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01x22 - I Know It Feels Impossible

Posted: 05/22/23 14:01
by bunniefuu
I haven't been using.

MANNY: Yeah, you keep saying that.

It's the, it's the truth.
You have to, you have to believe me.


What I believe right now,
that's not the point.

What the parole board believes
tomorrow? That's the point.

My hearing's still on?

Yeah. Yeah.

According to the email I just got,
even though you peed dirty.

So I could still parole?

It's not off the table.

They're gonna give you
a chance to explain yourself.

I-It has, it has to be Sleeper, man.

He told me that our beef isn't over.

Can you please explain to me
how a dude in prison

could orchestrate
a drug test swap here in camp?

'Cause I'm having a real hard time

understanding what that looks like.

He-He's obviously got a,
got a foothold here.

Could have been two
of his guys, I don't know.

Maybe he paid off a C.O.

You know, when Gabriela
was a little girl,

this bad dude broke into our house

and he stole a bunch of money
that she'd been saving up for years.

- Okay.
- That's what I told her.

But the truth is, I took the money.

And the answer wasn't all
elaborate, it was simple.

I was a bad guy.

And in this situation right here, Bode?

The simplest answer is that you failed

a scientific drug test

because you had dr*gs
in your system, bro.

Sleeper has it out for me, man.

Oh, come on.

You know that!

You know what I know, man?

I know that I believed in you.

I put my reputation on the line
over and over... (SIGHS)

and over again just for you.

Because I saw myself in you.

I saw a man who wanted to change.

And now I look at you...

...I don't know what I see.




Good morning.

Good morning.


GABRIELA: Eve, are you up?

♪ Not yet. ♪


Aren't we supposed to carpool?

Come on, let's go.

(STAMMERS) Madre... I'm sorry.

- I didn't realize you have company.
- Get out.

Sorry. No, that's okay.


That's your...

- That's not my girlfriend. No...
- Okay.

No, that's my roommate, my coworker.

Oh. Your coworker?

(LAUGHS): Yes.

So you want to get breakfast
before I go to work, or...?

Uh... Or, you know...
maybe we could do this again soon?


Last night was so fun.

I, uh, don't do breakfast, and...

You're lovely.

You're really lovely, but...


I can't do "again."


JAKE: Okay, for Bode, how about this?

Split grip, super slim,
with a DPS reel seat?

Okay, all right. Uh, well...

What do you get a guy
that's getting out of prison?

You're excited to have
your best bro back, and I think

that's adorable.

Having him move in is going
to be interesting. (CHUCKLES)

(LAUGHS) He's, um...

He's moving in with you?

Yeah, no, only until
he gets back on his feet.



Nothing, just, I'm...

I'm thinking of logistics, you know?

My little sister,
she lives with me, and, uh...

so my place is a no-go
a-and now yours will be tricky.

I get it. I understand.

A roommate isn't ideal, but...

Well, it's-it's not
just any roommate, it's...

Bode, so...


You know what?

Forget I said anything. Um...

I think he's gonna
really like that gift.

I got to go to work.

Look at this little bug.

Well, that little bug is
now a huge adult person.

I can still love on his little face.

I come in peace.

And I bring you

streamers and other
frilly things to hang up.

I'm glad you could make it, Luke.

Hey, um, you knew he was coming?

I shared Bode's hearing date with him.

And you can't ice your
brother out forever.

Look, you're not the gatekeeper
to this family, Vin.

Doesn't mean I'm happy to see you.

Okay, let's just hang this up.


You still haven't told him?

Lower your voice.

I'll take that as a no.

We'll tell him together,
after Bode gets out.


- EVE: Ooh. Hey, bro.
- Hey.


You know how I used to say
we were terrible people to date?

Well, I also didn't realize I...
I may be terrible in bed.

Uh, you do know I know a string of women

who would beg to differ, right?

This is a new woman. And we hit it off.

- Her name is Mel.
- Mel.

Mel. What-what is that,
short for Melissa?

- Melanie?
- I didn't ask.

