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02x11 - Jaldabaoth

Posted: 05/22/23 18:29
by bunniefuu
[SEBAS] I will have to offer

my gratitude to Lord Ains.

I did not expect this level

of support from the Tomb.

Yes, command of this

operation will fall to me.

If you have any objection

to the supreme one's decision,

voice it now, please.


No, of course not.


Then I hope you are not under

any mistaken impressions.

We've assembled to cull

Eight Fingers from existence.

They've spit in the collective

faces of the supreme ones

with their brazen actions

and must be dealt

with accordingly.

I understand perfectly.

Rescuing Tuare is insignificant

next to avenging Ains Ool Goan.

Now that that's clear,

please know that I also hope

for Tuare's safe return.

Should the poor thing perish,

I doubt her body could withstand

the intense strain

of resurrection.

How kind of you to say so.

Do you have a plan for

finding Eight Fingers?

There's no need for such a plan.

I've already

attained information

on seven of their bases.

Sorry, Sebas, but you

do not need to know.

The success of our plan relies

on compartmentalizing

certain components.

Once Tuare is safe,

you will return with her

to Nazarick, and leave

the rest to us.

I understand.

[DEMIURGE] Solution, back up

Sebas for the time being.


Very well, Lord Demiurge.

What I'm about to tell you

is a matter of great

importance. Entoma?



k*lling this person

is strictly forbidden.

Understood, Shalltear?

Oh, ha, ha!

Poke fun at the vampire,

why dontcha? Jerk.


What is it, Shadow Demon?


It appears we now have

one more Eight Fingers base

to attack tonight.


You and Entomah will focus

on the new location.

Um. Kay, I'll do my best

not to disappoint you.

This is a grand opportunity.

Use this mission

to show Lord Ains

your unwavering

devotion and love.

Failure is forbidden.

See that you provide results

that will wipe the slate clean

of any mistakes, understood?

So, uh, what about me?

Sorry, but you'll

have to stand down.

I'm concerned you'll lose

yourself to your Blood Frenzy.

You know what, I am not

even mad about it.

Not one little bit!

Now, then. Phase two

of plan "Gehenna."

It's a tad complex,

so do pay attention.

That mythril must've

cost a pretty copper.

You sure you wanna dye it?

It does mean a lot since

Renner gave it to me,

but it just stands out too much.

However, it's virtually silent.

So, I think it's perfect

for infiltrating.

All captains, gather 'round!

We're going to go over the plan!



All right.

This operation's goal

is to raid eight buildings

in Eight Finger's possession

and take control of them.

But we only have seven squads.

Once we've taken control

of our assigned buildings,

everyone here will head

for the last location,

so don't dawdle.

In other words, it's

first come first served!

I'm sure you're all

aware of our enemy's

overwhelming strength.

Don't let your guards down.

[BRAIN] The squads look

fairly competent.

Even the Marquis' men.

They're a full group of former

orichalcum class adventurers.

Name's Lockmeyer.

Nice to meet you.


Hey, virgin!

[CLIMB] Miss Gagaran.

Is something wrong?

You tell me, kid.

Thought you might be nervous

and figured a playful

pat on your tight little

tushie would loosen ya up.

You must be Brain Unglaus.

I guess you'll do.

I'm glad I passed the test.

She was measuring me up,

trying to figure out

whether I was a warrior she

can entrust with you or not.

Is that true, Gagaran?

Absolutely not!

If you died tonight, I wouldn't

lose any sleep over it.

But with him there,

things'll be easier.

I wouldn't be so

certain of that.

There are monsters in this world

you couldn't even fathom.

Huh. So you're the prudent type.

I'm not totally adverse

to a man like that.

How about a little

one-on-one in the sack?

I think I'll pass.

The pressure might crush me.

You're probably right.

That's too bad.

Watch yourself out there, okay?

Uh, yes ma'am!


She's a nice lady.

[CLIMB] Everyone in

Blue Rose is just as kind.

Well, time to get going.



Wait, hold on, it's me!

I just got back! So jumpy.

I scouted the place

with invisibility magic.

There's a young woman being

held c*ptive in a prison cell.

and about five people who look

like they fit the description

of Six Arms members.

Five of them?

Sucks for us, but it

might be a good thing.

If Six Arms is gathered here,

then the other locations

should fall without much

of an effort on our part.

What are we gonna do?

[CLIMB] It's going to be

impossible to take this place

without significant force.

Let's fall back.

Fine with me. Let's...


No way.

What a coincidence,

running into you

here of all places.

Lord Sebas, what are

doing around here

at this hour?

As it happens,

the woman I mentioned

rescuing has been taken

by Eight Fingers.

I was instructed to meet

them at this location.


Then she must be...

Can you tell me more

about the woman you saw

in the prison cell?

That's good to know.

Having most of Six Arms here

will make my job

a fair bit easier.

Does that mean...

you're willing to help us?

