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02x20 - Ladybug, Ladybug

Posted: 05/19/23 09:36
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh-ohh ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong ♪

♪ And it’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Well, well, well.

Looks like somebody
decided registration
was optional this year.

What’s the problem?
I wasn’t speeding.

You got a license?

Yes, sir.

"Evan winslow."

I suppose you
going to tell me

You wasn’t notified
them plates there
was expired.

Oh. I did get something
in the mail.

You just forgot, huh?

I’m just having trouble
getting the money together.

I know you’ll come
to the police station

And tell me
you took care of this.

Oh, yeah. Yes, sir.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

Go on,
get out of here.

Lord, I be getting old
and I be getting soft.

"That’s about it
from quantico.

"I am amazed
at how sophisticated

"Law enforcement
is becoming,

"But, virgil, that’s
no surprise to you.

"Before I sign off,

Jamison, stay away
from that piano..."

"And, parker, be ready
to answer the telephone.

chief bill gillespie."

I guess we can
call it a day, fellas.

Sweet, have you finished
that report on the fire?

Not quite.

Good evening,

Oh, councilwoman white.

I’m glad to see
you all in.

It’ll make
things simpler.

Yes, ma’am, but what
are you talking about?


May I introduce your new
acting chief of police,

Thomas dugan?

Ain’t my idea, guys.

I’d just as soon be
fishing or playing golf.

Miss white
twisted my arm.

The council has
appointed a replacement
for chief gillespie?

Temporary replacement.

Captain dugan
will be here

Only until bill returns.

Why did the council feel
we needed an acting chief?

It’ll only be a month
before the chief returns.

I’ve been
doing those duties.

Doing a fine job.

Detective tibbs,

The city council
doesn’t want

This department
to be rudderless.


Especially since you
have an arsonist loose.

Have you figured out
who’s been setting
those fires?

It’s only been a week.

Captain dugan, remember,

You have the full support
of the city council.

If you have any problems,

Just pick up the phone
and call me.

We won’t have problems.

Me and the boys will
get along just fine.

Fine. Good night.

Fine. Good night.

Parker, this is bubba.

Go ahead, bubba.

We got
another fire here.

Treebrook lane. I called
the fire department.

Better get
some cars here.

Right, bubba.

Jamison, come with me.

finish that report.

Parker, stay
and answer the phone.

Answer the phone.


Tom, i’ll see you later.

Let me come along.

O.k., All right.

Hose team number one,
set up on left side!

Hose team number two,
right side!

Hose team number three,
around back!

Let’s evacuate!
Get out of there!

We’re losing it!

Sergeant, get those
people back.

You people just
stay on back there.

Let’s back up, everyone.

Let them do their job.

Hey, bubba.
What you got?

What you doing here?

Captain dugan
is sparta’s new
acting police chief.

Yeah, well, uh...

This house here belongs
to the tate family--

Garrett and his wife


You know christine,
joann’s friend,

Handicapped lady,
had polio.

Bubba, is anybody
in there?

We don’t know.
Nobody’s gotten in.

Car’s in the driveway.

If anybody’s--

I’ve got to talk
to the fire chief.

Who made him chief?

Acting chief.
That’s just until
gillespie gets back.

City council,
under the thumb
of mrs. White.

We just have to
ride it out.

Hey, uh, lonnie,
come over here
a minute.

What you need, bubba?

Keep these people
back there, o.k.?

I’ll be right back.

What is it, bubba?

Nothing. I thought
I saw somebody.

I’ll be right back.


This is garrett
and christine’s house.

I know.

Joann, i’m so sorry.

Has anybody called them?

They’re not there?

No. They’re in jackson.

Christine had to go
back in the hospital.

How awful for them,

As if they haven’t
been through enough.

They have their lives.
Be thankful.

Second team,
move to the left!

Back off!
Back off!

Off to the side.
Get control.

We been here all night.

It didn’t cool down
until this morning.

We got two hot spots--

Dead giveaway that this
is an incendiary fire.

The flames burned
out along the floor

And not straight up.

Like the other
two places
that burned.

Why? What’s the motive?

There’s no
common denominator.

First a warehouse,
then a grain bin,

And now someone’s home.

An arsonist’s
hard to figure.

It’s usually
for the thrill.

I got one man

Two out injured.

I’d sure like
to catch that creep.

Chief! There’s something
you ought to see.

Good morning, virgil.

What do you think of
our new acting chief?

We’re getting along
all right, I guess.

I need
to speak to you.

Yeah. Here.


I just returned
from investigating
the fire scene

Over at
the tates’ place.

