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01x13 - Player VS Non Player Character

Posted: 05/22/23 18:20
by bunniefuu

For being at a disadvantage,

you did very well

to get this far.

[AINS] Honest praise.

I'll accept it graciously.

Now then.

Do you have any last

words before I end you?


Let's see.

I suppose I could go

on and on about how

I'm defenseless without my MP.

Or I could commend

you for so expertly

backing me into a corner.

Instead, I think I'll

thank you for fighting me

with everything you had.

And ensuring my victory.

If you had fought

me any other way,

I would have never been able to

execute my plan so flawlessly.


[AINS] In Player Versus Player,

otherwise known as PVP,

the most crucial part

of combat is deceiving

your opponent with

false information.

For instance, you could

change your armor

so that holy att*cks

aren't very effective.

But still act as though

they cause you damage.

Or hide the fact that

you're still weak to fire

by fighting through the pain

and keeping your composure.

I knew you could

use Life Essence

to check the state of my HP.

So I cast False Data, Life

before we started.

But you were entirely

focused on my MP.

The next time you engage in PVP,

you should constantly

check both.

Knowing everything about

your enemy is vital

if you want to

execute your strategy.

I learned a lot

about your abilities

while my friend, Peroroncino,

was creating you.

You were his pride and joy.

And ever since we came to this

world, I've made it a point

to memorize all the data

concerning Nazarick's NPCs.

Even so, after Pandora's

Actor, the one I know

the most about is probably you.

But you didn't know my skills.

You said so!


I was lying, of course.

I thought you'd use them more

boldly if I feigned ignorance.

If you had saved

Negative Impact Shield

until the very end, I doubt

I'd be standing here

talking about this.




"Perfect Warrior"!

[SHALLTEAR growls]


[AINS] Everything has

played out as I expected.

Now, we'll finish

this hand-to-hand.

[COCYTUS gasps]


I thought that armor

was lost forever!

It does look familiar.


It should.

It belonged to Lord Touch Me.

But it can only be worn by a

world champion class warrior.

Lord Ains is a caster!


Perfect Warrior!



The spell Lord Ains just used.

It allowed him to change

to the warrior class

and use their equipment

without penalty.



The fact that he can don world

champion armor is astounding.

Oh! My beloved

is truly wonderful!


I know that sword!

Takemikazuchi... Hachishki?


That belonged to the

Lord Warrior Takemikazuchi!



Didn't I tell you, Shalltear?

Ains Ooal Gown does

not know defeat.


[AINS] You aren't facing one

Supreme Being, but .

The might of all Ains Ooal Gown

stands before you now.


but you were destined to fail

before this battle even started.

Shalltear Bloodfallen.

There is a reason the

Supreme Beings of Nazarick

chose me as their leader.

And you will

learn it first-hand.

Prepare yourself.

It's time I show you

the true terrifying power

of the man you call master!

[AINS grunts]

[SHALLTEAR grunts]

[SHALLTEAR groans]

[AINS gasps]

You're wide open!



I'm sorry.

Did you think you had me?

Those are Lord Nishikienrai's.

But... How did...?

[AINS, SHALLTEAR grunting]

[AINS grunts]

They're infused with holy magic!

Get away!

[AINS grunts]

[SHALLTEAR grunts, yelps]

How dare you make me

sound so un-graceful!

[gasps] No way. Houyi's Bow!


I-Impossible. I'll k*ll you!

That is Lord

Peroroncino's w*apon!

How did you-- No.

Where have you been hiding it?


Weren't you paying attention?

I used a cash shop item!

Cash shop? Those wooden sticks?


I'm out of MP, and that w*apon

can only be blocked by magic.

Even my special

skills are used up.

I was so reckless.

I should have

saved some of them.

No, wait.


Now do you understand?

Everything happened exactly

as I intended it to.

[screams] I won't let you!



That's good resolve, Shalltear!

This is where the climax begins!


Lord Ains is victorious.

Excuse me? How can

you know that?

The way I see it, this fight

is easily far from being over.

[COCYTUS] Shalltear has

given up on defense

and put everything into offense.

It's a desperate tactic.

I would make the same choice

were I in her position.

Lord Ains is changing weapons

faster than she

can keep up with.

Since Shalltear can't predict

what kind of w*apon

he'll use next, it's

impossible for her to know

how to defend against it.

One step in the

wrong direction could

put her directly in the

path of his next attack.

And the bow's range forces

her to fight closer.

Shalltear has no choice.

All she can do is dodge his

att*cks and hope to survive.

He has her cornered.

Thank you. Now I

understand the situation.

Since Shalltear has completely

given up on defense,

Lord Ains decided

to deploy the axe.


Blood Sucking Meat Devourer.


Thanks, Cocytus.

Anyway, the axe itself

is highly unbalanced.

It's size and weight

forces the wielder

to swing without accuracy.

But since Shalltear has gone

purely offensive, it's no issue.


