chasing them.


That's right. And, well...

We told 'em about the

village and they said

they wouldn't mind joining us.


So, I have a request

for you, Miss Enri.


[OGRES growling]

Listen up, ogres.

This is our boss, Miss Enri.

Your lives are in her hands.

So you'd better show

respect and hope

she's in a good mood.

[OGRES growling]


[OGRES grumbling]

Lower your heads at once!

You scary. Please,

little master.

Did not mean to make you mad.

We attack your tribe.

But now, we sorry.

You are forgiven.

On the condition that you

work hard for my tribe.

Oh, wow.

Now I can see why Miss Enri

is the leader of Carne Village.

That was scary.

I couldn't tell it from

looking at you though.

You know it's not everyone

who can get ogres

to accept them as their master.

I'm still just an

ordinary village girl.

I only did that because

Jugem asked me to.

Honestly, I spent

the entire time scared

that they would eat me.

I understand, but

even though they say

all ogres are man-eaters.

I think that just means

they're carnivores.

Since the goblins hunt,

I'm sure we'll have

plenty of meat for them.

So there shouldn't be much risk

of them attacking anyone.

Besides, at the moment,

we need all the help

that we can get.

Maybe we should've had them

pledge themselves to you.

I think I'm best

suited to supporting

the frontline fighters,

but you can hang back

and base your orders on

what you see happening.

Yeah, I guess. That makes sense.

And, by the way, about

us going to E-Rantel.

Oh, yeah!

I'm nervous about

going to the city,

but I'll try not

to embarrass you.


--[ENRI] Why?

I have to heal the goblins

we rescued from Agu's tribe.

So I won't be able to join you.

I really wish I could though.


Wait. I have to go by myself?

The goblins will escort you

all the way to

the gate, of course.

[ENRI] But, they're not allowed

to enter the city, are they?

I'll tell you what.

I bet I'm the only person

in the world in this bind.

It's so weird, suddenly

having to act like

I'm above other people.

And on top of that,

I have to go visit places

I've never been and do things

I've never done before!

So. Listen.

I was really just hoping to

sell some medicinal herbs.

First, I'll use Detect Magic.


You'll not make a fool of me!

Reveal the magic item you

tried to sneak into the city!

Do you mean this thing?


--[ENRI] What?


Appraisal Magic Item.

What demonic relic is this?

It has such an

incredible power level

that my appraisal spell

couldn't measure it!

Madness! Impossible!

Tell us your true

identity, woman!

I thought you seemed

suspicious from the start!


--Yeah, so did I!

--[ENRI] Wait, what?

Cease this frail

attempt at deception!

Tell us how you obtained

that artifact, wench!

Well, you see...

It was a present I got

from Lord Ains Ooal Gown,

a spellcaster who

saved my village.

You mean you received

such a terrifyingly

valuable item for free?

What? Are you saying that this

item would be expensive?


Don't play stupid!

That horn can summon

a horde of foul goblins.

Though I don't actually know

the exact number, persay.

--[SOLDIER C] Goblins?


It is in equal parts

dangerous and valuable.

It could be sold for

at least , gold.

No way.

That much?

I could understand if she were

an experienced magic

user, or even just

a highly ranked adventurer,

but this simply makes no sense!

If her claim that

she's nothing more

than a village girl were true,

then she wouldn't

have that item!

She must be planning

something nefarious!

No, I-- I'm telling the truth.

I'm just a village girl.

Move, men, arrest her at once!

You're kidding me!

Don't try to resist!


No sudden moves!

I'm sorry, but you've

made a mistake.

I'm just a girl from

a country village!

I don't know anything

about magic, I swear!


What's this about?


Well, if it isn't Lord Momon.

It's an honor, sir.


What has she done?

Well, sir, she was in possession

of a suspicious item.

[MOMON] Enri. Yes.

It's Enri Emmott, correct?

Uh. Yeah. Have we met, sir?




You're the gentleman

who came to my village

with Nphi, aren't you?

But, how do you know my name?


Mm... Hm...

Do you want to talk?

[MAGIC CASTER clears throat]

Release the girl at once.

But, why would we do that?

