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08x12 - The Kidnapping: Part 1

Posted: 05/20/23 06:05
by bunniefuu
Dad, I got your cleaning.


All right! Don't move! Stay
right there and you won't get hurt.

- Okay. Okay.
BARRY: Put that down.

Turn around, hands
behind your back.

- Get the tape out!
- What is it? What do you want?

It's a kidnapping! Now, come
on. Let's go! Move! Move!

BILLY: Hiya, Ben. TRACEY: Aah!




Aah! Barry, stop it!
Stop sh**ting, Barry!

- Where is she? Where'd she go?
- She went out the back!

Well, why didn't you stop her?

You wouldn't stop sh**ting, I was
scared you were gonna sh**t me!

BARRY: Well, go get her!

Well, what am I supposed to do, just
tackle her in somebody's backyard?

And drag her back to the van?

- Face it, she's gone! We blew it.
- Wait! Get up!

- Get up!
- Aah! Oh, my God, he's got a g*n!

- Put it down! Put it down!
Put it down! TRACEY: Aah!

That's a drill, not a g*n.

- What's your name, anyway?
- Billy Lewis, friend of Ben's.

What are you doing here?

- Returning the drill.
- Returning a drill?

- You borrow his tools often?
- All the time.

- You must be a good friend of his.
- Since grade school.

Tape please.

I don't know about this, Barry.

- Sit down. Right here.
- The idea

was to kidnap Matlock's
daughter, not some old geezer.

What is the difference?

What do you think he's
gonna do? Not pay?

You think he's gonna say, "Go
ahead, blow my friend's brains out,

I don't care." Now keep the
g*n on him while I call Matlock.

- And take that stupid hat off it.
- I don't have the g*n. You do.

- I gave it to you.
- No. You didn't, Barry.

You put it on the floor,
so you could drive.

Shut up.

I will be right back.

Leanne, are you here?

- Thank God you're home.
- What happened?

Cliff, I... Um...

I um... I think Billy
was kidnapped.

- What? LEANNE: I
came over to the house

to drop off your dry cleaning and
these two people burst in the door,

and they started
waving a g*n around

and saying they were
going to kidnap me,

and then Billy came in and
surprised them and all hell broke loose.


I threw your dry cleaning
over the guy's head

and then over the g*n so
that Billy and I could get away.

Wait, they shot at you?

Well, the g*n went
off a couple of times.

I don't think he was
aiming at anything.

Aw. You must have
been scared to death.

What about my dad?

Okay. All right, let's see.

Well, I went out the back door.

I thought that Billy would
go out the front door.

When I came back five
minutes later, they were gone,

- and so was he.
- His car's still out front.

I know. But what I'm saying, Dad,
is when they couldn't kidnap me,

I guess they
kidnapped Billy instead.

Did you call the police?

No. I wanted to wait
and talk to you first.

I can't believe someone just came
in here and kidnapped my own father.


- Hello? BARRY: Ben Matlock?

- Yes.
- I'm here with an old friend of yours.

Just a second. I'll put him on.

All right, you say
hello and don't get cute.


They're holding
a g*n on me, Ben.

Billy, what's going
on? Where are you?

- You there?
- What do you want?

Five hundred thousand dollars.

Five hundred thousand dollars!

In old, unmarked,
non-sequential bills.

That's a half million dollars.

You have exactly 24 hours to get it.
If you do not have it by then, he dies.

If you call the police, the
FBI, or anyone else, he dies.

If you tamper with the
money in any way, he dies.

You getting all
this, Mr. Matlock?

You want a half
million dollars for Billy?

In 24 hours. I'll be in touch.

Oh, and by the way,

I would save the cheap tricks
for court if I were you, slimeball.

- He's gone.
- Oh.

This is awful. This is awful.
What are we gonna do?

Okay, okay, okay.

I really feel like we
should call the police.

No, no, you didn't
hear what he said?

No, no, he said he'd be
watching, he said he'd know.

Listen, I saw these two people.
They are not professionals.

- They're probably bluffing.
- Okay. Maybe they're bluffing.

What if you're wrong?
What if my father dies? No!

The only thing you can do, Ben,
you gotta give them the $500,000.

- What are you doing?
- Calling the police.

- Ben!
- It's my $500,000.

