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19x19 - Wedding Bell Blues

Posted: 05/19/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
MEREDITH: The idea that the
brain can convince the body

that a fake treatment is the real thing

is called the placebo effect.

♪ I could look into your eyes ♪

♪ Trace your shadows in
the way the sun moves ♪


♪ Across the ocean and the sky ♪

♪ There's nothing better
than laying next to you ♪

- ♪ I love the way our ♪

- ♪ bodies set the scene ♪

♪ Bathing in the colors of a dream ♪

♪ No one in the world,
just you and me ♪




♪ In the golden hour ♪

Hey. I was never here.

It's okay, I'm not in my dress yet.

Well, in that case...

♪ You taste like honey butter ♪

♪ You're sugar sweet ♪

- Enjoy your coffee.
- Thank you. Love you.

I love you.

- Bye.
- The brain anticipates an outcome

and then communicates it to the body.

♪ I love the way our
bodies set the scene ♪

♪ Bathing in the colors of a dream ♪

♪ No one in the world,
just you and me ♪


♪ Meet me at sundown ♪

♪ In the golden hour ♪

And the body responds as if
a medication were given...

when all that was
given was a sugar pill.

Studies have found that
under the right circumstances,

a placebo can have up
to a % cure rate...

Making it just as effective
as certain medications.

So, the lie becomes the truth.

Happy wedding day!

- I need a ride.
- Ooh. That's why I'm here.

No, I need a ride to the hospital. Okay.

WINSTON: Mr. Kramer needs
his pacing wires pulled

and Ms. Watkins is back in a-fib.

Okay, great. I'll, uh, keep
an eye and start the amio.

- I really appreciate this, Chief.
- Yeah, of course.

Oh, uh, Paige Harper
in is post op day

- from her CABG, so...
- I will check the test tube output

and see if we can remove them.

- You alright?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a toothache.

I don't have to go to Boston if...

Yes, you do have to go to Boston.

If you need to go to the dentist...

You are not missing the awards
ceremony so I can go to the dentist.

Alright, well, I'm saying,
the whole cardio department is a lot

with a tooth ache if you're
not chief. But you are chief,

so you're also overseeing
the whole hospital.

And I am saying you are nominated

for a Catherine Fox Award

and it's not every day
that our head of cardio

is nominated for a Catherine Fox Award.

- Head of cardio?
- Congratulations, Dr. Ndugu.

- BLUE: Incredible.

Congratulations, Dr. Ndugu.

Th... Thank you, Chief
Altman. Thank you.

- Wow.
- You have earned it.

And we are lucky to have you.

- I am... I'm thrilled.

- You won't regret this.
- I know I won't.

Alright, now go, before
you miss your flight.

- Alright, yeah, yeah.
- Okay.

- I can skip the wedding.
- No, don't skip the wedding.

But you probably should
skip the reception.

- You got it. I'll be back in

- a couple of hours, tops.
- Great. Thank you.


You are a vision worthy
of a Renaissance faire.

Well, this is my Renn Faire
dress. How did you know?

- How could I not?
- Is it bad?

- I didn't have time to go shopping.

It's perfect. You look like a fairy

who took a magical pill
and grew into human size.

Jules, my chart says
the same thing it did

when you looked three minutes ago

and also five minutes ago.

- Mm-hmm.
- Have you written your toast?

- My what? My toast?
- Well, you're the maid of honor.

- Crap.
- Oh. Well, just smile

and say you've never seen

two people so happy and in love.

That's it?

All those awful jokes about
ex-lovers and bad choices?

It's the strangest
wedding-day tradition.

You be the Fairy of Love
and just let it die with you.

- Dr. Kwan your date?
- No.

The Fairy of Playing
Hard to Get. Mm, I like it.

I will see you after the wedding.

Ta ta, love! Have fun.

- Sam Sutton, , post op day .
- I'm sorry. Do we have to do this?

- Do what?
- The whole formal thing?

Post op day blah, blah, blah.

We practically live together.
Can we just be friends?

- Sam...
- Mr. Sutton, what's my name?

- Yasuda.
- What's my first name?

- Doctor?
- Right.

I am affable and you are charming,
but we're not friends, Mr. Sutton.

I am Dr. Yasuda, and I
am on your surgical team.

I did eight years of formal training

to become a member
of your surgical team,

so a formal introduction of
your medical status each day

is not just appropriate,
it's one of the many systems

that helps keep you alive... and safe.

