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01x02 - Barbershop

Posted: 05/21/23 07:00
by bunniefuu

Oh, hello.

How are you?

Have you seen my brother, David?

He's the one with the hair.

You seen him?

David! David!

[David] Yes?

Is that you up there?

Let me check.

Yes, it's me.

Well, come on down.

Here I come.

[gasps] Hello!

I was just looking for the remote.

Yes? Yes.

Well, where is it?



It's just here. There it is.

The remote does heaps of cool things.

Do you want me to show you?


If you want something to freeze,

you just hit the Pause button.

Watch this.

David, what did you just s--


If you want something to go backwards,

you hit the Rewind button.

[speaking backwards]

If you want something to go really, really fast,

you hit the Fast Forward button.

[high-pitched, fast voice] David, what did you just s--

Ooh, tongue in.

I'm sure there's a Tongue In button somewhere.


[buttons clicking]

Ooh, guess what button this is?

[rap music]

It's the Dance button.

Do you want to have a little try?

Thought you might.

Here you are.

Got it?


♪ Slow dancin'.

Sorry, could you point the remote at Shane

at press the Stop Dancing button, please?


[together] Thank you.

Now if you could just press the Play button.

On your remote.

[both] Whoa!

Shane, I think somebody pressed the Up button.

Press the Down button, please.

Thank you.

On your remote.

[both] Whoa!


That was fun, but please

if you could just press the Play button.

But whatever you do, don't press the...

[both] Whoa!


Did it again.

Press the Down button, please, on your remote.

[both] Whoa!

Thank you. Thank you.

Just press the Play.


[man] Down Upside!

Uh, sorry.

The Upside Down Show!

[quirky music]

Shane, I found a fruit that looks like you!



Have you seen my brother Shane?

He looks like this pineapple.

Oh, except this way, 'cause he hasn't got much hair.



[gasps] A Schmuzzie.

I'll ask a Schmuzzie.

They're very helpful.

Schmello, Schmuzzie.


Have you seen Shane?


Oh, are there any other Schmuzzies around

that you can ask whether they've seen Shane?


Has anybody seen Shane?

[all chattering]

No, they haven't.

Thank you.



Maybe he's in this cup.




What are you doing, David?

I'm just looking for my brother, Shane.


I'm right here.

Shane? Yes?

What are you doing in a cup?

I'm not in the cup.

Well, how come I can hear you?

Because I'm standing next to you.


Shane? Yes?

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm Shane.

There's something different about you.

Is there?

New shirt?

No, same shirt.

New arms?

Same arms.

New hands?

Same hands.

Something about your face, maybe.

It's hard to see under all that hair.


Hair, hair!


What [gibberish] hair!

What's--what-- what are you doing?

Where have you been?

What have you been doing?

Where have I been?

Well, I went to get some broccoli.

I took out the garbage.

I went to the Very Hairy Room.

I walked Fido.

I vacuumed Mrs. Foil.

Hang on a minute.

Could you please point the remote at Shane

at press Rewind?

[speaking backwards]

Pause him. Thank you.

Now Play.

...acuumed Mrs. Foil.

Sorry, pause.

We just have to go back a bit further, so rewind.

[speaking backwards]

Pause and play.

...ook out the garbage.

I went to the Very Hairy Room.

That's it! What?

The Very Hairy Room.

What about it?

We don't have a Very Hairy Room.

Yes, we do.

No, no, we don't.

[laughs] Yes, we do.

[laughs] No, we don't.


Yes, we do. Do we?

Yes, we do. I'll show you.

It's just over here.

It's right through this door.

This is it.

I guess we do have a Very Hairy Room.

[man] Shane, you need a haircut.

No, no, I don't.

No, no.

[man] Yes, you do.

Do you think Shane needs a haircut?

Me too.


I have an idea.

How about I cut your hair?

Great idea, yes, you cut my hair, yes.

Right this way, sir.

Haircuts are our specialty here.

There we go.

Just put a the cape around you there.


Comfy? Yes.

I'll bring you up a bit.



It's broken there.

Oh, would you mind pointing the remote at Shane

and pressing the Up button, please?

Whoa, yup, that's enough.

No, too much. Too much.

Just down a bit.

No, no, up a bit.

