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02x05 - The Freezing God

Posted: 05/22/23 18:25
by bunniefuu

If that is all, Lord Ains.

I will take my leave

and return to my duties

in the Great Tomb.


Outstanding work, Victim.

Keep the first floor of

Nazarick safe until we return.


With my life, if needed.





[AURA] Sorry the place

is so shabby, Lord Ains.

When I heard you

would be coming,

I kinda panicked and

turned it into a rush job.


There is no need to apologize.

You built this place for me

out of love and devotion.

In my eyes, it is on par

with even Nazarick.



That being said,

I have to ask: what is that?


Plain though it may be,

it seemed only right to

prepare a throne for you.


And the bones?


We assembled the best parts

of various animals.

Griffons, wyverns, and the like.


That's not what I... Nevermind.


I don't care what he says,

those are human skulls.

I can't sit on that!



I promised you

punishment, didn't I?

This is the perfect

time to administer it.

Your humiliation.

Get down on your

hands and knees.



Brilliant, my lord. I'm in awe!


Sorry, Demiurge, the throne

will go to waste for now.

It could never

compare to this, Lord.

A Guardian as your throne?

Truly, such a seat is

worthy of the Supreme One,

for it could be

claimed by no other!

This is inspired!

I never would have

thought of it!


Is that so?

[ALBEDO] Lord Ains. May I

be excused from the room?

I will only be a moment.


If you must. Go on.


Thank you very much.

--[ALBEDO growling, screaming]


I am refreshed,

and ready to serve.


Uh. Great!


Ah yes, Aura.

I'm afraid when I left I

accidently bumped into the wall.

It appears to have been damaged.

Could you fix it up

for me, later?

Sorry for the inconvenience.

No biggie.

[SHALLTEAR panting]


Hm. Shalltear, is this too much?

If so, I could...

It is not too much

at all, my lord!

I take it as the grandest

of rewards, in fact!


[MOMONGA] No. I should see

this punishment through.

My... lord....



Shalltear's slip-up was a

direct result of my failure.

If I have to suffer through this

in order to punish

myself, so be it.

Still, Peroronicino.

Just how kinky did

you make this chick?



All right, down to business.

Do you think we effectively

scared the hell out of them?

We were so awesome

it almost scared me!

Without a doubt, Ains my lord.

Their faces were riddled

with delicious fear.


Very good.

Then I suppose we can

call the first stage

of Coctyus' demonstration

a success.

We've set the stage

perfectly for him.


Why don't we see

how the Lizard Men

are spending their time?


Utterly wasting it.


Save for the Chiefs.

Hm. I don't see the white lizard

or the one with

the magic w*apon.

He said his name

was Zaryusu, right?


Ah, yes. I believe you're right.

Maybe he's inside

one of the houses.


It's quite possible.


The Mirror of Remote Viewing

can't offer a view indoors.

At least, not normally.

However, using magic,

I can create a sensory organ.

Then, by linking the two,

we should be able to...


[AINS grunts]


I can't abide these Lizard Men!

[MARE] Were they wrestling?

I don't get it.

[SHALLTEAR] Repulsive!

They should be punished...


Why are we so angry?

--Wait, were they...?

--[AURA] Totally gross!

--Oh. Oh . Wow.

--No one wants to see that!


One of these days...

[AINS] Well, they are about

to die. In these situations,

the instinct to preserve

the species kicks in.

If movies are to be

believed at least. Hmph!


Yes, it's only natural.


This much can be forgiven.


Right? Totally fine!

Leave it to Lord Ains

to know what's up.


All of you, quiet!


[AINS] That took the wind

right out of my sails.


Oh, crap!

Was that too soon

for Aura and Mare?

What am I supposed to tell them

if they ask where

babies come from?

Turn to Albedo? No, bad idea.

Demiurge? He would

explain it clinically.

Solid choice.


Huh. Actually, that doesn't

sound as bad as I thought.

Whatever. That's a

problem for future Ains.

[AINS clears throat] Aura, since

we have yet to see any activity

from them at this stage,

it is highly unlikely

that we will run into

whoever att*cked Shalltear.

But a slim chance

is still a chance.

Be vigilant and mind

your surroundings.




If there is an Yggdrasil player

on the Lizard Men's

side we will give them

one chance to ally with us.

If they refuse,

we must destroy them

to keep information

from getting out.


That monstrosity is Cocytus?


Listen carefully.

Do not hold back,

no matter what happens.

Lord Ains is watching, and only

your best will satisfy him.

