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07x06 - A Love Lost

Posted: 05/19/23 09:51
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Thank you very much,

Randy, you want a glass
of lemonade?

How about you,
you want more coffee?

Please. Beats that stuff
at the sheriff department.

Tell her who makes
that stuff.

I do.


Ahh. There you go.

The lettuce
is planted.

Now to put up netting
before the birds come.

You really moving
today, randy.

I don't need no praise
from the likes of you.

Now, come on, randy.

Do you want
a piece of cake?

He's the meanest cop
in the state
of mississippi.

Indian tilly says

He k*lled men,
women, and children.

Come on, randy.

And livestock, too.

Sit down over here.

Nope. Got tomatoes
to plant.

Can't waste
no growing time.

That's my neighbor
randy calhoun.

He's a little, um,
ahem, different,
you know?

I got that feeling.

[Police radio]

Stand by, dispatch.

I'll get them
from the car.

Go ahead.

Well, how you doing?

Still trying to decide
what I want to be
when I grow up.

You just be grown up,
and you'll be a success.

To you,

But you're my pop.

How you like running
the sheriff's department?

Well, I like fishing
a whole lot better.

Do women get promotions
the same way men do?

Not yet, but things
are getting better.

You thinking about
police work?

I was just thinking,
that's all.

Way too dangerous.

That doesn't bother me.

Now, the pay might.

Oh, well,
all right then.

Chief forbes
is calling for you,


Break-in at
the happy trails
last night.

See? That's what keeps
life interesting.

Maybe I could
ride around
with you sometime.

Sure. Anytime.

You say when.

[Truck radio plays
rock music]

Want us to pop him?

No, but see
if you can read
his license plate.

Tango- - --something.

That comes
from gulfport.


I hope he's no friend
of lana's.

[Radio plays rock music]

Hey, babe.

Why are you here?

Well, lana,
sweetie pie,
to see you.

Well, why didn't
you phone?

You'd have
hung up on me
like the last time.

Ain't you gonna
offer me a cold one?

Everything o.k.,
Miss lana?

Not particularly.

Lee thompson,
recently from gulfport.

Pleased to meet you.

I'm randy.

Please, baby,
I'm just bursting to go.

That's a nice place
you got here.

It's roomy, too.

What happened to you
in gulfport?

You just vanished.

Well, I guess
I felt really bad
about myself.

So you found someone
to make you feel better?

No, baby. I swear,
there was no one.


I just felt that
I wasn't worthy,

And I felt bad about
the money, too.

So, you gonna
pay me back?

Oh, sure am.

Got myself a real
sweet deal cooking.

You've always got
a good deal going.

Mmm, you look
great, baby.

Don't try that.
It won't work.


All right.

Look, I just
want to talk.


So talk.

You usually carry
so much stuff?

You're short
over weapons here.

a busy time, chief.

Anything else missing?

Some petty cash,
maybe .

A bunch of a*mo.

It was kind of
unfortunate timing

Having all
those g*ns around.

Sure is, sheriff.

Hurt me real bad.

Well, I was thinking
about unfortunate
for the public.

Yes, sir.
That, too.

They cut through
all the utilities.

Yeah. I only just
got my power back on.

These guys were
for sure.

I doubt you'll
ever catch them.

Yeah? Now why
do you say that?

I don't hear about cops
catching guys much.

How you fixed
for insurance,
raymond mercer?


Damned deductible's
going to eat me alive.

All right, mr. Mercer.

I'd like to take these,
make some copies

So we can circulate
the serial numbers.



We're improving
all the time.

You know mercer well?

Yeah, pretty well.

No past problems?

No. I can't
recall any.

I think he's lying
about the burglary.

He's too reasonable.

Man gets cleaned out
like that,

He should be frothing
at the mouth a little.

Well, that's true.

You think he's got
some kind of scam

I think he's the type.

[Water running]

[Knock knock]




Hi there.

You want something?

Yeah. Who are you?

And who are you

To come
walking through
the front door?

My name's lonnie.
I'm a friend
of miss farren's.

Hi, lonnie.

Listen, I just
dropped by.

This power motor
catalog--there were
some good buys.

I marked a couple.

If you need
anything else,

Just give me a call,
all right?

Bye, lon.

And who is he?

A friend.

A guy who worked
for my father.

A cop?


I think he likes you.

Probably he did.

You know,
I had the most
horrible dream

Last night.

Now do we really want
to hear this, parker?

Yes, ma'am,
I think you should.

You know,
dreams can be
very prophetic.

See, it was about
chief forbes.

Hey, parker--

Bubba, now,
please. Please.

See, I dreamed
that chief forbes

Was a space alien

Who came down
to earth to
infiltrate america.

Klaatu. Rowada. Nikto.

Klaatu. Rowada. Nikto.

