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01x08 - LFG

Posted: 05/19/23 19:57
by bunniefuu
["Stay This Way" by fromis_ playing]

[Kitty] After so much K-drama,
things could not be more perfect.

I could kiss you forever.

- Same.
- [Kitty] So, why don't I feel perfect?


We should probably talk.

We've been talking for years.
Now we finally get to not talk.


But I still have so many questions.

When did you know you wanted me back?

How did Yuri find out?

- Were you in love with me this whole time?
- Yes, the whole time.

Then why be with Yuri in the first place?


I made a mistake.


I want to be your girlfriend again.

For real. In person.

But... how do I know I can trust you?

[Q] Okay, time to go.

Bus leaves in .

- God.
- Dude, the class trip is camping

In tents... in nature for two days.

I know. That's why I packed light.

You and Kitty still good?

Not really. She wants to go over
everything that happened with Yuri.

No, don't. It's a trap.

They say they want
all the details to move on.

Then they obsess about them.

- Is that how Madison is?
- Madison?

No, she's totally uncomplicated.

Quite great, actually.

We need to deal with our baggage,
but we just keep making out.

What? You mean a straight man
doesn't want to talk about his feelings?

He always talked about his feelings
when we were long distance.

It feels different in person.
He's less communicative.

Okay, well, do you plan
on communicating your crush on Yuri?

It's not a crush. It was just one dream.


Thank you.

Uh, I want to be respectful
of the situation.


It's okay. She's over me.

Over you?

Dae, she freaked out
and threw a smoothie at you a week ago.

We can't be all PDA in front of her.

And we can't be DA alone either?

Not until we talk about it.

No way.

It's a sign.
We're the perfect travel companions.

We are. I'll even let you
have the window seat.

Ah, actually,
you can have the window seat.

- I prefer aisle, actually.
- Oh, you do?

Because I actually need the aisle.
Long legs.

I get claustrophobic If I'm at the window.
I get panic att*cks.


[shrieks of excitement]

A week ago, my grandmother's rose garden
was destroyed by a flood.

But now, my grandmother and her village
have a chance to get their garden back.

Thank you, Madison Miller
and all the students at KISS.

I'll see you this weekend.

Ocean Park out.

- Oh, my God.
- He said your name.

I know. And we owe it all to Min Ho
and his famous mom.


Ocean Park played her mysterious stepson

on A Song of an Enchanted Tiger Amulet,

and Principal Lim agreed
to cancel the ski weekend

so we could go
to his grandma's village instead!

Principal Lim wants to keep my dad happy
so she'll agree to anything I want.

You know?
- Of course.

It's the only reason
I got into this school in the first place.

- Your mom is very good at pulling strings.
- Yeah, usually for evil.

Did you see? That was so cool.

Hey, I'm going to sit with Alex.


Yeah. I'll see you there then.

Hello there.

Don't you wanna sit with your boyfriend?

No, because he does not want to talk
about what I want to talk about.

And you are the only other person
I can talk to

about the other thing
I want to talk about.

The "adopt a baby" elephant in the room?

I'm still trying to figure it out
in my mind.

I'm starting to think that Lee
didn't even know Jina was pregnant.

Yeah, I agree.

And so that means
I have to talk to Jina first.

And probably upend her life.

And you're certain that Yuri
doesn't know about any of this?

Yes, I'm certain.

Yuri still thinks that both of our moms
were in love with Lee

- and that's what made them not friends.
- And how are you?

How are you feeling
about Jina and your mom?

I'm feeling amazing about my mom.

I came here to learn more about her.

Like, if I stood in the places
that she stood,

I could maybe capture her essence.

And, I mean, none of this
is what I expected to learn, obviously.

But I'm just so in awe
of what a good friend my mom was.

And letting Jina use her name
at the hospital was a big deal.

If your mother is as kind and loyal
as she seems...

you do have her essence.

I thought that my mom kept this
because she wanted to find you one day.

But she kept this
because she knew deep down

that Jina would want to find you one day.


Thanks, Kitty.

[upbeat music playing]

Hey, get up. Trade places with me.


[in Korean] You don't look happy.

Isn't everything going well with you two?

[in Korean]
No. She doesn't seem to trust me.

I think she knows
I'm not telling the full story.

And since I can't tell her,
I just keep kissing her instead.

Which makes her think
I'm a totally different person than I am.

Avoidant men are the worst.

What about you?
You seem like you're doing better.


Yeah. My mom's terrified
of what I might do next,

now that I know she's the one
who sent Juliana away.

And I got a big payout
for selling our breakup to the tabloids.

I got an extra
for throwing the smoothie.

Now I have enough to pay
for my flight to Iceland.

[Dae] That's great.

You don't mind that your followers
are glomming onto someone else now?

Doesn't bother me.

I don't need them anymore
now that I have real friends.

At least things
are working out for one of us.


I'm going to help you too.


Not sure.

[in English] We are in the forest.
It's extremely dangerous.

There's a lot of wildlife around here.

Um, also, could everyone tell me
who they would like to room with?

