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11x13 - Sayonara: Part 2

Posted: 05/21/23 17:28
by bunniefuu
in the sky

a piece of the pie

in the kitchen

on the grill

in the big leagues

it's you and me, baby

with that

in the sky

a piece of the pie

NARRATOR: Last week on
The Jeffersons...

George, Louise, Jessica
and the Willises threw
a surprise party

for Lionel and
Jenny's homecoming.

But Lionel and Jenny had
a surprise of their own.

Mom, Jenny and I are
getting a divorce.

ALL: Surprise!

NARRATOR: Of course, no one
took sides and everyone
handled the news maturely.


Good riddance!
Good riddance!

NARRATOR: And now,
The Jeffersons continues.


Oh, is something wrong
with your dinner?

It was made with love,
understanding and care.

Yeah. I realize that,
Mom but...

You're probably
not used to that.

I know what you're doing.
You've been at it
almost a week now.

You're trying to
make Jenny out to
look like a bad guy.

"Jenny doesn't cook for you.
Jenny doesn't care of you.

"Jenny doesn't
understand you."

What is this obsession
you have with Jenny?

Well, she is my wife.

Your ex-wife.

Not yet. And besides,
I still care for her.

Look, Lionel,
your father 'and I only
want what's right for you.

Right, George?

Tell me something.

What made you get
mixed up with the Willises
in the first place?

I don't know.
For some strange reason,
Jenny just decided

to invite 'em
to the wedding.

Mmm-hmm. The wedding.

Remember that
band they hired?

No, wait, you hired them.
Will you let me finish?

They were great,
weren't they?

Now, George, don't get
started on the Willises.

You'll only get yourself
worked up again.

And what for?
They're not worth it.

Those two loud-mouthed,

Okay, okay, okay.
I'll stay calm.


Hi, everybody!
Hello, Jessica!

What are you
doing here?

Mommy said I could
come down because I ate
everything on my plate.

With Willis
at the table, she's lucky
she even had a plate.

And Grandma Willis said
I was big enough to ride
the elevator all by myself.

Did you hear that?
Helen let a child ride
the elevator alone!

Oh, my God!
A whole floor?

Look what I drew.

Oh, that's nice.

Look, Grandpa.

Oh, yeah. That's fantastic.
What is it?

It's Mommy with Grandma
and Grandpa Willis.

Oh, I thought it was
two sticks of licorice
waiting for a bus.

It's my project for
Family Night at school.

I'm drawing
my whole family.

Your whole family?

Well, where are Grandma
and Grandpa Jefferson?

Aren't we part
of the family?

Sure. I came
to draw you now.

Oh, good.
For a minute there,
I thought someone

might have been
brainwashing her.

No, not my brain.

But I did have to
wash my hands
before dinner.

Come on. I want you
to pose for me.

Oh, but wait.
Maybe I should change.

How about my red dress?

Let's see.
I'm almost out of red.

Do you have anything in...

Raw umber?

Uh, I'd better wear this.

Okay. Now,
Grandpa, you sit here.

Grandma, you'll be here.

Daddy, you stand there.

How's this?

Turn your head a little.

Daddy, you're
blocking the light.

Will you stop
blocking the light?

Grandpa, you moved.

Yeah, don't just...
I'm sorry.

People, work
with me, please.

Now, have fun with it.

Okay, all done.

Well, now, fastest
crayon this side
of the Mississippi.

Oh, that is beautiful.

And look at
how nice I look.

That's Grandpa.

Oh, well, they say
when you've been
married a long time,

you start looking
like each other.

Well, how come
the bus doesn't look
like a licorice stick?

Baby, that's the prettiest
picture in the whole world.

I like it because
we're all together.

Not like tonight,
with those guys up there
and you guys down here.

Daddy? Does divorce
mean we don't eat
together anymore?

Uh, listen, baby,
I'll tell you what.

Why don't we go
in the kitchen
and talk about this

over a nice big bowl
of ice cream?

