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07x18 - The Rabbi

Posted: 05/19/23 10:00
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪


Didn't that used to be
a methodist church?

The methodists moved.
It's a synagogue now.

I didn't know sparta
had a lot of jews.

It doesn't,
but there's some
in kenard and mayfield.

This'll be
for all of them.

This ain't the time
to be doing this.
The cops just passed.

If they just passed,
it sure is the time.

Come on, pete.
Let's bust 'em.

This is
something to tell
your grandkids about.

Rabbi, reach me
the tape, please.

[Glass breaking]

Call the police!

Come on, pete,
do it.


Come on!

Cops said o.k.,
They're coming.

Oh, lottery tickets.

Yes, ma'am.
I play every week.

Do you know the odds
against winning?

Yeah. Well, that's
why I play twice.

Doubles my chances.

That's pretty shrewd,

Yes, sir.

Good morning,
ms. Delong.

lieutenant jamison.
Is he in a meeting?

Yes, ma'am.
They're breaking up now.

Is that rabbi feldman?

Yes, it is.

I'd love to see him.
Could I go in?

Sure, come on through

Hello, ms. Delong.

Councilwoman delong,
what brings you here?

I'm delivering
your invitation

To speak before
the women's club.

Hello, harriet.

Hello, hillel.
Is everything all right?

Could be better,
to tell the truth.

Are you two
old friends?

I knew hillel
when I was a kid.

And a very cute kid
you were.

I knew him before
he became a rabbi.

He used to clerk
in his daddy's store.

That's right, chief.

My daddy owned
a five-and-dime in sparta.

Not many people
remember that, harriet.

Not many people
remember me, either.

Well, you've been gone
a long time.


And we're all very happy
to have you back.

Mmm...not all.

Rabbi's having trouble
out at the synagogue.


Three times
in two weeks.

I found garbage dumped
around the synagogue.

Then, the mailbox
was stolen,

And this morning,
two boys
broke some windows.

Do you know
who they are?

No. The rabbi, uh,

He got their
license plate number.
We're looking for them.

Thank you for your
attention, chief forbes.

Yes, sir.

Harriet, always nice
to see you.

Real pleasure.

Does bill
know about this?

No, I don't think so.

Please, don't bring him in.
It won't do any good.

It might make things worse.

Really? Why?

Bill gillespie is corrupt
and an anti-semite.

Harriet, it pains me

To say that
in front of you.

I've heard about
you and gillespie.

I found it
hard to believe.

But so be it.

You should
only be happy,

As my father
used to say.

But I was
asked a question.

I'm sure
I told the truth.

And...i'm sorry.


I don't know.

I don't know
what to say.

How are you doin',

Mornin', bill.

All these
beautiful cars here,

They came to us
in drug raids.

There's twice as many
coming through here
this year as last year.

Yeah, these are nice,
all right.

going to like them.

He sure is.

Now, what
can I do for you?

We're having some
trouble out at
the new synagogue.

It's been vandalized
a couple of times.

Happened again today.

Much damage?

Pretty much,
in dollars, anyway.

Two stained glass windows
were broken this morning.


Our patrols
are kind of stretched.

Can you assign
a couple of cars out there?

When do you want them?

Today too soon?

They'll be there.

Uh, bill...

When the rabbi
was in my office,

He said something
kind of strange.

Something to...

Something to do
with me?


He called you a r*cist,

An anti-semite.

Harriet was there, too.

She was
as surprised as i.


I wondered how...

Feldman felt

After all these years.

I'm sorry that harriet
was there to hear that.

How do you explain
his accusation?

I don't know how...

And, so...

I don't want to try.

I just don't
want to try, hamp.

I'll see you.

You don't understand,
mr. Osborne.

We didn't buy
this building.

It was given to us.

You can't sell a gift.

Sure you can.
It's done all the time.

If it's a question
of price--

I'm not going
to bargain with you.

Never thought
I'd hear a jew say that.

You learned
something today.

Your trip here
wasn't a total loss.

I'm gonna bring this
to your congregation,

You can't decide
for everyone.

What's the matter
with pat osborne?

Mr. Osborne wants
to buy the property.

I won't sell. Come inside.
I'll show you around.

All right.

Well, if you don't
look at the windows,

looks very nice.

I was very surprised
when you came back here.

