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02x21 - The Pig Woman of Sparta

Posted: 05/19/23 09:36
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ I’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong ♪

♪ And it’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Oh ♪

This is a first for me.

I’ve never made out
in front of
a haunted house before.

(Both chuckling)

It feels weird,

Like somebody’s
watching us.


Probably ghosts.

And we’re going to give them
one hell of a show,

So stop talking.

I don’t like
this place.

Who lived here?

Who cares?

Some crazy old man--

One eye
and long, pointed teeth.

That’s not funny.

I don’t like
this place.

Let’s finish our beer
and get out of here.

You want a beer?

Earn it.


Leave this place.
You don’t belong here.

Come on, lady,
you’re not the owner.

It’s mine
to look after it.

I want you out, charlie,
with all your booze
and all your women.

How’d you
know my name?



(Charlie) muttface!


Look what you did
to my dog.

Get out, charlie hobbs.
Go on, git.

You’re crazy, lady.

You ought
to be locked up.

You never come back
here now.

Next time, I won’t miss.



Here, muttface!
Here, boy!

You’ve been here
with girls before.

I haven’t. I swear.

come on, boy!

Then how did
she know your name?

And what
did she mean,
"all your women"?

(Charlie) I don’t know.
She’s the pig woman.
That’s why?

She just
knows things.

There he is.

(Girl) look what
he’s gone and done.

He found himself
a bone.

Come here,

Let’s see
what you got there.


Geez, I don’t know.

I may be wrong,

But it looks like
it came from a person.

This is a femur
from a human being.

No question about it.

It came from
simon ware’s place,
the haunted house?

Charlie hobbs’ dog
found it

After getting chased off
by the pig woman.

(All laughing)

Anytime mama
wanted to scare us
when we were kids,

She’d just mention
the pig woman.

Oh, yeah.

She’s more than
some old crackpot,
she’s a dangerous old woman.

Who’s going to end up
hurting somebody.


Some people are afraid
of things that go bump
in the night.

That witch
makes me nervous.

You know what gets me?

She lives
in the woods alone,

Never comes into town,
nobody sees her,

Yet she knows everything
about everybody.

Now that is
a little spooky.

Last pheasant season,
she fired at my uncle.

Simon ware may be crazy,

But he lets you
hunt on his property.

The pig woman’s got to
chase everybody off.

Yeah. Well, anyway,
it stands to reason

That if they found
one bone,

There’s got
to be more.

Maybe someone
dumped some bones,
or buried one.

I think we ought
to go see
what we can find.

Whoever searches
those woods

Better get
simon ware’s permission.

I’ll talk to him.

That falls under
my department.

He don’t talk
to most people.

I’ll save you
the grief.

No problem.
It’s part of my job.

All right, virgil.

Listen here,
if that man
calls you "boy"

And orders you
off his property...

Don’t say
you weren’t warned.

(Virgil) tell me
about this man
we’re going to see--

This old, mysterious
simon ware.

(Bubba) rich, old,
and scared to hell
of germs.

(Both chuckling)

howard hughes.

Nobody can get
close enough
to contaminate him.

Hasn’t been out
of the house
in years.

Must be fun for his wife.

(Bubba) no. She died
a long time ago, virgil.


Who takes care of him?


let me tell you something

That old man
runs some fine ones
out of there.

If you ever
get sick, virgil,

Hope you get one
that looks like
one of his.


Hasn’t he ever heard
of paint?

Well, I bet he never
sees the outside,

And if he does,
I bet he don’t care.

You know,
even i’d hate
going in there

On a dark
and stormy night.

Nobody comes
out here.

They do say
it’s haunted.



That’s his son, jody,
right there.

Hello, bubba.
How you doing?

Oh, hey, jody,
how you doing?

Hey, come here,
I want you to meet
a friend of mine.

Jody ware,
virgil tibbs here.


Look, thanks
for helping us out.

Well, to tell you
the truth

I’m not sure how good
it’s going to do.

I’m not exactly
my papa’s
favorite person.

he lets me in,

And sometimes
he doesn’t.

(Bubba) jody,
who’s taking care
of him nowadays?

(Jody) millie barnett.

She was a high school

Let me tell you
something, virgil.

When god passed out
the good looks,

He didn’t
look past millie.

Hold on.

I’ve seen
her certificate, bubba.

She is
a licensed nurse.

Jody, I didn’t mean
anything by that.

I’m just, uh, saying
"small world," that’s all.

(Jody) hello, millie.

Hello, jody.