- Alright?
- Mm-hmm.

Alright, then.

Sam Sutton, , post op day .

What are you doing here?
It's your wedding day.

- [SIGHS] Have you seen Adams?
- No.


You left without me.

I didn't think you were coming.

Our breast cancer
patient, Tobey Barrett,

is coming in for her mastectomy today.

- Okay?
- I told her I'd be there for her

and I'd walk her through
it and I'd hold her hand,

but they scheduled it for today,

and I don't want her to
put it off any longer,

- but I can't be here.
- You can't be here

because you're getting married today.

I can't be here because
I'm getting married today.

Lucas, um, I...

I can't deny what you feel.

I can't deny that...
we have a connection.

But Trey does love me,

and I think what he and I built
together deserves this chance.


I don't want to hurt you,

and I don't want to lose you...

from my life.

But I'm getting married.


So, will you please...

... take care of Tobey for me?

I'd do anything for you.


Excellent work, Yasuda.

That guy needs a little humbling.

Agree. Thank you.

And, uh, if he's ever
inappropriate with you

- in any way...
- Oh, he's not inappropriate

unless by "inappropriate,"
you mean arrogant.

Okay, Yasuda, let's order a
CT angio. I'm a bit concerned

about decreased pulses in his left arm.

I'll talk to radiology,
but as a reminder,

I have a wedding to get
to for the next few hours.

I know we're short-staffed today,

so I wanted to get here
to be here for rounds,

but it is Dr. Griffith's wedding.

Hmm, well, we'll cover
for you. Thank you.

Yasuda, you don't think he's
inappropriate with... anyone?

If you mean Dr. Wilson, respectfully,

the inappropriate
seems to be reciprocal.


- Hey, I can take over his care if...
- Oh, no, no.

- Uh, let's get his angio.
- Okay. Yeah.

- What are you doing here?
- No time to answer that.

See you at the wedding!

W-What's his name?
Uh... ¿Cómo se llama?

- Enzo.
- Enzo!


We need to go. We need to go.


I need some help here!

I have what looks like an opiate
poisoning in an -year-old!

Somebody page Dr. Hunt!

Okay, keep up the .

Glucose level is normal.

Naloxone's in. Look,
he presented textbook.

I-I might be wrong. Maybe
it's not drug-related.


OWEN: There's our answer.

Kwan, you saved this kid's life.

Let's get a tox screen and
some activated charcoal,

gram per kilogram, ASAP.

Nice work.

Once you get those labs, call
Child Protective Services.


- She seems pretty terrified.
- Doesn't matter.

That's not up to us to
figure out how this kid OD'ed,

but somebody has to, okay?

- Help!
- Okay, let's get another gurney

and get a tox screen for her, as well.

This van is everything.

- I know. [CHUCKLES]
- How did you...

I bought a piece of crap
and I made it everything,

and it might be my most proud thing.

- Except for what I did this morning.
- What did you do this morning?

I showed my attending surgeons...

Hell, I showed myself who I can be

when I'm not working three
jobs and buried in debt.

I slept eight full hours
three nights in a row,

and I-I feel like a superhero

who has unknowingly had
kryptonite in my shoe for years.

And then, someone took it
out, and I can freaking fly.

- And, I mean,

okay, yeah, I resented
the hell out of it,

but... you took a stand for me, Taryn.

It was you. You took the kryptonite out.

Can I kiss you at this red light?

- Totally.

Come here.


- Tobey, right?
- Yes. Hi.

- Hey, Dr...
- Adams.

Sorry, right. [CHUCKLES]

My memory is shot when I'm nervous.

- It's alright. Yeah.
- Have you seen Dr. Griffith?

- She said that she would be...
- Yeah, she's getting married.

Yeah, I know. She
showed me her ring and...

- And a picture of the dress.
- No, I mean she's getting

- married today. So she's not here.
- Oh.

And she didn't tell you because...

Because she didn't want me to postpone.

- Yeah.
- Because cancer.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Yeah, she's sorry.

But, uh, she knows everything
is gonna be just fine,

- and she asked me to stand in, so...

- Well, did she elope?
- No.

But she said that you
were her man of honor.

That is a thing that changed.

Oh, so you're not even
going to the wedding.

She, uh...

She asked me to be here for you.

- Oh, okay.
- Are you all checked in?

- Is she good?
- NURSE: Yes, she's all set.

