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01x12 - The Bloody Valkyrie

Posted: 05/22/23 18:18
by bunniefuu

Aura. Mare.

This is where we part ways.

Scout the area for enemies

as soon as we do. Understood?



[AINS] But, if you find

yourself outnumbered by even

the smallest degree,

retreat to Nazarick at once.

Understood, Lord Ains.

We will do as you command.

[AINS] Excellent.

Make sure that you do.

Remember, your retreat

is an important part

of my overall plan. Also,

the Depiction of Nature

and Society and Avarice

and Selfless are world class

items, treasured by Nazarick.

They must never

be taken from us.

Depending on the situation,

they are more important

than your lives.


Yes, lord!



I used magic to detect

the owner of the world item

that's controlling Shalltear,

but they aren't nearby.

Did they really just

leave her out here alone?

It doesn't make sense.


I've returned.

Now then. Care to

tell me what's going on?

You already know

the answer to that.

Everything Lord Ains told me

was conveyed over "Message."

I was referring to why you

let him go without support.

It was the master's call.

I simply obeyed it.

As I hope you intend to.

Why did you not protest?

We could have sent in minions

in case this is a trap.

If all the Guardians

fought together,

there isn't a force

that could overtake us.

I couldn't begin

to guess the reason

behind his decision.

But it is obvious that

Lord Ains was lying to us.

Don't pretend that

you didn't notice it!

Yes. It is as you say.

Then why did you allow him

to leave without support?!

When Lord Ains planned

to go to E-Rantel

without a Guardian escort,

you strongly objected to it,

so why would you possibly

be okay with him

doing the same thing now?

Because he was quite adamant

about defeating Shalltear

with his own two hands.




If that's what you need,

then I promise you,

I will come back alive.

But first, I have

to defeat Shalltear.

His pure determination

was intense.

And, as a woman, seeing

my love so resolute,

I simply couldn't

bring myself to oppose

my dear Lord Ains'

wishes any further.

It may have been

irreverent of me,

but I've decided

I don't really care.

Besides, Lord Ains promised

he would return to us. I know in

my heart he will do just that.

So you made your

decision on emotion

instead of logic. Did you

forget he is the last

of the Supreme Beings

that created us?

It is our duty to

keep him from danger.

Even if that danger comes

from his own actions.

He may scold, or even

k*ll us for it,

but we must do something!

And where do you

think you're going?

I'm sure it's obvious.

My subordinates and I will--

[DEMIURGE sighs]

I see.

Now I understand why you

ordered me to meet you here

the moment that I arrived.

This was your plan

from the beginning.

That's correct.

You're a fool!

What if Lord Ains perishes

as a result of this folly?

Are you prepared to face the

consequences of that outcome?

We pledged our loyalty to him.

Once he is gone, there will

be no one left to serve.

He will return to us.

I'm sure of it.

You can't possibly know that!

You should believe

in your master.

As a Guardian, is that not

also one of your duties?


All right.

But, if something were

to happen to Lord Ains,

I will demand that you step down

as leader of the Guardians!

[COCYTUS] You would have

her relinquish a position

the Supreme Beings

placed her in?

That is blasphemy, Demiurge,

of the highest caliber!

As you wish. Tell me, Cocytus.

What do you think are the odds

of Lord Ains being victorious?

[COCYTUS] Three to seven.

Three in Lord Ains' favor.


I see.

Then, let's watch

as the battle unfolds

and witness our glorious

master beat the odds.



[AINS] I wanted to spread

the name of Ains Ooal Gown

so that my comrades

might find me.

I planned to do

whatever was necessary.

Still, I made sure

to move in secret,

so that I could avoid

unnecessary fighting

along the way.

So, how?

How could something

like this happen?

I don't know who did this yet.

But, when I do,

I will destroy them.

I'll make sure

they deeply regret

standing in my way.

They've started a fight

with Ains Ooal Gown,

and that is the fastest

way to the grave.


I'm so stupid.

I know there are better

ways of handling this.

