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07x19 - Hard Choices

Posted: 05/19/23 10:01
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[Engine sputters]

Come on, man.

Come on.

Keep it up, man,

You're going to
flood the sucker.

Aw, man.

Why you
breaking down now

After all
this traveling?

Want to run a tag check
while I talk to him?

All right.

I have a green buick--



Hey, how you doing?
Need some help?

Well, seems like
my engine here
just, uh...

Up and died on me.

Where are you from? From nashville.

What's your name?

Uh, my name is
uh, zack hayes.

Here's my license.

O.k., Zack.

There's a mechanic
up the road.

I'll call you a tow.

Just make sure
you keep it
against the curb.

Anything? Yeah.

Owner--buster hayes.


Took out of here
two years ago.

There's still
a warrant out on him
for an as*ault.

But he's .

This kid could be
a relative.


Hey, bubba. Yeah?

Lookee here.

Buster hayes
beat up carl buford

After buford
took a shot at
buster's youngest

For so-called

Buster hayes
back in town?

Uh, no.

But, uh...
Buster's oldest, zack,
he's back in town.

Well, zack hayes
is bad news, too,

Just like his daddy. Mm-hmm.

Oh, parker,
will you do me a favor?

If eugene glendon calls,
tell him I can't wait.

I got to meet
the track team
at the school.

Didn't he graduate
last june?

Yeah. I'm helping him
try out for a scholarship.

[Knock on door]

H-- hi. What a surprise.

You about
to start work?

Uh, no.
Bill's coming by.

We're going to
have some lunch.

So this is
where you meet.

This is the studio
where I paint.

And when
you're not painting?

What are you saying,

Why are you sneaking
up to this place

When the whole town
knows everything?

I don't care what
the whole town knows.

Then what you
sneaking up here for?

Why don't you just
go live with him
in his house?

There's a thing
called discretion,

And in this town--

But what you call

I call hypocrisy.

And I call you
mean and unfair.

Remember pride, mama?

Or have you lost that
along with your common sense?

Man, I still think
that was kind of silly

Not to take the ride
with the tow.

Nah, nah.

I don't like
his face.

I don't want him
getting too familiar
with mine.

Check it.

This here going
to work out
even better.

How so?

For what we going
to do, partner,

It's better that
we ain't got
our own wheels.

Ah, think about it.

I don't like
that face, neither.

And that face
sure don't like
your face.

Man, we'll soon be gone
from this sorry town.

Look, man,
you know for sure
about that money?

I think I know.

Right now, man,
that's the best
I can say.

Oh, yo. Yo,
here comes a brother.

Thanks, man.

[Engine sputtering]

Hey, eugene. How you doing, mac?

She's purring now.

Fuel pump, right? No.


Let me just
get your keys.

I got a call...

To tow this here
buick here earlier.

It belongs to...
Zack hayes.

He's back?

Says he's
passing through.

That's good.

I can't figure how
your buddy justin

Could be hanging
with a dude like that.

Him... And another fellow.

Say what?

I'm telling you...

He drove him here.

They followed
their car here.

Got something
out of the trunk,

And I heard them
talking about

Going over to
carl buford's

Convenience store.

Why, they shouldn't
be going over there.

Justin drove him
to buford's?

I think so.

Justin can be a jerk.


Ha ha.




All that good stuff.

Ha ha.

We be three minutes,
that's all.

There's another place
up the street.

Why buy anything from
the meanest white man
in the state?

'Cause we want to
give him the business.

What do you mean?

Wait'll you see.

Why is he
going around back?

To find a toilet,
I guess.

I'm going
in the front.

[Door opens]got to go.

Um, call you back.

[Door closes]

You not from
around here,

Are you, boy?

No, sir, I'm not.

What do you want?

I just want
a few items.

Pick 'em out fast...


And get going.

[Music plays]


Man, what you doing
driving these dudes
around for?

I'm helping out
till they get
their wheels fixed.

Brought them
to carl's?

They wanted
to come here.

Where's hayes?

He went around back.

This man buford...

Remembers who
zack hayes is...

He'll pull a g*n
and k*ll him.

You see what you need?

You got any ice?

Right there.





You got any charcoal?

In the back.

All the way
in the back.

All the way
against the wall.


They're starting
something in there.


