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02x12 - The Final Battle of the Disturbance

Posted: 05/22/23 18:30
by bunniefuu
[DEMIURGE gasps]

[AINS] Evening. So which

one of you will be my foe?


Raven Black Hero!

I am Evileye of Blue Rose!

We should form a party.

Two adamantite adventurers

might be able to take him down!

[EVILEYE gasps]

[EVILEYE] No. I'd just

be wasting his life, too.

I can't ask him to do that.



[EVILEYE gasps]


Before we begin,

may I have your name, warrior?

You may call me Jaldabaoth.


That's quite a mouth-full.

Fine. I'll play along.

I am Momon. Adamantite

class adventurer.

What is your purpose here?

[DEMIURGE] Apparently, an item

with the power to summon

and subjugate my kind has

found its way into the city.

I would prefer it not

remain in the wrong hands,

you understand.


He got information out of him

without even trying.

He's a first-rate

adventurer, all right.



Jaldabaoth, is there

truly no option

but to oppose each other?


No, there is not.

[AINS] Very well.

That keeps my job simple.

I just have to defeat you.


That's not a problem, right?


I'll have to resist.

But, I'm sure you knew that.


Here goes!

[AINS grunts]

[DEMIURGE grunts]

[EVILEYE] What is this

feeling? It can't be...


My heart stopped beating

a long time ago.


Lord Momon. You're amazing!


We need to move.

Come. This way.

You feeling all right?

Okay, let's leave

while Lord Sebas

has them distracted.

Is something wrong?

You're staring.

Huh? Oh, no. It's nothing.


Let's go.

[gasps, grunts]

[CLIMB gasps]

[gasps] Zero?

So, you know me. I'm flattered.


I never forget a face.

You're Brain Unglaus, aren'tcha?

If you're here,

I guess Succulent

wasn't full of crap after all.

He was outmatched.

In recognition of your

extraordinary talent,

I'll offer you one chance

to walk out of here.

Prostrate before me,

and swear your undying

loyalty to Six Arms.

And k*ll the kid

for good measure.


I thought that'd be the case.

Hold it.

I expect this fight

to be one on one.

Lockmeyer, you and Climb

take care of her.

You've got it.

[SUCCULENT] Nothing gets

past you, does it?

Well, moving behind

me once my back

was turned was kind of

a dead giveaway, genius.

'Course, I suspected

you were a rat

the moment we found you.

Fine. We get it,

you've got sharp senses.

Succulent, k*ll these

small-timers for me,

and try not to screw it up.

Right. Good as dead. No prob.


Fancy meeting you here.

[SUCCULENT laughs]


Well, I'll be damned.

Always thought the whole

"iron fisted" monk thing

was just big talk

for the ladies,

but you took it literally.



Don't be so stressed.

You've got a master thief

watching your back.


Just your garden variety

Powder of Will 'o Wisp!

Thanks, Lockmeyer!

[CLIMB yells]

[SUCCULENT coughs]

Martial Art! Ability Release!


[SUCCULENT sputters]

[ZERO growling]

Dammit. That useless oaf.

You certainly live up

to your reputation.

I actually have to try a little.

In fact, this may be

the first time someone

was still standing

after this long.

Not bad yourself.

I guess we could start

fighting like we mean it.

Just for a bit.



Sounds good to me.

That thing your doing

is a sword barrier, right?

If I'm careless and step

too close, I'm done for.

Not bad.

Sadly, you can only

use the technique

when standing still

and on the defensive.

It's adorable, really.

Don't tell me that's

your ace in the hole.

Only one's survived it.

It's a slash attack

that uses both Field,

which never misses,

and my own special

blade attack, God Flash.

I call it Whistling Wind.


Bet I could punch through

it and not break a sweat.

What do ya say, Brain?

Shall we put that to the test?

[SEBAS] So, this is where

you've been hiding.

Huh? How are you alive?

The others could have

ripped you apart

a dozen times by now.

Your colleagues are lying

in pools of their own blood,

feeding the crows.

You beat them and made it

here without a scratch?

Yeah, like I'd believe that.

The truth is often

seen as impossible.

Especially by the foolish.


Lord Sebas!

The Tuare that was in

the basement was a fake.

We have to save her quick!

I appreciate your

concern, young Climb,

however, she's fine.

You can see for yourself.

Tuare. Please, wait here.

I'll just be a moment.



Time out, Unglaus.

I gotta send grandpa

here to the undertaker.

[ZERO] You just couldn't

leave well enough alone,

could you, old man?

You'll wish you had.

The true terror of

Six Arms is upon you.

Come, Panther!

Falcon! Rhinoceros!

Buffalo! And Lion!



[BOTH gasp]


[ALL gasp]

You can't be human.

How the hell did you do that?


That was certainly a close one.

But, as fortune would have it,

I was a tad stronger than

the oversized brute.

