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02x22 - Missing

Posted: 05/19/23 09:37
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ I’ve got troubles
wall-to-wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong ♪

♪ And it’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Oh ♪

Not much livestock
on the place--

Couple of guernseys
and pigs.

I got a fairly
broken down old mare

For your stay here.

A horse?
That’s great.

I thought
it’d put a smile
back on your face.

You know, curt,

Your mother just
wanted something else.

She never did
understand your father,
right from the beginning,

Or you,
for that matter.

She didn’t even try to.

She loves you.

Thought you’d
be better off
with your father.

That’s for sure.

You’re not the only kid
to go through a divorce.

Cheer up.

We got lots
of work to do
and fun to have.

Yes, sir.

There’s one thing
I don’t have
on the place

And never will--

Yeah? Why?

A lot of dirty,
smelly, pecky--

No creature
on god’s green earth

Struts more
with so little
to be proud of.


O.k., That’s all.
You can go.

You’d think you guys
had better things to do

Than harass a decent
working man

While he’s spending
his leisure time.

What’s his problem?

Explaining to his wife

Why he got caught
in a whorehouse raid.

That was slick, mr. Tibbs,
but next time let me go.

Let you go where?
And what raid?

Darlene’s puff parlor
last night.

The one you set up.

I don’t know what
you’re talking
about, bubba.

A raid at darlene’s?

Hey, everybody,
listen up.

Somebody I want
you to meet--

My godson,
curt breynard.

This here’s
virgil tibbs.

How do you do, curt?

Jamison, sweet,
parker, bubba.

Me and his daddy
go way back.

He’s staying
with me.

Welcome, curt.
Thank you, sir.

Excuse the godfather
and me a minute. Tom.

It’ll keep.

I don’t think so.

I got to get him
to school.

But this is important.

Uh, tom...

I’m heading over
to school anyway.

Why don’t I take curt

And introduce him
to the coach?

O.k. See you later.

Nice meeting y’all.
Goodbye, curt.

He’s all-county.

Thank you, sir.

The coach over
at sparta high
is fair,

But you’ll have
to work hard.
How’s your grades?

. , Sir.

"Sir?" I appreciate
the respect,

But just call me bubba.

Yes, sir--uh...

Uh... Sergeant?

Are you the same
bubba skinner

That played
at alabama a while?

Yeah. Yeah, I am.

Football’s still
running in my blood.

That’s why I help
at the high school.

Let’s see
how you can do.

I’ll do my best.

If you had
consulted with me

About what
you had in mind...

Some cleanup
in the bottoms.

Right. At darlene’s
puff parlor.

The scum
in that whorehouse

the human race.

Those women
haven’t lived yet.

Not all that scum
was black.

I was talking
about white johns,

Not the prostitutes.

Why are you making me
out a r*cist?

I thought you wanted
to crack down on folks

Taking advantage
of your people

Down in the bottoms.

I heard there was
a drug deal there.

The last thing
those girls need

Is a drug habit.

I agree,
however, when you--

Just a second here.

Now, last night,

I kicked some butts,

White butts that were
messing your people around.

I got a little information
in the process,

And that, detective,
is the point.

That’s not the point.

This is my department.
You should’ve told me.

Is that what’s got you
so bent out of shape?

I’m not in the habit
of reporting to you yet.

Hey, you pissants,
get out of the drill!

All right.
Here we go.



That’s it. Good hit!
Good hit!

Coach, we
teared it up today.

Looking good, bubba.

I wondered why you
got here so early.

Then I saw
who you brought.

He’ll brighten
your lights.

I see why
he’s all-county.

Ever see a kid
his age that polite?

Scary, isn’t it?

All right.
New unit in there.

Curt breynard,

Deavers, meyerson
get in there, too.

Watch out. Here comes
mr. All-county.

Nobody gets by me.

We’ll see about that.



Good hit, deavers.
Good hit.

What the hell was that?!

Putting your fingers
in my eye!

Settle down.
It’s a hitting drill.
Accidents happen.

It wasn’t no accident!

I don’t have to
play that way.

Settle down,
both of you.

We’re going
to play football.



I’m telling you straight.
He went for my eyes.

Get in position
right now. Go on.

He’s not here,
mr. Jessop.
(Intercom buzzes)

That’s why i’m
answering his phone.

Yes, you’re a good friend
of the chief’s.

Sorry, but parker
said it’s urgent.

I’m on the phone.

(Intercom rings)

The record of your arrest
won’t be publicized.

You really ought
to take this one, sir.

Sweet, please. Please.

