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02x14 - Intruders

Posted: 05/19/23 09:31
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won't be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong ♪

♪ And it'll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Oh ♪♪

(Woman) you're not afraid
to be here alone?

I've been alone
for years.

No need to fear tonight.

But after
what happened.

Lightning doesn't
strike twice.

He stole every piece
of jewelry I had
the first time.

Go on home, mercy.
I'll be fine.

Night, helen.
Call me if you need me.

Mr. Tibbs, you think
I should get married?

You didn't answer
my question, mr. Tibbs.

Wilson, just because a girl
invites you to her house
for sunday supper,

Doesn't mean
she wants to marry you.

Don't mean she doesn't.

What should I do?

Saves time
and tuxedo rentals.

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

Getting married...

Was the best thing
that happened
in my life.

(Door creaking)


(Breathing heavily)

Who's there?

Is anyone there?

(Mercy screaming)

Now, the wedding was
a royal pain in my--

(Man on radio)
all units proceed
to magnolia.

Neighbor reports
a possible burglary
in progress.

O.k. This may be
our boy.

(Tires screech)

You go around the front.
I'll go around back.

Hold it!




My god, my back.

Mr. Tibbs,
you o.k.?


(Althea) do you want me
to stop?

No. I don't know.


It would help
if you relax.

How can I relax?
We had him. I blew it.

You'll catch him later.

Later-- when?

After he's beat up
another defenseless
old lady?

Listen, I know
this isn't exactly
the perfect time

To mention this--

Well, you know
my parents,
mom and dad,

They're coming
for a visit.

So, when's it going to be--

Next thanksgiving
or christmas?

Well, actually,
it's... Tomorrow.

Or, more accurately,

Aah! Today?

Don't get crazy.
I just heard.

I didn't want
to bother you.

You're busy
with the intruder case.

I didn't want
to upset you.

Why would I get upset?

Your mother will cook
everything I hate.

Your father will tell me

And anyone else
who'll listen

All the daring adventures

That made him
iron jaw peterson,

A better cop than I am.

Maybe not,
now that he's retired.



Now that he's retired,

He'll tell more stories
than ever.

Virgil, listen,

He can't get
his blood pressure down.
I'm worried about him.

Being a cop
was his whole life.

I want you to try
to be nice to him.

I try, baby,
but the man--

The man treats me
like dirt.

Honey, look,

I just want you
to be patient,

Understanding, for me.


O.k. Yeah.


I can't hear you.


Miss white,
I don't know
what else to say.

I'm sorry you feel
the way you do.

You know,
preventing crime

Is a little like
predicting hail storms.

I'm not interested in
front porch philosophy.

Neither are the families
of those senior citizens

Who've been assaulted
and robbed,

And neither is
the city council.

Anytime the council
wants me there--

We'll let you know.

First I have to report
I talked with you

And got very little

Good morning.

Good morning, ma'am.
Good morning.

You know what
that woman needs?

I know what
you think she needs,

So you needn't tell me.

Hey, parker, call up
the hospital, please.

Make an inquiry
about mercy willford.

I just did that.

No change.
She's still critical.

Now, this is awful.
I've known miss mercy
since I was years old.

Every christmas
she'd give us kids divinity.

I don't think
I've ever seen her
without a smile.

Who'd want to do this?

Here it is,
emma floyd.

Doesn't she live alone?

She sure does.
Good memory, jamison.

She's up in her s.

What's the address?
I'll send a unit there,

Keep an eye out
for her.


Paula mosley,
mccormick road.

Why don't you pin that
up there, too, virgil?

Anything I can
do for you?

I don't mean
to interrupt.

The cop on the desk
said it was o.k.


Hi, virgil.

Althea asked me to bring
your pain prescription.

Chief gillespie,
this is calvin peterson.

He's my father-in-law.

Your father-in-law?

Well, for heaven's sake.

Nice to meet you, chief.

Well, nice
to meet you.

I'm happy to say
you have a very
lovely daughter,

And I often think
she's much too good

For our
friend virgil.

Any cop...

I prayed she wouldn't
marry a cop.

