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01x09 - Marching Band

Posted: 05/21/23 07:07
by bunniefuu


Hey, Shane, what are you doing?

I'm going to relax.


I could help with the remote.

It does heaps of cool things.

Let's see, Relax, Relax, Relax.


Ooh, I think that was the Pause button.

Rewind, Rewind.



Now, Relax.

[dance music]

There we--

Oh, I think that was the Disco button.

This isn't very relaxing.


Could you press the Stop button, please?

The Stop button, okay.


[music speeds up]

I think you pressed the Accelerate button.

No, no, I think I accidentally pressed the Speed Up button.

Speed up and accelerate are the same thing.

What do I do?

Press the Decelerate button.

Decelerate, what does that mean?

Slow down.

Slow down. Why didn't you say so?

Oh, much better.

Hey, would you like to have a try?

There you go.

You got it?


Okay, now just hit the Play button.

[upbeat music]

I think you pressed the Cancan button.

Could you just press the Stop button, please?


But whatever you do, don't press the--

Accelerate button.

Press the Decelerate button.

[music slows]

Oh, thank you.

Now just press Play.


[man] Down upside!

Oh, sorry.

The Upside Down Show!


[drum beat]

[quirky music]



[imitates banjo notes]

[makes guitar sounds]

That's ♪ hello on air guitar.

[imitates two notes]

That's ♪ hello in banjo.

[imitates guitar music]

Whoa, David, you really made that air guitar sing.

Thank you, Shane.

[twangy music]

Ooh, string broke.


And even with the string breaking, Shane,

you're making that air banjo sound totally awesome.

[plays two notes]

Hey, listen.

If I get--[clanking]-- this cymbal,

and I attach it to my banjo, I can make a cymbanjo.

Sounds brilliant.



Let's say I bend my air guitar around,

I could probably make a scruba.

[tuba sounds]

[adds banjo]

What are you doing?

This music makes me feel like I've just got to march.

Me too.

[Puppet] Hey, me three.

Hey, Puppet.

We can't stop marching.

[all humming]

Hey, even the Schmuzzies are marching.

Hey, look, Fido as well.


Hey, Mrs. Foil.

Oh, hello, boys.

I can't stop marching.

[doorbell rings]

Come in.

[music plays]


Hey, would you two boys like to join the marching band?

The marching band?

The marching band?

You're serious?Really?

[together] We'd love to.

What's a marching band?Good question.

A marching band is a group of musicians who march together

as they play their instruments.

I'm on my way to join the band right now.

[together] Let's go.

[continue making music]

Ooh, can I join the band too?


[together] Sure.

Oh, great.

I've always wanted to be a bandleader.

I get to twirl my baton and toss it in the air.


And catch it.

Well, well, sometimes.

Here you go, Puppet.

Oh, thanks.

Good catch, Puppet.

Yeah, so where is this marching band?

I have no idea.

I've been looking for it all day.

We've got to find that marching band.

I'll go this way.

I'll look behind the puppet stage.

But--but where do we look?

I don't know.

[gasps] I hear something.

[gasps] I hear...nothing.

That doesn't surprise me, Shane.

You see, I have supersensitive hearing.

You do?

Oh, keep it down.

[no audio]

That's better.

These ears can hear sounds only dogs can hear,


Well, I can hear cats.

Sure, you can, but in China?

No, I don't think so.

I definitely hear something.

[imitates sonar beeping]


I hear music.


I can't hear anything.

Could you please turn the volume up on your remote?

[music plays]

Oh, yeah, yeah, now I can hear it.

And I think it's coming from that door.

I think you'll find it's coming from behind the door, Shane.

[whispers] Supersensitive hearing.


Let's go.


[frantic music]

Okay, oop, you better knock first.

[man] Oh, hello, boys.

Listen, we have to get in.

Could you let us in?

We're in a hurry to get to the marching band.

[man] Of course I'll let you in.

But first, could you play Mary Had a Little Lamb?

[imitating instruments]

This is taking forever.

We've got to find the marching band.

Listen, could you press the Accelerate button

on your remote?

Thank you.

[man] Bravo.

Come in.


Where's the marching band?

And where did that music come from?

I don't know.


What was that?

I just sat down.

[music note plays]

Oh, oh, oh.

[together] Musical chairs.

[keyboard plays]

Musical drawers.

Can you-- [piano music]

Musical table?

