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02x01 - The Dawn of Despair

Posted: 05/22/23 18:21
by bunniefuu


Oh, is that a Rubik's cube? line:%

Haven't seen one in ages.

I could always get one side,

but anything past that was

a true test of patience.

Of course. That's the point.

Another trial from

the Six Great Gods.

In six centuries,

few have passed it.

So, what's so dire

that it called for

a gathering of all the officers?

You got the report,

same as the rest of us.


Didn't read it.


[ZESSHI] It's easier to ask

someone who knows the situation.

Your last mission

was to subjugate

the Catastrophe

Dragon Lord, right?

I'm assuming seventh seat,

Thousand Leagues Astrologer's

prediction was faulty.

We ran into trouble.

A powerful vampire.

It m*rder*d Cedran

and Beaumarchais,

and severely injured

Lady Kaire, so we retreated.

Myriad Barrier and

Divine Chain, dead, huh?

We just can't keep

the ninth seat filled.

So. Who do you

think is stronger?

Me or that blood sucker?

You are, of course.

I see. That's disappointing.

I thought it might

be able to defeat me.

Come to think of it,

I heard the Sunlit Scripture

was wiped out, too.

It was.

A caster named Ains Ooal Gown

has claimed responsibility.

But we can't confirm it

since no bodies

were left behind.

I see. So, he's strong?

Hard to say.

The Sunlit's Captain lost

to the Blue Rose once.

Of course Nigun was

outdone by those harpies.

Why is a strong man

so hard to find, Captain?

It doesn't matter if he's

hideous, inside or out.

He could even be

inhuman for all I care.

Best me, and his seed

is all I would require.

Our legacy would be a child

of unmatched strength.

Oh, they would make

Mommy proud someday.



It's been a long time, Tsa.

What's wrong?

Did you forget your manners

while you've been stuck in here?

[laughs] Apologies, Rigrit.

I was merely

trembling with emotion

at seeing my old friend again.

Friends, are we?

The only friend I knew

wore that armor.

'Course, it's been empty

for over years.


And I've been apologizing

ever since, but you

never let it go.

Traveling in this body

is out of the

question, I'm afraid.





Still clinging to the

adventurer's lifestyle, I see.

No, I'm retired now.

I had that crybaby, Inberun

take my place in Blue Rose.

'Course, she wouldn't

do it willingly,

so I made a bet

with the little imp.

If I beat her, she had

to do whatever I said.

Spanked her real good, too.


You're probably the only human

in existence who could do so.

Well, don't praise me too much,

my friends helped out.

And, that crybaby

may be a tough cookie,

but there are tougher out there.

Like you, for example.

If you hadn't constrained

yourself, I have no doubt

you'd be the most powerful

being in the world by now.


Hm... I'm not so sure.


There is a power in motion

to corrupt the world once again.

An aftershock of the last one.

Is this "power" simply reckless

and refusing to work

alongside the world?

No. It is evil,

plain and simple.


I see.

My old friend, I hate to do this

after you've given up

being an adventurer,

but may I ask a favor?

I suppose.

I'd like you to

gather information

on items that can

rival Guild Weapons.

Or rather,

special items from Yggdrasil.


By the way,

what happened to your ring?

I doubt there's anyone

who could have

taken it from you.

I passed it on to the youngster.

That's an item that

transcends human bounds.

I would rather it not fall

into incapable hands.


if you feel confident

in your decision,

then that's good enough for me.



It's high time we kick the

Empire out of our borders

and take the fight

to them, for once!


I couldn't agree more.

Constantly fighting off their

invasions is not only tiresome,

but a waste of good coin.

Those imperial dogs

need to learn

that Re-Estize has

fangs of its own,

and we aren't afraid

to bite back.

[NOBLEMAN C] You couldn't

be more right, Count.

We must strike swiftly!

If our strength declines,

Baharuth will throw

everything they have at us.

The nobles know nothing of w*r.

All they care about

is their pockets.

But as long as those

pockets run deep,

we can keep the Empire in check.

We appease the nobles

to keep the Kingdom united.



Be that as it may.

I deeply regret my

inability to defend you

from their scheming.

I should have done better.

Fifty soldiers

were insufficient.