Perfect, perfect. Right there.

Okay, what were you after, sir?

Well, just a little off the top, please.

Top. Yes.


[cutting sounds]

Hey, guys. What are you doing?

Puppet, we're giving Shane a haircut.


Can I be the scissors?

I'm really good at being scissors.

Why not?

Oh, great.

Oh, I'm also really good at singing light Italian opera.


[snipping noises]

♪ Figaro.

♪ I don't know the words to Figaro, ♪

♪ but I know the word Figaro. ♪

♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro. ♪

[all] ♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, ♪

♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro! ♪

♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro! ♪

♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, Figaro, yo! ♪

Thanks, Puppet.

No worries.

Oh, hairy.

And what do you think of that, sir?

This side over here?

I like it, nice.

This side? Nice, like it.

And this side? Good, yes.

Okay, I'll just get that.

[man] Shane, that was an imaginary haircut.

You need a real haircut from a real barber

in a real barbershop.

Yes, but--but--but--

[man] No buts.

You see, I don't want to have a real haircut

from a real barber at a real barbershop.

You see, I've never been to a real barbershop,

and to tell you the truth, I'm a little apprehensive.

What did he say?

Look, it means I'm a little nervous, all right?

"Apprehensive" means "nervous," okay?

I think Shane needs a little help.

Don't you?

Shane, how would you like to hold Bob

while you get your hair cut?

Your blanket? My blanket.

You'd let me hold Bob your blanket?

Well, he always helps me out

when I'm feeling a little nervous.

Bob? Where are you, Bob?

[Bob] Right where you left me.

Hey, Bob.

Hey, how you doing?

Not bad.

I have a question to ask you.

Fire away, amigo.

Uh, I was wondering whether you'd let Shane hold you

while he got his hair cut.

Shane? Come on, Dave.

I'm your blanket.

I-- [muffled speech]

It's just that he's a little nervous.

He's a little apprehensive?

That's right.

Come on. What do you say?

All right.

He says he'll do it.

He'll do it?

Yes, you can hold him.

Great. Let's go.

Oh, ow, ouie!

You see, we don't know where the barbershop is.

Therefore, we can't go.

Uh, no, yeah, we might as well stay here.

Yeah, that's it. That's it.

We'll just--

Shane, I think I see the barbershop.

Oh, ah, yes.

But I don't have time to get a haircut.

You see, I've got to wash my hair.

That's it.

You see, I've got lots of things to do.

Would you mind pressing the Fast Forward button

so we could get to the barbershop really fast?

I've got to go waterskiing.

[high-pitched fast speech]



[man] Come in.

After you. Oh, no, after you.

Oh, I insist. No, I insist.

After you. After you.

[Bob] I'll go.

[David] Whoa, it's pretty hairy in here.

Whoa, you're pretty hairy in here.

Oh, I am.

[gasps] You're even hairier

in here.


[Bob] Oh, yeah? What about me?

I look ridiculous.


Are you the barber?

No, I'm not the barber.

But isn't this the barbershop?

Barbershops have scissors.

This is a Very, Very Hairy Room.

Oh, I gotcha.

The Very, Very Hairy Room!

Yes, Very, Very Hairy Room.

Very, Very Hairy Room.

Hey, guys, that reminds me of a ditty.

Tell us, Shane. What's a ditty?

Well, Dave, a ditty is a very short, simple song.

Let's sing it.


Can you press the Ditty button on your remote?

Everybody, shake your hair!

♪ It's a very, very hairy... ♪

[together] ♪ Very, very hairy.

♪ Not so very scary...

[together] ♪ Not so very scary.

♪ Very, very, very.

[together] ♪ Very, very, very.

[all] ♪ It's a Very, Very Hairy Room. ♪

[cymbals crash]

Enough of the very, very hairy stuff.

We got to get Shane to a barber.

[girl] Well, good luck, guys.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

Come on, Shane. Let's go.

You know, I like it here.

I think I'll stay. Yup.

He just doesn't want to get his hair cut.

[Bob] He's stalling.

Don't listen to the blanket.

Bob, just be sensitive.

He's nervous.

[Bob] Nervous schmervous.

He's apprehensive.

It's the same thing, Bob.

