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24x22 - All Pain Is One Malady

Posted: 05/21/23 06:35
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses are
considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the
dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.


the site that posts
murders and r*pes for hire.

You pay in Bitcoin, and a
total stranger takes the job.

[CRYING] He knew my name,
and he took a selfie.

A judge is dead.


Well, we think it's
a paid hit in response

to an electronic surveillance
warrant that she issued for us.

And you can't take down the
site until you know who built it.

- We have a name.
- The server is located in Dublin, Ohio.

- Out of our jurisdiction.
- But it's not out of McCrary's.

I had Rollins work up a psych profile

of the guy we're after.

He's weaponized anonymity.

Jet has an IP address
out of an escrow office.

We're waiting on a warrant
for physical surveillance.

Linda, where are we on that
four bedroom in Heather Glenn?

Still waiting on the lender appraisal.

[SIGHS] Gosh, it's been two weeks.

I'll call Bill over at Chase.
He always needs a goose.

A strawberry Chobani, the
only one in the fridge.

Had my name on it.

Don't look at me, Sandy.
I'm lactose intolerant.

Larry, was this you?

- I didn't see your name.
- It's right there.

Geez, Sandy, what do you want from me?

At least we got him
on felony yogurt theft.

Maybe they're speaking in
some sort of code or something.

All I know is another week of this,
and I'ma blow my brains out.

- Make it m*rder-su1c1de.
- Yeah.

You sure this lady hacker
at OC got the right address?

Will one of you reassure
my friend, Avital, here

that we are at the right spot?

Despite an education system
that churns out people

like Krispy Kremes...

I think that a simple address

is within our capabilities.

How sure are you one of these
escrow people is our perp?

That, I don't know, but
the server is in there.

Look, Agent Bowman, I
know that your people

are anxious to get this resolved,

but a little patience, please.

Benson, a word?

How much you want to bet
it's a four-letter one?

Yeah, like boss.

Hey, if I'm not out in a minute,
will you please come get me?

Chief. You're looking well.

Yeah, yeah, don't give me that, huh?

God, it's been a week.

Uh, so how close are
we to catching this guy?

We are working on it.

Meanwhile, Feds waking
me up every three hours,

not to mention Interpol.

You have any idea how many
time zones this case involves?

And in each one of them,
there are victims of r*pe and m*rder.

- Our only job is to worry about New York.
- Right.

So where are we with our suspects,

with the five open r*pe cases?

Look, this isn't gonna end

until we make an arrest in Dublin, Ohio.

Did you hear nothing I just said to you?

PP wants arrests, here in New York.

I understand that.

- So what's the holdup?
- For starters,

whoever put this site up

was watching the federal warrant system

and knew that Judge Ziegler
had signed the court order.

So I think we need to proceed

as if he's keeping an eye
on the NYPD systems as well.

Oh, you know, this...

this Shadowerk guy is
playing games with us.

He's playing games, and he's winning.

For now.

- At least, we have to let him think that.

If we arraign our
perps here in New York,

there's no telling how many other judges

he's gonna put hits out on.

So what do we do, just hide?

Justice deferred doesn't mean
that we're not gonna get it.

We have to be patient.

No, no, no, everyone has to see

that the NYPD is being proactive.

[KNOCKING ON DOOR] I want all of...

hey, all the New York perps

to be arraigned and
arrested today, okay?



How much of that did you hear?

Enough to knock a lot
earlier than a minute.

He wants all of our New
York perps arraigned today.

Kind of jumping the g*n, isn't it?

That's what I told him.

And he wouldn't listen?

Oh, he listened...

to his side of the conversation.

Guy who coded this site is full of ego.

How can you tell?

He's found a unique way
to implement every kind of shortcut,

like he's trying to validate his skill.

Maybe we can mess with him a little.

What are you doing?

If it works, the server will lag,

and he'll have to come and fix it.

How can I help?

You know how to code?

- I can barely reboot my laptop.
- Then just keep me company.

You're going out?

