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07x02 - Hatton's Turn: Part 1

Posted: 05/19/23 09:43
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

There's no doubt
about it.
I'm undeserving.

Here I am--a former

Alumnus of my jail.

Repenting of my sins

Full of regret
for my mistakes,

A man getting back
to his origin

To try and figure out
why he went this way,
that way,

And where
he's headed now.

A man who's taking
a little trip.

Not just that.

A man who's taking
a long trip through
the deep south.

That's how miss sarah
appreciated it.

She was most unkind
about my giving up
my legal practice.


She said I was evading
my responsibilities--

A transparent excuse
for my not working.

[Rap music blares
from truck]

Music of the new south.

Yes, sir.

Melody consonant

With all the magnolias
over our heads.

Did you
tell miss sarah

About your literary

Oh, yes.

She said if writing
my autobiography
was literature,

Then blowing
a tin whistle
was music.

Well, that was
very harsh.


Here's the car.

You started to tell me
about your proposal.

Oh, yes.


I took miss sarah
by the hands,

And I gazed into
those beautiful
blue eyes,

And I said,
"I'm free again.

"The kids
are all grown.

"They don't like me.

Will you marry me?"

And what did she say?


[Rap music blares]

Hey, you!

Turn that racket down!

[Music blares louder]

Turn it down,
you lamebrain,

Or I'll kick
your butt!


sit down!

Ha ha ha!

Cut that down,

Hey, I'm playing
my music.

You're disturbing
the peace.

Whose peace?

That ass in there?

That's pure hate
out there!

And we can thank
our ex-police chief
for that, too.

I can't believe it.

You're blaming gillespie
for boom boxes?

You going to keep
arguing with me?

If I have to go
into your truck
and turn that down,

I will make you pay
for my labor.

All right,
all right.
I'll do it.

Just stay
out of my truck.

[Music stops]

There you go.

I'm blaming gillespie
for his bad example--

Contempt for the decent
opinions of his neighbors.

What opinions?
About what, huh?

Say it!

Now, harriet,
try to stay cool.

About his personal life?

Those kinds of opinions
deserve contempt.

We were not discussing
bill gillespie.

Tell her.

You brought it up.

You have bullied
this committee

Into letting
gillespie go.

Now you got
what you wanted.

[Door opens]excuse me.

Your voices are carrying
outside this door.

And it was racism
of the most
fundamental kind.

Racism? I thought
you met the new chief.

You want a prize
for hiring
a black chief?

No. I want you to admit
there's no prejudice
on this committee.

Oh, lord,
deliver me.

And the new chief's

Is the same color
that he is,

I'm glad to report.

Oh, god!


Miss delong, hi.

I hope you didn't
hear anything
you shouldn't.

that bothers me.

Nothing we
couldn't laugh at.

Those people in there
aren't funny.

Everybody knows
old colman's
a menace.

There are seven
menaces in there.

They did you in.

What are you
smiling about?

I'm still here.

Uh, she wasn't

I mean to say,

I hope you won't be
be uncomfortable
with any of that.

Not a bit, bill.


The county supervisors
wanted a legal opinion.

They want
to appoint somebody

Acting county sheriff
for about five months.

What's the problem?
They've done it before.

The man they want
to appoint is, um...


They were wondering
could they appoint him
county sheriff

Even though he's still
on the city payroll
till next week.

I told them I thought,
they, uh...could.

We didn't kick him
out of this job

So he could move
to a higher one.

This is some kind
of flimflam.

This is a conspiracy.

Gillespie's not going
to get away with it.

I swear he's not.

I hope y'all
will excuse me.

I'll only take
a minute of your time.

Matter of fact, if I don't
get to an appointment,

I'll be in real trouble.

How does a police chief
get into real trouble?

He fails to pick up
his laundry

the laundromat closes.

I spent the day

Saying hello
to my personnel

And checking
my equipment

And talking with
the new sheriff
of the county.

Everything is just fine.

Bill gillespie's
leaving me
in real good shape.

I'm here to report

That I'm at your disposal
as of now,

But at this moment
I have to run.
I hope you'll excuse me.

Well, looking
at you all
sitting here

Makes me think that
in all my years
as police chief

None of you,
regardless of what

And there have been
more than a few--

None of you has ever
been hauled into
my city jail

Just across
the sparta square.