Excuse me?

I thought you were
one of us.

Can you join me
a moment, captain?

Yeah, sure, chief.

Luann, what on earth
was that all about?

That's what
patricia neal
told the robot gort

In the day the earth
stood still.


Yeah. Yeah.

I knew that.

With mr. Tibbs away,

We're a little light
on the investigative

Yeah. It's backing up
on cases, too.

Yeah. So, until
mr. Tibbs returns,

How about it?

Uh, how about what?

Acting chief

Uh... Ahem.

Ha ha!

No, no.

I'm honored
you'd ask me, now,

But, uh,
chief investigator--

You just got
to listen to
a mess of lies,

And never giving
much away,

All the while
figuring out
some tricky trap

For a suspect.

You got the right idea.

Yes, sir, but, uh,

I'm the kind of guy

Who still gets irritated

When people don't
sh**t him straight.

Makes me want
to bust heads.

We all do.

Yeah, but I show it.

Who doesn't show it?

Lonnie jamison, sir.

He's your man.

Never play poker
with that boy.

Give this
so-called robbery
at the happy trails

Special attention.

It may be a setup.

Yes, sir.

Oh, uh, lonnie's
a g*n expert, too.

Hey, lonnie j.

Hey, bubba.

You don't look
too happy today.

Yeah, I'm not.

It's just one
of those days.

Do you know why
I got a call
from forbes?

Maybe he wants
a little advice
from you.

Forbes? No way.

Well, ain't it just
a beautiful day?

It might be
a good day
for moving on.

Now, sweetie pie,
didn't last night
mean nothing to you?

This isn't good
for me, lee.

Now, you ain't
giving me a chance.

I tell you what,

You just let me
take care of
my business here,

And then we'll
take a trip,

Maybe to florida.
How about that?

No. I got stuff
to do here.

You go on
to florida

And leave me
here in peace.

Well, now, if you
really want me to go,

I swear I'll go,

And you'll never hear
from me again.


Is that really
what you want?


I'll see you later,
sweet pie.

Things is going
to be o.k.

Things is going
to be all right.

Hey, randy,
how you doing?

[Telephone rings]


Yeah? What?pop?

Oh, hi.
My favorite person.

Well, the day's
beginning very well.

I need to see you.

I got to go to
the office, then--

Could I meet you there?

You bet.

You got some kind
of trouble?

Oh, yeah.

Old trouble.

Don't worry.
It's nothing urgent.

I just need some advice.

See you soon.

Look at that.

Look at that
do the tickle dance.

You boys gonna love
this purple wiggler.

You have a real
good time now.

Thanks, raymond.

Hey, old buddy.

Got any aspirin?

Well, well, look
what the cat drug in.

Well, I had
a few last night.

This place ain't
no gulfport, son.

Don't go kicking up
your heels.

These country cops
ain't gonna fool
with you.

I'm doing my heel kicking
in private.

If I told you who with,
you'd be surprised.

Give me one of them
low-fat peach yogurts.

You can get it


Well, what?

Where's the r*fles?

Had a little problem.

Couldn't get
no full autos.

They're semis.

I knew you would
screw it up.

It ain't nothing,

I got the conversion

Hell, they're only
bucks each.

So you converted them?

Figured you could
do that.

Oh, man,
that tastes bad.

It is bad.

It's been in there

Tango- .

a long way

For a customer to come.

Maybe he's not buying.

Maybe he's supplying.

I'll bet you a dollar

You came to see me
about that guy.

His name's lee.

And when
did you meet him?

Couple of years ago.

I really went for him,
but we fought a lot.

We were on and off,
but we never broke up.

I just stayed up here.


When you were
in gulfport,

Were you living
with him?

Some of the time.

Where is he now?

He's here.

He's here?
You mean, uh,

He's staying out there
with you at your place.


But I want him
to leave.

Well, I can sure
help you with that.

I also want him
to stay.


I can't help you with.

You're supposed to wait
until the red light
goes out.

How'd you know
it was me?

It could only be you.

Well, I was careful.
Besides, they're waiting.

I can't hurry this.
This is chemistry, parker.

I just love it
when a picture
comes out.

It's kind of magical.


Then pick that up,
put it here
for seconds,

Put it here
for a minute,
rinse it off,

It'll dry itself.


Thank you.

We got two kinds
of buyers--

Your average gangbanger,
like the crew from jackson...

Not much left
of them boys.

The real money for g*ns
is in big cities--

New york, d.c...

Detroit, memphis,
etc., Etc.

So what you're saying
is old raymond,
the fisherman's friend,

Been ripping off
his own g*ns

And selling them
to the big money.

Knowing raymond,
he'll make times
the profit,

Even sharing
with a middleman.

And where
is that middleman?

Would it be anybody
here in sparta?

