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08x18 - The P.I.

Posted: 05/20/23 06:11
by bunniefuu
Ah, Jessie.

Hi, Ben.

So I guess Mom still thinks
you can talk me into anything.

Well, she said since I talked
you into going to art school,

maybe I can talk you
into going to school here.

I'm going to L.A., Ben.

Be reasonable, Jessie.

She'll give you anything
you want if you stay here.

But if you leave, she'll cut
you off without a thin dime.

I know.

Thanks, Ben, but I
wanna be on my own.

It'll be good for me.

Well, do...? Do you
have any money at all?

I have my tuition and I sent out
a first month's rent to a girlfriend

who's gonna be my roommate.

- You won't change your mind?
- Nope.

Well, take this.

If you run into trouble, it's your
father's address and phone number.


He's nobody's father.

My daughter is as
stubborn as you are.

- Attagirl.
- Heh.

- Bye.
- Good luck.



Beat it, pal.

You're a girl.

Yeah, and your place is a wreck.

I don't remember
inviting you in.

So tell me, do you
live with someone,

or did you turn this place
into a slum all by yourself?

Well, let's start with who are
you, and what do you want?

I wanna be somewhere else.


I'm your daughter, Max.

You got any ID?

You're Jessie.

Well, you certainly grew up.

What brings you to L.A.?

Well, I don't wanna
put you out or anything,

but my roommate
took off with my rent.

It's a long story. I need a place to stay
for a couple of nights until I get a job.

- Stay? Here?
- Is this asking too much?

What about that guy your
mother married? He's loaded.

Have him wire you some dough.

No, no, no, see, we don't talk.

He does what Mom wants

and Mom wants me doing
her country club number.

So do it. What do you
got against being rich?

Apparently, this was a
mistake. I shouldn't have come.

Oh, wait a minute. Now,
you can't wander around town.

- I've got an extra bedroom.
- Just for a couple of nights.

- Sure, until you get a job.
- Until I get a job.



Do you mind if I
have some coffee?

Help yourself. Donuts
are in the refrigerator.


- Oh, wow, something die in here?
- Wanna clean it out?

Wanna guess again?



I'll get it.

- Max. Hello, Max.
- Hi, Oscar.

Well, how are we doing?

- Got anything on Arlene yet?
- Not yet.

But one of my operatives is gonna
stake that house out all day today.

Wait, I thought you were gonna
handle my case personally.

Oscar, it's not good procedure
for me to be seen too much.

I mean, the neighbors get
excited, they call the cops.

If Arlene spots me, she
could tip the boyfriend off.

You're right. I wasn't thinking.
I'm not thinking right. My mind...

That's what you pay me for.

By the way, that operative I
mentioned to you, today's payday.

- Five hundred bucks.
- This is getting expensive.

The best costs.


"Justice is neither
swift nor cheap."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes.
- Ugh, you're telling me.

Five hundred. Listen, the
boyfriend, what's he like?

Young? Have a lot of hair?

I don't know. I
haven't seen him yet.

- Good luck.
- Yeah, you too, Oscar.

Oliver Wendell Holmes?

- Mary Holmes?
- How many operatives do you have?

As of today, just you.

I am not a detective, Max.

It's either that or clean
out the refrigerator.

- Go to this address.
- Okay.

Here's a map.

Take a picture of everybody
that goes in and out of there.


Oscar's still paying his
ex-wife Arlene alimony.

Some other guy's keeping her.

We prove that,
Oscar's off the hook.

Are you sure Oscar
isn't just being vindictive?

Truth is, he's still
hung up on her.

- I didn't hear him say that.
- I don't have to.

I'll see you later.

I've got an important
meeting in Arcadia.


Is that a TV antenna?

This is the sculpture that got
me into the L.A. Art Institute.

It's called Tangled Web.

Oh. Beautiful.


Hold it right there.

Kitty, kitty, kitty.

Heh. Hi, kitty





MAN [ON TV]: Thanks, Ann.
At shortly after 3 this afternoon,

Ms. Arlene Treadwell was
found strangled to death

at her home in Westwood.

