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07x10 - A Baby Called Rocket

Posted: 05/19/23 09:54
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Tyler, come over here.

Get out of the road.


Hey, y'all,
we're responding
to g*nf*re

On rumsey road.

Colby here.
I'm with you, luann.

Proceed with caution,

We're not sure
what we're dealing
with here.


Rumsey road's
the bottoms.
Better tell him.

Chief, you wanted to know
the next time

Something happened
in the bottoms.

It just did.


Drive-by sh**ting
with a shotgun.

Nobody hurt.
They wasn't fooling around.

Take me down there.

Tell jamison meet us there.

Lieutenant jamison,
chief forbes requesting
immediate backup

At rumsey road,
the bottoms.

It's been empty
for a long time

Till them druggies moved in.

When was that?


Less than that.
Couple of days.

Are they quiet
or noisy, ma'am?

That's the way
them creeps are.

Yeah, real quiet,

Them other druggies
coming and going
to see them.

[Baby crying]

Well, hey, little darlin'.

Where's your mama, hmm?

I know.

Well, now, your mama
didn't just run off and
leave you, did she? Hmm?

I think she planned
to come back,
don't you?

Well, we can't
sit here waiting.

We best get this
little fella checked out.

Uh, colby...
Take inventory.

Is the baby all right?

He seems fine.

I'll let tracy boggs
look at him.

The welfare person
can meet me at the hospital.

Both the parents
split on him, huh?

Looks like.


So this is
what it takes

To get you
down here?

I know what you're saying,

And you're right.

Got it all noted down,

Any notes on the people?

The guy they shot at
was black.

The mother of the baby's
white, I reckon,
looking at him.

Yeah, a black guy
got into this act

Somewhere along the line,

But is he the one
that left here?

Here's the slug.

Had to have come
from a shotgun.

Came right through
that rotten siding.

Mmm, shotgun slug.

I don't get it.
Why didn't he fire
a few more rounds?

Maybe he was trying
to scare somebody.


I'll have to see
if I can keep him here
for a day.

Hope he gives me
enough time.

Time for what, exactly?

To find a place
for him.

I'll call jackson.

Ooh, that's awfully far.

You telling me.

He's fine. He's about
weeks, healthy,
a little dehydrated,

But we're taking care
of that.

How long will you
need to keep him?

Till tomorrow afternoon.

That's all we can keep him.

We don't have the space.

Not one little bed?

No, not one.

Well, may I see him?

Sure you can.

God, he's just
so precious.


[Baby crying]

It's o.k.

Yeah, you're fine.



It's just an old bell.

Yeah, hospital
all noisy places. Yeah.

You sure have a way.

Well, he's a cutie,
aren't you? Yeah.

You feel better now?


Let's move back a bit.
Let him fall asleep again.

O.k. I'm going to back up
just a little bit.

You just close those eyes.

Yeah, just let them close.

That's a little sleepy baby.

Sergeant corbin,
might you consider
taking the child

For a day or two
until I can locate
a foster home?

It sure would ease
my mind.

Uh...well, o.k.


Good. I'll go clear it
with the welfare office.

Miss delong's
on that committee,

If you want to
call her.

I sure do.

Now, where exactly
was this?

He kept a cadillac.

Parked over there
behind them bushes.

Not a brand-new one,

' Coupe de ville, red.

And he'd just
drive up at night?

He showed up both nights
around : .

I seen him and the buyers.

I say that 'cause
that's who they were.

Came around :

And kept on coming
till : or : .

You ever see a baby?

I heard one crying.

Thank you very much,
mrs. Murphy.

The reason I know
about the car,

I used to help my husband
work on cars like that.

You've been very
helpful, ma'am.

It's rumsey road.

Do you know
the property?

That's this place
right here.

You know, today's
your lucky day.

We're moving all
these files over
to storage.

Lord knows
what happens to them
over there.

Let me guess,
lost for all eternity.

Right. Now
the name you need's
in your hands,


Stone, huh?

Barton stone.

Yeah, I know stone.

He owns some
of the worst places
in this town.

Now, why is that?

Oh, he's waiting
for developments,

Maybe some kind
of a real estate

He pays hardly
any taxes.

His daddy used to
keep up those places
fairly well,

But then
the daddy died,

And he's just
let them rot.

I got suspicions
of just about every
landlord in the bottoms.

Well, so have i,

But, see, that's
always the case.

Too many suspicions,

Not enough money for
an investigation.

How's everything

Doing all right, bill.
Thank you.


Better hold on
a minute.

I'll get that crib,
then I'll get
the door.

Ooh, thank god
for air conditioning.

It didn't seem like
all that much

When we were
picking it up.

