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02x15 - The Creek

Posted: 05/19/23 09:32
by bunniefuu

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall-to-wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won't be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong ♪

♪ And it'll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

You don't understand,
mr. Tibbs,

This is all
part of my plan.

What plan, sweet?

My plan
to become governor.


I'm getting
my law degree.

I'm going to be
sparta's first
black police chief.

Then I'll use
that platform
to run for mayor.

After that, I'll
run for the u.s. Congress

To get that
experience nationally.

With that background,
I'll be the most qualified
candidate for governor

Somewhere around
the first decade
of the st century.

That's quite
some plan, sweet.

But it all hinges
on my getting
that law degree.

This may be
selfish of me,

In view of your future
impact on the state,

the entire country,

But I was hoping

That you wanted to be
trained as a detective.

I--i--i appreciate
that, mr. Tibbs,

But to be honest,

Being a detective
doesn't fit into
my career plans.

Go after parker.

He wants to be
a detective.

Hold on, sweet.
Something's out there.

I'll get this side.

We got to get
this woman
out of the water.





Mr. Tibbs?

Call an ambulance!

Yes, sir.



Can you hear me?

Help me.

I'm a policeman.

We're going
to take care of you.

You're going to be
all right.

Can you tell me
what happened?

He hit me.

Then he...

Don't leave me.


I won't.

We finished the work-up.

She suffered a rather
severe blunt trauma.

Dr. Perry, how badly
was she hurt?

Possible concussion,
broken left wrist,
multiple contusions.

We're keeping her
for observation.

I think
she'll be o.k.

You tested
for a semen sample.

How soon can you
get a blood type?

There's no evidence
of sexual as*ault.

The woman was r*ped.

indicates she was.

Did she tell you
the attacker r*ped her?

No, I just assumed.

We did see some tissue
under her fingernails.

She must have
scratched him.

Maybe we'll get
a blood type from that.

Can I see her?

Thank you.

Mrs. Casey?


How are you feeling?

Compared to what?

Train wreck...


Oh...i'm terrific.

My husband--

We've contacted him.
He'll be here shortly.

When you're
feeling up to it,

I have pictures
I'd like you to look at,

Mug sh*ts, to see
if you recognize
any of them.

You're the one
who found me.


And I was in the water.

Mrs. Casey,

Do you have any idea
why he att*cked you?

Did he attempt
to as*ault you sexually?

I don't know.
He just...

Hit me.

Was anything stolen?

My--my earrings.

He tore them off.

My husband
gave them to me.

Little diamonds.

Oh, god.

Baby...oh, no!

Mr. Casey, I'm
detective tibbs.

I'll leave
you two alone,

But I'd like
to talk to you tomorrow.

I can't believe this.

I was only gone
an hour.

Are you o.k.?

Is it bad?

It's not bad.

I'll be o.k.

Baby, I'll never
let anything like this
happen to you again.

I promise.

It's all right.

Don't you worry.




What are you doing?

Checking out
the evidence.

What evidence?

Lauren casey's earring.

Fell down her dress
when she was att*cked.

The other one
was either stolen...

Or is still out there
on the ground.



I found six mug sh*ts

That fit mrs. Casey's

He's a black man
about ' tall,

In his s,
with a beard
and a mustache.

One of them's our
old friend jimmy dawes.

Well, well.

What do you know?
Jimmy dawes.

I'd like to k*ll him.

Say what?

He hit her on the head
and dragged her down.

At first she struggled,
but he kept hitting her.

When he r*ped her,
she tried to scream,

But no sounds came out.

The woman wasn't r*ped.

I'm going to get him.



What's wrong?


I said the woman
wasn't r*ped.

about this case
getting to you?

Excuse me. I'm just
trying to solve a crime.

(Blues guitar plays)

Jimmy dawes.

Jimmy dawes.

Good morning,
jimmy dawes.

I didn't know you
was a musician, jimmy.

Probably lots
you don't know
about me, sergeant.

I just bet that's true.

I decided
it don't pay
to be a bad ass.

Think I'll be
a professional

Maybe be a big star.

What you think
about that?

Travel around
in a big motor home,

Fighting my way
through the ladies
trying to get at me.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, was you fighting
a lady last night?


Where were you last night
between : and : ?


my new career.

Was anybody with you?


Why not take
a little break

From that career
of yours

And come on down
to the station, huh?

What for?


Possible charge of as*ault
and battery against a woman.

Don't you
ever get tired
of hassling me?