[DEMIURGE] Aspect of the

Devil! Tentacle Wings!

[EVILEYE grunts]




Good. You weren't hurt.


Uh... Yeah.

[EVILEYE gasps] On your

shoulder! Are you all right?

[AINS] Something this

minor is no issue.

Don't worry about me.

I'm just glad you're safe.



[EVILEYE chuckles nervously]



I'm honestly shocked

you could keep her alive.

It's not often I feel the

need to praise my opponent.

Well done.


You talk too much.

[EVILEYE gasps]

My Lord Momon!


Forgive me, bards of the world!

Knights really do fight

to defend their maidens!

I should have never doubted you!

[EVILEYE] I feel more like

baggage than a princess.

Knock it off!

This isn't the time

for silly daydreams!

[DEMIURGE] Well. I believe

I'll be on my way.



[DEMIURGE] I must find the

item by any means necessary.

A circle of hell fire will soon

cover a section of the city.

Should you foolishly

choose to enter,

I promise you a slow and painful

journey into the afterlife.



Huh? He's getting away!

We have to stop him.


We can't.

If we go after him,

he'll start fighting

like he really means it,

and if that happens...

[EVILEYE] Oh. Still protecting

me. You truly are gallant.

[MOMONGA] Great, what am

I going to do now?

[EVILEYE] After that, we managed

to drive the insect maid

right down to the ground.


Is that right?




Did you k*ll her?


No, unfortunately.

Jaldabaoth made sure

that didn't happen.


I see.

Don't be hard on yours--

[NARBERAL growling]



[AINS clears throat]

So, it could be that

Jaldabaoth only att*cked you

to defend the insect maid.

Would you say

that's a possibility?

[EVILEYE] I'd say we tugged on

the tiger's tail, and got bit.


But, you heard what he said.

Trapping part of the

city in hellfire?

No way that's just retaliation.

He would have done it even if

his servant wasn't att*cked.

My friends were right

to challenge her.

I'm sure any of us would

have done the same.

[AINS] U-Uh. Of course,

without question.

I did not intend to blame

them for their fate.

I beg your pardon.


Oh! No, no, please.

Lift your head.

A man as handsome

as you shouldn't be--

[EVILEYE squeals]


Handsome? What am I saying?

I just can't help

myself around him.

It's been a few hundred years

since my last crush,

but there's nothing wrong

with that, is there?

Of course not!

He's everything I like,

and stronger to boot!


Miss Evileye?


Ah! Yes! Hi. Lord Momon.

[AINS] I need to fill

Nabe in on a few things.

Excuse me a moment.



[AINS] She won't be

able to hear us here.

Nonetheless, we should

still be cautious

while we're around her.

Now then, Narberal.


I can pretty well guess

what Demiurge's

plan is, overall.

However, the more

precise a machine is,

the easier it is to disrupt.

One slip up could throw

a wrench into the gears.

We must prevent the

slightest misunderstanding

from knocking us

back to square one.

Do you get what I'm saying?

Indeed, I do.

I expected no less

from you, Lord.


I have everything well in hand.


Who am I kidding?

The only reason I'm out here

is because some noble

named Raeven made a special

request of the guild.

We had to ride on

a Floating Board.

I felt like luggage

the whole time,

but the reward was

exceptional, so we managed.

And, once I saw

the disturbances,

I thought "Wait!

This is Momon's first big

fight in the capital city!

I gotta make a badass entrance!"

So I jumped.

[MOMONGA sighs] How did

things turn out this way?



[AINS] Now, I need you to

get in touch with Demiurge.

I'd do it myself, but I can't

cast spells in this form.

Besides. If she saw me,

it would complicate things.

Hm... Is she staring?

She must have her

doubts about me.

Perhaps, but I don't

think that's the case.

Behind that mask of hers,

I think you'd find eyes filled

with lust and sparkles.


Let's not wax poetic.

I can read her thoughts

like the back of my hand.

There's no attraction.

Getting upset when

she spoke of Entoma

may have compromised us,

if only a little.

[gasps] I should have

expected as much.

Forgive me, Lord Ains.

Truly, your vision befits one

who sits upon the throne.

[AINS] Please, enough

with the flattery.

It was an obvious consideration

that arose from my own slip up.

Let's get the ball

rolling, Narberal.

Lord. Send Message.

[MOMONGA] Well, that should

keep my reputation as leader

from falling apart,

at least. Now then...

[MOMONGA] You know, it's hard

to believe that a little child

like her possesses

adamantite class strength.


Sorry to keep you waiting.

Would you like me to

help you carry them?


No need.

My friends should

be along shortly.

It's possible we'll

be able to cast

resurrection magic on them here.

I'd rather not move them.


Hm. You have a party member

who can cast resurrection magic?


Uh, that's right.

Our team leader, Lakyus,

can invoke Raise Dead.

It's a fifth-tier spell.

Impressive, I guess.


