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01x05 - Two Adventurers

Posted: 05/22/23 18:11
by bunniefuu
[ALBEDO] Aura's report

states that there has been

no contact from any

other Yggdrasil players

in our immediate vicinity.

But she is expanding

her surveillance

to the great woodlands

near Nazarick.

Hopefully, she'll have

better luck there.

If they're out there,

she'll find them.

Also, I have information

from the man we captured.

He's from the Slane

Theocracy and commands

their special ops unit.


The Slane Theocracy.

It's a theocratic nation

that wishes to unite humans

against all other races.

If given the chance,

they'd wipe out the entire

population of ogres,

goblins and lizardmen.

I believe it would be

too dangerous to have

any contact with them now.

There's one last thing.

What should we do about

the people we saved?

[AINS] Don't do anything that

would make the citizens

of Carne Village see us

in a negative light.

We gained that foothold

on friendly terms

and I want it to stay that way.

Understood, master. That's it.

There is nothing left to

discuss from the daily report.


Good job.

I am unworthy of such

praise. You are too kind.

I need you to take me

right here and now.

Please, do whatever you

want to me, my love.

[AINS] Albedo. I'm not going

to take advantage of you.

I programmed you to have

these feelings towards me.

That's all.

I honestly don't see

what the problem is.



Tell me something.

Are you truly disturbed

by my feelings?

Is my love a burden, master?


No. That's not it at all.


Our relationship can

move to the next level.



I'm so happy that we both

agree on this issue.


But I messed with the settings

Tabula designed for you.


Lord Tabula wouldn't mind.

After all, I'm like

a daughter to him.

He'd be happy to know that I

found true love after he left.


You really believe that?




Lord Ains.

I hope you are doing well

on this beautiful day.

[AINS] I am doing very well,

as I hope you are, Shalltear.

Is there something

I can help you with?

Oh, no.

My day has already been

improved just by laying eyes

on your exquisite form, my lord.

Well, if that's all

you needed, why don't you

go bother someone else?

Lord Ains and I are

busy right now,

and your pathetic flirting

has interrupted us.

Shriveled old ladies

can be such a bore,

don't you think? They cling

to whomever they can

because they've

passed their prime.

You're trying to

pass yourself off

as young and perky.

But I know the truth about

your two little friends

that have suddenly appeared.

It's pitiful, stuffing your bra.

I will rip your hag face off!

Remind me, which one of

us is a walking cadaver?

[SHALLTEAR growls]


Knock it off, you two!

You're acting like children.


Sorry, Lord Ains.


Well? Why are you really here?


I'm getting ready to depart

for my assignment with Sebas.

As I understand it, we may

be away from Nazarick

for quite a while.

I wanted to make sure

I said a proper goodbye

to my lord before

I make my exit.

And I couldn't leave

without one last look at you.







Need a room?

Cost ya five bronze pieces

each. Meals are gonna--


I only need one room, thanks.

Forget the meals.

[SHOPKEEPER A] Hm? Oh, you're

a low level copper plate.

This place is gonna

be too expensive--


It's our first time registering.

Unfortunately, they make

you start at copper.

Now it's seven bronze pieces.

Payment due up front.


That's not a problem.

The room is upstairs

in the back.



[THUGS chuckle]





Watch where you're

going, you big oaf.

How can I work with

a busted ankle? Hm?

Lookie here.

Perhaps your little vixen can

kiss it and make me feel better.

[AINS laughs]

Not even in your dreams.



[AINS] Your uncivilized

behavior is quite amusing.

I can't help but laugh.




Look at that.

You're not so funny when

you can't breathe, are you?


[THUG A yells]


[AINS] So? Does anyone else

have something humorous

they want to say about

my companion? Because I--

[BRITTA screams]


I cannot believe this!

What the hell, man?!

You just spilled my potion

all over the floor back there.

It wasn't cheap y'know!




Yeah, that's right.

Do you have any idea how long

I've been waiting to buy that?

I had to skip meals

and stop drinking

until I could afford

it. Took months!

You better pay for it,

or things are gonna get ugly.


Excuse me.

But I believe these men

should reimburse you.

You really think these

drunks can pay me back?

I doubt they've ever seen a

piece of gold in their life.

You on the other hand.