I guess he doesn't want
you to hear this.

Rocky Road.

How appropriate.
Sound good?

I guess.

Uh, Jess, you remember
when we talked about

how your Mommy and I
weren't going to
live together anymore?


And you said
it was cool, right?


Well, if you don't
live together,

it's kind of hard
to eat together.

But where will I eat?

Well, sometimes
you'll eat with me

and sometimes you'll eat
with your mommy.

But where will
my cup be?

Now, wait.
You mean the one
with Snoopy on it?

No. Snoopy is for kids.

Oh, excuse me.

My cup has
Prince on it.

And you drink from that?

Where will it be?

Well, we'll get you
an extra one.

And my pajamas?
We'll get you
an extra pair.

And my piano?
We'll get you...

Uh, we'll make sure you
practice at your Mommy's.

Here, eat your ice cream.
I'm not hungry.

I don't want to
get a divorce.

Honey, we've been
through all this.

Well, why can't you
and Mommy like each other?

Well, we do.
We love each other.

Then why can't
you live together?

Well, just because people
don't live together,

it doesn't mean they
don't love each other.

Remember all that time
I was in Japan?

I didn't stop
loving you, did I?


Even though your Mommy
and I will be living
in different places,

we'll still love
each other.

And there's a very
special part of us that
will always be together,

and that part is you.

You get It?

I'll have to think about it.

Better make this
one a double.

Come on, Weez, look,
this blow-up we had
with the Willises

is not that
much of a tragedy.

I mean, I can think of a lot
of good things that come
out of this, you know.

This definitely
won't be them.

Hi, Mr. Jefferson.

Oh, hi.

Can I come in?

Yeah. In.

Thank you.

Hi, Mrs. Jefferson.


Oh, did you have
a good dinner?


And you?

Oh, it was great.

We had spaghetti.

Al dente.

I like Boyardee.

Uh, are Jessica
and Lionel here?

Lionel! Jessica!
Someone is here
to see you.

Oh, I know you.
Jenny something, right?

You guys better
get a move on.

We don't want to be
late for Family Night.

Oh, right, right.
Excuse me.

Sweetheart, did you
finish your picture?


Thanks for
the dinner, Mom.

See ya later, Pop.
See ya.

Now, have
a good time.

Uh, my parents are waiting
for us in the lobby.

Her what are waiting
for you where?

Oh, please, not now.

My parents.
They're going with us.

Oh? Well, how come
they're going and we're not?

Mrs. Jefferson, I asked you
last week if you wanted to go,

and you passed.

Of course we passed.

Because we knew
that this was Lionel's
first Family Night,

so we felt that
it should be
something special

for him, you
and Jessica.

Obviously, your parents
don't share our sensitivity.

Mom, they're not
being insensitive.

Jenny asked them to go
and they said yes.

They would!

Well, they ain't
getting away with this.

If they're going to be there,
then we're going to be there.

You got that right.

Oh, goody,
we'll all be there.

It's going to be one
hell of a family night.

Weez, Weez, Weez.
Look at Willis all crammed
in that seat.

He looks like a side of beef
stuck in a hot-dog bun.

Helen looks
pretty ridiculous, too.

Yeah, they just don't
fit in, do they?

Not like we do.

Attention, everybody.
Just a few more minutes
for visiting

and then we'll begin our
Family Night presentation.

Look, I made
this in art.

It's a cow
eating a sandwich.

Oh, it's very
good, sweetheart.

Yeah. Yeah, but
don't cows eat grass?

Okay, it's a cow
eating grass.

Why don't you run over
and show it to
grandma and grandpa?

Oh, excuse me, all right.
Jessica, here we go.

Look, Willis. You know
you'd make a better
door than a window.

You'd make a better door
than a grandparent.

Excuse me, sweetheart!

Look what I made.

Oh, it is beautiful.

It's more than beautiful.
It's inspired!

But what an
eye for color.

Oh, what an innate feeling
for style and symmetry.

