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03x02 - Carne Village Once More

Posted: 05/23/23 06:03
by bunniefuu
[AINS] I have gathered you

here to discuss our future.

Albedo, Overseer of the

Guardians, and Demiurge,

our greatest strategist.

I would hear your opinions.



[AINS] Now that we have put

my initial plans into motion,

tell us what doctrine

you believe Nazarick

should follow, moving forward.

If anyone else has an opinion,

you may raise your

hand to speak.

In order to facilitate

our discussion,

I ask that Demiurge explain

our current situation

in a way that

all can understand.

Begin with our latest operation.

As you wish.

[MOMONGA sighs] I may be their

leader, but I don't have

much experience in this

whole conquering thing.

At least this way, I can

pretend I understood the plan.

What I do know is that

Nazarick's survival

is our first priority.

Second, would be spreading

the name of Ains Ooal Gown

throughout the world.

Actually, that's

just my priority,

since I wanna find out

if any of my old friends

are trapped here like me.

But that might have

to take a backseat,

especially when we still know

so little about this world.

[DEMIURGE] As you've likely

heard, thanks to the efforts

of Mare's group,

we've subjugated

all the leaders

of Eight Fingers.

As a result, Nazarick now

has complete control

of the Re-Estize underworld.



This brings us closer

to Ains' ultimate goal.

Which you all know

is world domination.



Or I should hope you know

if you're not a fool.


Huh? line: %


Wait, so is that where we're at? line: %

World domination? line: %

Okay, okay, don't freak out!

You've gotta act like it

was your idea, after all!



Actually, world domination

might be a good way to

get our name out there.

Even if we have

a bad reputation,

at least people will

know who we are.

My friends might be a little

surprised with the direction

I'm taking the guild,

but whatever.

There will be plenty of time

to explain things later

and that's if I find them.




You remembered.

Of course, my lord.

I remember every last word

you relay to me.

You said taking over the

world might be enjoyable.


Yes, I recall the conversation.

I'm pleased to hear it.


From that one time.

None other, my lord.


What time?!

[AINS] I see. Your impeccable

memory pleases me.

Your praise is too much.

[AINS] But world domination

is a complicated affair.

I must agree, my lord.

[AINS] How do you suppose

we begin our conquest?

I humbly suggest we announce

Nazarick to the public.



Since the ones who

controlled Shalltear

are still moving

behind the scenes,

I fear that staying

in the shadows any further

will only encumber us.


That's my opinion as well.

We can hunt them more

effectively in the open.

Right now, we're

wasting resources

trying to maintain secrecy.


Mm. An appealing proposal.

There is merit in

controlling the kingdom

from the shadows and striking

fear into the hearts

of their leaders, but in

doing so, we may force ourselves

to answer to the whims

of their throne.

That's not a pleasant prospect.

Frankly, I find their

leadership quite lacking.

Save for one individual.

There are other

concerns as well.

For example, being tied to one

kingdom limits our movements.

If the ones who targeted

Shalltear have more flexibility

than us, we would be

at a disadvantage again.

Therefore, Lord Ains,

I propose that the

Great Tomb of Nazarick

enter the stage of the world

as an independent nation.

[GUARDIANS murmur]

It appears this

came as a surprise.

But I assure you

Lord Ains has been

thinking of doing this

for a long time.





In the end,

I fear my intellect's rather

trifling compared to your own.

I won't pretend to grasp

the depth of your wisdom,

though I do hope my explanation

skims the surface accurately.


No, on the contrary,

you ascertained

my plans perfectly.

I'd expect no less

of my lead strategist.



Merely observing your actions

made it crystal clear.

Anyone could have reached

the same conclusion.


Yes, I recall my... actions.

I am pleased to hear it.


From that one time.

None other, my lord.


What time, damn it?!

[AINS] Well, of the

many actions I've taken,

which do you deem

the most relevant

to our current discussion?

Your accomplishments in

Carne Village come to mind.


[AINS] I suppose that did

go rather well, didn't it?

At the risk of

sounding sarcastic,

you did subjugate the

village personally, my lord.

There's no way

it wouldn't go well.

I didn't know that

was you, Lord.

That's the human village, right?

Helpless humans our lord could

have eradicated with ease,

and yet he decided to rule

over them peacefully instead.

