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07x23 & 07x24 - Give Me Your Life: Part 1 & 2

Posted: 05/19/23 10:10
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat ♪

♪ Of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles ♪

♪ Wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat ♪

♪ Of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending ♪

♪ To it all ♪

♪ Oh, whoa ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won't be long just you be strong ♪

♪ And it'll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

Dee: I wouldn't go either, beth.

I mean, what's it all about?

No, no, I'm not sayin' it's dangerous or anything,

It's just a lot of hoopin' and hollerin', I hear.

I mean, if that's the way you like your religion.

Oh, he's cute, is he?

With a name like marcantony appfel,

You'd definitely wanna be cute.

( Chuckles )

Okay, call me later. Bye.

Parker: uh, dee.

That marcantony appfel fella,

He's the leader of that new church

"The celestials," isn't he?

That's what I hear.

So your, uh, good-lookin' friend beth met him, huh?

Yeah, she did, parker.

He invited her to attend service.

Oh. Well, was he sincere, or just comin' on to her?

Um...that, I don't know.

Well, it is possible

To be sincerely comin' on to somebody, isn't it?

Well, it better be, or we're all in trouble.

( Parker chuckles )


Um, a funny thing

Happened to me

On my way to the lord.

I was blinded by the light...

For a while.

And when I opened my eyes...

I was lying under a mighty oak.

Leaves rustling...

A gentle breeze...

The smell of fresh-cut hay.

And far, far away...

Though I couldn't really tell...

The sound of...


And children,


Like music...

Celestial music.

Followers: we hear the music.



His hand touched me.

All: praise be to him above.

And I looked...

Oh, i...i looked...

In the face...

Of our lord.


I want two-man shifts from now on.

The forces of evil are gathering.

You must all be fully vigilant,

Or I will know about it.


Hi. I'm with the county office of child services.

I'd like to speak to whoever's in charge.

Mister marcantony appfel.

Fine. Is mr. Appfel here?

I'm afraid now is not a good time.

Oh. ( Laughs ) it's never a good time.

I have been calling you people for a week.

Well, I'm sure we'd like to help you.

Just find me someone who can answer a few questions

About the children attending school.

I'd have to check with marcantony first.

Here is my card.

Have mr. Appfel call me as soon as possible.

( Sighs )

Mama, I don't want to do this.

Where's daddy? Why can't I talk to him?

Where is he?

I don't know where he is.

Why? Why don't you know?

I already told you.

Now, we will all be reunited one day.

Very soon.


I know it's difficult for you to understand--

Mama, I don't want to do this!

I wanna go home. I wanna see my friends!

I want you to take a couple of these.

It'll calm you down.

Mama-- go on.

Take 'em.

Good girl.

( Kisses )

Forbes: have you actually met this marcantony fella?

Yeah, I have, and, uh,

Chief, he seems like a nice enough guy. Mmm-hmm.

But he is the leader of a cult.

Are you sayin' that makes him bad?

Are any cults good?

Does anybody know what they're doin' out at that school?

I mean, inside the building?

Maybe they're just exercisin' their right

To practice their religion and live the way they want.

Now, do we have the reason to investigate?

I'm waitin' for this woman who's comin' in here to tell me that.

Well, I for one gonna sleep a whole lot easier

When I find out what practicing their religion means. Hmm?

( Chuckles ) maybe you should join up, bubba.

Ha ha! Well, I heard it ain't quite that easy.

The woman from child services, chief.

Bring her in, please.

Hey, chief, you mind if I stay?

Come on, now.

You know I couldn't get you out of here if I ordered you out.

Luann: miss stewart, right this way.

Miss stewart, I'm chief forbes.

This is captain skinner.

Chief. Captain.

Please sit down, ma'am.

( Sighs ) well...

From the expression on your face,

I'd say you didn't have any luck with those celestials.

No, I didn't.

I went over there to find out

Why none of their children have registered for school.

Well, that's kinda funny.

They sure been in town long enough to register.

Did marcantony give you a reason?

I was stopped at the door

By a man named allen calloway.

Bubba: yeah, I know that boy.

He's always been kinda weird,

But I didn't think weird enough to join a cult.

And he wasn't going to say anything

Without the approval of his so-called leader.

Was there somethin' else, miss stewart?


I saw the face of a scared young girl at a window.

I'm worried about those children, chief.

Miss stewart: it's quiet in the day.

Nothing out of the ordinary seems to be going on.

But they are breakin' the law.

They have about twelve school-age kids

Among their fifty followers

Who should be in school.

Forbes: seems funny,

A school like this be sittin' here empty in the first place.

You're right, 'cause other schools are overcrowded.

Appfel: well, I guess I know an official visit when I see one.

Am I right, folks?

Mr. Appfel?


And as were driven here by a driver,

You must be the chief, or something close.

Oh, excuse me.

Ah, uh, are you the chief?

Could be, nowadays. Ha ha!

I'm chief forbes.

This is miss stewart of child services.

Nice to meet you.

It's miss stewart's job

To see to the welfare of the children of the county.

Their schoolin', for one thing.

Scripture tells us

That jesus christ

Disappeared for quite some time.

Interesting, isn't it?

I mean, where was he between the ages of twelve and thirty?

Now, what does that have to do with any--

I'll tell you.

