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07x12 - Your Own Kind

Posted: 05/19/23 09:56
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Hi, harriet!


Thank goodness chivalry
lives on in sparta.

Seems you got
your hands full.

In more ways
than one.

Can I help?

I'm o.k. Thanks.

Have a nice day, ma'am.

Thank you.

Parker. Mrs. Delong.

You said
you wanted to borrow
paradise lost.

I was able to find
paradise regained.

I guess
that's just as good.

Paradise regained
is better.

You skip hell

We'd all like that.

Some seem determined
to get there.



Oh, I love your hair
like that.

I fixed it myself.

I'd like a moment
with chief forbes.

He's expecting you.
Go right in.

Thank you.

Feels different in here,
doesn't it?

It feels the same
but isdifferent.

I know what you mean.

ms. Delong.

Oh, please,
do sit down.

Sit, sit...

Or you'll spoil me
for the city council,

Whose manners
are barnyard at best.

This is not easy for me,

But here goes.

A year or so ago,

I attended
the policemen's ball

For the benefit
of your favorite charities.

And quite a night
it was.

Before my time.

Yes, but you're
here now and benefitin'.

On friday,

We are holding
a benefit reception

To celebrate
the opening of
the gallery on the square.

What's it going
to benefit?

Pregnant teens.

Some of my paintings
are in the show
and up for sale.

I expect
to see y'all there

With your wallets in hand.

And please
do invite your friends.

Uh, but ms. Delong,

Friday is
the track championships.

We got a real good chance
to finish number one
in the state.

Well, we're already
number one with
teenage pregnancies.

Now maybe
we can do both.

Split up the troops,
so to speak?

That would be acceptable.

So, gentlemen,
y'all have a nice afternoon.

Oh, man,
how we going to do this?

I mean, I know I can't.

She is our truest friend
on the city council.

It's practically
the same time
as the track meet.

but not exactly.

We can't dress for both.

You can't run
from that track
with shorts on

And sprint over
to this la-de-da.

Wear something
more formal
to the track meet.

This is getting worse
by the minute.

It's all
for the kids.


Just a reminder--

Track championships
are this friday,

So come on out
and support your team.

Y'all ready?

Squirrel, man,
you stretched long enough.
Come over here.

Man, I'm going
to kick your butt today.

Only butt that'll get kicked
is that pale one of yours.

You saying
white butt can't run?

Man, I've been
in the sun.

That's o.k.,

You'll take us
to the finish
in the meters.

And you ain't
never been to africa!

Hey, I haven't either.

I have a class.
Let's go.

Yes, ma'am!

All right,
miss marisa!

Go to the starting line.

I'll time you from here.

Yes, ma'am!

Let's go!

On your mark...

Get set...


Come on!

Let's go!

Come on!

I'm rootin'
for squirrel!

You better sit down!

Squirrel can run!

Go, squirrel!

[Cheering and applause]

He's so cute!

Shut up!

Hey, coach.

How'd it go?

All right, guys.
Good job.

Good job.

All right, guys,
that's some good workout.

How'd I do?

I can do better
than that.

That was great. Nah.

Wait for me, o.k.?

O.k. All right.

go hit the showers.

You're not
pushing yourself
too hard, are you?

I'm o.k.

Better save some
for friday.


I'm getting
a lot of calls
from scouts.

It's heavy, man.

I feel like
I'm going pro.

There's not many guys
competitive in two sports.

What are they offerin' you?

All kinds of things,

From cars and cash
to women.

It's making me feel
kind of creepy.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, bubba.

Our two-letter man's
getting himself into
a telephone storm.

Well, you put
an answering machine
on that telephone.

And stay in control.

Don't let them push you

Any direction that
you don't want to go.

Uh, chief needs to talk
to you, lonnie.

Yeah, o.k.

Have him do easy quarters
than any sprinting.

You got it. Peace.

You know, david,
I've been there.

The best thing to do

Is let your folks
return the calls.

Just stay out of it.

I mean, you've got--
you've got football work,

You've got track work,

And you got
that book work, right?

You're right.
So right.

Have you been gettin'
any other kind of calls...

About, uh,
marisa's situation?

Uh... Yeah, a few.

Hmm. What's a few?

Uh, four.

It sounds like
the same guy.

He said he was
going to smash me
with his pickup.

Yeah, well...

A lot of knotheads
in the world.

Don't worry about it.

All right.
See you.

Let's do some laps.

Thought you had
some classes. I have.

I have some time.

Yeah. I know
your schedule.

You do not!i do so.