It seems the house
wasn’t empty last night.

They found a body.

It could be garrett.

Oh, my god, no.

How could that be?

They’re in jackson
at the hospital.

It’ll be a while
before they make
a positive i.d.

There was a watch.

They found they could
make out the words--

"To garrett" inscribed.

Oh, my god.

(Knock on door)

Well, hello.

Joann. What are
you doing there?

Don’t tell me
you couldn’t stand

Not seeing me
for a whole week.

I had to come
to jackson

To check out
a new coffeemaker,

So I thought
i’d surprise you.

What a sweetie you are.
Thank you.

I know this isn’t
the most gracious

But can I offer you
some hospital water?

No. I think i’ll pass.

So, how’s it going?

Are you leaving today?

Yeah. I’m out of here,
which is a good thing.

I’m getting my fill
of hospitals.

Well, what
was the problem?




The doctors said
it was post-polio

I guess the old body’s
wearing out

Faster than most.

There’s not much
they can do,

So I figured it
was better

To not do it at home.

Where’s garrett?
Is he taking you home?

I would think
he could get his nose

Out of his loan applications
long enough to pick me up.

Then he’s here?

No. He’s at home.

We talked last night.

He said he’d come
around : .

Why? What is it?

Christine, i-i’m so
sorry to be the one

To have to
tell you this.

There was
a terrible fire

At your house
last night.

A fire?

Yeah...the house
was destroyed.

Oh, my god. How?

I don’t know.

It was terrible.

I was there.

Oh, joann...

Where’s garrett?

Oh, honey.
There was a body.

They found it
this morning.

...over here

And when we were
here earlier...

This is where we
found the first
hot spot.

Look who’s here.

Well, well, here’s
our fearless leader now.

Sure slips into command
real easy, don’t he?

The chief’s car
isn’t even cold yet.

I wonder what
the chief would say.

"There’s nothing
i’d rather do

Than hunt, fish,
or play golf,"
he said.


Heard you all’s over here.

Figured I should be, too.
Right, virgil?

You didn’t waste time

Getting into uniform
and the chief’s car.

I might as well
look official.

As I was telling
sweet and parker here,

I figure our torch
started upstairs,

Then started this one
in the kitchen.

Think he knew
anybody was home?

That would put
a different light
on things.

You agree
with that, sweet?

There’s been three fires,
and a man’s dead.

What gets your attention?

I might be more effective
looking around on my own.

My mind won’t
let go of this thing.

Questions, answers,
probabilities, truths,

Real fascinating.

Was our perpetrator
a pro or an amateur?

I done a lot
of reading.

I found some amateurs
are quite sophisticated,

Motivation usually separating
the two categories--

Your amateur acting out
of some psychological need,

Your professional
driven by the profit motive.

What was the book’s name?

I’d like to read it.

In any library
under "c" for con.

That’s miss st. John,
isn’t it?

Who’s that with her?

That’s miss tate.

This is her house.

This must be
hard on her.

Yeah. Welcome home.

You sure this
was a good idea?

We were going
to enlarge the kitchen.

More work space,
you know...

New appliances,

All new gadgets.

That was for me.

Back over
behind the garage,

We’d have a workshop
for garrett.

Whenever he wasn’t
at the bank,

He was always
building something.

You know, he was
the only man
I ever met

That didn’t treat me
like a china doll,

Like something
that would break...

If you touched it.

He was very special.

But you know...

All I ever wanted to be
was touched,

To be held
by strong arms like his.

You know,
you were right.

It wasn’t such
a good idea
to come here.

I’ve never seen
such sad eyes.

She’s had her share
of hard times.

Good morning.

Hey, virgil,
got a minute?

Yeah, what’s up?

Maybe nothing, but
it won’t let go
of my mind.

Morning, boys.
What you got?

We’re trying to
figure that out now.

It’s about these fires.

I was telling virgil
this may mean nothing,

But the night the tate
house burned up,

This kid was
watching the fire.

I mean, really
watching the fire.

I turned to lonnie,

The boy was gone,
like that.

A lot of people
are afraid of cops,

Especially when
they’re ’ " tall.

Well, that’s not all
there was to it, now.

I pulled that kid over
near the house

Not five minutes before
I spotted the fire.

What’s this boy’s

Evan winslow.

Evan winslow.
You sure?

Never heard of him.

He’s fairly new in town.

Nobody knows him much.

Any priors?


I checked on him.

But there’s something
about the kid.

Well, maybe it’s
instincts, sergeant.

Good policeman’s
got good instincts,


Some of them.

What did this
guy look like?

