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01x04 - TGIF

Posted: 05/19/23 19:55
by bunniefuu
[pop music playing]

[students chattering]

I'm very sorry
you were not assigned a proper dormitory.

That's okay.

Oversights like this
don't often happen at KISS.

I understand as a new student
it can be scary to speak up,

which is why Min Ho kindly alerted us
to your egregious rooming mishap.

Yes, he is so selfless.

I'm sure you and your assigned roommate
will become fast friends.

You can go.

Thank you.

- [keyboard clacking]
- [video game noises]

What the...?

[in Korean]
You can leave the food on the bed.


[in English]
You can leave the food on the bed.

I'm not food delivery.
I'm your new roommate.

Says who?

Says Professor Lee.

Well, you weren't here
at the start of classes,

so I don't want to hear anything
about "my side, your side."

Okay, well, it's kind of looking like
all your side right now.

[in Korean] Left! Left, left, left!


Is that recording?

Oh! Oh!

It's working! It's working!

["Maniac" playing]

You can sleep when you're dead,
Miss Covey.

Please, you have to help me.

I understand that the living situation
may be a little bit difficult.

Professor Finnerty, have you ever seen
a Jenga tower of pizza boxes?

Have you ever smelled
a Jenga tower of pizza boxes?

- Actually...
- You are our resident advisor.

Isn't there anything you can do?

Sorry, Kitty, but the girls' dorm is full.

I can't sleep. I can't study.

I can't get the mozzarella
out of the carpet.

And I'll fail all of my classes.

There's always the library.

I believe you can make it work.

You've already survived
your first week of junior year.

[school bell ringing]

I'm here if you need me.
And let's look at the bright side.

This living situation,
it could be a lot worse.


Could be blue cheese.

[Kitty] I don't know.

It's a lot of bulging eyes
and rotting flesh.

Kitty, what? This is a classic.

You know who you should be
watching this with? Florian.

You guys are vibing!

I don't know. I mean,
I've been with plenty of guys before...

but I've never liked anyone this much.
It's making me nervous.

What if we get a group together tomorrow
for a binge party?

We'll invite Florian,
he'll get hooked on the show,

and you,

and start watching more episodes,
with fewer people, at night time.

- Just take it one step at a time.
- Yeah. Right.

Like how you flew across the world for Dae
without telling him.

Hey, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met you.

And I wouldn't have discovered
I have a half-sibling somewhere in Korea.

You got me there.

What sucks is that
I can't tell Dae about any of this

because Yuri is always around.

I miss my best friend.

Well, I might know one place Dae will be
that Yuri definitely won't.

Nature. That girl's not outdoorsy,

and you're talking to the president
of KISS's Outdoors Club.

First hike is tomorrow.

[zombies snarling]

[Min Ho in Korean]
You're hanging out today, right?

How about face masks and hot wings?


I really don't remember giving permission
to the Portland Stalker

to use my custom blend products.

She doesn't live here.
She doesn't even have a skincare routine!

Sorry, man. Gotta go.

- We'll chat when I'm not busy.
- [door opens, closes]

[in English] Thanks! Great talk!

[in Korean]
You're always busy. You're never around.

[cell phone ringing]

My darling boy!

Hi, Mom! You doing good?

Yeah. Just about to head to set.

Miss you.

But since you're more important...

Should I tell them to wait?

Mm. It's okay.

Let's just talk next time.

[in English] Okay. Kisses!


Okay, so I'm off to the hike,
I'll just catch you later.

[door opens]

Q, wait.

Dae is coming to this hike, right?

Uh, yeah.

Maybe I'll come too.
I never get to talk to that guy.

What? No!

I mean, no.

Q, look at me.

I am looking at you.

- What are you not telling me?
- Nothing.

Dae is coming on the hike.


And so is Kitty.

Not cool, bro.

Hey, there is no crime

in two of my friends
participating in my favorite club.

Know what?

Hey, guess what I found out.

All right, people, welcome
to KISS's Outdoors Club.

First rule of Outdoors Club:

please talk about Outdoors Club.

That would be very helpful

because we did lose
a few members this summer.

Lyme disease.

All right, let's get started
with some stretches.

- Sorry I'm late.
- Oh, hey.

[Kitty] The plan is working.
Me and Dae, platonic.

Kitty, what are you doing here?

I was hoping we could still talk.
As friends.

- Of course.
- Hey, my mom went here to KISS.

- Really?
- And apparently,

the same time as Yuri's mom,
and it's crazy...

What about my mom?

Sorry, guys, I'm late. Sorry.