Bum like me,
right, virgil?

See, I can say that.

I've been a cop years--

South philly,
armpit of the world.

Toughest place you ever
seen in your life.

Calvin, this is
sergeant bubba skinner,

Officer parker williams,

And officer
lonnie jamison.

How do you do?

Got yourself
a nice little town.

I walked on my way
from the drugstore.

I always like to walk.

Of my years
was on a beat,

Wearing out
shoe leather.

I know you're dying
to get home
and see althea.

I'll take you home.

Take your medicine, boy.

I can't stand seeing you
in so much pain.

Go on, boy.
Take that medicine.

Hear you got yourself
a granny basher.

Yeah, indeed we do.

These pins supposed
to represent
the potential victims?


I'd do the same
if I didn't have leads.

Locate the danger spots,
pour in extra manpower,

And sh**t him
on sight.

You all right,
mr. Tibbs?


If you never listen
to anything I say,

Please listen to this.

What's that?

Don't ever
get married.


What's it like being a cop
here in hicksville?

So far, so good.

Must be as exciting
as watching
the grass grow.

Calvin, want
some more chicken?

That means, "calvin,
shut your mouth."

What's for dessert, baby?

You're not supposed
to have dessert.

First, I'm off
the force,

And now I'm a monk?

I want to keep
you around.

For what?

I never see
my little girl.

You both can stay
as long as you want.

Can't they, virgil?

Well, sure, honey.

I've got a better idea.

You two can come back
to philadelphia.

Well, maybe after
school lets out,

And virgil
gets time off.

I'm talking about now.



You can
unload this place,
make some money,

And head on home.

This is my home.

It's not althea's.

She's miserable here.

Daddy, that's not true.

Calvin, that
isn't fair to say.

You said there's
nothing for her to do--

No theater,

No concerts,
no art galleries.

That's a very small part
of my life.

Not according
to your mother.

(Knock on door)

Calvin, that is
out of the question.

We came here
to get away
from philadelphia.

The air pollution...



Althea and I got out.

We couldn't
take it anymore.

(Calvin)tell me the truth,

Tell me you
never get homesick.

(Althea) sometimes.

That's only normal
whenever you build
a new life somewhere.


Come in.

I'm sorry to bother you
at home, detective.

Is something wrong?

Yes, sir.

Poor old
miss willford died.

That's what's wrong.

That's real wrong.

So I guess we're
not talking about

as*ault and robbery

I guess we're talking
about m*rder.


Mr. President,
fellow council members,

Three savage assaults,
and now somebody
has died.

Our lives are in danger,

And the police
don't seem able
to protect us.

Well, mrs. White,
if you mean

Giving every citizen
of sparta

A -hour armed guard,

Uh, I'm afraid we can't.

What we really want
is just a little
more information

About what's being done.
That's all.

We're conducting
an appropriate

In the meantime,
I've assigned extra officers

To foot patrol at night.

What results
can we expect from
this massive effort?

Do you have
one tangible clue?

Are you any closer
to making an arrest

Than before poor
mercy willford
was m*rder*d?

hold it down.

Let the chief
have his say.

I wish I could tell you
we have some suspects,

But we haven't got any.

We're interviewing
all the neighbors
of women assaulted,

Trying to get
a description.

We have
a partial description,

And we're going
to compare that

With photographs
of known burglars
we have on file.

You've answered
my question,
chief gillespie.

You have
nothing concrete.

Excuse me.

Mind if I
say something?

And who are you, sir?

Sergeant calvin peterson,
philadelphia p.d., Retired.

Good evening, sir,
good evening.

I know this
gentleman here.

Years' experience
on the philadelphia
police force,

And I'll bet he's got
something interesting
to say.

We had a case like this
not long ago.

That so?

A guy k*lled
four old ladies
before we got him.

All he ever took
was pearls.

If they didn't have pearls,
he wasn't interested.

He punched them
like they was a heavy bag.

What finally
did him in--

And here's my point--

Was neighborhood watch.

Listen to him.

Are you familiar
with that program
down here?




