08x01 - The Separation: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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08x01 - The Separation: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole lot of tryin'

Just to get up that hill

Now we're up
in the big leagues

Gettin' our turn at bat

As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

There ain't nothin' wrong
with that

We're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Okay, George,
it's time to rehearse.



You promised
we'd rehearse
our square dancing.

Black people don't
square dance.

Look, when Earth, Wind and
Fire records Old MacDonald,

I'll be the first one
in the barn.

George, we're only
one week away from
the Help Center Hoedown.

And you don't even know
how to do-si-do!

Who don't know how
to do-si-do?

Dough, see dough!

Come on,
we got a chance

to get out of this house
and do something
for a change.

Weezy, what are you talking
about "for a change"?
We do plenty of things.

Yeah, like what?

Yesterday we went
to the bank.

Oh, that's right.

And I forgot to send
the kids a postcard.

Now dance, George!

Oh, I hope this is
who I think it is.


Hey, Pop.

It's Lionel,
our son, Weez! Hey!

Oh, hi, Lionel.
I'm Louise, your mother.

Am I interrupting

Well, we were just about
to do our square dancing.

Pop, I should
have known.

I see you
cleared all the chickens
and pigs out of the apartment.

Well, actually,
it's for the Help Center.

We are throwing
a square dance
to raise money.

But we'd much rather hear
what's on your mind.

You know,
the more you talk, the less
I have to dance.

Well, sorry, Pop,
but you better get
your toes to tapping,

I ain't got that much
to say, except...

Pop, Mom, do you mind
if I use my old room?

Of course not.
You got something
you wanna store there?

Yeah, me.

Now... Now,
don't get excited.

But, see, Jenny and I
had a little fight
and I walked out.

You walked out?

Lionel, how could
you do that?

Well, it's easy, I just
took a couple of steps,
turned the knob...


Be serious.
Now, what did
you fight about?

Yeah, what did she do?

Well, there was
this poker game.

Okay, how much
did you lose?

Nothing, I won!

What did you win?
A nude woman?

No, see, I was just
playing cards with
a bunch of the guys

and I stayed out late
and Jenny got mad.

And you walked out
on your wife for that?

See, Pop,
it's no big thing,
it's just for one night.

One night?

And then the next thing
you know

it'll be another night,
and then another night,

and then you know
what you've got?

Three nights?

That's three nights
too long.

See, I knew y'all
were gonna blow this
all out of proportion.

Look, it's no big thing.
It's only temporary.

But if you're gonna
make a big thing
out of it

then I'll just go
find me somewhere else...

Wait, wait,
hold on, hold on.

Now, this is your home.

And you know
when you need
a place to stay,

you've got it
right here.

That's right.

Now, go home
and settle things
with your wife.

shut up a minute.

Lionel, I can't believe
all this is happening

because of some
dumb poker game!

Well, see, it's more than
just a poker game, Mom.

See, something's wrong,
I just need time to
think about it.

What do you mean
something's wrong?

I don't know,
I just...

I'm not happy anymore.

You ain't supposed
to be happy,
you're married.

We're lucky.
Our marriage
is an exception.

Maybe I should just...

I'm gonna
check into a hotel.

No, Lionel,
you're not going to
check into any hotel.

You're gonna stay right here
with your parents
who love you.

Now, what's the matter
with you?

Lionel, remember
when you was a kid,

when we used to
have disagreements,

I used to send you
to your room?

Okay, now you're a man,
so we gotta figure
this out like adults.


I want you to go home
to your wife

and settle things
like an adult.

I tried, Pop.
I can't.

Go to your room.

Lionel, wait.

Look, Mom, I just
need some peace
and quiet, okay?

Just time to think,
that's all.

Well, do the Willises
know about this?

Only if Jenny
told them.

Well, what will we say
when we see them?

Look, nothing,
I don't want you
saying a word.

Now, see, Jenny said
she would tell them,

and I think
it'd be better
coming from her.

Yeah, wait a minute.
Come on, Pop.

Let Jenny do it,
all right?

All right.

George, I feel terrible
about this.

Yeah, I wonder if Jenny
told the Willises yet.


And I know when
they come down here

they're going to be
very upset.
They're always upset.

Lady's go
and gents, you know

Circle again

I guess Jenny hasn't called.

Either that
or they're in shock.