You see?

Lord Ains considered

that village

a sort of testing ground.

He's had conquest on his

mind long before today.




[KAIJALI] I haven't seen

Nphirea yet, boss.

Ya figure he's still sleeping?


Yeah, maybe.

He was up late working on

his potion last night.

He's missing out on

this nice weather!

So what's for

breakfast today, boss?

[laughs] Well, Kaijali,

thanks to your hard work,

we've got plenty of meat.

So I'll be whipping up

a nice and hearty stew!

Nice arms!


I'm still scrawny

compared to you.

Sure, but you've

got great definition!

I mean it!


Good morning, Enri!


Good morning, chief!

Nice weather, huh?

Mr. Goblin!

Another hard day at work?

You bet!

Can't leave all that farming to

you and your husband, now can I?

What would we do without you?

I know I've said this before,

but we really can't

thank you goblins enough.

If you weren't here

to lend a hand,

we'd have been forced to

abandon the village long ago.

I see. So we're short

on people, even now?


Mm-hm. I'm afraid so.

Thankfully, the survivors

stuck around,

but we haven't been able

to bolster our numbers.

We've got a long way to go.

And the only person that

moved here from the city

is that ex-adventurer,

Miss Britta, right?

Can't blame them,

but there aren't many people

crazy enough to move to

a dangerous place like this.

What have I told you

about being negative?

Things will work out eventually.

You say that, but...

You remember what the

government official said.

We'll have lower taxes and

exemption from civil service

until the village can pull

itself together again.

It's not going to happen

overnight, and that's fine.

She's right. Give it

some time and I'm sure

that people will

want to move here.

We'll keep working hard

in the meantime!

Fair enough.

Lord Gown did go to the

trouble of saving our lives.

The least we can

do is keep living,

no matter how lean

the times may be.

Agreed! Someday,

I hope to pay him back

for the kindness he showed us.


Wow, that's some smell.


Sure is.

Nphirea, we're having

breakfast soon.

Bring your grandmother!

Oh, morning, Enri!

You're not going

to believe this!

[ENRI] You're really

worked up! What happened?

A miracle!

Finally, finally I made

a brand new potion

and it's all my own!

This is going to

be revolutionary!

You know all those

solutions and herbs

I've been gathering lately?

Well, I finally got

the right proportions

and the potion turned purple!


That's enough of that,

thank you very much.



You're clearly high off

your own fumes, kiddo.

Don't worry.

You get breakfast going and

we'll catch up with you soon.

'Kay? I'll splash some

cold water over his head

and he'll snap out of it

in no time flat.

Are you sure?

Trust me on this.

All right, good luck, then!

[NPHIREA giggles]

You've got to pull

it together, brother.

[sighs] Let's be frank.

You're in love with

the boss, right?



Then show her!

You're givin' all of your

love to those potions!

It's weird.

All right then. I'll try.

Trying ain't gonna

cut it, brother!

Listen, show off your strength

and she'll fall for you.

I'm afraid "strength"

isn't my strong point.

You got strength up here,

so work with that!

Tell you what,

when the time comes

for you to make

your move, I'll pose!

Like this.

That'll be your cue

to talk smart

n' show her those pearly whites.

This pose, don't forget it.

And if it looks like you

should press your advantage.

I'll hit'cha with this one.

Uh, okay.


Then I'll do this pose!

If that works, this one.

And then this one!

And after that, this!

I'm tellin' you,

add some more salt!

I ain't givin' up till

Miss Enri marries me!

Lay off!

We took a vow not to make

any moves on the boss,

don't you remember?

That's right!

She's gotta make the first move!

Too bad for you, then.

I'm the leader, so she's gonna

take a fancy to me

before you punks.

You shut your mouth, Jugem!

Who cares if you're strong?


Punch him and see what happens!

[UNLAI laughs]

[ENRI] They certainly

are worked up today.

[NPHIREA] Ruby powder...

Wings of magic...


Uh. Hey.

And then, stir it up...

Um, Nphi, you all right?

Uh-huh. In fact,

I've never been better.

Grandma is still too

busy working, though.

Soup time.

Sorry, but the

battle's already won.

And I got the proof

right here on my spoon.