But as the night progressed,

I suggested that she come over to mine.

- Nice move.
- 'Cause she was looking real fine.

- Okay. Okay.
- After two glasses of wine.

- Bars. Bars.
- Bars. (LAUGHS)

All right.

And then this morning, she bolted.

Cara was acting all weird
when I mentioned

that Bode was moving back in.

You think she's still hung up on Bode?

Well, now I do.

Wow, we really are
terrible people to date.

I should have asked her
what Mel was short for.


♪ Jesus turned it into wine ♪

♪ I turned it into whiskey... ♪

You're clean,

Sleeper's a tool and this is bull.

I know.

If your clean test
got swapped with a dirty one,

who got the get-out-of-jail-free
card, literally?

BODE: Lonnegan. We both know
he was high when we got tested.

Cap won't let them
send you back to prison.

Cap thinks this whole
Sleeper story is far-fetched.

I mean, it does sound paranoid.

Wait. Cap doesn't believe you?

And if he doesn't...

What if my parents don't?

Or Gabriela?

I know what it's like to be
looked at as guilty

for something you didn't do.

I'm sorry.

A couple days ago, we both
thought we were going home.

At least you still get to marry Cookie.

She gets here tomorrow.

And look, you still
got to be my best man.

I hope I can, Freddy.

After my parole hearing, I don't know

if I'm gonna be here
or home or back in prison.

♪ ♪

COOKIE: I love Freddy. I do, but...


Am I a crazy person?

I'm pumping in a wedding dress,

to surprise my incarcerated
fiancé a day early.

ELOISA: You're not a crazy
person, Cookie. You're in love.

And it's still raining.

What if it's a bad omen?

(MOANS) Eloisa.

Will you be quiet?

I just put your cute baby
down for a nap,

and now you are to start enjoying

this woodsy cabin thing that we rented.

I really thought Freddy was getting out.

I thought the Lighthouse Amends
people would make things right.

Okay. You've pumped enough.



...are gonna have some champagne.

And we're gonna celebrate
you getting married.


the conjugal visits that follow.

Mm-hmm. (LAUGHS)

You really think things
are gonna be good?

Come on. Things are good.

And you look so beautiful I could cry.

I do, don't I?

Yes, you do.

I do. (LAUGHS)

Don't forget. Oh.

And would you look at that?
The rain's letting up.



(GASPS) Oh, my God!

Oh, my God. Janey?


♪ ♪

MANNY: Mudslides.

Not like brush fire, gentlemen.

First thing we do

is establish escape routes
and safe zones.

That's our emergency evac
in case of a secondary mudslide.

What we're gonna be doing
is removing debris,

mostly for rescues,
but also, potentially,

for a number of recoveries as well.

- Recoveries?
- That's right.

Of dead bodies.

Mud, it crushes people,

encases them in the earth
packed like cement blocks.

We do the most we can
for the most people,

but we do it as quick as we can.

- You got it?
- Copy.

You up for this, Bode?

I wouldn't be here if I weren't, Cap.

You believe that?

Watch it.

Yes, Cap.


SHARON: Greencrest, Division .

Assuming West Hills Command.

Listen up!

We have encased victims
with very little oxygen,

and trapped victims on borrowed time,

and others who cannot self-rescue.

Gabriela, Arthur,
you're gonna be my lookout.

You see, you hear, you feel anything,

you call it in as a secondary slide.

Copy, Chief.

Any water release or tree movement could

domino in an heartbeat,
so establish your safety zones

and escape routes as you go.

Crawford, Edwards,
what are our moves here?

We establish Ops, we capitalize
on our available resources

and call for any additional ones,
civil and emergency responders.

Okay. The USAR teams
are on the move now.

Vince, you're my gonna
have to be my Ops, and Eve,

can you get me a contact
for the manager of this place?

- Hopefully they weren't on-site.
- Copy you.

Chief Leone, I've got evidence

- of a couple structures here.
- Do a hasty search.

Tag them and map them for the primary.

SHARON: Okay, everybody,
listen up: tread softly out there.