You're wearing some

expensive looking armor

and I'm betting you have a

healing potion or two in there.

I'd be happy with

getting one of those.

--[AINS] Actually, I do.

--[NARBERAL growling]



Wait! Wait!

Here you go.


A red potion?


That makes us even, right?

Sure. For now.

Lord Ains. You

shouldn't have to stay

in such a small

and disgusting place.


It's not that bad, Narberal.

But the guild doesn't seem

to set any member standards.

Hopefully, all adventurers

don't act like hooligans.

Then again, when you're

fighting monsters,

brains aren't much

of a requirement.

What are we going

to do about the woman

who took your potion?

[AINS] As an iron level

adventurer, she currently

outranks us in this city.

It's best to let her be for now.

We'll deal with her

later in private.

I am curious about something.

What are your

thoughts on humans?

Complete garbage.


Seriously? Her, too?



I can't order you to change

your feelings towards humans.

But I need you to

control your hostility

while you're in public.

If you wish, then, I will try.


Oh, and don't call me Ains.

Remember, I'm Momon

in this city.

Of course, Lord Momon.


It's just Momon!

And I will no longer

call you Narberal Gamma.

You are now Momon's

partner. Nabe.

Sorry, I won't forget

again, Momon... sir?


That's still a bit too formal.

But it'll work for now.

Anyway, we should discuss

our plan of action

while in E-Rantel.




Uh-- Okay then.

Our main objective in

this city is to gather

knowledge about this new world

we've been transported to.

In order to obtain

said information,

we will go undercover as

low-level adventurers.

We will gain experience

by completing quests.

With our skills, we should

quickly reach the highest

ranks of mythril,

orichalcum and adamantite.

Once there, we will be

assigned harder quests

which should allow us to

access the most useful intel.

Flawless plan,

my lord. I'm in awe.


It's Momon! But you're wrong.

There is one problem.

Our currency is worthless!

The majority of our money

is gold from Yggdrasil.

We can't use it.

It would be publicly

announcing that we came from

somewhere else.

And, if there are other

players that happen to be

living in this city,

there is no guarantee

that they would be

friendly towards us.

Therefore, our first goal is

to make ourselves some money!

Let's find a job!



Ah... Are you

Mr. Nphirea Balear?

Yes. And how may I

help you today, Miss?

I need you to appraise

a potion for me.

[door creaks]






You've gotta see this!


Hm? It's red.

What do you know about it?

First, I need to

examine it properly.

[BRITTA] So this is Lizzy

Balear, the famous pharmacist?

She's the best there is.

Though, I may be biased.

I'll use my Appraise

Magical Item spell.

It should detect

any enchantments.


So? What's up with it?

[LIZZY laughs]


Tell me, Nphirea.

The modern manufacturing

process causes

all potions to

turn blue, correct?


That's right.


Well, this--

I've never seen

anything like it.

It's made of pure magic like

something from a fairytale.

"A true potion of

healing resembles

the color of God's own blood."

I never believed

it actually existed.

You are one lucky lady.

This is equal to a second

tier healing spell.

Easily worth eight gold pieces.

But there are risks with

having such a rare item.

There are people out

there who would k*ll

to get their hands on

a potion this powerful.


I can help though.

You wouldn't have to worry

if you sold it to me.

But I...




[LIZZY sighs]

All right. I have another

proposition for you.



Wow. Check out that guy's armor.

Looks quite expensive.

And he's just a copper plate.


rich kid playing pretend.


A shiny present from Daddy.


[MOMONGA] This is bad.

I can't read these postings.

And Narberal isn't able

to read any language.



Consider this quest done.

I'm very sorry, sir.

But you are only a copper plate

and this request is

looking for a mythril.


I'm aware.

You'll find me

more than qualified.

I have to follow

the guild's rules.


The rules are wrong.

Guidelines are set for a reason.

Without the

requisite experience,

you could get

someone hurt or worse.


Hah. You see my companion here?

She's a third tier magic user.


Third tier?


There's no way!

[AINS] I have the skills of

a fighter comperable to her.

It would be a waste

of our talents

to accept a mere

copper plate quest.

I understand, but the

rules are very clear.

I simply can't allow it.

[AINS] No problem.

You're just doing your job.

Sorry if we came

across as pompous.

