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02x12 - A.K.A. Kelly Kay

Posted: 05/19/23 09:29
by bunniefuu
♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ But hold on ♪

♪ It won't be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong ♪

♪ And it'll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ In the heat of the night ♪

♪ Oh ♪

(Whistle blows)


(Whistle blows)

(Dogs bark)

Go on now.
Get out there.


Here. Try that way.

Go on.

Come on. Thataway.
Come on.

Watch yourself.

Get along.
Pick it up.

Here we go.

All right now.
Go this way.

Come on.

Let's go there.


Hi, joy,
how you doing?


In the news
on the hour

From wzin, marshall city.

These are
our top stories.

A guard
was k*lled this morning

As three convicts escaped
from ridgemount prison,

A maximum-security
facility in louisiana.

The escapees, all serving
life sentences,

Vanished into swampland
before dawn this morning.

In a related story,

A prison break in vicksburg
ended in a sh**t.

I didn't know
you're a gourmet chef.

That description might be
a little bit extravagant.

This barbecue sauce's
the only thing
I know how to make.

The recipe's from
my uncle roy in pascagoula.

A stingy man--the only thing
he left me.

Virgil thought
it was too hot,

But I don't think it is.

You just taste that.

Now, that isn't
too hot, is it?


That's just the other side
of stimulating, isn't it?


(Telephone rings)




Joann's not here.
May I take a message?

Please have her
call terri geller
in new orleans.

It's extremely

I'd appreciate it
if she'd call me
right away.


(Dial tone)

Three convicts
are still at large.

Police believe
one was assisted

By a confederate
on the outside

a stolen automobile.

The car
was found abandoned

Here on royal street
near the french quarter.

it took so long.

I finally found a dessert
even bill will like--

Double chocolate
devil's food cake.

Sounds good--you got
a call from new orleans.

Uh, terri geller.


A minute ago. She said
it was important.

I'll be right back.

(Telephone rings)




Hello, chere.


What's wrong, baby?

Why so surprised?


You knew I'd come,
didn't you?

And now...

I'm here.


Aah! Aah!



(Telephone rings)






Good morning.

Well, good morning.
Good morning.

Come on in.
How you doing?

Have fun last night?

Yeah. I want
to thank you for that.

'Course I didn't enjoy
being pushed out

Before curfew time.


How's that familiar
headache today?

It's fine.

Listen, don't complain.
If you'd stayed,

You would've wound up
doing dishes.

Oh, well.

I know you're busy,

So I'm going
to make this quick.

I need a favor.

Your favor
is my duty, ma'am.

Sit down.



What can I do
for you?

I got a call

From an old friend
last night.

She's worried that
her ex-boyfriend

Might be
one of those men

That escaped
from ridgemount prison.

She knows that
I know you

And thought maybe
you could find out.

She doesn't want to be
around if he shows up.

Well, well.

What's the name
of the prisoner
she's worried about?


Hi, virgil.

Hi, joann.

You better
write that out for me.

Virgil, didn't you
have a friend

On the new orleans

Yeah, um,
steve mastin.

Could you call him up

And ask if they've
any information

On that prison break
in louisiana yesterday?

Oh, uh, here. It's--

I want to know
if this man

Was one
of the escapees.

It's pronounced

This a friend of yours?

I'll let bill explain.

If you hear anything,
will you let me know?

Thank you.

O.k. Yeah. Bye.

He's not
a friend of hers.

Uh...but somebody

Who is a friend
of hers knows him,

If you follow that.

Maybe that's the friend
who lives in new orleans.

She got a call
from there last night.

Althea took the message,

Said joann was upset
the rest of the evening.

This thing.
It is--

I been telling you
to get a new one.

Aw. Broke a nail.

Stop hoarding money.
Buy new equipment.

We could use some.

(Telephone rings)

Magnolia cafe.

Hello, this is virgil.

I got the information
on the prison break.

They caught two today.

The other's
still at large,

The one you asked
about--jude thibadeaux.

