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07x16 - Ches and the Grand Lady

Posted: 05/19/23 09:59
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[String bass]

♪ I went down

♪ To the st. James
infirmary ♪

♪ To see my baby there

♪ She was lying
on a long white table ♪

♪ So sweet, so cool,
so fair ♪

♪ Went up
to see the doctor ♪

♪ She's very low,
he said ♪

♪ Went back
to see my baby ♪

♪ Great god! She was
lyin' there dead ♪

♪ Let her go,
let her go ♪

♪ God bless her

♪ Wherever she may be

♪ She may search
this wide world over ♪

♪ Never find
another man like me ♪

♪ Oh, when I die

♪ Please bury me

♪ In my high-top
stetson hat ♪

♪ Put a gold piece
on my watch chain ♪

♪ So they'll know
I died standing pat ♪

♪ Get six gamblers
to carry my coffin ♪

♪ Six chorus girls
to sing my song ♪

♪ Put a jazz band
on my tailgate ♪

♪ To raise hell
as we go along ♪

♪ Now that's the end
of my story ♪

♪ Let's have
another round of booze ♪

♪ And if anyone
should ask you ♪

♪ Just tell them

♪ I've got the st. James
infirmary blues ♪

Hi, lonnie. Hey, ches.

I'd like to meet
our new chief,
hampton forbes.

Hi, chief.

Ches, nice
to meet you.

So you're
from memphis.

That was my last roost.

New orleans, originally.

Big towns of mine
in the bad old days.

Don't you mean
the good old days?

If they were,
I'd still be there.

What was so bad
about them?

Everything but the money.

Ha ha!

Hi, chief.
Hi, lonnie.

Hey, al.

Not to interrupt, but
your very special party
just arrived.

Excuse me.

Ches, we're going
to have to talk to you
before we leave.

Are we?

About the threats
you've been getting.


When you're ready,

Uh, we'll all have
a chat backstage, huh?


Oh, ches!

Thank you.

Why don't you
ask him over?

The grand lady
just summoned me.

I might be
a few minutes.

Go ahead.

My diary tells me
it's been two years.

I'd have
guessed that.

You just get back? Today. Come.
Sit down.

Ches, dear, I want to hear
gray sundays in.

You shall hear it.

You're looking well.

So are you.

You look nice
in mufti.

Well, thank you.
I'm wearing these

About half the time
these days.

Would you wear a tie
if I bought you
a nice selection?

Cordelia, please.

Aunt cor, I don't
really wear ties much.



We're back.

Once upon a time,
in the city of new york,

I was playing
a little skinny saloon

With black walls

Owned by some big fat men
with white faces.

[Drum roll]

Two folks who were
crazy in love

Used to come
and see me there.

As a matter of fact,
one was from right
around here.

They used to talk
about their little meeting
place in the big city,

And for them, I wrote
this little song.

♪ When I think about
romantic moments ♪

♪ I don't consider
very much ♪

♪ The popular places

♪ Those wide open
spaces ♪

♪ With sun and sand
and such ♪

♪ I dream of a small
apartment ♪

♪ Our little
seventh story den ♪

♪ Winter sundays
in town ♪

♪ With nobody around

♪ I wish we could
live them again ♪

♪ Those happy gray
sundays in ♪

♪ Above the quiet city

♪ And just we two

♪ Alone

♪ Morning papers
spread a-flurry ♪

♪ All the world
that we'd require ♪

♪ Nothing ever
gave us worry ♪

♪ But the coffee
on the fire ♪

♪ Gray sundays in

♪ A little music
playing ♪

♪ Something
from long ago ♪

♪ And if rain fell past
the window ♪

♪ We never cared a pin

♪ Those quiet, happy

♪ Gray sundays in


It's that red chevy
right over there.

Go to the plant
and get
the tow truck.

Tow truck's
got the name

Of your daddy's
company all over it.

I'll hot-wire the chev.

Clu's right.


Gentlemen, meet
ms. Ellen shore,

Who told you about
some threats
I've been getting,

Which I don't
take seriously.

Dearest darling,
lieutenant jamison
and chief forbes.

Evening, gentlemen.

These are what
I wanted to show y'all.

You shouldn't
have done this.