Oh, yeah. Now, as far as
mrs. Jessop is concerned,

I won’t say anything
if you won’t.


What, parker, what?

There’s this guy
on line one

Who insists
on talking to you.

He won’t give his name,
a real pain.

Oh, god.

Detective tibbs.
What can I do for you?

You cannot keep me
on the line minutes

Waiting for parker
to put me through!

Chief, is that you?
You’re back.

Yeah, i’m back.

Why do you think
i’m calling you?

All right.

All right!

Why in heaven’s name
are you trying to
bust my ear drums?

I’m sorry.
I’m sorry.

Welcome back, chief.
Welcome back.


Damn! There goes
the potato salad.

A great way to announce
a surprise party.


Be quiet!

Parker dropped
the potato salad.

Sorry, but if
somebody would help...

Go ahead, go ahead.

Hey, chief!

Hey, chief, I got some
of althea’s chocolate dev--

Oh, no.


Careful what you touch.
Parker, jamison--

Set up a roadblock.

You got it .
Sweet, take the kitchen.

Oh, my god.

Mr. Tibbs!

Oh, my god.

Her breathing’s

There’s a pulse,
but it’s weak.

Parker, call
an ambulance!


The chief.

He’s not here.

Oh, man.



Miss joann’s ambulance
just pulled out.

I dropped mrs. Tibbs
off at the hospital.

She’ll be waiting
for her.

Good. Parker,
would you print
the bedroom, please?

Right on it.

this is no robbery.


What do you
think about maybe
a chance thing,

Maybe a crazy hobo
or something like that?

No, I don’t
think so.

I just...

Oh, god.
This is awful.

The roadblocks
are set,

Boundary county
sheriffs on alert,

And highway patrol’s
calling apbs.

You got samples
of all this?

Yeah. Yeah, we’re taking
everything to the lab.

We found hairs and a lot
of blood splatter.

What happened here

I think there were at least,
uh...two perpetrators

From the signs
of so much struggle.

The whole thing
probably started

Right in here somewhere.


This splatter pattern
here on the headrest

Indicates that
he was probably
hit on the head.

The furniture...

Well, one
little struggle

When they forced
or dragged him out.

They hit him again
over there?

Yeah. Yeah.

They had to
hit him pretty hard

To make that
splattering effect there.


Excuse me.

where was the chief?

He was on the couch.

He had his pipe,
and he was, um...

How many men were there?

There were two of them.

They were
by the couch.

They were
bending over bill.

They were
yelling at him.

You sure
you want to do
this right now?

I’m o.k.

They had their backs to me.

I don’t think
they knew I was there.

Did you see
who shot you?

Yes, I did.


There was
a third man.

The one who saw me.

He was, uh...

Something was
wrong with his face.


It was big
and grotesque, like...

It was...
It was a mask.

It was like--
it was like a big,

Rubbery kind
of halloween mask...

Of somebody.

The chief
was on the couch.

Then what?

Well, he was reaching.

He was, um...

He was on his knees,

And he was reaching under
the coffee table for--

No, no, no,
that can’t be right.

Why would he
be reaching under
the coffee table?

It’s o.k.
I know why.

No, i’m sorry.

What do you want done
with these reporters?

Tell them
we have no statement
at this time.

I don’t want
a single reporter

Put people
on guard--

Put on guards
if you have to.

Yes, sir, but, uh...

Every sheriff and chief
in the state has called.

The station’s crawling
with every kind
of law enforcement.

How do I know
who should know what?

The ones with the badges
are the good guys, o.k.?

Yes, sir.

Don’t touch it.


I am a policeman.

My badge is in
my jacket pocket.

Detective tibbs.

Show me.

(Cocks g*n)

Real slow.

Barriman, fbi.

You’re here
a little early.

I got here
soon as possible.

We can use help.

Someone went to a lot
of trouble to plan this.

Someone knew he was
coming back from quantico
almost two weeks early.

Somebody didn’t know
his girlfriend
would be here.

You know a lot.

It’s my job.

You must have samples
of mud sediment and hair.

Yeah, along with blood,
rug fibers, and prints.

That’s a start at least.

See you tomorrow.

Wait, wait.

Knowing so much
about this,

Do you have any idea
what’s behind it?

I was hoping to make
a clean exit

Before you
asked me that.


It stinks
to high heaven,
though, doesn’t it?

Friend of yours?

Um... Barriman, fbi.
What are you doing here?

I was thinking
about that raid
at darlene’s

The other night.

Yeah. What about it?

More than just big sh*ts got
caught with their pants down.

