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02x07 - Blue Roses

Posted: 05/22/23 18:26
by bunniefuu
[AINS] First up, the

supplemental funds for Sebas.

Next, is the reconstruction

and equipment fund for

the Lizard Men villages.

That leaves...


Freakin' chump change!


Dammit all.

Why is there never enough money?

Maybe I should find a merchant

with deep pockets to sponsor me.

No. Momon is highly respected.

I can't have people thinking

he's only in it for the money.

Still. I really need the cash.




Do you have news?

Yes, Mr. Momon, sir.


She's still doing that.

It's become a verbal

tic at this point.


What is it?

Forgive my intrusion,

but I thought

you would like to know

the iron ore you requested

has arrived and the merchant

is waiting for payment.



Take this and thank him for me.

May I ask why you ordered it

from so many different sources?


It's an experiment.

I'm learning how

the Exchange Box

appraises things in this world.

Understood, sir.

Then I will retrieve

the ore and report back.



And if the situation

should turn ugly,

how will you handle it?

Safety takes priority.

I will withdraw immediately.

Once I'm clear.

I will relocate to

the dummy Nazarick,

that Lady Aura constructed,

with all due haste.

And, in doing so,

confuse our enemies.

[AINS] Good. Avoid routes

with large crowds

where you can

easily be att*cked.

And should any bystanders

accost or cat-call you,

do not injure them severely.

Keep your bloodlust in check,

and refrain from calling

humans "worms" or "insects."

Remember, we are

high-ranking adventurers.

Both our reputations

hinge on your restraint.



That is all. Good luck.


[AINS] Hm... Expenses piling

up when you're broke

happens in every world, huh?

[CLIMB grunting]



Why don't you call it a day?


Lord Stronoff.

There's no point in

overdoing it. Rest up.

Yes, you're right, of course.

Am I now?

If you really took

stock in my advice,

I wouldn't have

to waste my breath

reminding you every day.

I'm terribly sorry, sir.

Since you won't rest,

how about a practice match?

With you, sir?

Just recently,

I was shown how

callow I truly am.

I'd like to train with someone

who has a little resilience.

Callow? You, Lord? No way.


If not for the aid of a merciful

and awe-inspiring caster,

there's a good chance

I wouldn't be standing

here right now.

What sort of magic

caster could do that?

His name is Ains Ooal Gown.

He is incredible.

Even the Baharuth Empire's

freakish wizard

wouldn't stand a chance.

At least, that's what

I think of him.

I'll be sure to remember him.

You can count on that, my lord.

But are... you sure

you wanna train

with someone as

inexperienced as me?

It's not training.

Just practicing with swords.

Whether you learn something from

it or not is entirely up to you.

[GAZEF] Now, give it

everything you've got.

Any day now.

If you won't, that's fine.

I will!

[CLIMB grunts]

[CLIMB yelps]

[CLIMB grunts]

Just because a sword

is all I'm carrying

doesn't mean you should

focus your attention on it.

Change that, or you'll

wind up on the floor again.



Very good, Climb.

A normal soldier would've

been done after that.

Princess Renner relies

on me for safety.

I have to become

stronger than I am.

Fine. Then stop waiting for me!

[CLIMB yells]

[GAZEF grunts]


[CLIMB grunting]

I told you, stop focusing on

what's in my damn hand!

Martial Art Fortress!

You baited me?

That's right!

Here we go! Martial Art, Slash!

[GAZEF grunts]

[CLIMB grunts]


You surprised me.

Now I'm going to take this

a bit more seriously.

I hoped you would!

[CLIMB yells]

[CLIMB panting]


How about it?

I think I did a good job

of controlling myself,

considering your bones

are still intact.

I'm just bruised. That's all.

A little rest and I'm good.

[GAZEF] You'll be off to guard

the Princess soon, right?

Yes, sir.

Drink this. It'll fix

the worst of it.

Thank you very much, my lord.

You really are amazing,

you know? How did you...?

If you're asking how

I got this strong,

you're out of luck.

I don't have a good

answer for you.

I simply have a talent

for the art of combat.

But, Climb, you have

that same talent.

All you have to do is hone it.


You think so?


But that formal training

is holding you back.

