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02x02 - Departure

Posted: 05/22/23 18:23
by bunniefuu

I am herald to the Great One,

sent to deliver a message.

Henceforth, death's

gaze is upon you!

The Great One has

mobilized an army

to destroy your pitiful race!


you have graciously

been granted time to organize

whatever desperate resistance

your people can pull together.

Eight days from now,

destruction shall descend

upon this land,

and claim your clan as the

second offering of death

among the lake's tribes.

The second?


Offer your pathetic resistance,

so that the Great One may

take delight in your failure,

as his minions cut you down.

Death comes in eight days!

Do not forget!


all saw those malevolent clouds.

That was likely

fourth tier magic.

The spell is "Control Cloud."

Fourth tier magic, huh?

It takes a truly powerful

magic caster to use

spells of that magnitude,

even I can only manage

as high as second tier.

We should evacuate

with all due haste.

Are you really suggesting

we run away without

putting up a fight?

That thing said

we have eight days.

We still have time.

Let's see what the

enemy does until then.




Well, between

running or fighting,

I choose fighting.

You're nothing but a

lowly traveler, Zaryusu.

You're lucky to be sitting here.

Shut your mouth or lose your--!

[TRIBE gasps]

Anyone with knowledge is welcome

to participate in

this meeting, understood?

It would be unwise

not to listen to him.

[ELDER B] Chief Shasuryu,

you shouldn't be giving him

special treatment just

because he's your brother.

Failing to heed the words

of the educated is an act

of the foolish and prideful.

And no warrior would

disregard the opinion

of he who holds Frost Pain.

[ELDERS grunt]


Hm. So, why should we fight?

Because it's our only choice.

Can we win?

Of course we can!

No. Not if things stay

the same as they are now.

What are you talking about?

I believe this foe is confident

because he is aware

of our lack of forces.

If that is the case,

we need to throw

his reckoning off.


Do you remember

our most recent w*r?

'Course we do.


There's no way we could forget.

This marsh was the

home to seven tribes.

There was our tribe, Green Claw.

The skilled hunters

of Small Fang.

Razor Tail, whose

defenses were legendary.

The w*r-loving Dragon Tusk.

The moderate Yellow Speckle.

The great fighters

of Sharp Edge.

And Red Eye with their

priestly abilities.

Then the food shortage struck.

All seven tribes ended up

competing with each other

for what little there was.

Until, finally,

it turned into an all out w*r,

and we made an alliance

with Small Fang and Razor Tail

against Yellow Speckle

and Sharp Edge.

The three of us claimed victory,

and the two defeated tribes

were absorbed into Dragon Tusk,

who stayed out of the fighting.

And why does that matter?

That thing said this village

would be the "second."

Which must mean he

intends to destroy

all of the tribes in order.

You're suggesting

we join forces again.

But is eight days long enough

to mount a meaningful defense?

I'm fairly certain

our former allies,

Small Fang and

Razor Tail will form

an alliance with us once again.

Let there be no mistake.

What I'm suggesting

entails all the tribes.

Brother. We need

to form an alliance

with Dragon Tusk and Red Eye.

We can't!

Dragon Tusk now consists

of the survivors from the two

tribes we beat in the last w*r.

There can be no

alliance between us.

Plus, we have no

interaction with Red Eye.

This seems impossible.

A five-tribe union. I'm for it.

Who will be the envoy

to these two tribes?

I volunteer.

Even though you're a traveler?

That's right.

If they refuse to listen

because I'm a traveler,

then they're on their own.



I insist you take

the chief's seal.

[TRIBE gasps, murmurs]

I am honored.


Hello, brother.





I've always believed

that you should've

become chief instead of me.

If that would've

happened, I never

could have traveled,

which means I wouldn't know

how to farm fish

for the village.

But why do you say

such things now?


You could have learned

those farming practices

here as well.

The bright young men like

yourself should be in charge.

Be the ones who shoulder

the weight of a village.



Tell me.

Are tribe alliances

really all you're after?

