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02x13 - The Ultimate Trump Card

Posted: 05/22/23 18:31
by bunniefuu
[ZANAC] People of the proud

Kingdom of Re-Estize!

These devils do not

deserve our fear!

As long as I have this blade,

no monster will harm you!



Where'd all the people go?

Think they're hiding

in their houses?


No. Look at the doors.

Poor bastards were probably

dragged somewhere.

Iron and copper adventurers,

stay here and search

through the houses!

The rest of you, spread out

and form a defensive line.

They'll be here soon.

Here we go.


An Overeating?

Gazer Devils... Hellhounds, too.


No! Stay with the group!

[SOLDIERS gasp, yell]



Toss me!

[AINS grunts]

[AINS yells]

[AINS] I think you've

had enough snacks.


Such paltry foes.


Fear not.

I am Momon, the adventurer.

And Jaldabaoth will

fall just as easily!


But, while I deal with him,

I need you to keep the

citizens beyond the wall safe.

I'm counting on you.

It's started.


I just hope they can

distract them long enough

for us to find and

rescue the prisoners.


Renner had mentioned

the warehouses.

That seems as good a place

as any to start looking.

Shalltear Bloodfallen.

She's actually here!


Go ahead. I'll buy

as much time as I can.

Don't wait for me.

What are you and your friends

doing in the capital?

[SHALLTEAR] What makes you

think I owe a human

any kind of explanation?

Poor thing.

Are you the only one

that made it this far?

You sound disappointed.

What's the matter?

Weren't you waiting for me?


For you? Why would I?


Oh, I get it.

I was so insignificant,

you don't remember me, right?

[SHALLTEAR] Would you

like to die, little man?

I can help, but first,

I think I'll have you

prostrate and lick my boots.

Yes, that's exactly what

I need to improve my mood!

Sorry, but that's not happening.

Round two. Here we go.


What a hassle.

I guess you can't sense

how much stronger I am.

Oh, I can.

I'll die, but at least

I'll buy Climb

the time he needs.

And I'll go out my way.

With sword in hand.


Thanks for showing me the way.

My dear friends.


Four-Fold. Slash of light.


You aimed for it?


[SHALLTEAR] At least you

pass for a nail clipper.

S'quite the compliment.

I'll gladly take it.

My swordsmanship, my life's work

wasn't the massive waste

I thought it was.

In some small way,

I actually touched that

unreachable height!


Poor crazy boy,

let me put you

out of your misery.

[SHALLTEAR] Even though

the Supreme One is close,

I can't sense his presence.

That detection blocking

ring really makes it hard

to stalk my beloved.


Insolent ant!

I refuse to let a measly human

escape from me unharmed.

Time Accelerator!


Is that...?


You are strong, indeed!

[EVILEYE gasps]


We severely underestimated

the forces of Jaldabaoth.


You two handle the newcomers.

Let's get to it, Demi-- Demon!

[AINS yells]

I'll take three and you'll

handle the other two.

That should be enough

to subdue them.


I don't mind taking three.

You'll take two.

There's no point

arguing with me.


My, what a stubborn one.

[NARBERAL] I'll let you

decide who will fight me.


My name is Alpha. This is Delta.

[EVILEYE] Introductions?

How courteous of you.

My name is Evileye.

I'll be the last

thing you ever see.

[ALL panting]

What are you doing?

I told you to go on ahead!


Well, we just--

Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up a bit.

What's with you and

that lady in white?

You look like you'd

seen a specter.

Why isn't she chasing me?

Is this some kinda

lover's quarrel?

She's a monster who

could give Sebas

a run for his money!


Wait, and you--

att*cked her? Sure did.

I even managed to cut

off her fingernail.

Holy crap.

I cut it off and lived

to tell about it.

That's awesome!

Way to go Brain,

I'm proud of you.

You've done something

special, really.

Special! Yes!

Right. That's what it is.

Well, I'm not sitting around

to see if she'll chase us.

Let's go.

Martial Art!

Dark Blade, Mega Impact!

Floating Swords, do your work!

There's just no end to them!

What now, evil boss?


Not good.

The priests are running

low on magic power.


Six Fold Slash of Light!

Run 'em through!

My Lord Stronoff,

this is a crisis!

Shouldn't you be

guarding the castle?

--[SOLDIERS gasp]

--[MAN A] His Majesty?


King Ramposa!


What is he doing here?

His Majesty asked of me:

"Which do you protect?

The castle or the crown?"

There's only one answer!

We swore to protect the King

and uphold his kingdom.

So, an attack on his people

is an attack on him!



I'm glad you're here.

Think you could help

me with something?

Of course.


Not without us!

It'll take more than death to

keep this warrior from battle.

This Ninja is ready to get back

into the fray

as well, evil boss.

Gagaran! Tia!

[GAGARAN] Just lyin' around

was makin' me soft.

We're ready to fight.

There's no way.

Always happy to have you along.


Let's go!


Yes, ma'am!


Shard Buckshot!

[YURI yells]


Not again!

[YURI yells]

[EVILEYE grunts]

[CZ] Not that you need it,

but, I'll cover you.


Sand Field All!



