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10x16 - My Guy, George

Posted: 05/21/23 17:12
by bunniefuu
in the sky

a piece of the pie

in the kitchen

on the grill

in the big leagues

it's you and me, baby

with that

in the sky

a piece of the pie

Florence, what are
you doing?
I'm practicing.

Practicing what?

Doing my job, child.

Hey, Weez, I'm home.
And here it is.

Here's your slippers,
and your paper.
And I'll take your coat.

Boy, oh, boy.

That dry cleaning sure
is a tough business, Weezy.

You know, I should have
picked another occupation,
pediatrician or something.

Aw, what happened?
Tell Mommy all about it.

What is this?
Florence, will you let me
do something for my husband?

Oh, sure. Hang up his coat.

Now you just come right
over here to the sofa,

and let me
put these slippers
on those cute little feet.

Look, what's going on here?

She's after something.
What is it?

I know, a raise, right?
A raise?

Why, whatever for? You're
already generous to a fault.

Well, if it's not a raise,
what is it then?

Oh, oh, I've got it!
A day off, right?

A day off?

And spend one less day
around the most generous,

the most wonderful,
the sweetest man

who ever walked
the face of the earth?

Okay, Florence, we both
know you're right.

But you've never
admitted it before.

Now what is it?

Mr. Jefferson,
can't you just let me
be sweet and efficient,

and leave it at that?

Uh-huh. There it is!

No, no.
That could be anybody.

It doesn't have to be
the four girls from my choir

that are starting
their own nightclub act
that I want you to manage.

But it is!

Talk about
your coincidences.

Now, don't worry.
You just come
right over here.

These girls are so sweet and
they love each other so much

that you won't
be able to help but
love them yourself.

I've never seen
a family so close.

Girl, I don't want
to be your sister
anymore anyway!

Hey, all I said was that
you won't look good
on stage in a green dress.

I look good
in anything, honey.

Wait a minute.
What about me?
Don't I have an opinion?


None of this is going
to matter unless we get
ourselves together.

Mr. Jefferson,

what color dresses
should we wear?

I don't know you.

I'm sorry. Meet Kathy,

Joni, Debbie and Kim.

Now, what color dresses
should they wear?

Is this some kind of joke?

So, you're a singing group?

ALL: Yes!

Well, what do you girls
call yourselves?

Well, um, actually,

that was going to be
our second question.

Yeah. Mr. Jefferson, what
should we call ourselves?


History. Wow, he's good!

Florence, can I speak to
you for a minute? Come here.

What have you
gotten me into now?

Well, it just seemed like
a natural, Mr. Jefferson.

The girls need somebody
in their corner
who can help 'em.

Somebody who knows
other big sh*ts, you know?

Why me? Don't you know
any important people?

You're about
the closest I could come.

Well, forget it, Florence.

Oh, Mr. Jefferson,
have a heart.

This is their one
big chance to make
something of themselves.

Now what would you
rather do,

put labels on baked
beans in a factory,

or sing in a nightclub
and make people happy?

Baked beans make
people happy too, you know.

Look, girls...
Oh, good. Mr. Jefferson,

we wanted to
apologize to you.

Yeah, we're sorry
we bothered you

by asking you
to give us a name.

Right. How could we expect
you to do that, right?

When we haven't even
told you our image yet?

So tell us,
what's our image?

Look, Weez,

If you don't want me to say
something cruel,

you better get me
out of this.

But what should I say?

Why don't you just tell
them you can't do it?

Oh, come on, Weez,
they've seen me now.

They know there's
nothing I can't do.

Just tell them I'm busy,
I don't have the time.

That's all.
I don't have time.

Look, girls, um,

tell me a little bit
about yourselves.

Oh, well, we were born...
Great! Oh, Weez,

do you want to tell
the girls something?

Oh, well, you see,

you have to understand,

George is a very busy man.


And after a long
day at work...

Miss Jefferson,
now that's pretty low.

After Mr. Jefferson was
willing to help the girls,

the least you could do
is listen to 'em sing.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
That'd be a good way
to get to know us.

Yeah, But what if
he doesn't like us?

Oh, come on, he'll like us.
He hasn't heard us sing yet.

And to make sure
you like us, Mr. Jefferson,

we prepared some special
lyrics all about you.

Oh, well, that's very sweet.
But when you're as busy
as George is...

Wait a minute.
Lyrics about me?


Weezy, why don't you
give people a chance?

I mean, really!

Mr. Jefferson,

why don't you just sit
right here, okay?

And we'll take care
of the rest. Hit it, girls.

My, my, my, my, my, my

but no one lifts a stain

is too difficult to
budge for my guy

dry cleaner

who can clean lingerie

who can fluff and fold

One more time!

who gets it out by five

So what do you think,
Mr. Jefferson?


You forgot one thing,

you forgot to say that
I'm open on Sundays.

So, you're gonna manage 'em?

Oh, look, Florence,
the girls are great.

But I don't know,
I don't know nothin'
about show business.

I'm just a dry cleaner.

Yeah, you know,
Mr. Jefferson,

that's what
we told Florence.

But she said there's
nothing you can't do.