[deep note]

[gasps] Musical door.

Well, maybe ev--

[horn notes play]

[drums play and cymbals clash]

[bongo music]

[record scratching]

[toy piano music]

[jack-in-the-box music]

[bass drum beats]

[percussion sounds]

[electric guitar music]

[harp chords]

Hey, we should start marching.


[drums play and cymbals clash]

The floor is too loud.

We can't hear our instruments.

Oh, this is not going to work.


This is not going to work. [music note plays]

Whoa. [drum beat]

Don't do that. [loud music]

Oh-- [music plays]

[violin music]

[clock chimes]


We've got to get out of here.


Could you please-- [loud horn music]--

press the Accelerate button-- [honking]

on your remote?

[loud notes]

Thank you.

[music speeds up]

[music echoes, then stops]

I hear schmomthing.



[Schmuzzies] Left, right, left, right.


Left, right, left, right.

And the Schmuzzies.

Hey, guys, I'm practicing my band leading on the Schmuzzies.

Great band leading.

They're right behind you.


Pay no attention to that dust ball, Schmuzzies.

Schmuzzies love their dust.

Ah, bandleader.

[David] You've lost your band.

Schmuzzies? Schmuzzies?

Hey, wait, I'm the bandleader.

I toss the baton.

Schmuzzies, that dust ball is not a toy.

Shane, do you hear what I hear?

I could never hear what you hear with your

[yelling] supersensitive hearing.

[sings a high note]

No, it's going one, two, three, four.

Back here, one, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

It's coming from this door.

Knock, knock.

He knock, knocked.

[man] Come in; it's not locked.

[quirky music]

[kids] Left, right, left, right.

Look, marching feet.

This must be the marching band.

Left, right, left, right.

Left, left, right.

Left, right, left, right.

Left, right.

All day and all night.

Left, right, left, right.

Left, right, left, right.

Whoa, that looks amazing.

I'd like to see that again.

Can you press the Instant Replay button on your remote?


[Shane] Look at those determined little feet,

marching left, right, left, right.

Brilliant technique.

I've not seen legwork like this since the Belgians in

when they marched over a double-decker bus.

[together] Whoa.

We've found our marching band.

Okay, hey, how about you put on your cymbanjo, Shane?


Play your scruba, man.

[making music]


Excuse me.Stop!

[stop playing]

What's wrong?

This is a marching room.

It's only for marching.

No instruments?


Only marching?


Could we eat spaghetti while marching?


Can we skip?

Yeah, we'll skip while marching.


What about marching and juggling?



You can't do anything except marching.


I guess we'll just march then.


Left, right, left, right.

Left, right, left, right.

We better get out of here.

Can you press the button to get us home?

[kids] Left, right, left, right.


You pressed...

the Do-si-do button.


Press a button; get us home.

Not too sweet, and not to roam.




What's that noise?


It's our bandleader.

And he's without his baton.

I'm not going to be a bandleader anymore.

I've set my sights on something higher.

[together] Higher than a bandleader?

What could possibly be higher than that?

Well, instead of tossing the baton,

I'm going to be the baton.

That's a lot harder than it sounds.

Certainly has its ups and downs.

You're telling me.

But I can do it.

I'll show you.

Toss me. Toss me.

I'm not sure,Puppet.

Oh, come on, he can't toss himself.

Right, okay.

Oh, great.


Okay, toss me.

Here we go.

Whoa, whoa.


That was great, but I can go higher than that.

Here we go.

Whoa, whoa.



[together] We're okay.

That was nothing.

I can go way higher than that.


Higher, yeah.

Toss me.

Okay, ready?

Toss him, toss him, toss him.

Toss him, toss him.

I'm stuck to the ceiling, guys.


Have you been smearing honey on the ceiling again?


I know.

Could you press the Unstuck button on your remote?


No, that's the Upside Down button.

Could you press the Right Side Up button, please?

[together] ♪ Thank you.

I'm still stuck to the ceiling.

Oh, um, could you press the Unstuck button, please?




I'm still okay.

All right.

[music plays]

Puppet, is that you

singing that beautiful flute-like melodic tone?


This is me singing a beautiful flute-like melodic tone.



Ah, what is that?

Press the Stop.

Press the Stop button.

Press the Stop button,please.

[taking deep breaths]

It wasn't him.


Well, I better go now and keep practicing being a baton.

See ya.

All right.