That's something
you people can do

To help
protect yourselves.

I cannot believe
he did this to me.

I'm glad
he walked in there.

He let this old catfish
off the hook.

Chief! Mr. Tibbs!

Wilson, wilson.
What? What?

I did like you said.

I checked similarities
among the victims,

Any events they shared.

Yes. And?

You're gonna love this.

All these women had their
houses painted recently.

I might love it
if I understood it.

Painted by
the same person.


Who is this person?

Andy white.

Mrs. Councilwoman
white's son.

Now, virgil, I'm going
to let you handle this.

I've had all I can take
of that woman.

Good work, sweet.

Oh, sweet.

mr. Andrew's room
is up here.

That boy won't
keep it clean
for nothing.

I clean it,
and in an hour
it's a mess.

If I'd known
you was coming,
I'd have cleaned it up.

It's hard to stay
ahead of that boy.

I'm embarrassed
you're seeing it.

Don't worry, miss emmy.

Maybe it's time
andrew learned

To pick up
after himself.

Sergeant skinner,
detective tibbs.

What must you
be thinking?

Mrs. White,
how are you?

Why are you in here?

We have
a search warrant

To look for evidence
in the intruder cases.

Seems andrew did work
for each of the victims.

Mighty coincidental,
don't you think?

Is this
a police state?

An innocent young boy
being hounded

Because his mother
dares to question
bill gillespie

In front of
the city council?

Innocent andy sure
do have interesting
reading material.

They say
young boys like him

Can get really
hot and bothered
by this stuff.


I do not censor
my son's reading

Well, do you
censor his weapons?

A hunting knife
is a common enough

As common as this?

Now, if I was
to check our list
of stolen jewelry,

You think I might
find this on it?

Where is young andrew?

He's past the age
of informing me

Of his comings
and goings.

I haven't
the slightest idea.

Now if you'll
excuse me.

All right, bubba.

(Woman) hey, chief.

Chief gillespie,
good morning.

Well, mr. Peterson,
how are you?

Just taking my
morning constitutional.

I walk miles
every day.

Can't break old habits.

Going this way?

Old virgil
was up and gone
before daybreak.

He's looking
for a suspect
in this as*ault case.

I imagine
you'll miss him.

Well, i--

Say what?

I mean
when he and althea

Go back
to philadelphia.

I figured he'd told you.

Well, I can't recall
as he did. Uh...

I guess I let the cat
out of the bag.

So's it won't come
out of the blue,

Let me tell you
what's the situation.

See, they never were
really happy here.

I thought
virgil was happy--

But how long can
you keep that up?

(Country music plays)

Um, excuse me,

Which one is, uh,
melinda mason?

Um, melinda.

Mister, I don't mean
nothing wrong,

But you'd be better off
going someplace else.

Are you melinda mason?

Yeah, but I'm
awful busy, so...

I understand
you been keeping time
with andy white.

Uh, sometimes.

You seen him lately?

Not for a week. Why?

No, I'll ask
the questions.

Do you know
where he is?

(Man) you got orders
stacking up here.

Wait. If you happen
to see or hear from him,

Please call me.

Sure, mm-hmm.

Thank you.

You all right, fella?

Didn't hurt yourself,
did you?

I'm fine.

How about you?

No, no, no,
no, no, fellas.
No, no, no,

That would not be
a good idea.


I don't care
if you are a cop.

I don't want you
back in here again.

(Piano plays)

(Plays wrong note)

That's the same place
you always used
to make your mistake.

I guess things
haven't changed.

Calvin, exactly
what do you think

You're trying
to do here?


What kind of way
is that to enter a room?

Do you think...


I'm an idiot?

What are you
talking about?

You know
exactly what it is
I'm talking about.


If you've got
something to say...

Out with it.

I've been to the station

Where my commanding
officer tells me

That you went to him
and told him

Althea and I
were moving back
to philadelphia,

And he should start
looking for a replacement.

Calvin, dear.

I made no secret that
I'd like you back home.

Yes, and you're willing
to use any devious
scheme you can

To accomplish it.