Well, thanks,
virgil. That--

I sure appreciate
your finding out.

Your friend down there--

She should contact
the police.

I've been
calling her.

I haven't had
any luck.

If you reach her,
will you let me know?

Sure will.

And, um, thanks.
Thanks again, virgil.

You-you're very kind.


(Knock at door)

Who is it?



Kelly kay.


What are you
doing here?

May I come in for
just a minute, please?

If I'd have known
you were coming,
princess kelly,

I'd have spent
the whole day
cleaning up.

Oh, donna, listen.

Jude thibadeaux is out.
He escaped.

Well, glory hallelujah.
There is a god in heaven.

If he finds us,
he'll k*ll us.

You and terri geller
and me.

It'd be worth dying for.

All I ask is that
he does it in bed,

'Cause I haven't had
anybody good as jude
in years.

Donna, listen to me!

Come to sparta with me
until he's caught.

I'll find someplace
for us both to stay.

I wouldn't walk across
the street with you.

My life's screwed up
because of you.

Get out.
Leave me alone.

I hate your guts.

All I'm asking is
that you do something

To protect yoursel--

Go! Just leave me alone!

Just get out of here
before I call the cops.


If you change your mind,
call me--

Magnolia cafe in sparta.


(Knock at door)

Some people just
can't take a hint.

Hello, sugar.

Did you miss me?

I sure as hell
missed you, baby.

Especially at night.

I missed you
something awful.

No, jude. Ohh.

Steve, I'm not trying
to pull an end run.

The simple truth is,

The chief knows someone
who asked about it,

And I don't know
who that person is.

Look, I'll see
what I can find out.

I'll call you back.

I take it
that's your friend

On the new orleans p.d.

Yeah. And guess what--

That guy
joann asked about?

The cajun guy?

Well, it seems
he's k*lled
a woman down there.

Chief, what
is going on?

Now, this victim
was terri geller.

the same woman

Who called joann
last night.

How you know that?

took the message.

Althea said
joann was upset

The rest
of the night.

We've had
this conversation.

Yeah. Well, uh...

I think I'll just take
a walk over to the cafe.

You want me
to come along?

No. I think I'll
take care of it myself.

Picked a bad time
for eating, chief.

You'll have to wait
until I clean up.

Everybody in town
was here.

I don't want to eat.

Where's miss joann?

That's a damn
good question.

She's supposed to
be back before dinner.

I ain't seen her.

Where was she going?

Jackson's all I know.

She didn't say where
or what for.

Mr. Tibbs called
this morning,

And she was
out of here like a...

(Bell on door rings)

Guided m*ssile.

(Door closes)


I-i'm sorry.

Oh, dear god. Bill.

Well, i-i'm sorry.

You scared me
to death.

Can I help you
with that?

It's all right.

Don't ever
do that again.

Well, I'm sorry, uh...

But nobody knew
where you were,

And it isn't like you
to drive out of town

Without saying
something to somebody.

I went to jackson.

I didn't think
I had to sign out.


There isn't anybody
in the house.

I'll check all
the rooms if you want.

Don't make a big deal.
I always check.

I'm a woman.
I live alone.

Seem awful nervous.

I'm fine.

I don't believe it.

Come on. I'll see you
tomorrow for breakfast.

Just a minute
before you give me
the bum's rush here.

One of the things
I love about you and me

Is that we've never
made demands
of one another,

But I want to
change that this once.

Because if you're in
some kind of trouble,

I demand to know
what it is.

Oh, bill.

No, it's just--
it's just, uh...

Part of my life,
I guess,

I just don't
want to open up,

Not even to myself.

Well, can you tell me

If jude thibadeaux
was mixed up in it?


You see, um...

Years ago,
jude k*lled someone.

I know it.

A prost*tute.

And, uh...

He was convicted
on the testimony
of two women.

You and terri geller.

No. Terri and the woman
I went to see today.

They were
both prostitutes, too,

And jude owned them.

He was one of
those guys, was he?


And I was the one
who convinced them
to testify.