He wasn't in a formal school.

That's the point.

I mean, some people say that he wandered across the continents,

Going to study with the great masters in the east,

As did gautama buddha.

Mr. Appfel, the reason we're here--

You're here about the education of the children.

Our children.

There's a kind of education your schools cannot provide.

There's a kind of education the state of mississippi

And the county of newman require.

Yes, um...i'm--

I'm sorry. Miss...?

Stewart. Yes.

The state allows parents to educate their own children.

Our parents--

With my assistance--

Are educating their own children.

Fine. The law says you can teach the children at home

Or in the whatever.

You just need to fill out these forms.

The children will have to pass equivalency tests.



That's equivocal, isn't it, chief?


I'm not sure you understand

The seriousness of this matter.

I think I do.

'Cause...this will not be the end of it.

I see.

One last small bag

For a few remaining necessities.

Harriet, we're only gonna be gone a week.

Would you please let me be in charge of the packing?

You boss everything else.

I do? You try to.

All I'm sayin' is, we really gotta get goin'.

We can't keep winston waitin'.

This is the only time he can carry us down there in his airplane.

Well, it's a very peculiar wedding present

That you can only use on one day

At one certain time.

( Phone rings ) well, I don't see--

Christina, would you get that phone?

Whoever it is,

Tell 'em we've already left on our honeymoon!

Harriet: now, just a minute! If it's for me--

Gillespie residence.

No, she has left on her honeymoon.

Christina, wait a minute. Who's calling?

Who's calling, please?

It's miss laneer. Evelyn?

No, miss louise laneer from the city council.

Thank you.

Gillespie: now, what does she want?

Let me find out.

We've gotta get going. I know.

Now, don't stay on that line, please.

Louise, is this something that can be handled

When we get back from new orleans?

Um-hmm. What about 'em?

What is it? The celestials.

Well, what about 'em?

You wanna talk to her?

No, I don't wanna talk to her.

Excuse me, louise. Now, you were saying?

I'm at the police station.

I want to find out why they had to go out to see the celestials today.

Why are you calling me about this?

Well, we've having a meeting on it tomorrow.

Well, you're gonna have to hold the meeting without me.

I can't talk about this any longer.

I got a plane to catch!

Goodbye. ( Click )

Well--i guess honeymoons are important, too.

Yes, ma'am.

Now, did the celestials do anything wrong?

Well, yes. They're livin' in the school.

Well, they got a lease don't they?

Well, I had no idea when they rented the school

That they had any intention at all of livin' there.

Well, does the lease say that they can't?

Well... I suppose that it must.

Could you look into it for us?

Uh, yes, ma'am, I can, and, yes, I will.

But if this is a civil matter--

Oh, good. Good.

Then you can advise the council

As to our rights regarding our tenants--

Whom we really know nothing about.

Yes, ma'am. I'll get on it right away. Yeah.

Winston: hello, bill.

Hey, winston. How are you?

I know you don't mind if I kiss the bride.

I don't mind if you kiss the groom!

Well, thank you! I can't stand kissing grooms.

We're all set.

That abe summers's plane?

Nope. Abe's got an air star too,

But that's fat boy elkins.

Runs a courier service out of gulfport.

Gettin' out the car, then, who--is that allen calloway?

That's right.

He's workin' for that bunch of screwballs,

The celestials.

He's not one of 'em, is he?

I don't know, bill. Let's go.


Bye, sheriff. Y'all have fun.

♪ ( Christian rock plays ) ♪

( Music continues )

No! No, please let me go!


Try leavin' here again.

You will leave when I leave.

When we all leave.

♪ ( Christian rock blaring in distance ) ♪

♪ Praise the lord... ♪

Well, evenin', frank.

Miss dugan.

Mornin', you mean?

Yeah, you're right. It is morning, isn't it?

This is lieutenant jameson.

How long's this been goin' on?

Every night since they moved in.

Uh, I'll go talk to 'em.


Well, the lieutenant will ask 'em to keep it down.

It was bad enough when them school kids

Used to cut through the yard, smokin' cigarettes.

When they closed that school down,

I thought we'd finally get some peace.

Well, don't get yourself all worked up.

We'll take care of it.

All right? Frank: all right.


( Music blaring )

Good evening, officer. How can we help you?

Well, I'm here in response to a disturbance call

From one of your neighbors.

Don't I know you?

I'm allen calloway. I'm from here.

But I can't remember meetin' you.

Have you come to join us?

What, you're invitin' me?

No, I don't think so.

Mr. Appfel, I'm simply here in response to a call

From one of your neighbors.

Response... Really.

Why so formal?

Well, it's sort of a formal call.

You see, we have this ordinance within the city limits

That says all loud noise has got to cease by ten o'clock.

What do you mean by "noise"?

I don't want to quibble with you.

You can call it whatever you like.

It's keepin' people awake.

Just tone it down and enjoy the rest of your evening.

Lieutenant-- lieutenant...?

Jameson. Jameson.

The lord has no clock.

You sure about that?

Yeah, well, not the kind with hands and numbers.

Not the kind that run the world these poor people live in.

Well, frank dugan, who lives in this poor world,

Would like to get some sleep.

Frank who?

Your neighbor across the street.