Police were summoned
to the scene by neighbors

when they heard a car careening
off a parked vehicle. Police...

What's this?

I guess Oscar's ex won't be
cashing any more of his checks.

And like they say in the movies,
I've got the goods on the k*ller.

MAX: Nice work, Jessie.

Social call, fellas?

MAN: Just dropped by to
remind you that today's payday.

- Tell Tony tomorrow.

Had it today, but you
blew it at the track, right?

You don't wanna hang out with
him, honey, he's got no future.


- You're in trouble, aren't you?
- A little.

You owe some guy
named Tony a lot of money

and you used the $500 from
Oscar to try to win it at the track?

Yeah, I know.

Who would have
thought it wouldn't work?

Well, thanks to you,
we've got our suspect.

He's on his way down.

You are turning into
a model citizen, Max.

I'd like to claim
all of the credit,

but my offspring
here took the pictures.

- You're...? You're his
daughter? MAX: Mm-hm.

- Jessie Morgan.
- Alison Darnell.

Daddy, what big
surprises you have.

Hmm, I'm a parent.

I'm a taxpayer, I work hard,
I'm a responsible citizen.

- Was he always this noble?
- I wouldn't know.

Of course, now that
the case is closed,

I'm also here because
my client can pay me.

Wait. Wait a minute. This
is a mistake. I didn't do it.

MAX: Oscar.
- Max. Max, you gotta help me.

This is a mistake,
a terrible mistake.

- Max!
- What is he doing here?

We just arrested him
for the m*rder of his wife

and your evidence
is gonna nail him.


Poor Arlene.

- This is terrible. Just
awful. MAX: I'm really sorry.

You gave them pictures of
my car. How could you do that?

- I'm sorry, I didn't know.
- Sorry?

I've been framed for m*rder.
You helped them do it.

- Oscar.
- I feel dizzy.

Look, the kid didn't
know about the car.

Neither did I.
Let's get past that.

The really bad news is, the rope
that was used to strangle Arlene

was found in your trash.

And the damage to your car
matches the car on the scene.

Now, do you have an alibi?

Alibi? No, I...

I got a call to go meet Arlene
on a street corner near my office

and the guy that called
said he was her lawyer

and she wanted to negotiate.

So I went. I waited about
an hour. She never showed.

- Did anybody see you there?
- It's a side street, practically deserted.

Oh, what am I gonna do?

- Did Arlene have a key to your car?
- Yes.

She never returned it.

That means the anonymous
boyfriend has access to your car.

Max, I wanna hire you
to prove I didn't do it.

Oscar, you already hired me.
You don't have to hire me again.

I'm still working for you.

And, listen, I'm sorry if I
went after you like that.

Oh, no, no, no, that's
okay. You're upset.

- You've had a bad day.
- Yeah. Oh, it's...

Oh, poor Arlene.

She was so confused.

I didn't care about
the money, not really.

It's just I didn't
wanna lose her.

I really loved her.

I feel terrible, Max.
This is all my fault.

No, you just did
what I told you.

Well, you're going to help
the poor guy, aren't you?

If I don't, I'll never
get the rest of my fee.

Nobody is that cynical.

No, I'm not.

But I owe Tony Myers 10,000
bucks, and he is very cynical.

Ah, just like home.

Phone's dead. Maybe
somebody forgot to pay the bills.

You sound like your mother.

So tell me about it, Max.

Seems you used to be some
big deal Hollywood detective.

- What happened?
- Well, the women got faster

and the horses got slower.

- How's your mother?
- Perfect.

I remember. What's
her new husband like?



Did you ever graduate from that
fancy women's college back east?

How'd you know I went there?

Read about it in
Newsweek. What happened?

I got bored.

What happened?

I got bounced.

Hmm, you're a tough
case, aren't you?

What makes you think you're
gonna do any better in art school?

Well, um, I like doing
things with my hands.

You know, sculpture
and water colors.

