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07x13 - Good Cop, Bad Cop

Posted: 05/19/23 09:56
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

It's about time
your brought yourself
on over here, chief.

I'm not going to
call you "sheriff."

It just doesn't
sit right.

Don't you think
it's about time you
called me "bill"?

When's that boss of yours
going to get here?

It's past time
for serving dinner.

He's the boss,
so he's entitled to
be late, aunt etta.

And where's chief forbes?

When you was chief,
you were never late
to my dinners.

Oh, now, miss etta,
I think your memory
flatters me.

[Car horn honks]

Now, that sounds
like the horn of
a chief or a lawyer.

The divorce is underway.

So fast?

We decided on no-fault.



Like the marriage
had never existed.

Ha! It's a lawyer!

Come on in,
mr. Taylor.

It sure is a pleasure.

Virgil and the chief--

I mean, the sheriff--
are in there.

Thank you, ma'am.



Hello, ben.

I told aunt etta about
your penchant for meat loaf.

I hope you're hungry.

I just hope
she made enough.

Sheriff gillespie,
good to see you.

Ben, how are you?

Bought bigger clothes.

So tell me, sheriff...

You think policemen
make good lawyers?

I know this one
is going to make

As fine
a contribution
to your law office

As he ever did to
police department.

Mauren must know
we're onto him.

He certainly
has cut down
on his dealing.

His customers
must be getting coke
from somewhere else.

Let's make sure
the charges stick
this time.

Chief, parker says
mauren has left his house.

He and everett
are right behind him.

I don't want anybody
to make a move

Until we can
nail him for sure.

I'll call you
at virgil's.

All right,
and if cory calls,

Tell her I'll be
there in minutes.

Yes, sir.

I can't see a thing.

Where are you going?

To get a closer look.

You know
those other two?

Oh, yeah.

I hope you got
something better

that last stuff.

Thought my nose
would fall off.

This stuff's better.

Keep using
the beeper number.

Don't call the house.

See you, bev.

Let's get out of here.
I don't like this.

Uh, yeah, lonnie.

I couldn't
see anything.

It was just
too dark.

My guess is
they scored, though.

Could you recognize
the man and the woman?

Yeah. It was, uh...

Ned phelps and...
Beverly ross.

Beverly ross?

Yeah, it was beverly,
all right.

Everett, I want you
to stick to mauren.

you follow phelps.

We may use him.

Uh, okey-doke.
I'm on it.

I got no choice,
I guess.

Parker, I'm sorry
beverly's mixed up
in this.

You just watch out
for yourself.

They're on the move.
I got to go.

Who's beverly?

It's the girl parker
was going to marry.

They broke up
last year.

Sorry for the delay,

Don't worry about it.

Aunt etta's been known
to salvage many a meat loaf.

I'm not making
any promises,

But this looks like
a good one.

Well, if it tastes
as good as it smells,

I want the recipe.

Me, too.

My wife has never
mastered the art of
making good meat loaf.

But I love her, anyway.

That's very generous
of you, ben.

Now what about this
doper russ mauren?

He's one drug dealer
we're closing in on.

Good. Now you
be careful of
that malefactor.

I know him well.

Hey, bill...

Why don't you tell us
what other malefactors
you've pursued lately?

That's right.

Helps to know what kind
of business to expect.

Isn't this the most
shameless kind of


Luann, it's parker.
They're at phelps' house.

What's that address,

Adeline place.

And they're holding.

Two grams.

Parker, wait five minutes,
then move in.

We'll back you up.

You got that, parker?

Yeah, lonnie,
I got it.

Where's phelps?
Where is he?

Parker, please don't.

Where is phelps?

[Water running]

All right, now,
you sit down,

You stay there,
and you don't move.

O.k., Phelps,
it's the police.

Come on out
with your hands up.

Ned! No!

Ned! No!


Put it down,

Put it down!

Stop it! No!

Aah! Stop it!


Now lie down
and stay down.

Parker, stop it!

Ned, stop it!


He's still got a pulse.
Call an ambulance now.

Yes, sir.
Got a man down!

Come on over here.

Now what happened?

Well, he jumped me and
he knocked my g*n away.

I told him to stay down!

Beverly saw it.
She saw the whole thing.

Now tell him!
Tell him about...


Tell him.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Well, it's about time
y'all got here.

What did you want?

I want that cop
parker williams charged

With as*ault
with intent to k*ll.

You sound
like a regular

I've talked to a lawyer.

He's calling the d.a.

Why don't you
tell us what happened?

He att*cked me,
that's what.

I can't help it

If beverly went
for me and not him.
Is that a crime?

That just sounds
like bad taste.

She don't think so.