Brian, you know
the emergency number.
Call it.

Monroe, go get
the trainer.

Squirrel, get
the first-aid chest.

Tanya, bring a blanket.

Go on!

Let's go!

Go! O.k.
Let's go now.

Stay calm, boys.

Don't panic now.

[Tires squeal]


Just hold on to her,

Hold on to her now.

Mr. Rask,

Can you tell us
what this is all about?


You got any comment
at all?

My daughter
may never walk again.

Any idea why anyone
would sh**t at her?

Why do we think
she was the target?

Mr. Rask,
how's marisa doing?

She's going
to pull through.

How she's going to be,
they don't know.

Who was that sh**t?

We're going
to find out.

Don't think
the worst, sir.

She may come out a-o.k.

How could someone
get on the school grounds
carrying a r*fle?

It's easy,
I'm sorry to say.

Too easy.

I'm going
to pick up my wife.

That girl was datin'
david collins, right?

I don't know.
What's the difference?

Maybe that sh**t
hit mr. Rask's daughter
by mistake.

That's the difference.

What do you think?

I don't know
what I think.

There's still a lot
to find out.

What about
the track meet friday?

Nobody'll want
to be sitting ducks
on that field.

Excuse me.

Thanks for coming
to meet me.

I'll have
to keep the stadium
off-limits for two days.

Then y'all can use
the field again.

Where do we work out?

We got a meet
in four days.

We'll use the gym
for now.

I'll take some of you
to kenard stadium.

We heard
marisa was dead.

Now you know
that isn't so.

Why do people
make up that stuff?

I still haven't figured
that one out myself.

You know,
telling exciting lies

Gives some people
a moment of importance.

The sparta herald's
trying to make a race
thing out of this.

The principal's asked me
to tell you all

That if you need
to talk it out,

The counseling service
will be open all day
today and tomorrow.

We need
to keep practicing.

We'll be all right.

Captain skinner's
told me everything
that he saw.

But now I want
to hear it all again
from y'all.

may remember somethin'

That we don't yet know.

When can we see marisa?

Not today.

Well, when?

Well, maybe
this evening,

But not today
because her folks
are with her.

Is this a race thing?

It is, isn't it?

Let's hear it.

Let's talk about it.

O.r. Paging dr. Warner.


You're supposed
to be at school.

I know.
I had to come here first.

What if
mr. And mrs. Rask
find you in here?

So they find me.
I don't care.

Marisa's parents
won't like it.

I can't help that.

Have you spoken
to any doctors yet?

Just the head nurse.

She said
it was too soon to know

If marisa
could run again.

It's partly my fault.

It's not your fault.

Please don't take it on.

You think they were
sh**ting at me?

Yes, I do.

That's the way
it's always been.

David, listen...

I don't want you
to be afraid
of living your life,

But I love you
too much

To make believe
there are no dangers.

You understand?

Yes, ma'am.

David, marisa's asking
to see you.

Are you sure
it's all right?

I'm sure
it'll be fine.

Now don't be in
there long.

I'll wait for you.


You can't see
for lookin'!

He shouldn't
have dated her.

Don't nobody care
about that stuff.

Why couldn't he stick
to his own kind?

What kind is that, reba?

It was nothing.

All right.
All right.

Young lady, do you have
anything more to say?


The final question is,

Have any of you heard
anybody say anything
in a threatening way

About david or marisa?

Even if it sounded
like a joke,

Did you hear anything
that sounded violent?

Absolutely not.


Go ahead.
She's expecting you.

She's ready to talk.

Uh... I don't know.

Come on.

She didn't believe
you weren't shot, too.

It'll make her
feel better to know
you're all right.

Dr. Murphy,
extension , please.

Dr. Murphy,
extension , please.

David, hi.

Hi, riss.

You o.k. I'm here.

I'm all right.

You wouldn't lie to me?


The b*llet's
still in me.

They're going
to get it out
pretty soon.

Can't even feel it,
but it's keeping me
from moving my legs.

I wish we hadn't
been running together.

The last thing I remember
is trying to outrun you.


You going to run?

They may postpone the meet.

Everybody's nervous.

I'm not.


The pressure is off you.

Sure is.
All I have to do
is lie here

And let them
do their thing.

It'll be all right.

Just be patient.

I am a patient.

Will you come back?



What you think?


Let's go.

Wait a second.

Could you leave maybe?

Mr. And mrs. Rask...

David, I noticed
your mother
in the parking lot.

Please tell her
I said hello.

I'll do that,
mrs. Rask.

How you feeling?