Was he black
or white?


Had he been

You stop him
for dui?

No, sir, for
improper registration.

What you
getting at?

Psychological profile
of an arsonist.

they’re young, male,

White, very low self-esteem,

Usually from a broken home,

Very poor work record,

Prone to substance abuse,

sexually disturbed,

Even capable
of sadistic behavior.

Are you making
this up?

Where did you learn
that stuff?

Chapter four,

Man and his
with fire,

Dr. Dudley c.

Duty calls.


Yes, sir?

You got
good instincts.

You’ll be
a chief someday.

Thank you, sir.

You bet.




I’m captain tom dugan
with the local police.

I’m real sorry
about your loss.

Thank you.

Joann st. John
over at the cafe

Told me I might
find you over here.

Yes. I really
love this park.

It’s like something

Out of one of those
storybooks, you know?

One of those
fantasy places

That you don’t
really think exists.

I feel real peaceful
when I come here.

Hope you don’t think

I’m stepping out
of bounds here,

But joann says
you might be

Going to work
at the cafe?

While charlene’s
on vacation, yes.

That a good idea?
You’ve had a shock.

I want to, captain.

I’m one of those
that’s much better off

With something to do.

Did your husband have
any kind of trouble,

anything like that?

He was a wonderful man.

He got along
with everybody.

Being loan officer
at the bank,

He must have made
a few people unhappy.

Then you’ll have to
check at the bank.

At home, he didn’t
talk about his work.

It’s one area of his life
he didn’t share.

I won’t take up
any more of your time.

If you happen to think
of anything else,

Give me a call.


Yes, ma’am.

This doesn’t
have anything
to do with work

And it may not
be important,

But there was
this boy,

A young man, really.

He did yard work
for us.

We think he stole things,

Little things--

Tools, clothing--
from the garage.

But one day
I caught him

Peeking at me
through the window

When I was
taking a shower.

Garrett got so mad
that he actually
hit the boy.

That was two weeks ago.

I haven’t seen him since.

What’s the boy’s name?

It isn’t my damn fault

She never
pulls down the shades.

I’m just human.
A woman parades naked,

I’m not going
to close my eyes,

Especially when
she likes it.

She told her husband,
and she told me.

Maybe she didn’t
really like it.

She told her husband?


That’s a good one.

Guess you
didn’t like him.

You burned his house down
after he fired you, right?

Bunch of crap.

Crap, is it?

Didn’t you
set them fires
in marshall city?

That’s when
I was a kid.


It was an old tool shed

And then a garage
behind a vacant house.

Didn’t nobody get hurt.

They put you
on probation.

Yeah, but that’s--
that’s over now.

I came here
to start over.

How come you run
that night at the fire?

’Cause I figured
i’d wind up right here.

Bad luck has a way
of hanging on.

Was it bad luck
I pulled you over
near the tate house

Right before
the fire?

Well, sir, I guess
you could say that,

’Cause all I was doing
was driving around.

I ain’t arresting
you now

’Cause there ain’t
no evidence.

But don’t leave town
till I solve
this thing.

If I catch you
looking in more

You’ll be meeting
some peculiar people
in jail.

You understand?

That’s it for me.

Blew up every bit
of my stuff.

Pay me, and i’ll
be on my way.

How about one
of those for me?

Yeah, sure.

Just make it fast,
all right.

You might be
drinking alone.

It’s all in there.

The denominations
that you asked for.

I’m just really sorry
it turned out this way.

You’re sorry. How
do you think I feel?

I never--i never
k*lled anybody before.

Oh, howard.
Come sit by me.

I don’t feel
too terrific myself.

You know what the irony
of my marriage was?

People always wondered
how I could satisfy

The truth was that
he could never
satisfy me.

Why do I get
the feeling

You want something,
mrs. Tate?

I’m just saying
his death was an accident,

And i’m sorry about it,

But for the first time,
I feel free.

You haven’t even
buried him yet.

I’m worried
about the accident.

I’m worried
what people will think

If there aren’t
more fires.

So burn something for me,

And I don’t care
if it’s a chicken coop.

Uh-uh. No freebies.

It’s unprofessional.

I’ll pay you
just soon as
I get my money.

My husband,
rest his soul,

Left me very well off.

What will you do
for me tonight?

Make a list.

Then i’ll throw in
a couple of extras.


I don’t want you
to be gentle
with me, howard--

’Cause I won’t break.

I’m telling you, baby,

I don’t trust the man.

Whenever I ask him

Why take a job
you don’t really want,

He gives me
the same answer--

"Aw, shucks,
i’d rather be
down on the farm."