Are you saying you
didn't attack
officer williams?

I was just tryin'
to get down
on the floor.

He took out that club
and started hittin' me.

If I was black,
I know what I'd do.

O.k., O.k.

We get the picture,

You seem
to have forgotten

Your the one being charged

With possession
of a narcotic.

You'd better start
worrying about that

Instead of trumping up

Trumped up, nothin'.
I know my rights.

I think he's bluffin'.

I don't.

Beverly, have a seat.


I already gave
my statement.

I know that,

I read it.

I just wanted
to know

If you had
any feelings

this whole mess.

I don't have
anything more to say.

Beverly, why don't you
just listen to the sheriff?

I know you know
parker williams
quite well.

I used to,

But ned and I are
going to be married now.

Well, uh, ned
has been saying

Some terrible things
about parker.

You think they're true?

I already said
what happened.

You said parker
att*cked your boyfriend,

That ned didn't do
anything wrong.

You still say that?

That's right.

Did you have
any feelings

About all that
tussling around there?

What were you doin'
at that time?

Nothin'. I was watching.

I don't want to answer
any more questions.

Did you see ned
when he hit parker?

Ned didn't do anything.

Are you sure?

I'm sorry,
but I think this
is enough for now.

All right,
miss hallisey.

I don't think
we're going

In the same

Thank you
very much.

Thank you,

I'm sure parker
will appreciate it.

She's such
a pretty girl.

I'll call
the bail bondsman.

He'll have you out
this afternoon, o.k.?

You said phelps
att*cked you?

He came at me
out of this room
off the hallway.

Did you
identify yourself?

I think so.

I mean, it happened
pretty fast.

No, I know I did.

I said, "police."

Is there any
physical evidence

To prove this,

Other than my wrist

I got a pretty bad bruise
on my shoulder

From where he banged me
against the wall, but...

You talk to beverly?

this afternoon.

She say anything?

Nothin' that's
going to help you.

I can't believe she's
doing this.

She's protecting
phelps, parker.

You'd better forget
about her

And worry about
clearing yourself.

But she's the only one
who can clear me.

Parker, I don't think
the grand jury's gonna
believe her.

Well, public opinion
is running
against the police

About these things

what did you see

When you went in there?

I saw parker
hit phelps
across the head.

I was trying to hit him
across the shoulders,

And he raised up at me.

We had backup coming.
Why didn't you wait?

I just had to
get in there.

I didn't want beverly
to get into any more

She didn't want to do
any of that coke.

Phelps talked her
into it.


Darnelle, hold on
a minute, will ya?

I hope the rest
of this week

Won't be anything
like this morning.

Did you see this?

I don't read
that paper.

I hoped the headline
would be

About russ murrin
being busted.

We're working on that.
Give us some time.

Well, my phone's
been ringing
off the hook.

The assistant
attorney general
called from jackson.

Seems they
had this story

In their papers,

Now, parker has done
nothing wrong.

That fellow phelps
att*cked him.

But the circumstances
and evidence
don't say that,

Not to mention
the witness
beverly ross.

She's hardly a reliable
witness, darnell.

I've called
a special session

Of the grand jury.

What's that mean,
you're going to
prosecute parker?

Gillespie, I've known
parker williams
a long time.

I wish I had a choice
in the matter.

I thought you did.

It would be
professional su1c1de

To remand this case
to file.

Parker had
better get a lawyer.

Hold on. You mean to say

There's nothing
you can do?

Get him a lawyer,

A good one.

I know it looks bad,


But phelps left me
no choice.

Sheriff and I

You'd be
the best man

For the job,

find your fee

In the
benevolent fund.

It's not the fee,

And it's not that
I don't want to help you.


Come in, come in.

Chief forbes.

Parker, I hear
you're in a bit
of trouble.

Uh, yes, sir,
I am, mr. Taylor.

You got to represent me.

I don't want
anybody else.

Maybe you should find
someone more objective,

A lawyer who doesn't
have a personal stake
in this case.

That's the reason
I want you.

What if I
can't get you off?

Who better
to defend parker

Than his former

They got a point, virgil.

I read the paper.
Who's, um, beverly ross?

She saw the whole thing,

And she knows
that I'm innocent.

So do i, parker.

I'll take your case,

Are you going to
keep this up?

Are you going to
go in there and lie?

I'm not lying.


Why are you
doing this to me?

I never hurt you,

And you know
I never would.


Let it go.

Miss ross,

Go get him, baby.

What's the matter,

Not looking too
cocky without your
g*n now, are you?

Look at him.

His goose is cooked,
and he knows it.

You shut up.
Just shut the hell up!

Yeah, come on, boy!

Hold it, buster!