Please sign us up for

the most difficult quest

available in the

copper plate field.

Yes. Of course.

Give me just a moment.

[MOMONGA] Perfect! I can't

believe that worked.


Hey, Mister, you two could join

our adventuring group

if you're interested.




Let me introduce everyone.

We call ourselves

The Swords of Darkness.

I'm Peter Mork, the leader.

Over to my left is our

ranger, Lukrut Volve.

He's our eyes and

ears in the field.

Ha, hi!

[PETER] Our capable Druid

uses magic to heal us

and manipulate nature.

Dyne Woodwonder.

Nice to meet you folks.

And last but not least is

the brains of the operation.

Our magic user,

Ninya the Spell Caster.

Hello there. Peter, stop it.

I keep telling you that

nickname is embarrassing.


You know you should

be proud of it.

Our Ninya here

is a talent holder.


Seriously? That's impressive.

[MOMONGA] In this world,

that means he was born

with a special ability.

Ninya has a talent

called Magic Affinity.

He's able to learn magic

spells twice as fast

as the average caster.

Isn't that right?



That's amazing.

It's not like I did

anything to deserve this.

I'm lucky.

Part of me feels it's actually

kind of an unfair advantage.

Such modesty. He's a

famous talent holder.

We're proud to have

him on our team.

Yeah, well.

Here in E-Rantel, there's a

more famous talent holder.

That would be Master Balear.


Who? Oh, how rude of me.

This is Nabe and I am Momon.

Glad to have you all

watching our backs.

So. About this Balear guy.

What kind of talent

does he possess?

You don't know?

There's absolutely no way you

guys are from around here then,

and that actually

explains a lot.

[AINS] You're correct.

We just arrived yesterday.

Well, his name

is Nphirea Balear.

He's the grandson of a well

known pharmacist in E-Rantel.

He was born with a talent

that allows him to use

any and all magical

items without training.



That could be useful.



Now then.

I'm sure you're wondering

why we need your help.

Our current objective is

to destroy all the monsters

that have wandered

too close to the city.


You were hired to hunt monsters?

Not really.

It's actually an

off-the-books expedition

that we decided to

take on by ourselves.


What does that mean?

We weren't exactly

hired to do it,

but the guild will receive

money from the city

based on the strength

of the monsters we defeat.

We just have to collect

our reward from the guild.


I get it.

It's like earning coins

by collecting item drops.

It's a dull, but necessary

task for us adventurers.

The job is pretty easy,

and we get to keep people safe,

while also bringing

home the tasty bacon.

It's totally a win-win situation

for all parties involved.

So, you interested

in joining us?

Our plan is to start

clearing out the forest

just south of the city and

working our way north.

Whaddya say?

The experience will help you

rise above a copper plate.


Sure. We're happy to come along.


[AINS] One thing. I should

show you all my face

since we will be

working together.

I hope it's not a shock.

Oh, interesting.

I've heard of a country

south of here where a face

like yours is common,

but you're the first

that I've met in person.

He's older than I expected.

Don't be so rude.

[AINS] I've been hiding my

face since we came to town.

Sometimes people have

issues with foreigners.

And I didn't want to

stir up any trouble.

[MOMONGA] They have no clue

this face is an illusion.


Just out of curiosity,

what kind of partners

are you two exactly?



We're allies.

That's wonderful.

'Cause I'm in love!

Say you'll go on a date with me?

Watch your tongue, you dog.

Or I shall have to cut it out

and serve it to you for dinner.

Learn your place and sit.


She doesn't mean--

[LUKRUT] That kind of honest

criticism is so rare these days!

You're right. We should just

start as friends, for now.

You disgust me.

Perhaps I'll spoon out

your eyes for fun.

[LUKRUT] That cool gaze of

hers really does it for me.

I'm sorry about

my friend's advances.


Yes. I'm sorry as well.

If you and Nabe are ready to go,

I think it's best that

we head out immediately.



Mr. Momon?



Someone specifically

requested you for a job.


Do you know who asked for me?

Yes, Mr. Nphirea Balear.




Stop and think before you act.

I'm sorry. It won't

happen again.


I know you mean well.

But you have to learn

not to overreact

to harmless

situations. Understand?


Hello there.

I'm the one that

specifically requested you.


I'm sorry to disappoint.