I'm old enough
to know when
I shouldn't

And should
do something.

He makes a joke
out of everything,

And this ain't
no joke.

Kind of halloweeny, huh?

The goblin will get you,
so stay in your place.

It also says
the goblin kills.

"The goblin don't like
blues, blues man.

"Goblin says
let's lose the blues.

"The goblin kills."

I'm putting his laundry
in the car.

Oh, got some
phone calls, too.

Only a couple.

Male or female?

It was a guy.

Some dumbbell
putting on
a funny voice.

What'd the funny voice
say, ches?

He said she won't
stay away from you,

So you stay away from her.

Leave soon
or die soon.

That's kid stuff.

Kids k*ll too, ches.

Now who was the woman
in the note,

"She won't stay away
from you?"

Who is she?

Is she your fan?

Well, you know,
in this business,
we do get fans,

Women fans,

And sometimes they
can get pretty, uh,

How can I put it?

[Engine starts]

Hey, what are you doing
in that car?

You get out of it,
you hear me?

Jacob, hey.

Hey, what are you doing
in this car? What...

Can you give us
some names

Of women like that
in sparta?

I suppose I could,
but why?

Maybe some
of these women
have men folks.

Maybe these men folks
get mad at you.

Two men just stole
ches's car.

I don't know what
they done,

But the doorman's
on the ground.

I'm going to call
the paramedics.

Mr. Jacob olin?

That's me.

I hope you're
not in pain.

I am,

But thanks.

Mr. Olin, you think
you could tell us

They was starting
the car,

And I started yelling.

Before I knew it,

They crowned me
with something.

It was a white guy
and a black guy.

Recognize them?

I think the black guy
might've been clu deeter.

Works at the woodlin
engineering plant.

Why go to all that trouble
to steal a fifties car?

We'll let you know
when we find him.

Yeah. Huh?

Oh, you think red.

All right.

Uh, yes, ma'am.

Uh, could you
hold please?

Chief, you want
to take a call

From ms. Ellen shore?


Morning, ms. Shore.

No, ma'am.
I just got in.

Excuse me,
chief forbes.

We got an interesting car.

Uh, hold on
a sec, please.

Tell me.

Well, sir,
it's an old car.

More than likely
a chevy, probably red.

It went over
the cliff on route three.

It burned up, and
it's still smoking
in the ravine.

Thank you.

We just got some
information, ms. Shore.

If I don't call you back,

We're still looking
and checking.

Why you worrying?

It's only an old car,
sugar plum.

You tell that
to the cops,
not to me.

Keep cool, precious.

You're not scared, huh?

What you want me to say?

Tell that old lady
not to come to
the club anymore.

I'm scared
of that family.

White and rich
is dangerous,

But white, rich,
and crazy is deadly.

The woodlin family
don't scare me, baby.

scaring you, ches.

I know it ain't me.



My deputies pulled
that wreck

Out of the ravine.

Bill, is this case

Or is it just weird?

Weird can get dangerous,

And dangerous
is important.

Ches collins
is making believe

That there's nothing
to this thing.

And this woman,
ellen shore--

By the way, who is she?

Ellen shore
and ches collins

Have been married twice
and twice divorced,

And now,

They're just old friends

Taking care
of each other.

She told me that ches
has had many young women

Chasing after him
over the years,

And there's never been
any trouble before.

No threats
and many invitations--

Now, that's what I call
a pleasant life.

Speaking of invitations.

Who invited whom?

Well, it doesn't matter.

That's not
a romantic lunch.

That's just
an old acquaintance.

Uh, some say
it's a conspiracy

Because whenever ches
would go away to play

One of those
towns, like natchez,
new orleans, new york,

Cordelia woodlin
would take a trip
to see his show,

But somebody else,
they say,

Would also take a trip
to see cordelia.

That was the big affair.

This sounds like
pure gossip.

More like impure.

And you listen to gossip.

I can't afford not to.

Ha ha ha ha!

I wasn't sure you'd come
back this time, cordy.

Oh, sooner or later,
I'll always be back.

I hate it,
but it's mine--

Which I'm going to call
my book, by the way.

So I come back.

Back from athens.

Back from london.