If you don't get
the hell out of here now,

I'll see to it
that your bail is revoked.

See you, parker.


Are you crazy?

Are you crazy--
doing this out here?

Your emotions
got you into this.

Don't make it worse.

Now, phelps
and beverly

Were indicted this morning
for possession.

What is beverly doing
getting mixed up

With trash
like that phelps?

phelps being charged

Can only help
your case.

Yeah, well the way
they looked at me
inside there,

That jury's already
made up its mind.

And what happened
after parker williams

Started down the hallway.


Ned came out of a room.

Go on, beverly.

Parker started
hitting ned.

With his night stick?


Ned phelps
didn't provoke

Officer williams's
as*ault in any way?


Now, he complied with
officer williams's

To lie on the floor?



Parker hit him
before he had a chance.

Are there
any more questions?

Not at this time.

I think we're
ready for a vote.

I'll give, uh,
sarah hallisey a call.

You, uh, you presented
yourself well in there,

Virgil did a good job
of preparing you.

Did you do the same

Preparing the evidence
for the grand jury?

I did what I had to do.

Well, mr. Darnelle,
so did i.

Mr. Darnelle?

This is just
the first step, parker.

I'm sorry, parker.

I hope you don't intend
to make

A deal with
ned phelps, too.

Of course not, chief.

Although no one
seems to believe me,

I'm on parker's side
in this.

Kind of hard to tell.

this has nothing
to do with parker.

It's about
another matter entirely.

He wants to
make a deal
with beverly ross.

What kind of a deal?

She'll get probation,

If she'll help us
put russ mauren away.

Well, that's not

I don't mind this deal
so much,

But will she
change her statement
against parker

And admit
she's lying?

That's a separate matter,

I mean, there's nothing
I can do about that.

Bill, you think
this is a good idea?

Well, she knows mauren.

Mauren has sold
to her before.

Chances are he'd
sell to her again.

Why don't we all just do
what we have to do,

And then see what happens?

Has anybody
bothered asking
this young lady

If she's interested?

No, but, uh,
I hardly think

She's eager
to go to jail.

No. No. Heh heh.

Afternoon, miss ross.

What now?

Yeah, I'm, uh,
virgil tibbs--

Parker williams's lawyer.

I figured I'd
be seeing you.

Parker tells me that

You two almost
got married?

What happened?

I couldn't be
his wife--

all the time.

It wouldn't have
worked out.

Parker's just,
you know...

Too nice.

So...ned phelps
was more your style--

Not too nice.

Isn't this getting
a little personal?

Isn't what you're
doing to parker
a little personal?

I'm not doing

It's between them.

I'm not surprised
what happened.

Parker and ned
almost had it out
once before.


About a month ago--

At the bowling alley.

Parker had to
leave before he
almost hit ned.

Just like he did before?

I can't sit here
all day and talk.

Wait, uh, miss ross,

Wait a minute,
just listen
for one minute.


I know you're in
a difficult position,

But ned put you there.

And it's not going
to be the last time.

I don't have to
tell you

Who's the better man.


We have our regrets.

Well, don't make this
another one.


Now is not the time
for surprises.

I thought
you were being
straight with me.

Well, I am.
What happened?

Why don't you tell me
what happened

Between you and ned
at the bowling alley.

Well, phelps was drunk,

And started talking about

And, well,
I almost lost it,

And I just had to
get out.

Didn't you think

That was something
I should know?


I didn't know how
it would look,

Or what you'd think.

This is
what I think.

That you're not sure
about what you did

In ned phelps's

No, no, no.

I've gone over that
a hundred times in my mind.

I had no choice.

It wasn't about beverly.

I mean, it didn't matter
who I was arresting.

You really love her,
don't you?

She's a good woman.

She's just a little
mixed up right now.

How come
I never met her?

I didn't want to make
a big deal out of it--

In case it didn't
work out.

Never had
much luck with women.

I did the right thing
with ned phelps.

You believe me,
don't you?


Yeah, I believe you.

But I had to
make sure
that you were convinced.

Because a jury would
be able to tell.

Chief forbes,
we're interested
in your deal,

But I'd like to
hear the specifics.

Darnelle thinks
he can get

A suspended
with probation,

If she helps us
get mauren.

What if your plan
doesn't work,

And my client
has done her best?

She'll still
get her deal.

What do I have to do?

All you have to do

Is make a deal for us--
a few grams.

We're going to
give you the cash.

With protection,
of course.

And she's going to
be wearing a wire.

You must do this.

You have no choice.


All right. When?

We'll let
you know.

I always worry about
working with people

When they're on something.

The main thing is being
ready to protect her

In case she loses
her nerve.