- I'll show you to pre-op.
- Well, you know, you don't have to...

I promised Simone I
would be here for you.


Thank you.

- ♪♪

If everything looks
good, then you'll soon be

on your way to do physical therapy

in the hospital gym
instead of just your room.

Finally. Something dangerous.

Hi, how are you feeling today?

I'm learning ASL, so I'm trying
to practice any chance I get.

Do you know you just signed
"poop" and not "practice"?

Basically you just said, "I'm
trying to poop any chance I get."

- No!
- Yep. I picked it up overseas

when I was evacuating civilian refugees.

ASL "Sesame Street" just
seemed to calm the kids down,

so I caught the basics.

- Of course you did.
- But I only know the

- level of a -year-old.
- Mm.

One through , colors, farm animals...

- poop.

Well, CT's expecting us.

- We gotta go.
- Okay.

I'll come.

Convenient. And great!

Because you are, in fact,
on Sam's surgical team.

- Mm-hmm.
- Shall we?

MIKA: It looks so pretty.

Oh, we should put our gifts over here.

TREY: Hey.

- Hey, hey.
- Hey.

Florist didn't show up.
They had the wrong date.

And it's my fault because I was
supposed to be doing the flowers.

But they had this day
but the next month.

I mean, do I tell her?

She's in her room trying on the dress
and I'm not supposed to see

her, but there's no bouquet.
So do I go tell her

- and say she won't...
- Hey, take a breath.

- Deep breath. Ready?

You look very handsome
and the food looks great

and everyone looks happy,

and hey, I will go get
a bouquet for Simone.

Alright, well, she ordered tulips, okay?
Those are her mom's favorite.

I can't promise tulips,
but I'll... I'll do my best.

Well, also, the altar and the
aisle could use some flowers.

I paid for a lot of flowers, though.

Um, in college, I worked
in the floral section

of the grocery store for three weeks

before I was moved to the bakery,

and I kind of have a gift
for shapes and colors.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

- Well, I'm really good with my hands.

- We're dates.
- We're dates.

- Thank you. And thank you.
- Of course.

So, can I kiss you again, right now?


Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning. Hello. Good morning.

- WINSTON: Hey, Marsh.
- Hey.

Alright, Ms. Selkie, so
these are not just surgeons

from my flagship hospital,
they are nominees.

So, give them any and
everything that they want.

But first, I want a
vodka martini in a glass.


Can I have a club soda with ice, please?

Thank you.

- Dr. Bailey.
- BAILEY: Hey, good morning.

- Hey, good morning.
- Good morning.

- Um, where's, uh, Ben?
- Oh, uh, he stayed

in case they need more
hands at the collapse site.

I appreciate you, uh,
saving me a seat last minute.

- Good morning.
- How are you?

Please, I don't know
why you didn't decide

to go with us from the start.

Ugh, well, private jets produce
to times more pollution

per passenger than commercial flights.

Our planet is boiling.

Also, they terrify me.

Uh, can I get a bourbon, neat?

Thank you. Here?

Okay. Yes.

- Dr. Marsh.
- Yeah?

I'm really happy you
decided to come with us.

I also appreciate the ride. Thank you.

Yes. Absolutely.


Uh, um, you're, uh, in her seat.

Right. Excuse me. My bad.



Well, at least you know I
won't get obnoxiously drunk

and talk your ear off
for five hours. [CHUCKLES]

- Hey, Marsh. Trade seats with me, man.
- Yeah. Sure.

Thank you. [CLEARS THROAT]

Why do I get the feeling this
is gonna be a long flight?

Excuse me, can I get a bourbon?

Uh, double.

I'm just here to ask
you a couple questions.

Is that okay? Preguntas.




Ms. Alvarez, I'd like to know
everything that happened today.


I-I can see if I can stick around

if you need help interpreting or...

Someone should be on their way down.





Her EKG's negative.

It seems that her
collapse might have been

a vasovagal response from the stress.

Enzo's tox screen came back clean.

- Okay, so I was wrong?
- I don't think you were.

Fentanyl doesn't show up
on standard tox screens

because it is synthetic.

I asked them to test Enzo
for that specifically.

TEDDY: Hey. I, uh... I thought
you were going to the wedding.

I'm where I need to be.

PICU's full, but the ICU
overflow can take him.

- Kwan?
- Okay.


- You okay?
- Yeah, kinda.

I'm just... I'm being asked
to be in four different places.

