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01x12 - Ice Cream Truck

Posted: 05/21/23 07:10
by bunniefuu


That's my brother Shane.


While he lifts his weights,

could I show you the remote?

It does heaps of cool things like--

Be careful with that thing.

Sure, Shane.

Hey, when you want something to go backwards,

hit the Rewind button.


It's easy.

[speaking gibberish]



If you want something to go really, really fast,

you hit the Fast Forward button.

[whispering] Uh, Fast Forward.







My favorite, the-- where is it?

Slow Motion button.


Zoom In.


[mechanical whirring]




Zoom Out.

[mechanical whirring]

Uh, Play.


And, ooh.

Be careful with that thing.

Sure, Shane.

I haven't seen this one before:

the Light button.

I wonder what that does.



[laughing] The Light button,

That's light.

Ooh, and the Heavy button.




Oops, sorry.

Uh, Light, Light, Light.



Ooh, there we go.

Would you like to have a try?

There you go.

Got it?


How light is it?

Very light.

Whoa, that's great.

[laughing] Ho-ho.

Could you hit Play, please?


Oh, no, no, that's the Heavy button.

Shane, are you okay?


I got you.

Please press the Light button.


[both] Ugh.

Oh, that's it.

That's much better.

Look at that.

Whoa, one finger.


Now, just press Light.

But whatever you do,

don't press the Heavy--


Oh, Mama.



[both sigh]

It's okay. It's okay.


Just press Play.


[man] Down upside!

Oh, sorry.

The Upside Down Show!


[drum beat]

[quirky music]



Once upon a time

in a little village in Bolivia, there was--


Oh, hi.

How are you?

David and I are reading our books.

You enjoying your book there, David?

It's all right, Shane,

but to tell you the truth,

it's a little hard to read.

What if you try it just--

try that?

Oh, that's much easier.


Thank you.


Hey, what's that thing in your hand?

It's a book.

No, no, your other hand.

It's a--ah!

I don't know.

Well, where'd it come from?

Maybe it fell from the ceiling.

Maybe it just grew out of your hand.

Or maybe it--

What's that in your hand?

It's a book.

No, your other hand.


What are these things?

Do you have any idea?

Maybe it's a hat.

No, no, it's a--

it's a nose extension.

Mmm, hello.


No, no, it's a hearing device.

Are you sure?


No, it's a-- it's a--

Ice cream cone.

[both] Ice cream cone.

Thanks, Puppet.

That's what they are, ice cream cones.

Ice cream cones.

What are ice cream cones?

Well, ice cream cones are used for holding--

I got it: noses.

I told you.


Uh, shaving cream.


Ice cream, heh.

[both] Ice cream, of course.

[all laughing]

What's ice cream?

Oh, oh, ice cream is a cold sweet treat

that's delicious, delectable, and delightful.

Oh, it's delicious?


It's delectable?

Yep, and it's...

[all] ♪ Delightful.

Well, I'm going to put some ice cream

in my ice cream cone right now.

Me too.


If you think that's delicious, delectable, and...

[all] ♪ Delightful...

you should try real ice cream.

It's even more delicious, delectable , and...

[all] ♪ Delightful.

More delicious, delectable, and...

[all] ♪ Delightful...

Than this?

Oh, yeah.

Where can we find this real ice cream?

[faint carnival-like music]

Where's that music coming from?

You know, I thought it was inside my head.

No, it's coming from out here.

It's an ice cream truck.

We can get ice cream there.

Come on, hurry, or we'll miss it.

Quickly, Shane, let's hurry.


[chugging noise]

[pig squealing]

Okay, who left the pig in front of the door?



Well, can you please move it

so we can get to that ice cream truck fast?

Of course.

Come on, Evan. Let's go.


[squealing and squeaking]

Do you need a hand with that?

Yes, thank you.

[together] One, two, three.

Come on, Evan.

That's it.

[pig grunting]

Stay, piggy.


[man] Come in.

Hey, whoa.


You guys better hurry up,

or you'll miss the ice cream truck.

[slurps] Delicious.

Come on. Let's go.




Oh, we missed it.

Too late.


Now we'll never get real ice cream.

We'll never know the delectable,

delicious, and...

[both] ♪ Delightful-ah...


We'll never know the sweetness...

Nor the coldness.

Actually, I'm knowing some coldness right now.

Yeah, that's 'cause the couch is freezing for some reason.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Where there's coldness, there must be...


No, I was thinking ice cream.

Ice cream.

Ice--ice cream.

Ice cream.

Off with the cushions.

[both grunting]


Into the couch.