But, before we start...

Ice pillars!

[COCYTUS] I accept all of you

as honorable warriors,

so please forgive any affront

my next statement might cause.

Beyond this gate

lies your death.

Should you choose

to step beyond it,

know that it will be your last.

How 'bout that?

Monster with manners.

You should stay back, for now.

In fact, go back to the village.


Wha--? No!

Let us fight with you,

Chief Shasuryu!

It's not cowardly to withdraw!

Nor is living!


Then let us--

But some of us don't

have that option!

You would not accept

us as your Chiefs

if we refused to fight.

In fact, I hope you would

cut us down yourselves.

But we want to fight!

Please, don't rob

us of the honor!

Let us old timers have this.

You'll all get your

chance at honor someday.

Sorry to keep you

waiting, Cocytus!

For the ancestors!



I hate to do this to warriors,

but I must reduce

your numbers quickly.


Frost Aura!


Hm... Seems about right.


Ranged weapons won't hurt me.

All the Guardians of Nazarick

have acquired items

or skills that grant

us full resistance.

[KYUKU yells]


God Slaying Emperor Blade!

Martial Art.

Iron Natural w*apon.

Iron Skin!


[COCYTUS] Not bad at all.

The sword, I mean.




You're just in the way.

[ZARYUSU yells]

Maximize Magic!

Mass Slight Cure Wounds.


[COCYTUS grunts]

[grunts] Damn.

[COCYTUS] You still

have the will to fight?

Then I shall return this to you.

[COCYTUS] That's getting

annoying. Piercing Icicles!





[COCYTUS] Amazing.

Lord Ains predicted this.

That the two of you

would last till the end.

And sure enough,

here you are. Be proud.

How are you holding up

over there, brother?

Bad, I'm afraid. The pain

is still throbbing.

But don't worry, I got

a few more swings in me.

All right. Then that'll

have to be enough.

That last spell really

took it out of me,

my magic power is drained.

One more cast and I'll pass out.

You always did push yourself

too hard, brother.

But, all the same.

As long as I have a drop

of blood left to give,

Frost Pain and I won't give up!


That was a fine w*r cry.

You always did have

a way with words, brother.

We will meet our death together.

Now, come.

Let's not keep our guest

waiting any longer.


I am in no rush.

Far be it from me to

get between brothers

saying their goodbyes.

[COCYTUS] Prepare yourselves.

No, forgive me.

You were prepared for death

long before we crossed blades.

May I have your names

before we finish?

Shasuryu Shasha.

Zaryusu Shasha.

[COCYTUS] I shall

remember you as warriors.

As long as I live,

you will not be forgotten.

Also, I must

apologize yet again.

Normally, I would face

you with a w*apon

in each hand, but you

are not strong enough

for me to draw them.

It would be an insult

to go all out.

To both of you.

That's a damn shame, isn't it?

It sure is. Let's go!

I'm on it. Earth Bind!


My defense cannot be penetrated

by one whose magic

level is inferior.

Don't waste your time!


Icy Burst!

[ZARYUSU yells]

[SHASURYU yells]


Want to take me by surprise?

Then don't scream

like a banshee!

[COCYTUS] Hm? Blood? You did

all of that for this?




I'm sorry.

I have a skill that

temporarily negates any attack

from weak magic weapons.

Unfortunately for you,

that means, as long

as it's activated,

your effort was

meaningless at best.


Well fought!

[blow lands]

[AINS] Cocytus, you fought

admirably today.


And I always will, Lord.

[AINS] That being said,

giving them the stick

is no longer permitted.

You must lead them

only by the carrot.

It must not be

a reign of terror.


I understand, Supreme One.


Very good.

Lift your heads, Guardians,

and hear my words.

The rule over the

Lizard Men villages

is assigned to Cocytus.

If he ever requests

your support,

assist him to the

best of your ability.


Lord Ains.

If I may, what do you intend

to do with the bodies

of those Lizard Men?


Could you be more specific?



The one called Zaryusu

and his brother Shasuryu.

[AINS] Ah, yes. Let's

recover their bodies.

I would like to see the kind

of undead they would make

if they were not

created using my skill.


I think we can do better.


What's on your mind?


I admit they were weak.

But I also cannot deny they

possessed the brilliance

of true warriors.

I truly believe they

have the potential

to become stronger

than we assume,

if given the chance.

Unless I'm mistaken,

you have yet to conduct

any more experiments

with resurrection.

What if you were

to use them for that?

[MOMONGA] The brilliance

of warriors, is it?