One is a cardio consult upstairs.

- Go. I've got things covered down here.
- Thanks.

[CLEARS THROAT] You need a dentist.

I need a shot of tequila,
a string, and a door.

We're not in the Army anymore!

Yeah, but that was a
crazy day, though, right?

We just published the results

from Hamilton's
-month follow-up,

and he still hasn't had to
increase his dopamine therapy.

Yeah, you, uh... you...
You mentioned that.

We also haven't observed any
negative neurological effects.

I cannot wait to tell Meredith.

I'm sure she'll be thrilled.

You made her really happy.
You know that, right?

Well, if that's true, she had
a very funny way of showing it.

Well, Meredith has a funny
way of showing a lot of things.

But now that she and the
kids are pretty settled,

her mind may be open.

Open to what?

She asks about you.


You really enjoy interfering
in other people's relationships.

Uh, yeah, Meredith and I are
no longer in a relationship.

You don't have feelings for her anymore?

Good God, why do you care so much?

Look, I-I've learned
with Meredith Grey that...

That the more you chase her,
the faster and farther she will run.

- [CHUCKLES] It's kind of perfect.
- What is?

All three sisters,
single at the same time.

Nope. [GRUNTS]

- Mm! It's okay.

It's... It's just mild
turbulence, Bailey.

Not back there.

Someone's this close
to getting thrown out

of the emergency exit,
and it's not gonna be me.

I've had a hard enough year.

Hell, it was just starting to get good.


What? I can't watch the show?



Are you okay?


I just... miss my mom.

I mean, I obviously
never knew her, but...

when I went on my first date with Trey,

a red robin perched on a tree
branch three feet away from us.

Robins were my mother's favorite bird.

She collected them on mugs
and coasters and trinkets,

so I took it as a sign
she was with me that day

and Trey's a good man.

He's good. He's kind and...

... he's steady and...

he loves me,

and I know that's what my mother
would have wanted... for me.

She would have wanted me to
have what she had with my father.


I miss her.

I think she'd be proud of me today.


- Hi, Daddy.
- Simone.



- You take my breath away.


I'm sorry. Um, Dewayne
Griffith, Simone's father.

- Jules Millin. Maid of honor.
- [THUD]

What was that? [CHUCKLES]

- It's a bird.
- Is it okay?

It is not.

- What kind of bird?
- Oh, you know, it's... It's just, um...

- Oh, my God. What just happened?
- Um...

I'll get your grandmother's sewing kit.

It's fine. I can... I can sew.
I can fix it. Two minutes.



Uh, you okay?

Yes. Yes, yes.

I'm just... I'm just trying
to regulate my nervous system.

- By hyperventilating?
- It's a whole thing.

- Do you have an update?
- Uh, yeah.

Dr. Robinson is still
in his previous surgery,

so it'll still be a while.


I wish I would have taken
the girls on one last ride.

The girls?


I just feel like I didn't
appreciate them while I had them.

Uh, and you'll have plenty
of time to appreciate

all the things you want to appreciate.

- This surgery is saving your life.
- Right.

And they'll do the
reconstruction later today...

I know. I know.
It's just they won't be the same.

They won't be the same.

Because they'll be cancer-free.



Cute, a doctor,

and somehow knows the
exact right thing to say.

[SIGHS] So, why didn't
you go to the wedding?

Oh, damn.

Man of honor, skipping the wedding.

- You got it bad, huh?
- So bad.

- You want to hyperventilate with me?
- Does it really work?




Oh. [CLEARS THROAT] Sam Sutton.

Just had his follow-up
CT angio, post op day .

This is the wingsuiter, right?

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

Alright, let me take a look. Um...

Yeah, he's got a grade
aortic transection.

I mean, see this small line?

It's most likely from a
deceleration injury from the crash.

How are his pressures?

- Good.
- Good.

But his prognosis is...
Is favorable, right?

Yeah, it should be good. They
usually heal on their own.

But you need to keep
a watchful eye on him

and re-scan him hours from now.

- Got it.
- I'll take care of it.

- An intern can manage it.
- Well, they're at Griffith's wedding,

so I can just check between patients.

Not necessary. I'm his doctor.

- I don't mind.
- Neither do I.

- You don't even like him.
- Well, not the way you do.

Anderson to Orthopedics.

Dr. Doug Anderson to Orthopedics.

Give me a second.

Maxine? Everything okay?

