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09x02 - Laundry Is a Tough Town: Part 2

Posted: 05/20/23 16:25
by bunniefuu
To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole
lot of tryin'

Now we're up
in the big leagues

As long as we live
it's you and me, baby

Ain't nothin' wrong
with that

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

We finally got
a piece of the pie

NARRATOR: Last week
on The Jeffersons...

George found himself
in a dry cleaning w*r
with one of his competitors,

Blue Sky Cleaners.

Look, Winslow, I can
out-promote you any day.

-If that's the
way you want it.
-That's right.

And you and your company
are gonna be sorry
you ever met me,

believe me,
most people are.

Unfortunately for George,

Louise became Blue Sky
Cleaners ultimate promotion.

tried to hide the fact

that she was the millionth
customer of George's
biggest competitor.

It was only a matter of time
till George found out.

His reaction wasn't
what Louise expected.

What are you talking
about, George?

I'm just
saying that, uh...

George Jefferson
is gonna retire.

NARRATOR: And now,
The Jeffersons continues.

No, Betty,
square business.

I'm gettin' a home
entertainment center.

Miss Jefferson's
gonna give it to me.

Well, no,
she don't know it yet,

but I'm workin' on her.

See, she won this contest.

And, oh, you saw her
picture in the paper?

Ain't that a blip?

She made Mr. Jefferson
the laughing stock
of the whole town.

I tell you, Betty,
it's a tragic situation.

Mmm-hmm. And it was
completely unavoidable.

Yeah, it sure
wasn't her fault.

I tell ya,
I'm so choked up
I can't talk no more.

Oh, hi, Miss Jefferson.
Er, you want some coffee?

-Oh, Miss Jefferson,
please don't fire me.

Betty won't show
that ad to nobody.

Besides, how many people read
The New York Times,anyway?

I'm not gonna fire you.

Well, in that case,
can I have the home
entertainment center?


Well, let's not talk
about that now.

You're upset 'cause
you ruined your husband.

I understand.

Do you want some coffee?


Florence, I have
a terrible problem.

I just broke the news
to George last night.

You did?

Well, I didn't
hear no yellin'.

And his fingerprints
ain't around your throat.

He didn't
even get mad.

Uh-oh. Then that means
he's really mad.


He's destroyed.

George wants to retire.


That's right.

As in, don't go
to work no more?


As in hang around
the house all day?

I'm afraid so.

Oh, Miss Jefferson,
please talk him out of it.

I'll do anything.


You want my clothes?
You can have 'em.

I don't know
what to say to him.

He's really serious
about retiring.

Then that means...

...he'll be around
all the time?

I guess so.

He'll just be here
day after day.

That's right.

After day, after day,
after day.

have some coffee.

Every minute
of the day.

Florence, would you
get that, please?

After day, after day,
after day,

after day...

I don't know.

Life seems so simple
on The Flintstones.

Oh, hello, Mr. Winslow.

Hey, how's our
millionth customer?

Uh, now that's a sore
subject around here.

Glad to hear it.
May I come in?

Well, actually...

Please come in.

Aw, isn't that cute?

Well, well,
Mrs. Jefferson,
there you are.

Our little gold mine.

Has your husband
seen this yet?

Yeah, get out.

Hey, look who's awake.
The old son-of-a-g*n.

Yeah, look who's visiting,
the young son of a...


What do you want, Winslow?

You know, fate has
played some little
trick on you, Jefferson.

I mean, you're
our biggest competitor

and your wife is our
millionth customer.

Oh, this is great.

This is sort of like
Lee Iacocca getting
caught driving a Honda.

Anyway, I was, uh,
having dinner with
my boss last night,

and do you know
what he said to me?

Yeah. "Be careful,
don't fall off
your high chair."

He said, "Winslow,
you have humiliated
George Jefferson.

"I'm giving you a raise."

Isn't that great?

Weez, bring us
some coffee, please?

I'll have mine
with cream.

