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01x01 - XO

Posted: 05/19/23 19:53
by bunniefuu
["Nobody" playing]

♪ Don't need nobody, don't need nobody ♪

♪ Don't need nobody if it's not you ♪

♪ Don't need nobody, don't need nobody ♪

♪ Don't need nobody if it's not you... ♪

Dae? Dae? Hello?

Can you hear me?

Summer in Portland,
everybody's got their person.

I'm still trying to get a hold of mine.

It's not easy since he's time zones
and , miles away.

- [Dae] Kitty, are you there? Kitty?
- Hi.


- I can hear you.
- Finally.

- My reception is so bad here.
- This is so hard.

I wish I was there.

If I was not enjoying this pool floaty,
I would be at home in my comfort socks.

Missing you.

I hate we're so far away from each other.

I hate it too. Are we ever
gonna see each other again?

- Kitty?
- Dae?

I said, are we ever gonna see
each other again? Hello?

Yes, we will.
I'd give anything to be with you now.

[cell phone buzzing]

I gotta go. I will call you later. Bye.

Hello. This is she.

Oh, my God.


Twenty-four hours. I understand.

Yes. I officially accept.

Thank you so much.


Kitty and Dae, love against all odds.

What's this about, Kitty?

There'll be time for questions at the end.

[clears throat]

I know when two people
are meant for each other.

["Spinning" playing]

- It's a feeling I get.
- Hi.

[Kitty] I felt it for Lara Jean and Peter.
I felt it for you two.


And I feel it for me and Dae.

♪ No one else, you and me
In this old house ♪

♪ They moved out... ♪


Remember when I went to Grandma
and Grandpa's to help clean the attic?

Well, I found all this stuff of Mom's
and I realized that she went to Korea

for boarding school
in her junior year of high school.

Grandma told me
she got this cool scholarship

for Koreans living abroad
to help them learn about their culture.

- That sounds lovely.
- The best. She told me all about it.

No one told me about it.

My whole life I've had to rely on
other people to tell me about Mom.

- Kitty, I mean, I was...
- Honey, you're interrupting her flow.

Keep going.

So, there I was, trying to make sense
of all these little pieces of Mom's life.

Who's this dude?

Love songs?

I thought Dad was your first love.

And then suddenly something clicked.

The school Mom went to,
the Korean Independent School of Seoul,

one of the top international schools
in the world, is the same one Dae goes to!

Wow! That's a coincidence.

It's more than that, Dad. This is fate.

I applied to KISS and I got in.
I got the same scholarship as Mom!


So this would be...

your junior year of college.

Of high school. Just like Mom.

High school?
Honey, classes start next week.

It's crazy timing-wise,
but a spot just opened up today.

- Which, again, fate.
- What...?

Dad, I missed out on getting to know Mom.

And I miss Dae all the time.

And I miss LJ and Margot but they're busy
because they're off doing their own thing.

That's different. They went to college.

No, it's not that different to me.

'Cause I'm the only one left here at home.

With you two, of course.

Who I absolutely love
spending so much time with.

But I'm ready to stop missing everybody.

I'm ready to start
experiencing new things.

- I want my own adventure.
- I get that.

But boarding school,
that's not like going on our vacation.

We had a travel agent doing everything...

I know. But I'll have Dae.

And he'll be my guide
and my translator and my person.

- Uh, I don't know.
- Honey, wait...

I think it's great that she wants to know
more about her mom and her culture.

I spent a summer in India with my cousins
when I was about Kitty's age

and it was life-changing.

When did you get to be so big?
You're supposed to be years old forever.

Dad, focus.

This is important.

No part of Mom
has ever belonged to just me.

This could be my chance
to get to know her in my way.

I feel like if I find this piece of her,
I'll find a piece of myself.

Your mom would be so proud of you.

So I can go?

You can go.

I can? I can? Oh, my God, thank you!
Thank you! I love you!