What'd I tell you?
Get the hell out of here!

Come on!
Split, man! Move!

Move it!


Can't help thinking.


That somewhere
you agree with your son.

Somewhere I do.

And all this,
you and me...

You don't think
it's quite right.


It's the most
natural thing
in the world,

And yet you just...
Can't get used to it.


You think you ever will?



Then, um...

What happens to love?

Nothing happens
to mine.

What's going on?

Talk to me.

Not now, all right?

What you been doing?

Shush, will you, daphne?

What you going to do,
stare at the wall?


And what am I
supposed to do,

Stare at you staring?

You do what you want.


I want to eat.

I'm starving.

All right.

Look, I'm sorry.

Let's go.


I think you got
too many problems
for me.


Bubba, come in, please.

Yeah, parker.
Go ahead.

About that jeep
carl described...

It's registered to...
Eugene glendon.

Oh, I hate hearing that.

Yeah. Lonnie's going
to hate it, too,

But there it is.

Anything on
that ' jeep?

Yes, sir.
I'm sorry to say
there is.

Well, who owns it?

Eugene glendon--

Harriet delong's son.

Well, sir,
what should I do?

I want to talk
to the kid.

Bring him in.

Yes, sir.

[Music plays]

There it is.

Hi.good afternoon.

Were you at buford's
convenience store

Any time today,
mr. Glendon?



I wouldn't
give that guy
any business.

Owner said
he saw your jeep.

He's been with me.

And your name is?


Eugene's been with me
pretty near all day.

All right. Um...

Eugene, chief forbes
wants to see you.

Am I under arrest?

Nah. No.

But we'd like you
to drive miss daphne home

And come down
to the station.

Why should he? Daphne...

I'm on a long

They say jump...

I got to jump.

What are you
talking about?

The guy in the jeep
asked for directions.

And you don't
know him?

I don't.

Looks like
eugene glendon to me.

Is he? Huh?maybe.

I don't know.

Your folks
keep money
in this house?


Then where
they keep it?

In the bank!

I thought you just
stole some money.



The dude had a total
of $ . In his till!

That's all!

So you pulled in
and talked to your friend.

What'd you tell him?

I told him to
get out of there.

But he couldn't
'cause he was
driving his buddies.


He had no choice.

A guy came out...

With a g*n.

He wasn't involved.

I wasn't involved.

Well, why were you
all there together?

That man buford
says all four of you
were involved.

Buford's a r*cist.

The worst.

Lonnie, please
explain buford
to the chief.

buford being a r*cist
isn't the point.

Some black guys
tried to hold him up.

You said so yourself.

Tell us your friend's name.

You were supposed to
meet me this afternoon.

What happened to that?

I had to pick up
my car first.

This thing
doesn't make sense.

What does
make sense, mama?

You and I never seem
to agree about that.

Well, here we go again.

I'm out of here.

Thank you.

You couldn't
meet jamison

'Cause you had to
follow me to my studio.

I--i didn't plan that.

I'll call you a lawyer
in the morning.


Are you going to
let me into my house?

Suppose I were
to say to you

That all
the household expenses--

Groceries for a week,

Gas for both cars,

All the things
at the dry cleaners,

And your mountain of
overdue library books--

Is all on you?

You just said it.

Suppose I were
to mean it, eugene?

[Telephone rings]



Mrs. Delong...

I got a little message
for your boy.

Who is this?

Tell him he better
keep his mouth shut...

If he wants to make it
through this here week.

You can save your threats.

My son has no idea
who you are.

Well, we know
who he is...

And who you are...

And where you live.

[Door closes]

Whoever you think
you're protecting

Certainly isn't
returning the favor.

They just
made a threat
on your life...

And on mine, too.

Dr. Kent,
extension , please.

Dr. Kent,
extension .

Morning, carl.morning.

You want to say hello
to police chief forbes here?

Carl, the suspect
who was driving
the ' jeep

Claims he was just
an innocent bystander.

You believe that?

I believe him.

So do i.

Then I'm jesse jackson.

You believe that?

No, but you believe
some lowlife black punk

Who came to blow
my head off.

Who do you mean, carl?

That's the new
american justice.

The report we got
was that one young man

Was forced at gunpoint
to drive away by two others.

Could that be
what you saw?