Aura and Mare seemed

to be convinced,

but I'm pretty sure Albedo

saw through my lie.

As for you, don't you think this

is a huge gamble

as well, Shalltear?

I don't even know if the

resurrection mechanics

back in Yggdrasil

exist in this world.

But I'm about to start a battle

with our lives on the line.


I'll be the one

to k*ll her instead.

[MOMONGA] Because I couldn't

bear to watch any of you

try to k*ll each other.




I am the great Ains Ooal Gown.

This sacred name can never

be tarnished by defeat!

"Body of Effulgent Beryl"!

[AINS laughs]

As I suspected.

Unless I pull aggro

with an actual attack,

you won't go into

combat mode, will you?

Just like any MMO boss fight.


Sorry, Shalltear.

But I'm taking full

advantage of this.

You'll have to wait

a little longer.

"Fly." "Blessing of

Magic Caster."

"Infinity Wall."

"Magic Ward, Holy."

"Life Essence."

"Greater Full Potential."

"Freedom." "False Data, Life."

"See Through."

"Paranormal Intuition."

"Greater Resistance."

"Mantle of Chaos."


"Sensor Boost."

"Greater Luck." "Magic Boost."

"Draconic Power."

"Greater Hardening."

"Heavenly Aura."

"Absorption." "Penetrate Up."

"Greater Magic Shield."

"Mana Essence."

"Triple Maximize Magic,

Explode Mine."

"Triple Magic,

Greater Magic Seal."

"Triple Maximize Boosted

Magic, Magic Arrow"!


Let's begin.


What's that?

I... think it's maybe

super tier magic.

That's supposed to be even

stronger than tenth tier.

Isn't it a little

early for that?

It's more like a skill.

It doesn't use any MP.

[COCYTUS] It may be free

to cast, but, once it's used,

he won't be able

to cast it again.

A bold tactic, to say the least.

What is his plan?

Perhaps he wants to diminish

Shalltear's HP quickly,

so she won't have

time to counter him.


Still no enemies. Interesting.

They could be hiding

in wait for me.

But I can't waste this

opportunity to attack.

Goodness. I'm really

going in blind here.



I'll set that timer for you,

Big Brother Momonga!


Bukubuku Chagama.

I wonder why I can't mute

the voice on this watch.


I will borrow some strength.

From all of you.


Now then. Let's go.

Super Tier Magic! "Fallen Down"!


Be careful, Lord Ains!

I might think you're trying

to k*ll me! Nice try!


It wasn't much of a present,

but I hope you that

you enjoyed it.

Oh. I most certainly did!

What a treat this will be.

I get to enjoy k*lling a

powerful man like Lord Ains

with my own two hands.

How wonderful!

[AINS] Interesting. Why are

you still calling me that?

Oh, come on, isn't it obvious?

You are still one of the

Supreme Beings, Lord Ains.

Calling you anything

less than that would be

the height of arrogance.


Who is your master, Shalltear?

What kind of question

is that, lord?

[gasps] This doesn't make sense.

Why do I want to k*ll

my beloved master?

Because I was att*cked?

Because I feel compelled to?

I have to use all of

my strength to counter

and destroy whoever

tries to bring me harm.

But why him?

I don't know what's going on.

But, now that I've been

att*cked, I have no choice

but to tear you limb

from limb, master.


I see. Very well, then.


I know what's going on here.


You seem a tad underdressed

for the occasion, master.

Did you actually think

you'd be able to beat me

wearing nothing but dirty rags?

[AINS] Ha! Ains Ooal Gown

does not know defeat.

Before the day is done,

you will bow down

before me again, Shalltear.

[laughs] Oh, I'm just

aquiver with fear!


Watch your step.



You should be more careful.

I've cast the Triple Maximize

Magic, Exploding Mine

in the area surrounding me.

"Maximize Magic,

Gravity Maelstrom"!

[SHALLTEAR grunts]

"Wall of Stone"!


"Maximize Magic, Hold of Rib"!


[AINS] By the way,

I forgot to mention this.

I've littered the ground

with all kinds of traps.