Even back from new york,

Where my heart
really lived,

All alone,

Waiting for me...

Above the quiet city.

None of those
exotic places,

No part of any of them
is mine.

Only little ol' mean,

Dangerous sparta,
mississippi, is mine.

It hangs on me

Like one of those leeches
in brewer's pond.

I can't shake it loose.

Can I put that
in a song?

No, you can't.
I forbid it.

You've exposed enough
of my private life

In your trashy saloons.

I want to buy you
a new car.

I know you would,
but no.

I knew you'd say no.

We both know
each other too well.

Our friendship
comes from, uh...

A dump in
greenwich village.

Ha ha ha ha.

But I want jerry
to drive you home

From the club every night

Until you get yourself
a new car.

No, no.

You behave.

Al ruger has orders to
fire you if you don't.

Hi, auntie.

Nice to see you.

Raul, is that you?

For heaven sake,
you shave something?

Yeah, mustache.

Do you know
ches collins?

Any chance of
talking to you?

About your
future again?

Yes, ma'am.

Will you say hello
to mr. Collins?

No, ma'am.

Then I am
not interested

In your future, raul.

Am I looking at trouble
in high society?


Cordelia's got a couple
of grand-nephews

Who disappointed her.

Would one of them be
a certain cop

In my department
by the name of
lonnie jamison?

Because he won't
take her money

And do what she wants.

Now, that one there,

He'd take it all
if he could get it

Because he's no-account,

And he's stupid,

And he's probably

What am I talkin'
to you for?

You know them people.
You're one of them.

Can't you see that
drunk grant woodlin
doing this?

Making weird threats? No.

Trying to make
ches trouble,

Scare him out of town.

I think it's someone
that's going around
the little club,

Some customer.

No. It's woodlin.

It's his doing, anyway.

Thanks, ms. Ellen.

Where'd you say
ches' car is--

Police station?

No, it's across the lot
from the sheriff's station.

it couldn't have been
a typewriter.

Got to be a computer.

Could have been
done anywhere.

Could have been done
here on our computer.

If you put
a program in.

If we had the same
disk or program

With different styles,
sizes of type,

We could do this outside.

You're right. It could
be done anywhere.

But they weren't
eating in any ol'
chain restaurant.

They were at willow oaks.

I don't give a damn
about them, son.

What do you give
a damn about?

That's a tough question.


Mama? This family?

Why, all of you
from time to time,
I suppose.

That old lady's
going to sink us all.

Want to k*ll her?

Will you stop talking
like an insane person?

It'd make more sense

Than k*lling
that piano player.

He's not writing
her will.

She is.

Last time auntie cor
was in town,

She told me she wasn't
going to leave me nothing.

Know what she says today?

I don't talk
to ches collins,

She don't talk to me.

Right out in public.

No.ask cherry.
She was there.


Our secretary, daddy,
in the reception room.

Oh. That's her name.

Well, I don't need
to consult cherry.

I know what cordelia
thinks about you,

Me, and everybody.

I can't worry about it.

It's all about that
woman, you know.

This happened
'cause ches
is friends with her.


She's pretty fond
of ches, huh?

Oh, they was always
both crazy about
each other,

But they never
done nothing.

It wasn't about that.

She just wanted
the sparta boy
to be something great,

And he loved her because
she love his music.

She love him 'cause...

He touch her soul
some way I don't know.

You think
her husband's family
is afraid of ches?

Sure they is.

Crazy family.

Let me tell you something.

All my life,

The craziest people
I ever met was
white people.

Ha ha ha ha.

Just some remains
of stuff.

Some pages in
the address book
didn't burn,

And the little compact
could maybe be cleaned up.

Yeah. Well...

I'll clean it up.

He bought this for me

Long time ago.

Somewhere way up
in connecticut.

Well, well, well.

How come you get time off
in the afternoon

To come and have tea?

I squeezed it in
between an as*ault
and robbery.

What's going on, jer?

Nothing good,
lonnie boy.

Uh, you see that
cadillac there?

Yeah. That's doc cameron's car.

Was it a hurry-up call?

No, it was more
of a come-as-soon-
as-you-can call.

The grand lady passed
a stirring-around night,

And miss dana--

She called the doctor.
Of course,

Grand old lady fired her.