I like to make art out of
junk that people throw away.

And I'm good too.

- I don't know where I get it.
- My mother was an artist.

She made her living
drawing greeting cards.

She wanted to paint.

But it's hard to be a
starving artist and raise a kid.

She was good.

Maybe that's where you got it.


JESSIE: So, Max, tell me
again what we're doing here.

MAX: I'm gonna
check out Oscar's car.

- What are you looking for?
- The last number called.

Let's give them a ring.



PHONE]: Starling residence.

Hello, is Herman
Starling there, please?

WOMAN: Uh, no, sir.

This is the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Starling.

- You've got the wrong number.
- Oh.

Thank you very much.

We might have something big.

- What do you mean, big?
- That's Jack Starling's house.

Starling's a film director.

He's been in and out. He directs
films with numbers after them

like Death Watch
6 and Obliterator 7.

He married an heiress and
she's putting up the money

- for his first A picture.
- So, what now?

Well, somebody
called Starling's house.

If Oscar didn't do it,
maybe our k*ller did.

JESSIE: Arlene kept
a pretty neat house.

No sign of the boyfriend, not
even a beer in the refrigerator.

- Maybe he's married.
- Why do you say that?

Well, when he k*lled her,

he wasn't in here long
enough to clean the place out

and married men are very
careful in these situations.

Are they?

- Hey, look at this.
- Cuff link.


Look. "For my J."

May 22nd, 1988.

J, as in Mr. Big-Movie-Guy,
Jack Starling.

Could be.

Maybe Arlene was pressing
him for a commitment,

threatening to tell his wife.

So he k*lled her. Nice guy.

If he did, he's
got a big problem.

His wife probably
gave him these cufflinks.

That means he's got
to get this one back.


- Party time.
- Looks like it.

But how am I gonna get in
there without getting caught?

Pretend we're florists.

- I don't look like a florist.
- I do.


No, you don't.


Something I can do for you?

I got caught.

- Swell.
- Very swell.

We got invited to the party.

So anyway, I was
rifling through the desk

and I heard this
noise behind me,

and I whirled around and
there is the oh-so glamorous

but very annoyed Mrs.
Jack Starling herself.

Now, I know from experience that
the best defense is a good offense.

So I got right in her face and
I said, "That is a great dress.

Where did you get it?"

Of course, she's too
flattered to not answer me.

So while she's
like "Blah, blah."

I realized that I just
saw a picture of her

at a Bryn Mawr
reunion on her desk.

So I tell her that I was
at Bryn Mawr myself,

which I was, for almost
a whole semester,

before I got bounced
for... Never mind.

Anyway, we kind of hit it off.

She's sort of like
Mom, you know?


Max, hurry up.
We're gonna be late.

Shall we dance?


Jessie Morgan and guest.

Ms. Morgan, sir,
Have a good time.

To your left, wearing a simple frock
of spun gold and discreet emeralds,

- Mrs. Jack Starling.
- On your right, short, dark

and untalented Mr. Starling.


Okay, I'm gonna see
if I can find the cuff link.

Make sure Starling
doesn't leave the room.

- Wait a minute.
- Mr. Starling.

Hi, I'm Jessie Morgan.

Nice to meet you. I'm
a friend of your wife.

- Ah.
- I'd like you to meet my dad.

- Ah.
- He's a huge fan of yours.

I never miss one of
your movies, Jack.

- Really?
- Yeah. Death Raid 3.

That was my favorite,
yeah. How about a drink?

- Really?
- Yeah.

Oh, are you kidding?




MAX: I heard you
are working on a movie

of the Red Gardenia m*rder Case.

Mr. Morgan, we are.

MAX: I knew Nick
Ballinger worked on it.

I still am.

Sorry we hadn't gotten to know each
other when you were prepping this.

I know some inside
stuff that really happened.

Um, I guess you
finished writing it by now.

We're more than finished, Mr. Morgan.
We're halfway through sh**ting.

Listen, I really must get back.
It's, uh... It's good to meet you.