We don't know what we're
standing on or for how long.

VINCE: Let's go.





You all right?

Uh, yeah, I-I wasn't hurt.

We should probably get you
checked out anyway.

No, no, I mean,
I wasn't in the mudslide.

I stayed out last night,
and now my cabin is gone.

Yesterday, there were families
and little kids playing, I...

I heard a baby crying. Oh, my God.

- We're doing everything we can.
- Eve?

- EVE: Yeah, Chief?
- Get this woman to safety.

EVE: Copy, Chief.
Okay, ma'am, so we're gonna get...


- Hey.
- Are you okay?

- Yeah. No, no, I-I'm good.
- Well, you...

Because I stayed
at your place last night.


Yeah, last night with you, it was...

Yeah, no, I thought so, too.

Yeah, but now that I know that
you work for Cal Fire, I can't.

I work with the state
attorney's office, Eve.

I'm here investigating Three Rock.

- Investigating what?
- I can't say.

But what happened last night,
it is a huge conflict of interest.

I-I really am sorry, but I...
it can never happen again.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Hey, Olsen.

- Um, he'll get you out of here.
- Yeah.

MANNY: Freddy,
lookout needs brush cleared.

Rest of you guys, unload these tools.
I'm gonna check us in.

Hey. Let me clear the brush.

Give me a chance to find my parents,

tell them about the failed test
before somebody else does.

Got you.

Let's go. Faster, Three Rock!


Bode. Hey.

I got to head to my lookout.

You got a big day tomorrow.

Yeah, look, I'm gonna
tell you something,

and it's gonna sound crazy,
but I don't have a lot of time.

You remember Sleeper, right?


Well, I didn't tell you this

because I was trying
to keep you out of it,

but he threatened to get back at me

for snitching, and he did.

I'm clean, but my drug test
came back dirty.

No. No. No, no.

Bode, you're almost out.

Please, you have to believe me.

I do. I-I do believe you.

But this is my fault.

I told you to go to my dad,
and then Sleeper got you back.

I'm gonna be there
at your parole hearing and stand by you.

What if I don't get out because of this?

I'll still stand by you.

Until you get out, whenever that is.

(EXHALES) I need to tell my parents.

They're gonna believe you.

- Your dad doesn't.
- Really?

I got to go.


Let me get this straight.

It's not you, it's, it's your job, huh?

And that's why, uh, Melanie or...

or Melody... or was it
Melissa... was weird.

Nah, I'm being serious, Jake.

No, Mel is investigating Three Rock.

Nothing good can come from that.

Well, in that case, you definitely
need to stay away from her.

(BARKING) Got a hit here. Come on.

Watch your step.

Right here.

CHARLES: Help. Help.

We're on our way.




All right. Coming to you.


I got it, I got it.

Okay, let's get it out.


Dylan? Brian?

- Here we go.
- Please.

- We got you. One...
- Dylan...

Dylan. Dylan...

Dylan and Brian.

Sir, do you know where you are?

Yeah, I was, I was in a cabin

with my-my husband and my son Dylan.
Where-where are they?

Hey, hey. What is your name, sir?

Just... Who cares? Just find my family.

- Listen, we're going to, okay?
- Dylan!

Hey, hey. Sir? Listen. Hey, hey.

Can you have a seat?
I need you to tell me,

where did you last see them?

Brian and I were b-building a t...

A pillow fort for Dylan,

and then I saw the-the mud
coming straight for us,

and I know it sounds crazy, but I p...

I put Dylan in the, in the fridge.

Look, I-I teach geology.

The-the mudslide was
supposed to crush me

and the-the fridge
was supposed to save Dylan,

but I'm standing here,
I'm standing here alone.

No, no, no, no. We will find him.

Alex, come on.

All right. We'll find him.

(EXHALES): Okay. Let me take a look.

A refrigerator?

Yeah, that's only
ten minutes left of oxygen.

And that's only if it was
fully sealed. Let's hustle.

This here should be pretty stable.

What I'm worried about
is this part right here.

Last family incident with you in orange.