I'm stir crazy.

- Then why don't we just go back to Columbus?
- I told you.

I'm not leaving until the
NYPD actually does its job

and arrests my r*pist.

Your ex-boyfriend Gil is the
one who caused all of this.

I don't know what you ever saw in him.

Mom, not helpful.

I'm sorry, but it's true.

[SIGHS] I can't take this anymore.

Kate, where are you going?



- Hi.
- [GASPS] Oh.

Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

It's okay.

Amazing, huh?

It is.

It's absolutely incredible
what people are capable of.





- Get on your knees.
- What?

You heard me!

You scream, I'll snap your neck.


Now, it has been said that
evil thrives in the darkness

and cowers in the light.

But today, it is anonymity
that allows criminals to...

- You made it.
- Did I have a choice?

Billy Vitale, on the charge of
r*pe in the first, how do you plead?

- Not guilty, Your Honor.
- I didn't r*pe her!

You just paid someone to do it.

Then you watched, you
sick son of a bitch!

Counselor, you might
want to remind your client

that he's being charged with r*pe one

on the basis of his solicitation

- of the crime online.
- Thank you, Mr. Carisi.

- Bail?
- Today, that anonymity is ended

with the vigilance of the NYPD.

People on bail?

We request $ , .

My client has a stable
job with no priors.

And ordered up the sex as*ault

of her former nanny
like ordering a pizza.

$ , granted.

Next case.

Junior Suarez, also
charged with r*pe one

in the attack on Maria Varga.

Today, the city of New York, the NYPD,

and the mayor's office
will stand its ground...

Not guilty, Your Honor.

Shining a beacon of light
into the darkest corners

of human depravity and predation.

As chief of detectives,
it is my profound honor

to stand here with Manhattan SVU

and Organized Crime and announce

that we have formed an elite task force

together with the FBI and Interpol

to track down and
apprehend the criminals

behind the revenge crime website

known as Shadowerk.

Today, we put all perpetrators

who have profited off
of this on high alert...

- Not guilty, Your Honor.
- People on bail?

That whosoever has weaponized anonymity

for the purposes of committing a crime

will be arrested and prosecuted

to the fullest extent of the law.

Darkness will hide you no longer.

Given the defendant's assets,

we consider him a
flight risk... $ , .

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Rosie, whatever I did,

it was only because I wanted you back.

Shut up, Harvey.

I'm ordering the defendant

to refrain from addressing the gallery.

But I love her.

Bail is set. Next case.

Not guilty, Your Honor.

People on bail?

This defendant is a suspect
in two r*pes for hire...

Evie Quinn and Kate Wallace.

We have DNA evidence that
ties him to both crimes,

and we consider him to be a flight risk.

We request remand.

Granted. Next case.

Gil Hughes?

Oh, also charged with
r*pe one of Kate Wallace

by solicitation.

How do you plead, Mr. Hughes?

I thought the site was a joke.

My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor.

- Thought Kate was gonna be here.
- So did I.

We only stayed in the city

so Kate could see her r*pist arraigned.

And then she changed her
mind and refused to go to court.

She say why?

No, she went out to do
some sightseeing yesterday

and came back upset.

She won't even talk to me.

Maybe you could talk to her.


It was all my fault.

No, it wasn't, Kate.

I knew he was a bad person.

I should have listened to my instincts.

Your mother said you went out yesterday.

Can you tell us where you were?

There isn't anything you can do.

Look, what you say may really help us.

But first, you have to talk to us.


I was on the piers looking
at the Manhattan Bridge.

This big guy, I saw him on the walk.

He came up to me.

And I was scared, but I
didn't want to stereotype him,

you know, just because
of what happened to me.

We get that.

What'd he do next, Kate?

We were talking.

And then, all of a sudden,

it was like a shadow fell over his face.


he... he ordered me to get on my knees.

Unzipped his pants. He grabbed my head.

I didn't have a choice.

Was it Gil?

Did he...

did he hire somebody else?