Oh. Well, you're absolutely right, of course.

We mustn't disturb our neighbors.

It's thoughtless.

Consider this case closed, lieutenant.

And thank you.

Thank you.

What you thinkin'?

I don't know.

Probably somethin' I shouldn't think.

Louise: all right, let's get straight to it.

There's concern over the children of the celestials

Not attending school.

And child services is looking into it.

At enormous expense to the city.

What I want to know is,

What is that cult doing in a public school in the first place?

Who's brilliant idea was that?

Now, hold on. It's not a school,

And the building was costing us a bundle to sit there empty.

And we don't even have the money to tear it down.

Look, what I hear is that marcantony and his followers

Were run out of memphis.


For what?

The word is, the children in that cult

Were taking part... In group sex.

Where'd you hear that, mr. Marcus?

From a lawyer who lives there, a friend of mine.

He once represented them.

Chief forbes,

You're from memphis, aren't you?

Yes, ma'am.

Maybe you could make some calls.

Oh, I promise you, mrs. Laneer,

I will look into the matter.

Well, in the meantime,

What can we do, chief?

Well, ( sighs ) I'd ask

The council's attorney mr. Marcus

To take a look at the lease.

I can look at it, too.

Maybe there's a provision prohibiting them

From living at the facility.

And if there isn't, how do we hit 'em?

( Sighs )

Until I get more than rumor and innuendo,

I have to protect their right to live undisturbed.

Chief forbes. Yes?

Hi, I'm robert stone. I just joined the staff of the herald.

Good luck to you. Thanks.

The city council meeting--

Was that about those celestials?


Is there a problem?

That's what we're lookin' into.

In what regard?

The members thought I might know something

About the terms of their lease. Mmm-hmm.

I don't.

Well, shouldn't it be you

Askin' the council about the lease?

( Scoffs ) no...

'Cause it doesn't interest my department.

It's a civil matter.

Yeah, but--

Calloway: excuse me, miss hallisey. Yes?

I've never had the opportunity of meeting you,

But I've heard about you plenty. I'm from sparta.

May I introduce marcantony appfel?

Please call me marcantony. How do you do?

How do you do?

Marcantony is the leader

Of the church of celestial influence.

Oh, yes. I've heard of the celestials.

Oh, good.

It seems both our reputations have preceded us.

What can I do for you?

I hear you're one of the state's leading civil rights attorneys.

Well, have your civil rights been violated, mr. Appfel?

Marcantony, please.


What's your first name?


Sarah. Sweet name.

"Miss hallisey" is fine.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Yes. Yes.

I believe I'll be in need of your services in the near future,




Call memphis central division

And get lieutenant riley on the phone, please.

Yes, sir.

Were you able to get anything out of that contract there?

( Scoffs )

Nothin' that says the occupants can't continue to live there.

However, it does grant the city

The right to inspect the premises

For fire codes and whatnot.

And what's the whatnot?

Additional structures and attachments.

What's this?

Speaker wire.

We're puttin' in a sound system.

Hey, there. What's your name, darling?


I love the name clarice.

I used to have a best friend with that name.

Who did that to you, honey?

Did he do that?

It's okay, clarice. You can talk to us.

Can you take me to my dad?

Where is your daddy, honey?

I don't know. The last time I saw him--

Mother: clarice!

You got chores to be doing, young lady.

Mama, I was just-- go on, now.

You heard me. Hmm?

What are you people saying to my daughter?


You have got no right to come in here like this.

As a matter of fact, we do.

Mama, listen to me-- no!

No, you listen to me.

Now, I told you once.

Don't make me tell you again.

But mama, if you'll just-- clarice, i--

Hold on, there. You don't wanna be doin' that.

This is none of your business.

Oh, yes, it is.

Sergeant shepherd,

Would you please take clarice to the car?

You have got no right to take my child.

You got no right to abuse your child.

She is mine.

I will raise her as I see fit.

As long as how you see fit jibes with the law.

We'll let a judge decide that.

♪ ( Dixieland jazz plays ) ♪

( Indistinct conversations )

Only one day away from sparta...

Ha ha ha ha!

And you can't wait to get back.


I'd like to stay out here in this wide world with you,

Waitin' on you hand and foot.

I'll take it.

I was gonna say only one day away from sparta

Made me realize how confined I've been.

But not unhappy about it.

No. Rarely unhappy.

I've been lucky.

( Phone rings )


Hi, parker. Good mornin'.

Yeah, I'll take the call. Go ahead, put him on.

It's hampton forbes from sparta.

Good morning. What can I do for you?

Well, bill, seems we may have run into a little trouble here.

The celestials, huh?

Well, I'm sure your officers did the right thing

In taking charge of her.

What'd the doctor tell you?

She's over at the hospital now.

I'll let you know.

You got a small ram over at your place

I'd like to get the use of.

I'll call my office right away.

Now, this may not mean anything,

But yesterday as we were leaving the airport,

I saw one of those celestials talkin' to a pilot.

Worth checking out.

Did you get the name of this pilot?

Yes, his name is elkins.

He runs a company called fat boy's fast freight.

All right, got it.

The man he was talkin' to was allen calloway,

Who's actually a sparta man.

I believe he's a driver for the celestials.


No, no, not at all.

You call me anytime.


What is it?