Well, I was, uh,

In the district
attorney's office

At the time
as a legal secretary.

Give me the name
and phone number

Of this woman
up in jackson.

She doesn't
have a phone.

That's why I went
there today,
to warn her.

Give me her address

To give
to the jackson police

So they'll find her

Before something
happens to her, too.

Uh, thibadeaux k*lled
terri geller.

He got
into her apartment,

And he robbed it
and took her car.

The police down there

Say he roughed her up
pretty badly.

He broke her neck.


Where's kelly?


What happened?

I was closing up.

A guy grabbed me.

He was looking
for you, joann.

Wanted to know
where you lived,

But I wouldn't
tell him.

What did he
look like?

Was he handsome?

Did he have...

Did he have
kind of strange eyes?

He called you kelly.

Said that was
what they called you

Before you
came to sparta.

Kelly's my middle name.

Some people
used to call me that.

Said he was going
to find out
where you live

From the phone book.

Beating me up
was his way

Of getting
a message to you.


I'm so sorry.


I've been looking
all over for you.

Why don't
you tell me

When you're
going someplace?


Well, I'm sorry, too.

I'm sorry to say

That I just talked
to the jackson police.

That woman you were
trying to warn is dead.

Oh, god.
Oh, god, no.


I knew it.

I always knew he
was going to escape

And k*ll
all three of us.

Well, he won't k*ll you.
We'll protect you.

Bubba and jamison are
at your place right now.

Oh, bill,
you'll never get him.

Oh, our boys will
get him all right.

No, they won't.
He's too smart.

I know the way
his mind works.

I'm the one he wants
most of all.


I told you.

He blames me
for being sent
to prison.

I remember
what you told me.

I couldn't help feeling

There was
a lot more to tell.

Oh, bill.

Everybody has
a right to privacy--

Even married people,
and we're far from that.


Sure, you got
a right to privacy.

But I'm
talking about duty.

I'm trying
to catch a guy

That nearly k*lled
a poor fellow

At your cafe
a while ago.

He m*rder*d
two women

Within the last

If you've got things
to tell about him,

You've got a duty
to tell me.

I'm not sure you
could take the truth.

I'm not sure you've
got the stomach for it.

Now, jo...

I don't think
any truth

Will be too hard
to take

For an old cop
like me.

I didn't work
for the district
attorney's office

In new orleans.

I worked
for jude thibadeaux

In hotels and motels
all over the city.

He was my pimp,

And I was one
of his $ whores.

Oh, I'll take that.

There's a new toothbrush
in a box in there.

I've got a long-tailed
flannel shirt

In the third drawer.

And, um, there's a robe
of yours in the closet--

I know.


Could I have
some tea?

Yeah. I'll make it
for you.

Sit down.

Uh, parker.
This is the chief.

Are you all
in position out there?

Yes, sir.

I've got three men
on the perimeter,

And I'm on foot patrol
around the house.

You be sure
and check on those posts

Every few minutes,
you hear?

Will do, chief.
Sweet dreams.

Just give me reports,

Not advice,
if you please.

It might be wise

If you got out of town
for a few days

Until we catch him.

What if you don't?

Oh, we'll catch him,
all right.

He's begging
to be caught.

He's making so many
nutty mistakes.

I have an aunt who
lives in indianapolis.

Well, that might be
a good idea.

Good. We'll put you
on a plane tomorrow.

Mr. Funny name won't
even know you left.

Want to hear
a funny irony?

If you don't catch him,
he'll find me,

And that'll be
the end of everything,

And if you do catch him,

will know about me.

That'll be the end
of everything, too.

I don't think
you can predict

How people are going
to take things.

Oh, bill, you should
have seen your face

When I told you.

Oh, well...

I'll tell you
the whole story.

When my husband died,
I was flat broke.

I didn't have
enough money

To pay half
the medical bills,


I just couldn't make
enough money at anything

To pay the rent.

I borrowed,

And there was nobody left
to borrow from,

So i...i was scared.

I was scared.