Well, bubba,
it’s been a long time.

Hello, millie.

This is
detective tibbs.

How do you do?


They need to see papa.

Y’all should
have called.

Yeah, I know,
but I figured
we’d take our chances.

it’s better that way.

All right.

I’ll see
what I can do.

excuse me. Mr. Ware?

what do you want, millie?

What, millie?
The police?

That imbecile gillespie
makes me sick.

(Jody) I know
this seems strange,

But that’s
the way he is.

(Ware) do like I tell you
and don’t disturb me.

(Glass breaks)

I’m sorry.
He won’t see you.

He says
chief gillespie’s
a stupid old fool,

And when he heard
you were here, jody,

He threw his glass
of water.

I’m sorry.

Yeah. Well, I guess
I should have known.

I’m sorry, gentlemen.

My papa and I have
our ups and downs.

No problem.
We can still search
the property.

We’ll just have
to get a warrant.

As far as I can remember
this is the exact spot here.

My girl and me
came running
from that direction,

And there was muttface,
chewing on the bone.

(Virgil) jody,
this is your father’s
property, right?

Yeah. The railroad
tracks are there.

About yards
past the trees.

That’s the boundary line.

Unleash him.
See what he’ll do.

All right.

Get them, muttface.

He’s not exactly
what i’d call
a bloodhound.

(All chuckling)

Give me a minute
with him.

I’m good with dogs.

Be my guest.

Hey, there.

Yeah, muttface.

We need some help
here, buddy.

This is
an important thing.

I know you know
where the bones are.

Go out in those woods

And find the rest
of those bones, o.k.?

Now, go.

Go. Go.

(All laughing)

(Parker) come on.

That’s terrific,

You ought to open up
an obedience school.

Uh-oh. We got
trouble now.

Y’all are trespassing.

All of you.

We’re here
on police business.

the search warrant.

That means nothing to me.

Lower that shotgun.
I’m going to lock you away.

Is that you, tommy dugan,
playing policeman?

If you’d had brains,
you’d have stayed retired.

Let me handle this.


What you doing
with these fools?

(Jody) they asked me
to come.

It’s o.k.

Papa won’t care
as long as i’m here.


Come on. Let’s go.

They’re good folk.
They’re here to help.


Let’s get at it.

Spread out
and start searching.


See, told you
he knew something.

When you get
to new jersey,
send me a post card.


(Muttface barks)

(Parker) muttface.


(Muttface barks)



Where are you, dog?

Come on, dog.

I can’t believe
I lost you already.

Gee, where
is that dog?

You’re going to find
those bones before me,
aren’t you?



That fool dog’s
running in circles.


These woods are haunted.

Sweet, what are you
doing in my sector?

I finished
my own already.

Thought i’d help you.

You know
who shakespeare was?

Of course I know.

O.k. Identify
this play, now.

"Alas, poor yorick,
I knew him--"

The gravedigger scene.

Where did you get that?

Oh, back over there
in a dry streambed,

Along with the rest
of the skeleton
we’ve been looking for.

Oh, dr. Robb.

That was some discovery
on sweet’s part, eh?

The remains
of a young woman.

I’d estimate
she’s been there

Somewhere around
to years.

A lot of broken bones.

trauma, huh?

You’re absolutely
right, virgil.

Ante-mortem fractures

Here and here.

And here and there.

This poor creature,
whoever she was,

Died a horrible death.

She was probably
beat senseless

And then
dismembered with an ax
or a hatchet.

And then left in
the woods to rot.

There’s more.

This femur
those kids found
by the haunted house,

It doesn’t belong
to that person,

Which means that
somewhere out there,

There’s at least
one other body.

the underbrush there
gets pretty dense,

So keep constant
visual contact.

Try to stay no more
than feet or so

From the person on
either side of you.

Now, if you happen
to find anything

That looks remotely
like a bone,

Don’t touch it.

Just stay
where you are

And contact
sergeant skinner.

And if you happen
to run across
this old woman,

Miss adah boone,
the pig woman,

You watch yourself.

The shotgun she carries
has been known to go off.

Any questions?

All right,
let’s move it out.

...gotta four-wheel drive.
I can take you guys.

Come on.

Hello, millie.

Your father’s not
going to like this.

(Man) want to join
a posse, honey?


Can I help you?

I need to speak
to whoever’s in charge.

Sure. Sure.

(Man) very nice.

(Wolf whistles)

Hey, shut up,
all of you. Shut up.

(Men laughing)

Uh, millie needs
to talk to you.

