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07x03 - Hatton's Turn: Part 2

Posted: 05/19/23 09:43
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

You said you'd do it.
Want me to?

I said I would.

Well, then,
go on, then.

Nap, we got
to go now,

Take the car home.



About them people
we shot...

You know we had
to do that, right?

So they
wouldn't tell.

That's right.

Now coley's afraid
that you going to tell.

And if you tell somebody
like your white daddy,

Man, coley
going to come back

And sh**t you
with that shotgun...

And sh**t
your white daddy.

I won't tell.

He wants me
to sh**t you now...

With this.

But I want you
to run thataway...

To old route .

Take your first right.

You'll be home
in less than an hour.

Will y'all bring
papa arvin's car back?

I'll ask coley.
Do like I told you.

Straight that way.

Go on now.

What you thinking
about doing?

You thinking
about k*lling me
with that piece?

No, coley. Why?

'Cause I want
more money.

You want
all of it.

No, coley,
there's enough.

Why didn't you
k*ll henry?

I couldn't.
I just couldn't.

There's no need
because nobody
takes henry serious.

Let's walk back
to the pickup.


Ain't nobody
going to believe
poor henry,

Even if he tells.

Hush, nap, will you?

I can't hear
myself thinking
when you're talking.

Have the police
got any ideas?

I'm not the police.

Is the new chief
working this himself?

Ask the new chief.

When's he going
to talk to us?

Ask a policeman.
Here come one.

Would y'all clear
this hallway, please?

Come on.
Let's move it.

Slugs they pulled
out of the women are . S.

He made them
lie face-down.

There was no blood
or brains or lead

but on the floor.

Nothing on any
of the walls.

He didn't even need
to sh**t the women
with the p*stol.

I think
there was another guy.

That fired the p*stol?


Two guys, then.

Yeah, at least two.

I could see where
they was stepping
all around the bodies.

Can't take it in.

They weren't the kind
to keep money around.

Well, somebody
thought they were.

That's all it takes.

Did they ever
have visitors?

Oh, yes, yes.
We used to visit
them ourselves.

You and joanna?

Laura would come, too.
So would henry.

Where's my henry?
Any word?

No, laura, not yet.

The whole town's talking
about the poor barrons.

We've been driving
all over...

The school...
The morgue...

That burger place
where the kids go.

Does henry ever
stay the night
with someone?

Not without telling us.

The barrons
and ellie renter

Were simply slaughtered,
they say.

The sheriff
seems to think

That henry left here
with two other young men.

What? Henry left...


We think he followed
two of his friends
who have a pickup,

As if they all had
someplace else to go.

Why mix up henry
with this other thing?

I--i mean...

From the barrons
you jumped to henry.
What's that about?

We were talking
about henry as well,
now, weren't we?

You have no reason,
no reason whatsoever,

For thinking
what you're thinking.

Only yesterday
I saw this fella
walking around.

No, stay there, henry.
Don't make us
run after you.

Easy, henry.
Sit back down
and tell us

Where you been
since yesterday.

Since last night,
he's been here.

He slept here...

Afraid to go home.

What did
you do, henry?
Why you afraid?


I took
papa arvin's car.

But he was allowed
to drive it.

He's been in here
many, many times

Asking questions
and learning about it.

Did you drive the car
back here last night?

You didn't
drive it here?

Where is it, henry?

Come with us.

Guess y'all know,

This boy
has a problem.

Yes, mac, we know.

Come with us, henry.

This man coley
who worked for you...

He a mississippi

Never asked.

Did you ask to see
his driver's license?

I made sure he had
a driver's license.

[Speaking spanish]

What state issued
the license,
you recall?

Mississippi, I believe.

Well, you read it.
What did it say?

I believe
it was mississippi.

What was coley's
first name, sir?

Coley was
his first name.

His second name
was hiffern.

I remember
'cause I wrote him checks.

Remember how
you spelled the name?

Well, sure, I do.

It's hiffern.

Get the sparta police
on the telephone.

How much did he make
when he worked for you?

$ . An hour.

What more
could a body want?

I usually gave him
more for the black guy.

What black guy?

With him a lot. What was his name?

Never asked.

Captain skinner?

Ah, yes, sir.
Got the name. Coley hiffern.


A dog?

Yeah, o.k.

You know, we got us
the press here, too.

They saw us bringing
in the kid henry elmer.

You know, I got an idea,

And if it's all right
with you,

I'll tell forbes.

Yes, bubba,
that's a good idea.

You tell the chief.

Those wine bottles
have no tax stamp.

I don't make wine.

We're only trying
to do a job.

Wish you could help us.

Play that back, friend,
and make believe
I just said it to you.

Was the other guy
white, henry?


He was
a black fella.

I--i--i didn't see him.

How many other fellas
were there, henry?


They went away.

Found another place
to keep the kid.