Yeah, that's right.

She said if you could make
a success out of yourself,

then you could
do it for anybody.

Did you say that, Florence?
Thank you.

But still...
Mr. Jefferson, listen,

we're not asking
for any guarantees.

Yeah. Just a shot.

Look, Mr. Jefferson,
we've all got jobs now.

And, believe me,
we're grateful to have 'em,
'cause a lot of people don't.

But we have a dream.

And it ain't to work
in no bean factory.

We want to sing.

And, look, if we fail,

then it's okay,

'Cause all we want
is a chance.

Look, we just
don't want to be

and look back on a bunch of
could'ves and should'ves.

You got that right,
we want to at least

be able to say
that we tried, you know.

I guess what
we're asking you is,



George, put yourself
in their shoes.

Remember when
I first met you,

and the way you used
to look at grass stains

and dream?

Yeah, I know.

Okay, I'll tell you what,

I can't promise you much,

but I can promise
you one thing,

I will get you
a gig in a club.

Oh boy!

I guess that just says
that I'm your manager.

George? George?

Yo, Jefferson!

Now that was a pretty
big promise.

Now are you sure
you can arrange it?

Weez, you heard what
the song said,

"Ain't a man today
who can clean lingerie
like their guy."

But what's that got to
do with anything?

Nothing. I just
like that verse.

Okay, now, ladies, okay.
We got everything
straight now.

I'll call you either
tonight or the first
thing in the morning.

Now I want you to go home,
keep your tonsils warm

because tomorrow
we're going to do it.

All right, all right.

Thanks, Mr. Jefferson.

Oh, damn.

Oh, George,
give yourself a chance.

This is all new to you.

But that doesn't mean
that you're not going
to come through.

Now remember when
you started the cleaners?

You didn't know
anything either.

But look at you now,

you're the master
of your craft.

You're right
about that, Weez.

When it comes
to dry cleaning,
ain't a man today that's

better than George Jefferson.

Mr. J, my pants and I
would like to talk to you.

It's about your concept
of medium starch.

Come on in, Bentley.
I've got a problem here.

Oh, you mean, you sent
something to your
dry cleaners too?

No. They never
mess up my stuff.

Hi, Mrs. J.
LOUISE: Mr. Bentley.

Look, Bentley, I got
a real problem here.
I need your help.

I promised this singing
group that I'd get 'em
a gig in a club.

But the problem is,
I don't know any clubs.

Mr. Bentley,
you're single.

You must go to bars.

Ah, indeed I do, Mrs. J.

Night after lonely night.

Yes, I visit those dens of
depravity and depression.

Desperate people
trying too hard.

Meaningless conversations
going nowhere,

ending nowhere. Night after
lonely empty, miserable night.

Unless, of course,
I get lucky.

Look, Bentley.
You can discuss

your personal problems
with yourself.

Now, do any of these
clubs have live music?

Well, as a matter
of fact, some of them
do have live music.

Of course I don't know
that many clubs.

I don't care.
Just make me up a list.
I'll tell you what,

you do the best you can
and I just might

redo those pants
of yours again
for half price.

Well, I won't make
any promises, Mr. J.

But I'll rack my brain
and see if I can
come up with one or two.

So you say you have
an opening in two weeks?

Great. Yeah, we'd be
glad to drive to New Jersey.


Five hundred dollars?

Look, don't you take
that figure as an insult?

I mean, these chicks are
beautiful and talented...


Take it or leave it?


I'll pay you the $
if you let 'em sing.

Thank you. Great. Okay, bye.

Hey, Weez. I got
the girls a gig!

All right. Well, this is it.
Here we are.

Isn't it exciting?
I can't believe it!

Are you nervous, girls?

You know,
I thought I would be.

But actually, I'm feelin'
pretty good.

Well, I just wanna say,
"Good luck!"

Aw, thanks, Helen.

I know this is going to be
the start of something
really big.

Oh, this is just great.

Tonight, Ruby's,
next week, Las Vegas!

Las Vegas?

Wait a minute,
you really think

we're big enough
for Las Vegas?

Oh, well, maybe someday,
but I meant me.

I'm going to
a publishing convention
there next Thursday.

All right, girls. Now you
know this is your
big chance, right?

Now, okay, your style is
rhythm and blues,
and soul, okay?

That's right.
That's what
these people came to see

and that's what
you're gonna give 'em, right?

So let's go in there
and turn it out!
GIRLS: All right!

I think you should
start with

I'm proud to be
an Okie from Muskogee.

Whoa, whoa,
hold it right there,
all you little partners.

Now what are you
all doing in my club?

Your club?
Oh, you must be Ruby.

That's right, and you
must be crazy.

That's right.
Crazy about this act!

We talked on the phone.
I'm George Jefferson.

You're you?
Yep. I'm me.

Come here, George.

You never told me
you was one of them, uh...

Uh, black.

Well, you never
told me you weren't.

So now we know. Anyway,

this is the Satin Sisters.

This ain't going
to work, George.

What are you talking about?
Music is music.

Ain't no black and white
in entertainment.

Music is universal.
Now look,

your customers
will like the girls.
They can sing. You'll see.