If my radio squawks,
will you get me?

Sure will. Thank you.

Hey, dana. Hey.

I hear you're
under some fire.

Just a small barrage--

A few field g*ns,
a couple of tanks.

What's wrong with her?
Do you know?

Same ol' thing--

She can't last without
going to the hospital,

Let 'em do surgery,

Do something.

You better change
your attitude, cordelia.

I haven't changed
my attitude in years.

Why should i?

To have more time
to live.

I can't even enjoy
the time I've got?

I can't tell you
how much

Until I get a probe
inside of you.

You and your probes
better keep your distance,
kenneth cameron.

Where's my poor
little ol' dana?

Out front, waiting
to be unfired.

Come on in, child.

Let me hug you.

Lonnie's with me.

Well, bring him in.

Yes, ma'am.

Let's go in.

Don't give me that look.

I'm ill-tempered
because it goes
with heart failure.

You haven't had
heart failure.

Well, heart attack.

I can't be sure,

Unless you probe me.

Well, that's out.
No probings.

Just with
a tiny catheter.

Last thing I want
anybody to probe me with

Is a tiny catheter.

Oh, I need to be free
of stress, that's all.

I need obedience.

Obedience to what,
aunt cor?

To my wishes.

They're only in
the best interest

Of those I care for.
Isn't that true, kenneth?

You always speak
truly, cordelia.

I must go.
Dana. Lieutenant.


Dinner, early, sunday?

Yes, cordelia.

Cocktails at : .

You, too. Dinner.

I'm afraid
I'm on duty.

I want you off duty.

I'll see,
but I'm going--

It starts at :
to whenever.

Please don't fight me.

Yes, ma'am.


You two look
very nice together,

You know that?

Answer my question.
Do you know that?

I know dana
looks very nice,

Just as always.

I said together.

Now, aunt cor,

That's kind of
an embarrassing question.

It certainly is.

Now, raul, your cousin,

Is doing these terrible
things to ches collins.

Now, you hear me, lonnie?
Don't pretend ignorance.

I know you know
that it's true.

Cordelia, if he
knew it was true,

He'd have to arrest raul.

Raul is mentally, uh,

How shall I say,

Not quite as quick
as everybody else?

Stop him doing
these things

Without getting him
into trouble.

How's a police officer
supposed to do that?

I mean, if raul's
broken the law--

I'm talking about
family ties and duties,

Not about cop stuff.

You know the family ties
are thin around here.

I'll say whether or not
they're thin.

They're as thin or thick
as I want them to be.

I'm the head
of this family.

Dana, pour the tea,
child, will you?

♪ I'd rather be here

♪ Than any place I know

♪ I'd rather be here

♪ Than any place I know

♪ It'll take the sergeant

♪ For to make me go

♪ Comin' down to the river

♪ There's a reason why

♪ I'm goin' down
to the river ♪

♪ There's a reason why

♪ 'Cause the river's wet

♪ And beale street's
done gone dry ♪

Ches! There's some guys
out there! Watch out!


They get you,
sweet jerry boy?

Jerry! Jerry!

Lieutenant jamison?

Yes, ma'am.
This is sergeant corbin.

He's been expecting you,

Go right on in. Thank you.

Lieutenant jamison
coming in, mr. Woodlin.

I want to see
your computer.

You can't.

Yes, I can.
Just move aside.

I'm doing some work
on this.

Well, that's o.k.
Just press "save"
and move over.

Don't make me
ask you again,

Or you're
in trouble, girl.

What makes you think
these two boys work
for raul

Or work for this company?

The black kid,
clu deeter,

Was identified
by the club doorman.

The white kid
I think is his friend,
diddy forde.

Well, how would
I know, lonnie?

I just want to see
clu and diddy.

Can you get them?


Forde and deeter.

Just a minute.


Yes, sir?

Yes, sir.
Forde and deeter.

I'll find out, sir.

Hi. This is
cherry haynes

In mr. Woodlin's

Mr. Woodlin
would like to see

David forde
and roger deeter.

Call me when you've
found them, please.

I don't know
what's going on
around here.

I mean, I wrote
those notes in there,

But I was only
following orders.