Monsters aren't supposed

to team up like this.

It isn't fair!

[EVILEYE gasps]

What the...?

Crystal Wall!

[YURI yells]

[YURI yells]


Fa jin?


I've never met anything immune

to negative energy before.

You must have every

resistance there is.

Looks like Lord Momon

is still in the fight.

In that case, I'll buy him

as much time as I can.


You're sure this room is secure?


I've seen to it.

There's no one who can listen in

on our conversation, my lord.


All right.

Tell me everything

about your plan.

Of course, but first,

allow me to thank you

for indulging me, my lord.

I'm rather eager to share

the results of my design.

Overall, there are four

merits to the series

of plans I have devised.


Four? I don't know a single one!

[AINS] Hm. Here I thought

there were three.

I think this may be the

first time I've bested you

in a contest of wits, Lord!

[AINS] Oh, you always

have the better of me.

You are too modest.

I'm flattered.


No, really.

Now, why don't you tell

me about these merits?


The first one is that we are

claiming all the materials

within the surrounding






Now we don't have to worry about

being low on funds for a while.

Secondly, this incident

allows us to cover

our attack on Eight Fingers,

as you instructed us to do.

[AINS] Now that you mention it,

you said your goal

was to recover a powerful item?


See for yourself.

The magic within is

called "Armageddon Evil."

Tenth Tier magic.

Almost "god" level.

[AINS] As I recall,

it summons a horde of demons.

My creator, Lord Ulbert,

also crafted this item.

Shall we use it here?

[AINS] I have one better.

I think you'll like it.

[AINS] It's Ulbert's

prototype of the same item.

It should work, all the same.

You may use it

for your purposes.


I couldn't possibly use

such a personal treasure.



Then I shall gift

it to you, Demiurge.


Ulbert might be

embarrassed that I've kept

his failed creation

around for so long.

Do with it as you see fit.

Such an honor.


I'm most grateful.


Stop that. Really.

Consider it thanks for

your fierce loyalty.

The Great Ones created us.

It is only right we are loyal,

and that we continuously

demonstrate it until

we meet our end.

Nonetheless, for to

once again address me,

a servant, with such charity,

and to reward me with

such a precious gift...

I can only repay you

by humbly offering

an even deeper

devotion to your will.

[AINS grunts] I look forward

to it. Now, continue.

I wish to know the

rest of your plan.

With that narrative in place,

Jaldabaoth has att*cked

the Eight Fingers bases

looking for this item.

Which just happened

to give him control

of the capital's

warehouse district.

And of course,

this item will be "found"

in the warehouse that serves

as Eight Fingers'

base of operations.


Obviously. Tell me the merit.


We have captured all the

humans that were trapped

within the wall of the flame.

The majority of them are already

being taken to Nazarick,

where I think they could be

put to all kinds of uses.

[AINS] Regardless of their

age or gender, I'm assuming?


Of course.

[MOMONGA] Ever since I

ended up in this body,

I haven't felt a sense of

affinity for the human race.

Not a single death or suffering

we've inflicted has

pained my heart.

If it benefitted Nazarick,

I didn't care.

But, even so.


Listen carefully.

See that those who haven't

dishonored the Great Tomb

or myself are given

painless deaths.

Only the guilty shall suffer.

How benevolent, my lord.

It shall be as you wish.


Back on topic.

You still have one more

merit to reveal.

Yes, Lord.

When everything

is said and done,

all the city's woes will be

laid at Jaldabaoth's feet.

[AINS] In other words,

you're establishing yourself

as a notorious demon.


He's using this to increase

Momon's reputation. Nice.


That makes sense. I'm convinced.

So, is there something

in particular

you need me to help with?

All you have to do is

drive me out of the city,

and there should be

no problem, Lord.

I will do everything in my power

to serve you as your foil.

And I promise to put on one

hell of a show in the process.


Wow, that little girl

has some serious moves.

What'd she say her name was?

I don't know, she's a rodent.

Why would I care what

other rodents call her?

[SOLUTION] I believe she

is Evileye, of Blue Rose.

She was listed in the

information Sebas collected.

Ah, right. Lord Ains

mentioned that.


Narberal, honey,

I think your mind's

starting to go.

I'm sure none of you remember

the humans you've met.


It was no problem for me.

I pay close attention

to proper names.


Every one!

I actually get along

pretty well with them, too.


No problems, either.




[ENTOMA] An earthquake.

Feels like one of Mare's.


Is this some kind of sign?


That's right.

Okay, Narberal, time for

you to get some bruises.

[LUPISREGINA] It needs to look

real, but I'll try to go gentle.

Sorry about this.

Don't worry about me.

This is our job.


It's the devil!

He's coming back for us!

Remain calm. We're

here to help you!

They took my child,

please, we have to hurry!


Yeah, my wife, too!


I have a three-year-old son,

do you know if anyone's see him?

Looks like the princess

was right on the money.

Sure enough, those

bastards split up

the families when

they took them.


Can you keep fighting?

Don't worry, that won't

be a problem.

Lord Momon!


That was actually fun.

How can I describe it?

"Real," perhaps?

Yes. I'm really

getting to fight!