Telling the chief
blatant lies,

Coming into my home
and disrupting everything

With this absurd notion

That we are moving back
to philadelphia!


This is my home...

And I will make
that decision.

I won't have you
coming here

Trying to run
my life!

If I were younger,
I'd knock some
sense into you.

If you were younger,

The only thing you'd be
is a younger corpse.

Don't talk to him
that way.


Would be a pleasure.


(Door slamming)

Hey, mr. Tibbs.

Well, look who's here.

I thought
you went home
for the night.

Well, I came back.

What did you
have for dinner?

I didn't eat.

That's a pretty good
way to diet--

Invite your

And let him
eat all your food.

He drives me crazy.

Come on, virgil.

Remember, you came along

At a much better time
for your people
than he did.

Chief, please,
I don't need a lecture
on black history tonight.

I'm not
lecturing you.

I'm only trying
to remind you

Of things
you already know.

You got lots better
chances in life
than he got.

You got
more opportunities,
more options.

Most important,
you got his little girl.



"To whom much is given,
much is required."

Mm-hmm. Why don't you
move to philadelphia
with him then?

(Intercom buzzes)

Now, that is just silly.

Yeah, what?


We'll be there.


Well, virgil, smile.

The night may
turn out to be
pretty good yet.

Come on.

Room service!

What in the hell?

Well, well, well.

I do believe that's
young andrew white

There in the bed.

Suppose this is
how you boys
get your kicks, huh?

Oh, no, it ain't.

Actually, it embarrasses
the hell out of me.

Yeah. Well, this is
normal enough,

But still largely

I feel so ashamed!

That's all right, honey.

Get up.
Put some clothes on.

These boys'll
close their eyes.

Why don't you shut up,

Stop showing off
and tell me where
you got this.

It was hidden
in your pigpen
of a room.

Yeah, that's right.

Hidden from
the damn maid.

She'll steal anything
she can get her hands on.

Question is, where'd you
steal it, useless?

Come on, chief,
I didn't. I bought it.

My own hard-earned

Not mama's.

I'm a working man now.
Paint contractor.

Andrew white
and company.

Someday after melinda
marries me

And gives me a couple
good, strong pups,

It'll be andrew white
and son.

Let me haul
him in naked.

Come on, please.

Whatever turns you on,

Look, chief, I told you.

I bought that chain
down where melinda works.

Come on,
tell him, honey.

Well, uh, who sold
it to you, andrew?

What's the person's name?

I don't know the name!

The guy walked in.

Biker type.
Real big ugly sucker,

Like sergeant skinner there.

Come on, tell him, honey!

He had
a denim jacket on,

No sleeves,
patches on it,

But he wasn't
that ugly.

Can anyone else
verify this little
transaction, andrew?

Yeah. Tommy did.
The bartender.

He saw
the whole thing.

He wanted to buy
the thing himself.

Yeah, but, mister,
no offence,

Maybe you ought to send
a white officer in next time.

Tommy's kind of funny.

Oh, thank you
very much, darling,

But we're used to handling
that kind of funny.

Arrest him, bubba.

Damn it!



Althea, I know
you're not asleep.

Baby, you have got
to help me here.

I feel like I can't
find you anymore.

He's my father, virgil.

He's what I've known,
what I've been.

It just
doesn't seem to me

That you're
trying very hard
to understand that.

So this whole
thing's my fault?

You're supposed
to have the maturity
to deal with it.


Baby, when it comes
to your father,

You have
tunnel vision.

I see him much clearer
than you think,

And I know him
better than you do.

He gave me my life,
my education

He almost k*lled himself
doing it.

What about
your mother?

She didn't work hard
like daddy.

Because he loved it.
He fed on it.

Iron jaw peterson.

Smoking cigars,
strutting around
like a king.

Baby, I'm not saying

That your father
wasn't a damn good cop

Or that he didn't
sacrifice for you,

But he has no right
telling me to rearrange

So he can be closer
to his little girl.

What's wrong with
indulging the fantasies
of a sick man?

He's got
high blood pressure.

He's lost a job
he's had for years.