[Bob] Okay.

Could you please press the Rewind button

on your remote?

Oh, look at that hair.

Look at your hair.

My hair and Bob's hair are back to normal,

but yours is even longer than before, Shane.

Guess I'm having a bad hair day.

[Bob] That's the worst joke I've ever heard.

Bob, be polite.

I was.

Shane, we've got to get you to a barber.

You're talking to my back.


My back, see?

Front, back. Front, top.

Front, back. Front, back.




[man] Shane, did you forget to get a haircut?

[Bob] Hello!

No, no, I just don't know where the barbershop is.

[man] Oh, have you looked in the drawer?

The drawer. Of course.

Come on, Shane. Let's go the drawer.


This way. This way.

This way. No, no, no.

Here, here, here.

Which drawer was it?

Um, this one.


Come on, Bob.

[Bob] Okay.

Look at this place.


This must be the barbershop.

I don't know, man.

I don't see the barber.

Whoa, what are these?


Oh, I don't know.

thud, thud, thud!


[feedback squealing]




Dup, dup, dup, dup, dup!

Oh, it's a centipede.

Look at all those legs.

No, no, I've got it.

It's a phone.

[beeping] Hello?

No, it's a toothbrush, see?

It's a--hello.


Hello-- [gasps]

Are you the barber?


But isn't this the barbershop?

No, this is a Hairbrush Room.

[together] The Hairbrush Room?

Well, if this is the Hairbrush Room,

maybe these are...

They're, uh...

It's right on the tip of my tongue.



Hair... Hair...



Brushes, brushes!


I was just about to--

[Shane] Hairbrushes.

[David] Hairbrushes?

I wonder what you do with a hairbrush.

What are you doing?

Brushing my hair.

I'd like to see that again.

Me too.

Can you press the Instant Replay button?

No, no, Shane. They're just over here.

There we go.

Can you press the Instant Replay button

on your remote?

Look at the magnificent technique here.

Lovely technique.

Wonderful backhand.

Smooth, even strokes.

[David] Nice strokes, yes.

[Shane] Absolutely marvelous work.


Whoa, I could do that.

Me too.


It's not working.

We need a bigger brush.

A bigger brush?



Whoa, that's a--

that's the biggest brush I've--


Oh, that's better, yeah.

Shane, you still need a haircut, I'm afraid.

We're going to have to get you to a barber.

Well, bye.

[together] Bye!

Bye. Bye.

Thank you. Bye.

Could you please press the Rewind button

on your remote?

[Bob] Come on, boys.

All out.

Here, let me help you.

Thanks, Bob.

Shane, we have to get you to a barbershop

before your hair gets any longer.

[Bob] Yeah, no more stalling.

If we can find the barbershop.

Wait, I think I see it.

It's right through that door.

[Bob] Eh?

Shane, I don't think this is the barbershop.

Sure, it is.

But look at the sign.

This is the international Not The Barbershop sign.

So? Maybe the sign is wrong.

I'll knock on the door.


[man] Come in.

You see, the voice said, "Come in."

Therefore, it must be the barbershop.

[Bob] He's stalling.

Yeah, I know.

[Bob] It's so sad.

Come on.

[crowd cheering]

[woman] And now...

the Talking Hair Heads with their big hit ditty,

Very, Very Hairy!

I don't think

this is the barbershop.

[Shane] Just smile and bow.

Are you smiling?

And on big hairbrush,


That's you. That's you.

Rock and roll!


And on bigger hairbrush, David!

Roll and rock!

[feedback squealing]

And on the biggest hairbrush you've ever seen, Jade!

Love you guys!


[woman] And, finally,

on fluffy backup hairbrushes,

the Schmuzzies!

[together] Hello! Hello!

Now press the Ditty button.

[all screaming]

That's the Upside Down button!

Who wants to sing this song upside down?

No, thank you.

Okay, could you press the Right Side Up button?

Thank you!

And now

press the Ditty button on your remote,

and let's shake some hair!


[rock music]

♪ It's the very, very hairy... ♪

[together] Very, very hairy. ♪

♪ Not so very scary.

[together] ♪ Not so very scary.

[Shane] ♪ Very, very merry.

[together] ♪ Very, very merry.

