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01x04 - Ruler of Death

Posted: 05/22/23 18:11
by bunniefuu

Nigun Grid Luwin.

As captain of the

Sunlit Scripture,

one of the six scriptures

of the Six Great Gods, you

are called upon to serve.


With honor.

[HEAD PRIEST] You will go

to the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Locate Gazef Stronoff,

and eliminate him.


[HEAD PRIEST] This treasure

contains a miracle of the Gods.

Use it only if necessary.


Attention, all units.

Our prey has entered the cage.

Devote yourself to the Gods,

and carry out their will.


There they are.

It looks like

they've surrounded us

in equal intervals.

[AINS] Do you have some

idea of who they are?

Only the Slane Theocracy

could send out

this many magic casters at once.

And they're part of

a special ops unit

directly under the Head Priest.

It must be one of

the six scriptures.

[AINS] Then the men who att*cked

the village earlier...?

Theocracy soldiers, no doubt.

Looks like they dressed in

Imperial armor to throw us off.


As I thought.

Does this village hold

some significant value?

If you don't know

why they're attacking,

then I'm assuming

they're not after you,

which means one thing.

[AINS] It would appear that

you are quite despised,

Chief Warrior.

Indeed. Well, lucky me.

To think, even the Slane

Theocracy wants me dead.

[MOMONGA] But those creatures

look like Archangel Flames.

Why is a monster

from Yggdrasil here?

[GAZEF] Sir Ains.

I would like to hire you.

Name your price and I'll

make sure you get it.


Sorry, but I have to decline.

Very well.

Then, please take care

and thanks again.

This village owes

you gratitude. As do I.

[AINS grunts]

I am grateful, which is

why I hesitate to ask.

I know this is

a selfish request.

Please, grant these people

your protection one more time.

I have nothing to offer

you now, but, I beg you.


[AINS] There is no need for

you to go that far, Gazef.

I understand. I will be sure

to protect the villagers.

I will even put the name of

Ains Ooal Gown on the line.

Then, I will have

nothing to worry about.

Instead, I will focus

on the task before me.


Take this. I insist.

[gasps] You're giving me a gift?

I gratefully accept it.



Good luck.


[AINS sighs] When I first

met the humans here,

I saw them as no more

than insects, as you do.

But, the more I speak with

them, the fonder I grow.

Like a child among

helpless animals.

[ALBEDO] Is that the reason

you were willing to promise

the honor of your great name

to his request, my lord?




Lord Ains!

Those marauders are

still out there.

Why is the Chief

Warrior leaving?

[AINS] Because he was their

true target, not the village.

Then, should we just

stay here and wait

for him to deal

with those brigands?


That would be unwise.

Once the Chief Warrior and

his men disrupt their lines,

we will make our escape.

He will cause as much

commotion as he can

to make a clear path for us.

[BOTH sigh]

We'll attack them head on!

Break through the soldiers

and lead the enemy

away from the villagers!

After that, continue to retreat!

Timing is crucial here!


Understood, sir!

Now, then.

Let's paint the ground with

their God-loving guts!




Here, sir!




Tough, aren't you?

"Martial Art."


"Focus Battle Aura"!

[GAZEF grunts]


Magic really pisses me off.

All right. It's done.

This is all according to plan.

It's up to you, Sir Ains.



Stay by Gazef's side...!


We're the ones who will protect

this country!


I told you to retreat!

What are you doing

coming back for me?

You're all damn fools.

But your fools I'm

proud to fight beside.






[SUBORDINATES grunting, yelling]

There's too many. They'll

completely overtake us.

[GAZEF] But, if we take out

their commander, it's all over!

Come on! You're in my way!

"Martial Art, Six-Fold

Slash of Light"!

[SUBORDINATES gasp, laugh]

"Martial Art, Instant Counter"!





Ya see that?

We can win!




Mastering that many

skills isn't easy.

Sadly, it won't save you.

Summon another set of angels.

Focus all of your magical

att*cks on the Chief Warrior.

We're in trouble.

I'm scared!

[NEMU sobs]

It's all right. Trust me.


[GAZEF pants]


[GAZEF groans]

[NIGUN] Finish him off.

But don't leave it to chance.

Attack with all of them

to ensure his fate.


I'm... not... through... yet!

I am the Chief Warrior!

My heart and soul

belong to Re-Estize!

I'll die , times before

I lose to the likes of you!

Yes, you will die,

and you'll only have

your blaspheming tongue

to blame for it.

Face it, Gazef Stronoff.

