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07x20 - Time's Long Shadow

Posted: 05/19/23 10:02
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

You ain't supposed
to be here.

You'll get in trouble
if my boss catches you.

I ain't doing nothing.

Just looking around.

Hey, look at this.

Can I keep it?

Go ahead.
I was throwing it away.

Real pretty stick.

That ain't no stick.

It's got whittling on it.


Hey, kid! Hey!

I told you
to stay off
this property.

Now get going.

I'm just digging
like y'all.

Give me what you got
in your hand.


Get going, little sister.

You'll get
your butt whipped.

I'll put you
in the county jail
for trespassing.


Excuse me.

What's going on here?

Oh, nothing, officer.


A grown man chasing
a little girl...

That don't look
like nothing.

That looks like something.

I'm frank davenport.

I own this property.

The kid's been
hanging around.

She could get hurt.

Why do you want to
play here, sweetheart?

I'm treasure

I got it
from that man
over there.

What's your name? Louisa.


That's a pretty name.

Come here.

Now, louisa, this here's
private property.

You can't play here.

Give the man
back his stick,

And officer covey and I
will take you home.

She can keep the thing.
I can see now
it ain't worth nothing.

All right. Well,
you can't play here

I just don't
want her around.

Let's take you home.

Listen, dale.

Any kid gets hurt here,
I'll get sued.

I see a kid here,
and you're fired.

I think we've covered

Do I get my annex?

The building budget
is full, chief forbes.

Well, so is
my evidence room.

Well, then you're
just going to have
to rent yourself

Some warehouse space.

Do you know
how much that costs?

No, I don't.

Captain skinner,
pull those warehouse

For miss delong,
will you, please?

Sure enough.

And not a dollar
difference between them.


Hey, lieutenant.

Yeah, ken.

What do you make
of frank davenport?

The real estate developer?

Kind of arrogant and mean.

He was chasing
this little girl.

I had to pull over
and stop him.

Little girl?
How little?

About . Why?

He's kind of dirty, too.

He can't keep her
off his property

Because she thinks
they got a treasure.

She was clutching
this stick

Like it was made
of gold.

Did you get
a good look
at the stick?

It was dark
and had carving on it.

What did the carving
look like?

Somebody took a knife
and carved on it.

Why? Do you think
it's valuable?


Davenport thought
it was junk.

Oh, he would.

♪ Let my people go

♪ Go down

♪ Moses

♪ Way down

♪ In egyptland

♪ Tell ole

♪ Pharaoh--

[Hip-hop music plays]

I thought
it was agreed

That the man who
was listening intently

Had to be asked.

Sorry, but I hate
that stuff.

It's embarrassing.

Well, that is
the first time

I've ever heard
a spiritual

as embarrassing.

Well, it's poor
people music.

No one wants to remind
themselves of that.

Listen. Poor people
make rich music,

And that
happened to be
marian anderson.

That's the first
black artist

Ever to perform
at the metropolitan

You like opera.
I don't.[Telephone rings]

all right, then.

It's the first
black artist

Ever to sing
at the white house.

Cool, but I can't
get into that music.

Sheriff gillespie's house.

Oh, hi, miss delong.

Yeah, he's here.


Well, you, too, ma'am.


Well, what did she say?

You're supposed
to meet her

At the oak hill
construction site.

Oh, lord!

Why hast thou
deprived me
of my memory?

You know,
the historical society
records show

There was a plantation
house out here somewhere.

That was until
sherman's troops

Burned it
after vicksburg.

There were
sl*ve quarters, too.

Where can we find
frank davenport?

Who wants him?

I'm councilwoman
harriet delong,

And this is
professor hudson
from sparta college.

Over there.

That trailer, see?

You men dug up anything
unusual around here?

You better check
with the boss.

I've been finding things
for a couple of days now.

Would you show me where?

Sure. Come on.

Now, we dug this

To lay pipe into.

It's to bring water

Over to where
the tennis courts are.

Tennis courts?

Sure. There's
going to be
of them.

got big plans.

I found a real
fancy stick in here.

It had snakes
crawling up
the side of it.

Sounds like
african motif.

That could be
a chief's staff.

Well, I'm sorry
if I'm late.

You're just in time.

Davenport and his men
may be plowing up

All sorts of
valuable remains.


That's exactly
what I think
they're doing.

I'm going to take
these fragments

And find out
what they are.

Ill you come with me
and talk to the boss?


Sure he will.
Come on, bill.

Hey, what are
you doing?

Don't give me
one of those things
on my neck.