- I'm calling the police.
- Oh!


Okay. By the end of the day
tomorrow, we'll be on our way to Rio.

You dummy.

You can't say things
like that in front of him.

You two are kind of green at
this sort of thing, aren't you?

Yeah. Well, maybe I don't
care what I say in front of you,

because I might just
k*ll you for the fun of it.

Even if we do get the
money. So don't try anything.


- Oh! Barry. BARRY:
He did that on purpose.

- I didn't do anything.
- Don't touch it! It hurts!

You're getting a goose egg.

Old goat could have fractured
my skull. You better watch it, pal.

- Yeah.
- Careful.

- Is it big?
- Baby.

BARRY: Ow! You
watch it, too, that hurts.

That is where I hit my head.


FBI, please hold. You
can go on in, Mr. Spiers.

FBI. May I help you?

- Dennis, good morning.
DENNIS: Good morning, Alan.

Have a seat.

Morning, Dennis.


ALAN: A man named Billy Lewis
was kidnapped yesterday morning

over at Willow Springs. Atlanta
P.D.'s already on the case.

They called us not just
as a matter of course,

but because the man who received
the ransom instructions is Ben Matlock.

Defense attorney who
specializes in m*rder one cases.

Lots of connections in
state and local government.

Thank you, Ed.

ALAN: Media is
still in the dark.

But because this could
become a high-profile case,

I want my best agents
handling it, and that's you two.

Well, you're gonna have
to count me out, Alan.

- I can't do it.
ALAN: Excuse me?

Well, for one thing, I'm
still on the Sanborn case.

We'll have Simpson
take over for you.

No. I can't work with Ed,
Alan. I'm sorry. I just... I can't.

Not after what
happened last time.

I thought you two had
worked through that.

With all due respect, it's
real hard to work through

- being made a laughing stock like that.
- It was an honest mistake.

You chased, tackled and cuffed
an undercover police officer

in front of four TV cameras.

He matched the
description of the perp.

Yeah. Well, for weeks I
had to watch myself on TV

helping you make complete
asses out of both of us.

Take it easy, Dennis.

Obviously, this
isn't going to work.

I don't need a partner, Alan, I
can handle this case on my own.

ALAN: Well, you're
going to have to.

Agent Spiers, one minute.

Here's the name and number
of your contact at A.P.D.

I'm there.

You and I will talk about this
later, Dennis, after you've cooled off

and can be a little more
professional about it.

Yes, sir.

There was no need to
embarrass me like that in there.

DENNIS: I was just
telling it like it is, Ed.

You're an over-zealous
buffoon who has no business

being in this business.


Ben! Ha-ha-ha.

Ed Wingate, FBI. Pretend
I'm an old friend, invite me in.

- Unh?
- They may be watching.

Oh, John! John!

- Come on in.
- How are you?

Good. Come on in. Ha-ha-ha.

Well done, Mr. Matlock, a
little overplayed, but well done.

- Come on in.
- Detective Schroeder, how goes it?

Wingate. They assigned
you to this case?

- Right you are.
- You know each other?

Worked together last
year. Linwood abduction.

We cracked the case wide
open, didn't we, detective?

Yeah, yeah. Come on.
I'll show you the setup.

Look who the FBI
sent over, boys.

Come on. Come on. Let's nip
the territorial squabbling in the bud.

I'm here to help you.
You're here to help me.

We're all here to see Mr. Lewis
comes home safely, right?

- Right.
- I'm Cliff Lewis. I'm his son.

Thank you very much for coming.

Just doing my job, something
I do, fortunately, very well.

There's a tap and tracer
on this phone. It's over here.

This guy is great.


ED: Show time, everybody.

Mr. Matlock, if
it's the kidnappers,

you'll have to keep them
on the phone for four minutes.

- Four minutes?
- Pick it up, please.

- Four minutes is a long time.
- Dad, let's go. Pick it up.

What am I gonna talk
about for four minutes?


BARRY: Here's what you're
gonna do with the money.

You listening?

- Yes.
- There is a phone booth

at a truck stop on Route
20, just past Eatonville.

Be in it at 4:15 with the money

and no funny stuff,
because I'll be watching.

East Mill. Is that
what you said?

No. Eatonville.