Well, hi.

Bill, I don't want
to expose the kid
to the press.

Oh, I hear you.

I don't want to keep him
with the other guests
we have here.

Let's do what
bubba says.

Is the county jail
any better?

Population is worse,

But I've got
a secure apartment
on the premises there.

Then thanks.

Well, henry, you want
to take a ride with me
in my car?

I want to send
an officer with you.

Fine. How
you doing, luann?

Hi, chief--
I mean, sheriff.

Well, come on.
We'll go.

I don't know why
it's so difficult

For y'all to understand,
but I'll say it again.

We don't wish you to have
the kid's picture.

Suppose we'd gotten
one outside?

Would you take it
away from us?

No, sir, nor would I
prevent you from taking it.

We just think it's wrong

To present you
with a prisoner
for photographing.

What the hell's
come over him?

Well, sir,
he went to washington

And visited
the supreme court

And he hasn't been
the same since.

Would it be wrong
at least

To give us
your prisoner's name?

Yes, sir, we feel
it would be

Until the d.a. Has
formerly charged
the juvenile.

Sitting room.

All right.

We're doing all we can
to protect henry.

From what?

Is he in danger
in that jail?

No, no, ma'am.
No physical danger.

But the way he is...

What way
do you think he is?

Henry's Ret*rded, ma'am.

People who have not
been told that

Do not routinely
think that.

Listen to me. This is not
a time for make-believe.

If a jury gets the idea
henry is normal,

He'll be convicted
of m*rder.

How can they think
of trying that boy
for m*rder?

My god.

My god.

Where is he now?

He's in a safe place
by himself.

Y'all can go see him.

His lawyer can go see him
and should do so
right away.

I presume mr. Hatton?


No. No.

Chief forbes,
I will, of course,

Make sure henry has
the best possible counsel
and right away,

But I'm no longer
in practice.

Wade, your people
are dependent on you

In a time
of bad need.

You going to fail us?

I would only fail you
if I attempt something
I'm no longer fit to do.

I call on you
to help us, wade hatton.

And I will help you
all I can.

You'll be henry's lawyer.

No, darlin', I'm sorry.
I can't be.


The boy is in
sheriff gillespie's

If there are
any questions,

You can call
gillespie or me.

Thank you.

Stay cool.
Back out.

Don't make no fuss,

Or I'll have to k*ll you
and drive this myself.

Hi. Did you just come
from seeing joann
and arvin?

Yes. We need
a change of clothes
for young henry.

I wanted to say
how sorry I am
about all this.

Are they devastated?

That is the word.

I understand.

I guess
I'm going to be
representing henry.

They asked him,
but he won't.

Do you know why? No.

This kind of a case
sure is his specialty.


But there's something
you can do to help.

I'm sure there is,
miss sarah.

I want to see henry
sometime today.

There's something
you could set up for me.

Sure, I bet I can.

Tell me
what you need.

I'd appreciate it.

I'll call you.


You won't help?

I can't
represent henry.

I got to go in.


When you finish
with those people,

I want to see you.

You going
to see me tonight. No, no, no.

I won't be there
It just...

Doesn't seem

I thought about
putting it off,

But everybody's
got to have dinner

I simply don't want
to be with other people
right now.

Wade, I've got
to fly out of here.

I'll be an hour late
for another appointment.

Are you going
to represent them?



You'll do it right.

I also want you
to represent me.

My case.

Try and make some time
for me, will you?


[Doorbell chimes]

They're waiting for you.

This cannot fail.

We must not
allow this to fail.

What do you
mean, arvin?

He means
we did not fail.

Henry did not fail.

We all built
a family here.

We think it was
a wise thing to do.

A correct thing
to do.

The world
must not look on it
as a failure.

What do you think?

Did you think
henry did this?


Do you think
he's in any way
responsible for this?


How could he
be responsible?

He never knew anything
about atrocious things
like this.

I'm--i'm trying
to find some reason

That we can give
the district attorney

Why he shouldn't
prosecute henry.

Before you say
one word,

I just want
to tell you

I love it
when the press

Tells me things the
police should have.

Good morning,
mr. Darnell.

You can't keep
that kid

In some kind
of hotel suite.

He's in the sheriff's
jail, sir.

I know that.

To the press
it's privileged

Because the governor
was once held there.

The press
were asking me

Why a young k*ller
is privileged.

The kid isn't privileged.

In fact, he's handicapped.

He requires a different
kind of custody.

And why assume
he's the k*ller?

Is it necessary
for this custody
to look like cuddling?

Can you tell me
how you're going
to charge him?

Oh, I can tell you,

When I know myself.

They found
the allenbys' car,

Mr. Allenby wants this
back right now, chief.

Tell him sorry,
it's evidence now.

The tow truck's
already on the way.


What does this
look like to you,

That's a piece
of dog biscuit, chief.