A young girl in the celestial church

May have been abused.

The police rescued her.

You know, I was in favor of renting the school to that group.

I was tryin' to be open-minded.

I guess I was wrong.

How'd you get these bruises?

I just hurt myself one day.

What'd you do?

I fell.

I fell comin' down some stairs.

Clarice, if someone forced you

To do something he shouldn't,

You know you could tell me, right?


Do you have a boyfriend?

No, my mama won't let me have one.

But you have had sex with someone, clarice.

Yes, ma'am.

Someone at the church?


I'll leave it to you.

She's recently had a sexual experience.

Probably a first.

What is she, fifteen?


Was she forced into it?

She won't say, and there's no physical evidence.

Of what?

You're that new reporter, ain't ya? Robert stone?

That's right.

I heard you were treating a young girl

From over at the celestial church.

Where'd you hear that?


Is this police business, captain skinner?

Did you hear that, too?

Y'all went over to the school

With the fire marshal-- what was that all about?

I think you've heard just about all you're gonna hear right now,

So why don't you just get along, huh?


Yes, sir.

I'm just tryin' to do my job.

And I better not hear about you harassing any people!

Give me a second, will ya?

On that pilot, elkins.

I spoke with the fixed base operator

And I got all his routes, ramp records and fuel slips.

How active is he?

He's pretty active.

His courier service is based in gulfport,

But he also flies on a regular basis

To memphis, mobile, chattanooga and shreveport.

Marcantony has spent time in chattanooga and memphis.


I doubt it.


Well, let's just say maybe I have a dark outlook on life.

Now, where were we?

Who's in charge?

That'll be chief forbes, ma'am.

Well, get him.

He's busy right now.

Excuse me, ma'am, maybe I can help.

I'm sergeant parker williams.

Well, I want to report a kidnapping.

My daughter was taken by your officers.

Ma'am, uh...

Why don't we step in this room here,

And we'll settle everything.


Uh, miss finch...

Why don't you have a seat here?

Where is clarice? What have you done with my daughter?

Well, your little girl is safe now, ma'am.

There's no need to be upset,

So why don't you sit down?


Sarah. Mr. Appfel.

Would you care to join us in here, please?

Yes, thank you.

I'm here on mr. Appfel's request, you know.


Chief, I understand that one of your officers

Removed clarice finch from the church grounds earlier today.

That's right.

It's captain skinner's opinion that the girl

Has been physically abused.

That's a lie.

Mrs. Finch, hush.

Mrs. Finch, the doctors are trying to determine

What really happened to your daughter.

Chief forbes,

We have to remember

That we're dealing with a troubled juvenile.

Accusations are so easy to make,

And so difficult to prove.

Well, clarice has yet to make any accusations, mr. Appfel.

You're a lawyer-- isn't there something we can do?


We can file a show cause order

For her immediate release.

You're not keeping her down in a cell, I'm sure.

No, ma'am. She's in very good hands.

Dr. Ellis: you have done nothing wrong.

You know that, don't you?


I know you think the easiest way to deal with this

Is to keep it inside yourself.

But that's not right.

No one expects you to do this by yourself.

( Sniffling ) I don't know what to do!

Well, let's figure out what to do, together.

I'm scared.

Of your mother?

And marcantony.

( Elevator bell dings )


Hey, chief.

It might be real hard to keep this kid

From goin' back to the school.

Mother got a lawyer, huh?

Marcantony got the lawyer,

And a very good one.

Sarah hallisey.

Sarah hallisey?

Why would she work for him?

For a fee, I presume.

Evenin', chief.

Doctor, how is the little girl feeling?

She's very tense and she's very depressed.

Both marcantony and her mother

Are tryin' to get her back--

They're tryin' very hard.

She must not go back there or be near her mother,

And especially not him.

'Cause he r*ped her, didn't he?

I can't answer that, captain.

You'll have to ask clarice.

But she was forced, wasn't she, doc?

Force wasn't necessary. She was too drugged to resist.

What kind of dr*gs?

According to the pharmacology report,

She had a near-toxic level of tranquilizers in her system.

You know, chief,

It doesn't really matter whether she consented or not.

At her age-- statutory r*pe.

But the d.a. Won't prosecute on our word alone.

Dr. Ellis: there's more.

According to clarice,

She's not the only young girl who's been sexually abused.

You gonna take me back there?

No, unh-unh.

In fact, I know a nice family

With a real home,

And if the welfare folks

Think half as much of 'em as I do,

You can stay with 'em.

We had a nice home...

Before mama became a believer.

And what does she believe in, clarice?

God...she says.

But marcantony says that he's god's messenger.

If he is...

I don't think I like god.

Don't blame god for what people do, honey.

I just want you to think about that man,

Real hard.

Does he seem like the kind of guy

That god would send as his messenger? Hmm?


He seems bad.

He's a bad person.

Miss stewart: clarice?


My name's robin.

I work for child services.

And robin's on your side, honey.

The family captain skinner found are very nice people.

We'd like to see you staying with them.

What are their names?

Mr. And mrs. Thompson.

Ed and ginnie, good friends of mine. You'll be safe there.

( Car starts )

Corbin and colvey movin' out now.

Followin' calloway.

Forbes: got that, luanne.

