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01x09 - The Dark Warrior

Posted: 05/22/23 18:15
by bunniefuu
This girl is harmless.

"Cast Twin Maximize Magic"!



[KHAJIT cackles]


How annoying.

Why don't you just

roll over and die

like a good little rodent?

I guess those men

I k*lled in town

were friends of yours,

is that right?

Did you come here

to avenge them,

or something

stupid like that?

[giggles] Did you notice

the magic caster

was really a girl?

She kept insisting

that someone would

come to rescue them.

But I got bored

of waiting around.


I barely knew those adventurers.

I can't get hard

if you're not angry.


This isn't vengeance.

They were in your way and

needed to be dealt with.

I would have done the

same thing in your shoes.

It would be hypocritical

to condemn you.

That being said, by k*lling

them, you've robbed me

of valuable assets.

They were vital

components in my plans.

In other words...

You're in my way!

[growls] You must not

have a brain underneath

that helm of yours if you

think you can talk to me

like that and get away with it.

The inhuman Lady

Clementine doesn't

lose brawls to

nobodies like you.

You're about to learn

why people fear me!


I see nothing to be scared of.

You're a joke.

Now shut up and fight!

[KHAJIT] You might be skilled,

but it won't save you, fool.

Careful. That mouth will

get you into trouble,

human tick.

I'll call you a fool

if I like, little girl.

You've leapt into your doom

and don't realize it.

Now you're in the land of

the dead--my territory.

And soon you will join my army.

That's the fate of all who stand

between me and immortality!


Keep an eye on the sky.


[NARBERAL grunts]



[KHAJIT This Skeletal

Dragon is completely

resistant to magic.

There isn't a caster in

the world that could hope

to stand against it.

Your death is a certainty.


[NARBERAL] If that's the case,

I'll beat it to death.

[NARBERAL grunts]


[gasps] What? But, how?


What are you? Answer me!

Mythril rank?

No, you'd have to be

orichalcum to pull that off!


You truly are an insect

if a love tap like that

makes you quiver with fear.

It's sad, really.

Bitch! I'll k*ll you!

[KHAJIT] You can't stop me!

I won't allow it!

Show her the folly

of her stupidity!



"Reinforce Armor."

"Spell of Lesser Strength."

"Shield Wall." "Undead Flame"!

"Reinforce Armor."

"Shield Wall."

"Protection from

Negative Energy."

[KHAJIT growls]

[NARBERAL grunts]


"Acid Javelin"!

Defensive magic?

How troublesome.


"Chain Lightning"!



I'm the one this is

troublesome for,

you bagworm. Why don't

you stop hiding

behind that dragon?

[KHAJIT grunts] Guess it can't

be helped. Jewel of Death!

Take a good look. This is

my terrifying power!


A second one?

Well, it seems I've had to

use all the negative energy

I collected thus far.

Only a minor setback.

Once I k*ll you and bring

death to E-Rantel,

it will be replenished tenfold.



[NARBERAL grunting]




Just who in the hell are you?

How can you have

such physical strength

without the aid of

a martial arts skill?

[NARBERAL] I was created by

Supreme Beings even the Gods

of this world couldn't fathom.


Are you mocking me, girl?

So, you can't even

understand the truth

when you hear it. Pathetic worm.



Don't tell me you're

getting tired already.

[CLEMENTINE] You've got plenty

in the strength department,

I'll give you that much.

I can see why you'd

wanna boast about it.

Still, I have to ask.

Are you dumb?

You swing those things around

like a brainless meathead

who's just hoping

to hit something.

Are you sure you're a warrior?

[AINS] It's hard to tell if all

you're going to do is dodge.

Why don't you attack

me and find out?


Believe me, I'd like to.

[AINS] I thought you said

you could beat any warrior.

Where'd your confidence go?


[CLEMENTINE giggles]


Skeletal Dragons.

Correct! You sure

know your stuff.

Your cute little caster friend

is helpless against them,

since they're immune to magic.


I see.

She's doomed to fail,

is that right?

You catch on quick.


I'm curious.

Do you have a way to get

past the reach of my swords?