Do you think maybe
your nose is
out of shape

Because the city council
didn’t appoint you
acting chief?

No, but
i’d like to know

Why they thought
we needed someone
at all.

The chief
will only be gone
four weeks.

The council
knew about that
way in advance.

It’s strange they
didn’t say something

About this

You said someone could
be twisting his arm.

Maybe you
should find out

Who’s doing
the twisting.

That won’t be hard.


Oh, please.

Councilman white
is not a big fan

Of chief gillespie’s.

And after we
arrested her son,

That really
made her mad.

I figure she took this
as an opportunity

To stir up
a little turmoil.

But why dugan?

Because he was in
the right place
at the right time.

That, or she had
a marker to call in.


Oh, no.

Here we go again.

This look like
the same old story?

I think so.

It’s a simpler pattern
than some of the others,

But intentionally set,
that’s for sure.

Yeah, well,
it’s the fourth one
in two weeks.

We’ve got to get
this lunatic.

I know what
i’ll do to him
if I catch him.


Excuse me.

Come over here.

Virgil, I might
just be an old
country farmer,

But something
about this bothers me.

Seems our man’s
going out of his way

To burn down
empty places--
except the tates’.

The tate place was
supposed to be empty.

Yeah, maybe.

You think somebody
knew garrett
would be there?

Look at it this way.

Fire number one--
conway’s warehouse.

It was totally empty.

All he’ll gain from that
is aggravation.


Bobby ray’s grain bin.

Wasn’t even insured.

No grain, no gain.


This old shack
in the bottoms--

Nobody will gain
from this.

In all that mix,

The tate fire stands out
like a sore thumb.

Country farmer,
you sure make a
whole lot of sense.

What would you do?

I don’t know. I’d--

Just nagging at me.


Something wrong?

No. No, i’m fine.

I’m just going
to sit down
for a minute.

Well, morning, joann.

Morning, tom.

You want some coffee?

Uh, no. No, thanks.
Mrs. Tate.

Hi. Just the lady
I want to see.

Mind if I sit down?

No. Help yourself.

Thank you.

guess you heard

There was another
fire last night.

Yeah, I did.

When’s it going to end?

I don’t know.

I just saw your
insurance policy.

Seems you only had
minimum coverage?

That wouldn’t hardly
cover rebuilding
at today’s prices.

Yeah. I’m afraid
that was an area

Where garrett
was too thrifty.

What you
going to do?

Don’t mean
to pry,

But did garrett
provide for you

Any better than he
did for that house?

There’s a little something,

Some stocks and securities.

I’ll be all right
for a while.

You don’t have to
worry about me.

Nothing’s ever
come easy for me.

I’ve learned to
work for things.

You, uh...
You and garrett,

You had a pretty
good marriage, did you?

My marriage was
the best part
of my life.,

Well, i’m glad
to hear it.

A good marriage
is about as rare

As blackberries
in january.

Bye, now.

See you, joann.


Really starting
to come down.

There you go.


Magnolia cafe.

Oh, hold on.

It’s for you.




It’s finished.
We need to talk.

Well, i’m at work now.

Can we meet later?

I’ll be at turner lake
in an hour.

You be there.

What’s the matter?

Joann, can I
borrow your car?

Sure. You want me
to drive you somewhere?

No, thanks.

That was my lawyer.

He’s got some papers
for me to sign--
right now.

My car’s
in the garage.

I can’t walk
that far.

happening at once.

I’m not sure
i’ll make it.

Christine, i’m
going to drive you.

No. No,
look, please.

I’ve lost
nearly everything.

Don’t take my
independence, too.

It’s taken too long
to get it.

It’s out back.

Whose car?


What is it
you need?

More of that.

You called me
away from work.

No, baby.

I called to tell you

There are things
I want now.

One--is a lot more
of you.

The other--
is a lot more money.

We had a deal.

That didn’t include
murdering your husband.

You set me up.

You’re going to make
lots of money,

Aren’t you?

So now you’re going
to do exactly as I say,

And I say you’re going
to share some of that,

Like about , ...

And you’re going
to give me lots more

Of what you gave me
last night.

You liked it?

You are something.

You know, I never
would have thought.

So, uh...

What do you think
of my little plan?

Well, I guess I don’t
have much choice...

Not that
i’d want one.

I’ll talk
to the lawyer.

I’ll have the money
in a couple days.

And the other...

I’ll have tonight.

Same place?

Same place.


Hi. I’m back.

You get everything done?

All taken care of.

I don’t know why
it was so urgent.

That’s a lawyer
for you.

Oh, wait.