I told you
what I saw--

Two inside sh**ting,
two outside waiting--

Four colored boys
out on a holdup.

Old familiar stuff.

And if you want
to leave the matter

To old familiar
american justice,

I'll see that
you get that, too.

You talking stupid, carl.

Oh, no.

I can find me
a few fellows

That'd be more than happy

To help me do
the right thing.

Now you're threatening

To commit a serious crime,
mr. Buford,

And I know how to
prevent that crime.

I'll be home by : .

I'll call you
if I get through
to sarah hallissey,

So stay close to home.


When this is over...

I better find
another home.

I can't be living
with you no more.

So, you and dad
have been doing o.k.?

The weather's been
good for you?


It's been pretty quiet
around here.

Oh, all right.

See you later?

What time do you think
you'll get home?


Bye, mama.



Justin. Man, buford
identified my car.

Where's hayes
and his buddy?

I took them
to the bus station.

Why you sound so funny?

I just woke up.

Look, man,
I'm in trouble.

You got to
tell the cops
what you know

And what they
made you do.


Go see
the new chief.

He's a brother.

A pretty nice guy.

He'll believe you
if you go on your own

And don't wait
to be brought in.

Um, let me
call you back, man.

Hey, eugene.

Hey, lonnie.

Listen, do you know
because of all this,

They could make you
serve your sentence?

Lonnie, I know.

There won't be
any hearings or trials.

They'll just
put you in prison.

I don't want
that to happen.

So tell me
your friend's name
and where he is.

I want him to
give his own name.

I asked him
to go down

And tell you
what happened.

Is he going to?

I don't know.

[Telephone rings]

Well, eugene, remember,

One of the men
in that store
was k*lled.

That's m*rder.

The heat is on real high
on this thing.

All right.


They wanted to know
if you were safe.

They wanted what?

They wanted to be sure
you'd be cool.

Tell him to come
in the jeep.

Your jeep
working o.k.? Yeah, man.

Good. Bring it.


You should come here
so we can talk.

: .

Let's say about : .

Can you make it?

All right.
I'll be there.



Station, come in. Go ahead.

Peake and sand
on nugent
by the railroad.

Chief forbes,
lieutenant jamison.

Chief forbes here, pete.
Come on.

Got a listing
on a phone

In touch with
miss delong's house.

Is jamison getting this?

I'm getting it, chief.
Go ahead, pete.

Listing is
carver w. Coates.

It's an old listing.

Address--elders lane,
number .

I know that man.

Local beer
Quite well off.

He's got two
married daughters,

And his son justin
is a high school
debate captain.

If he's eugene's friend,

He might not
talk about him.

They might be
getting together.

That's what
the conversation
was about.

If they all
getting together,

This time
it's not by chance.

It's by appointment.

What are we supposed
to make of that?

Those two
didn't go in on
a holdup together.

That's all I can say.

That's all?

That's saying a lot,

Yes, sir,
but that's one of
the wonderful things

About living in
a small town

Is that
you know everybody.

You can say
whether somebody
did this or that

Or didn't do
anything at all.

And I suppose
you could be
wrong, too, huh?

Excuse me?

You ever been wrong
about any of these people
you know so well?

Yes, sir, but...

Poor eugene. He got
mixed up in the drug
thing a year ago,

Though he didn't
have anything
to do with it.

And he doesn't
have anything
to do with this.

Chief, he's
a good student
and a hard worker.

Any difficulties
at home?

Well, I don't
want to pry.

Well, it's just that
eugene and I

Haven't been on
the best of terms

Anything specific?

Uh, hamp,
he just doesn't like me.


I can't add much more
than anything you all
have already said.

Withholding evidence
is a serious offense.

He knows what
can happen to him.

Then why doesn't
eugene cooperate?

Maybe he has the notion
that anything he says

Will help carl buford
pin a m*rder on him.

He may be right
about that.

Can buford do it?

I've got to see
that he doesn't.

You all excuse me.

Yeah, me, too,

Uh, hamp, let me
talk to you.

Eugene and I
had a bitter run-in

About bill and me

Are you going
to work it out?

I don't know.

Is eugene going
to win this one?

Nobody wins.

I'm afraid we're
all going to be
losers in this.

Damn! Cops out front.
Come on!