But we have already

accepted another position.

Perhaps after we have finished

this job we can help you.

Don't be ridiculous!

This could be big for you!

[AINS] I agreed to join

up with your group.

What kind of a man would I be

if I did not keep my word?


But, it's a personal request.


Okay. How about this:

I will listen to

Mr. Balear's proposition,

and then make my choice.


My name is Nphirea Balear.

I'm a pharmacist

here in the city.

Your job would be to

protect me while I harvest

some herbs in the forest

near Carne Village.


Carne Village?

Aside from escorting me

there and back again,

I'd like for you

to help me collect

the medicinal herbs that I need.


A bodyguard assignment.


I don't know about this gig.

My skills and items aren't

great at protecting others.

The reward for doing this is--


Question, Peter.

How would you like to

come on as my hired hand?


What do you mean?


I suggest we take these men

along for this excursion.

A ranger such as Mr. Lukrut

would provide security.

And it would also be smart

to have the skills of a Druid

like Mr. Dyne if we're going

to be working in a forest.

Yes. You possess a keen

insight, Mr. Momon.

I definitely don't

mind tagging along.

It'd be an honor

to escort you both.

More men equals more

protection for me.


That's settled then.

But... I'm still

confused by one thing.

What's that?

[AINS] Why did you

request me for this job?


[AINS] I'm new to the

area and don't have

any acquaintances in this city.

I'm very curious how

a well-known citizen

such as yourself

came to know my name.

May I ask how you heard of me?

I caught wind

about what happened

with you at the inn yesterday.


The fight at the inn?


A recent customer of

mine told me about how

you easily took down several

higher ranked adventurers

who were accosting you

and your partner.

The person I used

to hire as an escort

moved away from E-Rantel

not too long ago.

So, now I'm in the market

for a replacement warrior.

And to be perfectly

honest with you,

it's a lot cheaper to hire

a copper plate for the job.


That's true...

Does anyone have

another question?

[PETER] No. We're ready

to leave whenever you are.

[AINS] I can't shake the feeling

that something is off here.

Then let's get going.

There's no time to waste.

[CLEMENTINE giggles]

[CLEMENTINE humming]

This is it.

I'm coming down.

Khaji! I need to

talk to you, old man.

Are you here?

[KHAJIT] I told you

to stop calling me that.

It is disrespectful to

the great name of Zuranon.

So tell me. Why have

you come here?

[CLEMENTINE giggles] I thought

you might be interested in this.

My god.

One of the treasures

of the Slane Theocracy.

A fabled shaman princess

wore that Crown of Wisdom.


Oh, I know.

A sweet little thing was

going crazy while wearing it.

So, I did her a favor and

snatched it off her pretty head.

[KHAJIT grunts] As a former

member of the Black Scripture,

you should be well

aware that this item

suppresses the

soul of its bearer

and turns them into

a magical conduit.

It's incredibly dangerous.

Simply touching it could

have meant your end,

and yet you did it anyway.


There's a one in

a million chance

you could find a

person who's compatible.

And without a true match,

it's just a very fancy

piece of garbage.

That's why I came.

As a fellow member of

the society of Zuranon,

you have to help me.

Isn't that right,

Khajit Dale Badantel?

[growls] I don't answer

to "Dale" anymore.

Now, what do you want from me?

[CLEMENTINE] I've heard rumors

about a talent holder

in town that can use

any magical item at will.

Do you think he can make this

crown work for little ol' me?

I highly doubt that

you need my assistance

kidnapping a defenseless boy.

Normally, no, but I

intend to cause

a bit of an uproar

in the process.

You plan on using chaos

as your means

to escape the city.

How's this:

I'll participate in your

ritual if you're a good boy

and help me out.

Pretty enticing, right?

I'd be a fool to

turn that offer down.

Let's figure out how to

grab that talent holder.

[AINS] My first job as

the adventurer, Momon,

is to serve as bodyguard

to Nphirea, the pharmacist.

An adventurer group

calling themselves

"The Swords of Darkness,"

accompany me on the journey.

And, even though their

individual specialties

are vastly different,

their teamwork is seamless.

Their strong bond reminds

me of my old comrads

and all that we could

accomplish together.

And the memories fill me

with jealousy and melancholy.

Chapter six: "Journey."