We gotta
get them upstairs

so they'll
get the phone call.

Circle to the left
Here we go

And circle
to the right

And swing your lady
with all your might

You are fat
and overgrown

Now, bow to the lady
and head for the door

That's not funny,

Well, Louise, we're ready
to start practicing.

I'm sorry, Helen.

But we really don't feel
like square dancing
right now.

Right, besides you two
should be upstairs

in case you get some
important phone call.

We're not expecting any
important phone calls.

Well, that's when
you usually get them.

Oh, hello, Mr. J
and Mr. Willis!

And Mrs. J.
And is that Mrs. Willis?

What do you want,

I just stopped by
to return your toaster.

And twirl your lady
like a roller coaster

Aw, shucks.

But there is one problem
with your toaster, Mr. J.

What's the problem?
It doesn't work.

You broke our toaster?

No, not exactly,
it still makes toast.

Just doesn't pop up
when it's finished.

Well, how am I supposed
to know when
my toast is ready?

When you see lots
of black smoke
in your kitchen.

Give me that,
get outta here.

Better still,
take the Willises upstairs

and break
all their appliances.

Hold it. We came down here
to practice square dancing.

Oh, square dancing.

That's a wonderful
American tradition.

But there's one thing
I've never been able
to figure out.

Why is it called
square dancing

when the participants
spend so much time
in a circle?

That answer could
make a great book.

Go home and write it.

Well, hey,
let's get started.

I came down here
to square dance.

And by gum,
I'm going to do it.

Maybe we should
do it some other time.

is anything wrong?

No, everything is fine.

That's not an
"everything is fine" face.

It isn't?

Then how's this?

Oh, what's wrong,

You might as well
tell 'em.

No, I can't.

Oh, I'm fine.

Let's dance!


Gents to the center

And back to the barn

Ladies, go in

With a right hand star

Right hand out

Left hand back

And make your feet
go wiggedy wack

Louise, your feet aren't
going wiggedy wack.

Oh, Louise, don't cry.

Your... Your wiggedy
is okay.

You need work
on your wack.

Come on, Weez,
don't worry about it.
It's gonna be okay.

I had no idea
she was so sensitive.

But it was such
a good marriage.

It still is!


I think George and Louise
are having
marital difficulties.

Oh, you may be right.

You don't walk out
on a good marriage.

George is
threatening to walk out.

Poor Louise.

Look Louise, everything's
gonna work out fine.

Sure it is.

I wish there was something
we could do to save it.

Maybe having another kid
might help.

Let's hope they think
of something else.


What's wrong?
What do you mean
"what's wrong"?

Your mother's crying
because of you.

She's crying
because of Lionel?

Maybe they're
fighting over custody.

I see they told you
what's going on.

Oh, they didn't have to,
Lionel, we figured
that out for ourselves.

We're so sorry,

Oh, don't worry,
it'll work itself out.

'Course it will.

I mean,
I can't bear to see
George and Louise

split up after years.

Me and Weezy
ain't splitting up.

You're not?
Oh, thank goodness.

Lionel and Jenny
are splitting up.

Oh, what a relief.
You know, I thought...


Thanks, Pop.

Lionel, what happened?

Oh, Jenny and I just
had a little fight.

About what?

You know, the little
petty things that married
people fight about.

Oh, you mean like squeezing
the toothpaste tube
in the middle?


Oh, letting the edge
of the cheese get hard.


Oh, losing the twist ties
on a new loaf of bread.

No, it's nothing like that.

Helen, what else
do we fight about?

Oh, let me think.

Oh, come on, Lionel.

Now, nobody splits up
over twist ties
and hard cheese.

Now, what's the problem
between you two?

I don't know.

Look, all I do know

is that Jenny and I
have been going
rounds a night

for the last couple
of weeks.

Over what?


Lionel, you got to
do something.

Yeah, I know.

I know I got to get me
something to eat,
I am starved.

How can you think of food
at a time like this?

Hey, look, Pop,
I'm tired,
I'm aggravated

and I'm not
thinking straight.

You know, right now
the only question
I feel like answering

is do I want them
to hold the pickle
on my Whopper.

He slammed the door
in my face.

do you have any idea
what's going on?

I didn't even know
they were having problems.

Well, if you didn't
go dancing so much,
maybe you would.

Well, I guess maybe
we better talk to Jenny

and get to
the bottom of this.

