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07x22 - Dangerous Engagement

Posted: 05/19/23 10:03
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

how I found it.

Looks like somebody
plowed through it.

Get in there
and find him!

How many times we got
to go through this?

We cannot be your private
security force.

Had trespassers before.

Nobody's ever bashed in
the gate

Ain't that a real
criminal crime?

Yes, sir.
It sure enough is.

And we're calling it in
right now.

This is luke.
Chief in?

Yeah. Hold on, luke.

on channel , chief.

Yeah, luke?

Chief, someone busted
through the gate
of harlan's woods,

And there are tire tracks
leading up the road.

Take a look

But stay on the public
access road.

Yes, sir.

He says we can
drive up a ways.

Fine. You do that.

Mona, I jotted down
the place

We'll be
staying in new orleans.

Stop worrying.
going to be fine.

I'm almost ready
to take eric with us.

What, the kid
on your honeymoon?

Mona, we're not a pair
of excited newlyweds.

I'm concerned
about eric.

He's been so lonely
since eugene left.

My sister be
happy to come over.

We'll both mind eric
in his own house.

No. I already called
mrs. Trundel.

She'll take him,
if I leave him.

You got to leave him.

Hmm. People talking
about this marriage.


We've told
very few people.

All the ladies
down at the market
know about it.

How? And don't tell me
it's in the air.

No, it's not
in the air.

It's in the sparta herald.

Well, so be it.

What time the sheriff say
he's coming home for lunch?

Said 'round about : .

talking about lunch,

What do y'all
want for supper?

I just don't know
what to say.

Yeah, well,
listen, mr. Harlan,

I'm sure that the sparta
police department

Did the best they could.

I--well, uh, no.
I just don't think

The sheriff's department
can do anything more
for you.

Well, there isn't a need
to get nasty about it.


There he goes. Well...

I believe I will
go home for lunch today.

Shall I drive you?

No, thank you. I think
I'll drive myself.

Well, this package
was just delivered
from the jewelers.

Oh, oh, oh. Well, well. want
to take a peek?

Of course I do.

They're beautiful.

Has miss delong
seen them?

Has she seen 'em?
She picked them out.

No hay nada
mas bonito

Que bandas
de oro sensillo.

You're right.

Nothing else.


Ha ha ha ha!

I just wanted to extend
my congratulations.

I mean, I honestly didn't
believe you'd ever.

Well, thank you.

you know they say,

Romance is like
a game of chess--

One false move,
and you're mated.

Well, I hear people say
you're the perfect couple.

that's very kind.

We make it a point

Never to argue
about anything

That isn't worth
arguing about.

Well, what is?

That is.

Hey, guys,
bunch of us going in

On a wedding present.

well, put me down.

Me, too. What we
getting him?

I don't know yet.
Any suggestions?

Yeah. My dad says the gift
people appreciate most

Is something
you make yourself.

Like money.

Did you guys
find anyone?

Uh, no, sir,
sure didn't.

And we stuck
to the access road
like you said to.

The guy that crashed
through that gate
could be long gone.

got another road

Leading in and out,
and it's not gated.

Don't vagrants
stay in there
from time to time?

Oh, they sure do.
And worse.

Y'all tell harlan
to stay out of those woods.

Yes, sir. Will do.

Father ray
sent a photograph.


You'll like him.

I take it
that's his church

In the background there.

I had an awfully good friend

Down there
in new orleans.

Very wealthy.

Lived in a big house
in the garden district.

That's my favorite
part of the city.

Live oaks,

All that beautiful
iron work.

Yeah. That's the kind

That decorated
all the balconies there.

Oh, they were an
enormously wealthy family

That made a fortune
in the coffee trade.

Now there's a guy

Who could show us
a fine time in new orleans.

If I could just
remember his name.

This is my land.

You ain't
squatting here.

Get your stuff
together and git.

What are you doing?

I'm getting
ready to sh**t.


'Cause I hate
your silly face.

Uh--now, come on.
You don't mean--


Wait a minute.

Run or I'll sh**t
your eyes out.

Don't you sh**t
that r*fle!


Hey, chief.
This is lem cowan.

He found the body
washed up.

Gave me
the creeps.

Still got 'em.

How long
did it take you

To get to a telephone?

, Maybe minutes.

Can I go home now?

Yeah. Sure.
Thank you very much.

One round
in the back.