Actually, I feel
more affection
for this temple

Than my last place.

I spent years
in this big synagogue
in new york.

The people
were very gracious,

But I never
felt at home.

You really missed us,


I missed the south,


In spite of myself.

Here, I want to show you
something special.


Harriet, you know
my daughter rivka?

Oh, yes.
We've met in town.

I'm terribly sorry
about all the trouble,

Thank you, ms. Delong.

This is our torah.

I've never seen one
up close before.

It's the first five books
of the bible, isn't it?

Yes, the pentateuch,

The books of moses,

And it's a new one,

So, we're going
to have a ceremony,

In effect, marrying
the congregation

To god's word.

It's really
very beautiful.

It takes a scribe
a year to make one.

If he makes a mistake
while writing
any reference to god,

He must bury the page,
say a prayer, and start again.

It sounds like
an expensive process.

Very expensive.

It costs
about $ , .

It's an extravagance

For a small

But it's worth it.

What you said
about bill gillespie

Upset me very much.

Again, I'm sorry.

I should've
held my tongue.

I find it hard to
believe your accusation.

Old stuff.
Not your concern.

Forget it.

What did he do?

Let him tell you.

It's his responsibility.

All right.
I'll do that.

You've made your friend
unhappy, daddy.

I know that, sweetheart,

And I know
you don't understand
my stubbornness.

You yourself said
it was old stuff.

Can't you let it go?


There's some things
I can't let go.

Excuse me.

Does kevin powell
live here?


Are you mr. Powell?

That's right.

I don't believe
we've met before.

I'm sergeant
parker williams.

This is lieutenant
lonnie jamison.

What do you want
with kevin?

We want to ask him
what he was doing
outside the synagogue

When it was vandalized.


The jewish synagogue
on catawba street

Where the old
methodist church
used to be.

Why would
he be over there?

We were hoping
he could tell us,

Or maybe
you might know.

The witness described
him and another kid,

Said he was
driving a pickup,

And they wrote down
the license plate number.

[Vehicle approaches]

Well, sir, is he
afraid of something?

Why should he be?

Mr. Powell,

I don't aim
to chase your son
around town all day.

You better tell him
to come to the station.

He's in trouble,
and running won't help him.

[Glass breaking]

I came in my normal way,

And the door was locked.

I unlocked it.

Were the rest
of the doors locked?

Well, I didn't check.

About what time
was that?

About : .

Is there anybody else
who's got keys
to this place?

You'll have to ask
the rabbi who they are.

I don't know their names.

Are we almost through?

This will take forever
to clean up.

Sure. Go on about
your business, mr. Bix.

It's more than mischief
this time, chief.

They stole their torah.

It's the most
valuable thing they got.

There's another
broken window back there,

But I don't think
that's where they came in.

Looks like they broke it
from the inside,

'Cause all the glass
is on the outside.

Better go find
kevin powell
and his mystery friend.

Right on it.

I'm sorry, rabbi.

Deeply sorry.

I told everybody

Services would start
next week.

Maybe you should
just go home, huh?

I can't leave.

I just can't leave.

I can't.

Seen the heraldtoday?

Not yet.

I'll bet you
harriet delong's
read it.

We're gonna
have to deal

With these att*cks
on the jewish community,

And I mean now.

Let me guess, harriet.

You want us
to put up the money
to repair their synagogue.

I'm sorry.
We aren't compromising

The separation
of church and state.

This is not about
a religion.

It's about
our community.

Aren't you
going overboard?

We've got three,
four jews in town.

Colmer has a point,

Colmer has no point.

We lent a bus
to the baptists

To transport kids
to their camp.

Colmer was
in favor of that.

We all were.

All right.
Let's start talking.

Yes, let's.

But let's get
one thing straight.

Sparta, mississippi,
is a christian community.

All right...

[Doorbell rings]

Would one of you
answer the door, please?

I'm on the phone.


Ha ha ha ha!

I'm hungry. Want
to go for pizza?

I don't want
to go outside.

I do. Let me
borrow your truck.

You know my ma's
car's broke.

Let's just scrounge
through the fridge.

Dad, what's up?

The cops came
looking for you again.

what's this about?

Nothing, ma.
Don't worry.

They said
you stole something.

No, we just
broke some windows.


We were just
horsin' around, ma.

Here, take this
and buy some supplies.