I got to leave.

Hi, millie.


Hi. I’m captain tom dugan.
May I help you?

It’s o.k., Tom.
She works for simon ware.

I have a message
from mr. Ware.

He wants to talk
to the police.

He specified which police
he had in mind?

No. He just didn’t want
jody along this time.

I’d be happy
to talk to him, millie.

(Tom) yeah. Me, too.

Tom, there’s no need.

Just for fun.

Lead the way,

Looks like you
got both of us.

(Softly) stay here.

Mr. Ware.

Mr. Ware, some people
need to talk to you.

You can talk to him,
but don’t go past this line.

Morning, mr. Ware.

I’m tom dugan.
Remember me?

One of johnny dugan’s

Miss millie says
you want to talk to us.

Keep back behind the line.

Excuse me.

Mr. Ware, we have
found the remains
of human skeletons

On your property.

Adah boone!

Pardon me?

That’s who you want
to talk to.

She’s crazy.

I tell you--crazy.

Crazy, evil woman!

And you’re saying?

I saw her.

Saw her feed
her newborn pigs
to her sows.

Fed pigs
their own young.

As I said, mr. Ware,

We found the remains
of human skeletons
on your property.

(Ware)you’re black.

Are you a policeman?

I am chief of detectives
of the sparta
police department, yes.

She’s a butcher.

She slaughters pigs,
and she likes it.

Think about it,
chief of detectives.

Well, irma,

Your babies are getting
bigger and bigger every day.

Pretty soon they won’t
need no mama no more,

And adah’s going to have
to get her special knife.

You won’t feel nothing
but a little sting

For a few seconds,

Then you’ll be up there
with the rest
of your ancestors.

(Car door slamming)

Uh, miss boone!

We would appreciate it
if you would come down
to the station

And talk with us.

Bubba skinner,
it’s time you got married
and settled down.

Can’t fight it forever.

Thanks, dr. Robb.

Dr. Robb says
from the bones
the guys found,

He now has evidence
of three separate bodies

All from the last
to years.

You better check
missing persons reports.

I have.

Right this way, miss boone.

Here you go. Adah boone,
straight from the pig yard.

We need to talk.

what’s going on?

A good christian
woman hauled in
like a common criminal!

I’ve got better things
to do.

I got my work.

I got my pigs
to tend to.

Sit down. Be quiet.

Don’t want to.

Look, you may be queen
of the hill in the woods,

But around here,
i’m the boss. Sit down.

I’m standing.

Fine. I don’t care.

We got some questions.

The sooner you answer,
the sooner you can leave.

I got no mind to be asked
a bunch of silly questions,

So i’ll tell you
what you ought to know.

Simon ware is crazier
than a magpie in august.

He has been since
his wife, lucy, died,
nearly years ago,

Giving birth
to young jody.

Thanks for that
brand-new information.

How about telling me
something I can use?

Oh, I will.

You think
he’s an invalid,

Holed up in that house
where the light never hits?

(Scoffs) no, no.
I seen him at night
in the woods,

Prowling around.

Oh, sure you have.

When have you seen him
out there?

(Adah) he pretends to be
an invalid, you see.

Gets hisself those
pretty young things
he calls nurses.

One after the other

After the other.

Could you come
to your point
a little faster?

If you weren’t
in such a hurry,
mr. No-nonsense dugan,

You might ask
yourself a question.


(Adah) those bodies
you been finding
in my woods,

How many of those
are female?

Millie! Hello.
How are you?

I’m fine. Thanks.

Hey there!


( Millie)
can I talk to you?

Sure. Sure. Sit down.
Sit down.

Want anything
to eat?

Holler if you
change your mind.

So, uh, what
can I do for you?

Bubba, in high school,
I always looked up
to you.

You were
the big brother
I wished i’d had.

I wish I could
say I thought
of you as a sister,

But it wasn’t
what was going
through my mind.

Well, bubba, I need
a big brother now--

Somebody I can talk
some things out with.



It’s about mr. Ware.

I know what everybody
in town thinks of me
for living with him,

But for me this job
was a godsend.

I couldn’t turn it down.

He said
if I stayed with him

And took care
of him for two years,

He’d pay me $ , .

Ooh! That’s a lot of money.

Only now he wants me
to stay an extra year.

He wants to travel,
and he wants me
to go along.

I don’t know
what to do.

Well, I guess
you got to figure out
how much it’s worth

To do whatever
you do for him.

I know nobody
believes this,

But he never
touches me.

You don’t have
to tell me all this.