Some mean
old boys did, too.

Some did time
because of the chief.

Don’t you think we ought
to go to darlene’s

And talk to the ladies?

That’s a good idea, bubba.
Yeah. Let’s do that.

Pink or purple?


Peach? Blue?
We’ll weave them
through here.

You’re not putting
no bows in this hair.

Sit still.
You’ll look
as good as me.

If I looked like you,
i’d be broke before sunup.

Well, lookee here.

They shut us down,
then they come calling.

Is it a professional,
or a social call?

Angie, angie, angie.

Elsie, elsie, elsie.

Sorry, mr. Tibbs.

You caught us on
a mental health day off.

I might make
an exception

For sergeant skinner

What’s going on?

Angie, that raid
at darlene’s
the other night,

Tell us about it.

"Tell us about it"?

You’re the man.
You know.

What did
you see, angie?


When i’m working,
I stay in my room.

All right.
Did you hear
anything unusual?

Was anybody
different there? New?

The same old
horny pillars
of the community.

They wasn’t
too thrilled

About being
hauled in, either.

Well, not all
of them were.

Like who?

One of my regulars,

I don’t ask names.

But that captain dugan--

When your guys
was busting down doors,

He was the one
busting in my room.

He came in ready
to lock this guy up.

Then he sees
who it is.

He swears at him,
closes the door again,
and leaves.

Angie, uh,
look here.

I want you
to do us a favor.

The next time
he shows up,

Work harder
and find out
who he is.

You work harder,

You want his identity,

You come over on fridays
and you ask him yourself.

Your attitude
is really--

Bubba. Bubba.

Please. Please.

This is important.
What time friday?

We’re rolling.

We had to
notify them.

I get nervous
when the fbi comes in.

When they
get jurisdiction,

We won’t be able
to ask the time.

We can mix it.

It’s not
a federal case yet.

But we need
their network.

We’re restricted
to this county.

in kidnapping cases,

The fbi can demand

If there’s evidence
of a federal crime--

Uh, sweet.

The lab found
more than one
blood type.

Peptidase-a, - .
That’s from a black person.

Oh, figures.

What figures?

Shut the door
behind you, sweet.

This department
is starting

A cleanup of
the bottoms, right?

After the first raid,
the chief of police
is missing.

There was hair
on gillespie’s couch

to a black man.

Too much of it,

Almost as if someone
had planted it there.

You just won’t let
these perpetrators be black.

What do you mean?

There’s no ransom call.

They didn’t pass
our roadblocks.

It’s not money,
and they got to be
somewhere close.

Too early to assume that,
or that they’re black.

Somebody knew he kept a g*n
underneath that coffee table.

They took it
so he couldn’t get it.

Black or white,

There’s a lot
of hard-timers
in the bottoms,

And some don’t
like the chief.

It’s something
to think about.

Don’t turn on
the light.

What’s the matter?

There’s a man outside
looking at the house.

I know. He’s supposed
to be there.
The fbi assigned him.

( Sighs )

I know, baby,
but it’s better
to be careful.

I am so scared.

I know.

I’ll never
let anything
happen to you,

I promise.

I’ll find out
who’s doing this.

This is getting
to everybody.

The kids at school
are scared.

Who would do
this to bill?

Well, according
to dugan,

It’s someone from
the black community.

If you listen
to the fbi,

They don’t
have a theory.

If they do,
they won’t tell anybody.

If i’m going to find out
what happened,

I’ll have to
do it myself.

You’re becoming
the lone wolf again.


You don’t trust dugan
or the fbi.

You only mention
clues and theories.

What about
your feelings?

I feel very bad
that the chief
has been kidnapped.

I can’t let
my feelings
get involved.

Feelings muddle up
your thinking.

Ignoring your feelings
messes things up
even more.

Then anger
gets in the way.

Don’t preach.

I said don’t!

Don’t you understand?

Something is very
wrong, here.

I don’t know
what it is.

I don’t know
who to believe.

We may all
be in danger.

If i’m the only one
I can trust,

Then i’m the one
who has to solve this.

That doesn’t
leave very much room

To indulge my feelings.

You’re on time. Good.

This is a good thing
you’re doing, you know.

Might as well
get it over with.

I know.

It’s time.

You ready?

Yes, sir.

Shake it off.

Curt, i’m only
trying to help.

Tell me
what happened.

There’s nothing
to tell.

And those bruises?

They’re just
bruises, o.k.?

I’m on
the football team.

you get bruises.

Did you walk
through a door?

Mrs. Tibbs,
i’m the new kid here.