Everything in this battle

has gone according

to Lord Ains' plan.

His strategy is the

work of pure genius.

However, Shalltear

can recover HP

if she lands a hit

with her Pipette Lance.

But Lord Ains cannot

cast any magical spells

as long as he's a Warrior. Isn't

he at a severe disadvantage?

I doubt it will be a problem.


The Supreme One assured me

that he would claim

victory today,

and I believe he will.

There is nothing

Ains Ooal Gown cannot do.

[AINS, SHALLTEAR grunting]


This feeling...!


[SHALLTEAR giggles]

What's wrong, Lord Ains?

Your HP is dropping

faster than mine.

You'll run out first,

at this rate.


You really think so?




Hey, Big Brother Momonga!

The timer you set is up!

That's Lady Bukubuku Chagama.

[AINS] I'm curious. What do you

think the timer was for?

[AINS] If everything up to

this point has transpired

according to my design,

then the timer running out

can only mean one thing

for the two of us.


This is the end of our fight.

We've reached the

Showdown. I've won.

That so? My HP says otherwise.

[AINS] A super tier magic

attack won't be able

to finish you when your

health is still full.

Which means all I had

to do was lower your HP

to the point that

it could. And I have.


[SHALLTEAR grunting]


I may be weak when it comes to

direct physical combat,

but my magic defense more

than makes up for it.

Here I come, Shalltear!



"Super Tier Magic..."

Are you kidding me?

I could re-fill my HP

a dozen times over

before you even finish

casting this spell!




Is that...? It, can't be!

Another cash shop item?



"Fallen Down"!


Ains Ooal Gown. My master.

Truly, the Supreme One

is the strongest

in all of Nazarick.

Goodbye, Aura.


So stupid.

What kind of vampire let's

herself get mind controlled?

Uh, did you say something, sis?


It's nothin'.

What about the fight?

It's obvious Lord Ains won.

Come on, we're headin' back.

Uh, right.

[AINS] All that's left is to

begin Shalltear's resurrection.

Albedo, I need you

to watch her name

while I perform the ritual.

If she is still

under mind control

once she is revived, I may

have to do the unspeakable.

Don't worry about it.

If that does come to pass,

we will be the ones

to take care of her.



Please, lord.

It was hard enough to

watch our Supreme Ruler

face such danger without his

Guardians supporting him.

I could not bear to see

you do it a second time.


I hear you, but--

If Shalltear continues to

revolt against Nazarick,

then the Guardians of Nazarick

should deal with her.

Please step down, my lord.

[AINS sighs]

I understand.

Then, if that happens,

I will let you deal with it,

my Guardians.

We won't fail you.

All we ask is that

you stay by our side.

If you leave us, who will

we pledge our fidelity to?

Without a Supreme Being to rule,

the Guardians would cease

to have a purpose.


We know our creators

didn't reject us.

Still, it is far too lonely

when no one is here.


You're right.

It is lonely when

everyone else is gone.

[AINS] Continue to

protect me, my Guardians!

Now, let us begin!



[MOMONGA] It will cost

million gold to revive her.


Shalltear. "Resurrect"!



Be at ease, my lord.

It would seem she is free

of the mind control.





Is that you, lord?

[AINS] Thank goodness.

I'm sorry, Shalltear.

This was all because

of my mistake.

No. Please, lord.

I'm not sure what's

going on here, but...

...being in your arms couldn't

possibly be a mistake.


Uh-- Ah--

So this is where

my first time will be.

Excuse her, lord.

I believe Shalltear

is still out of it.



You must be tired.

Huh? Oh.


We'll go over the details later.

There's one thing

I'd like to know.

How did I get back to Nazarick

when I was just hunting

humans in the woods?

Oh and, why am I

naked on the floor?

And why is everyone

acting so strange?

I hope I didn't cause some

kind of trouble for you

or Nazarick, Lord Ains.


You don't remember?

Uh. No.


I'm sorry, Shalltear.

Then, please tell me

what you remember last.

[SHALLTEAR] Well. Other

than hunting the humans,

I remember giving you my regards

before leaving the great

Tomb to join Sebas.

After that, we rode a

carriage into a large town.

[MOMONGA] So the one who used

the world class item on her

remains a mystery. Of course.


Do you feel strange in any way?

I feel like I usually do.


I see.

Ah! Oh, no!


It's gone! My chest

is a wash-board!

[ALL groan]


You lamprey!

Shalltear, do you have any

idea how much suffering

you put the rest of us through?

So, you've

conveniently forgotten.

But your peers still

remember your blunder!



What an idiot.

You did something

unforgiveable to Lord Ains!

Aren't you ashamed of it?


I'm beginning to

question whether

you understand the meaning of

your existence as a Guardian.


Lord Ains' heart went through

such unbearable pain.


Yeah! I'm angry with you, too!

[ALBEDO] You always drown

in your own desires

without thinking

of the consequences.