You needed more

men and armaments.

Please, forgive me

for my failure.

[gasps] I was glad to do it.

My duty is to protect King and

country no matter the odds.

Thank you.



Hello, Father! Chief warrior!

Princess, wait!

[RENNER] The nobles certainly

kept you in there for a while.


I had a wonderful

thought earlier.

I've been eagerly waiting

to speak with you about it,

but your meeting seemed

to go on forever.

Well, I'm here now.

Tell me all about it, my dear.

I would love to, Father,

but I'm afraid it's

time for my stroll.

I can't miss it.

Climb and I were just on

our way to wander for a bit.

I see. Then, don't

let me keep you.

But, please, come by

my room when you're done

so we can talk.

As you wish.

Let's be off, Climb.

Excuse us, sir.

About Master Ains Ooal Gown.

I would like to speak

with him directly,

so I might thank him for saving

my most loyal attendant.

Would you make that

happen for me, Gazef?

As benevolent as he is,

I think those words

alone would do.

I'll be sure to pass them along.

Master Ains!

Sorry to keep you waiting, I am!

Bring you the giant

basilisk, I have!

Drive it to you, I shall,

for a loyal servant, Hamsuke is!

[AINS] Its size is impressive,

but if Hamusuke

can cause it to flee,

it's level certainly isn't.


My lor--Mr. Momon.

There's no need to lower

yourself. Let me fry it.


Entertaining as that might be,

your magic would

hit Hamusuke, too.



[AINS grunts]


Hmph. Pathetic.


Not at all!

Truly impressive, it was!

I agree, Mr. Momon.



I'll have you report back

to the adventurer's guild.

Take Hamusuke with you.

As you wish, sir.

What are you

going to do, Master?


Nazarick requires my attention.


W-Welcome back, my lord.




Your ring. Thanks again.

[AINS] Mm. Well done, Mare.

Is Albedo out?


No, she's here.

Actually, she said she

would be in your room

until you returned.

She hasn't left all day.


I see.

She may have a secret report

or other urgent matter.

I should go at once.

Welcome home, Lord Ains.

I've been waiting for you.

[ALBEDO sighs]

Would you like some

dinner, my lord?

A hot, relaxing bath?

Or, perhaps, to have me?

Take your pick.

[AINS sputters]


What are you doing, Albedo?

Newlywed roleplaying, my Lord.

You had a long day of

hard work away from home.

Then, finally, you return,

and find your blushing bride,

ready to please you.

Appealing scenario, yes?



This is why she didn't

go out today? ERP?

Wait, who cares about the why?

Oh, I've never even

gone out with a woman,

let alone married one.

What does she expect me to say?

How would a charming prince,

a ladies' man, react?


It was quite appealing... baby?

[gasps] I'm glad

you think so, Lord.


[AINS grunts]



What's wrong?

I've really messed up.

Ordinarily, roleplay etiquette

dictates that a new bride

greet her husband dressed

in nothing but an apron

for the final showdown.

Say the word,

and I will correct

my mistake at once.



Of course, I'll happily change

for your viewing pleasure, Lord!


Albedo and the other NPCs

that my friends created are

like our children, in a sense.

I couldn't do

anything uncalled for

to those who are dear

to me. Besides...

Albedo is like this

because I changed

her original settings.

[AINS clears throat]

This was fun,

but it's time we

stopped goofing around.

All the data we've

gathered recently

isn't going to review itself.

Oh. As you wish,

Lord. Let's begin.


This is the world map we managed

to acquire from E-Rantel.

That's all?


I understand your discontent.

It's sketchy, and only details

human nations around this area.

But getting anything

more would prove

too difficult at present.


Understood, my lord.

I will make copies,

and distribute them to

the other guardians at once.


Before you do,

I'll familiarize you

with the key points.

This is the Great

Tomb of Nazarick,

and the large forest

to the north

is the Great Forest of Tob.

How is the dummy

Nazarick progressing?

Well. Precisely on schedule.


Hold on! That's no good.

[AURA] Hi! Which team are

you from, little guy?

Team "U." Number three,

Lady Aura.

Let's see, Team U...

Storage warehouse inventory.

Ah, found you!

'Kay, talk to me, impy.