That's because
we bought each piece
one at a time,

But we brought them
all in together.

Where you want
to set up the crib?

My room.

I hope mama
don't come popping in
before we're finished,

Getting herself
all in the way.

Where is she?

Went to town.
Oh, you want
something cool?

I'm o.k.
I think I must have
slept funny.

It's so strange.

What is?

I don't know
what made me say yes

When mrs. Baker asked
if I could take the baby.

The whole time
she's talking to me,

I'm thinking, "no,
I can't be taking home
no baby."

While I'm thinking that,
I'm saying out loud,
"yes, I'll take him.

I'll take him,"

Like somebody else
was talking right out
of my own mouth.

You sorry?

Oh, no, not sorry...

Just in shock.

And your mama
doesn't know.

Hi, dahlia.

I recognized
your car, harriet.

What's going on?

Luann wanted me
to break the news
to you gently.

We're going to have
a baby in here.

Who's we?


We is y'all.

What's all this about?

Mama, that was you.

Didn't sound like
your car.

My car died in town.
I left it there
to be buried.

Now, what's all this
baby stuff here for?

It's about the baby
I mentioned to you outside.

I'm taking in a baby boy
that was abandoned.

Say that again?

It's just for two days

Until child welfare
can find the baby
a foster home.

You weren't supposed
to be home till later.

Has she lost
her mind?

Luann, I got to run.

You need me
for anything else?

Well, support
with this situation.

I mean, anything else?

Call me.
Take care, mrs. Corbin.

What has possessed
your mind?

Mama, before you go
flying off the handle--

Who's supposed to
be taking care
of this baby

While you're
working, me?

Forbes gave me
two days off.

Where was
the baby found?

In a crack house.

I won't have you bringing
no crack baby in this house.

This is my house.
Ain't nothing wrong
with him.

I guess I ought to
take a trip
and not come back.

Maybe I ought to
just go down
to mobile--

Well, go ahead.
I'll give you the money
to do it.

Next thing,
you'll just drag

Another sick cat
in here.

You always bringing
home strays.

Ever since
you could walk,

You was always
dragging in a stray.

This is not a stray, mama.
This is somebody's baby.

Luann, get your own.

Stop playing
local hero,

And get your own.

Thank you
for the good words, mama.

I really appreciate
your support.

I can always
count on it.

[Rings doorbell]

Mr. Stone?

To what do I owe
this auspicious visit?

I'm chief of police

This is sergeant
parker williams.

Mr. Stone.

May we come in?

Do I have a choice?

Outside suits me
just fine.

It's just that
my dear housekeeper quit,

And for the life of me

I cannot find
a suitable replacement.

Oh, when she leave?

Years ago.

Mr. Stone--

Please, please,
call me barton.

Everybody does.

Are you aware
that there was
a drive-by sh**ting

At your property
at rumsey just
two days ago?

Please excuse me.

My papa was generous
to a fault.

He left me with just
multitudes of property,

Many of which
I still am not yet
familiar with.


Rumsey, down in the bottoms.

Rumsey, huh? Well...

Now, pardon me,

But is a man responsible

For acts of v*olence
committed by others

Within the vicinity
of his property?

I'm merely asking,

But have they written that
into the law yet?

Well, while in pursuit,

We found
within your property

and drug paraphernalia

And an abandoned infant.

Oh, my word.

Yes, sir. A little boy
about months old.

Oh, you're telling me

Somebody's living
and selling dr*gs
out of there.

That is right.

When did you last
visit the property,

Can't say
that I really have.

One of my people

Rents these things out
for me.

Or used to.

I stopped renting
a few years back
when papa passed.

So whoever was
living there was--

No one that I knew.

I promise you that.

Now, is, uh...

Is that all you wanted?

No. I came by
to tell you

That I've started

To take that property
away from you.

Give this
to your lawyer.


You permitted
drug dealers
to use it.

You're going to
lose it.

Good day, sir.

Well, now let's
make this official.

Now, I need you
to sign here.

All right.
That should do it.

You are now
a temporary
foster parent,

And, luann, I can't
thank you enough.

No. Thank you.

Morning, lilly.

Morning, dahlia.
How are you
keeping yourself?

or no emergency,

You folks should get
yourselves together

And stop relying
on the police

To board
your babies.

Now don't be blaming
mrs. Baker

For something
I volunteered to do.

I am too busy for
this foolishness.

Well, I can see
she's real pleased.

Don't pay her no mind.

We checked out
all the hospitals
in the vicinity.

All the black babies

Born over the last
four months

And their mothers
are accounted for.

But he's not exactly black.

Well, not exactly
white, either.

I know.
We're checking
into that, too.

