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02x10 - Disturbance Begins in the Royal Capital

Posted: 05/22/23 18:28
by bunniefuu


We can finally get

down to business.

I'm sure I don't need to explain

my presence to you, Sebas.


No, there is no need, my lord.


Where's your handkerchief?

You're sweating something awful.

Here. I'll lend you mine.


I have brought her, my lord.


Come in, Tuare.

I wish to see Sebas' human

pet with my own eyes.


Good. You didn't run.

On your kn--



Control spells are unnecessary.

I will permit her indecorum

as a sign of respect

for her bravery.

I am Ains Ooal Gown.

You would do well

to remember it,

for I am the master of

everyone here, including Sebas.

Uh! Right.


Now then. Sebas.

I thought I instructed you

to avoid drawing attention.



Nonetheless, you have courted

calamity for the sake

of this no-account woman.

Am I wrong?

Forgive me, Lord Ains.

I am deeply sorry

that my indiscretion

has caused you trouble.

Nothing like this will

happen again on my watch,

you have my word.



Everyone makes mistakes,

including me.

Be at ease. This blunder is

trivial, so I will forgive it.

Thank you, Lord.

I am most grateful.

[AINS] However, you must still

make amends for your error.

k*ll her.

My lord. Is that necessary?

[AINS] Are you a loyal

dog that serves me,

the , or a stray that

follows its own will?

Think hard before you answer.

Well, I--


Not with words, fool!

Show me through your actions.

[SEBAS grunts]

What is this?


Step away, Sebas!

Right, Lord.


Cocytus, would you say

he deliberately put enough

force into that attack

to k*ll this girl?


Without a doubt, Lord.


In that case,

I take it as undeniable proof

that Sebas' loyalty is genuine.

This pleases me to no end.


[AINS] Now, let's move on

to the next topic.

After an in-depth assessment,

I believe you've gathered

sufficient information.

I've decided to

vacate this mansion

and return to Nazarick.

As for the fate of the

woman, give me some time.

I do not think death

will be necessary,

but I'm not yet certain of it.

Demiurge, I will be taking

Victim back with me.



Greater Teleportation!

All of this has

taken a toll on her.

I think it would be best

if she returned to her room.

Since there's no

longer an issue,

I will escort her there myself.

With your permission,

of course, Lord Demiurge.

I suppose.

Do what you must, Sebas.


I do not intend to apologize.

But, I am certain that if I had

gone about this a different way,

I would not have to break

my promise to you now.

What are you telling me?

[SEBAS] To go and live a happy

life in the world of humans.

Lord Ains should be able to

erase all your bad memories.

You can start over.

Live free and happy.

But, what about you?

I think it best if you

forget me as well.

After all, there's nothing

good about me to remember.


What do mean, "nothing good"?

The only reason I'm happy

is because I'm with you,

don't you see that?

This is the first home

I haven't thought of as hell.

You gave me meals, a warm bed,

and a decent, rewarding job.

I was born and raised in a small

farming village, you see.

My life was as difficult

there as in the brothel.

We would tend to the fields

with empty stomachs

and dry throats.

Only to have the

feudal lord take away

most of our crop yield.

Those of us that didn't

starve went mad with hunger.

Not to mention, the way

our lord treated us

as his personal playthings.

Even when I screamed,

he would keep laughing as

he violated me. He laughed!


All right.

It may mean your death.

[TUARE] I would rather remember

and be k*lled at your hand.

At least I would die

having felt warmth

and happiness for a time.


I will ask permission

to take you back with me,

if that's truly what you wish.


Thank you, Lord Sebas.


But first, I must ask.

Do you have any attachment

to the world of humans?

I would kind of like to see

my younger sister again one day.

But my desire to not

remember my painful past

far outweighs any other

desires I may have.

Very well then.

Go. Rest in your room for now.

I will go to Lord Ains again

and make the request.


[SEBAS grunts]

That tickled my chin.

I've never had a happy kiss.

Thanks for that.

Thank you for

indulging me, Lord.

Is something wrong?

Your face is flushed red.

You need not worry.

I am fine, my lord.

There's no need

for titles with me.


I don't need it, either.


All right.


Good, you're all here. Rise.


I believe that went well.

How about you, Demiurge?

Have your anxious

thoughts been abated?