E-T... E-A-T...
Eatonville! You know it.

4:15, on the dot
or Billy bites it.

Wa... Wait a minute, wait a
minute. Let me speak to him.

- Put him on the phone.
- Aah, all right. Hold on.

- Say something nice.
- Hello, Ben.

- Billy, you okay?
BILLY: Yeah. I'm okay.

If you see Cliff, tell him to water
the lawn. He always forgets.

See, there he
is, alive and well.

If you want him to stay that way,
you'll be in the phone booth at 4:15.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
There's, uh... There's a problem.

- What?
- Uh...


I don't have the money.

BARRY: You what?

I don't have the $500,000.

What are you talking about?
You make a hundred grand a case.

Well, I've made
some bad investments.

I mean, I could've
tried to fool you


and given you a sack
full of play money.

But I'm trying to be honest
about this. I need more time.

- Did you call the cops?
- No.

You told me not to.

You got 24 hours, you
piece of crud. That's it!


You get it?

Why'd you tell him you
didn't have the money?

Well, I was stalling. I
didn't know what else to say.

Well, you could have
gotten him k*lled. Oh!

The thing he said
about watering the lawn.

It could have been some kind of
code. What could he have meant by that?

I'm supposed to tell
you to water the lawn.

Oh. I forgot.

He doesn't have the money? He's
loaded. He's got to have the money.

- He said he couldn't get it.
- Call him back and let me talk to him.

- Shut up and relax.
- You don't know how to handle him.

- I do.
- I said shut up!

Where's the g*n?

- It's on the counter.
- Thank you.

- Barry. Barry, come on.
- What?

Come here. Now, you
just take it easy, okay?

Hang in there.

One more day
and it'll all be over.


- Barry.
- Hmm?

What if Matlock doesn't
come up with the money?

I just want to hit that
scum bucket where it hurts.

If I can't do it by
taking his money,

then I'm just gonna have to do
something else, something worse.

I meant what I said.

If he doesn't pay,
we k*ll the old man.


- Hello, Dennis. DENNIS: Alan.

- Got a minute?
- Yeah. It's just about all I have.

Come on in.

I'm going right back
out to Sanborn's.

Just came home to grab a
shower, change of clothes.

- How are they doing?
- Well, they're going nuts.

They're starting to treat
us like we're the bad guys.

Kidnapper's supposed to
call about the drop tomorrow.

This about Wingate?

Look, uh, I realize the
man is a little eccentric.


He works tirelessly
and he gets results.

Even after that tackling incident, he
stuck with the case until it was solved.

In fact, I wouldn't mind
having ten more just like him.

That's because you don't
have to work with him.


Personality quirks aside,
Wingate is one of my best men.

From now on, whomever
I assign to work with him

is gonna have to accept that
assignment or he's gonna be out.

Is that clear?



I almost forgot. They
issued new pass keys today.

You won't be able to get in
the garage tomorrow without it.

Okay. Thanks.

Dennis, you're a good man.

Don't make me do
something we'll both regret.

Luck with the Sanborns.


BARRY: Hey! Wake
up. Breakfast is served.

Here we go.

Aah. And around.

Let's see here.

Got you one of those croissant
and scrambled egg jobs.

- Yuck.
- What yuck?

I eat these all the time. They're
very good. Now, come on, eat it.

- It's got cheese in it.
- What's wrong with cheese?

- Gives me gas.
- Come on, eat it.


Within about a half hour,
you're gonna be sorry.

- Ow!
- What? What happened?

- He bit me! He bit me.
- Oh.

- What do you want me to do?
- Something!

Look, he bit me clear down
to the bone. I'm bleeding.

That's it.


Starve to death for
all I care, you lunatic.

- Here, give me this.
- I'm sorry, honey.

- Come over here, I'll wash
it off. BARRY: He hurt me.


SANBORN: They gotta know you're
here. That's why they haven't called.

- Come on, Dr. Sanborn. Take it easy.
- No!

Get out of here! All of you!

Just get out of here
and leave us alone.

Look, they'll call.
I promise you.

I can't take any more
of this. I just can't.

Mrs. Sanborn.




DENNIS: Ready.

- Hello. MATTHEW: Dad.

Matthew! Are you okay, son?