[AINS grunts]



--[CLEMENTINE laughs]

--[AINS grunts]


"Impenetrable Fortress."

[AINS grunts]


[AINS grunts]


Martial arts.

That's a hard shell to

crack. Well, no matter.

Finding the weakest spot in

someone's armor is half the fun.

It's almost like foreplay.

Still, I was hoping

I could slice you up

piece by agonizing piece until

you couldn't move anymore.

Can't always get what you want.

[AINS] So, you were

just testing my armor.

I'm learning a lot from you.


Ready for round two?

[AINS grunts]

"Impenetrable Fortress."

"Flow acceleration"!


[AINS grunts]

Come on, get serious.

If you keep giving

me a handicap,

you'll end up a corpse.



I hadn't expected you

to teach me this much

about melee combat.

Like the importance of

balancing your att*cks,

and properly utilizing

martial arts skills.

Huh? You just learned that?

What kind of warrior are you?

More importantly, why didn't

you take any damage

after my attack hit home?

Tell me. Was it a defense skill?


You have my gratitude.

I wish I could stay and see

what else you have to offer.

Sadly, I can't afford

to wait any longer.

I'm afraid playtime has to end.



Narberal Gamma!

Show them the power of Nazarick!

What the hell?

[AINS] Now. Steel yourself

for death and come at me.


[KHAJIT laughs]

Surrender now, and I might

decide to be merciful.

Humans are too cocky.

What was that?

You should learn

your rightful place--

Beneath us.

Crush her, Skeletal Dragons!


--[AINS] Narberal Gamma!




Show them the power of Nazarick!


As you wish, my lord.

I will no longer

fight you as Nabe.

Now you face Narberal

Gamma of the Pleiades.




Now, "Fly."


She vanished? Where did she go?


She's even able

to cast flying magic?

But, still, she didn't have

time to dodge their attack.

What's she doing?

This is a perfect

chance to escape.

Why isn't she running

for her life?

She can't possibly

think she has a chance

of overcoming complete

magical resistance!

There are plenty of ways

that I can defeat your

dragons. I'll show you.


Rejoice, human.

You have the honor of facing

a servant to the absolute ruler

of the Great Tomb of Nazarik.

The Supreme Being and rightful

Overlord of this world,

Lord Ains Ooal Gown.

You are fortunate.

As a member of the

Pleiades battle maids,

I will be your opponent.

A maid?


Skeletal Dragons!


She's gone!


Does it hurt that badly?

[KHAJIT grunts]

That was your trump card.

You hid your teleportation

magic so you could k*ll me

when my guard was down.


Of course not, worm.

I was just showing you

that I could k*ll you easily.

Your dragons will

be no different.

Insane. You're out of your mind!

[NARBERAL] I didn't expect

an insignificant flea

like you to understand.

Still, your reply is pitiful.


How dare you.


It's time I ended this farce.

After all, if I made

my lord wait too long,

what kind of maid would I be?

Do you truly believe

these dragons of yours

are immune to magic?

You have a lot to learn

about being a caster.

I'll have you pay for this

lesson with your pathetic life.

[gasps] What kind

of magic is that?

Try it. They're both

still immune.

Nothing you throw

at them will matter!


Not completely immune.

To be more precise, their

magical resistance nullifies

any spells that are

sixth tier and below.

But I'm able to cast

even higher tiered magic.

If you're still having

trouble understanding,

that means I can beat

your pets with ease.

You are crazy.

No one in this world can

cast seventh tier magic.

That power belongs to the gods!



Five years. Countless schemes.

All my meticulous planning

and preparations for tonight.

I refuse to believe it

will be taken from me

by a girl in a maid outfit!

Your death will serve my master.

You should take comfort in that.

"Twin Maximize Magic."

"Chain Dragon Lightning"!


[KHAJIT gasps]

[KHAJIT screams]

It seems even

insects smell tasty

when they're roasted.

I'll give this to

Entoma as a souvenir.


That's an interesting tactic.

Are you giving up?

[AINS] I think I should

finish up, as well.

It wouldn't be fair

to Narberal, otherwise.

Wow. You're one cocky bastard.

You don't have a single

martial arts skill,

and you think you can beat

the great Lady Clementine?