Oh, let's go upstairs
and call her.

Hold it. Call her
from right here.

I want to know
what the hell
is going on too.

All right.

Oh, George,
leave it to Helen.

She's Jenny's mother.

I'm sure she knows
the right way
to handle this.

Yeah, you're right.

Oh, give me the phone,
you ain't handlin' this right.

Hello? Listen,
young lady, look,

you and Lionel have
a beautiful marriage

and I don't want to
see you blow it.

Now, I want some answers
and I want them now.

What is the problem
between you two?

Oh, I see.

It's the babysitter.

Hello, this is
Jenny's mother.

Is Jenny there?

Oh, okay. Thank you.

Jenny's on her way
over to our place,

we better go upstairs
and wait for her there.

Yeah, come on, Weezy,
let's go with 'em.

George, George,
I don't think
that's a good idea.

Jenny's probably
very upset.

She needs to talk
to someone calmly.

Yeah, right.
Weezy, you stay here.

Oh, this can't be happening.
Lionel and Jenny were
meant for each other.

Like Gable and Lombard.

Like Tracy and Hepburn.

Like peanut butter
and jelly.

Willis, why you always
thinking about food?

It eases the pain.

You know, we may be
overreacting a bit.

All they had
was one little fight.

What's the worst thing
that could happen?

Yeah, what's that?

They could get a divorce.

Hey, then we wouldn't
be in-laws anymore.

Thanks for trying
to cheer me up.

Oh, look, they'll get
back together again.

Sure, they'll make up.

Of course they will.


What if they don't?

That's the door.

Oh, that must be Jenny.

No, Weezy,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

Look, the poor girl
has been through
enough already,

so whatever you do,
just stay calm
and don't over react.

Oh, hi, Mom.

Oh, Jenny, we're so...

Oh, something tells me
that Lionel told you
about our fight, huh?

Yeah, what's wrong
between you two?

Lionel couldn't
tell us a thing.

But why are
you two fighting?

I don't know.

At least they're fighting
over the same thing.

Oh, I don't understand.

There must be a reason
for all this.

Well, yeah,
I guess there is.

Well, what is it?

I don't know.

"I don't know"
could be anything

from leaky water faucets
to World w*r III.

Well, I'm pretty sure
it's not World w*r III.

Oh, come on, Weezy,
let's just get out
of here.

We ain't gonna get nothing
out of her.

Now, let me
tell you something.

The next time
me and Weezy
have a fight,

see if you know
anything about it.

Wish I could tell you why
Lionel and I are fighting,
but it's not that easy.

You know, it's not like
it's any one thing.

We understand.
Oh, you do?


Oh, honey.

Look, Weezy,
it's their business.
I ain't...


I see fighting
with your wife didn't
hurt your appetite none.

Hey, Pop,
when I worry
I eat, okay?

Me too, move over.

We talked to Jenny.
That's right.

Yeah, what'd she say?


She told us everything.

We just wanted to come down
here to make sure

she was telling the truth.

Now, what's the problem
between you two?

I don't know!

I guess she was telling
the truth, Weez.

It's just...

What, what...

Well, it's just
not the same.
See, something's wrong.

Oh, you don't understand.

Yeah, we understand.
Louise, what the hell
he's talking about?

Lionel, your father and I
have been married for
over years,

and we have had more
than our share of problems.

That's right.
Your mother ain't the easiest
person to live with.

Lionel, I don't
believe that you and Jenny
are gonna ruin your lives

over some silly
poker game.

Well look, I told you,
it wasn't just that,
it's a lot of things. It's...

See, we just don't
communicate anymore.

Well, have you talked
to each other about it?


When your father and I
got married,

we made a promise
never to go to sleep
mad at each other.

And we've kept that promise.

That's right. We got
the bags under our eyes
to prove it.

Pop, Mom, I know
you're trying to help
and I appreciate it,

but I just need time
to think, okay?

Time to think?
When me and Weezy fight,

we don't take
no time to think.

What are we gonna do?

It's their problem,

If only we could
get them together.

Maybe they could work
something out.

Right. Hey, I got it.
Why don't we tell them

we need another couple
to play bridge?

George, we don't know
how to play bridge.

In fact, neither do
Lionel and Jenny.

But that's great, see,
then it gives them more time
to talk to each other.