Yeah, I do things for him.

I dress for him
in certain ways.

He has special things
he likes me to wear--

Things he orders
from catalogs.

Sometimes I just
walk around.

I sing him a song.

I make up stories
he likes to hear.

Sometimes he’ll ask me
to rub something on him--

Oh, millie, you don’t
have to tell me this.

Bubba, the point is,
that’s all I do.

Millie, what I think
you have to do...

Is look inside your heart
and ask yourself,

"Is what i’m doing right?"

And if the answer’s yes...

Then to hell
what anybody else thinks.

Thank you.

(Owl hooting)

Parker, I don’t believe
you talked me

Into coming out here
this night.

Shush. You want her
to hear something?

(Twig snaps)


Listen to what?

I thought
I heard something.

That pig woman’s
got something
to do with this.

I’m positive.

We’ll stake her out
and get the goods on her,

And that will show
wilson sweet

Who’s an ace
and who’s not.

That’s what this is about,
you feuding with sweet?

(Twig snaps)

I thought
I saw somebody.

There’s somebody
over there.

She’s moving faster.

Let’s go. Let’s go.

(Sinister laugh)


You should have
seen yourselves.

I should have
videotaped that.

I’ll show you a joke,
you lamebrain!

Ho, ho, ho!

I’m going
to get you,

If it’s the last
thing I ever do!

(Both grunt)


You o.k.?

Did I hurt you?

No. I touched
something over here.

Jamison, shine
your light over here.

Well, virgil,
we got most
of it uncovered.

Man, this sure
does stink.

How long do you think
that body’s been there?

Judging from
the decomposition, bubba,

Six or eight months.

It sure is a mess.

Yeah. Yeah,
it’s a mess all right.

You know, we thought
these were multiple
murders from the past,

But if these bodies
are connected,

Our k*ller could
still be operating.

Be glad you didn’t
have to help us
dig up that body.

It was a mess.

(Jamison) that’s for sure.

Still, i’d rather
be doing something

Than sitting here
answering phones.

Everybody wants to do
what they can’t do, parker,

And let’s face it--

Water seeks
its own level.

What’s that
supposed to mean?

Maybe you’re not
cut out to handle
the desk, either.

That’s right. I’m not.

I’m not cut out
to be a receptionist.

I’m cut out
to be a detective.


(Parker) whoa, mr. Ware.

Let me tell him
you’re here.


Captain dugan,
mr., Tibbs...

I just heard something
I wish I hadn’t.

I didn’t think
I should tackle him,
so he got through.

That’s o.k., Parker.

What’s the problem, jody?

Did adah boone say
my papa was involved
in those murders?

Is that so?

What goes on
in criminal investigations
is privileged information.

So she did.

Why would she say
something like that?

My papa was always
good to her.

He let her live
off his own land.

I can’t believe this.

(Tom) settle down.

Naturally, this
investigation’s going
to concern your father.

It’s his land
these bodies were found on.

Yeah. I’m sorry.

I was just hoping
I could get back
close with my papa.

(Virgil) what happened?

Why does your father
hate you so much?

I don’t know.

Lord knows I tried.

Even when
I was little,

I wanted so much
for him to love me,

But inside,
I knew he didn’t.

(Tom) he’s a difficult man.

He always was.

Some men just can’t love.

You’ve got to live
your own life.

Yeah. I should
have left sparta
a long time ago.

But I kept
thinking that...

Maybe if
I stuck it out,

Maybe he’d change.

You know,
I keep thinking...

What if he dies

And we’ve never
said a kind word
to each other?

Wouldn’t that be
a terrible thing?

Your own father.


Um... Excuse me,
uh, mr. Ware.

Uh, my name’s
parker williams.

I don’t think
you know me,

But I used to cut
your daddy’s grass.

(Jody) yeah. Sure.

I used to throw
bailing wire in the yard

So it would snarl
the lawn mower.

I’m sorry.

It seemed like
a good idea
at the time.

Oh, that’s all right.

It was good seeing you.



What were you
talking to him about?

Oh, that was just part
of my investigation.


You’re so full of it,
you’re about to blow up.

Now, what were you
talking to him about?

Mr. Sweet,
a good detective

Preserves the confidentiality
of his sources.

Excuse me.

I don’t understand it.

Papa’s always
been good to you.

Why did you say
those things about him?

You never do
give up on him,
do you?

Well, how can i?

He’s my father.

(Adah) sure,
he provided the seed,

And if giving you
food and shelter

being a father,

I guess
that’s what he is.