No matter what the
truth is, I promise you,

it isn't anything you did wrong.

I want to give you something.

What's this?

[SIGHS] After he was done,

something told me to
spit inside the hood.


Like a voice that didn't use words.

I'm glad you listened.

Thank you.


Another sexual as*ault in
my city off of Shadowerk?

If it makes you feel any
better, it was a different MO.

So Kate Wallace wasn't
called by her name,

- and there was no selfie.
- And we got nothing else to go on?

She had the good sense
to spit in her hoodie.

We sent it to the lab for DNA.

Have her work with the sketch artist.

[SIGHS] What about the, uh...

the guy who contracted her first r*pe,

- the one that's in Rikers?
- So Gil Hughes.

I already have Muncy and Velasco

trying to see what
they can get out of him.

Which is... was...

was her new r*pe even on the website?

No new posts on her at all.

- There were new posts?
- A few.

We're coordinating with law
enforcement in each location.

Look, unfortunately,
this guy in Dublin, Ohio

didn't watch your speech.

Well, is there anything that we can do?

Well, Jet's working on a virus.

Well, what does it do?

It's a way to slow
his whole system down.

So he'd have to replace
the entire server?

It's a great way to lure him out.

Actually, it's pretty genius.

And the best part is
it's already written.

I watched her code it myself.

So what do you need?

Ideally, to make sure
everything's running

the way that it's
supposed to, a few days.

And wait for another
judge to get k*lled?

- No, we don't have a few days.
- Actually, Chief,

- in this situation, I think...
- No, no, just do it, all right?

Just do it now.


Kate was att*cked?

Is this news to you?

It's not like we're on speaking terms.

So you're saying you didn't
have anything to do with it?

I mean, it's... it's kind of weird.

You know, the site is in Ohio.

You're from Ohio.

Wait, are you serious?

Does it look like we're kidding?

Did you or anyone you know

hire someone to sexually as*ault Kate?

In case you haven't noticed,
my client is locked up.

Yeah, and in case you haven't noticed,

incarceration is not
exactly an impediment

to criminal behavior.

What is wrong with men?

Ask your brother, Terry.

That is not funny.

- What, too soon?

All right, all right.

- Can I tell you something?
- No.

McGrath pulled me aside
after the press conference.

Oh, yeah? What'd he want?

Wanted to congratulate me
on arresting Elias Olson.

- Wow, he noticed?
- Mm-hmm.

Figured PP had their eyes
all over that Shadowerk thing.

No, he said my contribution to
the city hadn't gone unnoticed.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

And he wanted to offer me
a job on a DEA task force.

- So you get your own car?
- Yeah, unlimited overtime.

- What'd you say?
- Told him I'd think about it.

- How long did he give you?
- A few days.

A few days?

You sad?


Promise you won't tell anyone?

Who am I gonna tell? All I do is work.

You're my only real friend.

So it's not looking like
Gil Hughes had anything

- to do with Kate's second as*ault.
- I mean, he's locked up.

Guard said he hasn't even
been assigned a full-time cell,

much less gone to the library.

Still think it's connected to the site?

Nah, Jet said there was no post.

So this is looking like an
old-school, analog as*ault.

Well, statistically, vics are more prone

to getting att*cked a second time.

Two times within the same week?

- DNA in her hoodie, is it in the system?
- No.

If you want, Velasco and I
can run the MO through ViCAP.

- Hey, maybe we get lucky.
- Might not need to.

Sketch artist we hired to
talk to Kate came through.

Black, bald head, beard.

Kate says he's at least foot ".

Sketch is gonna be sketchy.

Either way, let's call in a ,

have DCPI blast it
on news, social media.

We'll get this guy.

Linda, I've been waiting two
hours to hear back from the buyers.

You try calling them?

I sent an email, and now I'm
seeing the connection's dead.

Not dead... it's slow.

Okay, your virus seems
to be doing its job.

Site traffic's way down.

It's a real tech genius here.

So what happens if this... this
guy's just using their server remotely?