Go to the cabin
for a couple of days.

go with him.

This is crazy.

We should
call the police...
And straighten this out.

Go on, guys.

Hiding in a cabin
will only
cause more trouble.

Kevin, take off.

Pete, if the police
ask you any questions,

Don't tell
on your friend.

My son will do
what's right.

Who do you
think you are?

Just a father,
that's all.


Hold it!

You just made
a bad thing
much worse, son.

More of your
second-rate pickin's?

This is
something special.

Ain't interested.

Just take a look.

So what is it?

It's the
jew holy scrolls.

It's worth thou.

To who?

To anybody.
It's art.

Bix, this is
no ordinary item.

People in sparta
wouldn't buy it.

How much can we get
out of town?

Well, I don't know.

You have to
leave it with me.

I'll see what
I can find out.

You think I'm stupid?

I've got to make
some phone calls

And maybe
describe it to people,

Show it
to some people.

You'll have to give me
some front money, then.

If you want to try to
sell it somewhere else,
you can,

Or trust me.

You do me wrong,


You'll be sorry.

[Door opens and closes]

Did kevin tell you
we were looking for him?

No, sir.

Do you think he knew?

I think maybe.


'Cause he didn't want
to go out of the house.

I've got all I need.

Mrs. Retson,

Would you see
sergeant williams
on your way out?

I'd like you to
sign your statement,

I will.
Thank you, chief forbes.

Thank you.

And, you,
you're lucky

I don't keep you
locked up downstairs
till your hearing.

I knew your daddy.

I know.

He'd be ashamed
of all this.

I reckon he would of.

Bill, I don't know
what to do.

I'm sorry, ma.
I wasn't thinking.

I want you to
think about this, boy.

It's your own
private affair

Whether you like people
or you don't like them,

But if you insult them

Or offend them
or hurt them,

It becomes
everybody's affair.

You hear me?

Yes, sir.

Why am I waiting?

Where's the chief?

He's on his way,
mr. Powell.

Believe it or not,
my time is valuable.

Your son's under arrest.
Isn't that
worth your time?

Mrs. Retson says

The boys were
at her house all night.

They're cleared
of the theft.

Well, then
kevin can go.

No, sir,
he can't go.

We're charging him
with vandalism,

Resisting arrest,

And assaulting
a police officer.

It was self-defense.
He hit me first.

Lieutenant jamison.

Kevin knows
what happened.

Tell them, kevin.

Don't say
another word.

You let me
do the talking

Till we get
a lawyer.

Then you let him
do the talking.

Do you know
other people's rights

As well as
you know your own?

You can
stonewall me,

But not a judge.

Thank you for
your concern, sheriff.

I know you're busy.

It means a lot to us.

That's all right.


Thank you, sir.

All right. Go on.

Is this going to be
a repeat of ' ?

This has nothing to do
with the past.

Do you know that kid?

I happen to.

You know him,
and you let him walk.

And you're telling me
this has nothing to do
with the past?

Does nothing change
with you?


Are you here
to see me?

Yes. I asked you

Not to involve the sheriff
in this matter.

I don't trust him.

He is ill-disposed
toward our people.


Stay away from us.

Stay out
of our lives.

I know I agreed to eat
more vegetables, mona,

But don't you think
you're going overboard?

When you cook up
all this good stuff,

It reduce a lot.

Yes, but the point
that I'm trying
to make is this--

I really don't think

That I need greens
at every meal.

You need the roughage.

What happen to your car
if you don't put
oil in it?

It seize up.

The same thing
will happen to you
without roughage.

Seize up.

Mona, I think
you're verging

On an
indelicate subject.

Well, it's going
to have indelicate results

If you don't eat
what I cook.

[Horn honks]

Hi! Hey.

Bill, can I talk to you
for a minute?

Sure can.

Excuse me.

I got something
on my mind,

And it's
kind of heavy.


What's wrong
between you
and rabbi feldman?

I asked him
to tell me,

But he said it was
your responsibility
to tell me.

I suppose he's right
about that.

Well, what is it?

When you went away
to college,

The first jewish synagogue
in sparta
burnt to the ground.

It wasn't no accident.

You didn't have...

You weren't involved
in it.

I was one
of the bad guys.

I was a cop
on a r*cist police force.

We never arrested anybody,

Though everybody knew
who did it.

My chief buried
the evidence.