People play tricks
on new kids.

I did it to guys
in marshall city.

Now it’s my turn.
It’s nothing.

Stacking books
in someone’s locker
is a joke.

This isn’t.

Maybe you don’t
get it.

Running to a teacher
won’t help a thing.

It will only mean
more of the same.

If kids
are beating up
on other kids,

I have to know
about it.

Mrs. Tibbs,
are you listening?

If I tell,

Do you know
what they’ll do?

If you don’t
tell me,

I’ll have to talk
to your father.

It would be better

If you took
for this.

They were a couple guys
from the team, black guys.

They didn’t like
how I rushed.

What are their names?

Eric and kent.

Eric deavers
and kent meyerson?

Mrs. Tibbs, please...

If you make a fuss,
I don’t know
what they’ll do.

They won’t
do anything,
I promise.

You wait here.

I’ll be right back.

Hey, curt.

Oh, wow, it’s true.
Look at your face.

Remember that little
incident in practice?

Eric and kent decided
to even the score.

Aw, that sucks, man.

You know what
they’ll do now?

They’ll get all their
black friends after me.

They seemed
like o.k. Guys.

I thought so, too.

Seems you can’t
play tough football

Without someone
beating you up.

They’d probably rather
have the team to themselves.


Where would they get
a quarterback?

We need to teach
them a little lesson.

How about it?

You want to kick
some black butt?


I know. I’m sorry.

No, it’s all right.

Bubba, can I talk
to you for a minute?

Sure, sure.

Yeah, sit down.

I want to talk about
how i’ll handle this case.

O.k., O.k.

The fbi is running
its investigation.

Cooperation is fine,

But in this department,
i’ll wing it alone.

Not without me
and the boys.

No, no, no.

Without dugan.

How come?

I don’t trust him.

The chief
used to say,

If years
on the force

Never taught
a man anything,

It’ll teach him
to know when
he’s being lied to.

Dugan lies.

Well, virgil.

He grinds your shorts,
that’s no big secret.

But dropping him
from this case?

this case.

He said something that
really bothers me.


He knew about the g*n

That the chief
kept underneath
his coffee table.

What g*n?

Exactly my point.

Neither you nor joann
knew about the g*n.

How would dugan
know about it?

If dugan knew
about the g*n,

Do you think he knew
about the chief?

I’m not thinking
anything yet.

I just won’t be so free
with information.

It would be nice
to have information
not to be free with.

Yeah, like maybe
who it was

Dugan didn’t arrest
that night at darlene’s?

Yeah. What day is it?


He’s one of angie’s
friday regulars.

She’s probably working
at her house.

I’ll stake it out.

Use your truck...
And wear civies.

Thanks, carl.
See you soon.

Hey, get
your girlfriend

To cut back
those toenails for me.

You should’ve seen it.
It was horrible.

That boy’s face
was so puffy
and bruised.

Curt’s only
been in school
for two days.

(Knock on door)

I got it.

How in the world
can you make
enemies that fast?


It’s o.k. It’s bubba.

Come on in, bubba.
Mrs. Tibbs.

What’s up?
That guy showed up.

That was
tommy palmerton.

That boogerhead
at the roadhouse.

Here’s something

His place out
on shelby pike?

It’s right next
to dugan’s place.

Virgil, what’s going on?

I’ll tell you later.

Bubba, I think--

No. We don’t have
enough on him yet.

Tell the guys
about him.

I think they’d
appreciate that.

I’ll run a check on him,
see what I can find.

Right. Mrs. Tibbs,
looking pretty as ever.

Baby, i’ll see you
in a little bit.

What the hell do you
think you’re doing?

My job.

I’ve already been
through there.

Good boy.
Now I get a turn.

Good boy?

You’re not going
to find anything.

I hate it when people
tell me the ending.

Leave the man’s
things alone.

The man is missing.
We’re trying to find him.

I’ve been over
every inch of this room.

There’s not
even a clue

As to what’s happened
to the chief.

There has to be
a clue somewhere.

Are you suggesting
that I am not capable

Of running
this investigation?

Yes. You’re too
personally involved.

What’s in here?

Stay out of there.
It’s private.

There’s no such thing
as private
in a kidnapping.

All right...
Then i’ll search it.

Tibbs, the fbi,
which is me,

Will not tolerate
this interference.

Nor is it interested
in your territorial

Listen, barriman.

If you don’t walk
out of this office,

I’ll throw you out.
Got that?

Don’t push me,

I can not only
bar you from this room,

But from this case,

Not to mention
putting you in
protective custody

Until i’m finished.
Is that clear?