You can't help but focus on

fighting with the sword alone.

That'll get you k*lled

in the heat of battle.

The sword is just one

means of attacking.

Try to incorporate your hands,

feet, knees, elbows--

your whole body

into your method.

If you don't mind fighting

like a muddy

adventurer, that is.

I learned a lot from you today.

Thank you very much.

That strike from above

is one of your best abilities.

However, you should think about

what you're going to do

next as a follow through.

Right! I will!


Chief Warrior.

If you'll excuse me.

What is it, Vice-Chief?

This is bad, sir.

The boy is bodyguard

to the Princess.

If word got out that he fought

the chief royal warrior,

and either of you lost,

the Noble Faction

would have a field day.

I just wanted to

spar with someone

who could keep me

on my toes for a bit.

[VICE CHIEF] Well, I don't

think anyone saw you,

but you should be more

careful from now on.

His common heritage

is only compounded

by the fact that he's an

orphan from God knows where.

The Noble Faction's antipathy

toward him is pretty strong.

So, do you think you

can help him improve?

Sadly, he's as strong

as he's ever going to be.

He's what adventurers would

call "capped at gold."

But while he's limited

by his ability,

he's not limited by experience.

Only time will tell.

Hold on.

Gazef, is that Prince Zanac

with Marquis Raeven?

Why would someone

of the Noble Faction

be with the Prince?

Does he intend to switch

to the Royal Faction?

Very possible--

that Marquis is a

shameless opportunist.

Wouldn't shock me

to see him anywhere.

Who knows what he's

working behind the scenes.


Ah, the ever-dutiful Climb.

On your way to visit

that monster, I presume?

I am.

With all due respect, Highness,

Princess Renner is a kindhearted

and beautiful treasure

of the kingdom.

I'm not the one who

called her a monster,

and I will deny anyone

who says otherwise.


But a "beautiful

treasure," well,

considering the money

she's wasted on commoners

and the prohibition

of transit-tariffs.

I hardly think "treasure"

is appropriate.


I believe Princess Renner

proposed the measure

that abolished the sl*ve

trade within the kingdom.

Surely that has merit.

A rare exception, that.

But what about

the others, Marquis?

She knows her goal

is impossible,

so she throws darts in the dark

with no regard to who she hits.

I'm certain she wouldn't

do such a thing, Lord.

I'm sure you are.

Would you deliver a message

to that monster for me?

If given the chance,

our elder brother

will use her as a

political instrument,

but if she works with me,

he will graciously relieve her

of her title as Princess

and grant her a comfortable

plot of land out

in the frontier.

[gasps] Surely you jest, Lord.

I'll pretend I didn't

hear that, for your sake.

What a shame. I thought

it was quite good.


One more thing.

Marquis Raeven and I

are of the same mind

when it comes to that

girl and her "policies."

I dare say our joining

forces will prove to be

the last nail in Renner's

proverbial coffin.

Prince Zanac.

Don't worry about it, Marquis.

I'm fairly certain that

monster is quite aware

of our opinion of her.

[MAID A] Goodness, what's

a commoner doing in here?


The princess has bizarre tastes.





Pardon me.

I was wondering where you were.

Morning, Princess.

Sorry I'm late. Lady Aindra.


Oh, her. She's a

member of my team.


This is Tina.

My apologies. It's a

pleasure to meet you.

My name is Climb.

I'm well aware

of your exploits--

of all Blue Rose's

members, in fact.

You're practically

living legends.



Thanks for looking after

my fiendish boss' friend.

We were just getting to

the meat of the discussion.

Why don't you join us?

I'm your bodyguard.

It would be inappropriate.


It makes no difference to me.

My lady. I couldn't possibly.

Enough with formality.

Just call me Lakyus.

Special men get that privilege.


Please don't joke

like that, my lady.

Wait, she was joking?

'Course I was, sweetie.

I mean, Climb is special,

don't get me wrong,

but it's because he's your man.

I was just having fun.

You're incorrigible.

Now, sit down and drink

before your tea gets cold.

Don't worry, Tina's

the only one who bites.

[RENNER] Now, back to

what we were discussing.

About Eight Fingers, right?