Into the couch we go.

One, two, three.

Oh, ugh.

Oh, it's freezing in here.

Look, a skater.

She's got an ice cream cone.

[muffled squeaks]

And it's got ice cream in it.

Lucky stiff.

Excuse me, skater lady.

Where did you get the ice cream?

[muffled] I'm frozen.

I can't tell what she's saying.

Can you tell what she's saying?

Hey, maybe if you tried moving your lips.

[lips smacking]

[muffled] I'm frozen.

Oh, I've got it.

She's saying...

[muffled gibberish]

No, David, she's saying,

"I'm frozen."

[squeaking excitedly]

Frozen, well, why didn't you say so?

[muffled] Because I'm frozen.

If she's frozen, maybe we could get a...

[both grunting]


Oh, I've got an idea.

Could you please press the Unfrozen button--

No, no, no, wait.

We don't have time for that.

I've brought the defroster.

Brilliant idea, Shane.

Do it.

[clicking and clattering]

Now plug it in.


No outlet.

No electricity.

[both] D'oh!

[both grunt]

Could you please press

the Unfrozen button on your remote?



You okay?

Oh, thank you so much for getting me unfrozen.

You see, I accidentally skated into the Frozen Room,

and I've been frozen ever since.

I never even got to eat my delicious, delectable...

[all] ♪ Delightful...

ice cream cone.

Ooh, I better get out of here fast,

before I freeze up again.

No, wait, wait.

Where did you get the ice cream from?

Gotta go, penguin's toes.

[both] Penguin's toes?

[sputtering nervously]

Oh, now I'm really freezing.

We'd better get out of here fast.

Could you please press the Fast...

[ice creaking]

[muffled] Oh, I'm frozen.

[muffled] Would you please press the Unfrozen button

on your remote?

[soggy crackling]

[both exhale]

Thank you.

Now just press the Fast Forward button

so we can get out of here fast.

[ratcheting noise]



That was the Upside Down button.

Please press the Right Side...

[ice crackling]

[muffled] Uh-oh.

Frozen again.

Could you please press the Right Side Up button?

[ratcheting noise]

Now if you could just press the Unfrozen button.

[soggy crackling]



[both] ♪ Thank you.

Now press the Fast Forward button.

[high-pitched] Let's go.

[both sighing]

Back from the cold.

Oh, it's nice and warm in here.

What's that?


[fly buzzing]

That glass wasn't there before, was it?

I don't think so.

Well, what's it doing here all by itself?

[slurping noise]


It's not here by itself.

Fido the fly is drinking a chocolate milk shake.

Whoa, Fido loves his milk shake.


[gasps] It's got ice cream in it.

Ice cream, where, where?

Where'd you get the ice cream, Fido?

Where'd you get the ice cream?

[high-pitched buzzing]

W-what are you-- what's he saying?

He's saying...[buzzing]


[buzzing]Calm down.

[buzzing]Chill out.

He's saying...

[high-pitched buzzing]

It came from the ice cream truck

that just passed by.

Oh, we keep missing that truck.



He says it went thataway.

That way?

Yes, we've got to catch that truck.

Let's go.

[pig squeals]

Oh, sorry, Evan.


[grunting groans]

Okay, who left a hippopotamus

in front of the door?

That'd be me.

Well, we're going to have to move her.

Okay, come on, Helen.

Let's go. Come on.

Come on.

Move along, Helen.

[low groaning]

Come on, Helen. Come on.

Let's lift her.



[straining] Come on, Helen.


Who would have thought a...


Baby hippo would be so heavy?

Oh, there's nothing we can do.

[both sigh]

I've got an idea.

Can you press the Light button on your remote?

Oh, do you think that'll work for a hippo--oh.




[laughing] Oh, wow.

Oh, she's so light.


You're going to have to press the Heavy button...

Yeah, but just not--whoa!

When he's fin--

[muffled speech]

Can you press the Light button again, please?

Ugh, thank you.

There we go.

Now, we'll just put--

[pig squealing]

Oh, sorry, Evan.

If you could just move over there.

There we go.

Helen, Evan. Evan, Helen.

[grunts and a squeal]

All right.


[man] This way, please.

boing! boing!

What just happened?

Beats me.

Well, you know what they say.

If in doubt, try the other nostril.

No, no.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Is that what they're saying these days?

Yeah, I think so.

Oh, okay.

boing! boing!


You know what they say.

Uh, grandmothers make the best wallets?

No, if at first you don't succeed,

try, try again.

Who says that?

They do.

[both scoff]

[both] Them.

boing! boing!