MATTHEW: Yeah. I'm supposed
to read something to you.

"In exactly one hour, Mrs. Sanborn
is to leave the money on the ground

directly behind the car parked in slot
142 in the Peel Lot in 19th and Grant.

Make sure she comes alone.
Matthew won't be released

until after I've examined
and counted the money.

So don't try anything,
or you'll be very sorry."



It's too short for a trace.

But I'm gonna take
this tape down to the lab,

see if they can ID any of
those background noises.

- I'll handle the stake-out.
- No.

No stake-out. You heard him.

They want me to go there
alone. They might see you.

They won't, Mrs. Sanborn.
You won't even see us.

Mrs. Sanborn just made the drop.

All units stand by.

AGENT 1: Unit two standing
by. AGENT 2: Standing by.

AGENT 3: Unit one, roger.

WOMAN: Here comes
a blue hatchback.

AGENT 4: Unit one, I've
got the blue hatchback.

- No pick-up. Still standing by.
- No go.

WOMAN: Grey two-door
Chevy approaching.

AGENT 4: Unit one, I've got it.

Contact. We have
an affirmative pick-up.

WOMAN: It's him. Money's gone.

Okay, guys, we got him. Grey
two-door Chevy. License plate number...

Great, he's got mud all over it.
Unit one, he's coming your way.

AGENT 5: Unit one, roger.

No. Cancel that. He's doubling
back and heading toward the entrance.

He's heading south down Grant.

AGENT 6: Unit three in pursuit.

- Three, you got him?
AGENT 6: We got him,

a block ahead of us.

AGENT 6: This is unit three. We're
on Lincoln just north of Second.

We lost him.


AGENT 1: Check your
levels. AGENT 2: We're all set.


BARRY: You got
the money, Matlock?

Uh... Well... You
don't have the money?

ask you something.

When's the last time
you tried to get your hands

on a half million dollars
in non-sequential bills?

- It's not that easy.
- Well, you had two days.

- Let me talk to him.
- Shut up.

Uh... You want me to k*ll this man,
Mr. Matlock? Is that what you want?

- Because I will. Gladly.
- No, no!

No, no, no.

It's just that...
Uh... Ahem. Uh...

A half million dollars
is a lot of money.


if you had asked
for, say, $200,000,

that would have taken some
time. But maybe I could swing that.

You're negotiating?

- Three hundred thousand?
- Two-fifty.

All right, 250,000.
But by noon tomorrow.

And if you do not have
it by then, so help me,

I will put this old man on the
phone, and blow his brains out

with you listening. You
got that, Mr. Sleaze?


- No dice.
- I can't believe you did that.

- Did what?
- Quibbled over money.

- I wasn't quibbling.
- Quibbler!

I wasn't quibbling.
I was stalling.

Trying to keep him on the
line for Marcel Marceau here.

Mr. Sleaze.

And then he called you a slimeball
and referred to you as a piece of crud.

It's personal with this guy. Now,
are you sure you don't recognize him?

- Positive. Leanne?
- No.

Somewhere, somehow, you
have had dealings with this man.

Mark my words.

- Matthew!
- Mommy! Mommy!

- Oh, baby. Oh, baby.
- Aah!

How you doing, son?
Gosh, it's good to see you.

Oh, gosh.

The kidnapper dropped
him off in a residential area,

and Matthew had the smarts
to go to somebody's house

- and ask him to call 911 for him.
- Thank you for bringing him home.

Thank you for everything.

We need to ask Matthew questions
while things are still fresh in his mind.

So we can do that here,
or we can do it downtown.

- Which would you prefer?
- Here.

Because the instant you're
finished, we're going to Disneyland.


There seem to be three sounds
or sound patterns to this thing.

There's the kid.

In exactly one hour...

Then there's this one which
I've tweaked it just a tad.


MATTHEW: In exactly one hour...
- What is that?

Sounds like church bells.

And finally there's this one,
also computer-enhanced.

Bink, I need this analyzed ASAP.

How's it going, Dennis?

- Come on, come on, let's go.
- Actually, I've been working...

If you'd take those
stupid sunglasses off,

you might be able to see
that he's busy, Wingate.

Matthew Sanborn has been
released. Billy Lewis has not.

I believe that gives
my case priority.