What a way to go out.

I-I, uh...

might not be getting out.

What's that mean?

I failed my drug test yesterday.

You did what?

- It's not what you think...
- No, no, no. You looked me in the face

and you told me you
were gonna stay clean.

I am.

VINCE: We want to believe you, okay?
Just help us understand.

There's a guy, Sleeper...

No, no, I can't, I can't...

I can't listen to the lies
and excuses again.

I promise you, it's not.

No, this is the
addiction all over again.

No, I don't want to hear about
some other guy.

You tell me about you.

- I'm trying. Mom...
- I can't do this again. I can't.

- I was set up.
- You're gonna actually k*ll me, Bode.


It's the fridge.


Dylan. Hey, Papa's here now.

SHARON: This whole area is unsafe!

My son is in there.

But the piece of structure is unstable.

It could fall on you.

EVE: Hey, sir.
Come on, let us do our jobs.


Dylan! Come on!



Hey. Shar!


- Mom. Mom.
- EVE: Sharon!

- Mom, Mom.
- VINCE: Shar, wake up.


FREDDY: Let's go, Three Rock!


We need this gear off the rig
before Cap's back.

Let's go.



Eloisa, what are you doing here?

- We-we came a day early.
- Whoa...

Cookie wanted to surprise you.

- Cookie's here?
- Yes.

And Janey. Or-or they were.

The-the rain stopped, and the-the mud,

it just was coming right for us

and the cabin was split in two

and then, Cookie,
she ran for the baby...

- Wait, where are they now?
- Freddy, I don't know.

I can't find them.

- Please help me find them.
- Okay.

Ok-okay, stay-stay... stay here.

Stay here!


Give me that ambulance! Now!



Dad, Dad, I-I want to know the
second you know what's wrong.

Just call Cap and have him update me.


VINCE: Let's go. Let's go.

Coming in.


PARAMEDIC: Let's go.

All right. Rolling out.


MAN (OVER RADIO): Lookout ,
what's the situation report?

No signs of secondary slide, I.C.

MANNY: Any shift in conditions?

No. There's a new I.C.?

Where's D.C. Leone?

She collapsed.

Vince is with her at the hospital.

Bode must be worried sick.

Yeah, I'm sure he is.

He told me you doubted his story.

Yeah, well, that's all it is, mija.

Just a story.

You taught me about second chances.

I do believe in second chances.

And third ones and fourth ones,
and I believe in Bode.

I just... don't believe Bode right now.

Look, Gabriela,
Bode's a good person, all right?

And he slipped up.
Both things can be true.

I know 'cause I know
you're a good person,

and I've seen you slip up.

But that's not what's happening
with Bode. I know it.

Why would he ask you
to drug test everyone

if he knew that his
was gonna come back dirty?


BODE: Hey. Chief.

Any word on my mom?

- Not yet.
- Could you maybe call?

Little busy here.

FREDDY: Bode! Help, man!

Cookie and my baby were
in one of these cabins, man.

The mud hit and she was just gone.

I don't know what to do.
I-I don't know what to do, man.

Hey, Freddy. We'll find them,
all right? We'll find them.

Let's go get Cap. Come on. Let's go.

Please, we need to
start digging. Give me...

- Okay, Charles. Charles, Charles, hey!
- Hey, hey!

Listen, we need to move slowly
to prevent another collapse.

Charles, come with me. Here.

- Look.
- BRIAN: Honey, Charles.

Honey. Charles!

CHARLES: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

You're all right.

Where's Dylan?

They're digging him out.

There's no indication
on the live search dog.

JAKE: No hit from the live dog.

Well, that cadaver dog
also smells nothing.

What the hell are we digging for then?




- CHARLES: Dylan?
- EVE: Nice. Nice!

CHARLES: It's gonna be all right.

EVE: It's just milk.


We'll keep looking, okay?

Come on, Jake.

- Cookie!
- Cookie, can you hear us?

That-that flag. It was on
the porch of our cabin.

This is, this is where
we were when it hit.