And now...
My new county jail

Is a little
further away,

And yet...

You'd be wise
to think of it...

As much closer.

Miss sarah,

I just left you
some background
on two prisoners.

Oh, thank you.

Is this really
a lucky reprieve
for gillespie,

Or did some people
work something out?

I never get informed
of such things, ma'am.

One thing
I can tell you

Is there's no part
of that headline
exactly right.

It all had to be
very painful
for harriet.


Watching people
harm someone
you really care about,

And you can't
stop them.

It's a bad experience.

I'm sure miss delong
was ready for it.

Also ready for it
was that man
right over there.

I can't tell
who that woman is.

That's dee shepherd--
police officer.


She's the right color
for the committee.

If bill gillespie had
been having an affair

With somebody
who looked like that,

He'd still be chief.

I had to tell you
when parker
and luann and I

Found these
on our desk,

We were
pretty thrilled.

I just wanted to help
your new chief--

Pick him the best sergeants
I could find.

I won't hug
and kiss you now.

No. I hope not--
with all sparta
looking at us,

Not to mention
your ever-loving george
in the pickup there.

But I warn you--

I'm going
to get you.


[Rap music blares]

Look out, man.
I'm about
to bust them things.


Oh, man. Ha ha ha!

help myself, man.

I saw them people

Who got that
million dollars
in the house.

Always sitting
up on that porch

Looking down
on everybody

Like king rootie
and queen tootie.

The white one him,
pink one her.

Ain't looking down
no more.

Ain't looking nowhere.

Hey, morning, sheriff.

Well, good morning.

You know,
that "sheriff"--

It's hard to say.

Don't sound right.

Goes with the job, son.

Yeah, but it just
ain't as great
as "chief."

I feel like
calling you

Something more powerful
than "sheriff."

Like "colonel."

Call me "bishop"
if you want,

But don't look for it
on my door.

Who y'all waiting on?

The new chief--
mr. Forbes.

He's seeing
a friend here.

Sir, captain skinner here
has been intimidating me.

Well, he's known for that.

Says if I work for you,
he'll boot my behind.

He's known for that, too.
Watch out.

Hi, chief.

Dr. Day, the chief
is standing
right there.

It's going to be hard
saying that

To anybody
but you, chief.

Well, hamp is going
to make it sound
just right.

Is everything
in that hotel,

I mean,
in every way?

unlimited, bill.

Sparta's just
like memphis,

Just moving
right along,

And winona's lined up
a permanent place for me.

We go way back--
to washington.

I was in med school,
and he was in fbi school.

Oh. Good morning.

mr. Mccomb located?

You mean sheriff
will mccomb?

Sheriff's in room .

That way, sir.
Turn right,
then left.

Thank you. If you wait,
wade hatton,

I'll lead you to him.

I'm sorry, sir.
I don't believe i...

Bill gillespie--
the man who arrested you

For unauthorized climbing
of the city water tower.

Ah, yes, so it is.

Hello, bill.

Meet dr. Winona day here.

Police chief
hampton forbes.

Mr. Hatton.

Dr. Day. Chief.

Mr. Hatton.

You're the lawyer
that came to memphis

To defend skeets able.

That very same lawyer.

If I hadn't
defended mr. Able,
he'd be alive today.

You got him off.

He gets everybody off.

Well, not quite.

I presume you recall
what happened

When mr. Able
went home.

His wife shot him.

Enough said.

What--what happened
to poor old mccomb?

His heart.

It was a serious

I thought
it was just gas.

It was
a hell of a pain,

But it wasn't

I figured I knew
how to deal with it--

Good old bicarb,
half a cupful.

Boys, I'm telling you,

After all
the belching was over,

The pain
was worse than ever.

As I headed toward
the sofa to lie down,

The lights went out.

Hmm, hmm.

You know, I just heard

You were related
to bob hatton

From clemmons street.

Second cousins
once removed.

I used to visit bob
as a kid.

I loved to climb
that water tower.

As a kid.

He was a man of
when I caught him
climbing it.

Yeah. Trying to get
back to something,

Or maybe trying
to get something back.
Maybe both.

I'm still trying.

I was going to take him
to the barron place

Where the first
mississippi hattons

When they come over
from alabama.