Oh! Oh, Dr. Kwan! Thank heavens.
I'm all turned around.

C-Can you tell me what day it is?

The last time we found
you wandering the halls,

- you were septic and delirious.
- It's Friday.

I'm at Grey-Sloan Memorial,

and can you please explain
why there's someone in my room?

Your room is on the north side.

This is the south.

- ENZO: Mom?

Oh, okay.

Do you know where my mama is?

She'll be back as soon
as she can, alright?



I just got called in for a consult.

Well, you go. I-I'll sit with him.

No, you need to get back in bed.

Oh, I can rest just as well in a chair.


Do you like stories?

Oh, good.

You can tell me some.


Dr. Benson Kwan?

We need to ask you some
questions about the Alvarez case.

I just got called in for
a consult back in the E.R...

Your patient tested
positive for fentanyl.

This is now a criminal
investigation involving a minor.

It will only take a couple
minutes of your time.


Denise, why are your friends
cutting down all my roses?

- Uh, they're doing what?

- Oh, my baby. Look at you.
- Hi, Mom.


You are a beauty.

And you are my star.

And, baby girl, don't you marry
Kenneth if you don't really love him.

If you love Dewayne and he
sees you for who you are,

don't you walk down that aisle.

Honey, it's better to
disappoint everybody else

than it is to disappoint yourself.

And your mama loves you.

I love you.


And the plot thickens.

MAN OVER PA: Dr. Gear to E.R., stat.

Dr. Gear to E.R., stat.

I asked to stay while they talked,

but I was shown the door,

so I eavesdropped on the nurses.

Enzo has fentanyl in his blood?

I can't answer that
'cause doctor/patient...

And they think his
mother gave it to him?

Why the hell would she do that?

You think... You think
they have it wrong?

I can't prove it,

and I also might be partial
to single moms and their sons.

If you think the police have this wrong,

then you have to fight.

You have to fight like hell to help her,

or you risk it waking you up
in the night when you're .


I just started my residency here.

When I first started teaching,
there was a young assistant.

Her name was Claire.

She was a bit of an odd
duck, really, kept to herself,

but the kids loved her.

Anyway, she often came in late and...

And sometimes had bruises on her face.

So I asked another teacher about it,

and she said that her
husband was a bigwig alum

who fundraised for the school.

In other words... stop asking.

So I did. I didn't want to lose my job.

A few weeks later, Claire was dead.

And that's what keeps me up at night.

Not my divorce, not
my old friends dying,

not my failures as a mother,
of which there are many.

No, it's the thought of that...

That poor young woman
that I didn't fight for.


Wait, we're letting them arrest her?

They're gonna take her to the station

once she's medically clear.

Look, we don't have a choice.

CPS only had more questions
after the interview.

An interview that was in broken Spanish.

Did they even wait for an interpreter?

They'll continue the investigation,

but for now, we need to
do what's best for Enzo.

What, by splitting him up
with the only person

- that cares about him?
- I... [SIGHS]

They are on vacation
from Buenos Aires.

They rented a home here
because Enzo is obsessed

with Mount Rainier and the Space Needle

since his dad was from here.

I think the system is making assumptions

that they wouldn't make if
she was speaking English.

Carmen doesn't even
know what fentanyl is.

If she saw it, she
would think it was candy

because the pills are in
bright, shiny rainbow colors...








Dr. Hunt!


Turbulence shouldn't last
this long. We should go higher.

Now you're telling
the pilots what to do?

That tracks.

Well, it's, uh, global warming.

Air currents colliding
at high altitudes,

making turbulence harder to predict.

In case anyone cares.


- You okay?
- I'm so sorry. I'm fine.

What else do you want me to say?

I was in an awful place.

I feel terrible about
the way I treated you.

Do you still stand by what you said?

- I stand by my apology.
- Forget the apology, Amelia.

Do you believe there's
truth to what you said?

I-I-I'll give my entire salary to
the first person who switches seats.

- Not worth it.
- I was harsh, I was out of line,

but I think there was
some truth to what I said,

and I think you know it.

You were supposed to love Maggie,

- not compete with her.
- You don't know me. Okay?

You... You don't have any idea

what I had to overcome to get here.

The discipline that it took.

There's not a single doctor

or even college graduate in my family,

and now I'm one of the best
heart surgeons in the country.

And I've been called small and a coward.

And a failure because my
marriage didn't work out.

Because my wife and I
wanted different things.