[IMP A] There's a problem

with the wood's diameter.


Lunch time! Take a break!

Sure, whatever you say,

Lady Bukubuku Chagama!

Sorry, impy, but my

wonderful creator says

take a break and

I'm doing just that.

Could you come back in an hour?

Very well, my lady.


Pestonya! What's on the menu?


I have prepared a hamburger

just as you

requested, Lady Aura.

With two pickles and

fries on the side

with the skin intact,

and a cola for your drink.


Time to eat! Time to eat!



Get in my belly!


The Grade A,

percent ground beef

certainly hits the spot,

but beef and pork

might be even better!

I think three patties like

that should do the trick.

Then I'll relay that to

the head chef immediately.



Awesome. Thanks.


It's great to hear

Lady Bukubuku

Chagama's voice again.


I see.

I should have guessed she'd

take a liking to that watch.

It's adorable.

And, to be honest,

I can't blame her.

Not only does she get to hear

the voice a supreme being,

but it just so happens to

belong to her birth mother.

For a Guardian, there could

be no greater reward.

Other than being

your servant, of course.

Being here by your side is

an honor none of us deserve.


Mm. Y-Yes. Now, as I was saying.

West of the mountains

is the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Here's the capital.

Sebas is there

collecting data for me.

Any word?

[ALBEDO] He is making

regular reports, my Lord.


Shalltear's assailant

remains a mystery to us.

We have yet to find any leads.

[AINS] I see. Have Sebas

double his efforts.

On the other side

of the mountains,

to the east, is the

Baharuth Empire.

They attack

Re-Estize constantly.

E-Rantel, which serves

as Momon's home base,

becomes a military

outpost in times of w*r.

And to the south,

beyond the forest,

is the Slane Theocracy.

They're the ones who

att*cked Carne Village.

Pitiful humans.

If we're lucky, they'll

k*ll themselves for us.

[AINS] Additionally,

several races of demi-humans

have formed a nation

to the north.

The Argland Council State.

From what I've been

able to gather,

they're led by as many

as five or seven dragons.

So, they are in this world.

[AINS] The Holy Kingdom lies

to the southwest of Re-Estize,

and in the wilderness

next to that,

demi-humans of all kinds engage

in disputes almost daily.

Isn't that where you

sent Demiurge, my lord?



He's conducting experiments

in parchment production.

With a supply of

high-quality parchment,

we could make as many scrolls

as we would ever need.

I believe that covers it.

Which of these nations do you

feel we should be wary of?

I would say the Slane Theocracy.

Challenging you may have

blown up in their face before,

but they're foolish

and prideful.

For all we know, they are

already plotting their revenge.




She could be right about that.

[gasps] Begging

your pardon, Lord.

But, until we know more,

we should be wary

of every nation.


Uh, yes, of course.

And, even if the countries

of this world aren't a threat,

there are individuals

who could surprise us.

How is Shalltear doing?

There doesn't appear

to by any problems

with her physical recovery.

But, I'm afraid her

psychological health

is another matter entirely.

[SHALLTEAR gulping]



Ugh. This barely has

me drunk at all.

[PIKI] Given your

resistance to poisons,

this may be a futile endeavor.


[PIKI] But, what do I know?

You did chug it down.

Why not retire for

the day, my lady?

No, I don't wanna go back yet.


Very well.

[door opens]



Yo, Piki!


What can I get for you?

The us'.


Very good, Mr. Eclair.

My original cocktail,

a Nazarick.

For you, my lady.

To perk you up!


[PIKI] Perhaps you should keep

your flippers to yourself.

Terribly sorry.

It won't happen again.

Ah. If it isn't the

assistant butler Eclair.

Something the matter?

Not to be rude, but you

don't look well, miss.

Oh, you know, no big.

I just managed to fail

in the worst way possible.

That's why I'm

escaping into alcohol.

Like any godforsaken

floor guardian should.




No idea.

[whines] Ains, my lord,

how could I do that to you?


The fact that she lost control

and turned against you is

only compounded by the fact

that she tried to k*ll you.

She's sick with guilt.

[AINS] She only lost control

because I failed to anticipate

the existence of world

level items here.

It wasn't her fault.

I've told her that

countless times by now.