I'm floatin',
you know...dr*gs.

Doctor says you'll
start physical therapy
right after surgery.

I can hardly wait.

It's going to be
all right.

I hope so, mama.

I hope.

Hey, coach.

Hey, miss jean.

Mr. Griffin asked
to speak with me?

Yes, lonnie.
He's waiting for you.

Thank you.

Yes, sir?

This whole thing
could have been avoided.

I'm not sure
about that,
mr. Griffin.

It was
your responsibility

To make sure
that david and marisa

Understood the dangers
of interracial dating.

Now wait a minute.

I'm a volunteer track coach.

I'm not
a guidance counselor.

You have a higher
responsibility here.

The kids trust you.

The law makes us
put these kids
together in school.

You're telling me,
an officer of the law,

To keep them apart?

This is the closest
we've come to winning
a state championship,

And now this.

Is there anything else?

Yes, sir, there is.

I do believe we need
a new track coach.

Well, I believe you do

Because you just lost
the one you had.

We're very optimistic.

The blood pressure's


Did you get
the b*llet out?

. .

Lodged near
her pelvic bone.

Just missed her spine.

You think
she'll walk again?

I don't know yet.

I think she will.

You think the sh**t
will go after that boy

I'm not so sure
he was after him
in the first place.

Everyone's assuming
the b*llet was intended
for david.

If the sh**t
had wanted to get david,

Then why didn't he
try again?

I think he only fired once

Because he got
his intended victim.

Who's that old potty
over there
in the wheelchair?

That's old
deek scuddery.

Long-time wizard
of the klan.

He's dyin' of cancer
of the pancreas.

I don't know
who his visitor is.


I know who his visitor is.

I know him well.


Well? Tell me
about it.

I walked out
on them.

You quit?

Same as.

Hi. Can I get you

Some coffee, please.

How about
a krossant? A what?

It's a light, flaky,
crescent-shaped thing?

Very aw kurant.

Just coffee.


She's learning french
from them car tapes.

Well, I'm sorry
I walked out...

On griffin, I mean.

You want to go back?

No, but I'd like
the kids on the team
to understand.

Understand what?

That I can't work
for somebody who
thinks I'm wrong,

And I can't work
for an idea that
I think is wrong.

O.k., Here we go.

Here's your coffee,

And here's your krossant.

Bone appetite.but I didn't--

Now...are you ready
to hear the specials?

Honey, I think
we're ready to hear

Anything you want
to tell us.


How you been?


Need to see
the chief.

Nothing I can do for you?

No. Just him.

Come on.

Chief, this is
skip coopersmith.

He needs to see you.

You ain't the chief.

Sure, he is, skip.
Where you been?

Gillespie dead?

He's acting sheriff now.

Well, I can't talk to him.

Everett, I'm busy.

Please find out
what this man wants

Skip, come on outside
and sit down.

I seen a man running
with a r*fle.

Where, when, and
what'd he look like?

By the school.

Day before yesterday.

Looked like a white man.

Not old and not young.

Mr. Coopersmith,
please have a seat.

Pete! Come on in with
that microrecorder.

We have a statement here.

Sit down, son.


How's your little girl?

She's going
to be better.

But right now,
she ain't good.

Did she ever mention
getting any threats
or phone calls?

No. But
that doesn't mean
she didn't get them.

You mean she might have?

Yeah. In fact,
I told her

To get ready for that
if she kept on seeing...

The black boy.

I see by the papers
hegot calls.

What's that tell you?

Tells me
he was the target.

But you just said
she might've been.

Bill, I don't know what
the blazes to think.

Maybe the phone calls
and the g*nf*re

Came from different people.

Maybe there were
two targets,

Or maybe just one
and the guy missed
and hit her.

Maybe there was just one
and he didn't miss.

Sure. There are
white guys

Who'd take it out
on a white girl.

That ain't unknown.

There was that
fella tried to k*ll
his own sister.

That ain't
too long ago.

The white man's
ancient problem.

He just simply wants
to keep his own kind
to himself.

I think he should.

And I don't
think he should
go messing around

With anybody else's
kind, either.

Thanks, charlie.

Do you own a . ?


Bring it by
the sheriff's station,
will you,

So we can take
a look at it?

Uh, don't
misunderstand me.

I just don't want
to overlook any possibility,

No matter how slight.

Hey! What
are you doing?

What did you
tell the police,
mr. Big mouth?

Let go of me, lunay.

Didn't tell them nothing.

I suppose you just
went down there

For a little
social call, eh?

It was about a ticket,
that's all!