Suspect is meeting with that pilot, elkins.

Boxes are goin' in the car.

I see money.

Whatever he came to buy, it ain't cheap.

We're gonna go take a closer look.

Forbes: - .

Police! Show your hands!

( Pilot wheezing )

( Coughing )

( Soft jazz playing )

"Gumbo carnival au conk."

( Chuckling ) I saw that.

What about, uh...

"Jamboree of blackened jellyfish?"

That's not on here. You're makin' that up.

Well, it oughta be here.

I want to tell you,

I admire the pioneerin' nature of this cuisine,

But I have to wonder if the customers

All make it through the night.

You're terrible!

Well, what are you gonna have?

Can I tell you the truth? I'm not one bit hungry.

Ohh...why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to spoil your fun.

I am havin' fun. I always do when I'm with you.

In case you hadn't noticed.

I have noticed, thank you.

I'm worried every minute about home.

About the cult.

Um-hmm. Me, too.

( Sighs )

Hello, my name is lawrence, I'll be your waiter.

What are you folks gonna have?


Make it two coffees, please.

Winston? Harriet.

We gotta get back to sparta. When can you come and get us?

Regular? Yes, please.

Tomorrow at nine. Um-hmm, we'll be there.

Thanks. Bye.

Bubba: old marcantony sure goes through a lot of pills.

Ten boxes full of baggies like this.

I reckon forty to fifty people can go through a lot of pills

If they're takin' 'em all the time.

Forbes: is that it, calloway?

Are all the celestials on these downers?

Twenty-thousand pills can't be just for you, calloway.

Unless you got one heckuva nervous condition.

Maybe you're selling 'em to outsiders.

Is that it?

Figure you make about , a shipment?


He's not a retailer.

He's just a very big customer.


I'd say a leader could get a whole lot of quiet cooperation

From his followers

If he's feedin' 'em plenty of these,

Wouldn't you say?

Marcantony is the master. I don't question what he does.

What's all this gonna get you, calloway?

What we all seek to achieve-- a place in heaven.

No, what's it gonna achieve you is a place in the pen

If you don't start workin' with us here.

The lord's gonna protect me. Marcantony will see to that.

Meanwhile, do you want a lawyer?

E.g. Nutting, nutting & beers. Cloud street.

I'll get onto him.

This here is fat boy elkins, chief.

Well, fat boy.

I got a feeling you're gonna be grounded for a while.

Hey, now, I didn't know what was in them boxes, chief.

( Laughs nervously )

My--my business is just pickup and delivery.

Hell, even the post office

Can't make no money askin' questions.

Well, for that very interesting thought, I thank you.

Put him in a cell. Yes, sir.

Dee: it's lieutenant riley in memphis.

Hey, ted!

I see.

Any actual evidence?


Yeah, sure.

You do the same, now.

( Sighs )

Bubba, you had marcantony pegged from the beginning.

Memphis had problems with him, didn't they?

Ted said they suspected marcantony

Of stockpiling illegal a*t*matic weapons.

Bubba: they workin' on a tip?

Yeah. By the time they moved in,

Marcantony had already moved on.

Ted also said that

He had a bad feeling about marcantony.

Said he thought he was biding his time.

Biding time? For what?

For what?

( Sighs )

You're gonna tell us.

Clarice, this is mr. And mrs. Thompson.

Call me ginnie. And this is ed.

Come on in, honey.

D.a.: Clarice, you don't have to be afraid.

You're in no way at fault here,

Just tell the court what you want to do.

Find a new home.

D.a.: You've been living where your mother lives,

And she wants to take you back there.

Do you want to go with her?


D.a.: You don't want to go back to the school?

I don't want to live with my mother...


Because she hits you?

He is leading the witness, your honor--


Yes. She hit me.

Your honor.

There is no jury here to mislead, miss hallisey,

And I'm not about to be misled.

Yes, ma'am.

But we don't the witness to be misled.

Sit down.

Excuse me?

I said, sit down and be quiet.

But sarah, I do think I'm entitled to a few words here.

You are entitled to all the words

If I leave you on your own.

Is that what you want?

No, of course not.

Of course not.

I am sorry, your honor.

Clarice, are there other children in the church

Who have had sex

With marcantony appfel?


How do you know this?

I saw marcantony taking two girls into his bedroom.

Did you tell dr. Ellis

That you were given tranquilizers?


By my mother.

Were other girls given these dr*gs, as well?

Clarice: yes.

I have no further questions, your honor.

Sarah: clarice...

Have you ever been in marcantony's bedroom?


Did you tell these other girls

That marcantony had sex with you?


And was it at this time that these other girls

Said that he had done the same thing with them?


Clarice, do these other girls sometimes tell stories?

I don't know. Sometimes.


Thank you.

Judge whitley: you may step down, clarice.

I want a more thorough investigation conducted

Before this church is disrupted further

And these people are further inconvenienced.

Excuse me, your honor.

I'd like to call chief forbes to the stand.


Your honor, I object.

We haven't even been notified.

Neither was i, miss hallisey.

I want to hear from the chief.

Chief, did you arrest a man

From the celestial church

Named allen calloway?

Yes, that is correct.

It is also irrelevant, your honor.

No, his arrest is pertinent, your honor.


What was calloway arrested for?