Oh, I'm sorry.
We don't have any cream.

Would Clorox be okay?

Hey, a little sense
of humor there.
Love it a lot.

Listen, uh,

Blue Sky Cleaners
would just love
to run some T.V. ads

featuring your wife
ruining you.

-Sound good?

Yeah, Jefferson Cleaners
would like to run some ads

featuring your lips
nailed to a bus.

Sound good?

Mr. Jefferson,

do you think
I like rubbing
your face in all this?

Do you think
I enjoy humiliating you?

Well, I don't.

I'm only doing this
so I can get a Jacuzzi.

Look, you still
want to buy me out?

-Oh, sure.
-Okay. Draw up the papers.



-Are you serious?
-I sure am.

Excuse me.

I'm gonna get a Jacuzzi.

I'll get right to work
on it, Jefferson.

You know, I always
knew you'd fold.

I just didn't think
it would be this quick.

Our computers said
it would be at least
a month until you cracked.

Me? Crack?

It's obvious
you don't know the meaning
of the word "Jefferson."

I beg your pardon?

Look, let's face it.

I pulled a fast one on you.

-You did?
-That's right.

You see,
I want to retire.

-You do?

I mean,
I've been king of
the cleaners long enough.

Well, you deserve
a rest, Jefferson.

You've earned it.

You see,

I respect elderly people.

Now take my mother,
for instance.

When she got
too feeble to work,

did I throw her
out of the house?

No way.
I let her live with me.


No matter how cold
it gets up there in that attic,

I still go up and visit her
twice a week.

You're a regular
John-Boy there, Winslow.

That's my mom.
I owe her, you know?


See you, Jefferson.

Where's Mr. Winslow?

Probably running off
to see his boss.

I told him
I'd sell him my stores.

Oh, George, why?

Why not?

Because, well...

I just feel
like this whole thing
is my fault.

Oh, come on, Weez,
don't feel like that.

I mean, take the
positive attitude.

Guilt is its own reward.

What does that mean?

I don't know.

I just know
that retirement's
gonna be great.

'Cause then I'll be
around all the time.

Day, after day,
after day...

Oh, Lord.

Hey, Florence.

Look up here.
You see those liver spots?

No. Those are
just the holes where
your hair used to be.

Do you mind?
I'm trying to work.

Oh, that's what
you're doing, huh?

You work so seldom,
I didn't recognize it.

Mind if I watch?

Yes, I do.

Okay, then
I'll just observe.


Look, you're using
the old outdated
method of dusting.

Back and forth.

Why don't you
try the modern
circular motion?

I can't even
see my reflection.

Good. Then you won't
have nightmares.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, it's nothing.
You're doing
the best you can.

-Tell me!
-It's nothing.





don't you have
any of that stuff
that kills germs?

If I did,
you'd be gone by now.

Don't touch that pillow.

GEORGE: Don't forget to
dust under the toaster.

I'm just trying
to help you out.

I don't need no help.
I don't need you
telling me what do.

I know how
to do my work.

What's going on here?

I'm about to make
you a rich widow.

Oh, now.

Now, calm down, Florence.

What did you
do to her, George?

Nothing.All of a sudden
she got touchy.

Maybe you better go
to your room and cool down.

I'll talk to him.

Miss Jefferson, I'm not
gonna be able to take this

day after, day after,
after day after...

George, I've got
to talk to you
about something.

Yeah, okay, Weezy.
But first look.

Are you going down to
the Help Center today?

Maybe. Why?

Well, because I
wanted to go with you.

You know that guy
that lost his, uh,

his dog, his job,
his wife, and his left leg?

Well, anyway,

I just figured out
the solution
to his problem.

What, George?

A puppy.

Excuse me, George.

Day after day after day...

-Oh, well,
hello, there.


Louise, we were just
on our way down to
Charlie's for a drink.

-Care to join us?
-Drinking, huh?

That means somebody
must have a problem.