This handsome goblin got

an extra piece of meat!

[GOBLINS gasp]


That's right. I ate my meat

and at the bottom of the bowl,

there was more meat

waiting for me!

And as you all know,

that's one more piece

than the allotted amount!

In other words,

it must be love!

It's a lie!

You probably broke

one big piece in two!

Also, did anyone here

witness the first piece?

Perhaps it was actually

just a bite of potato

and you were mistaken.

Enri thinks you're a creep.

You know this deep

in your heart.

Our god asked us to

ensure Enri's happiness.

"Dear lord, please tell

this creep how wrong he is!"

I thought your god was evil.

--Why do they care?


[GOBLINS gasp]

[ENRI gasps]



I think I'd better

take him to bed now.

[NEMU] Isn't the guy

supposed to carry the girl?

[KAIJALI] Some things

are better left unsaid.

--[ENRI growls]

--[GOBLINS, NEMO gasp]

[GOBLINS, NEMU laugh nervously]

[ENRI] Jugem and his friends

do more than just

protect the village from danger.

They've brought smiles

back to our faces.

And for those who

lost everything,

they're like another family.

After all they've done,

there has to be some way

I can repay their kindness.

All right, everyone.

Are you ready to do this?





All right, lookin' good!

A fine row of arrows

like that will send

any intruders

packing in no time!

[VILLAGERS laugh, murmur]

Right. Next wave. Line up!


Hey! Enri, let me help, too!

I'm fine in here, but if

you could take care of that

job I gave you yesterday,

then that would be great.

Aw. Okay.


Not a single complaint.

She used to be so spoiled,

but she's been such

a good girl since then.



[ENRI panting]

Heard a bang. Are you okay?

Yes, it's nothing.

It seems I was a little

rough on the knife, though.

You gotta be careful

with stuff like that.

Since there's no

blacksmith way out here,

no one can fix it

if it gets dinged up.


We can't get maintenance done

on any of our weapons, either.

That must be inconvenient.

Yeah, but we manage

somehow! Hah!

[NEMU grunting]

[ENRI] Working hard!

Got it all ground up?

Uh-huh! Did a bunch! All this!

Oh, wow. I'm so proud of you!

That smell...

Pretty intense stuff.

It's like Nphi's potions.

It's bad, but not

that bad. Right?


Mm-hm! Mm-hm!

What she's making is

something called "Enkaeshi."

It's a specialty of our village.

These herbs can only be

gathered this time of year.

They're potent medicine.

Sounds like this stuff must

be big business for you.

My apologies, Miss Nemu.

[NEMU] Hm! But look. I'm

almost out of the herbs!

I'll be done with these

by the end of the day.

But I think we've

already covered

all the gathering spots

that I know of.





You got a message for us?

[KYUMEI] Yeah. It seems

like something weird

is happening in Tob Forest.

What do you mean?

It can't be.

Are the people who att*cked

the village back?


It's like a disturbance coming

from deep in the forest.

That's bad timing,

because we need to gather

those herbs before

it's too late.

Sorry boss, but that's

way too dangerous.

[KYUMEI] I'd like to send

out a scouting party,

but it might take a while.

We've got our hands full just

watching over the village.

I need to go out there

in the next few days.

The herbs aren't in season long

and we'll be in a bad spot

if we can't sell more.

Let's bring this to Jugem

and see what he says.

Good. Thank you.


All right, here's the plan.

While Miss Enri and her group

are lookin' for herbs,

the rest of us will spread

out and scout the area,

moving deeper into the forest.

[JUGEM] Report back if

you see anything strange.

As for Miss Enri's bodyguards,

let me see here.


--[GOKOU] Sir!


--[KAIJALI] Sir!


--[UNLAI] Sir!


You ready?



I shouldn't need

to tell you this,

but her safety is top priority!


Yes, sir!

Nphi. We're counting

on you, too.

Show the boss what you're

made of out there.

[NPHIREA yelps]

So now's the time, huh?

[clears throat] Leave it to me!

I'll take good care

of you, I promise!

How kind of you. Thanks, Nphi.

Huh? That's not enough?

I've prepared various

alchemical, uh, concoctions.

So don't worry!

Sure. Sounds great.

Not worried at all!