Oh, Kitty and I will room together.

We will?

Hey. Don't get all buddy-buddy and tell
Yuri that I'm her brother. You promise?

I promise. We are not buddies.

If anything,
she plans to m*rder me in there.

Okay. So we've got our first pair.
Anyone else?

You two? You go, boys. Three, off you go.

Ew... nature.

together we'll make the most of it.

You gonna cut off all my hair in my sleep
or something? Is that your plan?


No. There are no hard feelings.

That's what Dae said too,
which makes no sense.

I had hard feelings when he picked you.

Very hard.

- And you're meaner than me.
- Kitty...

None of this adds up.

When I first found out you were dating,
I thought you were in a fake relationship.

Do not look at me like I'm paranoid.

There's a thing with my sister, Lara Jean,
and her boyfriend, Peter Kavinsky, but...

Anyway. Then when I finally made peace
with the fact that you guys were for real,

- Dae wants me back.
- Kitty.

But this new version of him
does not want to talk to me.

I am just so sick of feeling
like I don't know the whole story.


Wow, you are just so likable and sincere.

It's annoying.

And... it's making it really hard
for me to lie to you.

Lie? What are you lying to me about?

You were right all along.

It was a fake relationship.

I knew it.

Why would you and Dae do that to me?

What excuse could you possibly have?

I'm gay.

And with the family I have,
I'm not allowed to be.


[in Korean]
I thought you said you were camping?

[in Korean]
Yeah, but there's no Wi-Fi in our tents.


Tell Ocean I say hi.

I could tell
he'd turn out pretty successful.

Pretty successful?
He has million followers, Mom!

Oh, really?

- Okay, so tell me everything.
- I've decided...

to give Madison a chance.
I'm gonna try dating her.

She worships me.

That's when she was chasing after you.
Now that she's caught you...

Don't worry.
I've got the upper hand here, not her.



The ten of cups!

You know what that means, right?

Love is in the air! [chuckles]

Are you freaked out that I'm gay?

No. I'm freaked out that...

last week you were the enemy
who stole my boyfriend,

and then a second ago
you were the girl I pitied

because I stole him back.

And now...


I relate to you.


You did all of this for love.

I get love.

So, I guess now I'm...

rooting for you.

But... I'm also mad at both you and Dae.

You dragged me into this
and let me get hurt.

He was only trying to help me.

You know he's a good person
and he loves you.

Well, it doesn't feel great that he can
lie to someone he loves that easily.

It wasn't easy for him.

I pushed him into it
and trapped him there.

You can hate me forever, but forgive him.


I want to forgive him.

I still love him,
but I don't know how to forgive him yet.

I'm sorry that your mom
banished your girlfriend.

That's heartbreaking.


And you know what the worst part is?

I have no way to reach her in England.

What if she thinks I forgot about her?

My sister, Margot, lives in England now.
In London.

How nice for her.

No, I'm saying, like,
what if she could somehow find Juliana?

- You know what school she goes to, right?
- Yeah.

I feel like a grand gesture like that

would make it feel
like no time has passed.

I'll talk to Margot.

Your sister would track down
some girl she doesn't know

just because you asked her to?

In the Song Covey household,
I'm kind of known for my persuasiveness.

Well, it's probably
not what Margot calls it.

And you'd do that for me?

Of course.

I'm a matchmaker.

Also, I really took it for granted
that I have an amazing family

who supports me no matter what.

It must really suck.


having that.

It does.

Thanks, Kitty.

Yuri told me that she told you everything

- and you weren't mad.
- Not mad at her.

She's not the person that I used to trust
with my entire heart and soul.

I really wanted to tell you, but...

How could I? It wasn't my secret to tell.

Of course.

But I'm still upset.
You could have told me something.

Can you...

tell me what to do?

The Dae I used to know
would have figured that out for himself.

Everyone, gather round.

Let's go.

Today, our job

is to get this garden to look
as beautiful as it was before the flood.

As a reward,

you will get the priceless knowledge

that you have helped heal a community.


Um, you will also get an extra hour
before curfew tonight.

- Okay, sick.
- Yes.

Yeah? Great. Let's get cleaning, shall we?

Um, cool. I've got some rakes here.

Here we go.

Thank you very much.

Great. That's a lot.

That's... Oh, my gosh.

Hey, Florian.



Sexy lumberjack here.

You've been on your phone this whole time.

I know. I just need to answer
this one text. It's important.

You seem to have
a lot of important texts recently.

- [cell phone buzzing]
- Wait.

Hello, Momma.

[In Greek] My grades are fine,
there is really no need for this!

It's Dad. Hang on.

[in French] Yes, Dad?

Dad, I know. She just called...

I don't want to move to Paris...

There is zero reason for her
to send me to Yiayia and Pappous.

Because, Dad, I can't...

[Q] Whoa.

Did you just hang up
on both of your parents?

If I did that to my dad,
he would be all...


[in English] My life is a mess.

Except for you, it's... It's a mess.

What's going on?