Purchasing $ , worth of illegal dr*gs--


From a supplier who flew them in here.

Tranquilizers were found in clarice's bloodstream.


Is it your opinion, chief,

That mr. Calloway was buying these dr*gs

To be used on the members of this cult?

Yes, ma'am.

That is my opinion.

Thank you, chief.

This court grants child services

The right to enter the premises

Occupied by the celestial church,

And to remove children for questioning purposes.

Clarice finch is to remain in the foster home

Until further notice.

Court is recessed for thirty minutes.

( Gavel strikes )

If your paper prints that photo

Or even mentions clarice's name,

They'll find themselves bein' prosecuted

By the state of mississippi.

Miss stewart, how many children are involved

In the welfare office's investigation?

Six or seven.

All these children were molested by marcantony appfel?

Ma'am-- come on, stone.

Leave the child alone, for heaven's sake.

Mr. Appfel, do you feel like

You've been treated fairly by the court?

No, son,

But I can't expect to be.

The law has always persecuted messengers of god.

Meaning yourself, sir?

It's all part of his plan.

I can only follow the light till its end.

And what might that end be, mr. Appfel?

His wish is the end we all seek.

And the end is always near--always.

He who stands at the beginning shall see the end

And not taste death.

It's so quiet you'd think nobody was in there.

Yeah, well, they're in there, all right.

Let's just get this over with.

We're from child services!

Police! We have a court order to enter the premises!

Open up!

Look, you are in contempt of a court order.

Unlock these doors now!

Come on.

This is luanne.

What do we do now?

Get help.

( Rock music blaring inside church )


Yeah, coleman.

We don't seem to worry 'em much, do we?

What do you suppose he's up to?

He's gotta let us in eventually.

I got a hunch we're gonna have to go in.

Well, I got a hunch you're right.

But let's pray for a nice surprise.

Look up in the window.

Marcantony, why don't you come on out here

And let's talk about this reasonable.

I see. "Reasonable."

Yeah, that's right.

I don't see why I should let you in here

To disrupt our lives.

Then the law requires that I disrupt you.

But I do promise that I'll make that disruption

As brief as possible.

Somehow I don't think we'll have

A reasonable discussion.

Sir, why don't you just obey the order of the court

And let me talk to a few of your people?

Render unto caesar, is that it?

Well, I wouldn't know about that.

What you're quotin' has to do with payin' taxes.

What I'm talkin' about-- captain.

The court we all have to answer to

Is a higher court than caesar's.

Sir, I am askin' you...

Please obey the order of the court

And let me talk to your people.

Then all this can be over with and done

And we'll all be back to normal.

( Sighs ) we gotta get in.

We can't just bust in there, ma'am.

We don't know what's waitin' for us in there.

We don't want to get anybody hurt.

Well, what about the children? We've got to get 'em out!

Look, robin, we're thinkin' about the children.

( Muffled cries )

( Cries stop )


Parker: there was a kidnapping, yes.

Have the fbi been informed?

They have been informed.

Was she taken back to the church?

That, I couldn't tell ya.

Captain skinner.

We heard that ed thompson was injured.

Yes, he's been shot, but not critically.

What about all the people in the church?

How many people are in there?

Has anybody talked to marcantony himself?

There's about forty people in there.

And no, marcantony has not talked to any of us police.

Excuse me. He might talk to the press.

I wouldn't know about that.

Excuse me. How might I find out?

I wouldn't know that, either. Coleman: captain.

Excuse me.


Well, I'm sorry, mrs. Dugan,

There's just nothin' we can do about it right now.

Yes, ma'am.

She lives next door to the school.

They've been singin' and carryin' on all night.

And she saw two men go in about an hour ago,

Looked like they could have been carrying a third person,

But maybe not.

I don't know anything about weapons.

I'm sure you know a w*apon when you see one, don't you?

You don't have to talk snotty to me like that.

Just answer my question.

Did you see any weapons at the school?


What, pistols? r*fles? Machine g*ns? What?

( Sighs )

One or two of the men got pistols.

When am I gonna get a hearin'? You can't hold me here forever.

Believe me, I don't want to hold you here forever.

Bubba: you got somewhere to go?

You think marcantony gonna protect you?

Or is he gonna say,

"Oh, no, that boy calloway,

He's pushin' dr*gs all by himself."

That's not the way we relate to each other. That's like you--

Not like us.

Is that right, huh?

Boy, are you in for a big disappointment.

'Cause I'm tellin' you right now--

He gonna sacrifice you.

I know that.

But sacrifice is what it'll be, not betrayal.

Hey. Hey.

Sorry you had to cut your honeymoon short.

Harriet: well, we can pick it up again.

Any progress?

No. Marcantony won't talk on the phone,

Or any other way.

Bill, I had to make a move.

I cut the school's power this mornin'.

But what about those kids in there?

If he's gonna get 'em out at all,

He's gotta force a negotiation.

But what about the conditions?

There's no heat, there's no water.

Well, not for long, I promise.

But if we don't make this move...

Bring that crime van on!

Come on! Bring it through here!

Come on!

Loudspeaker: we need to have all those officers

Deployed from those vehicles and commence crowd control!

Right now, commence crowd control!

Cop: move that crowd back!

( Indistinct conversations )

He ain't talkin' to me.