Congrats, now I'm

royally pissed off.

[AINS] Are you going to

keep raving or actually

do something about it?

[growls] Y'know,

you're right, we should

finish things up here.

"Stride of Wind."

"Greater Evasion."

"Ability Boost."

"Greater Ability Boost"!


He's not moving?


I'm not finished with you yet!

[CLEMENTINE laughing]

[CLEMENTINE gasping]


Hm. Interesting.

There wasn't a w*apon

like this in Yggdrasil.

I'll watch out for them.

What? No way! You

shouldn't be alive!

[AINS] I guess there's

no point hiding it.


An Undead? You're an Elder Lich?

[AINS] Well. You're

only partially right.

I'm curious. How did

you like fighting

a sword-wielding

magic caster?

You bastard!


...the hell?

[AINS] This is why I

gave you a handicap.

You're all bark.

There was no need for

me to fight a mongrel

of your level seriously.

If I had cast the weakest

spell I know to defeat you,

it would have been

a waste of MP.



What's the matter, bitch?

Did you not like my answer?

These are in the way.

You've... gotta be kidding!


All right. Let's begin.

No way.

Stop it. Stop it!

[AINS] I had considered

k*lling you with this.

It would have been poetic

justice at its finest.

Then again, death by blade.

Death by broken bones.

Death by crushing.

There's really not much

difference, is there?

In the end, you die.



Let go, you bastard!


Stop your squirming.

[CLEMENTINE growling]

[AINS] You took your time

k*lling her, didn't you?

[CLEMENTINE growling, groaning]

[AINS] It's only fair to give

you the same treatment.

Slow and painful.


I've enjoyed this dance.


I forgot to tell you.

Try as I might, I have a

tendency to be... hypocritical.


Master! Master!

[yelps] That's not master!

It's a monster!


Annoying gerbil.

I do not see what you do

in this creature, my lord.

He is foolish and unworthy.


That's enough.

The fact that he is the

Wise King of the Forest

makes him a valuable asset.

We have more important

matters to tend do.

Take anything valuable or

useful from the corpses

before the soldiers and

other adventurers arrive.



Shall we take their bodies

to Nazarick for testing?



We need to hand them

over to the authorities

so they have someone

to blame for all of this.

We'll just take their

equipment this time.

As you wish, my master.

[AINS] I can easily cure

his blindness with

healing magic, but...

As for his mind, the control

over it will be tricky to break.

This is definitely the source.


"All Appraisal Magic Item."

[AINS] The Crown of

Wisdom. Interesting.

It seems to be an item

that can't be

replicated in Yggdrasil.

Ideally, I'd like to take

him back to Nazarick.

But I took this

job on good faith.

A deliberate failure would dirty

the name of Ains Ooal Gown.

Crumble away.

"Greater Break Item"!


Lord Ains.

Master. Please, forgive me.

Serve you with even greater

conviction, I shall!


That's great, Hamusuke. Anyway.

Let's complete the job!



Please don't take

my pledge so lightly!

Hurt my delicate

feelings, it does!

[AINS] I thought they'd

promote us to orichalcum,

but I suppose this will do.


Their insolence knows no bounds.


It's fine, Nabe.

As we speak, the surviving

soldiers are spreading

the tale of my strength and

valor to everyone in E-Rantel.

The boost that will

give to my status makes

getting mythril rank

a moot point.

Very well.

What should we do about

the boy and his grandmother?

[AINS] Since Lizzy said that

she would give me everything,

I'll have her and Nphiera

move to Carne Village.

Her skill at making

potions will serve me--

or rather all of Nazarick--

quite well. Hm...

Oh, right. I needed

to contact Albedo.




Lord Ains.

I'm afraid I must report

that Shalltear Bloodfallen

has betrayed us.



[AINS] While I was living

among the humans

as the adventurer, Momon,

my faithful Guardians

worked diligently at

their respective roles.

Shalltear Bloodfallen's job

was to collect special humans

that could use magic

and martial arts skills.

With Sebas at her side, I had

ordered her to target criminals

and other lowlife scum.

That way, they would

be missed by no one.

Chapter ten: "True Vampire."