Chances are
he's from far away,

And his mother
has long since
gone home.

This one's what
we call a gulper.

He can suck down

Before you blink
an eye.

Be sure and burp him
at ounces, though.

Otherwise he'll get
a terrible bellyache.

He had
a diaper rash,

it's clearing up,

But keep an eye
on it

Because it can
flare up fast.

O.k. Rash.

Now, in general,

Good, loud,
healthy cry

Means he can't be
too awfully sick...


If he's listless

And doesn't seem
to have the energy
to cry hard,

You call us
right away.

O.k., Is that it?


Come on.

There you go.

Hey, there,
you little handsome man.

Aren't you precious?

I know something.

You do?


You going to
tell me?

You with the welfare?

I'm volunteering.

That's nice.

You got the time
and the money.

You can afford
to volunteer.

I can't afford to volunteer
what I know, dig?

I can't talk to you
right now.

You want to
meet me later?


Hey, mama.

I was wondering where
you all went off to.

You know...

It is really a shame.

I don't see any shame
in caring for
a helpless child.

The shame is in
lying to yourself.

I don't know what
you're talking about,





Are you caring
for my baby?

Excuse me?

Who is this?

I know you are...

And should.

He's a good boy.

Except when
he's hungry.

With me
it seems like

He was hungry
just about all the time.

Do you want to keep my
little baby rocket man?

Where are you?

'Cause you can
if you want.

I'll sell him
to you.

You listen, girl.

You're going to
get yourself in trouble.

I'll give him
to you cheap--
$ , .

Tell me where you are.
I'll get help to you.

I don't need your help.

, .

That's all I'm asking,

And rocket's yours.

She'll call you back.

Hey! Hello?


Who was that?


The guy who met me
looked like this one,

The one ella murphy
saw in the drive-by.

He was living there?

He could've come by
to score.

Who'd sh**t a buyer?

Somebody who wanted
to scare off
somebody else's business.

Excuse me, chief. Yeah.

Barton stone is
registered as the owner

Of a '
coupe de ville,


You don't say.

Chief, luann is on
line for you.

Luann, how's it--


When? How much?

All right.


just got a call

the alleged mother.

She offered
to sell the baby.

, .

I do believe that's
well below the going price.

Tell colby I want him
to be dee's backup

When she goes
to meet the kid.

If he's crack starved,
things could get
very ugly very fast.

Yes, sir, chief forbes.

And we want
some warrants,
all right?

Will do.

Mama's watching him
for a bit.

I had to come in
and catch up
on some things.

Mrs. Baker,

If this girl really is
the baby's mother,

And she's
so obviously unfit,

The baby can't
go back to her.

He'll have to.

We're supposed to keep
the real family intact.

Well, what--what--

If the mother's problem
is dr*gs,

They'll put her
in a program

To straighten
her out, right?

You know
what burns me?

You have
to take a test

To do something simple
like drive a car.

But raising a child,

The toughest job
in the world,

Any fool can do
without asking anybody.

Are you saying
we should license people
to have children?

I don't know
what I'm saying.

We'll do
everything we can

To keep the baby safe.

I'll drive you back
to the courthouse.


I'll be
right with you.

I know
what you're feeling.

I felt the same way

Many's the time.

Why don't you
go on home?

Dee will have
plenty of backup.

Chief, I really
want to be there.

So what are we
talking about here?

The baby's mother--
who is she?

No, first we talk
about price.

What am I supposed
to be buying?

What do you want?

To put the baby
and his mother together
in a foster home.

Give me
and I'll give her to you.

You got the baby, so...

Does she care
about her baby?

She's been
trying to sell him

Since she seen
the dirty looks she got
just carrying him around.

He's a beautiful baby.

She got him off
some black stud.

Do you care
about the baby
at all?

Hey, we got a deal
for .

No. No deal.

Tell the baby's mama

He's just fine.

We're heading left
up willow lane.

We're with you,

She got dirty looks
carrying a baby?

Maybe she was
too doped up

To know what looks
she was getting.

He just turned into
stone's cheap gas.


That's right.

Barton stone used to own
this place, too.

You see
what I saw?

Sure did.

That girl's been with him
the whole time.


We're moving.

Better give it up,




Who's your dealer?

I don't know
no dealers.

Where'd you get
the crack?


Was he the guy that ran
into the woods?

That's right.

He the father
of the baby?

Ask him.

Why should he know?

He says he don't.

You got no money, huh?

I got a lot coming...

, .

You mean
for that baby?

No, I don't think so.

You got no deal
for that baby.

That I know.

Who are you?

Are you that cop?

Girl, you're not
selling that baby
to anybody.