No, I enjoy it
every time.

Get moving.

All right,
number two,
step forward.

Turn to your left.

Back right.

Back forward.


All right, number three.

Give me the same.


step up to the mark.

Have him state
his number!

Go on, state
your number.

You got
a hearing problem?

Number four.

Hey, what's going on?

God, I think
that's him.


Hey, I ain't
taking this, no way!

I ain't taking it!

I ain't taking it no more!

You know you're lying!

You go in there
and escort those
four men out, will you?

Now, mrs. Casey,
are you sure

That the man
you picked out
is the man?

The eyes!

That's what
I remember.

I was so scared.

All right. We'll
charge him formally.

We'll need
further statements.

Hasn't she been
through enough?

I don't want
to see him again.

If he pleads guilty,
you won't have to.

If there's a trial,
you'll see lots of him.

Oh, my god.

Mr. Casey, why don't you
take your wife home?

Go ahead.


Come on.

If he pleads guilty,

No plea bargaining.

If he goes to trial,

Throw the whole book
at him.

That's the district
attorney's business,

No business of yours.

Why are you
getting so fussed
over this case?

Truthfully, I think
that woman's lying.

(Distorted voice)

(Distorted voice)






Virgil, wake up.



You were moaning
in your sleep.


You were having
a nightmare, honey.

I don't remember.
What was I moaning?

Mmm. Nothing.
Just noises.

I guess I was...


I sure don't
remember what it was.

Uh, detective?

Yes, parker?

Have you talked
to the chief?

About what?

About me.

I guess not.

I deeply dislike
this clock, everybody.

Chief, what was
parker talking about?

I didn't
hear him talking.

Yeah, hi.

Who? Dr. Perry?
Yeah, put her through.



I don't know
what you did,

But I understand
what you're
telling me.

Yeah, thank you
very much. Bye.

Dr. Perry took
that blood sample
jimmy dawes gave

And compared it
with tissue sample

From under mrs.
Casey's fingernails.


They don't match.
Jimmy dawes
is not the man.


I told you
that woman wasn't
telling the truth.

That doesn't mean
she was lying.

She made a mistake.

That happens to anyone.

But why would
any stranger
attack that woman?

There was
no sexual as*ault.

If the motive
was robbery,

Why only steal
one earring?

Maybe we can agree
on at least one thing...

Just a minute.

Let me finish
what I started.

There's something
wrong here.

I know when you
were in philadelphia,

You must have
handled many
an as*ault case,

And you've handled
two down here.

What's special
about this one?

There is
nothing special.

It's a crime.
I'm trying to solve it.

A man att*cked a woman.

He's feeling
really good now,

Because he's getting away
with it. Damn!

I can't
deal with that.

Well, jimmy.

Thanks. I want you
to take that guy

And get him
a little fresh air.

We're going
to let you go.

Is that right?

Laboratory tests
cleared you.

No kidding.
Where do I file
a wrongful arrest suit?

Hire a lawyer
and go to court.

I got a business


Yeah. Listen...

The guy that assaulted
that mrs. Casey

Looked just like you.

If you got any ideas,

Or get any ideas
about who he is,

Come let me know.

I still think
he's roaming around

In the bottom somewhere.

You want me
to be your snitch.

You got to be kidding.

Now, jimmy,

I always return favors
for favors given.

A guy like you
is going to need favors.

Unless you
join the peace corps

And devote your life

To human service
in the third world.

Is that your
business proposition?

We got a little fund
to help people who help us.

Well, I'll talk it over

With my business manager
and my lawyers.

See what they got
to say about it.

Fine, fine. Why don't
we get your clothes?

I really hate
to bother you again,

But I'd like you to look
at these other pictures.

Mr. Tibbs,
I don't want to look

At any more pictures.

I accused
an innocent man before,

And I was just so sure.

That's not unusual.

Sometimes it
takes several tries.

Well, it's over now.

Can't we just forget it?


We can't.

Why not?

There's a dangerous man
running loose.

He could
attack other women,

Hurt them, k*ll them.

You want that
on your conscience?

I don't want identifying
the wrong man on my
conscience, either.

If you find someone,
let me know.


Mr. Tibbs...

What's the matter?
You o.k.?


Yes, of course.

My husband has
taken this almost harder

Than I have.

His work has suffered,

And I can't
allow that to happen.

He's one of the youngest
men in his office.

Last week, he was made
salesman of the month.

If he were here
right now,

He'd have you signed up
for a full-life annuity

Before you even knew it.