He sanctioned, uh,
that crime

rabbi feldman

Supported the civil rights
movement openly

And, uh, courageously.

You say everybody
knew about it.

Does that
include you?

Oh, yes.

And you just kept
your mouth shut?

I kept my mouth shut.

You didn't do anything?

I didn't do anything.

We'd like to see more,
mr. Zeigler.

Well, I have a rack
of new items
over here.

Why must we see more?
This is a big selection?

But not a good

That's why
it's marked down.

I like these slacks.

They're too

I wear this kind.

that's the point.

The market is kids.

They don't wear
this stuff.

I would've worn these
when I was a kid.

Rabbi, when were you
ever a kid?

Rabbi, mr. Zeigler.

Chief. What can
we do for y'all?

Maybe somebody
could introduce us.

Of course.
My daughter rivka,
chief forbes,

And this is
lonnie jamison.


How you doing?

Mr. Zeigler,

Rabbi feldman
tells me

That you handled
the purchase
of the torah.

We didn't really
purchase it.
We ordered it made.

Well, that's right.

I had to go
to baltimore
to find a scribe.

I felt sick when
it was stolen.

Maybe it was
too rich a thing
for this place.

You didn't want it?

I did.
Some people thought
we didn't need it

Or the temple.

People here
went to the one
in jackson.

They felt
it was convenient.

It's convenient
to some people

To have no temple
or jews at all.

Rivka, you weren't
even born

When the old temple
was burned.

Neither were
the people you mentioned.

They don't know
the fear

And the heartache
it caused.

They don't know
the feeling of pride

Of having a temple
in their community.

You have to understand,

Jews have been
in this community

Since before
the w*r between the states.

How many people knew
the true value of the torah?

The whole congregation.
We all donated
the money for it.

Do you have a list?

Yeah, in the back.

We have
adult congregants.

You're going
to interview them all?

Yeah, and we'll
start today.

Rabbi feldman...

I know there was a time

That you stood up
for your neighbors
when nobody else would.

Now, maybe some don't know
'cause they weren't around,

Like rivka.

I'll make sure they know.

Those who were around
but don't remember,

I'll make sure
they do.


You're welcome, sir.

Excuse me.


Hi again.

You doing all right?

We're fine.

He just wanted to do
some clipping
on those plots.

He says half our family's
in there,

Including his

I've got some
people here, too,
over yonder.

Oh, in the gentile part.


He wants to bring
my mother back here
and rebury her.

He wants to be
buried here, too.

Older people are funny,
aren't they,

Thinking about
stuff like that?

Yeah. I suppose.

So you plan on
staying on here
with your daddy?

I have to.
I'm all he has now.

Not too thrilled
about that, huh?

I'm scared here.

Well, I got
another question
for you, mr. Osborne.

Where were you
night before last?

I was with
my partner.

Call her.

Luke, check it out.

This is about
that trouble they had

Out at the synagogue,
isn't it?

Or roundaboutly.

I heard you had
a little trouble there

I don't recall
any trouble.

What about that argument
you had with the rabbi?

Just business.

His synagogue
sits next to land
of mine.

I offered to buy it,
and he refused.

I admit I yelled
at him.

Sometimes I yell
at people.

Miss susan ames
says mr. Osborne

Was with her
two nights ago.

She wants you
to call her.

I'm not surprised.
I'm going to call
the rabbi, too.

You going to yell
at him some more?

No. I'm going
to make him
another offer.

He may sell now.

There's a man
from birmingham

I want some money.

You going to get
some money.

I mean now.

Tell you what
we ought to do.

Come on.

There's $ , .
Take it.

Be done. That's it.

That ain't near enough.

It's the best
you'll do.

Forget it.

Give me back
the thing.

Give it!

Bix, if I was you...

I'd take the money.

Lot of money
for a boy like you.

Now you're thinking.

We found this
next to the body.

How you doin',

Fine, thank you.

Hey, bill.


This storekeeper
knew whoever it was
that k*lled him.

probably right.

Now, this is
miss shelba russell,

And she works
across the street.

We've known
each other a long time.

This is chief forbes.

How you doing,
miss russell?

Tell the chief
what you told me.

I was at work
all morning.


Tell the rest of it.

I seen a man
leave here

Carrying something...

Like a little rug
on pins.

Could it have been
he bought here?