My great-great-grandma
was one of them.

Makes me and wade kin.

Want me to take him
out there?

Would you?

Sure. I'd be glad to.

I'll take him today
right after lunch,
if there's time.


The particular hatton
whose former house
we'll see

Was a very prominent
cavalry officer

In the civil w*r. Really?

Wade hatton,
I'm frank robb.

Met you long ago.

You probably
won't remember.

I certainly
do remember.

You were a guest
of my cousin
arvin allenby.

I heard you're putting
sparta in a book.

Anything about me,
I'll tell you myself.

I'll give you the benefit
of every doubt.

Look out!

[Music blares]

[Music stops]

You got some kind
of handicap
like no eyesight?

Who are you?

I'm the county sheriff.

I know him, bill.
He's o.k.

What's the matter
with you?

Nothing, sir.

Dog jumped in my lap.
I lost sight
of the way.

Keep him tied.

Yes, sir.


O.k., Go on.

Yes, sir.

He comes by
to pick up stuff
for the recycling.

He must have thought
we were eligible.

I think the new
sheriff gillespie

Feels real good
about the situation.

The chief was ready to take
his retirement anyway.

This just gives him
another option,
if he wants it.

If he wants it,
he'll have to
run for it.

He don't want it

He wants to retire
and go fishing.

I heard him say so.

He said that
to the dog.

That means nothing.

Hi. Y'all
waiting for me?

Yes, sir.

I need to warn you

The press people
are waiting.

I figured you'd want
to answer questions

Before getting into
the regular stuff.

But they will leave

Before I get into
the regular stuff?

Oh, yes, sir.
Well before.

I give them
a news extract
every morning,

And then jamison
or captain skinner
answer questions.

But that's all done.

Right now they're
waiting for you

'Cause they want to hear
some personal stuff.

O.k., But first,

I want to tell y'all
the personal stuff.

I've been waiting
for a job like this

In a town like this
for a long time.

I'm real happy
to be here,

And if all goes well,

I'm going to ask a certain
young lady from memphis

To come down
and join me.

I know why
your town council

bill gillespie out...

And why they were
so particular

About hiring a black chief
to replace him.

I know
what that problem is.

I think
it's an ugly problem.

I'll say
no more about it.

Anybody want
to tell me anything?

Uh, yes, sir.
I just want to say...

Welcome, chief forbes.

Thank you.

Yeah, and the alligators
are waiting in the shallows,


There's always
the alligators,

Yeah, yeah. Even here.

We got to get
that million dollars
out of the barrons,

And we need
a getaway car.

Man, this ain't no good.

There's too many
people around,

Too many cops around.

I say it's good.

There's more cars
in a supermarket.

People lock cars
at supermarkets.

Here they get

How do you know so much
about what people do?

Hurry up
and get us a car.

Why can't we take this?

I wouldn't
trust this clunker
to the county line.

Now get going.

Hey, henry.

Hi, nap.


Hey, man,
you see that kid

Driving behind
that red bronco?

I said get going.

You don't get us
a good car,

We might burn
for this.

I think
you want to burn.

Wait. They don't
burn you no more.

They, uh...
Give you this.

[Car alarm sounds]

I hardly touched
that damn car.

I told you,
don't try
no new ones.

I was after
an ' olds.

I bumped the new one
with my butt.

Come on, take off. The cops just came.

Those people seen me.

They'll send
the cops here.

People never
see nothing.

That white cop
knows me.

I ain't worried.

Stay put.

[Alarm sounds]

I don't want
to steal no car.

I'll get the car
I told you about.

And then you'll sh**t
that kid henry
we just seen?

Yeah, I'll sh**t henry.

Where you going
to sh**t him?

Where do you want me
to sh**t him?

Will you, uh...

sh**t him
in the face?


I'll sh**t him
in the face.

We're o.k.

[Alarm stops]

What y'all are doing

Looks so illegal,
it's funny.

Our intentions
are really good.

Morning, miss delong.

Good morning,
young man. Hmm.


Oh, good morning,

Can we have a word?

Of course.
You feeling o.k.?

No, not since
I've got asian flu.

Oh, people
in this country

Always getting
the asian flu.

I wonder what
kind of flu
the asians get.

The american flu?