We gonna wait him out?

If we don't rush him and he kills his people...

We shoulda rushed him.

If we rush him and he kills 'em,

Then we shouldn't have rushed him.

Sounds like either way there's gonna be some killin'.

There always is.

Wonder where them kids are.

Marcantony, this is chief forbes.

It must be gettin' pretty chilly in there.

It's gonna get a lot worse, come nightfall.

You don't want to put these kids through this.

I'm askin' you again-- send the children out.

Hey, y'all go on back and watch from home, now!

( Siren approaches )

There's no talkin' to him, huh?

Well, I'm talkin'... He's not.

We're all set.

I got a real bad feelin' about this, bill.

I don't think we should let it just drag on.

Well, he isn't givin' you any choice, and he knows it.

Back door's tough, but it's still our best bet.

We're ready for it. Let's go.

You gotta let me go.

Who's gonna tell your story?

The world will tell it.

( Clears throat )

Excuse me for saying so, sir, but, um...

They're not foolin' around out there.

( g*nf*re )

( Crowd screaming )

( g*nf*re )

( Siren blaring )

Marcantony: your day of testing is here,

My sisters, my brothers,

My children.

You have been faithful servants

To his plan.

Follow in god's wishes that we stand apart...

That we're different.

Those men out there...

Those are good men,

But they don't understand

That we have been hand-picked

To do his bidding.

Amen. Praise the lord.

Woman : amen. Woman : praise the lord.

They came and took this woman's child

Away from her...

Because they didn't understand.

But we reclaimed the child...

We brought her back to the fold.

All: amen.

My children,

The time for you to renew your commitment to him

Is here.

If there are those among us

Who do not believe...

Who would like to be with the outsiders,

The unbelievers...

The lost ones...

Speak now.

God bless you, my children.

As I thought, your faith is strong...


He wants us to die!

I heard him say it!

Don't--no-- shh.

You see what happens

When one of us is separated from our church?

Their evil influence enveloped her spirit,

Destroyed her belief!

There is no turning back.

We must remain strong!


All: there is no sublime light without revelation...

Gillespie: well, sarah,

Your client's going by his own law in there now.

Sarah: bill, please hear me out.

I've had a call from marcantony.

He's asked for my counsel-- he's reachin' out.

Forbes: call him, give him counsel,

But we're already stormin' the place.


He wants me to come inside.


And I'm goin'.

No, you're not.

We can't just stand out here

And leave all those people to his mercy.

We don't know that he's gonna harm all those people.

How can we know what he intends to do

Unless someone talks to him face-to-face!

And I've talked to him.

He's not a savage, bill.

In his mind, he thinks he's doin' what's right.

In his mind, he's crazy.

I've had experience with crazy.

This crazy?

Bill, please.

Hamp, I don't like this either,

But we could be runnin' out of time here.


We're sendin' in your lawyer.

I hope somethin' good comes of this.


Go ahead, sarah, and god be with you.



I'm glad you asked to see me.

If you'll let me help you, I think I can.

I'm glad you're here.

I want you to be at my side.

I want you to witness the v*olence

They're bringing against us.

I want to help remove that v*olence.

It's too late for that.

Marcantony, the v*olence in here

Is producing the v*olence out there.

v*olence is-- it's destructive. No...

Unless it's sacrificial--

Then it's creative.

Then it has a purpose.

The takin' of life!

No, no, no--

The giving of life.

That's our purpose-- the giving of life.

We give, not to take.

I came here as your attorney.

I wanted to negotiate an end to this tragedy.

But if you refuse my help, you have no need of me here.

( Stomps foot )

You don't need any more hostages, do you?

You already have so many...

And I am not any more important than one of them.

I have no hostages.

I have only witnesses.

And you're my most important witness.

Because I want you to be a living witness.

This is crazy. This is crazy!

Don't--don't do this!

Marcantony, no!

Cop: hey, chief! Car coming out of the building!

Somebody in there.

We send one in,

He sends one out.

It seemed to me that in court,

Sarah had a way with marcantony.

I hope she still does.

Forbes: why k*ll the reporter?

What's the idea?

You'll go nuts if you try to figure out

What's in a lunatic's mind.

Why don't we face what's on our minds?

Mass su1c1de.

No, bill. What's on my mind is mass m*rder plus su1c1de.

He kills the others without askin',

Then he kills himself.

Jameson: here they are. They're old, but they're still okay.


There's a crawlspace that runs under the school

That comes out in a hallway,

And you can get in there through a vent in the back.

How do you know where it comes out?

This old building's been designed and redesigned

Over and over.

You can't depend on this thing, boys.

No, parker's right about that, bill.

How do you know?

Because we both went to school there.

In my one and only experiment with tobacco,

I got caught smoking in that crawlspace.

This outside wall is behind some trees and shrubs.

We oughta be able to get to that vent

Without bein' seen.

( Police radio chatter )

Get ready.

Let's see if we can't snag john wayne here.

( Clears throat )

Excuse me, officer.

Uh, it's captain skinner, ma'am.

Captain, we heard the governor was sendin' in troops.

Well, I hadn't heard that.

According to the sparta herald,

The publisher called the governor's officer himself.

Well, maybe you should be talkin' to the publisher.