It's Bebeyamok moss.

If you mix a clump or two

of that in healing potions,

it increases their

effectiveness a bit.

I never had a clue, wow.

So is it worth a lot of money?

Uh, a little.

Although in this case,

the herb Enri

is looking for

is worth a lot more.

I can come back here

for some moss any time.


Roger that!

[KAIJALI] Wow, Nphi's really

something, huh, Enri?

[GOKOU] I can't tell any

of these plants apart.

All just green to me!

Does that issue apply

to all goblins?

Like your people just

aren't cut out for botany?

Hell if I know, but I

never met a goblin

who was any good with plants.

We're not much for gathering,

but when it comes to hunting

and skinning, we do just fine!

Lots of shade here.

The humidity is

high enough, too.

This is exactly

the kind of place

that those herbs like to grow.

Let's spread out

and look around.

I found some! You were right!

I'm glad we brought you along!

Call it good luck.

Something wrong?

[ENRI] Mm-mm! I'm just

impressed, that's all!

You found the herbs

right away and you know

how to pick them so

much faster than me.

Well, I am a pharmacist.

I'd better be good

at this stuff.

I guess so.

Thanks anyway, though.

[ALL gasp]



It sounds like there's

something coming our way.

Better pull back

and hide for now.




[AGU panting]

It's a child.

Just watch and wait.


[BARGHEST A growling]

[gasps] It's a barghest!



It didn't notice us.

I think the smell of the herbs

must be masking our scent.

Keeping you safe

is our first priority.

If the kid gets att*cked,

don't run out there to help him.

It may seem cruel,

but that's how it goes.

He's scared.

[sighs] It's okay.

We'll save him.



All right, let's think.

Why'd he run all the way here?

If he knows what's

happening in the forest,

then he can warn us before

it affects the village.

Assuming we don't all die!

There's no guarantee we can

win against that thing.

I can't fight, so maybe

I have no right to say this,

but if there's a chance

we can help, we should.

If someone is dying and

we turn our backs on them,

in a way, that's no different

than siding with their k*ller.

I was saved, so I

have to do the same

for those who are

weaker than me.

I'm sorry.

[AGU screams]


You heard the lady, let's go!


Hey, over here, little puppy!

If you wanna take a bite outta

someone, we got more meat!

Come and get some!


[AGU grunting]

All right, give it all you got!

[GOBLINS grunt]

[BARGHEST A roars]

[GOBLINS yell]

Now, Reinforce Armor!



Nice one, brother! He's stuck!

Not completely, and

probably not for long

if it keeps

struggling like that.

Strike hard and strike now!

[GOBLINS yell]


The chain!

Get down!

[GOBLINS yell]

[GOKOU yells]

[UNLAI yells]


Take that!

[BARGHEST A growls]

[ALL sigh]

[AGU] You saved me.

What tribe are you from?

Let's save the

questions for later.

We have to do something about

those injuries of yours.

Any way you can help?

You're bleeding all over

the place, aren't you?

Don't poison me!

What a pity.

I was looking forward to

giving this to Lord Gown.


And done!

This wasn't ideal,

but at least I can tell

Lord Gown it works, right?

And here I thought you

jerks were gonna k*ll me!

Uh. I mean, thank you

for saving my life.

That's better! Show a

little gratitude, brat.

I'm not a brat!

My name's Agu and I am

the fourth son of Ah,

the leader of the Gigu Tribe!


Nice to meet you, Agu.

So what happened?

Where'd you get all those cuts

and what are you

doing in the woods?

[AGU] I got att*cked,

so I ran. That's all.

We need more details.

Wasn't just the barghest

that att*cked you.

Uh! The Giant of the

East sent his minions.

The Giant of the East?

And the Demon Snake of the West.

He joined up with him.

w*r is coming.

[AINS] Carne Village would've

been wiped from the map

by the Slane Theocracy

had I not intervened.

It's population has decreased,

but with the help of the

summoned goblins I gave Enri,

it may yet recover.

After discovering unsettling

changes within the Great Forest,

Enri makes her way to E-Rantel

in order to run errands

and request the assistance

of the Adverturer's Guild.

Chapter : "Enri's Upheaval

and Hectic Days."

Your life was once saved.

How will you use it?