Excuse me,
uh, chief forbes,

Why was
beverly here?

She's going to make
a buy from mauren.

Sir, I don't think
she should do that.

Parker, it's
a good deal for her.

But she could get hurt.

We'll handle it.

I cannot believe
you're still
hung up on her

After all
she's done to you.

Chief forbes,
if she has to do it,

Then I want to
be there.

So, when's it happen?

Sometime tomorrow,


Give us a minute,
will you?

All, right. Uh,
what's going on here?

I was going to wait
till the end of
your shift.

You're suspending me,
aren't you?

It's administrative

I have no choice
since you've been

Your still on the payroll.

That's supposed to
make it o.k.

Suspending me makes
me seem more guilty.

It's just till
the end of the trial,

I have to ask
for your badge.

It's regulations.

You want me to make you
some more eggs?

Those are stone-cold.

No. They'll be just fine.

I'm sorry.

Um...i'll just
take a cup of coffee.


You gonna get parker off?

I hope so.
He's innocent.

I'm sure things
will work out.

He got himself
a good lawyer.

I wish that was
all it took.

Well, it's a start.

Lots of folk don't
even get that much.

Yeah, sure don't.

You going to work
to change that,
I know it.


I'll do what I can.

Althea must be
mighty proud.

You know, you wouldn't
have been a lawyer

If it hadn't
been for her.


I know althea regrets
not being here.

To see you get what
you worked so hard for.


I'd like to think so.

I mean...aunt etta...


It is all that
a-keeps me going.

See you later.


That's it. We're done.

Feels funny.

Yeah, well,
don't fuss with it.
Just leave it alone.

Say something.

What--what do I say?


Yeah, that's fine.

[Telephone rings]

Well, that's probably him.

Take a deep breath,
and don't blow it.


Yeah. Hey, russ.

Uh, how about : ?


I got that much.

I won't.

He go for it?

Yeah. He said
he'd be at the old mill

In an hour.



Now don't worry.

We'll be right there.

Will parker be there?

Well, he's been
placed on leave.


Yeah. Go ahead.

The judge said he'll
see what he can do

About moving
the trial date.

Three months seems
like forever, but...

Virgil, i-i've lived
in sparta my whole life.

Now suddenly,
people are treating me
like they don't know me.

I just want this thing
over with.

there any problems,

Sounds like mauren
went for it.

It's set up for
the busted old mil
on chestnut

In an hour.

Beverly's all set.

Parker, no.

she'll be all right.
Let them handle it.

I got to make sure.

Don't do it, man.

Aren't you in enough
trouble already?

Stay out of it!

I just can't, virgil.

Jamison, you got her?

Yeah. She's in position.

We'll move in as soon
as she has the stuff.

Ready here, chief.

[Car approaching]

Here he comes.

Watch out. He's
got reinforcements.

Hey, bev.
Lookin' good.

Thanks, russ.

You got the stuff?

What's the matter?

You in some kind
of big hurry?

No. I'm just a little
anxious, I guess.

This will be
a big help to me.

Who's that?

He takes care of me,

Gives me confidence.

How about we
have us a bump?

Um, no,
I don't think so.

He's offering her some coke.

She's hedging.

He'll get suspicious.

No, it's o.k.

She's going with it.

Come on.

Hang there.

Hold on. Parker's here.

Uh, I don't want to
do it right now.

Come on, now.

I got to go right now.

Come on. Come on.
Come on!

I don't want any right now.

That was sweet, huh?

Yeah. I got to go.

Here you go.

That's it.

Come here, baby.

Stop it!

Hey, what the hell?

Aah! Stop it!

No! Ooh!

Stop it! Aah!

Let her go, mauren.
Let her go.

Hold it!

I'm sorry, parker.

I'm so sorry.

You know,
you shouldn't be misled

By the grand jury's


Is a serious crime,

But the fact that you
came out to clear parker

Made all the difference.

I'm really grateful,
mr. Tibbs.

I know I caused
a lot of trouble.


Your fiance's
to blame for that.

Yes, sir, I know.


Excuse me.

I think you're gonna be
a good lawyer, virgil,

And the reason I think so
is because

You're such
a good arguer.

Well, bill, I'm going to
take that as a compliment.

Now, virgil, about
that fee of yours...

Since parker's case
never quite went
to court...

Everything's negotiable.

So, chief, why don't you
take me to lunch,

And we'll discuss it?


Y'all aren't the only
ones negotiating.

I know you
probably hate me.

No, ma'am.

You know better
than that.

Ned and I are through.

Boy, was that
a big mistake.

Well, I'll guess I'll
see you around.

I'd like to know
how you're doing.

So--so if you want...

Call me?


Bye, parker.