And, your friends.

Will they be able to engage

in combat soon after?


Mm-mm. I'm afraid not.

This magic costs a huge

amount of life force

at the time of resurrection.

Quite a toll.


I see.

[EVILEYE] As such, they won't

be able to move around

on their own for

a while afterwards.

I wouldn't even suggest it

for someone weaker than them.

They'd be reduced to ashes.



If you wouldn't mind,

could we wait here with you?

I would like to meet

this leader of yours.

Lady Lakyus.

[EVILEYE gasps]

Why do you want to meet, Lakyus?

[MOMONGA] Sure enough.

She's got her guard up.

[AINS] I would simply like

to meet the leader of Blue Rose.

She's a fellow adventurer,

and my senior in experience.

Is there some reason

why I shouldn't?


No, no! No problem.

Not in the slightest.

[NARBERAL] Momon, sir! I think

you will want to see this.

[EVILEYE gasps]

[CLIMB] What will you do

after this, Lord Sebas?

I'll be taking Tuare

to a safe location.

I won't let this happen

to her ever again.

I understand.

Just so you know,

everything you've done

means the world to us.

Please, think nothing of it.

You have helped me keep

my promise to Tuare.

I will repay you, someday.

[CLIMB gasps]

Tell me I'm not the

only one seeing this.


What is that?


The flames of Gehenna?

Good and brave adventurers.

Thank you for coming

together so quickly.

We face a dire crisis.



Early this morning,

a wall of flame sprang

up around this area.

Cutting off a section

of the city.

However, these flames

are similar to an illusion,

and seem to cause

no harm upon contact.

Miss Lakyus, leader of

the famous Blue Rose,

confirmed this for us.


I touched it with my own hand.

It didn't feel hot to the touch,

and I passed clear to the

other side without any issue.

However, there appears

to be a horde

of low-level demons

infesting the area.

The ringleader has identified

himself as Jaldabaoth.

He's an extremely fiendish

and powerful demon,

and many evil creatures of

power are serving under him.

How strong are we talking?

Two of the members of Blue Rose,

the warrior Gagaran, and the

thief Tia, were k*lled.

[EVILEYE] And he did it

with just one blow.

[ADVENTURERS gasp, murmur]


Calm yourselves!

Yes, Jaldabaoth's

strength is immense.

I confronted him myself

and was powerless

against his might.

But we have someone

even stronger!


The Raven Black Hero, Momon!


Fear not.

I know it seems hopeless,

but I wouldn't do this unless

I thought we could win.

I've devised a plan of attack

that I believe will succeed...

[RENNER] Lastly, we'll

need a detached force

of adventurers to rescue the

civilians currently trapped

within the flame wall.

If the demons are, indeed,

holding them c*ptive,

they're probably using one

of the warehouse districts.

And have likely

split up families

to discourage dissent.

You'll go. Won't you, Climb?

Without hesitation.

Even if I die trying.

[BRAIN] Princess, would it

be okay if I tag along?


You would be most welcome,

Lord Brain Unglaus.


Count me in. Sounds fun.

Thanks, everyone.

I shall remain here,

and pray to the gods

that every one of you

returns to us safely.

May the light shine upon you.

Happy hunting!



Long live the Golden Princess!




Take this with you.

What is it?

Looks like a magic item.

It is.

That ring can

transcend human bounds,

and push your strength

well past your limits.


Past my limits?

I can't possible accept

such a precious item!

You can.

The woman I got it from

trusts my judgment.

Bring it back to me.



We all have to come back.

For Princess Renner's sake.



[ZANAC] So you'll form a line

using the adventurers,

and back them up with the

guardsman in an effort

to thin out the

enemy's formation.

Heh. At that point,

the Raven Black Hero Momon,

and the Lady Nabe, along with

Lady Evileye of Blue Rose,

will break through the center

like a spear through fodder.


--[RAEVEN] But,

isn't Climb's mission

a bit too risky?

[RENNER] He'll be making

rounds inside the capital

along with your soldiers.

It's no different

than his usual duties.


Yes, Climb may end up dying.

Then, my dear friend, Lakyus,

will cast her resurrection

magic on him.

And when his life force

has been weakened

by such a potent spell.

I will personally take

him into my tender care.

Since it was my order

that got him k*lled

to begin with, no one

would dare object.

I would only be

doing what's right.

So that's your game.

I suppose this was your plan

all along, dear sister?



[BOTH gasp]

[AINS] A part of the

royal capital has been

sectioned off by

a wall of flame,

turning the area within it

into a demon-filled hell.

The humans prepare

to fight back.

Both soldiers and adventurers

unite against the monsters.

The task of defeating the demon

Jaldabaoth is left to Momon,

Nabe, and Evileye. A symbol

of hope for mankind,

Momon turns his

blade to the demon.

Chapter Thirteen:

"The Ultimate Trump Card."

I have everything well in hand.