Was the reporter that was k*lled

Trying to get away?

We think he was k*lled inside the building

And then sent out.

How is the community responding to all the excitement?

It's the kind of excitement we could all do without.

( Indistinct conversations )

Chief, sheriff, we have a visitor.

Frank, good to see ya. ( Chuckles ) chief forbes.

Meet bill gillespie.

Bill, how ya doin'? How ya doin', frank?

Frank's from jackson. Fbi.

Oh, you lookin' for somebody here, frank?

You might like to see this picture.

This fella marcantony ducked out of a tax hearing

In chattanooga.

We have a warrant to arrest him.

You know the situation here?

Tv newsman said he's inside a building,

Holding out with g*ns.

Dangerous-lookin' guy, huh?

Loves the little girls, doesn't he?

Is he gonna make another waco out of this?

He looks the type.

What is he actually wanted for here?

Oh, a few minor things.

The major things are kidnapping, dr*gs and m*rder.

Maybe r*pe, as well.

You mind if I stick around?

No, not at all. Glad to have you.

Come on over here.

( g*nf*re )

All clear!

We couldn't find marcantony.

He might still be in the assembly hall.

Luanne, we'll take the stairs! You guys check the hallways!

( Kids scream )

Shh! Come on, move it! Let's go!

Don't be scared, just come on.

( Muffled voices and thumping )

I thought I heard something.

Drop that g*n.

( Grunts ) ( screams )

( Sighing )

Did they harm you in any way?

( Sniffling ), I'm fine. I'm fine.

( Muffled whimpering )


( Moaning )

It's all right, honey, it's all right. It's me.

Is it marcantony? Maybe. You ready?



( Beeping )

They got a detonating device.

I'll go through the connecting door.

Oh, lord, that must be wired to expl*sives

Throughout the building.

This cable looks like it goes to the power supply.

You sure about that? Do we need a demo expert?

Yeah, we do. But right now I'm all we've got.


Go for it.

Well, allen.

You once told me

That you never wanted to see this town again.

I'm not in sparta-- I'm not here.

I'm like cargo in a sealed carton passin' through.

How'd you happen to take up with

This marcantony fella?

I went to one of his gatherings in chattanooga.

It was the most important day of my life.

It was inspirin' and revealin'.

Only preacher ever made salvation believable to me.

So then you began travelin' with him?

That very evenin'.

I left everything behind me-- everything.

Except what marcantony himself went back and got for me,

Like my car, this and that.

I left it all to him.

He said, "give me your life,"

And I gave him my life.


He seems to be a very persuasive fella.

Like no other man on earth.

Did you, uh, bring him here to sparta?

That's right. I told him my little ol' hometown

Would be the perfect place

To rest on a journey...

And meditate.

Is, uh...

Marcantony gettin' ready to do anything

That we oughta be told about?

Nothin' you'd understand.

We found, uh, all his expl*sives.

Not all of them...

If you ain't found him.

( Indistinct conversations )


I--i can't find my daughter. She's only three!


( Radio chatter )

I lost you. Say again?

Marcantony has probably got a personal cache of expl*sives.

I don't know that, but we've got to expect it.

We've gotta get all these people out of here.

Somebody could get hurt.

Where's bubba?

He want back in after a little girl.

All right. Get everybody back!

Everybody back that could get hurt, now!

All right, come on, let's keep movin' 'em out!

Let's move, pickett! Quick!

Lonnie, hand me that bullhorn, will ya?

Now, marcantony,

This is sheriff gillespie.

I know what you're fixin' to do in there,

And I want to tell you,

Taking your own life does not make you a martyr.



It's time.

( Child whimpering )

It's okay, little one, it's okay.

Here, you hold mr. Rabbit there.

Come on. We're gonna go see mama. Come on.

He's probably got another b*mb. Maybe several.

Do not forsake me.

( Crowd screaming )

Is she all right?

Yeah. Yeah. She's okay. Let's go.

Bubba: she's all right, ma'am.

She's all right.

Oh, my baby!

Not a scratch on her.

Thank you.

( Sirens wail )

Followers: there is no sublime light without revelation.

Revelation comes only through believers.

Therefore, unbelievers knoweth not...

( Sighs )

Are they all out of there?

No. A few of them are still in there with him.

May god preserve them in heaven.

( Followers continue recitation )



People have been askin' me...

About those celestials, why they do what they do.

They get irritated with me

When I tell 'em I don't know.

( Sighs )

Well, I don't blame 'em.

"I don't know" is not an answer.

These cult leaders talkin' about salvation... ( Scoffs )

Is this salvation?

Dr. Ellis: it is to them.

They think they're being saved.

Saved from what, doctor?

Saved from us.

From us.

Oh, they think we threatened 'em?

We thr*aten everybody, they say.

We thr*aten this world.

So, led by someone like marcantony,

They make their own world,

And they choose the way that they're going to leave it.

Wait a minute.

We can't do a whole lot about folks

Who want to commit su1c1de.


I've known a couple of suicides.

I always...

Felt that we should have done something--

I don't know what.

Maybe we should have tried harder.

But, um...

I always felt we failed 'em somehow.

I reckon we failed 'em...


♪ Ooh ♪

♪ ( .in the heat of the night instrumental theme plays ) ♪