Because he wants us
to move to philadelphia.

He's scared!

Why can't
you understand that?

I'll tell you what
I'm beginning to understand.

That you never really
left home yet,

Not really.

Let me know
when you decide to.

I'd really love you
to come and live with me.

Hey, tom palmerton.

I never drink
when I'm wearing
blue anyway.

I'm superstitious.

You could have
gotten my place
busted up yesterday.

What's the idea
sending out
a black cop?

I don't see
any signs here

"no black cops allowed."

Maybe 'cause
you're wearing blinders.


Oh, god!

May I have
your attention
for just a minute?

Andy white.

Boy says you saw him
buy a locket.

Is that right?


He's got a mama
on the city council.

She's really influential

When it comes to
renewing liquor licenses.

How would you like me
to tell her where
her son hangs out?


The kid dates melinda.


That's right.
He bought a trinket
or something.

From who?

Some biker, I guess.

A name would help.

Don't have one
to give.

Some guy
with a chopper,

Passes through on his way
to and from florida.

Kind of tall,
long hair,

Wears a bunch of patches
on his jacket.

And I bet you
would sign a statement

Saying that you saw
that biker

Sell old andy a locket,
wouldn't you?


Yeah, I would.

I bet you would.

Pour some beer on that.
It'll help it.


Tell that darky cop
to stay out of here.

I got a better idea.

On his next day off,

You fellas have
a little meeting
in that alley.

Then you can tell
that darky cop yourself.

I think he'd like that.

He'll swear to it?


That's a dead end.

O.k., Bubba, thanks.

Well, I guess that
takes care of that.

The chief says he'll be
with the city council

Trying to iron out
a few ruffled feathers.

Yeah. O.k.

Uh, jamison.

Let andy white go.

The story
checked out?

Great. So we're back
to nothing.

I'm sorry.

I was wondering
if I could take off
for an hour or so.

Something wrong?

I want to go
to miss willford's
and look around.

Seems nobody's
seen her old man
since that night.

Miss willford's old man?

Yes, sir.

I hope he hasn't
crawled off somewhere
and died.

Scared and hungry.

Cats will do that.

O.k., Parker.

I'll go with you.

Oh, good.

(Parker) psst! Old man?

Psst! Old man?

This place still
smells like peppermint,
the whole house.

Real nice, ain't it?

I don't smell it.

Boy, I do.

That's her husband.

That was taken
the day he went to w*r.

Then he was k*lled
in the normandy invasion.

Miss mercy spent
the rest of her life alone.

Look, I'm going out back

And seeing if that fool's
pouting around there.

Yeah. All right.

Psst! Old man?

Look who was sitting
by the back door.

Just waiting
for old parker,
right, old man?

I should take him home
and put him under
house arrest.

What do you think?

With those claws
digging into you,

You don't have
much choice.

Anything wrong,

The only thing wrong

Is that
I didn't see this sooner.

(Calvin) nice little town.

I grant you that.

But it's
awfully quiet.

Kind of dull.

(Church bell tolling)

Don't you ever
get bored?

no, frankly, I don't.

Where's your mother?
I'm hungry.

She won't be here
for a while.

Let's have a seat
right here.

Your mother'll
be looking for us.

She's going to leave us
alone for a while.

Dad, you know
that I love you
very, very much,

And that you've
been a wonderful
father to me...

But I'm not
your little girl

I'm married.

I have my own home,
a career,

A husband that I love
very, very much.

We've chosen,
virgil and i,

To live here in sparta.

I'm not saying
it hasn't been hard
for me to adjust,

Or that I don't get
homesick sometimes.


And this is something
you have to understand...

I'm never coming
back to philadelphia
to live...ever.

When you were little...

I was working real hard,

Trying to provide
for you children
and your mother.

We wanted things for you.

Extra things...

Like lessons
and musical instruments

And trips...

College education.

Things that cost money.

So I worked extra hours,
and I worked weekends,

And I managed
to provide

Those extra things
for you children.

See, I missed out
on a lot.

and christmases.

One day I looked up...

And you were
all grown up.