Whatever he is,
he’s not a m*rder*r.

How could you say
those things about him?


I love you more
than anyone on earth.

I have since I brought
you onto this earth

Near years ago.

It seems you were
born to suffer--

Your mama dying
when you were born

And mr. Ware
treating you like
some kind of outcast.

There’s something
I never told you.

I never told nobody.

I was the midwife
when your mama
went into labor.

It was a hard one.


Poor thing was
in terrible pain.

Then she started

Blood started to come,
wouldn’t stop.

I couldn’t stop it.

Didn’t you call a doctor?

No. Your papa,
he wouldn’t let me.

He pulled the phone
right out of the wall

And told me to go
get you cleaned up.

Then he went
to the side of the bed,

Stood there,

And watched the life
drain out of your mama,

Her getting all
chalky white.

Oh, no.

And then she died.

He’s a m*rder*r, jody.

That’s how I know
he can k*ll,

How I know he’s
a dangerous man.

Why didn’t you
tell the police?

He said they’d blame me,

And I believed him.

After all,
he was simon ware...

And I was just
a poor farm girl.

Oh, god,
how can this happen?

Get out of sparta.

Get on with your life.

You stay here, his evil
will contaminate you.

You know,
people say you’re crazy

And you’re mean...

But you’ve always been
a good friend to me,

And I thank you
for that, miss adah.

Truly, I do.

’Cause you give me
the truth.

(Althea) it has something
to do with stories

About dismembered

some of these kids

Are actually
having nightmares.

It just amazes me

How kids can pick up
on grown-up anxieties.

(Knocking on door)

Oh, no.

You get it.

I am going to bed.


O.k., O.k., O.k.


Parker, come in.
Come in.

Evening, detective.

Sorry to bother you
at home.

No problem.
What’s up?

I know the proper
chain of command

Would be for me to
go to captain tom--

I’m chief of detectives.

I’m running
this investigation.

can come through me.

You remember
charlie hobbs,

The kid whose dog found
the first leg bone?


I’ve checked
and found he has
a record in tennessee

For as*ault and battery
of females.


That’s interesting.

Has he served time?

(Althea) virgil...

It’s bubba.
It’s important.

Hi, ma’am.

Bubba, so, yeah?

Oh, no.

Yeah, we’ll be
right there.

Parker’s here.

O.k. Minutes.



That information
you gave me
is pretty important,

But considering
what just happened,

It’s superfluous.

Who found her?

Your friend and mine,
wilson sweet.

A damn fine piece
of police work, too.

Well, sometimes
it’s just luck, I guess.

Came up here
on a hunch.

I got to thinking.

The tools she used
to slaughter those pigs

Were like the ones
used on the bodies.

She didn’t answer
the door.

I saw this light,
and there she was.

Sweet, you still believe
it was a su1c1de?

I think it’s
pretty obvious.

Look at these tools.

Any one of them
might have been
the m*rder w*apon.

We’re talking
about a person

With a guilty

A person that knew
we were closing in.

So she climbed
up those steps...

And took that last
leap into oblivion.

Anyone else
agree with that?

Poor old lady
was running a quart low.

Nothing she’d do
would surprise me.

Yeah. Oh...
What about you, parker?

I figured she was dirty
long before sweet,

So I was
stakin’ her out

Before somebody
messed that up.

I found the body

And correctly deduced
she k*lled herself

Rather than
spend life in prison
without her pigs.

Well, uh, sweet,
that’s a logical deduction.

it’s dead wrong.

Adah boone was m*rder*d.

(Virgil) you see
the scratches here

And the bruises
around the knuckles?

They’re defensive wounds.

You’re saying
she fought somebody?

Oh, exactly.

She still could’ve
committed su1c1de.

She could have
fought someone

And then could’ve
hung herself.

She could have...

But she didn’t.

Look at the ligature
marks around the neck.

Parker, you want
to be a detective.

Notice anything strange?


No, sir,

Not really what
you’d call strange.


Now, i’m going
to teach you a lesson

I hope you never forget.

Teach me?

Now, one demonstration
is worth a thousand words--

Exactly the way
I learned it.

You sound like
my old chemistry teacher--

Never understood
that dude, either.

(Virgil) o.k., Parker,
you feeling anything?

I’m dizzy.

He’s talking about
the position of the rope
on your neck.

You feel it?

O.k., Now,
it’s squeezing the skin
right under your jawbone.

Now, the knot
would be way up here
by my hand.