It's a possibility that
none of them are involved.

And that's very likely

because none of the employees
at the escrow company

- had any criminal record.
- Yeah, so what are we supposed to do,

just sit around and wait
for somebody to show up?

It's like hunting.

Yeah, but for how long?

These computer crimes cases
can take months, even years.

Well, we don't have months or years.

Chief, if we move too aggressively,

this guy is just gonna
shut the site down forever.

So you tell me, which one is longer?

So it wasn't Gil?

Are you... are you sure?

We're still investigating.

But he's locked up, so he
has no access to anything.

But regret.

A-and nothing from the website?

Unfortunately, I'd say it
looks like it was random.

It's not the first time we've seen this.

Do I look like a victim now?

It's this city, right?

We should go home.

It's not uncommon for r*pe
victims to be revictimized.

We can't say for certain why.

But it may have something to
do with what you talked about.

If something feels off, it usually is.

You're saying this is just
gonna keep happening to me?

- No.

But it's entirely possible

you may have to relearn
how to trust yourself.


We'll keep you in the loop
with the investigation.

- It's gonna be okay.

Perp struck again... the
same MO, same description.

This time, the vic's a -year-old boy.


Yo, I told you, I
didn't even call no cops.

Who did?

She was worried when she saw me.

Why? What happened?

Nothing, man.

I just... I just got
something in my eye.

All right, maybe we start with her.

Good idea. Maybe she saw something.


Yo, yo.

I had left my friend's house, okay?

I was sitting here waiting for the bus

when this Black dude comes up to me.

He gets real close, hovering.

I asked him what he wants.

What'd he say?

He's like, "Get on your knees."

Told him to get out of my face, but...

please don't make me say it, man.

It's okay, Manny.

Can you tell us what he looked like?

Black, big.

I tried to fight him off,
but he was too strong.

What happened afterwards?

Didn't say a word.

Just walked away like nothing happened.

Okay, we're gonna have to
get you to the hospital,

have you checked out.

We're also gonna need
to call your parents.

What? Why?

I didn't do nothing wrong.

- Listen, man.
- Man, my moms is gonna be mad at me, man.

Listen, listen, nothing
you did here was your fault.

Please, just let me go home.

Um, yeah, thanks, Fin.

Okay, listen, you and Bruno, uh,
stay at the hospital with him.

[SOFTLY] I'll take that.

Yeah, keep me posted. [SIGHS]

That doesn't sound good.

Spree case... the perp
who assaulted Kate Wallace

just att*cked a teenage boy.

Same MO?

Forced oral sodomy.

How old?


Just doesn't get any easier, does it?

Captain, Detective, Chief's
in the conference room.

Something you should see.


So what did you do?

I mean, what the hell just happened?

He just shut down the site.

Well... so that's it?

- He's... he's just gone?
- It's looking like it.

- Because of your virus, right?
- It's not her fault.

I thought it was supposed
to just slow things down.

It's either that, or
we're being manipulated.

You know, not another
word out of you, all right?

- Take it easy.
- No, I'm not gonna take it easy.

A federal judge was just
m*rder*d in broad daylight.

We still have eyes on the escrow office.

Yeah, we could get lucky.
We could bust a yogurt thief.

- Chief, enough.
- Oh.

- Where are you going?
- You know, someone has got to tell the Feds

that Judge Ziegler's
m*rder*r just got away.

And that's on me!

You want that?

At least people aren't
being r*ped and m*rder*d.


Nice work, Slootmaeker. Good job.

Manny, how did you let this happen?

You have to be more careful.

Sorry, Ma.

Ms. Lopez, this wasn't your son's fault.

Never mind whose fault it
is. Where are his clothes?

We had to take them,
get them checked for DNA.

The attacker might have left traces.

It's all part of the r*pe kit.

r*pe kit? What are you talking about?

I thought he got beat up.

[SIGHS] We know this isn't easy,

but Manny was sexually
assaulted, Ms. Lopez.

If we're gonna catch whoever did it,

we're gonna have to collect evidence.