I never knew
my little girl.

Daddy, it's not too late.

I just thought...


If you moved back...

Maybe we'd get a chance
to know each other.

Daddy, we can't have
the relationship

We didn't have
when I was little.

All we can have

Is what
we can have now.

That's a lot
to look forward to.

Then, uh...

You're not mad at me
for trying to get you
to move back?

I love you, daddy.

(Virgil) yeah, I think
I got it this time.

Yeah, chief,
this looks like it.

Well, I can't make out
any of the details on it,

It's all
washed out here.

Take a look
at this one.

Does that look familiar?

Yeah. It looks
just like the locket

That bubba found
in andy white's room.

The police report says
that locket was stolen
from helen caldwell.

This, I believe,
is helen caldwell,

And that's
mercy willford.

Yeah. And there's
the locket again.


The question is...

Who's this girl
in the middle wearing it?

That's what we have
to find out, chief.

Good afternoon,
miss helen.

May I present
detective tibbs.

How do you do?

I can tell you haven't
caught that intruder yet.

No, ma'am,
but, uh, I think
we're getting close.

I should hope so.

It's a sorry thing
when people
can't sleep easy.

Well, i--

Um, mrs. Caldwell,

We found this at
mercy willford's house.

Let me show that picture
to miss helen over here.


Would you take a look
at that photograph,
miss helen, please?

Now... Now...


I believe that that's you
over there on the right.


And I'd say
that's mercy there.

Mmm. New orleans.

Must have been
the spring of .

Well, now, uh...

Uh, who's that one
in the middle?

That's mary.

Stubborn, stubborn girl.

Can you see that locket
around her neck there?

Does it look anything
like one of the things
you lost?

Yes. It looks that way.

Mrs. Caldwell,
how did you
come by the locket?

Well, mary died
a few months back.

She'd had a hard life
with her terrible family,

So she left most
of her jewelry to us.

Well, now, uh...

How'd the family feel
about her leaving
all her jewelry to y'all?

Well, how do you
suppose they felt?

How would you feel?

I heard
mary's granddaughter
was furious.

Made a big scene
about it.

But mary's granddaughter

Was never anything
but a disappointment.

Who is her

She's a pretty little
piece of trash.

Name's melinda mason.

(Country music plays)

Andy! I'm working.

Oh, come on, sugar.

Come here!

Hey, parker!

Settle down!

He ain't worth it!

Keep that pig off me!

You shut your mouth.

Maybe I'll
let him have more.

Get him out of here.

What are you doing?
I didn't do anything.

I wasn't in on it.

I wasn't anywhere
near those places.

You're the one
that did it.

I only told you
about the jewelry.

Shut up!

You broke in
and took it all.

Shut up!

Jamison, read him his rights.

you got the right--

I told you how
I got the locket.

Ask tommy.

I got the locket
right here.

Come on, tommy.
Tell them!

Hey, what can I say.

I ain't going to jail
for you.

I gave you $ !

Take him out of here.

anything you say can and
will be used against you.

Let me help you
with those.

No. I got them.

I'll get the door.


I just wanted to say
I'm sorry about the way
I acted.

I'm not the easiest person
to get along with either.


I just want you to know
that I'm glad that you're
a part of the family.

I think they've made
some sort of peace.

But, althea,
you know, don't you?

They are never
going to really
like each other.

Oh, I know, mom.

But they
accept each other.

That's enough.


Look, at least
let me help you
load them into the--

No, no, virgil.

I don't want
to be responsible
for wrecking your back.

I can handle it.

I ain't never had no
back problems myself.

But once I took a fall

That would've
k*lled most men.

We were after two guys
who k*lled four people

In a robbery.

We chased them
onto a roof, and...

I guess I did it again,

Daddy, I love your stories.

You do?

I remember
when I was little,

Lying awake in bed,

I'd hear your
voice downstairs,

Laughing and joking
with mom.

Those sounds made me
feel so safe.

It was like,

Daddy's home and
everything's going
to be all right.

As far as
I'm concerned,

You can tell those stories
as much as you want.

I love you, daddy.