- Tough.
- That response is unacceptable.

- Unh.
- You are unacceptable, Wingate,

and I've had just
about all I'm gonna take.


Bink, you want to throw
that on, see what we've got?

All right. Come on, you guys.

This stuff costs the
taxpayers a lot of money.


Don't think this
is over, Spiers.

Just get outta here.

I don't know what it is about
that guy. He just makes me nuts.

Well, assuming
I still have a job,

where were we?

You okay?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

All right, let's see where
we are in this thing.

- We got the kid.
- Yeah.

You got the church
bells. And we have this.


That's construction.
Sounds like construction.

Did that kid see anything?

He saw the kidnapper
when he was snatched.

The rest of the time
he was blindfolded.

Thanks, Bink. I got
some phone calls to make.

I'll see you later.




No. He and his folks are
on their way to Disneyland.


I'm keeping it till the L.A. office can
pick them up and the kid can ID it.

If this cap turns
out to be Matthew's,

then that's gotta be the house
the kidnapper held him in.



Right. Yeah. I left the
sample in your box.

Just analyze it first
thing in the morning.

Hang on to the results. We
can find out who lives there.

Great. Thanks, Bink.

Okay. I'll see you
tomorrow. Night.





His pockets been emptied.
His drawers rifled through,

and according to the
neighbor that heard the sh*ts,

there used to be a
television right there.

Looks like he walked
in on a burglar.


Six years with the bureau.

Out in the field every day.

Coming up against everything
from gunrunners to paid assassins.

How does he die?
In his own home.

Fighting off some punk
looking for drug money.

What a world.


That stuff stinks.

I got news for you. So do you.

Well, well, well,
look who's awake.

- Want a donut?
- Yes, please.

I don't think so.

Today's the day. Here you go.

If Matlock shafts me this time,
you're a dead man, and that's a fact.


Did you just call me a jackass?

No. I called that jackass
Ben Matlock a jackass.

Jackass Matlock?

I thought he was
your best friend.

He's not my best friend.

Just because I known him for a
long time doesn't mean I like him.

In fact, after all this, I like that
cheap little backstabber less than ever.

Well you couldn't like
him any less than I like him.

Yeah? That bum left my
sister, Lucy, at the altar.

She was so heartbroken,
she moved in with me.

Didn't move out for 40
years. Ruined my whole life.

Yeah? Well, he sent my
brother to prison for 25 years.

- Barry!
- I'm not gonna tell him his name.

That's not as bad as
40 years with Lucy.


I wish I could see his face when
he turns over that 250 grand.

It would k*ll
him. Just k*ll him.

You think so?

Why, turning over $2.50
would k*ll that tightwad.

Really, you think?

Why, I could tell you stories
about greed and parsimony

- that would curl your
toes. BARRY: Yeah?

Tell us some.

Where to begin, where to begin?

BINK: Agent Spiers is dead?
- Yes.

He left me a message last night

saying he had gotten a lead in the
Sanborn case and was gonna call you.

- Did he?
- Yeah.

He said he found a baseball
cap in some house somewhere.

Thought it might belong
to the Sanborn kid.

Also found a puddle of oil that
he thought might have come

from the kidnapper's car. Told me
he was gonna leave a sample of it

here in the lab so I could
analyze it first thing in the morning.

- That's what I'm doing.
- He found Matthew's baseball cap?

He didn't know it was his. But he
was gonna keep it till the kid could ID it.

My men didn't find any
baseball cap at Spiers' place.

What time was it when
he called? You remember?

Well, I just turned the TV off.
So it must have been around 10.

The same time the neighbor
said he heard the sh*ts.

Did he indicate anything was
wrong or hear anything unusual

- while you were talking to him?
- No.

He had Beethoven
blaring in the background.

- Same as always.
- Beethoven?

- Yeah, the fourth, I think.
- That's kind of funny.

Burglars don't usually enter a house
when they know somebody's there.

You think someone intended
to confront Dennis Spiers?

I don't know. It's possible the
guy who wound up k*lling him

made it look like a burglary
and he covered his trail.

You guys know anybody who
may have had it out for him?

No. He was a great guy,
got along with everybody.

BINK: No. That's not quite true.

He had a fight with another agent
in this very room just yesterday.