COOKIE: Freddy? Freddy? Oh,
my God, is that you or am I dreaming?

We're over here.

Is she okay? Is she okay?!

We got hit and I passed out and...

Oh. I don't know if she got hit.

Or hurt.

Here, here, here. Eloisa, go with Janey.

Don't leave her.

Cap, I don't have your
clearance to leave.

Take my baby and run, please.

You did good. Baby, I love you so much.

We're gonna get you out of here.

I love you, too.

Cal Fire Chief collapses,
you-you'd think you'd get bumped

to the front of the line for a scan.

A bump to the front would mean
I'm really in a bad way.

I don't mind waiting.

Plus, it gives us time
to talk about Bode relapsing.

A-And getting upset
is what landed you here.

Oh, come on, how could I not be
upset with his parole at stake?

All of his progress just out
the window just to get high.

How do you know
he's not telling the truth?

How do you know?

'Cause I felt it in my body
when he pointed to that other guy.

That's his old behavior pattern.

That's his addiction.

Sharon Leone? We're ready for you.

I need him to be telling the truth.

You need him to?

'Cause otherwise, how will you love him?

Careful, Vince.

That way of thinking
really sounds like your dad.


What's wrong? Where's Sharon?

They took her in for an MRI.

Not that it's any of your business.

Well, she texted me.

She texted you?

Why you texting with my wife, Luke?

We kind of wanted to tell you together.


FREDDY: This is like pudding.

It's not staying put, Bode.

- Small and quick piles.
- Well, c-can't we just get a winch

or something and-and
pull her out of here?

No, no. It's too dangerous.
The mudslides could start up again.

You're Bode? Freddy's best man?

- Yeah.
- We were supposed to...

meet at the wedding.

Not like this.

We're gonna get you
to that wedding, okay?

Cap, we need stronger tools.

The mud is solidifying.


I just wanted to surprise you
a day early.

My fiancé.

Hey, hey, you did, you did, baby.

And look. Look.

You saved Janey.

She got so big so fast. Didn't she?

FREDDY: We're gonna get you.

MANNY: Freddy, Janey's alert

and her vitals are good.
She's heading to the hospital

to make sure she stays that way.

ELOISA: I'm going with her.
I promised Cookie.

PARAMEDIC: Do a pediatric
assessment. Thank you.

And she won't be alone. And Bode?

Your mom's stable, she's getting an MRI.

I don't understand why you can't
stay away from my wife,

- my wife!
- I-I care about her, Vin.

She's your sister-in-law, Luke.

N-Normal, decent people
don't behave like this.

Hey, I asked you not to come, Luke.

I know, I... How is she?

Sharon collapsed from exhaustion,
dehydration and stress,

which, from her chart, is nothing new.

So, this is, this is gonna
keep happening?

Until a kidney becomes available, yes.

G-Good news is,
some IV fluids and she can go home.

Thank you. (LAUGHS SOFTLY)

VINCE: Thanks.

SHARON: Come on.

I can explain about him.

- I don't care about him.
- Okay.

Whatever it is, just tell me. Okay?

Just tell me. You and me.

I know you think this is bad.

It's not bad, Vince.

I hope you see that. Luke?

I am a kidney match for Sharon.

You two have known
about this for-for how long?

Well, you know, I-I tested
when everybody else did,

but by the time I matched,
I was kind of persona non grata

in this family, and I just
figured that my kidney was, too.

Then when Sharon had to wait
so long for a donor, I figured

I might as well ask, so I did.

You think donating a kidney

- is gonna erase what you did?

I said I wouldn't accept
a kidney with strings.

So, here I am.

One kidney donor, no strings.

It's yours if you want it.

Thank you.

Yeah, of course, man.

(BEEPING) Time is not our friend, Jake.

- Dylan!
- He needs all the air

we can give him right now.

- Dylan!
- Dylan!


- MAN: That's it.
- She got something?

- Let's move.
- Go.

Come on, come on.

Right here, right here.

Good girl.

- EVE: Hello?
- DYLAN: Hello?