♪ Very, very, hairy song.

[all yelling]

[crowd roaring]

[David] All right!

Good night!

[David] Whoo!

Yeah! Come on, Shane.

It's time to go.

Let's go.

Thank you!

Shane, Shane.

[Shane] Rock and roll!

Rock and roll!

Rock and roll!

Oh, I don't believe it, Shane.

Believe what?

Your hair, it's even longer than before.

Is it?

[faint squeaky voices]

And it's--I think it's making noise.

What is that?

Do you hear that?

Oh, schmello, Schmuzzies.


It's the Schmuzzies.

Oh, no. Oh, they've moved in.

Well, Shane, they probably think

it's the Very, Very Hairy Room.

Uh, I need a haircut... now!

Can you press the Fast Fast Fast Forward button

on your remote

so I can find the barbershop fast?

[animal growls]


[horse neighs]

[whirring noise]

Shane, Shane, Shane, Shane!

Come back, Shane!

Shane, come back!

[on high-speed] I can't find the barbershop.

Could you please point the remote at Shane

and press Play?

Shane, do you hear that?

All I hear is Schmuzzies, Schmuzzies, Schmuzzies!

No, no, I hear:

snip, snip, snip!

Scissors. I hear scissors.

And I hear:



Yeah, hair-dryers.

Hair-dryers and scissors,

they're all things in a barbershop.

A barbershop?

And they're coming from...

that door there!

[musical flourish]

This must be it!

Wait, Shane! Wait, Shane!

We'd better knock first.

No one said, "Come in."

[Bob muffled] Why don't you try a different knock?

Huh? Oh.

[Bob] I said, why don't you try a different knock?

Brilliant idea, Bob.

[Bob] No, no, no, why don't you try the...

[thud thud-thud thud-thud-thud] knock?

[man] Come in.

[Bob] Yeah, okay.

Let's go.

Thank you, Bob.

Oh, thanks, Bob.

[lively music]

[together] The barbershop.

[man] And now Shane gets a haircut for the very first time!


A sticker? You got a sticker?

Yeah, it's mine.


[man] That's right, Shane.

And you'll get one too after your haircut.

Why didn't anyone tell me?

[man] I just did.

Shane sits in the barber's chair.

Wait, Shane.

You have to sit still.

That's not sitting still.

That's still not sitting still.

Ah, that's better.

Shane discovers there are many hair styles

from which to choose.

Which one will it be?

And now Shane gets a haircut!


[man] You're feeling apprehensive?

David, don't forget Bob.

And now Shane gets a haircut!

Those scissors are a wee bit small.

This could take some time.

But wait; the barber has a big idea.

Very big.

Careful with those scissors, barber.

That'll work.

And now, yes, no!

Shane gets a haircut!

David gets comfortable.

At last!

Shane got a haircut, and he likes it.

He really likes it!

He looks just the way he did before.

Wake up, Bob.

Wake up, David.

What do you think of Shane's haircut?

David likes it.

Nice job, barber.



How are we going to get rid of all that hair?

Would you please press the Blow-Dry button

on your remote?

[air whooshing]


Hold tight!


[man] Now, Shane, don't you look smart?

Well, thank you.

And me?


And me?

[Bob] The voice is speechless.


Ooh, nice haircut, Shane.

I got a haircut too.

See my stickers?


Stickers? I didn't get any stickers.

Oh, here you go.

Here's a sticker.

Thank you!

Ooh, would you like some?

Here, you can have the rest.

There we go. Take them.

Stick them anywhere you want.

Oh, now I don't have a sticker.

Oh, here you go.

Thank you.

Oh, now I don't have a sticker.

Oh, there you go.

Now I don't have a sticker.

There you go.

Thank you.

Now I don't have a sticker.

Oh, there you go. Now I don't have a sticker.

There you go. Now I don't have a sticker.

There you go. Now I don't have a sticker.

There you go.

Now I don't--

Grab half of that.


There we go. Yeah.

[Bob clears throat]

Now I don't have a sticker.

Okay, well, since you helped me out,

there you go.

[Bob] Thank you.

Sorry? [mumbles] Thank you.

Pardon? [mumbling]

What was that?[mumbling]


I said, "Thank you."

You're welcome.