Now, mr. Davenport...

Oh. Excuse us
for disturbing you.

Oh, sheriff gillespie,
miss delong.

This is a surprise.

And you are...

Dan hudson.

I teach anthropology
at the college.

I'm used to city
officials visiting,

But I never had
a professor come
out here before.

Hi, miss delong.
You don't remember me.

I'm cindy jenk.
My father's gus jenk.

He screened
your back porch.

Oh, yeah. Yes. Hi.

Uh, mr. Davenport,

Are you aware
of what your men
might be digging up?

I know construction
crews are always
digging up junk--

old tools and such.

Well, some of this
may not be junk.

It may be
archeological remains.

You're planning
a huge project here,
aren't you?

A whole residential village.

And we want to ensure
that nothing important

Is lost or destroyed
in the process.

Miss delong, I have a lot
of construction going on.

I can't share
your interest.


Yes. Well, davenport,

I'm sure
you wouldn't mind
a few professionals

Coming on the site here

And doing a little
poking around.

No way, gillespie.

No way.

No poking around.

If you like,
miss delong,

I could have
my men put aside
anything they find.

No. That'd be useless.

Once your men
move anything,

Its informational
value is destroyed.

I can't do more.
I won't do more.

I can't lose a day...

An hour...

Or a minute.

What is he doing
with that child?

Well, louisa.

Don't you have
school today?

My mama said
give this back
to the cops.

Let me see that.

I'll tell you what.

Let's take this inside

And show it
to my new chief.

Who the chief?

That's my boss,
chief forbes.

He's a real
nice man,

And he'd love
to see this thing.

Come on. Let's go inside.

We can't really expect
the city council

To give us more money

When they can't get it
from the town.

Doesn't look like
a poor town to me.

The bottoms look
pretty poor

And some of
the midsections
along the tracks,

But otherwise
things look pretty good.

Have you seen all
the stores closed

On the south
and west side?

Unemployment's big.
Sparta's really

I got to run.
Talk to you later.



Chief forbes, I got
a little lady here

Who needs
to talk to you.

Come on in,
little miss.

What you got there
in your hands?

It's for y'all--

A walking stick
from old times.

My mama says
sl*ve times.

Miss delong
will be thrilled
to see that.

You going to
leave this with us?

If you take care of it.

I promise
we'll take care of it.

Uh, louisa,
don't you have school?

I'll take you.

Uh-uh. People see me
there with y'all,

They think
I'm in trouble.

I can walk. Bye.

Bye, louisa.


You know,
the contractor's afraid

That thing is going
to stop the work.


We have an anthropology
lab here in sparta?

No. People
don't care about
that stuff, chief.

Come on.

I'm coming.

I don't know
if hiring you
was such a good idea.

You're always pulling me
out of the office.

You don't need
to be there.

Everybody else
does the work.

All you do is
sit around and yell.


Get over here.

Yes, sir,
mr. Davenport.

I've been told
you were talking

To that black politician
and her friends today.

They asked me
to help them.

You're stupid, boy...

And you're fired, too.

Fired? What did
I do wrong?

I need this job.

You should have
thought of that.

Everybody could
lose his job

While they snoop around.

You caused men to be
throwed out of work.

You better find a job
in another town.

Come on. I need
a little help here.

Don't stand there
looking at the work.

What work?
I've just been fired.


Ask davenport.

I hope a whole army
of professors

Come up here and
close this down forever.

"The staff dates
from the mid s

"And displays
a typical

"West african motif.

"It was
probably made

"By sl*ve craftsmen.

"The fragments
of pottery

"Are also made
by slaves."

Why should this
interest the court?

Well, it's supposed
to be valuable historic
remains, judge.

Well, gillespie,

You and I are valuable
historic remains.

Nobody's stopping
work for us.

Your honor,
material evidence
of sl*very is rare.

By law, I can only
stop construction

For religious sites
and burial grounds.

Well, we know there was
a large sl*ve community
at that plantation.

There had to be
burial grounds.

I'll allow that.

Good. Good.

You have three days.

Thank you, judge.


Thank you very much,
your honor.

Enjoy yourself.

You did some lively
talking there.

I meant to tell you.

I poked my nose
in someplace

Where I probably

But I did it anyway.

After I saw
davenport fooling
with that child,

I called her daddy.

I asked him
if he knew all
that was going on.

And what did he say?

He said he knew
she was working

As davenport's

Well, there you go.

I don't think
there was any harm
in calling him up.

Maybe more people
should take that kind
of interest.