I see.

They're too precious

to waste, then?

Is there anyone

who can represent

the Lizard Men villages?


There was one who did not

participate in the fighting.

The white female lizard

with powerful druidic magic.


That one? Interesting.


All right.

How long will it take

to bring her before me?


Forgive me.

I had assumed you

would ask that.

She is already waiting

in the next room.


Well done. I'm pleased, Cocytus.

Your judgement was

right on the mark.

Please, show the female in now.




Tell me your name.


Of course.

Whatever you wish,

Lord Ains Ooal Gown.

Supreme ruler of death.

I am priest and

guide to the tribes.

Crusch Lulu.


Thanks for coming.

Of course, my lord.

Please, accept the absolute

allegiance of my people.

We will serve you

without resistance.





Now that that's done.

I have a special

request for you.

If there is anything this

humble servant can do,

you have but to ask it,

Lord. I'm listening.

[AINS] This isn't an order.

More a "favor."

Accept it, and I will

return Zaryusu to life.

Is that possible?


Life and death are nothing more

than states of being.

To move someone between the two

is a simple matter

to one such as I.

I see. Then, what is

it that you desire?

How can this sl*ve serve you?

Do you wish to

partake of my body?




No. Not exactly.

[AINS clears throat] Nothing

like that. It's quite simple.

I want you to keep an eye

on your fellow tribesman.

Make sure there are none

who would betray me.

There are no such

Lizard Men, I assure you.

[AINS] I am not foolish

enough to believe that.

Not even for a second.

[AINS] I'm offering you

a miracle, Crusch Lulu.

But I cannot wait

for you to decide

where your loyalties truly lie.

Seize this moment

and do as I ask,

or lose the chance forever.

What is most important

to you now?

I want you to think hard on

that while I present my offer.

Then I expect an answer.

I want you to

covertly keep watch

on your fellow Lizard Men

from the inside.

I will cast a special

magic spell on Zaryusu

when I revive him.

If at any point I feel

that you have betrayed me,

the spell will

k*ll him instantly.

And I'll make sure

you see it happen.

Spying on your people

is a small price to pay

to have the love of your

life back, wouldn't you say?

[MOMONGA] Too bad that spell

doesn't really exist.


Time's up, Crusch Lulu.

What is your decision?

[AINS whispers] Even if

she declines, do nothing.


Well? I'm done waiting.

Make your choice.

[CRUSCH muffled]

Zaryusu. Zaryusu!


Come back.


Please. Open your eyes!



[garbled speach] Crusch?

Why are you...?

Is this the afterlife?

Were you k*lled by that monster?

[AINS] You're alive, but the

confusion will last for a while.

Apparently you've lost

some levels, as well.

I guess I can reason that

little has changed

from Yggdrasil.



Wh-What in the...?

[AINS] Zaryusu Shasha, first,

allow me to congratulate you

on your resurrection.

What? Resurrection?

You can bring the

dead back to life?

Truly, your power

cannot be rivaled.


Great One.

I humbly pledge my

eternal allegiance to you.


Very good.

In the name of Ains Ooal Gown,

I accept your fidelity.

All we ask in return,

is to prosper.


Is that it? Fear not.

I can definitely promise

prosperity to all under my rule.

I offer my thanks.


Your speech is still faltering.

A little rest

should remedy that.

Take some time to recover,

then speak with Cocytus

about what is to follow.


Just a moment, Lord.



What about Zenberu

and my brother?

[AINS] Their bodies

should still be around.


Please, Great One.

May I ask you to bring

them back, as well?

[AINS] I don't see what

I would gain from it.

Then, why did you

only resurrect me?

Zenberu and my

brother are strong.

I'm certain that they could

be of great use to you.


I see.

Safeguard their bodies.

I'll consider your request.

Aura, time to go.


Could I play with the

Hydra sometime, my lord?

We managed to survive.

Some more than others.

[ZARYUSU sighs]

You'll be fine, love. I swear.

Just try to focus on recovering.

We can worry about

everything else

when you have

your strength back.



As long as I can

rest in your arms.

[AINS] Sebas and Solution

continue to collect information

in the capital of Re-Estize.

Working with extreme caution,

they seek to uncover

the identity of those

who att*cked Shalltear.

But they have yet to

find even a shadow.

The days seem peaceful

on the surface,

at least until Sebas

meets a certain girl

on a dimly lit street.

Chapter Six: "Those Who Pick Up,

Those Who Are Picked Up".

Miracles do not happen to

those who merely pray.