When I met phillip,

I was a mess
and going nowhere.

I'm not educated,
mr. Tibbs.

I'm not trained
for anything.

I was working at a fast
food counter in jackson.

I had no hope,
no future...

Not a friend.

And then
this handsome...

Wonderful man
came along.

And he liked me.

He gave me everything--
confidence, trust...


I owe him my life.

And I can't let
this awful incident

Get in the way
of his happiness.


It's over.

As far as I'm concerned,
it never happened.

None of this
would have happened

If you hadn't gotten
the police involved.

I didn't know
what I was doing.

They'll never let up.
They'll keep after you.

Please don't be mad.

I've told you, you can't
trust those people.

You can't trust anybody.

I'm the only one.


You get police involved.

I have to agree to it.

You call that loyalty?

No, please!

If you betray me,
why should I
protect you?

Please don't hurt me.


Aah, ohh.

What's that?

Don't, phillip.

You're stupid.

You're stupid!

No, please, phillip,
I love you.

Please, phillip.


(Bell rings)

Oh, hey, eula.

I guess
joann's off today.

She's in jackson
looking at flatware
for the cafe.

Well, I was looking
for virgil,

But he's obviously
not in here.

See ya later.

Can I help, mrs. Tibbs?

Oh, hi, chief.

No. No, that's o.k.

Good morning.

You're a little worried
about something.


Have you noticed
anything different
about virgil?

Yeah. I think it's
this as*ault case
we're working on.

Virgil's been having
these nightmares.

He tosses and moans,

And then
when he wakes up,

He says,
"it's just nothing.

It means nothing."

Well, I tried
to take it up with him.

He just looked
at me--

Those two eyes--
like a pair of pistols.

When he's having
these nightmares,


Sometimes it sounds like
he's even saying "mommy."

I don't know how
to say it exactly,

But it sounds like
he's calling to someone.

And he sounds
real frightened.

He says "remmy"?

Any idea
what that could be?

No, but I certainly
can do some digging there.

And if I find anything,

I'll certainly
let you know.

Well, thanks. I got
to get back to the kids.

See ya.

Detective, I don't think
you'll find that earring here.

The boys and I checked
this area after the crime.

A good detective
doesn't stop there,

If you need evidence,

You look for it
till you find it.

Yes, sir,
I know that.

In this case, you need
to find that earring

To rule out one motive
and hit upon another.

How'd you know that?

I pick up on things.

You been assuming
the motive was robbery

Because of mrs. Casey's
missing earring.

One of them turned up
in her clothes,

So, uh, maybe robbery
wasn't involved.

That's right.

If we find
the missing earring,

We can rule out
robbery as a motive.

You bringing me here
to help you look--

Does that mean
you'll start training me

To be a detective?

I can't make that
decision myself.

The chief would
have to approve.

That'd mean a lot.

I'd work harder than any
two men you could pick.

I know you would.

I'll think about it.

Yes, sir, thanks.

Meanwhile, let's look
for that earring.

If it's here,
we'll find it.






what are you doing?

I thought
I saw the earring

In the stream bed.

I guess not.

How you doing?


Jimmy dawes?

Aren't you going
to invite me in?

We can talk out here.

Sure we can.

Charlie redman.

Do you know that name?

Yeah. Charlie redman
used to sharecrop

On len bellow's farm.

That's right, and he
was your grandma's friend.

Where can I find him?

Haven't seen him
in years.

Grandma might know.

But she's in hattiesburg
at a funeral.


I thought you'd
be coming about
something else.


Like that as*ault thing.

Well, well.

Where did that turn up?

Well, chief,

the interesting part.

Where was it?

On the lawn outside
of lauren casey's house.

Her house?

Couple of boys doing
yard work found it.

They took it
to jimmy dawes

To ask how to sell it

getting in trouble.

The attack occurred over
a mile from her house.

Did it?

Well, maybe it did.

Then again,
maybe it didn't.

See, I still think
the woman is lying.

Here you are, sweetheart.

With honey and cream,
like you like it.

Thank you.

Baby, I'm so sorry.

I know how it is.

Uh, you're...

You're under
a lot of stress.

It's that damned
quota system they set up.

I don't know how I'll sell

Enough policies
to keep up.

I wish I could do more
to help you.


Are the most...

Perfect woman.

I don't know what I'd do
without you.

Promise me
you'll never leave me.

Oh, phillip.

I could never do that.

I love you.

Be patient with me.

Please understand.

I will never...

Never hurt you again.