When someone
hangs himself,

The ligature mark
angles up sharply,

Not straight
around the neck
like on this woman.

Wouldn’t you say so?

You’re the forensic expert.

O.k. So adah boone
was strangled first,

Then hung.

That’s m*rder,
not su1c1de.

(Thunder rumbling)



Oh! Parker.


(Parker clears throat)


Detective, uh,
you remember what I
said about charlie hobbs

Having a record
for as*ault
and battery?


We’d better find out
where he was today.

(Virgil) mmm. I see.

Who else
did you talk to?

And they confirmed that?



That takes care
of charlie hobbs.

He’s been in baton rouge
since yesterday.

Sorry, parker.

So am i.

Too bad, parker.

Nice try, though.



(Tom) told you
it was going to pour.

You may know
that forensic stuff,

But I be knowin’
about the weather.

That makes us
some sort of a team.

Here’s a positive
dental i.d.

On that body found
out in the woods.

Take a look at this.

You’re kidding.

what I thought.

So I double-checked.

I even got
his dentist.

It’s him.
There’s no mistake.

Tell me what y’all
are talking about.

Yeah. I’m not sure I know,

But...i know
where we can find out.

Sorry to barge in,
but we have to see
simon ware.

I’m sorry,
that’s impossible.

He’s upset
the lights went off
because of the storm.

The lights are on
everyplace else in town.

Call the electrical company
while we talk to him.

Simon ware,
sparta police department!
Urgent business!

I think he said come in,
don’t you?

Evening, mr. Ware.

Sorry to bust in
like this.

We need to talk
to you.

I suppose you’re here
about the lights.

No. That would be
the electric company.

We’re police.

We’re here about
a whole slew of murders.

Go arrest adah boone.

Oh, we can’t.

She’s dead.

I bet I know.

She got eaten
by her pigs.


A real funny sight.

All those
fat little pigs
eating adah boone.


She’s been k*lled,
mr. Ware.

Someone m*rder*d her
and tried to make it
look like su1c1de.

Some very peculiar things
have been going on here--

Like, two days ago,

We found a partially
decomposed body

Out in the woods
near your house.

Our pathologist made an
i.d., Using dental records.

Guess who it was,
mr. Ware.

He said it was you,
mr. Ware.

(Virgil)so, our question is,
how can simon ware
be dead,

And yet still
sitting here in a chair
talking to us?


Well, this sick old man
get around pretty good, now.

Well, well, jody ware.

k*lled your father
and buried him
out by that old house, huh?

Well, congratulations,
you’re really brilliant.

He is, but i’m not.

So you explain to me why.

My father let my mother
bleed to death

When I was born,

And i’ve hated him
every day since.

(Jody) is that easy enough
for you?

He let her die?

(Jody) he said
she was insane.

He had to keep her
locked up, he said,

Because she tried
to k*ll him.

And me, she tried
to abort her own son.

He told you that, jody?

On my th birthday party...

He said I was crazy...

Just as crazy
as my mother...

But it was he
who made us that way.

So all the other bones,
all the remains...

I k*lled them all.

They’re all over
the place out there.

All those transients
from the railroad.

I got the first one
right after my th
birthday party...

Just to see
if papa was right,

And I found
I enjoyed it.

There’s nothing--


There’s nothing
quite like it--

A good k*ll
on a cold winter’s night.


Mr. Tibbs,
look what we found
running across the backyard.

she was in a real hurry
to get someplace fast,

Weren’t you, millie?

I had nothing
to do with this.

He paid me to pretend
like his father was alive.

What’s the harm in that?

Little girls who lie
get punished, millie.

We ought to throw you
to adah boone’s pigs.

Just shut up, boy.

Cuff him and read him
his rights.

Detective, here it is--

The report
on the ware case.

Here’s my report
on the case.

In a minute.

It’s greed,
you know.

Uh, greed?

Most criminals
trip up over greed
than anything else.

Greed’s good,
but in this case,
it’s stupidity.

You can’t call
jody ware stupid.

I mean he had
everybody fooled.

He was drawing off
his father’s assets
little by little.

Nobody was
even suspicious.

What’s stupid is
he should have left
before he got caught.

The full, correct version
is in my report.

If you want
an accurate account,

You’ll find it
in my report.

O.k., Thank you both.

Thank you both.

O.k., Let’s see.

Not bad.

These aren’t bad.

Actually, they’re very good.

But the greatest
contribution you two made
on this whole case

Was when you both
hauled millie barnett in
before she could escape,

And that,

You two did together
as a team.