You know what they say.

Give up.

Give up?

Yeah, that's what they say.

Hello, boys.

[both] Hello, Mrs. Foil.


Where did you get that ice cream from?

Oh, from the ice cream truck, boys.

It's right over that way.

Can't you hear the music?

Oh, I see it.

I see the ice cream truck.

I knew it.



Let's go!


Oh, no, no, no, boys.

You can't get there from here.

Why not?

Well, see these arrows?


This is the This Way Room.

You can only go this way.

Well, can't we go that way?


Well, if that was this way,

you could go that way.

But that is that way, and this is this way.

That's why all these arrows

are pointing this way, not that way.

This is the way to go.

Yours sincerely, Mrs. Foil.

A-are there any signs pointing that way, Mrs. Foil?

[laughs] Oh, no, no, no.


We've got to go...

David, David.

We've got to go this way.

See the arrows?


Didn't you hear the explanation?

Yeah, I did...

Yeah, well, come on.

Come on. Come on.


One more time! Let's go!

David, give it up. Give it up, David.

Come on. David, David.

This way.

Let it go.

The ice--

Let it go, David. Let it go.

Come on.

Ice cream!

David, just--just...

Th-that's enough, David.

That's--just-- let's go.

Let it go.

Let's go.

Ice cream.

We could get ice cream.

Would you point the remote at David

and press Pause?

[shrieking hysterically]

[silences abruptly]

Thank you.

Let's go this way, David.

Come on.



Okay, could you point the remote at David

and press Play?


Shane, I'm through!



Shane, I'm through.

I'm through.

I've made it through to our living room.


Oh, Shane, we were so close to getting ice cream

in our ice cream cones.

How long must our cones remain empty?

I don't know.



Do you see what I see?

Only if you see what I see.

Could it be a tub of...

[both] Ice cream.

Let's dig in.


[slurping] Mmm.


Does ice cream make sounds?

Didn't think so,

I mean, apart from chocolate chips

and nuts maybe, but ...

Yeah, and that's it?

Generally, no.

[smacking sound stops]


The sound has stopped.

Let the eating begin!

[squelching noises]

Oh, nice one.



Is that what ice cream tastes like?

Let me try.


My ice cream just jumped off my ice cream cone.



What are you doing in the ice cream?


My uncle is not a giraffe.

No, Shane, "schmeating" means "eating,"

and your uncle is a giraffe, I'm afraid.

Only on Saturdays.


That was "yummy."


They've been eating the ice cream.


Well, look, we'll find out if it's yummy ourselves,

thank you very much.



Let's go.

More Schmuzzies.



[both blowing]



It's schmempt-- empty.

They've schmini--

finished it.

Even the Schmuzzies have tasted the wonder

and the glory of ice cream.

So has Fido.

So has the frozen skater lady.

And puppet.

[man] Mmm...

[smacking] Boys?


Are you eating something?

[man] Mmm, yes...

something delicious, delectable, and delightful.

Ice cream, by any chance?

[man] Mmm, yes.

Where did you get it?

[man] Why, there's ice cream right outside this door.


[both gasp]

I scream.

You scream.

We all scream.

[together] To the ice cream!


[excited laughter]


[woman] Hi, how you doing?

Nice to see you.

Hey, there, super scoopers.

It's time for your favorite ice cream game show:

Ready, Set, Scoop.

To your places, boys.

This is the show where contestants compete

to find the best way to scoop ice cream

into an ice cream cone before they hear the gong.

[gong sounds]

So let's get started

with the first contestant of the day,


Yes, I can see you.

Come on over.

Well, you've been on television before.

I can tell.

Did you have a good weekend, Shane?

Uh, yeah, I--

And what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Favorite flavor is--

But are you wearing your favorite socks?

That's what I really want to know.

Well, as a matter--

Are you ready?

Are you set?

Are you ready to set and scoop?

Which scoop will our super scooper choose?

Oh, yes, he's chosen the chopsticks.

Interesting choice.

And he's scooping.

No, he's having trouble scooping.

[gong sounds]

It's a gong.

Sorry, Shane.

Time's up.

Looks like you're off.

But David's on.

Come on over, David.

How are you?

Great, thank you.

Did you have a nice plan for the week ahead?

Oh, yeah--

[woman] I'll bet you've got lots of friends

out in the audience.

But are you ready? Are you set?

Are you ready to set and scoop, David?

And what could to be the choice

of our second super scooper?

It is the whisk: yet another interesting choice,

considering the task at hand.

Sorry, David.

That's the gong.

Thank you, David.