You know,
not that you'd care,

But rocket
rolled himself over
this morning.

That's right.

He did that,
all by himself.

You all through
searching me?

Can I go lie down

♪ Are strong

♪ Yes,
jesus loves me ♪

♪ Yes,
jesus loves me ♪

♪ Oh, yes,
jesus loves me... ♪

Morning, maddie.

Good morning,

May I come in?

♪ Tells me so

Can I get you
something to drink?

No, thanks.
I'm fine.

Well, hello,
mrs. Baker.


How's the baby?

Fast asleep.

I found a home
for the child.


It's just
for five days,

But I think I'll have
something permanent
in a week or so.

You're placing him
for five days one place

And then maybe someplace else
for another two?

It's just to take him
off your hands, luann.

You've been more
than generous, luann.

That can't be
good for the baby.

If it's just
another week,
let him stay here.

You're not certified
for that.

How do I get certified?

I'll certify you
as crazy.

Let me apply
to be certified.

I was hoping
you'd say that.

Go and apply first thing
in the morning.

I sure will.

And, luann, please...

Keep in mind the mother
is no longer missing.


It's not the baby
you thinking about.

It's yourself.

What you want.

Ned even come up
with his name...

'Cause the doctor said
that baby shot out of me
like a rocket.

Well, then,
ned is definitely

The father
of your child, is he?

He won't say so,
but I know he is

'Cause I only slept
with one black guy

In my whole life,
and that's ned.

How did you come
to meet barton stone?

Someone told ned
to go see him.

He said
he had work here.

Stone gave ned the car
and that house.

Rule was we couldn't
go in or out
during the day,

Which suited me
just fine,

'Cause I couldn't
take the looks

People was giving me

When I went out
with rocket.

Do you know
who shot at ned?


Same guy that's been
trying to sh**t stone.

Well, there's
a piece of news.

Somebody was trying
to sh**t at stone,
was he?

Who might that be?

I don't know.

That's what ned said.


'Cause stone and ned
owe them money,

Whoever they are.

Stone won't pay.

Ned won't pay.

Mrs. Baker,
how are you doing?

This is
sheriff gillespie.
You know him?

I sure do.

Mrs. Baker.

And this is
cassie green,

The baby's mother.

I was wondering
which of the parents
was white.

I was hoping
it wasn't the mother.


it changes things.

I've located
a mother-infant foster
home in marshallburg,

But the family's

I don't know
that they'd be willing

To take a white girl
with a baby.

I don't suppose
they'd be willing

To take the baby
with his daddy,

No, they wouldn't want
the young man.

He's a criminal,


Listen, I ain't part
of no welfare deal.

I just want to
sell him to somebody

Who wants
this kind of baby.

People who don't mind
raising a mix.

Now, child,

You cannot
sell your baby.

Stone said I could.

He's the one
that gave me the idea.

He said
we'd split it - .

He'd find somebody.

You could think about
giving him up
for adoption.

Get straight.

Finish school.

Come on, cassie.

Luann, keeping the
biological family
together is best.


For who?

For her?

For rocket?

Don't his needs
figure into this at all?

This girl could be
sent away.

What then?


I think you're in
just a little
over your head.

Why don't you
just back up and...

Get on solid ground?

[Rings doorbell]

Try it.


Mr. Stone?

Mr. Stone!

Do you think maybe
his dear cleaning lady,

Uh, ran away after
he'd done all this?

She may have left
before he ever got started.

Mr. Stone!

See, forbes,

That there
is a shotgun slug.

What's new on
the motorcycle boys?

We're working on it.

You keep eating like
you've been doing...

And you'll grow up
to be nice and strong.



♪ The itsy-bitsy spider

♪ Went up
the water spout ♪

♪ Down came the rain

♪ And washed
the spider out ♪

♪ Out came the sun

♪ And dried up
all the rain ♪

♪ And the
itsy-bitsy spider ♪

♪ Went up the spout
again ♪

I made up this list,
you know,

Of things I noticed
he likes and doesn't like.

Should I give it to them?

Will it sound like
I'm a wise-ass or something?

What does it say?


He likes his feet rubbed,
for instance,

And not his back.


He likes you
to play music and sing.

He's definitely
partial to the blues.

Nothing up-tempo
for this little dude.

You're a natural.

You better have
yourself some babies
while you can.

Yeah, well...

I can't.


It's a long story.


Good morning.

Here's your boy.

So, everything's set?

Well, just about.

You found a placement?

A temporary one

Till cassie
has her hearing,

And then we'll see.

He's a great baby,


When he's not
screaming all night.


Why don't
you name him

Robert or rich
or ralph?

They're all
better than rocket.



It says something.

it says something...

About you.