I know that.

It's all right.

Don't feel bad,

Oh, sweetheart.

(Car door shuts)


Phillip, what is it?

It's that damned detective.

What's he doing here?

I don't know.

I made it clear

I'm not
pressing charges.

So you say.

If I hadn't stayed
to care for you,

I wouldn't be here,
would i?

Oh, phillip.

You think I'm blind,
I'm that stupid?

Don't. Please.

Go to the bedroom.

I'll say you're asleep.

And don't you
come out of there.

(Doorbell rings)


(Ring ring ring)

Mr. Casey.

Do you mind
if I come in?

Lauren's asleep.

She's still getting
her strength back.

I see.

Uh, how's she been feeling?

Oh, better. Much better.

She's still a little edgy,
you know.

I guess she'll have that
for a while.

Case of nerves.

Mr. Casey, the night
your wife was beaten...

Where did you say
you were?

Oh, I told you.

I left the house
to call on a client.

He wasn't home,
so I stopped at a bar,

Had a couple drinks.

I've been under a lot
of pressure at work.

I was upset when
the client wasn't there.

I figured it was a sure sale.

I thought maybe
a couple of beers

Might just help me relax.

And what bar was that?

What is this?

You act like I'm on trial,
for god's sake.

Let me ask you one,

Why are you sneaking
to see my wife

When you think
I'm not home?


Mr. Casey,
I'm working on a case.

I'm trying to find a man
who assaulted your wife.

I have to talk to her.

I don't care
if you're here.

I told you, she's sleeping.

Wake her up.

You can't order me
around like that.

Phillip, don't argue.

I told you to stay in there!

Mrs. Casey, I'm taking you
out of here.

You're not
going anywhere!

We're going
to the station.

Don't follow us.

We'll contact you
if we need you.

How did you
get those bruises?

I fell. I've been dizzy
ever since the attack.

I am going to
take care of you,

Keep you safe.

Please tell me
the truth.

Who hurt you?

I won't let you
be hurt again.


No, it's my fault.
It really is.

Phillip never hits me
unless I upset him.

That's what
he tells you.

He's brainwashing
you into thinking

It's your problem.

He loves me.

He says he couldn't
get along without me.

And then, inevitably,
he gets mad.

Some little thing
sets him off,

And he hits you.

If I were more
supportive, somehow...

You could never
do enough.

No matter
how hard you try,

No matter
how much you gave,

There will be
always something

That will
set him off.

Get away from him.

You're in danger
if you return to him.

That's not so.

I mean...

I know he's been violent,

But that's only
just been lately.

He's under
so much stress.

I have to go back.

No, no...


If you go back
to that house,

You'll prolong
the problem.

You must make
choices for yourself.

Althea, I'm going
down to the station

To report this
to the chief.

With your permission,

I'll charge
your husband
with battery.

No! Don't do that,

Lauren, your
husband needs help.

This is one way to
see that he gets it.

He can be

To get psychiatric



Don't make
a decision now.

Tomorrow, we'll talk
about it again.

How's that?

Well, mr. Redman,
it only proves

If you want
to know something,

You ask someone
who was there.

Thanks for coming in.

Hope you get everything
squared away.

With what you told us,
maybe we will.

Well, good evening to you.

to the family.

Phillip casey's
on the phone,

And he's whopping
mad, and...

Mr. Casey,
chief gillespie here.

Uh...wait a minute.

Detective tibbs
did what?

I see.

Just hold it, now.

I'll take it up
with detective tibbs

When he comes in.

Mr. Casey, don't get
yourself excited.

It isn't good for you.

You want to make
any charges,

Go to the district
attorney and make them.

Do whatever you feel
is right to do.

We'll do the same here.


Something wrong
with that fella.

That's telling him, chief.

Parker, find out
where virgil...

Oh, virgil.

Mr. Casey
was on the phone,

Squawking like
a mashed cat.

His wife
is at my house.

Why did you
bring her there?

She's admitted that
her husband beat up
on her that night.

She ran out
of the house

And kept running

And fell
into that stream.

She wouldn't
incriminate her husband,

So she made up
this story

That she was assaulted
by someone else.

I won't arrest
the husband

Unless the wife
signs a complaint.

Chief, she's a typical
battered woman.

She's convinced
it's her fault

When her
husband beats her.

That he
really loves her
and needs her,

And wouldn't hurt her
unless she deserved it.


Althea and I have
tried to convince her

To stay away
from that house,

That she's in danger.
She won't believe it.