I have just been assured

that her intentions

are good by the Adamantite

class adventurer Lord Momon.

I understand, sir.

Emmott of Carne Village.

We grant you entry

into E-Rantel.

Oh. Thank you.

You guys have a nice day.


This is worth , gold?

It's hard to believe

that Lord Gown would

give these things away

if they're that valuable.

And I've already

used up one of them.


Greetings. Mr. Momon

bade me to ask you

a quick question.


Such flattery will get you--


Just like Miss Lupisregina.


Oh! That was random.

But, I guess you just remind me

of another pretty person I know.

Your personalities

are different, but--

You have my thanks.


Anyway, on behalf

of Lor--uh, Mr. Momon,

I ask this question;

please answer with haste.

Miss Emmott.

What business do you

have in E-Rantel?

Well, before I get to that.

Mr. Momon's the whole reason

I was able to get in.

So please let him know

that I'm very grateful.


Consider it done. Proceed.

Thank you.

So there were a few things

I needed to do here.

Let's see. First,

I'm gonna visit the temple.

I plan to see if any

of the homeless there

would like to move

to our village.

Then I need to post a job

at the Adventurer's Guild,

sell these medicinal herbs,

and purchase supplies.

I understand. Farewell.

What an interesting lady.

[ENRI] My village needs

defenders against

the Giant of the East and

Demon Snake of the West.

Both of those creatures

are incredibly powerful.

I'm afraid that only

Adamantite class adventurers

can accept your request.

Is one around?

Their services come

at a very high price.

Right, uh.

Doesn't the capital

give financial aid

for this kind of thing?

They do.

However, that subsidy

is only able to cover

a portion of the

total cost accrued.

Thank you for explaining.

Could I get an estimate

of what the cost might be?


me a moment to calculate it.

For now, you can take a seat.


Thanks again.

[sighs] She seemed

really annoyed with me.

I suppose that makes sense.

A customer who can't pay

isn't a customer at all.


I could always make some money

by selling this horn,

but I got it as a gift.

It would be ungrateful of me

to pawn it off like that.



Miss Emmott? Miss Emmott!

Miss Enri Emmott

of Carne Village,

or no, Lady Emmott!

Um. Yes, ma'am?


About your village's request.

May I ask for some

additional information please?

Yeah, no problem.

If you find the idea agreeable,

we could discuss the

details over a drink

in the reception room.

I'm begging you!

Tell me every last detail!

I shudder at the

thought of missing

any shred of information!


That was exhausting.


Miss Enri!


[ENRI] The guild lady

had so many questions.

Which is weird, because I felt

like she blew me off at first.

[KAIJALI] Sounds like

you had a rough time.

On the plus side,

the medicinal herbs

sold for a great price.

It warms my heart to hear that.

Let us join in prayer

and thank our god

for blessing you on this day.

Then let's join

as husband and wife.

We heard that last part, Cona!

You know, I still

feel like I should've

accompanied Miss Enri

into the city.

Don't be stupid!

If one of us goblins

tried to enter the city,

he'd be k*lled by the

guards immediately!

Heh! I'd like to see them try.

Don't worry, Miss Enri.

I, the mighty Gokou,

will always protect you.

And so will the rest of us!

Oh. That's right.

I was planning to wait

until we got back home,

but actually, I think this

might be the perfect time.


It's for me?







I don't know much about weapons,

so I got someone from

the Adventurer's Guild

to help me pick them.

Finest sword I've had.

Got a nice heft to it.

This can do some damage.

This is a big help.

My last sword had just chipped.

Glad to help.

Wow. Miss Enri.

You picked these

out just for us?

I hope they're to your liking.

These are great gifts,

but I don't really feel

like we deserve them.

[ENRI] Not only did you risk

your lives to keep me safe,

you helped me rebuild

my home village.

I could never do enough

to fully repay you for that.

I know this isn't much, but,

I hope you'll accept it.

I'll always be grateful

for every last one of you.

You're so kind.



Well, I hope you'll

at least consider it.

I will.


What happened?

I'm sorry, but I

need a little time

to think things over

right now, Kaijali.


Miss Lupisregina! Hi!