[MOMONGA] I guess even

resurrection can't completely

erase the effects of

a world level item.

I would hate to

speak out of turn,

but I'd like to suggest

a means to cure her.


Go ahead.

The world turns on

reward and penalty.

If you were to punish

Shalltear, my lord,

her sense of guilt will fade.

Fault or no,

it would be a mercy.


I'm glad she's here.

I'm just a simple office worker.

I never would have

figured that out.


All right. I'll consider it.

Please, forgive me for

overstepping my bounds, lord.


You did no such thing.

Suggestions like that

are precisely why

you are Nazarick's

guardian supervisor.

I am pleased.


Then so am I.


Hm. Now then.

I believe Cocytus

wished to see me?

Yes. He's waiting

in the Throne Room.

Shall we go, my lord?


Cocytus, is it ready?

[COCYTUS] Yes. Everything

is as you requested.

I will depart as soon as I have

your blessing, Lord Ains.


Mm. You have it.

I leave you in charge

of everything.


As a guardian and a warrior,

it is an unexpected delight

to be given command

of Nazarick's first

w*r in this world.

I will serve you well,

Overlord. This I swear.



I have no doubt you will live up

to all my expectations.


Excuse me.

[AINS] Be sure to keep

in regular contact

with him, Albedo.

As you wish, my lord.


Now then.

Momon still has some

guild quests to complete.

I'll be in E-Rantel for a while.

Please be careful!

Whoever possesses the world

item that took control

of Shalltear may be waiting

to attack you out in the open.

[AINS] Hmph! If they do, I will

crush them or die trying.

Still, be at ease, Albedo.

If they show themselves,

my priority is to withdraw.

At least until I've learned

everything I can about them.

[MOMONGA] There's no doubt

that items from Yggdrasil,

even the most powerful ones,

exist in this world.

Which means there's

every possibility

that whoever att*cked Shalltear

is another player, like me.

I should assume the

worst-case scenario,

and refrain from any actions

that might antagonize them.

Very well then.

I will keep watch over

the Great Tomb of Nazarick

in your absence, my lord.

When you return, it will be

exactly as you

left it or better.

It's my wifely duty.


[ZARYUSU] This is hardly a place

for the chief to be seen,

don't you think?


[ZARYUSU] Brother, are you...

eyeing my crop?



I just came by to see if the

fish had gotten any bigger.


So, you don't want to eat them.

[SHASURYU growls]

They're good.

Way more fat on them than

the ones you catch fishing.

That so?

[ZARYUSU] When they hit

your tongue, that prime,

greasy goodness

fills your mouth,

and when you bite into them?

Oh, they melt!

My sister-in-law was right.

Your tail gives

you away, brother.


What? Come on!

My own wife is talking

behind my back?

It's just a stupid

twitch! Nothing more!

If you ever knock that arrow,

you'll know exactly how I feel.

It will never happen,

you know that.

Why not? Because of

that damn mark?

[ZARYUSU] I left the tribe

to travel the world.

Our laws are clear.

My knowledge is respected,

but I'll always be an outsider

in our people's eyes.

The elders, you mean.

Y'know... This, uh,

what'd you call it?


A fish farm?


Yeah. It's great!

No one in the tribe's

ever done anything like it.

I couldn't have made it

without you, brother.

All I've done is

drool over them.

Come on, I know that

you spoke to everyone

on my behalf.

Once they get a little larger,

I'll make sure you get

the pick of the lot.

[SHASURYU] Huh. Don't keep

me waiting too long.

--[CHILDREN giggling]


[BOTH gasp]

Hide the children in the huts!

If you aren't a warrior,

get in your homes now!


Weak ones!

I am herald to the Great One,

sent to deliver a message.

Listen and heed my words.

Henceforth, death's

gaze is upon you!

[AINS] After receiving the

death sentence from Lord Ains

messengers, the Lizard Men

of the Green Claw tribe

decide to fight. Even though

they face an enemy

with overwhelming power. Putting

into motion his proposed plan

to form an alliance

among the Lizard Men,

Zaryusu leaves for the

villages of the Red Eye

and Dragon Tusk tribes. line:%

Chapter : "Departure". line:%

Everything in order to survive.