There must have been a
cr*ck in the fridge's seal.

That's the only way that he would've
been able to breathe this long.

DYLAN: Help!

Dylan, we're coming for you, buddy.

Come on. (GRUNTING)

Secondary slide! Evac, evac!




EVE: Secondary mudslide!

Eve, we got to go. Let's move. Now!

Not without Dylan.

Secondary slide is on its way, boys.

Retreat, right now!

- Do you copy?
- Cookie's still trapped.

This mud's getting harder
every minute that we waste.

I'm sorry. I know it feels impossible,

but it's the order I have to give.

You get the hell out of there right now,

and then we come back for Cookie.

- Do you copy?
- I won't leave Cookie.

And I won't leave you.
We-we started this together.

We're gonna finish it, you and me.


Keep digging.

It's okay. It's okay. He's got us.

I'm giving you and Cookie
every chance to survive.

Arms up.

MANNY: Boys, retreat. Do you copy?



- It's stuck.
- Come on!

(GRUNTS) Oh, you got to be kidding me.

The door won't open?

It's jammed.


We're out of time.

MANNY: Gabriela? What do you see?

Did Bode and Freddy get out?

Get out of where?

They're rescuing Cookie
at one of the cabins.

- Are they retreating?
- I don't see them.


Come on!

JAKE: Go, brace! Brace! EVE: Go, go!

JAKE: Brace!


FREDDY: No time to go slow, just pull.



Come on, come on. Let's go.

Hold this tree.

All right, baby.
Hang on. I got you. Hang on.

FREDDY: You're gonna be okay.

Oh! Wait! Hold on!


♪ ♪

- MANNY: Bode!
- Where's Bode?

Bode? Freddy?

MANNY: Cookie? Bode?

They were right here.

Is that our life safety rope?



MAN: Bode! Bode!

(GASPS) It broke? No, no, no, no, no!


JAKE: Okay. No, we're good.

We're good, we're good.

Come on, we got to get this kid out.

We're coming, Dylan. Give me something.

Where's the shovel?

I got the Halligan.

- You what? Come on, come on.
- Yeah.

My count. One,

two, three.


I want my dads.

Hey. It's okay. Yeah.

I got you, buddy.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Freddy? Oh, my God. Freddy.



(STRAINS) Okay. You got it?


- Goat.
- FREDDY: I'm okay.

- Are you okay?
- Some-Someone check on Cookie.

Hey, Cookie, we got you.

- We got you. You okay?
- FREDDY: Bode.

- Where's Bode? He was, he was with us.

- Bode?
- He was right here. He was...

Someone's got to find him.
He was right here.



MANNY: Command, we've got three patients

in need of medical assessment.

We're heading
to the triage location now.

You have quite the audience out there

at your parole hearing.

Mind if I take a look
at your final statement?

I've come too far to stand
in front of people I love,

like Gabriela,

my parents... say that I did dr*gs
when I didn't.

You know, the way
I've been hurt in the past

by guys that I trusted at camp...'s hard to believe someone could
actually come as far as you have.

But you have, Bode.

And you reminded me of that yesterday

when you rode out that
mudslide with Freddy.


I'm sorry it took me so long to see it.

I believe you.

Cap, that-that means everything.

No matter what

that parole board decides today...

...I'm proud of you, mijo.

Bode Leone?

I'm Melody Herard, I'm an investigator

for the state attorney general's office.

- I'd like to speak with you in private.
- No.

- He's still my inmate.
- The only representation

he's entitled to is the public
defender waiting in the lobby.

(CLEARS THROAT) Excuse me.

Oh, you came?

Of course.

I want to support Bode.

Look, um...

about Bode moving in, I...

I overreacted.

Do you still have feelings for him?

Because, Cara, honestly, I...

I can't go through that again.

No, no. Jake, it's... it's not that.

It's nothing. Can we just forget it?

(LAUGHS SOFTLY) Okay, that move?

That putting up walls?

Cara, that used to be my move.

So, you're with me here right now.

Tell me, what's going on?


When I was ...

...I got pregnant.