What kind of evidence?

We need to take a sample of your hair,

scrape your fingernails,
swab the inside of your mouth.

What for?

We like to check anywhere the
assailant might have left his DNA.

No, absolutely not.

I can't hear this, and
neither will anybody else.

You understand?

How can you be a man now?

Sorry, Ma.

No, I'm taking him home.

Before you do, would you
mind talking to me outside?

Please, Ms. Lopez.



I'll be right back.

Manny, your mom is old school and proud.

She's worried I'm gay now.

That's not how it works, man.

Don't let them do anything.

You're upset, and I get that.

No, I don't think you do.

This is the hospital he was born in.

And every second since then,
I've been trying to raise a man.

He will be a man. What
kind of man is up to him.

Do you have kids, Detective?


But I had a father that raised me
the same way you're raising him.

Thought it would make me tough.

It only made me hate him.

The only way he becomes
a man is to heal,

find peace within
himself instead of shame.

And then maybe he just might
be able to move past this.


How are you feeling?

- Big, tired.
- Well, you couldn't look more beautiful.

Hmm. I'm not complaining.

Well, then what are you doing here?
'Cause all I get are complaints.

From McGrath?

- The techno-jihadist site?
- Yeah, the perp has taken down the site.

Well, that seems about right.

What is this guy's end game, Professor?

Anyone that outwardly
destructive, it starts with them.

- Speaking from experience?
- Hm.

It's just this site is his
sole reason for being alive.

He didn't take it down to evade arrest.

- He doesn't care about that.
- Then what?

He took it down 'cause
it was sullied, tainted.

- Because of the virus?
- Yeah. It'll be back up again.

So I should stop hoping
that he's taken himself out?

He might try to do that.

But only when there's no life left

in his little market for revenge.

Because he's not selling revenge.
He's trying to take it...

on the world.


You enjoying this.

Oh, yeah.

Sick, right?

- Are you sorry you left?
- Mm.

Stabler really knows how to gossip, hmm?

No, not Stabler.

Amanda, I can see it.

Don't... don't get me
wrong, I love my students.

But you love all of us more.


I mean, my life could be so easy.

I mean, part-time teaching, get
to spend time with my family.


yeah, it's...

[SIGHS] Yeah, it's not me.

And Carisi doesn't know?

Carisi doesn't know, no.

I'm really... I'm really good at...

Compartmentalizing? Yeah, I know.




Okay. [SIGHS]

What is it?

Our serial r*pist just struck again.


- Where's the vic?
- Yves Nettey, .

He told the responding
officer he was coming home

from Kingsborough College
when a Black male att*cked him.

Tried to force him to perform oral.

- Yves?
- Yeah, that's me.

The man who att*cked
you, he say anything?

Told me to get down on my knees,

but I don't get on my knees for nobody.

So what happened?

I carry a knife for protection.

I work at the restaurants.

You're not gonna get in trouble.

I stabbed him right here.

There was a lot of blood.

Okay, Muncy, Velasco, call central,

have them put a radio car
in front of every hospital

within miles... city MDs, too...

anyone that matches the description
with a s*ab wound in the abdomen.

Copy that.

Hey. How you holding up?

Well, considering I've
been up for hours,

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a stale
sandwich of a human being.

How are you holding up?

Uh, I'm not great.

I'm actually pretty pissed off.


The thought of bringing a...

bringing a kid into this world

knowing there's people
trying to burn it down.

- Carisi.

Are you kidding me?
Knowing you and Amanda,

that kid is gonna bring way
more good into this world

than that guy took out.

It's tough being a litigator sometimes.

I know, all that talking.

No, I got to wait for everybody else

to finish their job before
I can even start doing mine.

Well, just think about
how great it's gonna feel

once some court officer
carts him off to prison

because of something that you said.

That never gets old.

We're gonna get this guy, Carisi,

together, like we always do.

Getting this guy? That's the easy part.

Getting him to shut
down this site for good?

- That's a whole other story.