Rigor mortis is complete.

He's been dead
about hours.

Last evening.

Yeah. His watch
was stopped at : .

it could have stopped

When he was thrown
in the water.

He was probably m*rder*d
on his property upstream.

And floated down here.


Any family notified?

No. All he had
was his woods.



I wish you
good things, my dear.

Oh, thank you.
I appreciate that,
helen. Bye.

Oh, you think things
are getting better,

And then some fool
drags you down to reality.

Where is it any better
than here, dee?

I was getting ready
to think here was better.

Well, at least this
keeps you from going

I really hate this,
miss delong.

Well, I don't like it,

But I won't let it
get me down today.

Congratulations, ma'am,
and god bless you both.

Thank you, dee.


What do you think?
Isn't it too dark
for blood?

No, it's blood.
It's just oxidized.

He could have been
shot right here.

Yeah. Around here.

So what do you think
was here?

That's where
the tent was,
looks like.

We got some boot prints.

Two sets.

Looks like.

Rooster's general store.
Where is that?

Nowhere around here.

Uh, chief forbes,

Uh, here's
the cast taken
from the tent site.

It matches
harlan's boot.

Harlan must have
found the guys tent

And got k*lled for it,

Or maybe he tried
to run for it,

And he k*lled him.

Just got a fax
from the research

There's only one
rooster general store
in the country,

It's in amarillo, texas.

Then harlan's
k*ller's from texas.

All we really know is that
he passed through texas.

Question is,
where is he now?

Dee told me
what happened,

And I'm--
I'm awful sorry.

I'm not surprised.

I bet I get
a phone call or note

Telling me to expect
more of same.

You might
even get a note

Telling you who did it.

What do they
expect me to do,
throw a fit?

That's the idea.

What else can
they accomplish?

Well, would you like
to eat inside or out?

It's such a lovely day,

We can eat
on the porch.

All right.
Grab the salad.

Sure enough.

Uh, I'll get that
for you.

Thank you, dear.

I'll get one or two
more flats of these

And put them in pots
around the porch.

Isn't that nice?

Oh! Oh! Bill!
Oh, bill!


[Truck drives off]


Found these shells
back there.

He was waiting
behind that shrubbery.

Just took off.

You really want
to sit on this?

Well, I don't know
what's to be gained

By making a big noise
about it.

Telling the world
there's somebody out there

That wants to scare
me or harriet.

Her car took an egg
barrage this morning,
you know.

I heard.


It's a metal jacketed
-ought- slug.

Wasn't harlan k*lled
with one of those?

Sure was.

It's fairly common.

use it all the time.

Miss harriet wants you.


This guy
was hunting you.

He wasn't just
trying to scare you.

Excuse me, boys.

Can I get you anything?

No. Just sit with me.

That was for me.

Oh, well, I don't know
about that,

But I was
just wondering who.

If I didn't have
that fella brent lunay

Locked away,
I'd think it was he.

Where is he?

Oh, he's
over in my jail.

Trial comes up
in about a month.

Well, he has friends.

All of his friends
aren't locked
in your jail.


They're all out there.

What are we
supposed to do?

Just wait around
to get shot at?

Well, sugar, it's
a weird world out there.

There's thousands
of people walking around--

Maybe millions--

Waiting to get shot at
right now.


You're a big help.

I'm--i'm sorry.


Hey, now,
it's parker.

Listen, I need a check

On a brown
full-size bronco.

It's texas tags,

And the number is ...

Henry- -denver.

I copy, parker.

I'll be back for those.


Good morning,

Hi. May i?

Go ahead.



I was in the building,
so I thought I'd...

Stop by.
How are you feeling?

Better, I guess.

You know
it made the news?

Yeah, I heard that.

Well, see,
my neighbor's sister
is a news editor,

So there's bound to be
a follow-up.

Bill, I think
we should postpone
going to new orleans.

It would look like
we're running scared,

And I am not scared.
I'm just mad.

Well, uh, I'll
do whatever you want.

I wouldn't feel right.

Let's go when
this thing is over.


We could get married

Here in sparta?

If my old friend
father demarco

From out at the monastery
was still alive,

Why, he could very quickly
arrange a wedding for us,
but, uh...

Do you know
the new abbot?

No. Not well enough to ask
for anything special.



That's hampton forbes
for me.

Can I use your phone?

Yes. Help yourself.