I thought it was all
some kind of a joke,

That's all.

Cordelia doesn't
want raul to get
into any trouble.

Neither do i,
but he might have
set these two guys

To doing what they did.

What's to be gained
by doing a thing
like that?

Nothing at all.

Then why do you think
raul would do it?

Frankly, 'cause
he ain't too bright, grant.

All right, lonnie.
I want you out of here.

mr. Woodlin,
personnel says

Forde and deeter work
in the motor pool
in the service bay

And that neither one's
at work today.

Well, you heard that.

I want clu
and diddy's addresses.

Oh, come on now!

There's an
old-fashioned charge

Called "obstructing justice."

I'm ready to arrest you
on that right now.

I'll make you
sorry for this.

Just get me
the addresses.

Morning, miss cordelia.

Morning, sheriff.

Something wrong?

No. I'm bringing you
good news.

Your driver
jerry shelby

Is not in
critical condition.

In fact,
he's feeling fine.

He's in
a visiting mood.

Well, that's fine
'cause I'm on my way
to visit.



Come sit down a moment.

How long you figure
to be above ground,
bill gillespie?


I think I can, uh,
stretch it to years.

Oh, well, I can't.

I'm tired.

You know...
When I close
my eyes,

You could do me
a favor.

Tell lonnie jamison
he'll be all right.
I've seen to that.

Don't you want to
tell him that yourself?

Oh, lord, no.

I'd have to
answer whys
and wherefores,

And it all
comes down to this--

I've lived
a distracted life,

Apart from business.

A thoughtless life.


A selfish life.

Never tried to help
him and his mama.

I see
my lovely niece now

When i, uh...
When I look at him.

Tell him? Sure enough.

When the time comes.

Oh, yes, ma'am.

Excuse me, chief.
Covey and everett
lost one of them.

They want some help
down in pearblossom.

Take me down there.

Diddy forde!

It's the police.

Son, we want you.

It ain't going to
do you any good to run!

You ain't going
to get anywhere!

Come on, diddy.

Drop your w*apon
and come out
with your hands up.

Drop it and stand still!


Let it go!

What you want me for?

For being such
a bad character,

For carrying
this piece around,

For sh**ting,

Wrecking cars.

Not me, man! Not me!

And for being a liar.

You a big liar.

You're all
those things I said,

And you are going
to do a number
of hard years

In parchman prison.
Huh? Unless...


We find out

Who's behind
all this crazy stuff

That I truly hate a lot.

I want to make
some arrests, sonny.



♪ I'm in a trance

♪ A beautiful trance

♪ Since I fell in love
with you ♪

♪ I can't believe
it happened to me ♪

♪ It seemed too good
to be true ♪

♪ Was it a dream?

♪ Was it a dream?

♪ We were alone

♪ And you were in my arms
last night ♪

♪ Was it a dream?

♪ Was it a dream?

♪ We made a vow

♪ Beneath the pale
moonlight ♪

♪ I never knew,
I never thought ♪

♪ Such bliss as this
could fill me ♪

♪ With a love divine

♪ I'm afraid
I'll wake and find ♪

♪ It was only on my mind

♪ Was it a dream

♪ Or are you really mine?

♪ I'm afraid
I'll wake and find ♪

♪ It was only on my mind

♪ Was it a dream

♪ Or are you really

♪ Mine?


Hi, ches.

I'm glad you could come.

Oh, yeah.

We'll have some fun.

Oh, I've had
enough fun, ches.

All I want to do
is remember
my foolishness.

I'll help you.

♪ Those happy

♪ Gray sundays in

♪ Above...

I suppose you take
official orders.

Yes, ma'am.


Not too often,
but I have on

Your mama was the same,
so was your daddy.

Too independent, always...

So was i.

♪ That we'd require

♪ Nothing ever
gave us worry ♪

♪ But the coffee
on the fire ♪

♪ Gray sundays in

♪ A little
music's playing ♪

♪ Something from long ago

♪ And if rain fell
past the window ♪

♪ We never cared a pin

♪ Those quiet

♪ Happy

♪ Gray

♪ Sundays

♪ Those quiet

♪ Happy

♪ Gray

♪ Sundays

♪ In