Yeah. The allenbys
don't have a dog.

According to you,
coley hiffern
had a little white dog.

Yes, he did,
other night
in his truck.

I guarantee you,
this car's what
he was driving today.

Nobody his description
entered these stores,

I don't think
he came here to shop.

I think he wanted
to change cars again.

If he stole another one,
we ought to be
getting a report.

Yeah, that's if the owner's
still able to report.


[Cartoon music plays]

[Train crossing bell rings]

[Carnival music plays]

You know who he is?

No, sir.
Nothing in his pockets.

His clothes are nice.
Expensive shoes.

This man works
for a video company,

Like a distributor
from jackson.

I saw him
doing business
at the dollar mart.

He even said hi.

know his name.

He must've had a car.

Where did he leave it?

Or where was he
robbed of it?

I think
I know where.

[Doorbell chimes]


Ms. Hallisey's
not expecting me,

But could you
please tell her

Wade hatton
is here to see her?

Yes, sir, mr. Hatton.
My name is charles.
Please step in.

Thank you.

Ms. Hallisey,
mr. Hatton is
in the hall.


Excuse me
just a moment.

Well, this is
a nice surprise.

I'm glad
you changed your mind.

We're having dinner
in minutes.

No, thank you.
I'm not hungry.

Could I have
those minutes
with you alone?

My other guests
are in the sitting room.

Let me tend
to the videotape
I've just put on.

The other guests
are having some
dry wine, sir.

Can I get you
a touch?

No, thank you.
Bourbon. Two touches.

Yes, sir.

[Cartoon music plays]

Then why did you
take the car, henry?

They say we needed
a different car
to get away in

To go to the river.

To where?


'Cause that's where
coley got the boat,

And that's where
we going to live,

So we can
go up and down
the mississippi,

all the towns,

Every night
a different town.

Would that be fun,
robbing people?


Yeah, it would.

Wouldn't that be wrong?


It wrong.

And what about
sh**ting people?


That wrong.

Then why do it?

Huck would've done it,
if he had a g*n...

Or if the duke
and the dauphin
had g*ns.

What happened
at the barrons' house,

Coley, he, um...

He made them
open the box

And lay on the floor.

And, um...

And then h-h-he shot them
with the shotgun.

H-h-he tore them up.


The women was twitching,

nap shot them
with the p*stol.

Then nap look and say,
"they ain't no
million here,

And coley near turn
and sh**t me,

So nap told me
to get out on the porch.

Why would coley
want to sh**t you?

'Cause there wasn't
no million dollar.

Was that
your faul?


Indian tilly.


Indian tilly.

It was
indian tilly's fault.

I don't want to watch
cartoons no more.

Bill, this is so sad.

Do you think
henry knew

That sh**ting--

Real sh**ting...

Kills people?


I think he does now,

But then, I think

He thought he was
in an adventure story.

See, the way it was,

I used to go
read the cards

For poor ms. Barron
and ms. Ellie.

A couple times
that henry

Was visiting
with ms. Jo allenby.

One time he come to me
and he said

His papa arvin
had more money
than mr. Barron.

I say, "how you know
mr. Barron ain't
got more?

He got $ million
in that iron box."

Why did you
say that, tilly?

I was, uh...

Just joking, that's all.

But you believed
it was true,
didn't you?

Now, wait a minute,

Other people
thought that, too, now.

Everette just
spotted our guy

In a new chevy
on ely headed
for the interstate.

They cut him off.

He's headed
back toward town
on village street.

Jamison, let's try
to take him on his feet.

Yes, sir.

Miss tilly, why
would you tell that boy

A crazy thing like that?

Just for fun.

Make his eyes light up.

'Course, now,
you know he crazy, too,

But I didn't know
he was that murdering,
k*lling kind of crazy.

I just thought
he was silly, stupid,

Make you laugh
kind of crazy.


O.k., Ms. Tilly,
I'm going to run
this back for you

And make sure you
know what you said.

You said you wasn't
going to hold me long, now.

I got clients
waiting on me,

People who
can't face tomorrow

Unless I say they can.



Hold it, coley!



hold your fire!

I want to bring this guy
to a courtroom.

Take him in our car,
chief forbes?

County hospital.

Ask for dr. Day
to work on him.

[Arf arf arf]

Well, lookie here.
Come here.

Come here.



He's going
to be o.k.

Hi. Hi.

You can have
those minutes now
that you wanted,

Or more.

Thank you.

Is that
coley hiffern?

That's the k*ller...

Completely vulnerable...


Hard to believe
he did what he did.

I've represented
his kind before.

Have you ever
represented anybody
like poor henry?

Do you happen to know
of a case of mine

In st. Gallen parish
in louisiana?


Only m*rder case
I ever lost.
I shouldn't have.

My client didn't
k*ll anybody...