The committee wants me
to investigate gillespie.

They say
it's a conspiracy--

Bill holding down
the sheriff's job

Till mccomb can
take it on again.

I can't believe the hatred
on that committee.

They hate him because
he openly loves
a black woman,

And you're
looking at her.

If you can't
believe that,

You must be
from somewhere
way north of here

Like space.

I feel real bad.

I...just wanted
to tell you.

Where we going
to eat lunch?



I don't know
if I trust that man.

Oh, he's a friend.

Why he so quick
to push virgil
out of town?

Althea pushed virgil
and pulled him, too.

Gerard darnell
did a favor.

It wasn't
no favor to me.

Y'all going
to benefit.

Virgil was doing fine
going to jackson
to law school.

Looking at another
year and a half

Driving back
and forth,

Being tired
on the job,

Being away from
althea and the kids.

He'll just
stay there

And be finished
by christmas.

Miss delong.
Good morning,
miss kitty.


It was nothing.

Nothing stolen,
no forced entry
except mine.

Somebody said
they saw a black kid
running by.

Probably running
for lunch.

That's where
I'm running.

I remember wade's
uncle bob saying,

"What is it brings wade
up here at easter

"When all other kids
are running to florida?

Surely it isn't
to see me."

I said
wade comes up here

To ride quarter horses,
drive in open cars,

And go airplane flying
with ethan armstrong.

The main reason
I came up here

Was to see
mr. Armstrong's
daughter sarah.

You be careful now.

Careful of what?

Of spoiling lunch

With tiresome
childhood revelations

That nobody
really cares about.

I'm not revealing.
I'm just recalling.

Everybody thought you two
were darling together.

I thought so, too,
especially that time
we went up--

Do have some greens.

Eat these greens and peas
while they're still hot.

these smell divine.

Oh, no thanks to me.

Henry here drove downtown

And picked up
all the vegies
at mamie's.

I picked them up
in papa arvin's car.

I always
use the car now.

Home cooking never
tasted so good,

So we let mamie do it
at least once a week.

Henry, sit in your chair.

Laura, dear, give
our precious henry

Some peas and chicken.

[Doorbell chimes]

I hear the doorbell.

Henry, when did you
start driving?

Since my birthday.

He means his th.

That very day, I had
to drive him down.

Just like any other boy. Is that right?

He really is like
all the other kids
in most ways.

He's allowed
to drive

And drives
very well.

Four other boys
just like him
got their licenses.

And--and one girl.

Don't forget--
one girl.

I know who that is--
kate fullam's child betty.

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah.

I'm looking
for henry.
What for?

For something
ain't your business.

I know he's here
'cause he's driving
that bronco,

And the bronco
parked right there.

Tell him nap needs him.

Go on.

I'm going.

You wait here.

Sarah, I want you
to drive with me

To the barron house
this afternoon.

I have
a law office to run.

So do i,
but mine runs itself.

Even if it didn't,
who cares?

There's a man named nap
wants to see you.

How can a man
just up and quit?

I didn't just
up and quit.

Then what did you do?

First I got depressions.

Then I had cold sweats,

Spells of disgust,

And finally...panic.

Then I up and quit.


What is that
all about?

Some friends of his?

Thank you.

You understand
what I'm saying?

It's really simple.
Remember what
I told you?

It's something like
the same thing.

Come with us
to the barrons' place.

We need you
to drive your car.

Now you got that?

Sit down, bill gillespie.

There's plenty left.

Hi, y'all.
Sorry to be late.


Well, I am really sorry,

I'm going
to have to leave.


Can I take you
to dinner?

Why, he's supposed
to ask you, sarah.

I've been here
over an hour,
and he hasn't.

I never thought
you'd ask.

You can take me

Uh-oh. Look out.

What time?

: . Tonight.

May I walk you
to your car?

You must,

You climber
of water towers.

They're still
darling together.

What's the new chief like?

Seems to be
a nice fellow.

He's quiet,


He has excellent
from memphis

And washington, d.c.

This street right here
is preserved.

Houses go back
to the s.

Some of them
even before.

Two or three
are still owned
by the original families.

Yeah, it's a very rich,
privileged area.

Not one of
the safest, however.

I've investigated
some major crimes
right along here.

Let's get
in the house.