Somebody left this
for you.


I didn’t see.

Eula said
he was gorgeous,

But you know eula.

this guy’s car.

Good afternoon.

Afternoon. How
you doing, tom?

What’s happening here?

I’ve seen some
brutal ones
in my time.

This one’s
right at the top.

The victim was
run over--not once--

But at least...
A dozen times,

Back and forth,

Till he was mashed
so flat...

I can’t recognize him.

Who could?
No i.d.

The car’s rented.
No trace yet.

Let’s get the coroner.

Maybe he
can find something.


Look what was
in the trunk.

Let me see.

A detonating cap?

Say, y’all reckon
this could be
a torch for hire?

Somebody decided
he’s no longer useful?

Well, why would
somebody hire him,

k*ll him,

Then leave his body
in plain sight?

Maybe they weren’t
strong enough
to move him.

What you got here?

A tire impression.

Pretty good one
for these conditions.

You’re the one
does impressions?

Uh, not exactly, uh,

Detective usually does them,

But I been practicing.

I must have made
or shoe molds.

Cousins, aunts, uncles--

Whole family’s been
wearing every pair
of shoes they own.

I’m getting pretty good.

Well, let’s see it.

All right.

Specialty tire.
Nearly new.

Them are called

Supposed to give
extra traction.

people buy them.

How do you
know this?

I recommended them
to a safety-conscious

She bought four of them
about a week ago.



What in the world’s
going on?

We think this car
deliberately ran
someone over.

We also think
christine was driving.


Wha--she couldn’t
do anything
like that.

Joann, this is
a m*rder investigation.

We need
a straight answer.

Did christine
drive this car today?

Yes. But--


What you got,

Something wedged
in here.

What is it?

Well...i don’t
rightly know, virgil,


It looks like a piece
of somebody’s head.

Oh, god.

Where’s she gone?

I don’t know.
She...just left.

She got a note.

Eula said it was

Some young guy
delivered it.

(Knock on door)


It’s christine.
Christine tate.

Uh, j-just a minute.

May I come in?


Thank you.


This is your
little playpen.

I wondered what
it looked like.

What you want,
miss tate?

The question is...

What do you want?


You’re onto me.

What does that mean?



You k*lled
your husband.

That a question
or a statement?

You tried
to frame me.



You, uh...

Found out
about me somehow,

About my past.

That’s why you hired me
to work around your house.

Evan...the reason
I hired you

Is because the best
lovers i’ve ever had

Have been
young men like you--

Strong, innocent,

And willing
to do anything
I want them to.

You told the police
that i...

Peeked through
your windows.

Well, you did,
didn’t you?

You left the shades up.

I’m sorry if I
caused you any pain.

I know you had
a lot of pain

When you grew up.

It was cruel of me,

And I apologize.

Come...sit my me.

I want you near me

So I can
rub your back.

Don’t you ever
have fantasies

When you’re lying
in bed alone?

We can explore them,
you know.

One by one.

Then we can get into
a couple of mine.

So here’s
the plan...

I got you now.

I got it all here.

All you have
is the whimperings
of a little boy

Who doesn’t
even know how
to get seduced.

It’s a shame. I was
going to enjoy it.

It’s been
a long time since--

Put the g*n down, ma’am.

Put it down!

Thank goodness
you’re here!

He was trying
to attack me.

Stand up.

I said
he was attacking me!

Pardon me for
being dumb, ma’am,

But I do believe it was
the other way around.

Her real name
is lucy kilpatrick.

She k*lled a husband
in michigan,

And she k*lled another
in california.

She planned it all,

Even using me.

She researched
everything thoroughly,

her husbands.

Won them,
wooed them,

And k*lled them.

They were all men

That seemed to be
of moderate means,

Except each of them
had squirreled away

Money or property
or securities.

Praying mantis.


Praying mantis--

She mates, and when
she’s through,

She rips her
mate’s head off.

Well, son...

She didn’t get
your head, did she?

Come on, let’s
have a soda pop.

Hey, hey.

You took care of
that registration?

Oh, yes, sir,

I promise.

Well, that’s good.

That’s good.

Well, virgil, I guess
we work together

Pretty well
as a team, huh?

Tom, I want to
ask you something.

You said you didn’t
need this job.

Why did you take it?

Just to help out.

We don’t need
the help.

City council just
decided we did.

You know how persistent
politicians can be.

No. That doesn’t
ring true.

You don’t
strike me

As the kind who
can’t say no.



Your past just
won’t let you go.

Looks like we’re going to
be working together here,

So what say we make
the best of it?


See you later.