I know it's a lot to ask,

but we really need you.

I'd be happy to.

Even If you weren't here,

my duty would be unchanged.

I will deal with

the Six Arms members

and provide you cover.

You have our thanks, Lord Sebas.

I will go in through

the front entrance.

While I'm keeping their

attention away from you,

I would appreciate if you

would rescue Tuare for me.

You can count on it.

What should those

without stealth do?

If it's just the three of us,

our magic caster should be

able to make us invisible

long enough to get

past the front.

[BRAIN] I was more concerned

with the others.

Their armor is so noisy they

couldn't sneak past the dead.

I swear, we'll bring

Tuare back safely.

I would be much obliged, Climb.

[MAN A] Right on schedule.

They're waiting.




The main event.


Better put up a good fight!

Aren't there supposed

to be five of you left?


We're more than enough

even for one of your strength.

Though, I didn't think the

one who beat Succulent

would be someone of your age.


That just proves he's worthless.

Not only did he fail, he failed

in front of Cocco Doll,

a client.

He's embarrassed

us beyond words.

[PESHURIAN] Well, he insisted

that he was beaten

by Brain Unglaus,

not an old man.

[DAVERNOCH] Either way,

this imprudent butler

had the audacity to

start all this trouble.

so he will die first.

Look up there.

[MALMVIST] Some of our Noble

patrons like a little

entertainment with their dinner.

We'll t*rture you for a while,

then finish you off just

in time for dessert.

Is that Zero fellow watching

from there, as well?

Why, yes, he is in fact.


What was that about, old man?

Trying to challenge our leader?


Pay it no mind.

Where is she?

What have you done

with young Tuare?

What if I said she was dead?

From what I've seen,

I doubt you would be that kind.

[DAVERNOCH cackles]

Got me there.

Even in life, I lacked mercy.

Lucky for her, she's meant

to be a gift for Cocco Doll.

She's safely secure until then.

Then I won't keep

you or your patrons

waiting any longer.

Attack me all at once,

and you might last ten seconds.

You're either insane or

have a death wish, human.

He's probably never met someone

who was truly strong before.

[MALMVIST] Either way,

I'm happy to oblige him.

Malmvist of the Thousand Kills.


Of the Dancing Scimitar.

I am Edstrom.


Peshurian of the Spatial Slash.


And Davernoch the Undead King.

Is that so? You poor fool.

That title is far

beyond your reach.


There's only one

person who can claim

to be the Ruler of Death.

And you couldn't

fathom his power.

Your deserved far worse

than a quick death

for your arrogance.

Did you manage to

find Zero, Solution?

He does not appear

to be here, my lord.

[SEBAS] Hm. Then I have another

ten seconds to spare.


Here it is.

[bell rings]

Are you Tuare?



What is going on?


Excuse me, little girl?


Or boy?

What brings you here

at this hour, little one?

I'm trying to find the

most important person

in the mansion.

Is that you, lady?

No, I...

Actually. Yes, I am.

Now could you tell me

how you got in?

[sighs] Thank goodness,

I thought I screwed up.

[door opens]


--[MARE] Uh.

I need you to come

with me now, okay?


You broke it!

Stop! That hurts!

Let go! Please, let me go!

There's no time, lady.

We're late enough as it is.

I'll let you handle

things from here.



[ENTOMA] Get that stuff home

as quickly as you can!

It will be of great use to us!


There's still some left!

Whoopsie daisy.



Nothing beats well-muscled

man meat when you're dieting.

Hey, you.

What kind of meat makes

a creepy crunch like that?



Down to the bone.

How interesting.

I didn't think Eight Fingers

kept monsters around.

This'll be fun.


Actually, could we pretend like

we never saw each other?

I'm in a hurry.


No can do.

I'm one of the top

adventurers in the Kingdom.

I can't catch a man-eating

monster in the act

and just let it go.

Sorry, creepy.


This is so much trouble.

Still, you're strong.

Maybe I'll preserve you

for a midnight snack.

[GAGARAN yells]

Come on! I'm gettin'

bored here!

[ENTOMA] Oh! You're quick

with that hammer!

Whoosh whoosh!

I'll crush you!




You dare to soil the uniform

my creator gave me?

I will end you.


What was that?


Hard Armor Bug!

I'm an entomancer, see?

I summon all kinds of fun

little insects, like this one.


Blade bug!

[ENTOMA] And then I put

them to work for me.

I'll k*ll you now.

I really didn't want to,

just so you know.

But you're in my way!

Finally taking this seriously?

Good, bring it on!

[GAGARAN yells]


Thanks for the save, Tia.


Ninja skills?

So, your blood does

in fact flow red.

What a surprise.

Of course it does,

what did you expect?

I just thought it

would be blue by now,

like some kind of cool power up.

It could happen.


I didn't change races.


All right, then a class change.


Are you done wasting my time?

Spider Talisman!