And he's the only one holding the key.


Great, pick him up. [CHUCKLES]

Well, here's some good news.

The serial predator that
assaulted Kate Wallace,

he's in some urgent care uptown

because some vic
stabbed him in the stomach.

I'll take the win.


Randy Gordon?

- Who are you?
- An angel. You're dead.

We've come to welcome you to heaven.

- Know why we're here?
- Not really, no.

What happened?

[WEAKLY] I, uh...

I was carrying a box cutter at work.

I tripped on it and cut myself.

Look, man, we got things to do.

So unless your box
cutter had a -inch blade

and you can present it right
now, stop messing with us.

- You're under arrest.
- For what?

Three charges of criminal
sex act in the first.

I guess you shouldn't
have come to a clinic.

It wasn't worth dying over.

Maybe you should have
thought of that before you

assaulted three people.

Hemp yogurt. I'm impressed.

That's Bruno's. Go for it. It's yours.

We have to label
everything at the task force

or risk a public caning.

I'm sure Bell gives you
more respect than that,

Detective Second Grade.

Holy crap. Second Grade?

Yeah, it all just happened.

Still not sure how I feel about it.

- I say take the money.
- Mm.


- I should get back to it.
- Okay.

McGrath offered me a promotion.

Really? Congratulations.

You gonna take it?

I don't know. Benson's
always been good to me.

And she doesn't exactly do
well with people leaving her.

Yeah, you think?

But hey, look, Benson
and Stabler seem good.

Rollins is here and it's fine.

People adapt. You do you, boo.

Take your time, Kate.

I don't need to.

- Number three.
- Okay.

Positive corporeal ID plus
DNA for all three assaults.

Give me a minute with my client.

That should be about all the
time you need to let him know

that pleading guilty
is his only option here.

Thank you, Kate.

I'm truly sorry.

On behalf of New York City,
I hope you can give us another chance.

I'm not sure I can
promise that, Mr. Carisi.

Take care of yourself.

What happens now?

Well, with your ID and the IDs
and DNA from the other two victims,

he's going away for a long time.

So he won't be able
to hurt anybody else?

I guess that makes me
feel a little better.

I think I'm done with New York.

Parting gift.

Too slow, money bags.

You guys can fight over it later.

You're gonna be okay, Kate Wallace.

Don't tell my mom.

The more guilty she feels, the
more she'll stay off my back.

- I love her, but...
- Hey, we met her.

Live your life, give it time.

And never stop trusting
that voice inside yourself.

It doesn't lie.

Well, it turns out
Randy Gordon assaulted

seven people in the last year.

Same MO... he copped to all of it.

Even scumbags have watershed moments.

He's looking at life,
no chance of parole.

Crazy bastard. Good thing
there's psych services on the inside.

Yeah, I wish I could give
them to the rest of the country.

I'll let Manny and his mother
know he won't need to testify.

All right, Liv, you need
me for something else?

- I'ma head home.
- No, go.

Me, too. I mean, I can stay if you...

No, no, no, please go. Thank you.

- Guess you're stuck with me.

Like two hunters in the same duck blind.

Yeah, it's a frustrating wait.


It comes from a lot of places, I think.

It comes from all over. It comes from...

This guy's manipulating all of us.

- They change the sauce?
- That must be your palate.

This guy's been making the sauce
the same way since beginning of time.

Well, you would know.


You know, Woo Hop is my second
longest partnership that I've ever had.

Wish I could bottle this.

- Bottle what?
- This. This moment.

Things just keep changing, though.

- And then they change again.
- And keep changing.

You rebuilt, huh?

Good team?


You and Rollins talk?

Yeah. Boy, we needed it.


What's with the Christmas present?

That is from

Noah's half-brother's adoptive parents.

I know, I met them when we
picked up Noah... the McCanns.

You talked to them?

I didn't have much of a choice.

They're normal.

What's that mean?

They're... they're like a TV family.

They're wholesome.

Maybe that's easy to
get when, you know...