I, for one, never questioned

Sebas' loyalty

to me or Nazarick.


Yes, Lord, I am satisfied.

And I am deeply sorry

for my lack of faith.

Despite your trust in him,

you granted my request

to test his loyalty and

it's greatly appreciated.

[AINS] It's no matter.

I have oversights, as well.

Now, you wished to

discuss how to deal

with that human woman, Sebas?

I do.

[AINS] I assume you're

worried that she could

leak information about Nazarick

once she's been released?

Then, after her

memories are re-arranged,

you may provide her with

coin and relocate her.

If I may, k*lling her would

guarantee our safety, my lord.



I am not one who resorts

to homicidal acts

when it gains me nothing.


Understood, Lord.

In that case, what if I put

her to work in my stockyards?


Hm. Yes, that could work nicely.

If I may, Lord.


Mm. What is it, Sebas?

There is another solution.

I would like to put

the girl to work

in the Great Tomb of Nazarick,

if you're willing.





I'll ask you the same thing

I asked Cocytus recently.

Will taking her in

benefit me in any way?

Yes. Tuare's an

exceptional cook.

Since only a few in Nazarick

possess that skill,

adding her to our

number will help

lighten the load,

if only a little.



I, too, have been

considering that very point.

[DEMIURGE] But, Lord, are we

certain this stray human

can prepare food

worthy of Nazarick?

[SEBAS] Tuare seems well versed

in cooking household fare.

Whether or not it's

"worthy," I couldn't say.

I, for one, believe

something as common

as steamed potatoes has

no place in the Tomb.

[SEBAS] I cannot help but

think you are being too haste

in your judgement.

If she is skilled

with homely meals,

then she is capable of mastering

other forms of cooking.

We should look to the future.

[DEMIURGE] In that case,

I would like her to help

with the cooking at

my stockyard, first.

Making mincemeat for Abelion

sheep is no easy chore.


I would be against that.

--Her talents would go to waste.

--[TOUCH ME] Come on, Ulbert.

[TOUCH ME] We put farming

the rare drop from Surt,

the Fire Giant on the guild

calendar a few days ago.

How could you forget?

[ULBERT] You're the one

whose forgotten, Touch.

We still have several members

who need to complete

the Ice Dragon Hunt event,

so that they can unlock the

ability to change classes.

[TOUCH ME] Yes, but Surt's

drop rate is much lower

than the Ice Dragon's.

It'd be far more efficient

to take care of it first.



You can be such a spoiled

freakin' brat sometimes.

[TOUCH ME] Look who's talking,

Mr. Pouty-Mc-Goat Face!

The Ice Dragon is much more...

[DEMIURGE] I'm not trying

to assign blame, I simply--


Shut up already!

We are in the presence

of Lord Ains!

Pardon us, Lord!

We were careless.

[SEBAS] Our foolish

behavior was inexcusable.

[AINS laughs] I do not mind.

Please, be at ease.

I miss bickering like this!

[AINS laughs]


Inhibited again.

I'd like to speak

to Tuare once more.

Bring her here.

Right away.

I'll just be a moment.


She looks familiar.

Thanks for coming.

I have some questions.

But know that if your

answers are untruthful

or unsatisfactory, we are done.

You will lose your memories.

First, tell me your full name.

Okay. It's Tuareninya

Veyron, Lord.


You don't say.

All right then, Tuareninya.

Is your desire to go to

the Great Tomb of Nazarick?

To live among the inhuman there?

I am willing to give

you great wealth

and send you to a land

far away from here,

should you prefer it.

I wish to stay with Lord Sebas.


Very well.

My servants. I have decided.




In the name of Ains Ooal Gown,

Tuareninya is now

under my protection.

You will be

welcomed as my guest,

and want for nothing.

Thank you very much, my lord,

but if you'll allow it,

I would like to be put to

work alongside Lord Sebas.


If that is your wish, so be it.

Henceforth, you shall

work directly under Sebas

as a provisional maid.

At the same time,

Sebas will step down

from his role as leader

of the Pleiades.

The youngest of

the Seven Sisters,

Aureole Omega will

take his place.

Yuri Alpha will

be deputy leader.

Also, please inform

everyone in the Tomb

that I have personally

staked the great name

of Ains Ooal Gown on

Tuareninya's safety,

and that she will

work alongside them

from this day forward.

