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01x08 - Twin Swords of Slashing Death

Posted: 05/22/23 18:14
by bunniefuu
[door creaks]

[CLEMENTINE] It's about

time you showed up,

I was starting to get worried

something bad had happened.

Shame on you for making me wait.

Oh, sorry.

The shop will open

in the morning.

Hey! Do you not know

who this woman is?

[CLEMINTINE cackles]

'Course he doesn't.

Or he'd be running away.


Nphirea! Get behind us.

Your affinity for

magical items is exactly

what I need for my plans.

I want you to summon an army

of the undead just for me.


Whether you like it or not,

you'll wear the Crown of Wisdom.

So you might as well come along.

It'll be fun. Whaddya say?

Who the hell are you?


I'm the last person

who's going to see

you boys alive.

After you've all suffered

a slow and painful demise,

your friend and I are

going to cast a spell.

We're going to release

an undead army together.

There's no way to

control the amount

of creatures that I'm planning

on raising from the grave,

so be prepared for utter chaos.

I've waited so long

for this power!


Leave now. Run away

as fast as you can.

I can't.

Ninya. You need to flee as well.


Take the boy and go!

We won't allow this lady

to capture either of you.

They're right.

Your big sister

is counting on you

to rescue her from

those aristocrats.

Slip away while you

still have a chance.

You guys...

[laughs] This is just

the saddest scene.

As if anyone could escape.

There's not even the slightest

chance that it could happen.


Stop playing around.


Oh, all right, fine,

but did you place the spell

that will cover

up their screams?

I'd like to take my

sweet time playing with

one of them at the

very least. 'Kay?



Save us, Momon.


Sorry that took so long.

I don't mind waiting.


The request was approved.

From now on, you shall

be called Hamusuke.

Take great pride

in the name, I shall.

It talks!


How cute!

How can a copper plate

even afford that creature?

Well, I've heard that

he's wearing a disguise.

And he's actually

a famous adventurer.


Hey, I know you.

Aren't you the man my grandson

hired to accompany him

on his herb gathering trip?



I am Nphirea's grandmother.

The pharmacist Lizzy Ballear.


Oh, yes.

You are correct, we were

the ones who traveled

to Carne Village with him.

I am Momon and this

is my partner Nabe.

This animal is--

Hamusuke. My name, it is.

The Wise King of the

Forest, I used to be.

Absurd, you're an

overgrown rodent.

Am I supposed to believe

this is the legendary

King of the Forest?




It is.

He was out of control

and confronted us

during our mission

with your grandson.

But I beat him into submission.

Shocking. Did Nphirea

make it back okay?

[AINS] Yes, he should be at the

store by now with his herbs.

We were about to make our

way over there to collect

the payment for a job well done.

That's where I'm heading.

Care to escort a fair maiden?


It would be my pleasure.

[LIZZY] Nphirea! Mr. Momon

is here for his reward.

Where is that boy hiding?


Something's not right.

[gasps] What's wrong?


Where does this lead?

To the room where we

store medicinal herbs.

[AINS gasps]

[LIZZY gasps]

These men have been m*rder*d!

[ADVENTURERS groaning, growling]

They're zombies!

--[AINS grunts]

--[LUKURT, PETER groan]

[DYNE growls]

--[AINS grunts]

--[DYNE groans]

I don't see Nphirea.


That's because he's not here.




Keep Lizzy safe.


I'm right behind her.



[AINS] Why leave only

him alive? What the...


"Throwing a girl into the mix

would be distracting."


So that's how it was.


Whoever did this... will pay.


Stabbed through the head.

[LIZZY] I've looked everywhere!

My grandson isn't here.

[AINS] It doesn't look like

the perpetrators stole

anything from their packs.

So that means Nphirea was

the only thing they came for.

Who were these poor

men that got k*lled?

[AINS] Adventurers that

came along with us

on your grandson's quest.

I'm sorry about your friends.


I barely knew them.

This was the first job

we ever did together.



How do you want to handle this?

Whaddya mean?


You want to find Nphirea, right?

We're dealing with at least

a third tier spell caster.

One that decided to use

Create Undead on these men

instead of just

hiding the bodies.

Which is odd, since that

would have given them

a bigger head start.

The culprits were confident

that they would get away.

And wanted to advertise

the power they possess

and are willing to use.

These are dangerous people.

We need to act quickly

if we want to find them.

You need to make a request.


[AINS] The right person

would make quick work

of this spellcaster.

What happened here

was a tragedy.

But you are lucky,

Ms. Lizzy Balear.

I happen to be the only

adventurer in town strong enough

to rescue your grandson.

And I'm currently

in between missions.

If you want to save

Nphirea, make a request

and I may just

accept your offer.

You can have whatever you want.

Just go save him,

bring my Nphirea home!

[AINS] I will. But my

services are not cheap.

Do you have the

means to pay my fee?

How much would you

charge an old lady?





I'll take all that you possess.

You fiend!

I've heard tales of demons

that make deals with humans

for their very souls.

Is that what you're

asking of me now?

Are you two really demons?

[AINS] Would you not be

willing to pay that price

for his life? It would

be a shame to lose

such a talented young man.