[DEMIURGE] I am pleased

that you're pleased.

Now, I'll take this seriously.


Come at me, then! I'm waiting!

[AINS grunts]


[AINS yells]

[DEMIURGE] Aspect of the

Devil: Hellfire Mantle!

[AINS yells]

[AINS] You must have

boosted your power.

How else could you melt

a w*apon of this level?


How else, indeed.


The flames of hell?


What's wrong?

You wanted a true fire

to test you, right?

So I'll give you one that

sears the very soul!


Frost Pain Modified!


What's that?

It's much like that

spear you used earlier.


Icy Burst!


You truly are strong, warrior.


As are you.

It's like watching gods at play.


I have a proposal for you.

I will withdraw, now.

Shall we call this

the end of our battle?

Of course not!


Very well.


This woman seems clueless.

I can't fathom

why you would bring

someone so unintelligent,

Mr. Momon.

Think hard for a moment

and you might understand.

I'll give you a clue.

I have my demon

hordes standing by

to as*ault the entire capital.

You would take...

the city hostage?

[DEMIURGE] Now then,

we will leave, as agreed.

Sadly, we were unable

to retrieve the item,

but there's always

next time, Momon.


Till then.

[EVILEYE squeals]

You did it! You won!

You're incredible, Mr. Momon!

[AINS] Er, could you give

me some space, miss?


Aw, don't be bashful.


Hey! Shorty's still kickin'!

You guys.

Go on, Lord.

Declare our victory!


I don't know.

As the most distinguished

warrior of this battle,

it is your duty!

Come on, don't be shy!

[AINS] I suppose you're

right. Very well, then.

[AINS yells]


Lord Momon is victorious!

[SOLDIERS cheer]


I see.

You're really going back

to E-Rantel, then?

I'd very much like

to accompany you, but...


Don't worry about it.

You have done us and the

kingdom a great service.



His Majesty would have liked

to thank you personally,

but he must oversee

relief efforts.

[AINS] That's quite

all right, Marquis Raeven.

I'm grateful for

all you've done.

Not at all.

I hope we can continue

our good relations,

moving forward.

[AINS] Members of

Blue Rose, as a fellow

adamantite class adventurer,

I hope I can look to you

the next time

something comes up.

As do we.



He turned you down, huh?

Not at all.

That's just the

kind of man he is.

As of now, you are all

servants to our great Master,

the Supreme One and

Overlord of death!

Give yourselves a hand!


Don't be absurd, brat.

We'll start things off

by inviting you all

to a fun new place!

Fun. Yes, that's

what we'll call it.


No, please, wait!


You don't mean me, do you?

I did everything

you asked of me!

Don't let it have me.

I can't take it anymore!

Whoa. What did you do to her?

I might have taken her

into Kyouhukou's room

and had him eat her from

the inside out a couple times.

Oh, that figures, and then

you used healing magic

to make her fresh as a daisy.

It's only natural that she'd

be more submissive after that.

Okay, lady.

We need you to buy some

time with the others

until we're sure they'll

do as they're told.

Can you do that for us?

[HILMA] Uh-huh! Of course I can!

Just leave them to me!


No, you wouldn't!

With that done, we've officially

taken over half

the country. Nice!

[CLIMB] All those under your

protection wish to express

their gratitude,

Princess Renner.

My. I would sure

like to see them.

You mustn't!

I'm sorry to decline

your kind feelings,

but it's for the best.

Well, I suppose

it can't be helped.


I'll be.

Rigrit kicked your ass too, huh?


Buzz off.


Kicked it bad.


She cried.

This sure takes me back.


Don't lump me in with you!

In addition to that old lady,

I had these fools to deal with!

Hey, Evileye.

Somethin's been buggin'

me since Momon left.

Why didn't you just create

a portal to E-Rantel?

I mean, you could've gone

with him as you pleased

and never looked back, amirite?

No way, did you

just realize that?

[EVILEYE wails]

[PESTONYA] I'd like to

introduce the newest maid

to join Nazarick.

I'm Tuareninya. It's a

pleasure to meet you.

Is there any sort of

training you'd like me

to focus on with her,

Lord Sebas? Woof.

There's no need

for special treatment.

Just aim for the same

passing grade as any maid.

That said. Tuare is only human.

Please keep her training

geared with that in mind,

Lady Pestonya.

I understand perfectly!

Being a maid is a temporary

assignment for her.

I'm not sure what

you mean by that.

Only that she'll be

quitting once she's married.

Uh, woof.

It's good to have

you back, Lord Ains.

What is your bidding?

[FLUDER] I've looked

into this Ains Ooal Gown

fellow as you requested.

If such a man truly exists.

I'd say that his caliber

of magic would rival my own.

Perhaps even surpass it.


Is that why you seem

so pleased, old man?


Naturally, my lord.

It takes all manner of oracles

to gaze into the abyss.

But, to find a

true magical peer.

If possible, I would like to

meet him personally, my lord.

I would also like you

to collect information

on an adamantite

class adventurer

known as the

Raven-Black Hero, Momon.

Think you could help me

with that, old man?


Of course I can, my emperor.