[gasps] What does that mean?

What are you implying?

It's hard to overlook

some of the similarities

between now and the past w*r,

such as diminishing

tribe skirmishes and our

increased population.

That's enough.

You shouldn't say anything else.

Just as I thought.

There's no other way.

Not if we want to avoid

a repeat of the last w*r.

What are you planning

to do with them

if the other tribes refuse

to make an alliance with us?

If I can't persuade them,

we'll attack.

You'd actually k*ll

our fellow kinsmen?

That I would.

I do understand. It's the

survival of the tribe.

But what happens

if the man in charge

doesn't consider

that possibility?


Time to head out.

Tell me, brother.

What will the count be?

Ten from warrior class,


three high-priests, males,

females, and the children.

I would say.

Good to know.

If it comes down to it,

I should be able to use those

numbers as bargaining tools.

[SHASURYU chuckles]

It's sure gotten big.

Yeah, but he was a lot

smaller than this

when I found him.


Ha! That's hard to believe.

The first time you brought

him to the village,

I'd thought he was already

too big to handle.

Do you remember that?

Don't do anything crazy!

Come back safely!

Don't worry.

I will carry this plan

through to perfection

and then come home.

Just sit tight.

See you soon.

[door clatters]



It has been far too long,

Assistant Butler.

Oh, hey.

It has been a long time,

Lord Demiurge.

Is Lord Ains in there by chance?

'Fraid not.

He's visiting the human

village for several days.

However, Lady Albedo is inside.

That's too bad.

Isn't it strange, Eclair,

for an assistant butler

such as yourself

to be here without your boss?

Lord Sebas is away on business,

so I must work twice as

hard to make up for him.

That's why I just

finished making

specific arrangements

with Lady Albedo.

I guess you're right.

Now that he's gone,

Nahzareek's ninth floor

is safe in your more than

capable flippers, eh?


I treat this extra work

as preparation for when

I'm finally calling the sh*ts,

and ruling the Great

Tomb of Nazarick.

Right you are.

Keep at it, little guy.

After all, your creator,

Lady Ankoro Mocchi Mochi,

did design you to act that way.

So then.

How exactly are you planning

on achieving that goal?


By cleaning, of course.

I dare say there's

no one in Nazarick half

as thorough at cleaning as me!

After I'm done

with the restroom,

it's safe to eat off both

the floor and the toilet!

[gasps] Truly outstanding!

I'm Zaryusu Shasha

of the Green Claw tribe!

I wish to speak to the

tribal chief of Red Eye!

Zaryusu Shasha of Green Claw,

the one who holds the tribe

together will see you now.

Huh. I wonder why

it's not the chief.

Right through here.

[ELDER C] The one who holds the

tribe together has requested

to speak with you one-on-one.

I am Zaryusu Shasha

of the Green Claw tribe.

I bring an urgent request.


Come in.


Thank you for coming today.


[CRUSCH chuckles]

Even the bearer of Frost Pain,

one of the Four Great

Treasures appears

to find my body bizarre-looking.

Uh, is something the matter?



[yelps] Please, excuse me.

Think nothing of it.

I am the acting chief

of the Red Eye tribe.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

My name is Crusch Lulu.

[ZARYUSU grunts]

Now, may I ask what

brought a member

of the Green Claw tribe

over to our village?

Please marry me.



M-Marry you?

That isn't the reason

I came here, mind you.

I realize it's probably

confusing that I didn't

settle that matter first before

offering up such a proposal.

But I cannot ignore such

strong feelings of love.


But, we... Huh?

A-Again, excuse my rudeness.

Feel free to give me an answer

once we get to know

each other better.

Know each other?


[CRUSCH] It comes as

quite a surprise to me

that you're not afraid of my

white body, like others are.

You see, every now

and then an albino,

such as myself, is born

into the Red Eye tribe.

They always exhibit an

aptitude for some talent,

and in my case that talent

turned out to be

priestly powers.

That's the reason

we always end up

second in command

under the tribal chief.