He was running,
so I don't think
he bought it.

A little rug on pins.

Now, what does that
sound like?

Like something
we're looking for.

Excuse me.

Thank you,
miss russell.

Officer corbin here
will take
your statement.

Out this way, please,

Thank you,
miss shelba.

Whoever stole
that torah

Was trying to make it look
like just another case
of vandalism.

Yeah. I think
you're right, bill.

Everett, when you
first responded
to that call

At the synagogue,

Was there somebody there
with the rabbi?

Yes, sir.
The custodian.



Yes, sir.

What was the name
of that guy

That called in
the synagogue burglary?

Jack bix.
He's the custodian.

[Cars approach]

Hold it, bix!
You're under arrest!

You got no chance.

Don't be stupid.
Don't hurt her.

Just back off.

You're not going anywhere.

Just give up, man.

I'm going to give you
a choice.

Drop the knife now,

Or I will put
a slug through you.

The sheriff came
to speak with you,

Oh, no. Same as
You can keep it on.

Oh, yes. Of course.

I hope that's, uh,
still in good condition.

If it's damaged,
they have to bury it

And commission
a new one.

Bury the whole thing?

Don't worry
about it, gillespie.

All this should not
occupy any part
of your thoughts.

Well, I came,
rabbi feldman,

To see if there
was anything
I could do

To--to, uh...


Persuade you
that there is
a difference

Between yesterday
and today.

That is a fact.

I need
no persuasion.

Things change.

[Rabbi feldman]

People change.

That is not a fact.
That is an opinion.

In my opinion,
they seldom change.

Would you accept
my apology?



What, rivka, what?

You could have
a talk
with the sheriff.

About what?

About how and why
a known criminal

Was let go?

About how that dereliction
of duty assured the racists

They could persecute
without fear of the law?

How I took
your mother,

Who was
carrying you
at the time...

Away from here
to protect her?

I wanted to make amends.

You and I are neighbors.

The man who burned
my synagogue

Could be a neighbor.

You know him?

Do you?

He's dead.

It's dead.
It's all dead.

Thank you, child.

Well, you had
a very good idea.

It just didn't
work out.

You offered
an apology?

Oh, yeah.

I offered, uh,

What I hope
was a sincere apology,

But, uh...
He wouldn't accept it.

Can you blame him?

His daughter
was there.

She's kind of
a sweet girl.

I could tell

That she wanted
something good
to happen, but, uh...

You asked me
if I could blame him.


I can't blame
the man a bit.

I don't know
about this ceremony.

Whether I should go
or just stay away.

Well, now, the man
is a good friend of yours,
an old friend.

You like each other.

Why would you stay
away just for me?

I don't want you
to be alone,

Not right now.

I know you've

I love you.

But I wouldn't love you
if it wasn't right.

A person who writes
one character
in the torah

Was symbolically
at mount sinai.

It binds us
to god's wisdom

And , years
of history.

[Praying in hebrew]

"This is the torah
that moses sent

"To all the people
of israel

"At god's command

Through the hands
of moses."

[Singing ki hem hayeinu]

Chief forbes, we want you
to lead the procession

And hold the torah.

This is never done.

Excuse me. It was
done before

By alexander the great.

So by the principle
of darkei shalom,

We do this
to reaffirm

The solidarity of our peoples.

[Cantor praying in hebrew]

praying in hebrew]

I've had a tough time

Deciding the punishment
in this case.

The parents are going
to have to make
a large restitution here.

I wish I could
punish them as well.

What do you boys have
against rabbi feldman
and the jewish community?

The jews think
they can buy everything.

That used to be
a good baptist church.

Wrong. It was
a methodist church,

And the jewish community
didn't buy it.

It was a gift.

I know. I proposed it.

Sheriff gillespie.

Yes, your honor?

Are you prepared
to stand behind your offer?

Oh, yes, I am.

Very well.

Pete retson
and kevin powell

Will serve hours
of community service

by sheriff gillespie.

Pete retson,
you may go.

Kevin powell,
you stay.

You have further business
with this court.

Kevin powell,
have you

You really think
that sentence
is heavy enough?

Oh, I'll make it
heavy enough.

You really think
it's going to make
a difference, huh?

Well, see,
it's a matter
of conscience.

Their consciences
are asleep,

So I'm going
to do my best
to wake them up.