Well, tell it to me
and I'll solve it for you.

George, we don't
have any problems.

Well, actually, Jenny
has a little problem.


What's wrong, Jenny?

Oh, no, it's nothing.
I mean...

Well, I guess I'm just
a little blue, that's all.

Good God, woman.

Ain't you got
enough colors in
your family already?

Go ahead,
Jenny, tell them.


It's just that it
seems that I don't
have a life anymore.

Well, I mean, Lionel,

he's been working
in Japan twice as long
as he said he would be.

I'm beginning to
feel a little restless.

There's something
missing in my life.

Get a puppy.

Mrs. Jefferson,
don't get me wrong.

I mean, I love Jessica,
and I love being a mother,

but I'd just like
to do something more.

Like what?

Well, lately I've been toying
with the idea of getting
into fashion design.

Well, as a matter of fact,
I designed the outfit
I'm wearing now.

-What do you think?
-Oh, it's beautiful.

Oh, and I've got this. This.

Oh, that's classy, Jenny.

Uh, what's the
problem then?

Ah, I'm not getting
very much support.

My father thinks that
I should wait until
Jessica gets older.

Ha! Your father thinks
the guy that invented
the triple decker hamburger

should get a Nobel Prize.

I never said that!

I said the guy
who put the cheese
on top deserves it.

Well, if you're
gonna quote me,
be accurate.

Jenny, it's not that
we don't support you,

we just think that
the timing's wrong.

Why do you keep butting
into her business?

Jenny, look.
If you want to do something,
you do it yourself.

Don't let nobody
tell you what do.

Now, look.
This is what you do.

If you think
you got talent,

you go out there
and do it.

Well, uh, Mr. Jefferson,

I, I showed a buyer
some of my sketches

but he didn't seem
too enthusiastic.

The hell with him!
He ain't the only
buyer in New York!

There's hundreds of them.
Look, Jenny.

You've got to have
faith in yourself.

Because if you don't,

then you'll go
through life wondering
what you coudl've done.


No, you're right,
Mr. Jefferson.

You know I am
gonna start showing
my sketches around right now.

Thanks for the advice.

Good. No problem.
No problem.

Okay, next.

Anybody else
got a problem?

Well, actually, I have
a bit of a problem.

Sorry, Willis.
I can't correct nature.

No, no.
This is a problem
I have at work.

You see, I never
get a chance to eat
before meetings

and sometimes
during long conferences
my stomach growls and,

and people think
I'm clearing my
throat to speak,

when as a matter of fact,
all if want is a donut.

Oh, Tom. Please.

Well, maybe he can help.

Er. No, no,
it's my problem.
I'll deal with it.

You know, George,
come to think of it,
I have a problem.

I'm all ears.

I know this short, balding,
obnoxious little man

who keeps butting into
other people's problems.

Bring him over here.
I'll talk to him.

You would just be
talking to yourself, George.

Oh, you mean
he won't listen either?

That does it!
Come on, Tom, let's go.

-Yes, my angel.
-Oh, wait,
Willis, Willis, look.

The solution to your problem
is really simple.

Look. You just get
your secretary to buy
the donuts the meetings.


George, why are you
always giving advice
to everybody?

You are annoying everyone.

Weez, I ain't
annoying nobody.


Where are you
going, Florence?

I'm sorry,
Miss Jefferson.

I can't take him
following me
around no more.

I have had it up
to here with him.

You know something, Weezy?

Florence has
got the right idea.


That's what you do
when you retire.

See, that way we could
see the whole world!

As in "getting out
of the house"?


GEORGE: Hi. Hello.
Hey, hi.

Hey, this looks like
a good spot, Weez.

George, it's degrees,
the sun is going down,

and I just saw
a wino heading
south for the winter.

Good, that means
there's more fish for us.

Hey, how you doin' buddy?
Are they biting?

No words
between fisherman.

It's the code of the sea.

Code of the sea?

This is the East River.