Guess what it is.

Uh, two styrofoam cups and
a couple of pipe-cleaners?

No. It's a cow eating
a grass sandwich.

Well, whatever it is,
Grandma Helen loves it.

And Grandma Louise
loves it twice as much.

Grandma Helen loves it
times as much.

One million times.

Ten million!

One hundred kazillion!

Uh, honey, excuse us.
We'd like to speak
with your grandparents.

I sure hope it's about
good citizenship.

C'mon, sweetheart.

Look, if you all don't
behave yourselves, you're
going to the cloakroom.

Oh, yeah, well, if it's
anywhere near the cafeteria,
Willis will love it.

Why, don't you
shut up, George?
You shut up!

No, you! Shut up.
You shut up.

You told me to shut up.
WILLIS: Oh, I'm sick of...

Stop it. Stop it.
Stop it!

Stop this arguing
right this minute.

Now, what is tonight?


No. What is tonight?


No, Daddy,
it's Family Night.


Look, do you know
what that means?

Yes. It means that
George and Louise
have a good excuse

to horn in on
our good time.

Wrong, Mom.
Give her hell, Jenny.


Mrs. Jefferson, please.

It means that happy families
are here to celebrate their
children's accomplishments.

Right, so could we at least
pretend to be a happy family
for the sake of the child?

Who happens to be
your granddaughter.


George, it's just
for one evening.

Okay. Willis,
what do you say? Adults?




Are they going
to behave now?

We've got an outside
chance, kiddo.

Good, then I can show
everybody our classroom.

Come on, you guys.

Oh, yes,
we wanna see that.

Here's our bunnies.

Cute little babies.

And these are
our hamsters.

Oh! Look at that.

And these are
our fishies.


Keep an eye on Willis.
They may be
fishies to her,

but to him, they're
the catch of the day.

And this is penmanship.

Oh, Jessica,
your handwriting
is just beautiful.

Well, the little "S"
is good.
But the big "S"...

Is your grandpa George.

Attention, everybody,
we're about to begin our
Family Night presentations.

If you would, please,
find your child's desk
and be seated.

I have dibs!
Not if I get there first!

Well, wait a minute here.

No, it's my desk!

Don't you push me!


Welcome, everybody.
We're glad you're all here.

Well, we're glad
most of you are here.

For our first presentation,
it is in the field of science,
Johnny Sampson.

My project is an ant farm.

This is Rachel,
and this is Bridget,

and this is Timmy...
No, this is Timmy.

And this is...
Uh, Johnny.

Why don't you tell us
what your ants do
on their farm?

Not much, really.
They're city ants.

Well, that's about it.

He came up with that
all by himself!

For our presentation
in the field of art,
Jessica Jefferson.


One minute. One minute.
Just a second.


Jessica's gone!

Yes, Miss Anderson.

Well, if they come back,
would you please tell
them that Jessica

is home safe and sound?

Yes, thank you.

I can't believe that
you walked three blocks
home all by yourself.

Don't you know
how dangerous that is?

It's just like
riding the elevator
except you go this way

instead of this way.

Don't ever do that again.
Do you hear me?

You had everybody
just worried
sick about you.

All they did for my whole
Family Night is fight.

I'm gonna be
the laughing stock of
the whole first grade.

Well, you can't
help that, honey.

You inherited that from
your Grandpa Jefferson.

I don't get it.

If Mommy and Daddy
don't fight,

then why does
everyone else have to?

Well, honey, sometimes
when you care a lot,
you hurt a lot.

And when you can't
find anybody to blame,

you just pick on
the person closest to you.

Pretty weird.

Yeah, I think so, too.

But you know,
even though caring
can make you fight,

that same caring
eventually will
make you stop.

I sure hope ''eventually"
gets here soon.

Me too.

Now why don't you
go in the kitchen
and fix yourself

a nice big bowl
of ice cream, okay?

That always
seems to help.

George, you check the bedroom.
I'm calling the police.