[in Korean] Do I really have to hear from
Min Ho that you're hanging out with Kitty?

People are looking, so smile.

It's not like that.
We were talking as friends.

Whatever. I would like my fake boyfriend
to start acting like a real boyfriend.


[in English] Okay.
I am well aware you were talking about me.

All right, who's ready to go on a hike?

Min Ho! What are you doing here?

What? Can't hang with my best friends?

- Hey.
- Uh...

I don't think we've met. I'm Madison.

Min Ho.

I know.

[Q] We can talk on the hike. Let's go.

[blows whistle]

- So you come here often?
- [Min Ho] Not really.

Make sure you stay hydrated.

I hope you guys used the bathroom,
because there are none.

You guys are making great time!
Let's keep up the pace, people.

[squeals] Worms, worms, worms!

We're in nature. Embrace it.

Is it on me? I thought
the worm followed me! Where is it?

Dae, as I was saying...

- Yeah, continue.
- When my mom was here,

I think it's possible that... [yelps]

[Yuri clears throat]

Are you good?

- I'm good.
- Are you sure?

In the Outdoors Club, the only thing
we take more seriously than endurance

is safety!

Aw, don't worry, Kitty. It wasn't as bad
as when you fell into the cupcakes.

Hmm. I'm more worried about you
and those worms.

- They were very big.
- Sure.

At least I know
how to watch where I'm going.

I could beat you up this mountain
with my eyes closed.

You couldn't beat me with eyes open,
even with a head start.

Yeah? Wanna bet?

["Don't Freak" playing]

Just make sure you stick together!

[in Korean] Why did you come?

Because I'm looking out for you.
That's why I called Yuri.

Let me deal with it on my own!

[in English] So much drama.

♪ Got me thinking, God I swear ♪

♪ Why I always take it there ♪

♪ Gonna lose it, don't you dare ♪

♪ I can't take me anywhere, no ♪

♪ Don't freak
You don't gotta cause a big scene ♪


[in Korean] This is k*lling me.

I wonder if my mom ever stood here.

She loved hiking.
She used to take my sisters all the time.

At least that's what they told me.

[in English] My mom would take me
to the department store

and forget me there.

She'd send the nanny back to get me.

You know that our moms
knew each other at KISS?

Crazy, right?



[footsteps approaching]

- Kitty, can you take our photo?
- What?

[in Korean] Ugh. Let's take it later.

- Hey, just one photo.
- I don't want to. Later...

One photo! Let's just take one, okay?

- Please, just once.
- We have to take it right now?

Make a heart!

- No, I'm not doing it.
- Can we please not fight?

Let's take it just this once, okay?

- Hurry up.
- [camera clicking]

[both arguing in Korean]

- Come on, we gotta do stuff like this...
- [Dae] We did it. Okay, fine, stop.

[Kitty] It's the same hospital.

[Yuri in English] Did you take it?

See for yourself. Gotta go, bye!

- Kitty!
- Where are you going?

[Kitty] I'll tell you later. Have fun
tonight. I'll be with you in spirit!

["I Can't Stop Me" playing]

Sorry! Excuse me!

Excuse me!

Ooh! Yum.

Focus, Kitty! Focus!

[bicycle bells chiming]

Oh, my God.

Excuse me.

[elevator bell dings]

[both in Korean] Hello.

[in English] I'm looking for information
on somebody who was a patient here.

A current patient?

No. In .

Sorry, all past records
are strictly confidential.


Wait, did he just...?

Oh, my God, she likes him back.

Kitty, you know what to do.


These are from him.

[in Korean] Oh, man, he likes me!

[Kitty] I still got it.

Do you know how long
I've dreamt of this moment?

Me too.

[in English]
I'm just gonna leave these here.

Okay, this is in Korean.

I can figure this out.

Records, records...

No, nothing on records.

Maybe this is it?


This is real.

I have a brother.

- [camera clicks]
- [lock buzzes]

[in Korean] Who are you?

What are you doing here?

[in Korean] Hello!


[in English] Do I get a phone call?

I present to you...

The Devil's Daughter.

It's a lot to take in, so no talking.

[dramatic music playing on TV]

Hey, my mom is in this.
She plays the king's second daughter.

Oh, yeah? Does she still act?

Oh, yeah, she's absolutely
smashing it right now in L.A.

She's up for a role
as a mermaid in the mafia.

I'd watch that.


Scooch over.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Oh, I could give you guys
the behind-the-scenes dirt on this.

- Okay. I love dirt.
- Yeah?


[in Korean]
You'll be working here from now on.

Thank you, President Han.
This opportunity is a real dream for me.

- You can use this desk.
- Yes.