- Ah, she's gonna have a great time.
- She will have a great time.

Did I just let my youngest daughter go
to Korea to have sex with her boyfriend?

No! No.


[Kitty] Katherine Song Covey.

"Kitty" to my friends,
and I'm on my way to Seoul, Korea.

Yes. I see that in the system.

[Kitty] "Dear Lara Jean and Margot,

I can't believe 'Operation K.I.S.S.'
is actually happening.

Margot, I know you still don't believe me,
but this is not all about a boy.

This is for me. XO, Kitty."


["Hot" playing]

[grunts] Excuse me.

Wait, do you go to KISS?

I'm going to KISS.

No English.

Okay, rude.

"Hi, me again.

Okay, so maybe I'm partially going
to Korea for Dae.

Good guys are hard to find.

Oh, by the way, I decided to surprise him.
He has no idea I'm coming.

I'm gonna show up at the welcome party
and boom, first kiss.

Pretty soon, these lips
will no longer be virgin.

XO, Kitty."

[airplane passing overhead]

["Telepathy" playing]


Wait, that's my bus!



["Baam" playing]

Hi, excuse me.


Korean Independent School of Seoul.

Hi. Do you...?

[in Korean] I heard your dad
opened a new hotel in Dubai.

[in English] Love this for me.

[in Korean] Oh, I feel like your dad
won't approve of this.

[in Korean] What?

I just don't want
to get in trouble with Mr. Han.

What you really don't want is
to get in trouble with his only daughter.

Of... of course, Yuri.

Ring all of this up for me.

Wow! Yuri Han! That's Yuri Han!

[excited chatter]


- [tires screech]
- [Kitty screams]

[driver] Are you okay?

[in English]
Are you okay? Do you need help?

Can I get a ride?


[in Korean] Put her bags in the car,
please. She's coming with us.

[Kitty] Thank you.

[man] Why do foreigners always look
the wrong way before crossing the street?

- [in English] Where can we take you?
- Korean Independent School of Seoul.

- No way.
- Do you know it?

- That's where we're headed.
- Shut up.

I go there too.

[in Korean] Please take us to school.

[in English]
So, are your parents diplomats?


- Business execs?
- I came by myself.

Oh. There are a ton of American kids
at KISS, so you'll feel totally at home.

- Half the school's foreign.
- Well, I'm actually half Korean.

Really? Do you have family here?

No, just my boyfriend.

We met in Seoul a few years ago.
I can't wait to surprise him.

Wait, he has no clue that you moved here?

No, this is my plan:
I'll find him at the welcome party,

tap him on the shoulder
and say, "Excuse me,

but have you seen my boyfriend?"

And then we'll kiss
for the very first time and it'll be fire.

I don't know anyone
who'd do something like that.

Well, now you do. I'm Kitty.


What about you?

Are you seeing anybody?

[cell phone buzzing]

If not, I can help. I'm a matchmaker.

I've been hanging out with somebody
this summer, but it's not serious.

- Why?
- Because it can't be.

- Why?
- Because it's complicated.

What makes it so complicated?

Are you like this
with every new person you meet?

Just the ones I find interesting.

Lucky me.

["What You Waiting For" playing]

♪ Just tell me what you waiting for ♪

♪ Baby, I've been waiting for you
All this time ♪

♪ I'm faded

♪ I'm drunk and wasted
Tell me what you waiting for ♪

♪ Baby, you already know
Just how I feel about ya ♪

♪ But why you got me doubtin' ya? ♪

♪ Oh my, my, I'm falling over you ♪

♪ So tell me, what you gonna do?
You know I'm all you got to lose... ♪

- Thank you. Thanks again for the ride.
- Sure.

Good luck with everything.

[in Korean] First quarter tuition payments
were due two weeks ago.

I know.
I have almost all of it now, really.


We have this conversation
every quarter, don't we?

I know.

I know you're always
looking out for me too.

But you know how things are -

if you give me just a little more time,
I can sort this out.