Shadow Clone Technique!


Hard b*llet Bugs!


Adamantine Shield Technique!


What's with her?

She defended without

looking at me!

Wide field of view?

It's something else, but I

can't put my finger on it.

This is bad.

I don't think we have the

slightest chance of winning.


I don't need these bugs anymore.


Come on, it's your turn!



I thought I'd eaten my fill

earlier, but I'm hungry again.

These two morsels should

really hit the spot.

[ENTOMA yells]

Flame Burst!



Thunderbird Talisman!

This is so gross.

I can't stand

things that slither!

--[TIA screams]



Thunderbird Swarm Talisman!

[TIA groans]




expl*sive Talisman!

[TIA yells]


Sharp Cutting Talisman!

Piercing Wind Attack!



Creepy punk!


I had planned to eat you first,

but she looks tasty

on top of filling,

so I guess I'll spoil

myself just this once.


Don't get any closer to her!


Who are you?


Back at you.

Is a man-eating monster

in a maid uniform

some kind of sick joke?

I can't imagine

anyone would be happy

with something like you

attending to them.

You smell of blood

and cockroaches.


What did you say?




Good grief, you're hopeless.

You need to size up your

opponent next time!

This one is stronger

than you two.

That said. I'm

stronger than her.

You picked on the wrong

girls, worm breath.

Time to swat you!


No one would be happy

to have me attend to them?

How dare you.

None of you will

leave here alive!

[EVILEYE] What a foolish

attack. Reverse Gravity!



You're in the way!

Heal Tia's wounds or something!


Are you with that Demon God?

In that case. Vermin Bane!



[ENTOMA screams]


What did you use?


Insecticide magic.

A spell of my own design.

I call it "Vermin Bane."


Her face is melting.

[EVILEYE] You're kidding.

It was a mask all along?

[ENTOMA whimpering]


A Lip Bug!

It devours the vocal chords

of its human victims

and perfectly imitates

their voice.


How dare you. How dare you!


You sound a lot more endearing

like that, y'know?

I think I prefer

your voice this way!


Damn humans!


Vermin Bane!


That cursed spell.

You're the only one I need

to fear. If I k*ll you,

everything else will

go down like a simple job,

and I can feast!

Paralysis Technique!

[ENTOMA grunts]

[GAGARAN yells]


Crystal Lance!


Vermin Bane!

[ENTOMA grunts]

[EVILEYE gasps]

This is different. Crystal Wall!

[ENTOMA grunts]

Did you hear the

sound that made?

Her little outfit

is as heavy as my armor.

How's that possible?

[ENTOMA] That stingy spell

of yours is getting annoying!

What now, boss?

[EVILEYE] Attack her with

full force and wear her down.

Now that's the type of

plan I can get behind.

Give me the chance,

and I'll squash her!

[GAGARAN yells]


Acid Splash!


expl*sive Talisman!


Adamantine Shield Technique!


Vermin Bane!

[GAGARAN panting]

We did it.

[ENTOMA grunting]


I'll finish her.



[TIA gasps]

[EVILEYE gasps]

[DEMIURGE] I'd appreciate it

if you stopped there, ladies.

[GAGARAN] Hey is he...

Is he like you, Evileye?


Are you all right?

I will handle things

from here on out.

Please, head back,

heal up, rest a bit.



That is a monster

among monsters.

What are you gonna do, shorty?


Don't worry.

Once I've bought you

enough time to escape,

I'll get away using

teleportation magic.


Sorry to keep you waiting.

Shall we get started?


Go! Now!

[DEMIURGE] It would grieve me

to part so soon after meeting,

so I'll block

all teleportation.

Dimensional Lock.


Maximize Magic! Shard Buckshot!




Hellfire Wall!

[EVILEYE gasps]

[EVILEYE growls]


My deepest condolences.

I didn't think that level

of flame would k*ll them.

I assumed they were

at least as strong as you.

Why would you team up with them?

If that did them in,

they were obviously weaklings.


Don't you dare call them that!


Aspect of the Devil: Demon Arm.

[EVILEYE gasps]


Translocation Damage!


Penetrate Maximize Magic!

Crystal Dagger!

[EVILEYE] It went right through

his defenses, and nothing?

[DEMIURGE] Aspect of the

Devil: Razor Sharp Claws!

[EVILEYE] I can't get away

while carrying their bodies.

Which means...

So be it. Let's do this!

[EVILEYE gasps]

[DEMIURGE gasps]



So which one of you

will be my foe?

[AINS] A powerful, masked

demon known as Jaldabaoth

suddenly appeared

in the royal capital.

Evileye, a member of Blue Rose,

realizes she is outmatched

and prepares to die.

However, the reinforcement

hired by Marquis Raeven

arrives just in time.

An adamantite adventurer,

the black-helmed Momon.

Chapter Twelve: "The Final

Battle of the Disturbance."

What in the world are

you trying to do?