Where'd we leave off?

I'm pretty sure I covered

how we burned the fields

they used for producing

Black Dust materials.


On that note, I can't thank

you and Blue Rose enough.

My brother and the

nobles do nothing

but quarrel among themselves.

If they keep allowing

Eight Fingers to secretly

do business in the

kingdom's shadows,

it will fall into ruin.

Our nation will crumble

from the inside out.


I don't have any

influential backing

or a military force

at my discretion.

I'm sorry.

It's just, since

Eight Fingers has ties

to the noble and royal factions,

I must put the burden on

adventurer's like Blue Rose.

No need for apologies.

We're friends, after all.

Tina, give her the parchment.

[LAKYUS] We found this in

the village where they were

producing Black Dust.

Know what it is?

It's a substitution cipher.

[BOTH gasp]


I wonder why they

left it behind?

A trap? Or for

some other reason?

And if it was a trap,

why use something so hard?

Be right back.

I have a hunch that

cracking this code

will prove fairly easy.


You got that right.

I don't understand

why she thinks

she's powerless to help anyone.

Of all the people I know,

she's the only one

I would call a genius

and mean it.

Well, it isn't orders from

their higher ups, sadly.

But it is a list of

villages and buildings.

Seven of which

are in the capital.

Do you think they're

Black Dust stockpiles

or other critical

production sites?

I doubt they'd leave

anything that important

at a production site or

written in such an easy code.

I think... it was bait.


They tricked us?

[RENNER] Not exactly.

Eight Fingers is divided up

into eight different

organizations, right?

Yeah, that's the rumor, anyway.

There's smuggling,

sl*ve trading, gambling,

illegal dr*gs and each

one has its own chief.

Then I believe these are bases

for the other organizations.

They need our

attention diverted

until they can get

things back on track.

And they're using their

own partners as bait?

That underground brothel's

not on the list.


What is it?

I'm confused.

I thought that

such establishments

had been done away with

thanks to the princess.


Abolishing the sl*ve trade

did a lot of good.

But, unfortunately,

one Eight Fingers brothel

is still active

here in the capital.

Tell me, Renner,

what would you say

to Blue Rose raiding the place

and putting an end to it

once and for all?

If it turned up some

evidence as a result,

it would strike a powerful

blow against the nobles

who are in bed

with Eight Fingers.

I appreciate your willingness,

but I would hate

to create trouble for

you and your family.

On the other hand,

it would be too much

for Climb to handle alone.

I'm terribly sorry for my

lack of strength, Princess.

Forgive me, Climb,

that was careless!

That isn't what I was

implying at all, okay?

I rely on you more

than anyone, Climb.

I can't begin to thank you

for how hard you work,

even when you don't

think I'm looking.

Just, please, don't do

anything too foolhardy.

In fact, I order you not to.

You see, if anything

happened to you, I'd...

I would...

[clears throat]

In any case, while we

can't ignore the brothel,

we should discuss the other

locations on this paper

and what to do about them

before they catch on.

You're right. We should take

advantage of the opportunity.

They still haven't

realized we're responsible

for the village attack.

However, they have got to

know that this information

has been leaked by now.

Is it okay if we borrow

Climb for a little while?

I'd like him to tell

Gagaran and the others

that we're making

our move right away.

Understood, Lady Aindra!

[LAKYUS muffled] Come to think

of it, Tina's investigation

turned up the names

of several nobles...

My, my.

Sounds like the Princess is

doing something reckless again.

Must be tough on those

Blue Rose ladies.

I'm afraid that one of

those nobleman's daughters

is currently serving

me as a maid.

Well, it doesn't

seem likely that

she was sent here just

to spy on you, but still.

Yes, I know.

I'll have to tell Climb to be

extra careful from now on.

Welcome back, my lord.

I've been waiting.

That's very thoughtful of you.

I trust there were no

problems with your work?


No, none.

Well done, Tuare.

I'm glad to hear it.

Have you decided what we're

having for dinner tonight?

A stew, Lord.

Made with chopped potatoes.

If it proves to be as tasty

as your previous dishes,

I'm looking forward to it.

You don't mean that.

I wouldn't lie to you, Tuare.