As white as the snow

blanketing yonder mountains.


Beautiful color.

What did you say?


[ZARYUSU grunts]

[BOTH panting]

Why would you touch me

without asking first?

I've fallen in love with you.

And odds are, we could

both get ourselves k*lled

in this upcoming battle.

I don't want any regrets.

I'm at a loss.

The bearer of Frost Pain

is actually prepared to die?

Did you see the monster

that delivered the message?

I did.

That horrible creature

emitted screams

that rattled the mind,

neutralizing almost any attack

by non-enchanted weapons.

Terrifying indeed.

Last time I encountered it,

I had no choice but to flee.

We druids can help with that.

We possess the

power to temporarily

imbue swords with magic.

Are you able to ward against

mental att*cks as well?

Most priests can, in fact,

bolster one's resistance.

However, protecting the mind

from confusion is different.

I'm the only one who can do so.


What number did it

say your tribe was?

It said we were fourth in line.

I see.

Tell me, what are you

planning to do about it?


I'm going to be

straight with you.


If the Red Eye tribe evacuates,

will you be able to

carry on your lifestyle

in a strange location?


It would be difficult.

[ZARYUSU] So then, if all

five tribes in the area

were to evacuate at once.

What would happen?

What if we couldn't

find enough food?

What if the fish we

depend on grew scarce?

Would we end up k*lling

each other off this time?

You don't mean

that fighting a battle

we may not win

would be a better...


I'm taking into

account depopulation,

including the other tribes.

Crusch Lulu,

Green Claw requests an alliance

with the Red Eye tribe.

Please think this through.

If you were to refuse us,

we'd have to challenge

your tribe to battle first.

To prevent a tribe

from running away

and establishing a

numerical superiority

in a new land, correct?

My hope is, if we

form an alliance,

and are then defeated,

that once we settle

in a new land

the chances of intertribal

warfare are decreased.


We won't be separate tribes.

Instead, we'll be

allies who bravely

fought alongside each other.

That makes sense.

I have to know.

Red Eye abstained from fighting

during the last battle.

How did your people

manage to not starve?

Do I really have to

answer that question?

I need to know.

Was it priestly power?

Or by some other means

you've kept hidden from us?

It may prove to be

our salvation.

Definitely not.


It won't be our salvation.

What we engaged in

back then was cannibalism.

We fed on the meat

of our fallen friends.


At that time,

our tribe found itself

in a dire situation due

to the shortage of food

and unwillingness

to fight for it.

But then, one day,

our chief came to the

village with food.

Bright red fresh meat.

I'm not going to lie to you,

we were vaguely aware

of where it came from.

Because, whenever the

chief brought us meat,

it was always after he expelled

families from the village

for breaking our laws.

We all simply closed our eyes

and ate the only food we had.

In order to survive.

But yet, it wasn't

as though we could

live like that forever.

The pent-up frustration

soon came to a head,

and manifested into

the form of mutiny.

As the second most

powerful leader in the tribe,

I became the banner

they rallied to.

And we rose in revolt

against the chief.

The fighting divided

the village in two,

but we managed to

secure a victory

thanks to our greater numbers.

The chief refused to back down

even at the very end.

He was on the verge of death

after countless wounds.

And at the moment he was

struck by a fatal blow,

he looked into

my eyes and smiled.

It was a genuine, sweet

smile without any anger.

Through the death of the chief.

Our tribe was brought

back together.

And with our new

decrease in numbers,

came the great gift of recovery

from our dwindling

food situation.

But our rebellion was

in the wrong, wasn't it?

The chief faced reality,

and found the only logical way

through our grave circumstance.

I can't ever shake

those thoughts.

We're neither omniscient

nor omnipotent.

Who knows. I might have

done the same thing you did.

Crusch, you don't

need my solace.

There are no right answers.

We all live with regrets.

And now, the only

thing left to do

is just keep walking.

Even as we afflict

woe unto our feet.

You, too must keep walking.

At least, that's what I think.

I apologize for my disgrace.