Okay, I'm just trying
to think of anything.
I'm going to relax.

Why don't you
turn on the music?

Not that junk!

Stupid square dancing.

People running round
in a circle holding hands.

Hey, that's it.

That's it! Hah!

What's it?

We're going to have
our own little hootenanny
down here tonight.

But I thought you hated
square dancing.

Of course I hate
square dancing,

what's that gotta do
with it?

Willis! Look, I want you,
Helen, and Jenny to
come down here right now.

Look, I'll explain it to you
when you get here.
Just hurry up, okay?

Hey, Lionel,
get out here a minute.

George, you can't expect
to get the kids together
just by having them dance.

Sure I can. Square dancing's
so boring they have to
talk to each other.

And there he is,
old Twinkle-toes
Jefferson himself.

I was just telling Louise
about what a great dancer
you are.

Twinkle-toes? Pop,
what are you up to?

We need another person
for our square dance.

Oh fine, I'll go put an ad
in the Farmers' Almanac.

We want you!

Are you serious?
Yes, I'm serious.

Okay, look,
I'm not in the mood.

Who is?

We all gotta dance.

If you gonna live here,
you gotta dance too!

Oh, now,
let's get started,
come on.

George, what's up?

Remember we're supposed
to rehearse our
square dancing today?

George, what's wrong
with your eye?


Everybody, ready?
Let's pick partners.

why don't you dance
with your wife?


Let's see. I'll dance
with my wife.

Who's left?


Hey, why don't you just
dance with your wife?

Hey, works out perfect.

Okay, let's go.

Is this your idea?

Mr. Jefferson, listen,
I know what
you're trying to do,

and I really
appreciate this,

but it's not
going to work.

Of course it will work!
All you gotta do

is just put one foot
in front of the other

and then you promenade.
That's what marriage
is all about.

It's a promenade
through life.

Right now you two
are going through
a do-si-do.

So, what are you, Pop,
a philosopher?
Look, just let it go, huh?

I know you mean well,
but come on,
square dancing?

That's not the answer.

We got some disco music,
you wanna try that?

George, now, look...

Come on, you two,
you gotta think
of each other

and little Jessica!

You can't just ignore
this problem.

Now, the only way
you can work this out is
if you talk to each other.

Louise is right,
we're all going out
to the kitchen

so you two
can be in here alone.
Come on, everybody.


Weezy, somebody's
gotta referee.

They might
have another fight.

There's a lot of
sharp objects in here.

Oh, listen, we promise,
no v*olence.

Okay, we'll see.

Well, you know they're
never leave us alone
until we talked this out.

Ah, fine.


Go right ahead, talk.

Me? Why me?

Well, I mean,
you seem to do
all the talking anyway.

Oh, yeah?
Well, you don't seem to do
any of the listening.

Well, maybe I would listen
if you had something
interesting to say.

The only thing
you ever talk about
is engineering.

Yeah, well,
that is my job,
you know.

What do you expect me
to talk about?

Hauling logs
down the Hudson?

At least
that would be a change.

what do you think?

Well, at least
they're communicating.

I'll say.

I haven't seen
communication like this
since Ali-Frazier.

Give them time,
they'll talk it out.

If it isn't your job,

you're out till all hours
with those boring friends
of yours.

Hey, hey, well,
I am entitled to a little
fun in life, you know.

'Cause I sure ain't
getting any at home.

I mean, I don't see what's
so fascinating about your
stupid friends anyway.

They're not stupid.

Oh no?
What about Theo Walsh,
the Dodo.

It's Bill Walsh,
and he's a great guy.

What makes him so great,
that he can drink beer
and belch at the same time?

Well, you gotta admit,
it's a rare talent.

Oh, look, this is not funny.
It's disgusting.

Look, Jenny, see...

See, you can't take
a joke anymore.

You don't laugh,
you used to be fun.

Jenny, you have
really changed.

Well, you know, Lionel,
you've changed too.

It's quiet, George,
too quiet!

Well, at least they ain't
throwing things
at each other.

You know, let's go see
what's happening.

Well, lovebirds,
how's everything
out here?

Did you two get
everything settled?

Yeah, Pop, I'm glad
we had this little talk.

Yeah, we discussed
our problems,

we've come to
some decisions.

Oh, so you decided
to patch things up.

No, we've decided
I should move out
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