Hamp, this is
bill gillespie.

we took a boot cast

At harlan's place,

And it matches
the one we took
behind your house.

The man who shot harlan

Could have been
the same man who
tried to sh**t you.

Now, that man's
from texas,

And we just towed in
a stolen bronco
with texas plates.

The bronco's registered
to a dentist
in amarillo.


All right.
Thanks for telling me.

We'll be in touch,

Talk to you later.

The car
that sh**t is using

Was stolen from amarillo.

So, you see, that sniping
may not be about

What you think at all.

What else could it be?

I can't imagine.

Keep the change.

Am I wrong,

Or do I detect
a texas drawl there?

You're wrong.

Well, bound to be wrong
some of the time...

But I know you ain't
from around here.

You sound like
our used-to-be sheriff
nat mccomb.

Same kind of twang.

What do you mean,

Well, technically,
he still is,

But another fella's
filling in for him.

Does mccomb live with
a dark-skinned woman

In a house
down from the square?

No, no, that's gillespie,

The fella
that's filling in.

Mccomb lives out near

And he's resting up
from a heart attack,

And he ain't got no woman
of any skin.

Hey, bo.

Excuse me.

How you doing?

Good to see you, bill.

How's your health?

I'm feeling a little
stronger everyday.

You getting
your exercise?


My son bought me
a treadmill.

Thought my life
was going nowhere.

What's this about
getting shot at?

That sn*per
who went after me

Is the same guy
that k*lled harlan.

We think
he's from amarillo.

We traced a grocery receipt
and a stolen car there.

You got
any enemies there?


But that's the question
I came to ask you.

I believe I have.

Do you remember
earle defete?

Wasn't he the guy
that you caught

And then the texas rangers
come and got him?

Yes, sir.

Wanted him for m*rder.

Amarillo, texas.

Earle and his son
k*lled three people
in a bank.

I nabbed earle
driving through here.

Why, he's on death row

What about the son?

No idea, bill.

Well... Forbes better
know about this,

And then we'd better call up
somebody in texas

And find out
what kind of fella
we're dealing with.

I want your car.
Give me the keys.

Are you crazy?

I said,
give me your keys.

You want the keys?


The district attorney
from amarillo

Is returning your call.
Line .

Thanks, luann.

This is chief forbes.

Hi, mr. Eberly.


Well, I see. Mm-hmm.

Thank you, sir.

Much obliged.

Bye, now.

Earle defete is dead.

They gave him the needle
on wednesday.

Did they ever catch
the son?

No. The texas ranger
that took earle back
from here...

Was m*rder*d the day
of the execution.

District attorney
suspects the son lucas.

Do you reckon the son
is here wanting to k*ll


But he's trying
to k*ll you.


He must have
the two sheriffs mixed up.

One time in memphis--

We wanted
to find a guy...

We threw a party
for him.

For the guy?


But we figured the guy
would come.


Sheriff gillespie...

My name is lacy lumas,

I'm the pastor
of the third covenant
revelation temple.

Oh! Uh, yes.

That place over
on winding way

That used to be
something else?

A laundromat.

Sheriff, I heard
you're getting married
in new orleans,

Cause they're no minister,
white or black,
that'd marry you here.

Well, no,
that isn't true.

We were going there

Because a clergyman
there is a friend
of harriet's.

You said "were."
What do you mean by that?

I mean, uh,

Something came up
to delay the trip.

Sheriff, I'd be glad
to perform the ceremony
at our temple.

We don't have
any black congregants,

But we certainly
wouldn't mind
marrying one to you.

I believe
other arrangements
have been made.

It would help the image
of our sheriff to marry
the county sheriff.

for the compliment,
mrs. Your reverence,

But, uh--


Yes or no?

I'm afraid, uh--

Good day.


Yeah, what?

Bill, a man
was just shot
in his driveway.

r*fle wound to the chest.

Could he identify
the sh**t?

We don't know.
He's unconscious.

You think defete
might have shot him?

Well, he's got a r*fle,
and he's a nut.

You watch yourself now.

Oh, we just got
a message here.

One roger owen, ...

Died at county hospital.

Oh, that's too bad.

Uh, well, thanks
for calling me, hamp.


I'll be on the lookout.


[Monks chanting]

I'm looking for
father d'alton.

Yes, ma'am.

The abbot
is expecting you.