I see no disgrace in you.

What's more, do I

look like someone

who's foolish enough

to judge others?

When they're doing their best

to move on from their past,

and being tormented

by old actions?

Your soul is beautiful.


You have a way with words.

Let me ask again.

Which policy will

Red Eye adopt this time?

We had a tribal meeting

and decided to evacuate.


Are your feelings

the same, Crusch Lulu.

After talking with me today?

It is your decision to make.

The previous chief smiled

at you during his death,

meaning he was leaving the

tribe's future in your hands.

If true, it is time

to fulfil that calling.

I have but one question.

How many do you plan on

letting escape as refugees?


One hundred of the females

and males, hunters,

ten warriors, three priests,

and the children.

And what about the rest?

If we fail, they will die.

I see how it is.

Let me make one thing clear.

We're not fighting this

battle just to die.

We're fighting to claim victory!

I was hoping to hear

you say such things.

The Red Eye will fight

beside Green Claw.

I'll make sure the

chief's last smile

was not meaningless.

This alliance will ensure

that the Red Eye tribe

have enough survivors

to carry on.


I'm grateful.



Good morning.

Uh, yeah. 'Morning.

Looks like you were able

to bring the tribe around

without any issues.

[CRUSCH] I'm grateful that you

stayed up so late last night

talking them through it.

Our warriors should be equipped

and ready to leave

within the day.

The evacuees will be

gone soon, too.

Zaryusu. What are you

planning to do?

I'll be heading over to the

Dragon Tusk tribe next.

So, question. What's

with the getup?

Does it look bad on me?

Would you like me to say

that it looks good?

I will.


You're so silly.

This is how I protect my

fair skin from sunlight.

Are you planning

on coming with me?

[CRUSCH] If I'm not mistaken,

the Dragon Tusk

have the greatest force

of arms within the tribes.


But we haven't dealt

with them in a while

so things may have changed.

[CRUSCH] Then I think it's best

if I accompany you there.

It's dangerous.

[CRUSCH] Is there anywhere

around here that isn't?

Huh. You're right,

of course. Sorry.

Crusch Lulu, I'll gladly

accept your help.

Thank you.


Sounds good to me, Zaryusu.

I'll do what I can.

[ENTOMA] These are the

teleportation scrolls

I was instructed to deliver,

and the "Message"

scrolls as well.

Lord Ains informed me

they were constructed

from parchment that

we obtained through

the grand efforts

of Lord Demiurge.

He said we should

report back to him

if we have any problems

using them correctly.


I see. Understood.

So, once again, Demiurge

has overshadowed me.


There's more.



[ENTOMA] We have been

directed to stay put

and monitor the

outcome of the battle

with the Lizard Men

from this location only.


I understand.

Your orders are to

see this fight through,

and deliver an absolute

victory for the Supreme One!

Don't let me down!

I'm Zaryusu Shasha.

I've come here on behalf

of the Green Claw tribe.

I wish to speak with your chief.

[CRUSCH] I am acting chief

of the Red Eye tribe,

Crusch Lulu.

I am also here to meet

with your chief.


Possessor of Frost Pain!

What a pleasant surprise.



Didn't realize the Red Eye

were led by a plant monster.

Don't be ridiculous!

Oh, please, learn to

take a joke, will ya?

I am the Dragon Tusk chief

you seek, Zenberu Gugu.

Call me Zenberu.

Feel free to call me

Zaryusu. Now let's get--

[ZENBERU] I can already guess

why you traveled this far.

However, our tribe only

trusts those who are strong.

Show me that you are.

[AINS] Zaryusu and Crusch

visit the village of the Dragon

Tusk tribe to seek an alliance.

However, the tribe chief,

Zenberu, declares that he

will only follow someone

stronger than himself and

proposes a one-on-one duel.

Meanwhile, the razor tail tribe,

the first of the Lizard

Man clans marked for death,

prepares itself for

battle under

Shasuryu's direction.

Chapter :

"Lizard men gathering"

Finally, the signal for battle.