Whatcha doing, man?
Cops out front.

Come on.
Grab your g*n.

Get your mind in gear.
Move. Move.

Hey, parker, a car
just took off out back.

They must be headed
for catawba.

Call out a description,
and get us backup.

Luann to anybody.
Parker and I need backup.

Any light blue car
headed up catawba,
we want him.

Where does this go? Back to town.

I don't want
to go there.

Make the next left.


When did you tell him
he could pick up his car?

I didn't know,

But I ain't done
a lick of work on it.

They talked about
going to buford,

But I didn't put
two and two together

Until I heard
about the sh**ting.

Well, that will
help us, mac.
Thank you.

[Engine starts]

Man, how far
we going to get
with no money?

Maybe your folks
going to have
some money, huh?

Let's go wait
for them.

No, man. We should
split from here, man.

The cops will be
crawling all over
justin's place.

Why? They don't think
we over there.

[Clock chimes]

[Telephone rings]

Sheriff's office.
Deputy surillo.

Yes. Yes.

Your name again?

Yes, ma'am.

It's councilwoman


Yes, harriet?

Bill, eugene's not here,

And I don't know
where he went.


Well, now,
don't always
expect the worst.

Well, I think
maybe he went to
find his friend.

Is there anything
you can do?

Let me call you back. [Telephone ringing]

Sheriff's office.
Deputy surillo.

Got it.

Three young black men
just stole a
tan dodge sedan.

From where?

Alley behind
monroe street.

Here's the printout
on zack hayes.

Armed robbery
in alabama

And wanted for m*rder
in tennessee.

Hey, justin.

You around?


Oh, man.

How much bread
you got on you, man?

Chief forbes here.

Stolen vehicle
was headed west
on route ,

A half mile east
of the intersection

With north/south .

Hey, y'all,
I'm a quarter mile from .

He heads south,
we head north,

We could try
and sandwich him.


Get out.

Come on. Come on!

You want me
to sh**t him?

What's that going
to get you?

Behind you, zack!

You going to be o.k.
On these steps?

I was o.k. Yesterday.

You know,
your mama's right

About avoiding
these contacts.

Man, if I'm as careful
as she wants me to be,

I'll stay in the house
all day every day

Until my probation's up.

I got another five months
to go on that.

Well, you could
get that shortened,
by the way.

Yeah, sure, I can...

If I show
my probation officer

Where it's interfering
with something important
I'm doing.

And at the moment,

There ain't nothing
important for me
to be doing.

I can't get a job
in this town,

Much less one that'll
keep me too busy

To see
my probation officer.

If you said you wanted
to go to college--

I don't want
to go to college.

I heard something about
a scholarship in track.

I was going
to try for one...

But after this...

I'm lucky if I can
walk fast,

Never mind run.

You can always
go to college as
a regular student.

Maybe in a year or two,

If I can pay
my own way.

I don't want to take
from my mama--for nothing.

Um, my car
is over here.

Nah, I got some places
to be later.

You figuring to
drive yourself?

If I can get in it,

I can drive it.


Of course, now,
if the police chief

Was to tell me
I can't...

Well, then
I wouldn't drive,

'Cause I'm on
probation, see?

And I got
to do everything
the police tell me.

I'm not going
to tell you
what to do, eugene.

You've got
a driver's license.
Your mind is clear.

You know what you can do
and what you can't do.

If now you was
to drive that thing

And cause damage
or injury to
other people,

Well, I'm sure you got
an answer for that.

You got an answer
for everything else.

O.k. I'm o.k.

I can stand
by myself. Thanks.

Eugene, came down
to give you a ride
if you want it.

Yeah, lonnie.
I'll go with you.


He's something, isn't he,
that kid of mine?

One on the end.
The far right.

He's the one
k*lled luke.

Anybody else there?


What about this?

What about this one?

That's him.

That's the one shot me.

Looks like my services
are no longer required.

Thanks, sarah.

Yes. Thanks,
miss hallissey.

How's your hip?

Well, doctors say
I might have
to replace it.

Won't know for a while.

If you'll excuse me,
I need to leave.

Yeah. Me, too.
See you all soon.

They say this hip, uh...

Give me snow
and rain warnings.

Well, uh,
still and all,

I'd tune in to
the weatherman
if I were you.