Now can Matilda show us how to scoop ice cream

into a cone and stop the gong?

And what's your favorite flavor of ice cream, Matilda?


Chocolate: just what we don't have today.

But we do have vanilla.

Ready, set, scoop!

Oh, it looks like our final super scooper

has chosen the ice cream scoop.

Will it work?

I don't hear any gongs.

And that ice cream is sticking to the cone.

But will it stay there until she licks it off?

Lucky girl.

Looks like Matilda is our winner.


Can you please press the Instant Replay button

on your remote so we can see that again?

[squeaky audio track]

[calm male voice] She's reaching for the scoop.

[man # ] That's a scoop, yeah.

[man # ] She's going in--oh.

Changed her mind.

Going for another piece of ice cream,

and she scoops it and puts it in the cone.

[man # ] I think--is that the top?

It's the top of the cone?

[man # ] Yes, indeed, the top.

Total scoopage.

Nice work, Matilda.

[cheers and applause]


Oh, you can help us catch the ice cream truck.

Yeah, could you please press

the Fast Forward button on your remote?

[all] Whoo!


You pressed the Whoo button.

Could you press the Fast Forward button, please?

[faster] Whoo! Whoo!



[still whoo-ing]

[whoo-ing slows]

Where's the truck? Where's the truck?

[gasps] Ice cream, more ice cream.

[gasps] More Schmuzzies.

Where'd you get that ice cream?

Schice schceam schtruck.

What did you call me?

No, no, "truck," Shane.

Must be the ice cream truck.

Oh. Which way?

Schmat schmay schtruck.

That way.

Yeah, but what about the second part?

Uh, "truck."

Come on, let's go--uh!

My pet caterpillar's in the way.

Well, move him out of the way.



Come on.

Oh, he's too heavy.

Oh, come along.

He's just a little caterpillar.

Could you help me, please?

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, that's it.

Yeah, we got him.

Ugh, he really is heavy.

Over here.

Maybe you could press the Light button,

or something.

Yep, or he could drop the barbell.

That's a good idea.

Georgio, could you drop the barbell, please?



Thank you.Ow! Ow!

There we go, Georgio.

Georgio: Helen, Evan. Evan, Helen: Georgio.

[squeals and grunts]

Okay, to the ice cream.


[man] Come in.



[man] Shane and David arrive at the ice cream truck

for the very first time.

That's just a picture of an ice cream cone, fellas.

Oh, that won't work.

Not very delicious.


[man] Hey, you're not allowed in there, boys.

Out, out, out, out.

Out, out!

[man] There are people ahead of you, fellas.

Back to the end of the line.

[mechanical whirring]

That's not how you wait your turn.

That's not how you wait your turn either.


Nice try, David.

Hey, boys, how about you help the little customers?


[man] And now it's David and Shane's turn.


[man] I know you're excited, fellas,

but you'll have to hold those cones steady.

Could you please press the Frozen button?

[cricket chirping]

[high-pitched] Would you like some sprinkles?

[man] A little something on top, perhaps?

[high-pitched squeaking]

Yes for David.

[low-pitched squeaking]

[man] And no for Shane.

Please press the Unfrozen button.

They have their ice cream.

Oops, someone pressed the Cheerleader button.

And there goes their ice cream.

Don't worry, fellas.

It happens to everyone.

Here, have another scoop.

And now the moment they've all been waiting for:

the first amazing taste of ice cream.

It's delicious, delectable, and...

♪ delightful.


Someone pressed the Run Along Home button.


Could you please press it again?

[cranking noise]


Boy, that ice cream cone was fantastic.

Yeah, I'd like another one.

Me too.

Let's do it.








Yah, brain freeze.

Aw, delicate, Shane.


Mmm, mmm.

That was delicious.

It was delectable.

It was...

[both] ♪ Delightful.

Would you like one?

Thought you might.

Beautiful, crunchy cone coming your way.

There we go.

Now, what flavor would you like?

Any flavor in the world.

What's your favorite?

Nice choice.

Yep, I think we've got some of that.

Do we?


Here: scoop.

Big scoop.

Actually, here: bigger scoop.

Have a big--this is the size scoop--

I mean, a big, big scoop.

What about this size scoop?


[straining] Really big scoop.

Now, hold it steady.

Two hands.



Try it.

Do you like it?

Is is delicious?

Is is delectable?

Is it-- everybody now--

♪ Delightful-ah?

To dip-ah?

More ice cream.

[squishing noises]

[squishing noises get faster]

Whoa, ay--oh...



[both grunt]



[muffled] That was delicious.