I'm so glad you're

here right now!

Whoa there, take it easy!

Someone help!

Save me! I'm being assaulted!

Oh, no...

[ENRI] What? No--

Calm down, I was just--

Aw, I didn't mean to upset'cha.

I was just makin'

a cute little joke.

It's fine. Could I

ask for some advice?

I'm kind of at

my wit's end here.

Is something stressing you out?

Well, your big sis Lupisregina's

got your back, okay?

C'mon, ask the question.


Long story short,

the village chief

wants me to take over for him.

A year ago, I was doing

chores for my parents.

I'd be an awful chief.

I'd run the village

straight into the ground.

The worst part is the whole

village got together without me.

And every last one of them

agreed that I should do it.

It's so ridiculous. So, uh...

I should just turn

them down, shouldn't I?

That's a toughie. I don't know.

I never promised I'd have

an answer for you, Enri,

just that I'd hear the question.

[chuckles] I really

can't help you out.

I can only say this much.

Whoever the village

chief may be,

they're going to make mistakes.

There have only

ever been people

who could make the

perfect choice every time,

and none of us can hold

a candle to them.

There's no need to worry about

whether you'll make mistakes

because you're bound to.

That said,

out of all the denizens of this

village, logically speaking,

you're obviously the

most qualified candidate

for such a position.

Wait. Do you

really think that?


I do.

Why don't'cha ask that

young man what he thinks?



What's that?


It's the ogre's new home.

The goblins got together

and built it for them.

In just one day?

Yeah, Lord Gown

came by and lent us

a few stone golems to help out.

That's one more way

this village owes him.

So about you becoming chief.

I think... I really

think you should do it.

And why is that? I'm just a--

[NPHIREA] No. You're more

than "just a village girl."

You lead all the goblins.

And you're good at it, too.

Yeah, but--

[NPHIREA] When I talked to

Mr. Jugem and the others

about protecting the village,

they told me that,

push come to shove,

they would kidnap

you and escape.


He also wanted me to help

them find and protect

Nemu so that we could

all run away together.


But look, if you were

to become village chief,

that would make

this your village.

Knowing that, the goblins

would fight for it.

It might not seem like

much of a difference,

but to them, it really would be.

That magic horn really

makes the goblins

value their summoner.

If you ask me, that's 'cause

of who their summoner is.


After all, you value

each and every one of them

as a unique individual.

Of course they treasure you.

Instead of using them as slaves,

you treat them as partners.

It's just that simple.

But, it's not like I'm the

only person in the village

who treats them nicely.

The others aren't rude,

but have you ever

heard them call

a goblin by his name?

I know I haven't.


Me neither.

That's how it is.

If my opinion matters to you,

I think you would be good

at this kind of thing.

And if you become chief,

you'll unite humans and

goblins under one leader.

Well, I suppose everybody

would help me, right?


Of course.

All right then.

Thanks for the advice.

I'm on my way to talk

to the village chief.

Once a choice has been made,

there's no point delaying.

'Kay. I'm rooting for you, Enri.


Just as I thought.

She really is doing it.

This is so exciting.


[YURI] Lupis? Lord Ains

has called for you.

Oh, well, if it isn't

my big sis Yuri.

And what is it that has you

in such a pleasant mood?

Just now,

a new leader has been

born in this village.

One with great potential.

Why, she could change history.

Unless, something wicked

was to come along

and snuff out her spark just

as it was about to kindle.

I wonder what

kind of expressions

those villagers would make.

Just the thought of

them screaming out

as they're crushed

underfoot like insects

makes me tremble

with excitement.

[YURI] My, my. You are

a sadistic creature.

Yeah, I guess I am.

I just really hope

this village burns.

[AINS] After we built

our Nazarick decoy

in the Great Forest,

the Giant of the East

and Demon Snake of

the West united

and began gathering

forces to oppose us.

The names of these new monsters

have piqued my interest,

so I will journey forth

into the forest

to seek their layer

with Aura at my side.

Meanwhile, I have also devised

a test for Lupisregina.

Chapter : "Giant of the East,

Demon Snake of the West."

If you value your life,

submit yourself to me.