You know I want to help.
But we have a waitlist this term.

Isn't there anything you can do? Please.

I can give you until tonight.

If you can't pay by then,
your enrollment will be canceled.

Thank you. Thank you so much.
You're the best.

[pop music playing]

[cell phone chimes]

[in English] Oh, Professor.

Uh, do you need a TA?
Because, lucky for you, I'm available.

Uh, Professor...

[cell phone buzzing]

Oh! I am so sorry. Totally my bad.
Are you okay?

[in Korean] I'm okay.

Damn. I better work on my Korean.

Hi, I'm new.

Welcome to KISS. Your name?

Katherine Song Covey,
"Kitty" to my friends.

- Will you be living in the dorms?
- Yes.


Here it is. It was in the wrong file.

- Fill out these forms.
- Thank you.

- You wanted to see me?
- Sit down, Yuri.

Not even the first day of school

and I'm already called
into the principal's office.


I know this look.

This isn't even a student-principal talk.
This is a mother-daughter talk.

- Yes, and it's serious.
- What did I do now?

Juliana's parents called me this morning.


Apparently their housekeeper
saw you and Juliana...

embracing last week.


That's seriously what she said?

I was hugging my friend goodbye,
it wasn't romantic.

That's not what the housekeeper says.

You'd believe the housekeeper
over your own daughter?

Not normally, but you've been
sneaking around all summer.

Something is up with you.

How would you even know?
You and Daddy have barely been home.

You're so busy expanding
this "Han Hotel Empire."

This merger with the Miller Hospitality
is all you guys care about.

Madison Miller's attending KISS this year.

The last thing I need is rumors running
around this school about you and Juliana.

So, Yuri, tell me the truth.

What's going on with you two?

Fine. I was sneaking around
with someone this summer

and Juliana was just helping
by covering for me.

Who is it?

It's someone you and Daddy
won't approve of.

Will you please call Juliana's parents
and explain this is a misunderstanding?

I have to meet some families
down at the welcome table.

But as soon as I'm done,
I'll reach out to Juliana's parents.

And, Yuri...

I want to meet your mystery boy.

[woman] Jina.

[both speaking in Korean]

[Kitty] Jina. Is that...? I think it is!

I could actually get to meet Mom's friend.

Hi. By any chance
were you a student here in the ' s?

Yes, I was. Class of ' .

And now I'm head of the school.
Principal Lim. Welcome.

Kitty Song Covey, new student.

I think my mom might have been here
at the same time as you.

- Oh.
- Her name was Eve Song.


That doesn't ring a bell.

This is you, right?

You look amazing.

Barely aged.
Korean skincare really is the best.


Oh. Would you excuse me?
I see someone I need to speak with.

[Kitty] Is it me or was that weird?

[pop music playing]

♪ All right ♪

♪ Yeah ♪


♪ Here I am
Bright and shiny like a new thing ♪

♪ Improved thing
Yeah, and that is what I do thing ♪

♪ I've arrived just in time
To step into the spotlight ♪

♪ This is my time, I'm about to get mine ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪

♪ Ooh, I hope you're ready for it ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪

♪ I wanna know what you think of me now ♪

♪ It's like I just keep getting better
Better, better ♪

♪ What you think of me now? ♪

♪ What you think of me now? ♪

♪ What you think of me now? ♪

[cell phone ringing]

Hi, Dad.

Hey, kitten. Everything going okay?

You all settled into your room?

Yeah, I don't know where
my roommates are but their stuff's here.

I'm sure they'll love you.

I think I met somebody
from Mom's photo album today.

But she acted like
she didn't remember who Mom was.

- Well, it was a long time ago.
- Yeah, I guess.

I just can't believe I'm gonna be meeting
other people who knew Mom.

Well, think about it. You'll be walking on
the same paths to class that she did,

studying in the same library.

You might even be in the very same
dorm room that she was in right now.

I just got chills.