When what?

When you're not seeing what
we see on a daily basis.

What if it's perishable?

[CHUCKLES] Oh, then
it's definitely stale.

Can I?

Open it? No.

You have a Christmas present
unopened in the middle of May.

- It's kind of a crime.
- Right, and it's my gift.

I'm not gonna take it from you,

but I will tell you why
you're not opening it.

[SCOFFS] Maybe there is no why.

There's always a why.

Okay, Detective, tell me why.

Whatever's inside this box,

you're afraid it's too normal.

- Too normal?
- Mm-hmm.

I didn't know there was such a thing.

There is, and it scares
you more than anything

you'll ever face in your life.

Well, thank you, Dr. Stabler.

You're welcome.

I have normalitis.

Liv, deflect all you
want. It's the truth.

So you and Rollins really have
been spending a lot of time together.


If it were me, I'd open it.

You're not me.

Detective, detect thyself.

You're coming over now?

It's o'clock. We're all leaving.

- I'll call McCrary.


[SCOFFS] This can't
wait until tomorrow?

Can you put the seat up next time?

- Shh, it's happening.
- What?

- It's happening.

Fine, fine.

Just get here as soon as you can.

- Who was that?
- Some IT guy.

He's coming over to check the system.

Now? You can't reschedule?

- I didn't make the appointment.
- Don't look at me. I can barely spell IT.

- Well, but who did?
- I made it.

For tomorrow.

[SIGHS] Must be some sort of mix-up.

You're not coming to
McClellan's with us now?

You know how these guys are.

We reschedule, and they'll
never show up again.

When this IT guy
shows up, it's go time.

Copy that.

So this guy just shows
up out of nowhere?

The escrow girl, Karlie,

the one with all the
tchotchkes on her desk,

she called an IT guy.

But when we followed
up with the company,

they confirmed the
appointment was for tomorrow.

Yeah, their guys come in marked trucks.

- We run his plates?
- Yeah, Jacob Bettencourt.

The guy's a college student,
goes to Kenyon College, some...

some liberal arts
school in Gambier, Ohio.

That's about an hour's
drive from Dublin.

Guy's got a legit presence
doing IT for TaskRabbit,

but they never called him.

So this could be our perp?


- Ah, great, you're here.
- Ah.

Hey, I got a call.

Someone said your server
needed to be replaced.

Yeah, where are you from?

- TaskRabbit.
- TaskRabbit.

Yeah, well, it's been slow,

but nobody from this
office called TaskRabbit.

Well, somebody did.

They had the address,
the name of the company.

They even told me what
kind of server it was.

The server and Internet router,
they're in the back room.

All right, thank you.

We called GlobalCast, but
they were no help at all.

Ah, well, don't worry. I got a new one.

Same make and model, out in my car.

Well, I'll be up front
if you need anything.

Yeah, thank you.



[SOFTLY] Think I found the problem.

He's taking it with him. If we lose it,
we don't have any evidence.

We've got to go. Move in.

Go! Go!



- What?
- What is going on?

- Okay, okay.
- FBI. Set it down.

- Back away. Turn around.
- Okay.


- I got it, Chief.
- What's up?

He wants us on the next flight to Ohio.

I'll tell the Feds to keep the suspects

at their field office in Columbus.

All right, just the two of us?

My guys are still working these cases.

I got you.

Hope you had a good flight.

Well, it was short, so there's that.

Free peanuts.

Where do you want us?

We've got you set up with
your own interview rooms.

These people have anything to say?

- Nothing helpful.
- Well, we saw the arrest.

It's clear they have
no idea what's going on.

There's some deer
caught in the headlights

with more awareness of their situation.

Good news is they haven't lawyered up.

Let's talk to them before
they change their mind.

Hey, Jet.

We got a problem.

The site's back up. It's
running faster than ever.

The site's back up.

Pull it up.

And there's something
you should probably see.

What's going on?

She says there's a new hit listed...


With a $ , bounty
on each of our heads.

Who is this guy?