Because I won't compromise
everything that I've built

by throwing tantrums at work.

That's not me. Never gonna happen.

I didn't fail Maggie.

And you know what?
Maggie didn't fail me.

If you think that I was the
problem and you were in her ear?

- You might be the reason she left!
- I was not in her ear!

- One day, we'll all be dead!
- Does it have to be today?

And when that time comes,
when you're in the afterlife,

chilling on a cloud, will you
be proud of this moment?

Will it have uplifted your souls?

Or will you realize that
you've wasted precious life

with petty arguments?

Will it fill you with pride?

Or shame and regret?

wife has been hitting

the medical marijuana
pretty hard lately.

- Whoa!

- Okay, okay, okay.
- Oh!

PILOT: Hang on, folks.
It's getting bumpy.

This is not how I'm supposed to die!

I have cancer, damn it!
That's how I'm gonna die!

Catherine, we're not
dying! Take my hand.

We're going down, baby!

This is why people fly commercial!

It feels like we're plummeting.

- We are!
- I can't die, I'm a mom.

I can't die, I can't die...

Amelia, give me your hand.

- Oh, I should have retired!
- Why, God?!

- Give me that.
- BAILEY: Oh, hell, no.


Oh, geez.

PILOT: I am so sorry,
folks. That was rough.

We hit an unexpected wind shear,

but we are through it,
and I hope everyone's okay.

We're expecting smooth skies

- for the remainder of the flight.
- Oh, my God.


to Labor and Delivery.

Dr. Megan Davis to Labor and Delivery.


Am I fired?

As much as I'd like to think
I have firing power, I do not.


I grew up with a single mom.

Yeah, I did, too.

And most of the time, I
find it to be a strength.

It's helped with my
compassion, patience, empathy,

but not all single moms are like ours.

So we have to follow the protocols...

... as hard as it is.


Police searched their rental.

In a bedside drawer, they found

a baggie of weed gummies
and rainbow fentanyl.

They confirmed that they were
left by the previous occupants.

- For a child to find.
- Mm-hmm.

Dr. Kwan, you fought the good fight...

And you won.

- What do I do with the rage?

That is a question for
the ages in this job.

Meantime, why don't
you take Carmen inside

to go see her son, okay?




ENZO: Mom?

Estoy aquí.

SAM: What are you doing over there?

I'm checking your chest tube.

Wow. Okay. I don't usually like
to move this fast, but if you insist.


I don't believe that for a second.

The tube looks good.

They'll probably remove
it in a couple of days.

Signal is strong.

So, when they ask...

we can tell our kids

that this was our first date, right?


How's his H&H and INR?

Uh, stable.

Then I guess I'll leave you to it.

Link, is there something
that you need to say to me?


I just...


... one of his doctors.

Oh, my God.


You slept with an intern.
Did I judge you?


♪ I think I see it, on the horizon ♪

♪ Now I feel it ♪

♪ And I'm alive,
but am I breathing? ♪

♪ Fill my lungs so I can scream it ♪


♪ When I cried on the floor... ♪

It might not be the one you ordered,

but it's made with love,

from all your neighbors' houses.

- Ow, ow!
- Oh, sorry!

- No, it's okay.
- Thorns?


Oh, my God. You're
bleeding on your dress.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God, help.
- Uh...

Uh, Mr. Griffith, may I?

- I'm so sorry.
- You can just call me Dewayne.

- It's not coming out.
- Here, let's just go.

Okay. Okay.

We're gonna take this...

put it through that.

Okay, hold your bouquet right there.

You can't see the blood.

Okay. There.

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.

DEWAYNE: It's all good.

It's okay, baby.

Here we go.

♪ Maybe I love how
I feel in the wind ♪

♪ I'm the breeze ♪

♪ So light ♪

♪ I'm li-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght ♪


♪ I'm li-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght ♪

♪ Can you feel it? ♪

♪ Close to you? ♪

Dad, was Mom engaged to
someone else before you?

- Baby, why would you...
- Just tell me the truth, please.



I have n-never seen
two people more in love.

She met me two months

before they were
supposed to get married.

And she called off the
wedding last minute?

Baby, your mother always made
life up as she went along.

♪ I'm li-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght ♪

♪ I'm li-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght ♪

You and I are quite the dynamic duo.


Oh, come on. I helped a little bit.

I sat with the boy.

- I talked about the Beatles.
- Mm.

Can you guess what his favorite song is?