[Door opens]

Well, sir, here's
the last of them.

Looks like
a nice kid.

Like one can tell,

What was this kid
doing there?

Delivering something
to raymond in a crate.

We're mainly interested
in somebody picking
something up.

What you thinking,

Well, I don't much
care for this guy.

Just by looking
at him?

You know him,
don't you?

I met him at lana's.
His name's lee something.

Who's lana?

Uh, lana farren, sir.
That's bill gillespie's


Anything else
about him?

Just that he's
from gulfport.

Lana knew him
from there.

Why's he here,

And what's this
lee fella doing
with lana?


Uh, don't you think
it's a little

To try to tie
this kid in with
raymond and the g*ns?

Yeah, very.
Let's get a couple
of warrants anyway.

A couple, sir?

That's right.

One for raymond's
store, and one
for lana's house.

Yeah, but she's
the chief's--

I mean the sheriff's

Uh, jamison, should I
take you off this case?

No, sir.

[Door closes]

I can't believe
I asked that
terrible question--

What's this lee fella
doing with lana?

Parker, I not only
believe you asked it,

I was waiting
for you to ask it.

Getting plenty
of food in, miss lana?

Why, you hungry?

Oh, no,
I ain't hungry at all.

You're thinking
about lee, right?

I hope you're not going
to start judging me.

He had a whole bunch
of g*ns.

A whole bunch?

Army g*ns.
A lot of them.

What are you
talking about? Where?

In his pickup.
In a big box.

And what were you
doing in his pickup?

Searching his stuff
to find out about him.

Randy, why?

I hate him.

He's no good
for you, miss lana.

Don't you go deciding
what's good for me.

You're way out
of line now.

I thought my job
was to tell you
what to do here.

That's what you said.

[Telephone rings]


Hello? [Lee]
hey, baby, it's me.

Hi. What's up?

Just wanted to see
what you're doing,

How you're feeling.

Lana? You doing o.k.?

You know,
I'm just stressed out.

Lee, we got to talk.

You know
I love to talk.

Would you kindly
excuse me?

What are you doing
with a box of g*ns?

Lana, don't tell me
you went through my stuff.

Like I said,
we got to talk.

Fine. I'll be back
in a while.

Wait, wait,
wait a minute.

Did I hear
you say lana,
like lana farren?

Yeah. Lana.

Man, are you out
of your mind?

Lana farren is
sheriff gillespie's

I told you
you'd be surprised.

Did I hear her
say something
about g*ns?

Did you tell her
about our little deal?

Man, don't worry. Don't worry?

Lee, you are...
You're a fool.

Hey, don't you be talking
to me that way.

I'll talk to you
any way I like!

We got to get
them as*ault g*ns
out of here.

Why's that?
They legal, ain't they?

Not since I converted
them to full auto!

Well, now,
he's taking his box back.

Sure would like
to see the inside of it.

You may get the chance.

Lt. Jamison,
this is luann.

Go ahead, luann.

Subjects one and two
are leaving the premises
with a large crate.

What are they
leaving in?

Subject two's pickup.
You want me to stop them?

No. If we stop them
without probable cause,

The contents
won't matter.

Put a soft tail
on them.

See where
they're headed.

Got it.

Take, uh,
take the next left.

Where we going, anyway?

Little place I got
in the woods.

You got the handguns
out in the woods?

I'd be a fool
to have them around me

When they're supposed
to be stolen.

Lieutenant, subjects
are headed up fire road .

They might see us.

Don't follow them.
Come back to the station. Yes, sir.

At least we don't
have to eat
my sandwiches for lunch.

Praise be.

Oh, now, hey.
It's one thing
if I say it.

Yes, sir. The sheriff's
expecting you.

Come right in.

Thank you.

Hey, hamp. Hey, bill.

Do you know anything
about a fella

Who I'm told
is a guest of
your daughter's?

I know his name
is lee somebody.

He may be
a bad specimen.

I would've guessed that.

Hmm. When'd you
last see him?

I believe, the day
before yesterday,

Rolling along
in his pickup.

He may be involved
with raymond mercer

In some illegal
g*n trading.

You think?

This is from
a buddy of mine
at memphis A*F.

He called
gulfport A*F.

They knew all about
this fella lee.

He's a player.

Arrested and convicted.


g*n runner.

Hardly the type
that you'd want
for your daughter.

He's still staying
with her, though.

Yes. Uh...

Did you come here
to tell me something?

I have to
get a warrant

To search her place.

I hate it.

I really hate it.

Trouble is, this is
a one-time thing, see?

I can't go rob myself
every week.

Well, maybe we can
figure something
else out, raymond.

Right now,
I'm feeling
real uneasy,

What with the new chief

And you shacking up
with the sheriff's daughter.

Don't worry about her.

I'm getting
out of here fast.