Sure can't do
the right thing
for everybody, can you?

Life is living
with fights
and battles

And battles
and fights.

It makes you punchy.

Luann, why don't
you help the professor
get started

While I break
the bad news
to davenport.

What you doing here
with the police?

You a fool.

Only authorized
personnel are
allowed here.

Well, I think
a court order

Is kind of authorized,
don't you?

What's going on, bubba?

We're going to
shut you down--
three days.

And who have I got
to thank for this,

Miss harriet delong?

No, davenport.
It's a judge's order.

So why don't you
just round your men
up here...

And, sh**t,
send them home?

O.k., Andy,
blue bucket.

Todd, careful with
the instruments.

This is the spot
up here?

What's that
idiot doing?

Helping them out.

He got fired,
so he's trying

To put the rest of us
out of work.

O.k., Now.
Listen up. Quiet.

This is one location

We're sure of.

So let's start
setting up.

We'll map it
and make a grid later.

O.k., Dale, you're
going to have to be

As specific
as possible.

Exactly how were
those objects
you found lying?

What face was showing?

I said get off
that machine!

Cut it!

Get off of there!


Now, you look here.

When an officer says
for you to stop,

You stop! You got that?

Go on.

Get out of here.

Get out of here
before you're tempted

To make some more trouble.

Go on! Go on!

Well, I'm not surprised.

I was in that office
for over years.

You'll probably
be finding
other things

As time goes by.

Thanks for bringing these.

Oh, that's all right.

Gave me an excuse
to come see your setup.

Well, it's kind of
like me, you know.

It's old
on the outside

And remodeled
on the inside...

I trust.

Sheriff gillespie,
I sure need to talk to you.

You're going
to have to excuse me.

I really don't care
much for this man.

Well, well,
how are you doing?

Hello, sheriff.

I know that you and...

Well, would you talk
to harriet delong for me?

The situation
at my place

Is costing my partners
and me a fortune.

Well, what is it

You want me
to say to her?

Well, I don't know.

I don't understand it.

When are black people
going to stop looking
to the past?

I'm providing a future.

I'm creating jobs
and money in this town.

Well, what
I don't understand,

Is why y'all can't
do the two things
at the same time.

Well, costs, gillespie.


Lonnie jamison,
were you going to
drive way

Without saying hi?

I'm sorry, cindy.
How are you doing?

Fine. You?

How's school?

I finished school.

I just saw you there
a week ago.

I graduated myself.
Get it?

Yeah, I reckon.

I already got a job.

I'm working for davenport.

He's my boyfriend, too.

What's your daddy
going to think
about that?

He doesn't want me
to date anybody.

He's a weirdo.
It don't matter
what he thinks.

Well, why are you
telling me this,

Because it's fun
telling you,

Watching you get mad.

Heard the town
put you out of work

So they could dig up
old crock.

No. My boss fired me

For finding
that stuff

In the first place,

I heard different.

I heard you made trouble
in the first place.

The councilwoman
asked me

If I found anything.

What was I
supposed to do,
lie to her?

Yeah, that's right.

Whatever you found,
you should have
throwed away.

What I did
was right,

And what I found--

Keep it to yourself, kid.

Can't you see that nobody
wants to hear that?

You ever hear of
worker's solidarity?

This is
for davenport

And the rest of us.

Personally, I do
better staying out
of community stuff.

Staying aloof?

I hope not...

But apart.

If people see me
as just a doctor,

Then they come to me
with more confidence,
not less.

They don't see me
making social mistakes--

Saying silly things
and losing my cool.

Then they never see you
as a human being.

But I don't think
they want to.

They want to see
a doctor, not a neighbor.

And what kind of cop
do they want to see?

Mostly they don't
want to see any kind
of cop.

Excuse me. Are you
the police chief?

That's right.

I'm gus jenk.

How do you go
about protecting
a minor girl child

From the advances
of an older man?

You want to come
by my office
in the morning?

No. I'd like
a short answer
right now, please.

O.k. You get
a court order

Telling the man
to stay away
from the girl.

If the man doesn't
obey the order,

He can be arrested, jailed.


You want to
sit down, mr. Jenk?

No. I don't want
to spoil your evening.

Mr. Jenk,

Is the girl
your daughter?

Yes. I'm sorry to say
she is my daughter.

When was
the first time

She complained
about this man?

She ain't
exactly complained.
She's stupid.

Well, hi, gus.
How you doing?


Could be doing
a lot better.

Evening, miss delong.