Why don't you flap

those wings over to me?

Shame on you.

I will not be provoked

that easily, Lord Ains.

I'm sure you've made the air

around you equally as deadly.


Was it that obvious?

Of course. I'm no fool.


She bought it.

That was the only

mine spell I cast.

I don't have enough

MP to waste on magic

that might not give results.

I have to play this smart.

I wonder how much I'll

be able to damage her

before I completely drain my MP.


As expected of Lord Ains.

If I continue to rush in, it's

not going to get me anywhere.

However, as a magic caster,

his strength only exists

as long as he has MP left.

If I can force him to use

it all, he won't be able

to counter my constant

physical att*cks.

He'll be finished.

This Pipette Lance

allows me to heal

myself whenever I land

a hit on an opponent.

And the amount of HP

I receive is equal

to the damage caused.

Because of that,

Lord Ains cannot

summon a creature to fight

on the front lines for him.

He knows that weak level

monsters will only

feed my Pipette Lance and

keep me alive indefinitely.

His spells are his only option.

Aw, my poor, beloved, Lord Ains.

He has to fight me all alone.

It must be so frustrating.

That said...

"Mana Essence."

He has a staggering

amount of MP.

How did he manage to

obtain this much power?

Fortunately, his

specialization in necromancy

won't give him the fighting

edge. I still have a chance.

It bothers me that

he's not wearing

his usual god level items.

But a staring match

will get us nowhere fast.

I should heal and prepare

for the long haul.



I won't make it that easy!

"Maximize Magic,

Gravity Maelstrom"!

"Greater Teleportation"!


How did he stop me?


"Drifting Master Mine"!


Not good enough!

"Maximize Magic,

Astral Smite"!

[AINS] "Maximize Magic,

Thousand Bone Lance"!


"Greater Teleportation"!


Get back here!

"Negative Impact Shield"!



You look so surprised.

Did you not know that

I had a skill like this

in my arsenal, Lord Ains?


No. But it won't save you.

[laughs] I love watching

you try to play tough.

It's absolutely adorable.

[SHALLTEAR] Do you know

about my Purifying Lance,

or should I explain it, too?


It summons a holy object.

[AINS groans]

[SHALLTEAR laughs] For a w*apon

meant to battle magic casters,

it doesn't disappoint, does it?

I don't think I've seen anything

work so well against you.

[AINS groans]


Don't underestimate me!

"Maximize Magic,

Reality Slash"!


[AINS] That wasn't

normal recovery magic.

What did you do?

What's the matter, Lord Ains?

It seems like you're

losing your composure.

Don't worry, I didn't cheat.

That was another one

of my special skills.

Lord Peroroncino saw fit to

grace me with many of them.

I dare say his foresight proves

that he was far superior to you

as a Supreme Being.


Is that how you truly feel?



Let's do this, Shalltear.

It doesn't matter how many

special skills you have.

My magic will

always be stronger.

Well, if it's a

sh**t-out you want,

I'd be happy to play along.

Don't cry when I win.

[SHALLTEAR] I can only

use these so many times.


"Maximize Magic, Reality Slash"!

"Purifying Lance"!


Be careful, Lord Ains.

You're running low on MP.


I may have used up my skills,

but I still have

plenty of MP left.

Let's see how you

handle my spellcraft!

"Maximize Magic,

Vermillion Nova!"

[AINS] "Triple Maximize Magic,

Call Greater Thunder"!

[SHALLTEAR screams]

[AINS grunting]

[SHALLTEAR] He's undead!

Fire should have finished him.


Let me guess.

You used magic to protect

yourself against fire.

[AINS] Compensating for

your weaknesses is basic.

[SHALLTEAR] True, but he can't

prepare countermeasures

for all elemental weaknesses.

In that case, I'll have

to stick with the element

that hurts him most.

"Cast Maximize Magic,

Brilliant Radiance"!


"Maximize Magic, True Dark"!


[AINS groaning]

Looks like holy

magic really does

a number on you!

[AINS groaning]

Cocytus! What's

happening to him?