If I thought
you was going
to tell them

You saw me
around here...
I'd k*ll ya.

I ain't seen
no one nowhere.
I swear!

You know if I hear
any different,

I'm going to be
back out here
to see you.

You understand?


Good morning,
mr. Collins...
Mrs. Collins.

The new chief--
hampton forbes--
wanted to meet you.

Nice to
meet you.

Hello. You
catch the sn*per?

No, sir.

The newspapers
are making it sound

Like we should all
lock ourselves up
in our homes.

We know better than
that, now, don't we?

Uh, y'all said you would
like to talk to me.

Oh...captain skinner,
this isn't going to hurt

Our boy's scholarship,
is it?

No, ma'am, and I promise

He's going to stick to
his practice schedule,
no matter what.

Wouldn't it be better
to keep david
out of harm's way?

How do you keep
a -year-old safe?

We're going to be doing
everything we can
to catch this sh**t.

He got the girl,
but it was our boy
he was after.

We can't be
absolutely sure
about that.

Now, the only thing
we know for sure

Is there's a very
evil person out there

Who wants us
to be afraid

To live our lives in
a normal, natural way.

He's a hater.

He wants us
to be haters.

And we can't give him
what he wants.

Charlie rask
must be taking this
awful hard.

Yes, sir, he is.

I'd call him,
but I'm afraid of
what he'd say to me.

That sh**t's
already getting
what he wants.

That's what
you're telling me,
mr. Collins.

Jeffrey, since
I don't want
to appear

To be self-promoting,

Perhaps we should
hang my two offerings
towards the back.

What about one in front
and one in the back?

Oh, and be just
mildly self-promoting? Uh-huh.


Hi. I got a dinner here
wanting a table.

I'm starving.
Bring it right here.

brought us in some
roast turkey here

And, along with it,

I've got yams,
collard greens,

I've got some
succotash down there,

I've got the bird
in another container,

Got beautiful
biscuits here,

And... Some
white burgundy wine
from burgundy.

My goodness,
what a feast.

Now, may I ask jeffrey
to join us?


We can't eat
all this food.

Don't say can't
before we try.

Let's be nice.

It's not my nature.

You going to be
ready here by friday?

The question is,
will anybody show up?

Everybody's walking
around scared, looking
over their shoulder.

No sh**t yet?

No. I don't think
we're ever going
to catch that guy.

Jeffrey, you hungry?

I got plans,
but thank you.

Jeffrey, tell bill
about the phone call
you got.

Someone called and said

That if we put
any nudes up,

Place would be bombed.

Well. When was this?

About an hour ago.

So the south's
against nudity.
What else is new?

Don't judge the south
by one idiot.

The south invented nudity.

If the phoner comes in,
he's going to see
four nudes.

Only three.

Well, you don't seem
particularly scared
of him.

Well, he wasn't a he.
He was a she.

Oh. Well,
shut my mouth.

Well, ahem,
I don't believe

In too much
advance worrying.

What I think
we ought to do here

Is just have
a little toast...

To a splendid opening

With few

your name again?

Yes, ma'am.

Hey, bill...

You know
a skip coopersmith?

I'm acquainted
with him.

Well, he visited us.

Gave a description
of a man he saw running
with a r*fle near his house.

And his house
is near that stadium,
I recall.

So I believe.

Now, this man, he says,

Was white, male,
about feet tall,

Dark hair, wearing
jeans, t-shirt,
and boots.

Hmm. And
carrying a r*fle.

By the way,
I checked charlie
rask's r*fle,

And, uh,
it was clean.

And charlie's
rabid with me,

Says he'll sue me
and all that.

But I reckon
we can't go
around the county

Test firing
everybody's .


But this
description, ahem,

Fits a guy I know.

What was the name
of that fella

I saw at the hospital,

I asked you
to look him up.

Brent lunay.
Yeah, we found him.

He was spotted
going into a vacant
house on hollins.

Brent lunay.

He is not
from here,

But he is here
at the moment.

You'll find his name
in your office files.

I believe there's
a picture there, too.

Can I use your
phone, please?

Go ahead.

Here's the picture.

That's him.

Brent lunay.

Do they want copies made?

Let's wait.
Sheriff just said
please find it.

There's approximately
, high-powered r*fles

In this county alone.

Well, who says
the sn*per lives
in this county?

This guy doesn't...
If he's the sn*per.

Did anybody ever
question marisa?

Maybe it was
just some jilted

I don't think so,

And I'd hate it
if this gets filed

What can I
do for you?

We want you
to look at this.