You just called them
from the lobby, Weez.

Well, something could
have happened while
we were on the elevator.

Don't stay on
there too long.
I want to call the police.

Mrs. Jefferson...
Net now, Florence.
They're calling the police.

But, Mrs. Jefferson...

Louise, please
give me that phone,

you'll never
get it dialed.

TOM: Come on, Helen.
Hurry up.
LOUISE: Come on...

HELEN: I'm trying.

Oh, later, honey.
We're busy looking for you.

Oh, Jessica.
It's Jessica!

How come you didn't
tell us she was here?

I tried to.
You were too busy
not listening to me.

Jessica, do you
realize how badly
you had us scared?

I'm sorry, Mommy.

Now wait.
I want you to promise me
that you will never, ever

run away like that again.
You promise?

I'll be good.

Okay, sweetheart.

If everyone else will.

Well, everything would've
been just fine if you two
hadn't stuck your noses

into our Family Night.

Your Family Night?

Oh, well we are a part
of the family, too.

Don't remind me.

You only tagged
along tonight because
you were afraid.

Afraid of what?

Afraid that if Jessica spent
one evening alone with
the good side of the family,

she might never want
to be with you again.

That's the last thing
on earth I'm worried about.

Our side is the good side.
Right, Jessica?

Sweetheart! Darling,
why are you tearing up
your pretty picture?

It is all wrong!
This was supposed
to be our family.

We're not a family anymore.
We're not anything!

That poor baby.

I hope that you're
all happy now.

Well, I guess we'd
better go talk to her.

Huh! No!

You're not
going in there. No.

But Lionel, we just
want to let her know
that we understand.

How're you gonna do that?
You don't understand!

Tell 'em, son.

But you see neither
do you, Pop!

Have you stopped to realize
that the four of you
is why the kid's crying?

Lionel, wait.

Now, we know
you're going through
a tough time.

Yeah, but see, you're
not doing anything
but making it tougher.

GEORGE: Look, Lionel,
all it is is...

Well, when you kids
got married,

we just all thought
it'd be forever. That's all.

Hey, so did I.

But let's face it...
Look, that's not
the way it turned out.

Look, folks, it's over.

You see, we've
made our decision.

So, please, can
you support us on this?

Lionel, your father and I
have supported you all along.

And we've always
supported Jenny.

But you see, that's it.
You took sides.

You didn't support us!

Did you think that four weeks
in Tokyo was a picnic?

I mean, we went...
We went through
a lot of pain.

Now look, nobody
is to blame here.

But Mom, we're
just doing what
we have to, okay?

Uh, Lionel...

We love the both
of you very much.

It's just that it's so
difficult for us to accept.

I know.
I know it, Mom.
But you gotta.

Oh, Mrs...
Mrs. Jefferson?

Grandma, are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine, sweetheart.

Then why are you crying?

Uh, I'm crying because...

Because I hurt you
by fighting with
your Grandma Helen

and your Grandpa Tom.

Yeah, that did hurt me.

But Mommy said sometimes
grown-ups can act like kids.

Even kidsier.

Your Mommy's right.

But we've all
learned our lesson.

And we're not
going to fight any more.


Say you do.

ALL: We promise.

Cross your heart.

Now spit on your hand
and bury your best toy.

We'll do that
next time, sweetheart.

Right now, we have some
more things to talk about
with your mommy and daddy.

That's all right.
I'm outta here.

I've got something
I got to do.

Uh, look, Jen, you're
not going to stop
coming around, are you?

Of course not,
Mr. Jefferson.

If y'all keep this up,
you're going to
have me crying.

Look what I've got!

Scotch tape to put
our family back
together again!

Hey, hey, look.
Here's the most
handsomest one.

That must be me.

No, that's Daddy.
You're the other most
handsomest one.

Oh, and what is this
licorice stick?

Well, it's either
me or you.

Are we waiting for a bus?

No, the bus is me.


Now, that is a family.