[AINS chuckles]

[AINS grunts]

[AINS sighs]



We await your orders.

[GUARDIANS chuckle]



As leader of the Guardians,

I recommend scolding

her mercilessly.

I second that.

Don't go easy on this

bone-head, Lord Ains.



Harsh words are the least

she deserves at this point.


accept your punishment with

humility and grace, okay?

Well, you don't have to be

too hard on her, lord.

Uh. If you don't mind.

[AINS laughs]


I deserve the scolding.

Despite all the information

we had gathered,

I never thought something like

this would be a possibility.

The mistake was mine and

mine alone, understand?

Shalltear, you are not

guilty of anything.

I want you to

remember that, always.

Ah! Thank you

very much, Lord Ains.

[AINS] Demiurge, you will

explain everything to her

once she's had the

chance to rest.

Lord. By the way.

Sebas failed to return

to Nazarick as ordered.


He is bait.


[AINS] We still don't know who

targeted Shalltear, or why.

But, since Sebas was with her,

there is a strong possibility

that he will be next.


I want you to gather a

team trained in stealth

and have them scout

the area near Sebas.




He may be bait.

But I have no intention

of letting our enemy bite.

If they make even the

slightest move on Sebas,

we will end them.

[MOMONGA] Someday, we will

meet the one who used

the world class item

on Shalltear.

And when we do, I will pay

back this debt , fold.

Uh. Question, master.


What is it, Mare?

You left a big scar

on the forest.

Would you like me to

repair the damage for you?


There's no need for that.



Didn't you know?

If you destroy a

magic sealing crystal,

the unleashed power

will go wild.

It's even capable of destroying

a large area, apparently.

What? No, I had

never heard that.


Because I just made it up.

But the people of E-Rantel

will accept it as truth.

And since sealing crystals

are rare in this world,

I doubt anyone will

waste one to test it.

Also. I made a major

miscalculation before.

It is now plainly obvious

that someone out there

has the strength

to harm Nazarick.

And if there's one,

there could be others.

I want to take immediate steps

to strengthen Nazarick.

I was thinking of using

my necromancy skills

to make an army of undead.

But we would need

bodies to turn.

I've actually been

thinking about that, lord.



It's true that undead soldiers

could protect us

from most intruders.

But they are relatively

powerless overall.

Case in point, one human corpse

can only become an undead

of level or below.


You make a good point.

There's a village of

lizard men in the area.

Aura found them while scouting.

I wonder what kind of undead

their corpses would make.

[MALE PRIEST A] You're saying

the Black Scripture--

the strongest sect of the

entire Slane Theocracy--

were defeated by

one measly vampire?

Yes, your holiness.

Lady Kaire tried to stop it,

using the Downfall of

Castle and Country.

But, she was injured

before the mind control

could fully take hold. We

retreated shortly after that.

[PRIEST B] How do you propose

we deal with this situation?

[PRIEST C] We don't know

the whereabouts of Nigun

from the Sunlit Scripture.

And the Windflower Scripture

is currently pursuing

the traitor that stole

the Crown of Wisdom

from the shaman princess.

With our forces spread so thin,

the only thing we can

do is keep the area

under basic surveillance.

[PRIEST A] And, if there

is someone with the power

to defeat that monster,

we should be wary

and keep our distance for now.

Understood, your grace.


Is that everything?

Yep. We're locked up

and ready to go.

Well, Miss Nabe.

We're in your hands now.

I will escort you to Carne.

Once we're there, my comrade

will take care of you.

Please, follow

her orders exactly.

Right. Let's get going.




When did they put a wall there?


It's even bigger than last time.




Hey, there! Nice to meet you.

Lord Ains has ordered

me to take care of you.

I'm Lupisregina,

but call me Beta.

--[thunder rumbling]


[GAZEF gasps]

I know you.

Unglaus. Brain Unglaus?

Gazef. I'll be damned.

[ADVENTURER A] That's the

third adamantite class

adventurer in all Re-Estize.


So that's him.

Momon, the Raven Black Hero.

And Princess Nabe's with him.


I heard they were the ones

who destroyed that chunk

of forest while

they were fighting.

You believe that?

They might be strong,

but they're still human.

Only a handful of people

could pull that off, though.

That's why adamantite is the

highest class you can get.

I wouldn't be surprised

if he ends up being

the most powerful

adamantite of all time.

[AINS] We've already

finished the last job.

We'd like another one, please.

Something more challenging.

I'm so sorry. I don't have any.

None of the current postings

are worth an adventurer

of your caliber, Mr. Momon.

--[AINS] I see.


[AINS] Actually, you know

what? That's perfect.



[AINS] I remembered

something important.

I'll be in my room.

If anything comes up,

will you let me know?

Yes. The Inn of

Shining Gold, right?

[AINS] Order Gargantua to

activate. Call Victim as well.

Have the Guardians ready to move

by the time Cocytus returns.

This time, we're all

going in together.