Hello. I'm
harriet delong.

I'm john d'alton,

And I'm happy
to meet you.

Thank you.

Come along.
Come along.

Please sit down.


Neither of you is...

When I was a child,
I attended catholic school
in new orleans.

The nuns told me,
"tu es catholique,

And, as you know,

No child argues with
les mesdames de la

Would you argue now?

I don't think so.

Well, bill gillespie

Is a baptist, I know.

Or was.

I'm afraid we've both
strayed from the church.

But not from god...

Or you wouldn't be here.

That's true.

Well, I'm a licensed

In the state
of mississippi,

And I can marry you

But it won't be
a catholic ceremony.


Could we be married
here in this garden?

Oh, most certainly.

both welcome here.

Thank you.

I can't think of any place
any more beautiful.

I'm sorry I'm late.
I got held up.

How nice to see you,

You're looking well.

Well, thank you, father,
for your time.

I don't mean
to take much of it.

We just came out here

To inquire
as to whether, uh...

If we could get married.

It's settled.


It's arranged.
It's done.

Congratulations, bill.

Sit down
and have a cup of tea.

All right.
Thank you very much.

Burger, rare,
with jalapenos.

How do I get
to this mcguffey lunch?

What's the matter
with lunch here?

Tell me
how to get there.

Go down this street,

Hang a left on
the second stoplight,

And then go straight
for a couple miles.

you got something nice
planned for us

If he doesn't show up?

No matter
what happens here,

We're going to all
have lunch.

If we catch him,
it's on the city.

If we don't,
it's going to be on me.

Now don't you be surprised
if sheriff mccomb turns up.

He'd better not.

I--i just want you
to be prepared,
that's all.

Bill, he was told
to stay home.

If he shows up here,
I swear I'll arrest him.

That's a - , hamp.

This was just faxed
from the amarillo dmv.

Lord, there's no telling
what he looks like now.

He could have
grown a beard,
bleached his hair--


I'm going
to lot "b."


Uh, chief forbes,

I got a look
at the driver
in that car.

Do you think
it's our guy?

Uh, I'd bet the farm
on it.

Jamison, let's chase
that green compact.

We're moving now.

We got a green geo,

Mississippi tags
george-san-quentin .

That vehicle is registered
to roger owens--
maple drive.


Isn't owen the guy
that was just shot
and k*lled?

Yeah. No doubt by
the driver of that car.

We're in pursuit
northbound on
old route .

Jamison, this is
bill gillespie.

We're on
piney ridge road
approaching route .

We just passed
bailey road.

He's turned
on piney ridge.

You're less than
a mile away.

O.k. We're going to try
to cut him off.

We? Who's with you?

Uh, the, uh,
intended victim
is with me.

He wanted to meet
this guy,

And I couldn't
talk him out of it.

Those two guys
a little nuts?

No question.

Get out of that car!

Put your hands
on the roof!

You must favor
your mama, son.

You don't
look a thing
like your daddy.

I'm just sorry I didn't
get to k*ll you.

You'll get over that,

I'm dying
to read that diary.

Oh, well...

Maybe you can
one of these days...

When this honeymoon
is over.

I was just thinking.

I didn't have a honeymoon
the first time, did you?


Not--not a real

Well, I'm going
to make this
a real honeymoon.

This ordeal
has been good
for something.


It showed me
how much I love you.

Me, too.

I love you.

It's not going
to be easy, bill.

What are you talking about?

This marriage
was made in heaven.

But it has to be lived
here on earth.

The words of st. Paul

Say it better
than any others
that I know of.

Love is always patient
and kind.

It is never jealous.

Love is never boastful

And proud,

Never rude and selfish.

It is always ready
to excuse...

To trust,

To hope,

And endure all things
that come.

Love does not end.

This is the word
of the lord.


Will you promise
to love and cherish her,

To honor and sustain her,

In sickness
and in health,

Be true to her
in all things

Till death do you part?

I will.


Do you promise
to love and cherish him,

To honor and sustain him,

In sickness
and in health,

In poverty
as in wealth,

Be true to him
in all things

Until death do you part?

I will.

Place the rings
on your fingers.

You have sealed your vows

By giving and receiving
your rings.

Now, by the authority
vested in me

By the state
of mississippi,

And looking to heaven
for divine sanction,

I pronounce you

Husband and wife.

What god has joined

Men must not divide.