Yeah, I did promise
them a show.

All right,
we'll give it a try.

Yeah, 'cause see these old
boys ain't had a good brawl

in two or three
months, George.

Pete, put away
them breakables
there, will ya?

Okay, hey, you know what
the owner just said?

He said, your act is
sure to tear
the house apart.

I don't know.

Look, don't worry, everybody.

Sure, they're a tough

But they're just people
like you and me.

Uh... Helen, look...

You can't do that?

Good. Here you guys are.

Hey, all right...

What the...

Look, don't worry
about it.

They're just having
a costume party.

Go ahead on stage
and sit down.

Right, right.

Uh, Mr. Jefferson?

I don't know...

Come on, Kim,
I told you. There's
nothing to worry about.

Oh, no, no, I'm not
worried. I'm not worried.

You know, I was thinking

it's really not all that bad
working in a bean factory.

What are you talking about?
Just go ahead, get up there.

You're gonna
knock 'em dead.

Or vice versa.

Mr. Jefferson.

Look, I appreciate your
getting a job for the
girls and everything,

but I'm worried.
You think this is safe?

Look, Florence, you got
nothing to worry about,

there's any trouble,
I'll handle everything.

Okay? Trust me.

You know
something, partner?

I don't like your face.


Well, then look at hers.

And she's wearing makeup!

Come on, y'all,
let's sit down.


Excuse us. How are you?

Are you sure we want
to sit with our backs
to these people?

Now, Helen,
this isn't so bad.

There's nobody really
menacing near us.

Ooh, Tom!

He pushed my chair.
He did?

Hey, just a minute here.

Great table, isn't it?

You with them?

Define "with", partner.

Lucky for you I'm not
wearing my Florsheims.

Ladies and gentlemen,

and it ain't my fault.

This here's
the Satin Sisters.

All right, girls, go for it.

Mr. Jefferson...
Mr. Jefferson...

Just go for it.

All right.

Listen to your manager.

Hit it! One, two!

One, two, three, four.

to a record shop

till his face was red

Work it, Kim

and that's the way it is

They didn't mean it, folks.

Just a little sense of humor,
you know.

Are you crazy?

That was a little tribute
to Charley Pride.

And, now,

we'll start
the real show, okay.

Take it away,
Satin Sisters.

Uh, good evening, everyone.

On behalf of my sisters,
I'd like to say

that we're very happy to be
here at Ruby's tonight.

Yeah? Well, why don't you
make us happy by gettin' off?

Uh, listen,

we promise to do our very
best for you this evening.

Forget your best,

you all do windows?

"Oh, do you do windows?"

Doesn't that jerk know that
black people have come
further than that?

Sorry, Florence.

Look, we'll be happy
to take any requests.

Oh, I got one,

get off and go home!

Wait a minute!
Hold it, hold it.

You can't talk
to my sisters like that.

I said get off!

He can't talk
to us like that.

Debbie, we're only here
trying to sing.

Well, that was terrific...

Sit down, Willis.

I'm gonna
straighten this out. I know
just who to talk to.

Hey, Cowboy, could I speak to
you for a minute, in private?

I'd be glad to oblige.

That way there won't
be so many witnesses.

Now, what is it
you got to tell me?

Well, I just wanna see
how tough you really are.

Fine. Let's step outside.

Nah, nah, that's too
easy for you.

I said tough.

I want you to call
those girls back up on
the stage and let 'em sing.

Now why would I do
somethin' like that?

Because if you don't then
I will step outside with you.

Well, I ain't askin'
them back.

Let's go.


You're, uh, willin' to risk
your face for them girls?

I sure am.

You're really serious
about this, ain't you?

Look, I promised these
girls I'd get 'em
a job in a club, right?

This is their
first time on stage, man.

If they fall now, they'll
never have the courage
to go up again.

You know how it is.
It's like riding a horse
and falling off.

You know how that is.

Well, I've never
been on a horse.

You, what?

Shh. But I guess
that's what it's like.

Uh, folks,

instead of me beating this
little guy here to a pulp,

why don't we let the ladies
get up and, uh,

sing again?
All right! Hey!


And back by popular demand,
the Satin Sisters.

the earth...

Mr. Jefferson, they don't
want to hear us sing.

Hey, what are
you talking about?

What happened to the dream
you were telling me about?

This is your big chance.
Go ahead and sing.

Let your music
speak for you.

None of that militant stuff.

the earth knows

know to bloom in
early May

love's the cure

mind assured

loving you always

the stars out in the sky

every mountain high

and parrots live at sea

and life becomes a dream

life's hates and troubles

born in another time and space

life times that and
twice its double

he wanted you to be placed

say you're in it,
but not of it

to make this earth
a place called hell

the truth and then change
that truth into love

grandchildren will tell

burns the stars out in the sky

every mountain high

and parrots live at sea

and life becomes a dream

loved by somebody?

What'd you think?

Quiet! Sit down
and let them sing.

Thank you so much.

Come on, everybody,
put your hands together!

Come on.
Come on!
Let's turn this place up!

We are...


my sisters with me

and sing

with me