- "Yellow Submarine"?
- How did you know?

Ah. All kids like it.

I can see why Jules is falling for you.

Ah, falling for me? Uh, yeah,
she barely speaks to me.

She's a wounded bird with a mass...

With a ma... Massive h... heart.

- M-Maxine?
- The two of... The two of you...

- Maxine!

- I need some help in here!

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

- Code Blue! I need a crash cart!
- WOMAN: Code Blue, th floor.

Hold on, Maxine. Hold on.

She has a DNR and DNI.

No, she was fine. She was just talking.

Dr. Kwan, we're not supposed to
do anything. It's in her chart.

Get me an intubation tray
so I can save her life!

Dr. Kwan!

- Code Blue, th floor.
- Go!

Neuro ICU.

Code Blue, th floor, Neuro ICU.

It's okay. Here we go.

WOMAN OVER PA: Dr. Sellers,
Dr. Mari Sellers .

Dr. Mari Sellers .



You need to eat.

[SIGHS] It hurts when I chew.

Yeah, I thought you
might say that, so...




You always take care of me.

Yep, I will always take care of you.

Drink the whole thing.


MEREDITH: It has been
proven that what you believe

can sometimes determine
the state of your health.

Catherine, slow down!

So it goes to follow that it can also

sometimes determine
the state of your life.

♪ ... scared of the darkness ♪


Marsh, are you coming?

Marsh? We're headed to the hotel.

Yeah, I-I'll... I'll meet
up with you guys later.

There's, uh, something I need to do.

♪ Eyes open wide ♪

Uh, Ben? Call me back.

We just landed.

I'm checking on you and the kids.

Okay, love you. Bye.

And what you believe
can change on a dime.

♪ To get there ♪


♪ We walk the line ♪

What you believe is right...

Give me the intubation tray.

Bring in the cart!

... what you believe is wrong...

♪ We look for signs ♪

♪ After all we find, it takes time ♪

... what you believe you want...

♪ It takes time ♪

♪ For us to feel ♪

♪ To know what's real ♪

... what you believe you need...

♪ For hearts to heal ♪

Oh, my gosh. What did you do?

- Help me.
- Do not intubate!

That's what she wanted!
She explicitly did not want

to be on a machine for
the rest of her life.

She was just talking,

and she was helping me
with a patient and laughing.

Help me fight to get her back.

- She dropped a lung.
- Then let's put in a chest tube.

Kwan, you need to stop.

I already intubated her!
We can't half-save her!

- Page Dr. Bailey.
- She's on her way to Boston.


... what you believe you
are capable of doing...

Chest tube tray.

... what you believe is a sign...


- You see her, too, right?
- Most definitely.

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ Find who we are ♪

♪ It takes time ♪

- I didn't get married.
- You didn't get married.


You two should go.

Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine.

♪ It's like lightning ♪

♪ When it strikes, then you know ♪

... what you believe the sign means...

♪ It's the right thing ♪

♪ Am I on my own? ♪

... what you believe you deserve.

♪ Walking blindly ♪

♪ But I'm searching for,
try to follow the stars ♪

♪ But don't know where they are ♪

♪ Give me the secret ♪

♪ Don't hold out about it ♪

♪ Started to see it ♪

♪ Sometimes it's heaven or hell ♪

♪ It's getting harder to tell ♪

♪ But I think I'm finding myself ♪

♪ I might be going nowhere ♪

♪ Nowhere ♪

♪ But I know I'm gonna get there ♪

♪ I know I'm gonna get there ♪

♪ It reminds me ♪

♪ That nothing is
ever what it seems ♪

♪ Give me the secret ♪

♪ Don't hold out about it ♪

♪ Started to see it ♪

♪ Even though it's clouded ♪


So, if you want to change your life...

change your mind.

♪ I might be going nowhere ♪

♪ Nowhere ♪

♪ But I know I'm gonna get there ♪

♪ I know I'm gonna get there ♪

♪ I might be going nowhere ♪


♪ I know I'm gonna get there ♪

And try not to wait too long.

- Can I help you?
- Hi, um, is this, uh...

I'm sorry, d-does, uh...
Does Meredith Grey live here?

She's at work.

I'm Michael.

Hi, I, uh... I'm, uh... I'm Nick.

I'm a friend from Seattle.

Okay, I'll let her know
that you came by, Nick.

Okay? It's probably
best if you text her.

- Yeah.
- Okay.