Yeah? Well, I looked.

Well, do you know
the man?

Never seen him before.

Is this the guy
you saw running
with the r*fle?

I said I didn't
see him before.

Son, you're not being
the least little bit
straight-up with us.

I helped you
all I could.

Got no more to say.

Well, thank you.

[Guard bell clangs]


To what do I owe
the high honor
of your visit?

Why, your magnetic
personality, lunay.

I even brought
the police chief
here to meet you.

I'm overwhelmed.

Our computers tell us

You've been arrested
in birmingham
and huntsville

For inciting to riot...
For as*ault...

But no convictions, chief.

Now, what are you boys
doing out here?

You figure I'm involved
with sh**ting that
little white girl?

You were seen running
around the high school.

What were you
doing there?

I was looking
for the residence
of a friend.

Found the residence.
Friend was dead.

Can anyone verify
you were there?

Well, no one
at the residence.

I mean, there weren't
nobody around. Boarded up.

I believe gillespie said
y'all had a witness

Could place me thereabouts.

Where's the r*fle?

Say what?

You had a r*fle,
according to the witness.

Probably bolt action,
. .

I imagine
half the people
in this county

Got something like that.

I don't imagine they
walk around the street
with it, though.

Backyard, is what
our witness reports.

Do y'all see
a . On me?


I--i see one
behind you, though.

I thought
you forgot me.

My father's
been wanting me

To come straight home
from school.

He's just scared
for you.


You see
captain skinner?

Yeah. Yeah,
we been talking...

Talking football
and college

And college
and football.

He says I need
to...toughen up.

You're tough.

Well, I thought I was.

Tough as
herschel walker.

Tough as
willie gault.

Tough as
marcus allen.

O.k., I'm tough.

Where do you think
I should go?

I say ol' miss.,
'Cause that's
where I'm going.

Scout from
michigan called.

It snows up there.

I've never been
in the snow.

It's cold.
Stay away from it.

Hold my hand?


[Easy-listening music plays]

Well, this is
a pleasant surprise.

Hi. How you doing,
ms. Delong?

Just fine.
Are y'all here
as lovers of art,

of pregnant teens,

Or officers
of the peace?

Bit of all three.

I'll take it.
Glad you're here.

Heard you got
some calls about
hanging nude paintings.

We sure did.

Ms. Delong,
we don't even see
any nude paintings.

Where they hanging?

Well, we decided that
considering our patrons
and our cause,

We'd hang them
in the back.

You're welcome
to go back there
and see them.

They're really
quite beautiful.

We'll do that.uh-huh.

Well, harriet,
you've done yourself
one better.

Thank you, mrs. Murdoch.
I'm happily surprised
at this turnout.

Nothing else to do
in this berg.

They do tend to
turn lights out early.

Before the sun goes down.

Now, harriet, about
these pregnant teens...

That's why we're here.

Teens simply shouldn't
be getting pregnant.

No, but they do.

Well, I plan to buy
two of these lovely

To stop all this pregnancy.

Mrs. Murdoch, you're
an angel in disguise.

Jeffrey will take care
of all the details.
Thank you.

Excuse me.

Hi. Hey.

Everything looks
so pretty.

Thank you.

You have something
to do with getting
him here?

He's very good
about going
where I want to go.

Oh, is that right?


Well, I hope
you enjoy it.

Tracey, by the way,
any news on the rask girl?

There sure is.
She moved her legs

She's going to have
a speedy recovery.

Thank the lord.
Enjoy yourselves.

I'm afraid the d.a.'S
going to tell us

He can't make this case.

If the lab in jackson

Can say that that slug
was fired from that r*fle,

Maybe he can.

Then all we got to do
is prove

That lunay
had possession of it
at the time?

We could lose this.

Please tell me
I didn't hear
what I just heard.

You heard it,
all right,

But we're going
to hold lunay
as long as we can

If coopersmith
makes a positive

That's all we can do.

May I have your
attention, please?

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the gallery
on the square.

Thank you
for being here

To help us launch
this addition to
the sparta town square.


You must be
very proud of this.

I am very much
impressed by what
you've done here.

And I'm very proud of you.

Well, thank you.
You're very kind,

And I just love it.

Thank you.

So, uh...what
we going to do

What do you mean,

Well, all right, me.

Well, I thought
we'd take a couple
of passes,

Maybe do some sprints,

But we're going
to start off
with some laps.

I was afraid
of that.

Where's lonnie today?

He's on assignment.
You want me
to run with you?

Nah. I can handle it.

Sure, you can.