I don't remember

Exactly how I met
jude thibadeaux,

But, um...

He was part owner
of a club,

And he--he gave me
some work as a dancer.

He helped me.

He took care of me.
He made me feel safe.

I trusted him.

He said he loved me,

And I thought
I loved him.

He just...took me over

I would have done
anything for him.


Were you into dr*gs?

We all were.

dr*gs, oh, god...

You know,
that whole year,

It was just like
I was...

Like I was two people.

One was watching
the other one
degrade herself

For a man that was
dangerous and sick...

And evil.

(Teakettle whistles)

I just couldn't see.

What brought you
out of it?

I saw him k*ll somebody.

So did terri and donna.

going to be safe.

We'll catch him,

And you'll be out
of here tomorrow.

Maybe I won't come back.

Do you really think

That people
will forgive me

When they start imagining
what I've done?

Look at you.

First you
wanted to protect me.

Now you want me
out of town.


I've become
an embarrassment.

This is ready.

Uh, that's o.k.

I--i changed my mind.

I just...uh...

I--i just want
to go to bed.

Anything else
you want to tell us?

The coffee's
a standing order,

But you inventory
canned goods

Wednesday mornings.

I'll take care
of the cups.

All right.

Meat salesman
comes fridays.

The cute one?

They're all cute
to her.

(Telephone rings)

Magnolia cafe.

Hello, chere.

I was so sorry you
weren't home last night.

Did you get my message?

Something wrong,

Cat got
your tongue, huh?

Where are you?

Just go to the window
and look outside--

Just for old times'
sake, baby.

He's out there!


Pay phone
across the street.

You sure about that?

Yes! He's there.
I saw him.

O.k. I'll go
check it out.

What's happened
to joann?

I don't know.
Where is she, anyway?

She was hysterical.
She ran out back.

What! She...




It's a . Special.
It's clean, light,
and lethal.

Fits in your handbag,

So nobody
knows it's there. much?

It just takes $

And some information
on this license form.



I left my
identification at home.

That's not going
to be a problem, is it?

Hey. No big deal.

You got an honest face.

Now, then, pretty lady,

What's your name?


Kelly kay.

How you doing?

Can I help you?


Where's the woman?

What woman's that?

Don't get cute
with me, ami.

She came in here
minutes ago,

And her car
is still outside.

Now, where
is the woman?

She left out back.

She said she
had car trouble.

I loaned her mine.

Out of the generosity
of your heart, eh?

She bought my most
expensive handgun.

It was the least--

Don't ever get
suckered in

By a woman's
looks, friend.

It's a weakness,

And they can smell it

Like a shark can smell
blood underwater.

This is unit six
clearing for new location.

Never mind
that radio hoo-ha.

Tell me what's
happening out there.

I've checked maple avenue.

No sign of miss st. John
or her car.

Well, quit talking
and keep looking.

I've been
back and forth

From her house
to the cafe.

Nobody's seen her.

(Telephone rings)

Lord, I got units
out there.

Chief, if anything
happens to her,

I take
responsibility for it.

Don't keep
beating yourself.

It isn't your

Any more
than anybody else's.

That was the pawn shop.

That guy who works there
was roughed up

By someone matching
thibadeaux's description.

That's his license
and car make.

Why all those guys
out there

Can't spot joann's car...

A woman
that looked like her

Bought a g*n.

She goes by the name
of kelly kay.

She bought a g*n?


Well, we'd
better go there.

(Telephone rings)




Oh, sugar.

It's you.

Very, very good.

You followed me.

How bad do you
want me, jude?

Oh, I've been aching
for you, baby,

In every way.

Prove it.

Meet me
at the old mill

Toward the feeder road

Just off tyler
and the interstate.

I suppose you're
going to bring that g*n

You just bought, huh?

Yeah. I'll have
a g*n with me.

(Dial tone)

He'll be all right.

I'm going back
to the station.


Hey, chief.

I showed the clerk
that picture of joann.

He confirmed it was her
that bought a g*n

And borrowed his car.