Are you sure you have all

the ingredients for the dish?

No. Sorry, I'll

check on it later.

We can go shopping

together if you like.


No, that's all right.

Do not worry.

I understand your fear.

I'm not angry.

You must be terrified

of going outside.

But, please, rest assured.

I made a promise to

protect you, Tuare.

No matter what perils

may come your way.

I will dash them to pieces.

You have my word.

Tuare, keep moving forward.

If you're scared, I don't mind

if you close your eyes to do it.

All I ask is you trust

me to lead the way.

Lord Sebas, you

aren't being fair.

You aren't.

There is no way I could possibly

say no to you after that.

And don't worry about me.

I may not look it but

I'm strong, I assure you.

As a matter of fact,

there are only others

who are stronger than me.

At least, they're the

only ones I'm aware of.

Is that a lot? Forty-one?



I've returned and am at

your service, my lady.

Very good. Thank you, Sebas.

Are you certain we should not

inform Lord Ains about her?

I imagine he requires you

to be in daily contact with him.

Could you not simply make

mention of that woman

the next time you report in?

First off, I have an

extremely high regard

for her culinary abilities,

Solution. Secondly,

if any humans were

to see us living alone

in this mansion,

it might raise suspicion

and spur them to

scrutinize our presence.

So, she's part of

a diversionary tactic?

[SEBAS] Yes and if I

were to seek permission

from Lord Ains over

a matter as simple

as maintaining our cover,

he's likely to snap

and tell me to think for myself.

[STAFFAN] I am Staffan Havish,

a constable charged

with keeping the peace here

in our glorious capital.

What can I do

for you, Constable?


There's an establishment, well,

his establishment, actually.

Call me Succulent.

A pleasure to meet you, my lady.

I received a disturbing report

from an eyewitness recently.

Apparently, someone with

a scroll bearing the seal

of the magicians' guild,

gave him an exorbitant

amount of money and made off

with one of his employees.

Sounds like a clear violation

of our sl*ve trade

prohibition. So, my lady.

Has someone in your house

been especially naughty?

This is boring.




I will let my butler, Sebas,

deal with this touchy matter.

I'm sure he can handle

things from here.

Good day, gentlemen.

Now then, as my

lady has ordered.

I will listen to

what you have to say

and take whatever

action is necessary.

[STAFFAN] Well, from the

circumstantial evidence alone,

it is beyond a doubt that

you have committed a crime.

Fortunately for you

and your mistress,

he's a benevolent man and is

willing to offer you clemency

which will, naturally,

take the form of consolation

payments and commissions.

[SEBAS] I see. And how

much will that cost?

Five hundred gold.

Not a copper less.

That is beyond extortionate.

The girl was in a terrible

state when I found her.

If you were to

take her away now,

she might very well die from it.

You don't say. How tragic.

In the interest of my

dear employee's welfare,

what would you say to loaning us

the lady of your house, instead?

While the girl recovers.

Oh, indeed!

Your lost income

must be compensated!

Your excessive lust must

be a problem for you.

Ah! How dare you! Lust has

nothing to do with it!

I am merely upholding the law

that came at the noble

behest of the eminent

Golden Princess Renner!

I will not stand here

and suffer your insults!

Now, now, there's no reason

to let your blood

boil, Lord Havish.

We'll return the day after

tomorrow for your decision.

I hope, for your sake,

it's the right one, Sebas.

We'll see, won't we?

May I ask what you plan to do?

[SEBAS] I think I'll go for a

short stroll and think it over.



Hello? Lord Ains?

Can you hear me?



I'm surprised to

have you contact me.

Is something wrong?

I think...

...there's a chance that

Lord Sebas has turned on us.


Mm... U-Uh, really?

[AINS clears throat]

No kidding around.

If you don't have proof

of this accusation,

punishment will be swift.

Is there any?

Yes, Lord.

[AINS] In search of the

strength to protect his master,

Climb puts forth

relentless effort.

In the eyes of those

stronger than he,

Climb has no potential

physically or with magic.

Knowing this, Climb presses on,

until eventually,

his search for strength brings

him to meet a powerful old man.

Chapter : "A boy's feeling".

If you wish for strength,

show your resolve.