[COCYTUS] The holy element

is a fatal weakness.

Even to undead of

Lord Ains' level.

Since his equipment focuses

mainly on protection from fire,

he has no way of guarding

himself against it completely.


[SHALLTEAR] I used one holy

spell after another against him.

But, in a battle of magic,

Lord Ains is still far superior.

Thankfully, I've managed to

make his MP drop quite a bit.


"Body of Effulgent Beryl."

Must be defensive magic.

Good. I was bored anyway.

It will be much more fun to

rip you apart with my lance!


You truly have me cornered.

Huh? Then why

don't you run away?

At this point, it seems like

your only chance for survival.


You might be right about that.

But, truth be told,

I don't care.

I'm a selfish man, and

stubborn beyond measure.

I don't want to run.

It's funny.

I feel strangely fulfilled

as guild leader.

But, given the

current circumstances,

I don't quite

understand why that is.

Perhaps no one can.

Maybe it's because

that, while I held

the position of guild leader,

I mainly dealt with

day-to-day business

and administrating regulations.

But, right now, I am fighting

on the frontlines for my guild.

It may just be


So it's pride?

Here I thought you were

beyond such human feelings.

[AINS] Who knows? You might

be right about that.

Look at me, I've really

dampened the mood

with this, haven't I? Why

don't we continue our duel?

Now, "Summon Household"!


"Sharks Cyclone"!


[AINS yells]

[AINS groans]



[AINS] "Body of Effulgent

Beryl, Activate"!



"Wall of Skeletons"!

"Maximize Magic,

Force expl*si*n"!



"Greater Magic Seal, Release"!


"Magic Destruction"!



She recovered!

"Triple Maximize Magic,

Reality Slash"!

[SHALLTEAR grunts]

"Negative Impact Shield"!


At last. She's using it.

Shalltear's final trump card.



"Summon Household."

[MOMONGA] These numbers

are a bit of a problem.

But one well-placed spell should

be enough to take them out.

Einherjar, on the

other hand, will be--

[AINS gasps]

[AINS gasps]


That's so cheap!

I know friendly fire is

allowed, but I can't believe

she'd sacrifice her

household to heal herself!

[AINS groans]

[AINS grunting]

[AINS] "Skill, The Goal

of All Life is Death"!

"Widen Magic"!

"Cry of the Banshee"!

[gasps, growls]

[clock chimes]

[clock ticking]


Game over.

[AINS] That must have been

quite an experience.

How did you enjoy your first

foray into death, Shalltear?

[SHALLTEAR] I expected

no less of you, my lord.

For a moment, I actually

thought I would share

in my household's dark fate.

But, thanks to the resurrection

item Lord Peroroncino

gave me, my HP is at max,

and I'm fresh as a daisy

and ready to go another round.

However, your MP should be

running on empty, meaning

your offensive ability

is next to nothing.

And, whatever spell

you can muster

would never take my

HP down from full.


You're right.

[SHALLTEAR] Still, you

were amazing, and I also

have no MP left.

I had to use my

most powerful skills

just to keep you

on the defensive.

I couldn't imagine

it would be possible

for it to have been

a closer match.

For being at a disadvantage,

you did very well

to get this far.

[AINS] Honest praise.

I'll accept it graciously.

Now then.

Do you have any last

words before I end you?


Let's see.

I suppose I could go

on and on about how

I'm defenseless without my MP.

Or I could commend

you for so expertly

backing me into a corner.

Instead, I think I'll

thank you for fighting me

with everything you had.

And ensuring my victory.


[AINS] If you had fought

me any other way,

I would have never been able to

execute my plan so flawlessly.

[AINS] Shalltear's powerful,

heavy att*cks have taken my MP

down to nothing.

She grins, assured

of her victory.

I suppose this is

as good a time as any

to bring my plan to light.

Everything is revealed.

I am the Overlord!

The one who rules over

the Tomb of Nazarick!

Face me and you face the

power of Ains Ooal Gown!

You will see it soon enough!

Chapter : "Player VS.

Non Player Character."