Actually, I'm working on
something that might interest you.

Happened today.

Woman got k*lled in
a condo in Westwood.

Yeah, it was on the news, uh...

Accountant m*rder*d his ex-wife.

Well, that's what
the cops think.

Actually, I happen to know
she was k*lled by her boyfriend.

- Really? How would you know that?
- I've got a key piece of evidence.

The k*ller left a
cuff link behind.

Would you believe it?

It's getting late.

I gotta find my
daughter, get her home.

I'll call you in the morning.


Pleasure to meet
you, Mr. Morgan.

Good night.

Darling, it's time to go home.

Come on.

- Unh! What took you so long?
- Let's go home.

- You find anything?
- I didn't have a chance.

MAX: Don't worry. You
gave it your best shot.

Please don't take me off the case.
I'm the one who got Oscar in trouble.

Look, Starling
could be dangerous.

Only one of us needs
to get close to him.

That's me. So I'm
in and you're out.

You can't tell me what to do.

- Go to art school.
- Classes don't start till next week.

The trash is full of beer cans.
Make something creative.


- Somebody's in your bedroom.
- I'll look into it.

- Hi. JESSIE: Alison?

Jessie, jeez, you look gorgeous.

And you, you're so late that
I decided to wash my hair.

MAX: Mm.

Good night.


Well, it's, uh... It's important
to have friends on the force.

Good night, Max.


Come in.

Do you need anything?

Sheets? Towels?

I got some fancy soap
some wise guy gave me

at Christmas around
here somewhere.

You're embarrassed.

Why would I be embarrassed?

You tell me.

How come you know so
much about married men?

You're the detective,
Max. You figure it out.

You're right. None
of my business.

- Good night.
- He was a philosophy professor.

Very smart.

Very married.

Very sweet to me.


You had a thing.

Somebody found
out. You got bounced.

What about him?

Tenure. He was unbounceable.

So I left school and
he didn't call me.

Mom's shrink said it
was your fault, you know.

"Growing up without
a dad" syndrome.

Well, now, you know your
mother pays her shrink extra

- to blow smoke like that.
- Heh.

You deserve better.
You know that.

I'm working on it.

First one up makes coffee.

Good night.

Good night.

MAX: "Dear Jessie.
Happy third birthday.

Since I can't be there,
I'm sending you Henry.

He looks just like an
ordinary teddy bear,

but he has a secret.

In the middle of the night,
when you're sound asleep,

he'll whisper messages from me.

He'll tell you I'm thinking
of you and missing you

and hoping to see
you very, very soon.

Love you, baby. Always will.

And someday, we'll
be together again.

I love you. Daddy."

MAX: Yeah, Jack, I thought this
case might be right up your alley.

Oh, yeah, I got the cuff link.

Yeah, I do think it would be
a good idea if we got together.

What about now?

Where are you sh**ting?

Well, where in Canyon Country?

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, yeah, I can find it. Bye.

- Morning.
- Morning.

- What's up?
- That was Jack Starling.

I got some inside information
on the Red Gardenia case

he can use sh**ting his movie.

- I'm gonna go see him.
- You want me to come with you?

Oh, no, you just hang out, be
creative, paint the dining room.


You wouldn't be kidding
me about this, would you?

MAX: I never kid
about serious money.

Mr. Starling, the stunt's all set
up. We're ready when you are.

Trevor, take your hand
off me, and yes, I am ready.

If I was going to the cops,
you'd be in the slammer by now.

But I got some bills to pay.

- The cuff link's yours for 100 grand.
- Heh.

- You're out of your mind.
- And you're out of luck.

The engraving says, "To
my J, May 22nd, 1988."

Take it or leave it.


We finish this picture tonight.

Stage 8. I'll bring the money,
you bring the cuff link, 9:00.

Smart move, Jack.

Charlie, baby, hear me good.



Take the donut out of your
mouth and let's sh**t this.


Roll cameras. Action.

Hey, wait!


- All right, everybody happy with that?
- We got it.

- Wrap it.
- That's a wrap, folks.