I want to thank you
for your phone call,

Taking an interest
in my child.

The law
can't help me.

The law can
and will help.

Not in any way
that would help me.

Y'all know gus, chief?

[Bill] well.

Quite well.

He's the father
of the girl we saw

Munching on
frank davenport's neck.

Oh, I see.

The girl was not
an unwilling partner.

She's about as unwilling
as salome was.

[Telephone rings]

[Dee] sparta
police department.

Yes, sir.

What's the address?

Is that your home?

All right, sir.

We'll send someone
out there right away.

There's a man
disturbing the peace

Out at laurel road.

Get out here,

You want a piece of me?

Then fight me yourself!

Come on!

Fight me yourself!

Show me how tough
you are!

I'm right here, man!


What's your name, son?


What happened
to your face?

Two guys jumped me
outside a bar.

They were
davenport's men.

Well, you're going
to have to settle down

'Cause I can't let you
keep doing this.

It was his men.

They told me
they was whupping me

Because I wasn't
loyal to him.

And who were these men?

I don't know.

They bagged my face
before they started on me.

So you never saw them.

Have you gone
out of your head?

What are you doing
screaming threats at me?

Whoa! No.

Get off me!
I got something
to settle.

It ain't your business.

The way you're
going about it
is my business.

Davenport, this fella
said your men beat him up.

He's a liar.

The guys named you!

Whatcha know about it?

Nothing. I can't be
held responsible

Every time somebody
mentions my name.

I been home all night.

This ain't going
to get settled now,

And you need a doctor.

[Bubba] look,
officer everett's right.

And after that,
we'll go hunting
for witnesses. O.k.?

There were no witnesses.

He set it up that way.

I ain't going to have
to take you in, am i?

No. I'll leave.

Let us take you
to the hospital.

I'll take care
of myself.

And later...

I'm going to
take care of you,
too, davenport.

You coward.

Cindy, hurry up!

Hurry up, cindy!

[Honk honk honk]


Cindy, will you hurry up?

Cindy, you're going
to make me late again.

I'm sorry.

Professor hudson
has found lots
of artifacts.

He just needs more time.

I'm against asking
for an extension.

The first order
was to look for
a burial ground.

We couldn't find one.

So we have to designate
the area historically

That would give us
days to excavate.

I'm worried davenport
might abandon the project

If he gets
more opposition.

If we set
this precedent,

It could discourage
businesses from
coming here.

I say no.

I've heard this argument.

I sympathize
with the builder,

But business values
can't be our only

There's also
historical value.

There's cultural value.

I've heard these arguments.
I move to vote.


Didn't go too well?

They voted
against it.

They start
bulldozing tomorrow.

Oh, I'm sorry, harriet.

Can you believe it?

Yes. Frankly, I can.

Times are hard.
People want to work.

The council knows that.

But they should know
life is made of
many elements.

Work is just
one of them.

You could be wrong.

Maybe, but that
is the way I feel.

Well, I've just
been waiting here
to find out

About dinner.

I'm sorry, bill.
I can't.

I got to get us
some more time.

I'm going to fax
every historical committee

And black civic group
I know.

Can't you try
one more time

To reach some
kind of compromise
with davenport?

He won't compromise.

And I have to do
what I have to do.

Bill, I didn't learn
any black history

Until I got to college

Because it wasn't
considered important.

It's years later,

And it's still not
considered important.

I'll talk to you later.

Yeah, I'll call you back
in a little while.

Excavation with a spoon.

This is going
to take a while.

Looking for
tiny fragments...

No comment,
all right?

Hey, bill.


All is serene, I trust.

Yeah, I'm happy to say.

Hey, that looks like
a lot of fun,

Don't it, bobby?

Looks boring.

Listen, there's a story
behind every little
piece they find.

The interesting part
is later

When they tell us
what it all means.

Let me see.
Oh, that's great.

Thank you.

Hey, guys,
these are furnace clamps.

Earlier we found
candle molds and ladles.

They're all
made by slaves.

See, plantations had
to be as self-sufficient
as possible,

And it took a lot
of highly skilled people
to run one.

Yeah, what
do you want?

Where's davenport?

Ain't here. Where is he?

I don't know.

Tell me or I'll break
every bone in your face.

I think he went home.

Better not bother him.
He's with his girl.

He'd soon k*ll you
as look at you.

[Starts engine]


Is that the doorbell?

Yes. That's because
you took the phone
off the hook.

I told you someone
wants you real bad.

If that's dale again,

He's going to get
his butt kicked.