Well, uh,
just we leave that
aside for the moment,

Because I want
to talk to you.

Parker, when I see you
away from that phone,

I get as nervous
as a pregnant possum.

Would you please?
Close the door
on the way.

Yes, sir.

Now, I talked with
mrs. Tibbs about you.


Because I want to,

That's why.

She told me you haven't
been yourself lately.

You don't sleep well,
you have nightmares.

And you keep repeating
a certain name

In the nightmare--

"Remmy," or something
like that.

Finally, through
mr. Redman,

We figured out it
had to be "maryemma."

Do you remember


Your sister?


You found her
in the creek.

Mr. Redman was
a neighbor of yours
out there

In those days.

He said there were
some poachers
living in the woods.

You kids were told
not to go in there.

she did go in.

There were blackberries
in the woods.

And you let her.

I told her to bring
some back for me.

Well, anyway, when they
found she was missing,

They got scared,

Started scurrying
around looking
for her and...

And you were the one
that found her.

There was blood...

All over her.

Mr. Redman says that

When you got her
out of the creek,

You kept
your eyes closed.

You kept them closed
all that day.

And he said
you wouldn't speak.

The way
he remembers it,

You didn't talk
to anybody

For about a week.

I don't know
anything about that.

I know she went away.

And she didn't come back.

And I didn't know why.

They sent her

To some of
your mama's people
over in traynor.

They thought it
would be a good idea.

It didn't do much good.

She never was
the same again.

And then one day,

She walked out
in front of a car

And got k*lled.

Oh, god.

Oh, god.

What mr. Redman
said was that, uh...

After they found out
that maryemma was r*ped,

They told
the police right away,

But they
didn't do anything.

That was probably true
in those days.

How could that happen?

How could a whole
part of my life

Just disappear?

Well, virgil,
after all,

You were only
a kid then.

You refused to let it
enter your mind.

You pushed it away
until it was
out of sight.

Then this as*ault case
started bringing it back.

Finding mrs. Casey
in that creek

Started you remembering
maryemma again.

She used to sing to me.

Every night before
I went to sleep.

Well, listen.

Now that
it's coming out,

I just think
you should let it
all come out,

And tell mrs. Tibbs
about it.

She's worried
about you, anyway.

When it is all out,

Maybe one
of these days

You'll be able
to tell us all

Lovely little

About you
and your sister

When you
were both children,

And enjoy it.

(Telephone buzzes)

I'll get that.

Gillespie here, yeah.

She did?

Well, when was that?

Well, thank you
for calling.

Don't worry.
We'll look into it
right away.

Yes, ma'am.

That was mrs. Tibbs
on the phone.

She said mrs. Casey
had just left your house.

And where did she go?

Back to her husband.


Leave the light off,


Oh, phillip,
you scared me.

Why are you sitting
here in the dark?


Come here, laurie.

I'm so sorry
about what happened.

I came back
as soon as I could.

I ran all
the way here,
I promise.

All I know...

Is I can't bear
to lose you.

You won't.

I came back, didn't i?

As soon as I could.

Those other people,

They'll always try
to drive us apart.

They'll tell lies.

They'll do anything.

I'm the only one
you can really trust.

Phillip, honey...

I'll go fix you dinner.

Where the hell
do you think
you're going?

Just wanted
to make the dinner.

I'll tell you
when to make dinner.

You hear me?

Until then,

You do what I say.

I will.

(Knock on door)

Who's that?

Open up, police.

Mrs. Casey?

Keep your mouth shut.

Mrs. Casey?

(Knock knock knock)

Chief gillespie.

Mr. Casey.

Mr. Tibbs.

How did you cut
your lip, ma'am?

It's nothing.

She just bit it.

Oh, come on, casey.

A hound couldn't
bite himself that way.

Mrs. Casey?

Please tell us.

You must tell the truth
before we can do anything.

I told you
the truth.

Now get out
of my house.

We can't help you
until you help yourself.

I think you have
your answer.

Now please leave.

Virgil, we've
done all we can,
come on.

Make the choice...

For yourself.

Mr. Tibbs...

My husband hit me.

You bitch!

Will you file
charges against him?

You keep
your mouth shut!


Will you file charges

That your husband
assaulted you?


Casey, come down to
the station with me.

This is ridiculous.
I haven't done anything.

Will you come easy,

Or will
you wear these?

I'm not going
to run, chief,

But I want
my lawyer.

We got a phone
down there.

Thank you.


Thank you.

For more than you know.