Demiurge, do you

have any objections

to my decision?


Not in the least, Supreme One.

[AINS] Then to confirm,

all the sentries posted

in this mansion will return

to Nazarick at once.

Sebas, Solution,

prepare to withdraw.


Lord Ains.


What is it, Demiurge?


The Abelion Sheep are omnivores,

so I would like to take

this opportunity to procure

a small amount of grain.

[AINS] I see. Sebas,

before you withdraw,

purchase a large amount of grain

and deliver it to

Demiurge for me.

As you wish, Lord Ains.


Forgive my curiosity,

but did you spare the girl

because you know her?

[AINS] I believe,

perhaps more than anything,

in returning kindness with

kindness, and evil with evil.

We should endeavor to

pay our debts back in full.

[AINS] This diary

belonged to a young girl,

broken hearted and

furious at the kidnapping

of her older sister.

To a certain degree,

it provided me

with a general knowledge

of this world.

I'm indebted to you, Ninya.

I can't repay you directly,

but I will do so

through your sister.


Lord Ains.

I'd like to make a request,

if you'll indulge me.



After reading over

Sebas' findings,

there is one place

I would like to see.

Could I impose on you, Lord?


I don't mind.

You are acting for the benefit

of Nazarick, aren't you?

Go ahead. Enjoy.

I plan to, Lord.


We're going out for grain

and to pay respects

to some acquaintances.

We could be gone for some time.


All right.

[SEBAS] Keep an eye on things

while we're gone, Tuare.

I will.

Don't worry, Lord Sebas.

[RENNER] Last night,

Climb captured the head

of Eight Fingers'

sl*ve trade division.


Not too shabby.

I think we should

alter our plan.

We'll launch simultaneous raids,

and take down all of

their strongholds at once.

If we wait too long,

we'll be at a disadvantage.

[GAGARAN] Well, yeah, but I

thought we were short-handed.

Can we pull it off?

I'm fairly certain

the nobleman I'm meeting

will be eager to lend a hand.

They're here, Princess.

Oh, whoa.

I was surprised to receive

a summons from you,

and intrigued.

It certainly piqued

my interest as well,

so I decided to tag along.

I trust you mind.

Oh, brother.

[RENNER] Thank you

for coming, so quickly.

I would like to ask for advice.

My advice? Really.

I believe that no one

in all the court

is better versed

in these matters

than you are, Marquis Raeven.


[RENNER] I can have

something sweeter made.

There's no need.

I'm sure we'd all like

to avoid any of these

chatty palace maids

seeing us together

and reporting it back

to their families.

Shall we dispense

with the pleasantries

and talk about what

you really want?


Don't ask for too much.

The Marquis may be one

of the Six Great Nobles

and a member of

the Noble Faction,

but he has his own

position to consider.


Straight to the point, then.

Since you've been working with

the Royal Faction in secret,

I'd like you to

mobilize the military

[BOTH gasp]

[RENNER] True, it might

have been better to bring

this request to the three

Great Nobles who are publicly

aligned with the Royal Faction.

Sadly, one of them,

Marquis Bloomrush,

is a traitor, and has

been feeding information

to the Empire.

Just a moment, Princess Renner.

You knew, right?

Of course, the "shameless

opportunist" would never

be caught uninformed

in these dire times.

How else would you

manipulate the factions

to keep the kingdom intact?

That is why you

restrict the information

that flows his way, so he never

learns anything important.

Masterfully done, by the way.

You live like a bird

in a gilded cage up here.

How do you know this?

I get bits of information

and fill in the blanks.

The maids do love their gossip.

You truly are a monster.

[RENNER giggles]

Very well then.

I suppose we can

drop all pretense.

If that's okay with you, Prince.

But, before we do,

I would like to speak with the

real Princess Renner, please.


It's better than I thought.

I remember seeing those eyes

when you were still a child!

You've just been

putting on an act?

I was, until I had

been fulfilled.

You mean that boy, Climb?

Yes indeed.

I'd marry him if I could.

Though, while I was at it,

I'd love chaining him up

and keeping him all to myself.

What joy I would feel!

"Keep"? I see.

It's an obsession, not love.

I am in love with him!

I adore his eyes, and the

way they look at me.