But they sent him
to the electric chair.

When I told the jury
he was innocent,

They didn't believe me.

To them I was just
some famous shyster.

I'd lost
all my credibility.

I lost the man.

Does henry remind you
of that man that you

He can talk to you...

For a few minutes...

Until the sedative
puts him out.

Thank you.

You're going
to talk with him?

Well, I'm going to try.
I'll let you know
how it comes out.

He's on valium.

Who are you?

I'm an attorney.

I just might be able
to save your life.

Why don't they just
give me the needle

I'm already hooked up.

Be saving
in time and money.

Well, if you
want the needle,
I can't help you.

If you don't want it...

Maybe I can.


Who's that woman?

The mother
of nap reem.

She came
to identify him.

He was the third kid
at the barrons',

The one
the white boy shot.

His testimony
could've helped
poor henry.

She wants to know
why we couldn't
have helped her boy.

She says her boy
was not a k*ller.

She says
he was a victim.

Does she know
the facts?

She doesn't want
to hear facts.

As a politician,
I'm here to tell you

People don't
believe facts.

They believe what
makes them feel right.

Even if it's wrong?
Whatever it is.

And I mean
the whole world.

the whole world's
not that crazy.

It isn't?

Then you and I
are looking at
different worlds, honey.

Quite the contrary,
mr. Darnell.

If I may say so,

The political effects
of disregarding

This boy's medical
and psychological

Just to satisfy
a public howl--

Mr. Hatton, satisfying
public howls

Is the essence
of politics.

The essence.

And what the public is
howling for nowadays
is protection...

From this.

One of the fellows
who did this is dead,

The other's in custody.
What more do we want?

If the judge goes along,
I won't fight you.

I want you to go along
so the judge won't fight.

Fight what?

The judge listens
to other people fight.

We're talking
about a motion

In the allenby
m*rder case, your honor.

You going to make
the motion?

Uh, no, sir.
Mr. Wade hatton

I see.

Climb any water towers

I've given
all that up, sir.

I'm sorry to hear that.

It means you're getting
sedentary, huh?


Well, chief,
how you doing, chief?

I'm a little lonesome,
your honor.

Well, you know how
to cure that, don't you?

Yes, sir.

I'm here to support
mr. Hatton, judge.

Your honor, I don't want
a -year-old Ret*rded boy

To go on trial
for m*rder.

He was on the scene,
but he did not
take part.

He didn't understand
what the murderers
were about to do.

Judge, it's my case
he did understand.

And you're going
to indict him?

Well... I wish that didn't
have to happen.

It doesn't
have to happen.

The actual murderers
are accounted for.

To go after this boy
would be nothing more
than senseless revenge.

Well, the public
likes revenge.

Isn't that right?
Doesn't it?

That's been
my observation, sir.

Henry elmer
ought to be committed

For psychiatric

Then afterwards,
be confined for a time

In one of the state's
for rehabilitation.

That would not be
a penal institution,

Are you the attorney
of record, mr. Hatton?

No, your honor,
I am not.

Mr. Elmer's attorney
is standing right there.

That's right,
your honor.

I'm representing
henry elmer.

I concur
with everything
mr. Hatton said.

Now, wait!

Now, who--
besides his lawyer--

Is going to say
to the worried world,

"Oh, henry elmer,
he didn't k*ll anyone?

He's innocent
of this crime."

The man who did
k*ll them.

The man who's guilty--
coley hiffern.

The same man who's going
to tell the truth.

How you going
to guarantee that?

I've already
spoken with him.

I have agreed

To try and save
coley hiffern
from execution

If he clears
henry elmer.

When coley
comes to trial,
I'll be representing him.

Five minutes,
your honor.

All right.
Thank you.

Here's your lunch,

Chicken salad for you
on whole wheat toast,

A little coffee,
like you like it.

Thank you,
your honor.

Yes, sir.

Now, what is it
y'all want me to do?

I want the court

To order my client
sent to whitfield,
your honor,

For evaluation.

Yeah, th-that does mean
confinement, your honor.

Who asked you,

Well, you said y'all,

And I happen to be
standing here.

Ha ha.

Well, I would like for us
to all do a little more
talking about this

In a public way
when court reconvenes.

Would that be asking
too much? No.

Well, just let me
get my robes on.

I can't do any
legal thinking

Without my robes.

I want to thank you.

Most chiefs would
just follow routine.

Well, I try
not to be routine.

Thank you, bill. Oh, don't mention it.
Don't mention it.

You want to have
a cup of coffee?

Sure, let's go.

Yeah, see y'all.

That's really
an about-face.

You going
to represent coley?

I really am.

You ought to title
that book you're
going to write

Hatton's turn.

The other day,
when we were
having lunch,

You wouldn't let me
recall something.


Something I said to you
when we were kids.

What did you say?

I said...

I think I love you.