- I'll see you tonight.
- Oh, yeah.


JESSIE: Testing. Testing.

Testing. Testing.

Where do you think you're going?

I heard you on the
set with Starling, Max.

You're selling out for money.

I had to tell him that.

If I'm gonna nail him, I
gotta get close to him.

- Well, then why did you lie to me?
- I told you.

He's dangerous.

I'm trying to keep you out of this,
but you won't do what I tell you.

You know, I wish I
could believe you.

Give me the cuff link.

You know, I found all those cards and
letters and presents that you sent me

that Mom apparently sent back,
and for one tiny moment I thought,

"What do you know about that?

Maybe he's not such
a bad guy after all."

Well, you can keep
your teddy bear, Max.

You're the bum Mom
always said you were.

Anything for money.

That dirty little

JESSIE: Starling.

Jack Starling?


Where's your father?

He's working late at the
office. Do you have the money?


What do you have for me?

Show me the money first.

"Show me the money
first." Heh. Why not?

Why not?

- Would you like to count it?
- Yes, I would.

Pretty expensive cuff link.

Hundred thousand dollars

- just for one of them?
- Sentimental value.

Next time you m*rder a mistress,

it might cost you a
little more than money.

I'll try not to make the
same mistake twice.

Good. It'll be a lot easier
on the next girl that way.

- So the money's all here.
- Here's your cuff link.


Now, if you'll give me
the wire you're wearing...

- Wire?
- I believe that's a tape recorder

in your pocket.

- Oh, tape recorder. Right.
- Give me the...

[g*n COCKS]

- You give it to me. MAX:
Put that g*n down, Jack.



MAX: Give it up, Jack.

JESSIE: You heard the
man, Jack. MAX: Put it down.

MAX: Arlene threatened to
tell your wife about the affair.

Didn't she, Jack?

You'd have lost your wife.

No money, no movie,
end of Jack Starling.

Ha. Here's the kicker, Jack.

You didn't have to k*ll Arlene.

Your wife's having an
affair with your chauffeur.


JESSIE: Give it up, Jack.






Six, seven, eight,
nine, 11 thousand.

You know, Oscar, it
wouldn't have cost you a dime

if the cops hadn't grabbed
that hundred grand.

Well, what can I say?
You saved my life.

Well, you saved mine.

Here's your 10.
Tell Tony thanks.


- There's a game tonight. You coming?
- Yeah, maybe.

Ah, Max, if you
ever need anything...

- I'll let you know.
- Good luck to you.

Good luck to you, Oscar.



Ah, Jessie. Here are the rules.

I like my life the way it is.

I like the Lakers,
I like the track,

I like Alison, and a
couple of other ladies.

- Max.
- As for you, you behave yourself,

you go to school and
you stay out of my cases,

- you won't get bounced.
- Max.

- What?
- I'm leaving.

Where are you going?

Alison found me a place and
I've got a line on a part-time job.

I can't stay here, Max.
It just wouldn't work.

We have too much
history, maybe not enough.

You sure you wanna do this?

I think I better.

It's been swell. I'll call you.


- Here.
- Max.

It's your end of the job.

Thank you.


JESSIE: Hi, Mrs. Sanders.

I'm sorry, my dear, but I've
decided not to rent the room after all.

You try to provide for them,

but no, they wanna
go off on their own

and do God knows what
with god knows who...

I should have known.

Excuse me. Jessie, wait.

What did you tell her, I was
a drug addict or something?

I told her I wanted
you to stay with me

so I could make
some things up to you.

And she believed
that fairy tale?

Some people know the
truth when they hear it.

Let's go home.

You know, Max, I think that we
actually work pretty well together.

MAX: Yeah.


JESSIE: Okay, Max,
here are my rules.

- You don't tell me what to
do. MAX: Unless it's necessary.

JESSIE: You don't tell
me I sound like my mother.

MAX: Unless you do.

JESSIE: And I don't
clean the refrigerator.

MAX: Well, that's
all right. Neither do I.