Ah, that's probably
'cause you'll see Dae soon.


True. I do have butterflies right now.

I'm going to see him
in approximately minutes.

[yawning] At the welcome party.

Well, have a great time and remember...

I'm not having another talk
about contraceptives with you.

Dae and I haven't even kissed. Yet.

I was gonna say,

remember, the only way to get over jet lag
is to stay awake as long as possible.

Yes, staying awake. Got it.

- I love you.
- Love you too.

Okay, stay awake.

I'm staying awake. I am so awake.

[cell phone beeping]

[pop music playing]

Where am I? Who am I?

Oh, my God, Dae.

♪ Fireworks when I turn off the light ♪

♪ Bright like neon, light up the sky ♪

♪ Chemistry when we mix, you and I ♪

♪ It's electric, sparks gonna fly ♪

♪ Time to soar ♪

♪ One, two, three, let's go... ♪

[Kitty] Whoa, this is definitely
not the Adler High Spring Dance.

♪ It's a vibe, you're painting the town ♪

♪ Red and blue, but it ain't a crime ♪

♪ It's a party, everyone's coming out ♪

♪ Like it's snow in July
Can't stay inside... ♪

- Oh, my God! I'm so sorry.
- God. Watch where you're going.

♪ One, two, three, let's go... ♪

So you do speak English.

[laughs] Busted.

Welcome to KISS.

Don't feel bad.
He loves to pull this move on people.

He did it to me the first time we met.

g*dd*mn it, Q, this is bespoke.

Shut up about the clothes.
Look at our boy.

- Where did Dae get that suit?
- Yo, Dae.

["Darl+ing" playing]

♪ You know, without you, I'm so lonely ♪

♪ When you're not here, calling ♪

♪ Into your heat again, I'm diving... ♪

[Kitty] It's happening.

He's here. He looks better
than I could have ever imagined.

♪ Falling to you I'm always diving ♪

♪ Darling you, darling you, baby ♪

♪ Darlin', with me under the sun ♪

♪ I know that you're my one ♪

♪ Been waiting for your call every night ♪

♪ But I can't wait no more ♪

♪ Dialing you-hoo-hoo... ♪

Are you so surprised to see me?

Are you kidding me?
You're blowing my mind right now.

- What are you doing here?
- I transferred to KISS.

I got a scholarship and everything.
We get to spend the entire year together.

Now we kiss.

Uh, wait, Kitty.
I need to tell you something.

- Kitty?
- [Kitty] Is her arm on his arm?

You look amazing.

[Kitty] Why is her arm on his arm?

This is Dae.

The person you
were telling me about in the car?

Yeah, my boyfriend.

[gasps] Excuse me.

Sorry. This can't be happening.

[Kitty] I fell for a guy
who was a total liar.

I still care about you.
You are my best friend.

[Kitty] That's a fake relationship.

You flew across the world for Dae
without telling him.

- What's going on?
- Dae's been cheating on you.

- Please get out of my life.
- I don't wanna be next to you either.

[Yuri] Be careful
who you share your secrets with.

Our moms knew each other at KISS.

- Tell me who they'd like to room with.
- Kitty and I will room together.

We will?

What are you doing?

What I should have done
the minute you got here.

["Darl+ing" playing]

♪ You know, without you, I'm so lonely
When you're not here, calling ♪

♪ Into your heat again, I'm diving ♪

♪ Darling you, darling you, baby ♪

♪ You know, without you, I'm so lonely ♪

♪ When you're not here, calling ♪

♪ Falling to you, I'm always diving ♪

♪ Darling you, darling you, baby ♪

♪ Darling, with me under the sun ♪

♪ If you know this
I want to know our problem ♪

♪ Blood type or DNA? ♪

♪ Friends see my feed and worry
Do you, babe? Yeah ♪

♪ Been waiting for your call every night
But I can't wait no more ♪

♪ Dialing you-hoo-hoo ♪