There's nothing you

can do to stop us.

Once we're through with you,

we'll m*ssacre the villagers.

Cease your futile resistance,

and just lie down

like a good dog.

As an act of mercy,

I'll make sure

your death is painless.


Is something amusing?

Yeah, you and your little army.

When the man in the

village comes for you,

it will be a m*ssacre.

Trying to bluff me?

k*ll him, angels.

Make sure he suffers.

[AINS] Looks like it's

time for us to switch.

[VILLAGERS gasp, murmur]

Huh? Where am I?

[VILLAGE CHIEF] This is the

village storage house.

Lord Ains set up

a magical barrier

to keep us all safe.

Is he here?

He was, but he just vanished

right in front of our eyes.

Then you appeared in his place.


I'll be...


And just who are you?

[AINS] Nice to meet you,

people of the Slane Theocracy.

My name is Ains Ooal Gown.

But, please, call me Ains.

[AINS] I have something

of a relationship

with those villagers.

Have you come to

beg for their lives,

or just your own?


No, no. You misunderstand.




I overheard your conversation

with the Chief Warrior.

You really have a lot

of balls, don't you?


[AINS] I spent my

precious time and energy

saving those people,

and you brazenly declared

your intent to m*ssacre them.

I can't imagine

anything more offensive.

You're being rather

brazen yourself,

for a meager magic caster.

So, what do you plan to do?

[AINS] Offer your pitiful life

to me without resistance.

Do this and there

will be no pain.

However, if you refuse,

I swear, here and now,

you will die painfully and in

despair for your imprudence.

Have the angels

attack this fool!

[gasps] Is that all you had?

I expected more after

a bluff like that.



Did you not hear me?

I said to offer your

life without resistance.

By the time I'm

through with you,

you'll wish you had listened.


A trick!


Yes! It has to be!

[AINS] High Tiered

Physical Nullification.

It's a passive skill

that completely nullifies

the physical att*cks

of low-leveled

weapons and monsters.


[AINS yells]


As I thought.

They really are the Archangel

Flames from Yggdrasil.

[AINS] The fact that you can

use magic and summon spells

from Yggdrasil intrigues me.

I want to know why

they exist here,

and how you could

have learned them.

But, for now, I'll

focus on k*lling you.

It's my turn.

You wanted a m*ssacre?

You'll get one.

Don't just stand there.

Attack him! Hurry!


Albedo, stand back.




"Negative Burst"!


[gasps] That's not... possible!

[GAZEF] When the man in

the village comes for you,

it will be a m*ssacre.

[SLANE PRIESTS shouting spells]



It would seem they know

more Yggdrasil spells

than I initially thought.

Tell me! Where did

you learn that magic?

[SLANE PRIEST A yelping]

What just happened?



You're well aware that these

pitiful, low-level spells

would have done me no harm.

There was no need

for you to interfere.


I beg your pardon, Lord Ains.

but if someone wishes

to fight a Supreme Being,

such as you, they should

at least be able to best me.

These men are mere pebbles

fighting a mountain.

[AINS laughs] I'm afraid they

wouldn't meet your requirements

in ten lifetimes.


Principality of

Observation! Attack!

[AINS] My, my. I guess

I should fight back.

"Hell Flame."



That was... one hit!

That's impossible!

There's no way a high level

angel could be destroyed

using only one spell!


Captain Nigun, sir!

What should we do now?

We'll summon the

highest-level angel!



Is that...?

[MOMONGA] Based on how it

glows, it's a sealing crystal

that can hold any magic

other than top tier spells.

So, they even have

Yggdrasil items.

[AINS] Albedo. I believe

your skills may be required.



Behold! The shining form

of the highest of angels!

Dominion Authority!




You're telling me this is

your strongest trump card?

That's right.

I didn't think I'd have to call

on it, but you proved worthy

of its divine greatness!

[AINS] I'm at a complete

loss for words.

Regretting your folly?

I wouldn't blame

you if you were.


This is stupid.


[AINS] I can't believe

I put up my guard

for this sort of child's play.

What was that?

You can't be serious!

No way. You're, lying!

Mankind can't compete

with its might!

I'll show you!

Smite him with

your divine power!

Dominion Authority

is the holy product

of seventh tier magic!

Nothing can survive it!

Now, receive the Gods'

judgment and repent!

[AINS laughs]


[AINS laughing]

[AINS] So this is how it feels

to take damage. This is pain!


[ALBEDO growling]

[AINS gasps]


You lower life form!



That's my love!