So where did it come from?

If it wasn't Puppet, I don't--

[gasps]I could use my supersensitive hearing.


I hear it. I hear it.

Listen, it's coming from--

It's coming from you.

Oh, no, no, no.

It's coming--

Are you asleep?


It's coming from the couch.

The couch?

Let's check it out.Off with the cushions.

[music gets louder]

One, two, three.


[together] We're falling through the sky!

Quick, press the Decelerate button.

There's no time for that now.

Press the Slow Down button so we don't fall as fast.

Slow down and decelerate are the same thing.

Oh, well, in that case,

press Decelerate quickly on your remote.


Whoa, that's much better.

Thank you.

Now while you're at it, can you press the Flying button?

It's the little button with wings.



Hey, there's that music again.

Oh, and there's the bird making it.

You sound fantastic, little bird.

Hey, can we join your band?

If you want to join me band, fellas, that's fine with me.

All right.

[plays air cymbanjo]

[plays air scruba]

The band sounds stupendous.

Yeah, now that-- now all we need to do is march.

Left, right, left, right.

Left, right.

It's very difficult to march.

You can't march in here, guys.

Why not?Why not?

There's no ground, only sky.

Only sky?

That's right.

This is the sky room.

The sky room, of course.

Looks like we're going to have to break up the band.

I'll fly solo.

See you at the reunion tour.

[together] Bye.


Could you please press a button to get us home?

[loud dance music]

You pressed the Sky Dancing button.

Good choice.

[hooting and laughing]

We're in our living room.


We're in our living room.


Our living room, we're in our living room.


You know, David, I'm just about ready to give up

on ever finding a marching band.

We could be our own marching band.

That's the best idea you've had in / minutes.

Let's do it.


Which way do you want to march?

This way.


[music starts]

No, I'm sick of marching that way.

Me too.

Let's go this way.


I'm sick of going this way.

Well, why don't we march towards each other?


[clanking and sputtering]

If I could just have the--

[echoey twang]

This is yours.

Oh, this is yours.


Thank you.

[plays banjo]

My cymbal.



Thank you.


I've got an idea.


Let's march away from one another.

Great idea.



After four, we start playing our instruments.

So let's march for four.


One, two--Shane?


After four.

I'm waiting for you to count--

I can hear you playing your instrument.

I'm not playing my instrument.

I can hear you playing your instrument.

I'm not playing my instrument; you're playing your instrument.

I'm not playing my instrument.

Look, I'm not playing my instrument.

Are you playing your instrument?

[marching band music]

Well, then who's--

[music gets louder]

[man] Come in.

Can't hear you.

[man] Come in and march.


[man] Shane and David join the marching band

for the very first time.

Hurry up and find your places, fellas.

Yes, yes, now you're marching with the band.

Where's the bandleader?

There he is with his baton.

And there's bugle man.

[making monkey noises]

That's not how you march, Shane, not like that.

That's better.

[trombone music]

[man] Nice playing, David.

Mrs. Foil is having a blast.

What's that in your tuba?

Ah, Schmuzzies.

Put the Schmuzzies back, David.

They like it in there.

Oh, get down, Shane.

Why don't you play your instruments, boys?

David and Shane are taking the band in a whole new direction.

Oops, that's the bandleader's job.

Oh, come on, fellas, give the band back.

That's better.

David and Shane are playing and marching perfectly in step.

And Shane and David are marching and playing perfectly in step.

Now it's time to say good-bye to the band and head home.

[imitates harmonica music]

That sounds cool.


What is it?

It's a harmonica.

Oh, yeah? Watch this.

[plays music]

What's that?

It's, uh, well, I just made it.

It's a drum put together with a trumpet.



What's it called?

Don't know.

A drumpet.

A drumpet, that's a great idea.

Do you want to play?

Actually, just have it.

It's yours. Grab it.


There we go.

You want the harmonica?

[plays notes]

Try it.

Here, what about this?

[blows and plays notes]

A bottle.

Here we go. Take the bottle.

There we go. Brilliant.

What about this?


A cymbal.

Oh, that's great.

[plays bass]

Double bass coming your way.

There we go.

[groans] Okay.

[plays chords]

Electric guitar.

[tinny notes]


There we go.

There, you can play any of those instruments,

or you can join them together and make other instruments.

Like my scruba.

Yes, and my cymbanjo.

[marching music]

March with us.