[AINS] Time's ticking away

and I need an answer.

Make it quick.

You win. Consider

yourself hired, devil.

Take whatever you want from me.

[AINS] The first thing

we need to do is locate

where Nphirea is being held.


How will we figure that out?


The criminals made one mistake.

Although they didn't

steal any valuables,

they took the time to remove

each man's adventurer plate.

Any guesses why that is?

The plates are worthless.

So I'm not sure.

--[AINS] I'll explain.



Lord Ains?




I have some information.


You caught me at a bad time.

I'm in the middle

of something right now,

but I'll notify you

when I'm available.


Certainly, master. Also,

Lady Albedo asks

that you contact her.


As I was saying.

The plates were taken

as hunting trophies.

I'm assuming the culprit

collects them as souvenirs.

Which is lucky for us

since we now have

something to track. We'll use

the Locate Object scroll.


You already know how to use it.

Let's find ourselves

some plates.

I'll activate it now.


Hold on.

The enemy may have set the

counter spell Detect Locate.

So we need to cast Fake Cover

and Counter Detection

to break through any defenses

they may have prepared.


Hm. There's no way

for them to hide from

all these spells.

So, start whenever

you're ready, Narberal.

"Fake Cover."

"Counter Detection."


We have to be careful.

Collecting information

with magic is dangerous.

This encounter may

end in a Player k*ll.

And if that happens, we need

to be overly prepared for it.

The Player's Handbook that

Punitto Moe wrote taught me

the importance of

attacking hard and fast.


"Locate Object"!


Right here.

[AINS] That's in the

middle of the cemetery.

A fitting choice.

Please cast Clairvoyance

and Crystal Monitor

at the same time.

I want to see for myself.


"Crystal Monitor"!


I see Nphirea. Among the undead.

And I can sense the ones

that stole the plates.

They are nearby.

What are your orders?

We could teleport there

and attack immediately.

Or use magic and launch

an as*ault from the sky.


Don't be foolish.



An army of the undead is ready

for such a reckless attack.

Whoever woke up that many

men from their graves

has something big planned

for them. That's good news.

Our names will spread far and

wide once we save Nphirea,

and stop whatever grand scheme

they're trying to pull.

[AINS] Unfortunately,

we have to move fast

and have no time to research

their plan further.

We've finished.

What have you discovered?

[AINS] They have fled

into the cemetery.

Is my grandson there?



He's being guarded by a

large legion of the undead.



Don't be scared.

Nabe and I can handle

them, but a few undead

may escape the grounds.

That's why we need you

to let the townsfolk

and Adventurer's Guild

know what's happening.

We are headed to the cemetery

now, so you need to be quick.

Hold it. Just how do

you plan on defeating

such a large army of the undead?


With this w*apon right here.

[SOLDIER A] Looks like

another uneventful night.

It's been awhile since

we've seen any action.

--Even the undead


--have been quiet.


Huh? What was that noise?

Nice try, man, stop trying to--

Be quiet. I think

I heard it again.

It's just in your head.


Hey! Something's coming!

I don't believe it.


It's an entire army.

[CAPTAIN A] I've never seen

this many undead at once.

There's at least , of 'em!

Notify the reserves, quickly!

We'll try to hold them off

the gate until backup arrives.


[gasps, grunts]

Get... off me!

[UNDEAD B growls]

[SOLDIER D yelps]

[SOLDIER E grunts]

[SOLDIER F grunts]

[UNDEAD D growls]


Damn! There's too many!



Huh? An adventurer?

Thank goodness.

Damn, he's just a

useless copper plate!

Leave before you get k*lled!


Nabe. My sword.

Look up. You'll

want to see this.




[AINS grunts]



Uh... Who are you people?


Open the gate.

You have a death wish?

There's an entire legion of

undead on the other side!


I know.

Don't worry about a thing.

Momon is here to save you all.



Fine then.

If you won't open the gate,

I'll just have to improvise.


Don't worry 'bout me!

I'm right behind you, Lady Nabe!

Through thick and thin,

Hamusuke will be by your side!

That he shall!



Wait. It can't be.


What is it?

The voices of the

undead just... stopped.


It's not possible.

There's no way they

defeated that many undead

all by themselves.

[SOLDIER C] That man.

What was his name again?

Momon, I think. I've never

heard of him before.

And we're sure he was

only a copper plate?

Seems wrong.

Well, I wonder if

he's the fabled

adamantite plate I've

heard rumors about.


Whatever he is,

we just witnessed

a myth in the making.

The legend of a

raven black warrior

who becomes a hero!


[AINS grunts]

--[UNDEAD groaning]

--[AINS grunting]


So sorry.

Cause you this much trouble,

I did not mean to.

Stop wiggling around, will you?

It's hard enough to

carry you as it is.

[AINS] All undead creatures

are naturally drawn

towards the living.

If you were down here,

they'd try to overwhelm us.

So embarrassing, this is.

[UNDEAD ARMY groaning]



It's going to take us forever

to cut through this pack.

I agree.

We should ask

Nahzahreek to send help.


Definitely not.

That would defeat

our entire purpose

for accepting this quest.