Not to mention the way

he follows me around

like a loyal dog on a leash.

So sorry. I'm quite confused.

I don't need you to

understand, dear brother.

As long as you know

that I am fond of Climb

and love him more than anything,

that is enough for me.

But Climb is just a commoner.

Marriage is impossible.

I'll make a deal with you.

Support my ascension, and I'll

make sure you get hitched.

I'm in!

That was quick.

The moment I saw you, brother.

I wanted nothing more than

to bring up that subject.

On that note.

I have another request

for you, Marquis Raeven.

I'm listening.


Unless I'm mistaken,

you are father to a young boy?

Yes, he just turned five.

I would like for him

to be my betrothed.


I will die before I give

my boy to a woman like you!

Please, excuse my

outburst, Highness.

Would you mind telling me

your reasons, Princess?

I'm sure you've figured it out.

You plan to marry my son,

but actually have your

children with Climb.

Then, my son could have children

with whichever woman he loved,

and they'd be successors.

Does that sum it up?

You're really proposing

this right in front of me?


Better now than later,

don't you think?

--I hear...

--[RENNER] Yes? plan to go up

against Eight Fingers.

I would like to strike at them

before they burrow too deeply,

but I need soldiers.

Where will you be attacking?


Seven locations.

The problem is that each

of them are in territories

owned by different noblemen.

If we could uncover evidence

that ties them to Eight Fingers,

I could use it to exert pressure

and make the nobles compliant.

Or we could find something

during the attack.

Surely one of these

locations hides a secret.

Also, sister.

I have an important

question to ask you.

You're aware that our

beloved older brother

is also taking money

from Eight Fingers, right?

[gasps] Not Brother Barbro.

This could be our

opportunity to depose him!

We should definitely consider

including his drug division

stronghold in your

plan of attack.

Taking out eight

targets is obviously

better than seven.

As for soldiers.

I will send my own

guardsmen and faction military.

Though, even with

adequate numbers,

the real question is whether

we can hold our own

against the adamantite

members of Six Arms.

If needed, I can

call in a few favors

from the adventurer's guild.


He's here.

[RENNER] I think this

gentleman can handle Six Arms.

[SOLUTION] That took

longer than I expected.

But at least we know

the grain is secure.

We can return to

Nazarick without issue.



Tuare, are you here?

There are a number

of scratch markings

around the front door's keyhole.

Unless we have

three-foot-tall rodents,

someone must have

picked the lock.

Tuare's been kidnapped,

and I'm going to get her back.

They have left

instructions to meet them

at a particular time and place.

[SOLUTION] I wonder if

that's the best course.


I just mean you should inform

Lord Ains before you go,

or have you already

forgotten that he swore

to protect that

human girl of yours?


Report this to Lord Ains for me.

Tell him the situation and ask

what we should do about it.

[ALBEDO giggling]


--[AINS] Albedo.

Yes, I hear you, Lord Ains.

Is there some way that

I might serve you?

[AINS] I just got a message

from Solution, or rather,

from Sebas through her.

Apparently the woman

he took in, Tuare,

has been abducted.

I am occupied at the moment.

Put together some

forces to back Sebas up.

Forgive my insolence, Lord.

You know I wouldn't

object without good cause.

But, I fail to see the value

in devoting our resources

to save an inferior creature.


No value?

I swore her safety on the

great name of Ains Ooal Gown.

My word is the most

valuable thing I can offer!

Is that clear?

If not, I'll spell

it out for you!

This affront cannot

be allowed to stand!

Even if they were

unaware of my word,

they will atone for it!


I have received your orders.

There is nothing you need

to apologize for, my lord.

The fault was mine entirely.

The girl will be rescued,

and I will personally make sure

these fools regret their folly.

[AINS] No need for that.

You organize them,

and Demiurge will

command them onsite.

[sighs] Still, I don't

understand. Ains Ooal Gown.


[AINS] Tuare is kidnapped

by Eight Fingers.

It is unacceptable for

anyone under the protection

of Ains Ooal Gown to be hurt.

Sebas ventures to a

known Eight Fingers base,

where he encounters the

group's enforcers, Six Arms.

They plan to make an example

out of him, with his execution.

Chapter Eleven: "Jaldabaoth."

Fools cannot see the truth.