And my mom said

that it would be best to hide it.

So we went to Europe
for months, to visit family.


I-I remember that.

And when I came back,
I-I wore baggy clothing

for a few months until
I lost the baby weight and...

My mom said she gave birth to my sister.

To Genevieve.

Is Gen Bode's kid?


I don't, I don't know.

It's all right.

MEL: I'm investigating drug
allegations at Three Rock.

According to C.O.s, you narced
on an inmate named Sleeper

to win a drug turf w*r.

There are factions at Three Rock, yes?

Sleeper's, yours,

Freddy Mills is your
right-hand guy, yes?

No, Freddy had... Freddy has
nothing to do with any of this.

His wrongful conviction case
caught my eye

when the Lighthouse Amends
Project took it on.

He had an alibi.
It seemed like a slam dunk.

But then his case stalled out.
Do you know why?

- A backlog in the courts.
- That was the outward messaging, yeah.

But the reality is,
you turning in the dr*gs

that sent Sleeper back to prison

triggered my entire
investigation, into you,

and into everyone connected to you.

And Freddy, who turned in
tens of thousands of dollars

that he said you mysteriously
found at a train crash fire.

That's what happened.

Freddy's entanglement in
this investigation through you

is what's holding up
his wrongful conviction case.

Not the courts.

- What?
- I believe you are running a drug game

at Three Rock, Mr. Leone.

Listen, you've got a couple
of options here, okay?

If you skirt justice
in this hearing today,

all you are doing
is prolonging my investigation

and you keep Freddy's case in limbo.

But hey, you accept blame?

My investigation ends
and Freddy is as good as out.

It's your choice, Mr. Leone.


I have spent the last days

preparing for what I would say today.

I never dreamed that I'd have a room
full of people here to support me.

You all deserve honesty.

The truth is, is there's no
preparing for what's happened

since I got my parole hearing date.

As many of you know,

I found out that I failed
my drug test yesterday.

Recently, camp has changed.

All it takes is one bad dude

to infect a place as special
as Three Rock.

The truth is...

...that bad dude is me.

I relapsed here at camp,
and it snowballed.

There's no one else to blame.

I alone take full responsibility.

I deeply regret my actions.

And I understand that
I've-I've shattered the trust

that I've worked so hard to build.

I'm so sorry.

Bode. Bode.

Just give us a minute, please.

Bode, I will fight this with you,
but what the hell just happened?

It is me. I am standing with you.

Just please let me in. Please.

♪ You got to move... ♪

What happened is

I'm a drug addict,

and I relapsed.

I've been lying to you.

♪ I'll do my time... ♪

(CRYING): No. No, Bode,
I don't believe you.

I don't believe you.

Gabriela, I need you to forget about me.

♪ There's something
out there somewhere... ♪

Just g-go and go and live your life.

And build a future that you deserve.

Without me.

♪ You can never hold... ♪


♪ The coffins ♪

♪ And you can't love a man
with a barbed wire heart... ♪

We lost him. Again.

I don't care about anything
I said before.

You pull some strings, get him out.

No, I already tried that,

keeping him at Three Rock.

I thought I was saving him.

And you were right.

I-I pulled strings and I...

I made everything worse.

♪ Don't get taken in ♪

♪ You don't know how deep it goes ♪

♪ Don't get messed up on this stuff ♪

♪ Just find a getaway car ♪

♪ And drive away, baby ♪

♪ Drive away, baby ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ 'Cause you ♪

♪ Got to move on... ♪


I thought you weren't
getting out till later today.

I wanted to surprise you this time.


I can do that now.

♪ Maybe in some other world ♪

♪ Beyond the walls of time... ♪


They got Bode.

♪ You can be all mine ♪

♪ But on this side of the stars... ♪

He's back in prison.

♪ You can't love a man ♪

♪ With a barbed wire heart ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ You can't love a man ♪

♪ With a barbed wire heart ♪

♪ Mm, you can't ♪

♪ You can't love a man ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ You can't ♪

♪ With a barbed wire heart. ♪