My beloved Lord Ains, the

ruler of my heart and soul!

You caused him pain!

And for that,

you will know hell!


Calm down, Albedo.


But, Lord Ains!


It's fine.

Aside from the surprising

weakness of the angels,

everything is going exactly

as I had foreseen it.

[AINS] It's my turn

again. Know despair!

"Black Hole"!


[NIGUN] Even demons don't

have this kind of power.

Just who in the world are you?


Ains Ooal Gown.

In the past, there

was no one alive

who did not fear this name.

Hey, what was that?


It seems that someone was using

reconnaissance magic

to watch you from afar.

I'm guessing the Theocracy.

But my defense barrier

counteracted it,

so I doubt they saw very much.

My country was watching me?

[AINS] If that's all you had,

it's time to end this.


No! No, no, no please, wait!

I beg of you, Sir Ains. I mean,

Lord Ains! Spare my life!

The rest of these

men don't matter!


[NIGUN] I'll give you

anything you wish! Name it!

I will do whatever it

takes to appease you!


I think you're confused.


[ALBEDO] Lord Ains has

no need for sniveling

lower life forms. Humans like

you should bow their heads

and give thanks to him for

ending their miserable lives.

What's that mean,

"humans like me"?


What was it you said to Gazef?

"Cease your futile resistance

and just lie down

like a good dog."

As an act of mercy,

I'll make sure your

death is painless."


I wonder...

Did I live up to

Albedo's expectations

as the Lord of Nazarick?

So cool! Lord Ains

is such a badass.


Hm? Did you say something?


Hm? Nothing, my lord.

But, if I may ask, why did

you save that human soldier?

You even gave him

that important relic.


Actually, it was a gimmick item

from a lottery machine.

More importantly, you

could have sent me

to fight in your place.

I am your shield.

There was no need to personally

risk your life like that.


I know your strength, Albedo,

and I trust your devotion.

However, until we know

more about this world,

we must proceed with

the utmost caution.

Believing the enemy is stronger

than us keeps us safe.

So you tested their power

by using him as a pawn!

Your use of humans is

truly impeccable, my lord.

Uh, however...

I fail to see how taking

that last angel's attack

head on counted as "caution."


Is that so?

Watching you feel pain

was more than I could bare.

I knew you would come through

it unscathed, but still.

No woman wants her

true love to get hurt!


Oh, right.

Let's go home, Albedo.


With pleasure, Lord Ains!



I want to apologize for

leaving the Tomb on my own.

There will be time

to fill you in

on all that has happened.

However, there is a

more pressing matter

I want to attend to.

"Greater Break Item"!



I have changed my name.

From this day forward,

I will be known as:

Ains Ooal Gown!

You shall call me Ains!

If you have any objections,

stand and voice them!

We have heard your

precious name, lord.

And devote ourselves to it

with unwavering loyalty.

Glory to Lord Ains Ooal Gown!

[GUARDIANS] Glory to Lord

Ains Ooal Gown! All hail!

We give ourselves to you,

utterly and without

any hesitation!

[BOTH] To the most

powerful Supreme Being!

Everyone in this world will know

of your greatness, and

fear your undying wrath.

[COCYTUS] Our king, who

rules over all, forever.

Glory to the Overlord,

the supreme ruler of death!


This is an absolute order!

Make the name Ains Ooal

Gown an eternal legend!


[MOMONGA] Across the land,

through the sky,

and over the sea.

I will spread the name

of Ains Ooal Gown

to every corner of

this strange new world.

If any of my friends

have come here as well,

they'll know they're

not alone and find me.

[ALBEDO] Demiurge,

please tell everyone about

your conversation

with the master.

I was with Lord Ains

the first night we arrived

in this world and

he told me this:

"The stars glitter like jewels.

I was sent to this land to

obtain those jewels for myself,

along with every treasure

that shines beneath them."

Then, after a moment,

I heard him say:

"The most enjoyable

thing now might be

taking over the world." Yes.


Hear that?

Let it be known, here and now,

that this is our final goal.

As servants of the

Tomb of Nazarick,

we will present this

world to Lord Ains,

without fail!



In order to collect information

about this new world, there's a

need to live among the humans.

To this end, I've hidden my

skeleton body in a suit of armor

and entered the Adventurer's

Guild under the name "Momon"

with Narberal at

my side as "Nabe."

If I make a name

for myself here,

I'll be able to make some money

and gather vauable intel.

It's a completely perfect plan.

But I couldn't have foreseen

that even Narberal hated

humans so pasionately.