Get in the house.

I said,
get in the house.

He must have
said something.

No, ma'am.

And you didn't know
the other boy?

She doesn't know
his name.

Yes, sir.

Well, I don't think
we have cause
for worry

If the other boy's
who I think he is.

He's been here before.
I've seen him.

We'd better
get going.

I'll call the station

And tell them
to stop henry
if they see him.

I'm with you.


Don't worry, joanna.
Laura's right.

He's probably just
taking a spin,
that's all.

[Piano playing]

♪ Precious lord

♪ Take my hand

♪ Lead, lead me on

♪ Let me stand

♪ Oh-ohh

♪ I am tired

♪ I am weak

♪ I am worn

♪ Through the storm

♪ Through the night

♪ Lead me on

♪ To the light

♪ Oh-ohh

♪ Take my hand

♪ Precious lord

♪ Lead me on

What do
you want?

What I want

Is to see
what I can see.

Who you looking for?

Somebody I used to know
a long time ago,

Like you.

Hey, they ain't
nobody like me
but me.


You say so.

Here's where I'd say
you've made
a few arrests.


You always
arrest the most

Where people
got the least.

[Shotgun blasts]


This ain't no million.

Go wait
on the porch, henry.

You know,
I love arvin.

I love joanna.

But they sure got
a bad habit of denial.

It's almost like
an addict's denial.

How so?

They just seem to deny
the reality of things--

Make believe their ideals
are the normal way
of the world.

You mean the way
they relate

To that boy
and his mama.

As if they belonged
to each other.

They treat young henry
like their own--

Put him
in a special school,

Keep him and his mama
in the house

In rooms
right beside their own.

Kind of wonderful,
isn't it?

Yeah, it's wonderful,

But sure sets
everybody up

For the awful
shock of reality

When it comes
busting in.

Your relative that
built this place

Was on general
john pemberton's
staff in vicksburg.

He didn't come here
till about .

Sure is awful quiet.

I wonder why.

Well, because, uh...

I don't hear
any birds.

There's no birds.

We ought to hear birds

Unless something
drove them off.

Sonic boom.

Colonel hatton
built this place
in ,

And hattons
lived in it
till the s.

Then the barrons
bought it from them.

The last
of the barrons--

Who, by the way,

Are usually sitting
here on the porch--


The door's open.


Good afternoon.

That's about as bad
as anything I ever saw.

crime van to
west livermore .

Advising all units.

O.k. - .

Multiple sh**ting.
West livermore.

Home of mr. And mrs.
A.t. Barron.

reported dead.

Also a mrs.
Ellie renter.

Chief forbes here,

Who called this in?

Sheriff gillespie, sir.


He's on the scene.

I repeat, why?

Their home's right on
the city-county line,

Crime van, come on.
Forbes here.

Oh, this is awful.

You know
these people?

Yeah, yeah.

They're longtime
residents here.

Hi, chief.
Madden here.

We're going over
to livermore now.

Make sure nobody
touches anything,

And I mean nobody,

And don't you put
any covering

On those victims
until I see them.

Yes, sir.

Had to have been
a shotgun.


Oh, this is
wade hatton
of new orleans.

This is lieutenant
Sparta police.

Was it a robbery?



They must have known
who the K*llers were.

That's why they had
to be k*lled.

Sir, I need
to move your car.

We got police vehicles
on the way.

Oh, yeah.

Just take pictures.
Don't touch anything.

Uh, yes, sir.

These poor barrons,
the poor souls,

Are supposed
to be rich.

There's always rumors
about big money
in this house.

They have any kin left?

No, but the housekeeper
had a grandson.

I coached him
in football.

ellie renter.

Got a daughter that runs
a beauty parlor.

Chief forbes.
It's a terrible sight.

It's going to be
a rough identification.

Anybody know
the housekeeper's daughter
at the beauty parlor?

Yes, sir. I do.

I'll tell her.

I'll have somebody
take you home.

I better get back
to my office.

All right.

Jamison, would you run
mr. Hatton home, please?

Yes, sir.
My car's over here.

You know,

I sure got
a sickening feeling

About this
whole thing.

I could hardly
look at it myself.

No. I mean about who...

It's just a hunch.
I don't even want
to think about it.

Mr. Hatton.