Not that I blame you.

I seen her.
She's cute.

Yeah, well, it's over.

You know how much
you owe me.

Yeah, man.
Got a calculator.

So, you ain't
got no reason
to come back here.

Nope. This is going
to be my stake.

Planning on making
some investments.

Hey, that,
that lana...

Was she any good?

What's that? You know.

Doing that wild thing.

Yeah. Sure.
She was great.

Maybe when you're gone,

I'll get some
of that myself.

You be my guest, raymond.

Oh, yeah.

Let's see.
Times ...

I'm looking
at $ , !

Fire road
splits half a dozen ways,

But not much up there.

Ray mercer has
a hunting shack
in them woods.

How do you know?

A woman he took there
told me.

Why'd she do that?

Make me jealous.

I believe
she substantially
misjudged my character.

Where is this
hunting shack exactly?

I'm sorry, chief forbes.

It's out in them woods

It's not going
to be on our
survey map.

It's not
a permanent structure.

That's county land,
meaning it's deputy country.

I'm counting on them
to help.

Meanwhile, I got
this warrant
for you to serve.

Is that just
one warrant, chief?

Yeah, lieutenant.
It's just one.

What do you think?

Well, I think
nobody's home.

Dee, go and let parker
and everett in.

Yes, sir.

Well, lonnie,
you the expert.

What we looking for?

Little bits
of metal and springs.

We'll know
when we find it.

You should see
a printout of
this lee thompson.

He's n.g.
In a big way.

Well, I'm not surprised.

How'd a daughter of yours
get involved with
a guy like him?

She was my daughter,
but I wasn't
a father to her.

It's a long story.

All deputies
in car and ,

Check out that fire
a mile north of base camp.

Notify county fire

Roger, sheriff.
We'll notify them.

Want to go look?

Sure do.

[Door opens]

Randy? No. Your moron's
nowhere in sight.

It's your ex-fool
back to say goodbye.

I'm leaving.
On my way.

Hasta nunca,baby.

Just like that?

It's what you wanted,
isn't it?

I said I wanted
to talk.

Before you throw me out,

You got to tell me
why you feel
so good about it!

I'll just get my stuff.

You're going to have
to wait anyway.

Most of your stuff
is in the washer.

Oh, great.

Lee, we had
good times together.

You ever hear
of closure?

Yeah. It comes
after last call.

This is not about
me feeling good
about throwing you out.

It's about two adults
their differences

And why things
can't work.

You have to have
your say, don't you?

Don't you
owe me that?

Well, here we are.

These are disconnectors
from a bunch of ar- s.

Meaning what?

The g*ns they're from
were converted to full auto.

Which is percent illegal.

Unless you
have a class
firearms license.

Uh, here's a bottle,

But I don't think this
was a drinking accident.

I don't think he was
smoking in bed either.

Looks more like
an attempt to burn up
homicide evidence.


Hey, chief,
it's bubba.

Go, bubba.

Looks like
raymond was dirty.

Yeah? Well,
now he's dead.

Chief, it's jamison.
You got lee thompson?

Negative, lieutenant.

He likely m*rder*d raymond.

He's gone to lana's.

Let's get over there.


You can't wait
for me to dry these?

I got to hit the road.

I listened to you.

[Telephone rings] leave it.

Leave the damn phone!

Don't be silly.


Lana, hello?

What happened?

She got cut off somehow.

Hamp, go faster,
will ya?


Lee, what's going on?

You're in trouble,
aren't you?

Where you going to go?


Lee, don't!


Whatever you've done,
I don't care.

I'll help you.

Yeah. You and
your daddy, too.

Wait, please, don't.

What's he done?

Well, he k*lled somebody.

Don't hurt him.

We don't want
to hurt him.

We just want
to take him.

May i?

Go right ahead.

Bubba and jamison,
we're going to back you up.

All other units,
get over there
on lakeshore.

Start a roadblock.



Get him.

Call the paramedics.

Need paramedics
for a t.a. With
cardiac failure

In the winahatchee woods
just south of lakeshore.

Roger. - .

I think he's had it.

We've got to try.

Excuse me,
chief, sheriff.

Go ahead, jamison.

All the handguns
have been accounted for.

What about those
as*ault r*fles?

Y'all find them?

Yes, sir.
They were in the truck,

And they were modified,
like I said.

Thank you,

Yes, sir.


How's your daughter
taking all this?

Oh, she's taking it
kind of hard.

She cared for this guy.

She must've seen
something good in him.

But was she really
through with him,

Or was she hoping
they could make it?

Well, I have to wonder...

Because as her father...

I know so little
about her.

Well, maybe there's
still time to learn.

Oh, sure.

But you can't
learn anything

That's going to
help you with the past.

You know, uh...

Time lost is...

Well, it's time lost.

I'll see you.