I know you’re having
a hard time with this.

The chief was more
than just a cop
to all of you,

But maybe
my objectivity

Is what’s needed
right now.

Go ahead.
Search the little room.

You won’t find much.
I didn’t.

This sure better
be important--

I ain’t even
had my coffee yet.

You bet
it’s important.

When people
don’t follow orders,
we got problems.

You’re the one
who can’t follow
orders, captain.

Why did you
take gillespie?

You’re kidding.

How can I function
if you idiots
act like this?

We didn’t do it.


None of us
knew about it.

If you’re
lying to me--

Nobody touched
nobody in my bunch.

Oh, god.

I’ve been stepping
around this case
like an idiot.

We’re doing
everything we can
as quiet as we can

To find out
who took him.

Palmerton, we got
to get him back
fast and first

Before somebody
catches on to us.



What brings
you out?

i’d catch some
football practice,

See how things
are going.

Listen, tom,
did curt talk to you

About what
happened yesterday,
him getting beat up?

Well, that’s
why i’m here.

I’m hoping it’s
boys being boys.

I don’t want
his daddy worrying
about his kid.

Are you here
’cause of curt?

Oh, no. I’m the coach
of the drill team.

Mrs. Tibbs,
come quick!

What is it?


I’ll k*ll you!

(Whistle blows)

(Whistle blows)

Y’all quit this now!

Any man who doesn’t quit
is off of this team!

I mean it! Quit!

I’m gone for five minutes,
and this happens?

What are you
thinking of?

Ask him!
He started it!

He’s lying!

Your big mouths
are the problem!

They jumped us, coach.

hit the showers.

I’ve had enough
from you.


Wait a minute.

You’re blaming curt
for this?

Tom, i’m not
laying any blame.

Ever since curt
came to school,

We keep having
these incidents.

O.k., Hit the showers.
Talk to you later.

Yes, sir.


Look, he’s had
a rough go.

His mama
up and left.

He got dumped off
on me.

He’s having
a hard time.

I’m not
making excuses,

But i’ll talk
to him,

See what
I can do, o.k.?


All right,
enough nonsense!

Get back
to practice!
Let’s go!

Let’s go! Let’s go!

You all know
tommy palmerton,

But we need
to know more about him.

Be casual.

He can’t know
we’re checking on him, o.k.?

I know some folks
with info on him.

Sweet, mosey down
to bottoms.

See if you find
anything there.

You come with me.

Hey, did you eat?

(No audible dialogue)

(No audible dialogue)

(No audible dialogue)

Yeah, that’s what I thought.


Thanks a lot.

Bubba, that was
the crime lab in jackson.

That blood
at the crime scene,
the peptidase-a- ,

Didn’t come
from a body.

It came from a vial,

And the amount of hair

Was far more than
what is normally expected.

Someone’s trying
to make it look

Like the chief
has been kidnapped
by blacks.

Don’t surprise me.

Dugan here?

He’s at his roadblock
with the bannon sheriff.


Look what I found about
tommy palmerton.

He’s more than just
a good old boy.

He got strong ideas
about whites and blacks

And a big
mean streak.

Been lots of incidents,
but nothing stuck to him.

Lots of folks are
scared of that man.

This is the same man
dugan passed over

In the raid
at the bottoms?

Protecting him?

Smell like rotten
catfish, don’t it?

Yeah. Let’s go talk
to palmerton.



Hey, you!

What do you think
you’re doing?

I’m seeing that you
don’t muck up an operation

I spent two years
setting up!


You’re about to blow
the cover on an operative

Who has infiltrated
a t*rror1st organization!

Wait. A t*rror1st?

Bo-ap, the brotherhood
of aryan people.

They’re responsible
for bombings, killings,

all over the country.

The power structure
may be in bannon county.

I don’t care
about bo-ap.

I’m looking
for chief gillespie.

What’s this
got to do with him?

We don’t know exactly.
Bo-ap may have taken him.

If chief gillespie
is still alive--

And there’s some doubt
about that--

You’ve got one hope
of getting him out.

What’s that?

That hope is tom dugan.
He’s infiltrated bo-ap.

He’s risen pretty high
in the chain of command.

Dugan is fbi?

He’s risking
his life for us.

He’s hoping to get
his godson out of the group

And into a saner life.

So get this--
stay off dugan.

Give him room
to maneuver.

He’s your one hope of seeing
bill gillespie alive again.


Hey, i’m over here!

Is that you?

Hey, what’s going on?

We’re right here,