If we wish to become renowned,

shouldn't we wait

for an incident

that claims more human lives?

People would have a greater

respect for our power

in a situation like that.

[AINS] The enemy's goal

is to take over the town.

The capital is too important

to be under the control

of an outlaw. I would

have approached

this situation differently

if I'd been better informed.

But there was no time to spare.

Yes, of course.

You are right as

usual, Lord Ains.

Please forgive me for

questioning your strategy.

I should have expected

this level of foresight

from a Supreme Being

like yourself.

By the way, would

you mind alleviating

my naivety on another

related matter?

I don't understand

why we didn't send in

forces with stealth

skills ahead of us.

They would have k*lled

most of the undead,

then we could have swooped

in and finished off

the strongest opponents

at our leisure.

[AINS] How will you ever

learn if I always tell you

the answer, Nabe? Try

figuring it out yourself!

Yes. I will endeavor to improve.

[AINS] That said, we don't

have time for leisure now.

We need to make a path.

And I think I know

what will do the trick.

"Summoning second tier

undead. Jack the Ripper"!



"Corpse Collector"!






Wow. Unstoppable, they are.


Now then. Let's continue.


chanting] Mooway Oko Ube Doka...


Master! Creepy place, it is.

Scared to be left alone, I am.


Master Khajit, they're here.


Nice. Now I have a name.

Greetings! Are you

enjoying your night, Khajit?

[gasps, growls]


[AINS] Go have fun and

stop wasting your time

on a dull ritual.

[KHAJIT] Hmph. There's nothing

dull about this ritual.

As you'll soon witness.

Since you now know my name,

how about sharing yours?

[AINS] We're just adventurers

out doing a job.

I'm sure you've seen the

boy we're looking for.

Make it easy and show

us where he's hidden.



While you're at it,

point me in the direction

of your friend.

The one that carries

the piercing w*apon.

Surely they're not too

scared to face me.

Or maybe they are only brave

enough to fight the weak?

[CLEMENTINE] You took the

time to examine the corpses.

Smart guy.

Go back in.

Khaji, this fella

has figured us out.

There's no point

in hiding anymore.

Aw, come on.

Don't you wanna tell sweet

lil' ole' me your name?

Huh? My name's Clementine.

The pleasure's mine.

[AINS] I'm your executioner.

Call me Momon.

Oh! You're confident.

Tell me, how you figured out

that we came to the cemetery?


Why, it was you who led us here.

Open up your cloak.

Whoa! Hey!

Now you're making me blush.

And I like it.

Looking for these?

[AINS] Those plates are

the reason I was able

to track you so easily.




[AINS] Please exterminate Khajit

and his followers for me.

I'm going to take care

of this woman myself.

It will be done.


Keep an eye on the sky.




Let's finish our business

over here if you don't mind.


This girl is harmless.

"Cast Twin Maximize Magic"!



[KHAJIT cackles]


How annoying.

Why don't you just

roll over and die

like a good little rodent?

[CLEMENTINE humming]

I guess those men

I k*lled in town

were friends of yours,

is that right?

Did you come here to avenge them

or something stupid like that?

[giggles] Did you notice

the magic caster

was really a girl? She kept

insisting that someone

would come to rescue them.

But I got bored

of waiting around.


I barely knew those adventurers.

Really? That's disappointing.

I was so looking forward

to all the whining about

how they meant so much to you

and I had no right to k*ll them.

Please say you're

not going to have

one of those boring deaths.

I can't get hard

if you're not angry.


This isn't vengeance.

They were in your way and

needed to be dealt with.

I would have done the

same thing in your shoes.

It would be hypocritical

to condemn you.

That being said, by k*lling

them, you've robbed me

of valuable assets. They were

vital components in my plans.

In other words...

You're in my way!



I promise there's no

way you can defeat me

by yourself, though.

It's a shame you left your

spellcaster with Khaji.

He gets to k*ll her.

No fun for me.

[AINS] Nabe can take you out

just as easily as I can.

You're hilarious!

All it takes is a slice

and a quick s*ab.

I've k*lled plenty of

magic users that way.



I know all the

people strong enough

to fight me in this country.

There's a person from Blue Rose

and one from Drop of Red.

Then probably Gazef Stronoff.

And maybe Brain Unglaus.


Ha. Thanks for the information.

Sounds like you need

to be given a handicap.

Consider it a sympathetic

parting gift from me to you.

[growls] You must not

have a brain underneath

that helm of yours if you

think you can talk to me

like that and get away with it.

The inhuman Lady

Clementine doesn't

lose brawls to

nobodies like you.

You're about to learn

why people fear me!


I see nothing to be scared of.

You're a joke.

Now shut up and fight!

[AINS] I finally find the

person that I had been seeking.

She's hiding deep within

the heart of the cemetary.

The fool who destroyed

The Swords of Darkness,

some of my most valuable

assets thus far,

is a psychotic female

fighter named Clemintine.

She uses her

signature, "Stiletto,"

to t*rture and maim her prey,

and even claims her skills

have surpassed

human limitations.

Well... I'll have to show

her what it really means

to be inhuman.

Chapter nine:

"The Dark Warrior."