Who was the other agent?

Ed Wingate.

All right, everybody. It is
imperative that we stay focused.

I know it's difficult,
but we must.

Don't you ever take
off those dark glasses?

Is there a glare in my house?

It's 12:21. Something's wrong.

- Relax, Cliff.
- They said they would call at noon.

They're kidnappers.

Keeping their word is
probably not a big deal to them.

Are you sure that all
the money's in here?

It's there.

12:22. Why haven't they called?


I can't believe it.
He shot the moon.

I haven't shot the moon
since I was 14 years old.

- I have never shot the moon.
- That is amazing.

How many points is that?

That's, uh, minus 26 for each
of you and a big fat zero for me.

- Unbelievable.
- Okay.

Who wants a Swiss
cheese sandwich?

Tracy, Billy can't have
cheese, remember?

Oh. Yeah, I'm sorry.

Um, would peanut
butter and jelly be okay?

- Tuna fish would be better.
- Coming right up.

- We got time for another hand?
- I think so.

Oh, my gosh. It's 12:30.


- We got a call.
- This is it.

- Um, hello.
- You got the money?

Yeah. I got it.

Two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars, cash.


All right, then, listen up.
This is what you're gonna do.


- Hello. BARRY:
Take off your clothes.


I gotta see whether
you're wearing a wire.

I'm not wearing a wire!

Yeah? Well, then
prove it. And hurry up.

He's doing it.


I'm only doing this once.

He's clean.

Now what?

Very good, dirt bag.
Now, you leave the money.

You tuck your shirt back in. You
get in the car and you drive home.

- What about Billy?
- We see the money, you'll see him.

- We did it! He's
gone! TRACEY: Aah!

- Hurry up, go get the
money. BARRY: Okay.

ED: Is that him?

Sure is.

- Aah! BARRY: Shh.


ALL: Oh.

Look at that.

Oh. You did it.

Couldn't have done it
without you, my man.

- Oh, my pleasure.
- Whoo!

I guess I'd better say adios
and let you kids get going.

I'm sorry about biting
your finger like that.

That's all right. I probably
would've done the same thing.

See you around, Billy.

Goodbye, Billy.


[g*ns COCKING]


Put your hands on your
head, and keep them there.



May I help you, or
are you just browsing?




He didn't even speak.

He didn't thank me.
He didn't say anything.

He acted like I wasn't there.

Being kidnapped is a
very traumatic experience.

- I'm sure he was under terrible stress.
- Well, we all were.

Hello again, Mr. Matlock,
Miss Mclntyre.

Your back door was
open, relatively speaking.

Well, who's been kidnapped now?

Actually, I'm here
on a personal matter.

I believe I'm being
framed for m*rder.

- Oh.
- Ah...

I'm fairly certain that ballistics
will show that this w*apon

was used to k*ll an FBI agent
by the name of Dennis Spiers.

He was shot to death
in his home last night.

- My goodness.
- Anyway, about three hours ago,

I found someone planting that
in the kitchen drawer at my home.

I gave chase, but was
unable to apprehend him.

Then I discovered that the police
had left a message on my machine

saying they wanted to
question me about Dennis.

Now, were I to deliver that to the
police, I would be arrested on the spot.

Were I to not deliver it, I
would be obstructing justice,

a thing equally objectionable.

Ergo, I'd like it if
you would deliver it.

Ergo, shmergo, the police
just want to question you.

They don't want
to string you up.

They probably want to question
everybody in your department.

Take off those stupid sunglasses.
It's darker than pitch outside.


Dennis Spiers did this to me.

We got in an argument
at headquarters.

I believe that whoever really
k*lled Dennis found about it

and concluded that framing
me would take the heat off him.

I am going to find that person.

In the meantime, I believe
the police officer called,

said his name was
Lieutenant Bronson.

You can't do this. If you
don't talk to the police,

you're gonna look
all the more guilty.

I'm being realistic,
Miss Mclntyre.

You see, the police don't like
me, nor do most of my co-workers.

Were I to be
arrested and charged,

I would be, to use the
vernacular, shafted.

But the police are
gonna be looking for you.

They're bound to catch you.

No, they won't.

You see, I am the wind.

You know, you really ought
to do something about that.


Well, I never.

He's the wind.