My parents are fighting
over custody and child support

and trying to make me choose sides.

And my grades are slipping
and my parents won't tolerate that.

Now my mom is threatening
to make me come back to Greece

to live with her
and my Greek Orthodox grandparents

who don't know I'm gay.

And obviously can't know I'm gay. So...

[cell phone chimes]

Yuri! My sister texted.

She found her.

Juliana's gonna call me later
so you can talk to her.

Oh, my God. You are amazing.

Matchmaking skills. Still got them.

See, sometimes all you need
is a grand gesture.

[electronic rock music playing]

- [girl] Oh, my God. It's Ocean Park!
- [boy] He's here!

[students screaming]

No, it's me, Madison Miller.
I'm here to help your grandma.

Madison, my number one fan.

I went to your New York show,
Istanbul, Tokyo.

You seemed a little bit off during Dubai
but still amazing!

Thank you.

Hi. My mother, Dami,
says, "Hello," Mr. Park.


Your mother is an incredible woman.

Did she ever tell you about the time
I ran into her at Sundance?


She kept me warm on a very cold night.

Excuse me?

Let's take a selfie.

[in Korean] Hey. Will you help me?

I really have to nail this.

[Kitty] Where are you taking me?

It's a surprise.

Put on some lip gloss.

And let's do something fun with your hair.


[heartbeat thumping]

Oh, my God! Spider! It's crawling!

That is generally what they do. Yes.

It left. It just went out the window.

You're good.

You saved me.

You okay?

Yeah, for sure.

You know, I'm not gonna
put the moves on you.

I know.

Knock, knock.

Your date's here.

He's my date. Of course he's my date.


You look beautiful.


Thank you.

["Rainbow Freestyle"
by Juju B. Goode playing]

♪ To the rainbow to the stars
Of the milky way... ♪

♪ All the stars you see ♪

♪ We can make it by the morning, ooh... ♪

♪ So, darlin', won't you fly with me... ♪

[Kitty] Are we there yet?

Yeah. I'll let you know when we get there.

[Kitty] I hope whatever he has planned
will help me forgive him

and stop any more confusing
Yuri feelings from creeping in.

Two stairs.

And... we're here.

No one has ever done
something this nice for me before.

I wish I could
go right back to the welcome party.

Right back to when I first saw you
standing there in that dress.


I could kiss you.

Feed a girl dinner first, then we'll see.




Where have you been?
Why didn't you text me back?

- I was with Ocean Park...
- Whoa.

You stood me up for him?

Let me finish.

I was with Ocean Park's grandmother.
She invited me to dinner at her hanok.

Ocean Park wasn't even there,
and I'm not some groupie.

You expect me to believe
that you stood me up for a grandma?

Yes, I do.

And if you don't,
then you really don't get me at all.

Fine. You stood me up for grandma.
That's worse.

Why do you even care?

It's not like this is serious.
I'm not your girlfriend.


I thought we were
on the same page about that.

It's the whole reason
I liked you in the first place.


[scoffs] I don't get it.
You were obsessed with me.

Yeah, I do that.

I get all caught up in the chase,
but then... meh.


I'm still into hooking up, though.

I can't believe I'm saying this,
but I think I want more.

I might be ready for a relationship.


It was you who helped me realize that
in our week together.

I'll always be grateful to you.

Goodbye, Madison Miller.

Okay, then.
I'll see you tomorrow on the bus.


[Dae] Okay. I...

know that you're worried
that I'm not the same guy

that you thought I was.

I was worried, but...

Let me finish.

I'm not.

I'm not the same guy.

You're not the same girl.

How could we be?

When we first met, we were just kids,
and it's been four years.

- Can you believe that?
- No, I know.

That whole time,
you were the only person I thought about.

Me too.

You've never had a crush on anybody else?

Not once?


- I did once for, like, minutes.
- Who?

- Mihee, in ninth grade.
- Oh.

I don't know why,
but, like, she started wearing...

glitter eyeshadow,
and it meant nothing. I...

You do not need to defend yourself.
I get it.


I think maybe crushes
are just a natural part of growing up.



When you were looking for someone
to kiss at Min Ho's party,

it felt like my stomach
was being ripped out.

And that's way more
than just a silly crush.

I think that's...


I love you, Kitty.

I always have.

I love you too.

[uplifting music playing]


- So?
- It was perfect.

[gasps loudly] I'm so happy for you.

And Dae.

[cell phone buzzing]

It's Juliana.

You found me?

I mean, I was hoping that you would.
I just can't believe it.

Oh, my God.

I am so sorry it took me this long.

- I miss your face.
- I miss your everything.

You got to thank this Kitty girl from me,
whoever she is.

I will.

Oh, you look amazing.

[Kitty] Yuri deserves
all the happiness in the world.

Just like me and Dae.

Everything is as it should be.

Are you happy?

[Juliana] I miss you.

I miss you.

And I love you so, so much.

[Kitty] Then why does it feel
like my stomach is being ripped out?

["Retrologue "
by Edge of Silence playing]