Sea, river,
what's the difference, Weez?
It's all near water.

Go ahead, hook up.

Hook up?

Weezy, that's fisherman
talk for 'put your
bait on your hook'.

Weez, will you sit down
and be a man?

My whole body is numb.

That's excitement, hon. Here.

Put on a worm.
It'll make you feel better.

Oh, no, I'm gonna
touch a worm.

-Oh, you're
afraid of worms!
-George, stop it.

Can you believe that?
My wife is afraid of...

Oh, you're busy.
I see.

I, I can't believe
I'm here.

Yeah, Weez,
it's like a dream
come true, huh?

My dream come true
was surviving the
Louisiana dry cleaning tour.

You didn't like the tour?

Well let's see.
How can I put this?

Hell, no!

Weezy, that was a great tour.

Oh, sure.

You, me and the Chang family.

You ought to thank
your lucky stars
that they were there

because if that alligator
hadn't missed them,

you were next in line.

Well, it was horrible.

That alligator must've
chased us for minutes.

Well, you know
the old saying.

Eat Chinese,
half hour later
you're still hungry.

That's just a little joke.

The alligator didn't
really eat them.

He's got a lot
of charisma, huh?

George, you made
everybody on the tour
hate you.

You were constantly
giving advice.

The poor bus driver
got so upset,

he made the wrong turn
and we ended up in that swamp.

But that was good advice
I gave Mr. Chang.

Oh, sure.

"Hey, if you want a great
picture of that alligator,

"get his attention.
Throw a rock at him."

Look, Weezy, that was
just my way of telling him
"Welcome to America."


why don't you
admit how much
you miss working?


Okay. I miss it.

So, why don't you go back?

Weezy, I can't go back.

Winslow is coming over
tonight with the final papers
for me to sign.

Well, you don't
have to sign.

Weezy, I was beaten.

You didn't get beaten.

It was pure chance
that I was the
millionth customer

of the Blue Sky Cleaners.

Hey, Blue Sky Cleaners.

They do good work.

You talk too much.

George, you retired

because for the first
time in your life

someone made you
doubt your own ability.


So you've got to have
faith in yourself.

Because if you don't,

you'll just go
through life wondering
what you could've done.


Now who's giving
bad advice?

That's not my advice.
That was your advice to Jenny.

Hmm. It does have
a ring of brilliance to it.


the man I married
was a real fighter.

A real winner.

But what was more important,

the man I married
was a real dry cleaner.

That's right.

I'm a drycleaner.

I actually gave up.
Me, George Jefferson.

Come on, Weezy,
I got business
to attend to.

Okay, George!

You know
something, Weezy.

I was stupid to think
that even Blue Sky Cleaners
or anybody else could beat me.

Because I got something
special on my side.

What's that, George?



Well, well,
if it isn't Mr. & Mrs.
Field and Stream.

Oh, your, uh,
maid let me in.

Well, did you bring
the papers with you?

Ah, yeah, right here.

GEORGE: Great.

And if you'll just
hurry and sign,

I can get home in time
to supervise the installation
of my new Jacuzzi.

Hey, light bulb.

You know,
your husband sold out,
but you can stay in business.

Why don't you divorce him
and marry one of
our other competitors?

We'll make it
worth your while.

Think about it.

Here you go.

Here you go.

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm coming
out of retirement.

Hey, you can't do that.

He just did.

Hey, you're making
a big mistake
here, Jefferson.

I've been easy
on you up till now.

Oh, and are you
threatening me, Winslow?

Let's just
put it this way.

-I'm gonna break you.
-Oh, really?

Ain't a man been born
that can break me.

-We'll see, Pops.

Pops he says.


-Yeah, Weez?
-I'll hold your jacket.

Thank you.

Boy, that was fun.

Been a long time
since I did that.

Too long.

I want you to know
something, George.

You may have lost
faith in yourself,

but I never
lost faith in you.

-Aww, Weez.