I got down
the license number here.

What's going on?

Well, I think
joann had some idea

About turning the tables
on this guy

And then, uh,
went in a panic.

It don't make sense.

You got every man
looking for this guy.

And what's this
kelly kay business?

Well, um...

I guess kelly kay

Is a figment
of her imagination.

Some victims
who are stalked

Become so traumatized,

They sometimes take on
secondary personalities.

The transformation
can be so great,

They sometimes
change names...

Hence, kelly kay.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Thank you,
doctor tibbs.

Thank you.

I'll phone in
this number.

Thank you, virgil,
but, uh,

That may be the most
ridiculous lie

I ever heard.

What do you really know
about kelly kay?


My friend steve mastin
in new orleans

Did some digging.

(Siren wails)

We tracked
thibadeaux's car

To a guy staying
at the lazy oaks motel.

Let's go.

Well, we're late.

I just wonder
how late.

Bubba, go through
that chest of drawers there.

Chief, virgil,
this is mr. Newman.

He runs this place.

Oh, o.k.

Sweet, call up parker.
See what he wanted.

Yes, sir.

Now when did you last
see this guy?

minutes ago.

He drove in,
then left again.

In what direction?

the interstate.

Or the feeder road.

Or the north end
of town.

A woman
called him here.

Any idea where was
she calling from?

No. And I don't
listen in,

If that's
what you mean.

That's what I mean.

Parker said joann just
called the station.

We're minutes late.

Excuse me.



Anybody home?


Don't be shy, sugar.

Your date is here.

I got a hundred bucks
in my pocket,

And I'm burning
with desire.

Come on, kelly.

Oh, I'm sorry.


That's o.k., Baby.

Whoever you want
to be, it's o.k.

Hey, I bet I know
where you are.

You're in
the upstairs bedroom.


Here I come, kelly.

Ready or not.

But if my memory
serves me,

Whenever I touched
all the right places,

You was
always ready.

Don't move.

No, chere. No, no.

Not like this.

I mean it.
Don't move.

When two people
like us come together,

It should be with love.

There was never anything

Even slightly resembling
love between us.

Well, we had something.

Something that
made you do a lot
of crazy things.

Insanity, maybe.

For a very short time.

Oh. But you're
all recovered now.
Is that it?


Answer one question
for me, kelly.

Did you ever know
anyone else like me,

Before or since?

Someone who could
turn you upside down

And inside out?

Give you pleasure
that made you beg?

You were part
of the worst period
of my life, jude.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

I thought about you
every night in baton rouge.

It was the only thing
that kept me going.

That long, white body

Stretched out
in my imagination,

Waiting for me.

Waiting for me...

To do whatever it was
I wanted to do.

My little
princess kelly.

Lacy things.

Perfect legs.

Dancer's legs.

Slight smell of lavender
on your skin.

You were the most
exciting woman
I ever knew.

You k*lled terri,
and you k*lled donna,

And I will k*ll you
if you come any closer.

Look, baby.

Look at me, huh?

No g*n.

No tricks.

I'm helpless!

All I ever wanted
was you.

Why did you
do that, huh?

Lie on the floor.

No. Not alone.

Do it, jude!
Do it!

The police
are on their way.

Well, well.

I called them right
after I called you.

What do you think
they'll find here?

Me dead? You dead?

Both of us?

What do you think
they're going to find?

Damn it, jude!
Lie down!

You go to hell!


Yeah. You and me, baby.

Right straight to hell.





Your car
is back there.

Well, it'll all
come out now, hmm?

No more secrets.

That's right.

Well, that's
all right, too.

I just don't want
to hide anymore.


Have you ever been
with a prost*tute?


Ever meet her again?


Did you
ever want to?



Where do we go
from here?

Funny thing.

I asked you
that same question

About six months ago.

We were somewhere.
I forget where.

You remember
what you said?

I said, "where
we go from here?"

And you said,
"oh, bill. I don't know.

"Time will tell.

Time will tell."

That's what you said.

I understand.

Truly...i do.