Also, the reporters will be here
in an hour

to take the "coffee break" photos.
Be ready.

Yes, I will.

Oh, President Han?

Should I do something in the meantime?
Proof contracts or read up on zoning laws?

Just stay there, quietly.


[in Korean]

It took that guy takes to nail that.

Oh, cool.

Oh, hey, look! It's my mom.

[Florian] Oh, wow.

Dude, she's gorgeous.

[Min Ho] I know.
Thank God I got her bone structure.

Didn't your mom and dad
have that messy divorce?

The whole mess was exaggerated
to sell magazines.

But, yeah, they did get divorced.

Yeah, my parents
are going through it right now.

It's just...
I can't concentrate on anything.

Like, it's really, really sad.

I'm so sorry. I didn't know
you were going through that.


See that guy?
Total douchebag in real life.

My mom cannot wait
to s*ab him to death in the finale.

Spoiler alert!

Great. Now we know how it ends.

I should be studying
in the library right now, anyway.

My parents can be
pretty hard about grades.

Thank you for the show.



Maybe just me and you next time?

[pop music playing]

Thank you for saving me from the hospital.

- What were you doing there anyway?
- It's a long story.

Well, lucky I was there
to sweet-talk the guards.

Yes, so your Korean
was almost as bad as mine.

Hey, don't judge.

You had a head start.

Head start?

Well, one of your parents
is Korean, right?

- Mine are both white.
- Really?

Yeah. I'm adopted.



Yeah, it is pretty cool.
I was adopted by some amazing people.

- Have you ever met your birth parents?
- No.

Are you curious?
I feel like I would be curious.

You certainly are a very curious person.

- Have you always known you were adopted?
- Uh, yeah. It was kind of obvious.

Right. Duh.

Do you ever see people on the street
and think, like,

"Oh, gosh, that person
has the same shaped ears as me,

maybe they're my mom,"
or, "They could be my dad,"

or, "We could have the same shaped ears"?

We kind of do.


You ask a lot of questions,
and I'm not an ear expert.

Adopted by Australians.


When's your birthday?

[thunder rumbling]

I think it's gonna rain soon.

Uh, we should hurry.

- I think the subway's this way. Yup.
- Okay.

[in Korean] You're here.

How was your day?

[in English] It sucked.

[in Korean] It sucked.

What happened earlier...


I'm sorry.

Things are crazy these days.

I know.

That's why I'm trying to help you.

Why are you keeping secrets from me?

You didn't even tell me
you were dating Yuri all summer.

And why did you tell Kitty
about Poopy Baby?

Are you really my friend?

I'm such garbage.

Well, at least you know that.


Fine. Let's order hot wings first.
And do face masks.

- You place the order!
- You place the order!


[in English] Is Q here?
I have eight minutes until curfew.

- Yeah, in his room.
- Okay.

[Q] Come in.

[in Korean] Hey. You still have
feelings for her, right?


If I can be honest, I saw something today.
On the Internet. Randomly! Accidentally!

Tell me.

And when I was at the hospital,
look what I found.

Adopted by Australian parents,

just like Professor Finnerty,

and born around the same time.

- He could be my half-brother.
- Okay, what?

The facts add up!

I don't know, Kitty.

This could just be a huge coincidence.

A lot of Korean kids
are adopted by Australians.

But why else would he be at KISS?

He's probably also looking for answers.

Answers we can find together
as brother and sister.


I think you need
a little bit more evidence.

You'll be dropping
a lot of information on him,

including the fact
that his birth mom is, well...

not alive.

Yeah, you may be right.

But I just get the feeling that
my mom kept that bracelet for a reason.

I think she wanted
to find the baby one day.

[knocking on door]

We need to show you something.

[Kitty] What?

My roommate put me
on some weird website as I was sleeping?

- My God.
- I don't see the appeal.

Yet you somehow found the site.

Kitty, you should move.

You can't live with that girl anymore.

Yeah, I agree with Dae.
This is kind of sketchy.

I tried to move. There are no other rooms.

Uh, how about a hotel?
My driver could take you right now.

Can't afford that for an entire semester.

I'm sure Dae can hook you up
with a discount at Han Hotels.

Shut up, Min Ho.

All right. Just trying to help.

Okay, I have an idea.

Kitty should live here.

With who? Dae?

- No!
- No!

Okay, just listen to me for a second.

You and I switch rooms.

Kitty can bunk with me. You bunk with Dae.

I mean, what do you guys think?

[Kitty] Okay, I can handle this.

I think.

[Korean pop music playing]

♪ Yeah, let's go... ♪