Should I put the phone
back on the hook?

Throw the phone
out the window.

[Ding-dong, ding-dong]

Oh, my god.

This is such
an ignorant thing to do.

I want my daughter.

This is in
such bad taste.

Get cindy.

She doesn't want
to see you, dad.

She finds you disgusting.

I come to take her home.


What do you want
to do with her?


Paramedics are working
on mr. Davenport
now, chief.

Really looks like
he was entertaining company.

Lonnie thinks
he knows who it is.

Girl named cindy jenk.

Underage girl?

Just turned .

I think her father
gus did it.

I saw him looking
for davenport.

I should've stopped him.

But that kid dale
might've done it.

He threatened davenport
in front of me.

Dale's not the type.

Is gus jenk the type?

Oh, yeah.
He is the type deluxe.

Let's pick up gus jenk,
and let's pick up
dale, too.

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

What's up?

Dale, you got
to come down
to the station.


What time is it?

Your boss has been shot.
Get some clothes on.

Covey, stay with him.

Go ahead.
I'm right with you.

Gus jenk!

Police, jenk.

Hey, you find anything?

Nothing here.

Parker, you there?

Go ahead, bubba.

Old gus ain't here.
Better put out an apb.

You make any calls
from home?

No. Why?

Maybe you got
an alibi.

I hope you have.

How can I sh**t anybody
when I was asleep?

Everybody wants
to believe you, dale,

But a police officer
saw you going
after davenport.

We picked up
your apb on jenk.

I've got a couple
of cars patrolling
the county line.

That boy dale
didn't do it.

Now where'd y'all
pick him up?

He was at home.
Covey and I got him.

Dale lives on
the other side
of town from davenport.

I checked his car.
His engine was cold.

Could he have
gotten there
any other way?

Sure. I just think
he's innocent.

He's real innocent,

All right.

The man I want
to see now is gus jenk.

Dr. Langley,
extension , please.

Even if davenport
comes to,

He isn't going
to be able
to talk to you.

I just feel
I ought to be here.

Where's cindy jenk?

The fact that
she isn't here

Makes us think
she must be
with her daddy,

Though not by choice.

Boy, when
davenport recovers,

I'm going to try very hard
to negotiate with him

Like you suggested.

Miss delong?


I'm sorry.
The patient
didn't make it.

Thank you.

Come on.

I don't want to.
Please leave me here.

Leave me alone.

I'll leave you here
with a b*llet
in your head!

Now, come on!

You're sure it's not
a husband and wife?

No. Father and daughter.

And just like
that description
y'all put out.

What kind of car?

Pontiac sedan,
maroon, not too old.

You go out front.
I'll cover the back.

Thank you.

Stop that.

Get your hands off.

I'm sick of
your hands on me.

Shut up. Just
get in this car.

You're getting
in there.


He k*lled
my boyfriend!
He shot him dead!

He was going
to k*ll me, too!

She don't mean that.

I mean it!
You're a k*ller.

[Rings doorbell]


I didn't get fish

'Cause you said
you'd get it.

Well, I didn't.

Bobby bought beef.

He got some excellent
ground round

With a touch
of sausage
blended in.

Why no fish?

We eat so much fish

I think
I'm growing a fin.

I bought some rolls
for burgers,

And I bought some
beautiful mexican
chilies for garnish.

[Hip-hop music plays]

What is the matter?

I can't stop
thinking about

How I set that man up
to be k*lled.

You didn't set
the man up.

You didn't want
that to happen.

No, I didn't.

All you wanted was
to warn a widow man

About what his
underage daughter
was doing.

I should have
done that myself.

You did
the right thing.

And you had
no way of knowing

What kind of man
gus jenk was.

Well, let's have
no more about this now.

What about the digs?

What's the news
from there?

The news is,

Davenport's partners
are going ahead
with the subdivision,

And they'll let us
keep digging
at the same time.

So I'm happy.

I didn't want sparta
to lose those jobs.

I'm chef.
Somebody set the table.

That's me.
Who's cleaning up?

Miss stella
does the washing

When she comes
in the evening.

Can we have some
different music maybe?

Yeah, yeah.
But let this one
play out.

When did you
get into rap?

I am not into rap.

I hate rap.

But if I'm ever
going to get this guy

To listen to
don giovanni,

I'll have to listen
to a little salt-n-pepa,

A little ice cube.

What's that bunch
you were listening to
this morning?

Public enemy.

Public enemy!

Oh. How appropriate
in the home
of a police officer.

There you go.